Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/25/2004
Updated: 01/19/2005
Words: 26,916
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,931

The Dragon's Fire


Story Summary:
It's Ginny Weasley's fifth year at Hogwarts, and she's thinking some pretty strange thoughts about someone she never thought she'd give a second thought to. Draco Malfoy is in his sixth year, and he notices the little red-haired Gryffindor Weasley isn't so little anymore. What's a Malfoy to do? [Draco/Ginny] [ON HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Ginny's brilliant. But she needs help.
Author's Note:
Well here's Chapter 2. Big thanks to my betas. You all rock. So here it is. This is chapter 2. I hope you like it!

The following morning, Ginny awoke at six o'clock. She was ready to start a new day, and new year, at Hogwarts, and wanted to forget all of the thoughts she had last night of Draco Malfoy. She got ready and went down for an early breakfast in the Great Hall. She sat down at the Gryffindor table beside her only Gryffindor friend, Elizabeth Abbott. Ginny didn't really get along with many girls from her own house, who were in her year, so she had a lot of friends in different houses. Ginny's two closest friends were Pam Parkinson and Brianna Zabini, both in Slytherin. Pam was Pansy Parkinson's sister, which had turned Ginny off of her at first, but they were nothing alike, and Bri's brother Blaise was one of the nicest Slytherins you could meet, and Bri was just like her brother. A lot of Gryffindors frowned on the fact that Ginny preferred the company of Slytherins to her fellow Gryffindors, but Ginny didn't really care. No one in Gryffindor had wanted to befriend her in her first or second year, so she had looked elsewhere. Ginny was sure that if she, Pam and Bri had all been in the same house, they would have been best friends. It didn't help that Ginny's parents didn't want their daughter to be friends with children of powerful Death Eaters in You-Know-Who's inner circle, but Ginny had worn them down, and they had allowed her to spend two weeks at Bri's house over the summer. She had had a blast partying with her friends and some other Slytherins, and she had felt like the Sorting Hat may have made a mistake with her.

But her reminiscing about her summer had come to an end. Professor McGonagall was now moving down the table handing out timetables.

"Miss Weasley, I trust that you know about the Prefect meeting tonight?"

"Of course Professor, I'll be there," Ginny said with a smile.

"Very well. And Miss Weasley, could I have a word with you in my classroom after breakfast? I'll give you your timetable then, and discuss it with you."

"Yes Professor."

Professor McGonagall moved away and, struck by a new thought, Ginny turned to Elizabeth. "Liz, who's the new DADA professor? There's no one new."

"Oh, that's because they couldn't find anyone. Dumbledore will be teaching all the Defense classes this year."

"What? Since when does Dumbledore teach? Oh well, I bet he'll be awesome."

"Yeah, so why didn't McGonagall give you your timetable?"

"Oh, she wants to talk to me about it. Which reminds me, I better go up to the Tower and get my bag. Talk to you in first class?"

"Sure, bye Gin."

Ginny left the Great Hall and hurried up to her dorm so that she wouldn't be late for her meeting with McGonagall. She made her way to the Transfiguration classroom and the Professor waved her in.

"Come in Miss Weasley, have a seat."

Ginny sat down and looked up at her Head of House.

"Alright, Miss Weasley, I'll get right to the point. As you know, you did double course work last year, your regular fourth year work, plus fifth year work. You also know we only offer that option to our brightest pupils, some of whom decline or whose parents refuse to put them under that kind of pressure. However, to my pleasant surprise, you did very well. You easily could have taken your OWLs at the end of last term; however, the testing board discourages early testing, and with Professor Umbridge on staff last year, we didn't want to do anything, shall we say, out of the ordinary. Now, however, we have a bit of a dilemma. You should be starting sixth year courses, but cannot do so until you take your OWLs. We are trying to have someone from the testing board come administer a private test for you. However, you have had the entire summer holidays to let the information you will be tested on in your OWLs slip your mind, and I don't think it is fair to administer the test to you without at least two weeks' revision. So, you will have the first two weeks of term without your usual classes. However, some sixth year students, who are the best in their classes, will be helping you prepare yourself for the test. I sincerely hope that you are all right with all of this and are able to take your OWLs early, because if you don't, we have ourselves a bit of a dilemma."

