The Dragon Games


Story Summary:
Something dark and mysterious ends up dragging Harry and his friends back to Hogwarts for their last year; the people in Harry's life are changing, traditions are being torn apart, and the friends he could once depend on are suddenly vanishing. Harry ends up in a twisted game of the Dragon; a game that tests his abilities, friendships, and causes him to trust a once formidable enemy. The game has high stakes, and it's all or nothing for both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter as they seek to win what they're both searching for; testing how far each will go to get the prize for themselves.

Chapter 06 - The Summer Wedding

Author's Note:
Thanks to my Beta, Priscilla. And thanks to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. ^_^


-Number Twelve Grimmauld Place -

-Two days before the wedding-

Hermione appeared in the room that Harry had designated to be the meeting room. Lupin, Tonks, Harry, Mad-Eye, Arthur, Molly and Ginny were all inside, waiting for her and her supposed company.

"Well?" Harry asked, seeing that no one was with her.

"They're in the middle of something right now," Hermione explained, "and they wanted to know if they could borrow Ginny for a moment."

"Oh," Ginny said quickly. "Yeah, I'll go."

Harry nodded as she scurried out of the room.

"Alright then," Harry started. "I assume that none of you have looked at this morning's Daily Prophet, because of all the disruption with family we've had this morning."

"What happened, Harry?" Arthur asked.

"Hermione, care to explain?" Harry asked. He knew she was better at public speaking then he was, anyway.

"Alright." Hermione nodded before addressing the room. "Well, it seems that at least a half dozen prophesies were stolen from The Department of Mysteries last Thursday. All of them contained vital information about the war against You-Know-Who, and all of them have details about the weapons and heroes that may be in the war."

"Oh dear," Molly whispered.

"What exactly is your plan, Harry?" Remus asked.

"Well, I wanted you and Mr. Weasley to go and see if you could find out any inside information they may have left out. As for Tonks and Mad-Eye, look into who stole them, set up a watch on the prophecy area, and interrogate the ones who were supposed to be on watch. I dunno; we just need more information on what was inside the prophecies, so that we can send protection to the people involved. Maybe even bring them back here for safekeeping, or set up a safe haven somewhere."

"Good idea," Mad-Eye agreed. "When do you want this done?"

"Well, I know you're busy Mr. Weasley, but maybe you could get Mrs. Weasley to entertain for a bit. You don't have to be gone long, and you can always ask other members to help out," Harry said unsurely. "I'm not very good at this whole orders thing still."

"It's quite alright, Harry, dear," Molly smiled at him.

"We'll get on it, don't worry, Harry," Tonks said.

"Well, thanks guys," Harry said. "That's all I really wanted to talk about. So I guess you can get back to the whole festivities, and whatever else you were doing," Harry said, glancing at Lupin and Tonks, who quickly looked down in embarrassment.



-Leaky Cauldron-

-Two day's before the wedding-

Ginny had just been informed of what her five brothers had just learned from Percy, and a small "Oh, goodness," was all she could manage to say.

"Yeah, and he was just about to explain what it actually said," Fred said.

"So, tell us, Percy, what did the translator translate?"

Percy nodded, then pulled out a newer piece of parchment, and began to read aloud.

"There are seven with the Power of Fire. They are made of fire, and look of fire. Each of the seven was given a gift of pure magic at birth. Together untied, they can control, read, and dictate even the most strongest of Wizards. Emotions are a powerful weapon, and combined are unstoppable. To the youngest Fire child, a gift of feeling. To the oldest, a gift of creating. To the second born, a gift of repression. To the third born, a gift of revealing. For the first born twin, a gift of relaying. And to his twin, a gift of removing. Finally, to the sixth born, a gift of magnifying. These seven will be great assets in the dark times that lie in their generation; they will aid whoever's side they're on, and may crush the enemy to near ruins if their powers are used appropriately."

All of them stayed quiet when Percy had finished reading, until Ginny finally broke the silence.

"Weapon?" Ginny finally asked.

"Gifts?" Ron asked.

Percy nodded and said, "Sorry, this is all I know."

"So, wait," Fred said. "We have powers? How come we don't know about them?"

"Well, I'm not sure, but I think we've all experienced these powers throughout our lives