Ginny had been sitting staring at McGonagall in awe while she explained the situation.

"Umm Professor? Of course I want to take my OWLs early, but I just have one question. Why me? I mean, there are plenty of people smarter than me in my year and the year ahead of me. Why haven't I heard of anyone else taking their OWLs early?"

"Like I said, some students don't want to or are not allowed to do it. We also judge the decision to move students ahead on a case-by-case basis, if you will."

"Ok, just one person comes to my mind. Why wasn't Hermione given the option? Because I know she wouldn't turn this down."

"Ah, Miss Granger was given the option, but Professor Dumbledore and I both advised against it. We didn't think it wise to move her ahead of Potter and Weasley. And that is all I can say about that situation."

"Ok, Professor, I understand. Umm, so when do I start with this revision?"

"Today, second period. Here is the list of sixth year students who will help you with your studies." Professor McGonagall handed Ginny a piece of parchment.

"Thanks, Professor. So I don't get my regular timetable until I take the OWLs?"

"That's right. You'll be about a month behind the sixth-year class, but I have no doubt that you can catch up."

"Thank you, Professor."

"You're Welcome, Miss Weasley. Oh, before I forget. Your fifth year textbooks have been collected from your room, and replaced with the ones required for sixth year. I believe that is all we need to discuss. Goodbye, Miss Weasley, and, might I add, good luck," Professor McGonagall said as Ginny opened the door.

"Thanks, Professor," Ginny called as she left the room, and headed for Gryffindor Tower. Once inside the Common Room, Ginny looked at the scrap of parchment.

Arithmancy - Hermione Granger

History of Magic - Anthony Goldstein

Transfiguration - Hermione Granger

Herbology - Neville Longbottom

Defense Against the Dark Arts - Harry Potter

Care of Magical Creatures - Hannah Abbott

Astronomy - Parvati Patil

Potions - Draco Malfoy

Below the list, was a timetable of when she was to meet with students, because it had to be arranged around their free periods.

Well, thought Ginny, it's mostly Gryffindors, and the ones in Ron's year aren't as bad as mine. I can't believe Hermione's going to help in two subjects. I'll have to remember to thank her. Anthony Goldstein should be okay. Oh, and Neville! Who knew he was best at Herbology. I get Harry for DADA! That's awesome. Hannah's Liz's sister, so she'll be fine, and Parvati is nice enough.

Then Ginny did a double take at who her Potions 'tutor' would be.

'Oh NO!'


Draco's morning was about the same as Ginny's, though he probably spent more time on his hair than she ever would, and got down to the Great Hall just in time to get his timetable from Snape.

"Mr. Malfoy, I'd like to have a word with you in my office in five minutes. I have to speak with you about something important. I don't know why I didn't tell you last week, but it seems to have slipped my mind. Don't be late."

"Ok, Professor."

Draco barely had time to eat a piece of toast before leaving to go to the dungeons to meet Snape. When he got to his Head of House's office, Snape was sitting at his desk, and motioned for Draco to sit down.

"Draco, if you look at your timetable, you'll see that in your free periods it says 'study/tutor session'. That's what we need to talk about."

"Who do I have to tutor, Professor?"

"Miss Weasley of Gryffindor. I believe her name is Ginny. Before you say no, I want you to listen to the circumstances. Miss Weasley, as much as it pains me to admit, is very bright. Last term, she took all of her fourth year courses and passed fifth year classes on the side. It took a lot of work on her part, and because of Professor Umbridge's presence here last year she couldn't take her OWLs, even though she was more than ready to take them. Professor McGonagall, and the Headmaster have talked with all of the teachers and we all feel she should be moved up to your year. However, this is impossible at the moment, because she hasn't completed her OWLs. This is where you, Draco, and a select few of your fellow sixth years, come in. Miss Weasley is at an unfair disadvantage, because she has had two months of summer between her course work and her OWL exams. The Headmaster has arranged for the brightest sixth year students to help her prepare for her OWLs in the next two weeks. You have been asked to assist her in Potions, by my recommendation, and if you refuse, than Miss Granger, who is already helping her with Arithmancy and Transfiguration, would be my next choice. Now, you may ask why I think anyone should be helping Miss Weasley in the first place. Well, Draco, as much as I hate to say this about a Gryffindor, she's rather brilliant, and her Potions skills are equal to your own. Her other teachers claim she is the same in other classes as well. Also, I think that it would do you some good to help her, Draco, and while the decision is yours, I would be very disappointed if you refused."

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to give up my free periods to help some genius Gryffindor Weasley with her OWLs, which she really shouldn't be taking until the end of the year? And if I say no, you'll be disappointed? You're going soft, Snape. And you're also going crazy, but, whatever, I'll do it, I guess."

"That, Draco, is what I expected. Besides, after word gets around Slytherin of your whereabouts at the end of the summer, and the reasons for them, I dare say you may need friends in other houses. That is all. Your first session with Miss Weasley is next period, and don't be late. You'll meet her in Study Room B in the Library. Now get to class, and don't be late for that either."

Draco left with mixed feelings.

What have I gotten myself into?


Ginny made her way to Study Room B 10 minutes early. It was her first session, Potions, with none other than Draco Malfoy, and she didn't want to be late. Her was enough of a prick without her giving him a reason to be.

This is going to be hell. Living hell. With the devil as my "teacher", she thought.

But you are secretly looking forward to it, another voice inside her head countered.

The voices in my head are arguing. Just great. I'm crazy, I'm going to end up in St. Mungo's. Might as well check myself in-

But her thoughts were cut off when Draco arrived, looking smug and in the mood to torture.

"So Weaselette, you need my help?"

"Yes Malfoy, I am in terrible need of you to assist me because I happen to be top of my class, and pretty close to the top of yours. God, you'd think I was in remedial Potions or something. You do realize that this is because I'm brilliant right?" Ginny said, also rather smugly. Where did that come from? she wondered.

"Alright Weaselette, if you're so bloody brilliant, I guess I'll be leaving then."

Ginny panicked. "No, Malfoy, wait. Ok, so I need your help. Just don't make me feel stupid, ok? Because I'm not, I just happen to need help to prepare for OWLs, which I'm taking a year early in case you didn't realize. But you already know that so can you just, um, teach me?" Ginny shuddered. She was practically begging Malfoy for his help. Well, he is the best in Potions, and while my skill level is probably close to his, I need help to prepare.

"Well, well, the Weaselette begs."

"Could you not call me that? My name is Ginny. Use it!"

Wow, feisty one here. Must be the red hair, Draco thought.

"Ok, Ginny," he drawled, "let's start this then."

Ginny opened her fifth year textbook, and waited. Draco started by asking her what she knew about the potions that would be on the exam. He was surprised by how well she knew most of it, but he explained to her the stuff she didn't.

The hour passed in a pleasant fashion, and when they were finished, Ginny thought she'd try to be nice.

"You know Draco, you should think about being a Professor. You're pretty good at it."

And with that she walked out of the room.


Did the Weaselette just compliment me? And did she call me Draco? This is just getting too fucked up for me.


Did I just say that out loud? Well, he was bearable, almost pleasant in there. And it was the truth, he is good at teaching. But still, this is Malfoy we're talking about. And I called him Draco! This is all really fucked up! I have to talk to Bri and Pam. UGH!


The next period, Ginny had Transfiguration review with Hermione, and they did a bit more gossiping and talking about Ginny taking the OWLs early than they actually did studying for them, but Hermione promised that their next session they would get down to business. At lunch, Ginny went over to the Slytherin table and sat down between Pam and Bri, who were sitting across from Draco and Blaise.

Dammit! Ginny thought. How am I supposed to talk to Pam and Bri with him sitting there?

Ginny just chatted mindlessly with her friends, and said a few words to Blaise, whom she had partied with at Bri's over the summer. As she was talking to Blaise, it occurred to her that Draco hadn't been there over the summer.

Hmm, I wonder why? He seems to be pretty good friends with Blaise. Wait, why do I care? I don't. Arguing with myself again. Definitely going mad. "UGH!"

Ginny said the last part out loud, and turned the colour of a tomato before laughing it off and saying she had to leave, giving Pam and Bri pointed looks. She went outside the Great Hall and waited for them.

"What's up, G? You never sit at the Slyth table unless you need to talk to us. About something more important than who's going out with who," Pam said.

"Yeah Gin, is something wrong?" Bri asked, her eyes full of concern.

"No, no, guys, nothing's wrong. At least, nothing big. Actually, I wanted to tell you guys some big news! I'm going to take my OWLs this month!"

"WHAT!" they said together.

She told them all about her study sessions and what she had done last year as well.

"So, you get the resident Slytherin and Gryffindor hotties for an hour, to yourself, each, everyday, to 'study'?" Pam asked. She, of course, was talking about Draco and Harry.

"Pam! It is to study. I need to do good on these OWLs or all my professors will think that last year was a fluke."

"Oh come on, Gin!" Bri said. "You're brilliant! You know it, I know it, Pam knows it, and everyone who knows you knows it. You could take those OWLs right now and get as many as your brother!"

"Bri! Percy got twelve! I'll never get twelve. I'm hoping for ten. And if I took them now I'd get a big fat zero!"

"So, you have no classes until October? And then you'll be a sixth year? G, this is awesome for you!" gushed Pam.

"Yeah, but I have to work my butt off these first few weeks, and I'm burdening seven sixth years. I feel really bad about that. I mean, they just got through their own OWLs and now they have to help me."

"They don't have to, Gin. They are doing it of their own free will, right? So you have more 'sessions' after lunch? Do you get a free period?" Bri asked.

"Well, I got first period this morning off, and I think I get last period before supper too. It's really crammed together cause I have to work around their free periods. I've already had Potions with Dra-er-Malfoy and Transfiguration with Hermione. After lunch I have Neville for Herbology, Parvati for Astronomy, and Hannah Abbott for Care of Magical Creatures. Then tomorrow I have Harry for DADA, then that Goldstein guy from Ravenclaw for History of Magic, and Hermione again for Arithmancy. Then I have the afternoon to do my own review. I'm going to be dead by the end of the week!"

"G, it's not that bad. You don't have real classes, remember?" said Pam.

"Ha! I think real classes would be easier! But if I got through last year, than I can do this. I should go. Don't wanna be late for Neville! Bye guys, I'll talk to you at dinner!"

"Wait, Gin. Did you just call Draco... well, Draco?"

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about," Ginny stuttered before running off.

"Pammy dear, I think we are going to have to talk to our little Gryff."

"I agree with you 100%, B! I wanna know what's up with that!"


After Ginny left the Great Hall, followed by Bri and Pam, Draco turned to Blaise.

"What's up with you and the Weaselette talking like you're old friends?"

"Calm down, Drake. She's cool. Bri had her over for a couple weeks in the summer. She parties with the best of us. You'd never guess she was a Gryff, D. Why?"

"Yeah sure, Blaise, the Weaselette, partying? What did she drink, water?"

"Draco, seriously, she was a blast. Anyway, where were you at free period? I thought we were going to have a rematch of our last game of wizard's chess?"

"Shit. Sorry Blaise, I forgot. Snape's got me tutoring every free period this month."

"Who, some poor Slytherin firstie?"

"No, your new party girl, best friend, Gryffindor Weasley."

"What? She's probably tutoring you, Drake."

"No, ask your sister."

"Seriously Drake, why are you tutoring her?"

"Ok, so maybe I'm not, tutoring her per se, as helping her get ready for her OWLs."


"She's supposedly brilliant and she's taking them at the end of the month. So, being absolutely brilliant in Potions, I have been recruited, along with six other sixth years, to help the brat prepare."

"Ha! So she's in our year now? Wow. She can party with the best of them and rival Granger's brains? You should try talking to her Drake. I'm gonna ask Bri to see if Ginny wants to come to the Underground on Saturday. Most of our year and hers partied with her over the summer. They'll get over it. I swear Drake, that Sorting Hat makes some of the stupidest choices. It's got a family complex going on. Anyway, I'm out. See you at dinner."

Blaise has gone insane. Totally insane. He probably just saw what I did. A hot piece of ass. I'll talk to him about that later.

And with that Draco got up and left the hall.


Ginny's afternoon went well, and she felt confident that these study sessions wouldn't be so bad after all. At dinner, Ginny sat with Liz and the trio and told Liz everything, because she asked why Ginny wasn't in class. Liz wasn't as supportive as her Slytherin friends, probably because she wanted Ginny to be in all her classes this year, but she still said it was great. Then Ginny's brother rounded on her.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley! Why didn't you tell me you were moving ahead? I had to hear it from Harry and Hermione. Does Mum even know?"

"Ronald Bilius Weasley! How many times have I told you that you don't control my life, you are not my father, and you don't need to know everything that goes on in my life? Of course Mum knows, she had to okay it. Besides, I didn't even know until this morning. Sure, I had an idea something would have to change, because I'm caught up to you in schoolwork, but I didn't know what exactly. You are just jealous that Harry and Hermione were chosen to help me and you weren't!"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Ron, in case you didn't notice, I'm your sister, and I can see right through you. I'm sorry you didn't get picked to help me in one of my subjects, but I can't help that. Now be happy that your baby sister is smarter than you!"

And with that Ginny got up and left the Hall.

Shit! I have that damn prefect meeting in ten minutes.

Ginny ran down the halls to the prefect room and made it just in time.

Cho stood up right at seven, and started talking.

"Hi all! As you know, I'm Head Girl this year. I plan to make it a fun one. Our Head Boy couldn't be here today, because he hasn't gotten to Hogwarts yet. I regret to say that his mother is very sick, but he should be with us sometime this month. Okay, on to business! This meeting is basically just to discuss Hall Patrol. Now, in previous years we have patrolled with the other prefects from our year and house. I'm gonna mix it up. Interhouse relations are very important, and Dumbledore fully agrees that it's time to break down some of these house barriers. No one will patrol with anyone from their own house or year, and these positions are final, so don't go whining to your Head of House or to me later. I have personally chosen your partners for a specific reason. So, on with the list then. I'll read out your names and the time you will be expected to patrol. For those of you in fifth year, you patrol in three hour blocks, and do not, I repeat DO NOT get separated from your partner."


Draco was sitting in the prefect meeting ignoring that Chang girl's droning about interhouse relations and all things boring. He just assumed he'd be patrolling with Pansy again.

Then Cho read out his name and his partner's and Draco bolted upright, thinking he must have heard it wrong.

That's impossible. That's preposterous. Not her!


Ginny's heart fluttered as she heard her partner's name.

Why is my heart fluttering? she wondered. This is terrible!

Then Cho repeated the list and Ginny realized she had heard correctly.

"Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley, nine PM to twelve AM."

Oh no! Ginny groaned inwardly as she locked eyes across the room with her new patrol partner. She may have been mistaken, but she thought she saw the faintest trace of a smile on his lips.

Author notes: That's it. All done another chapter. Please Review. It's not hard. You just click a button and type a comment. And it makes me wanna write faster. Thanks!
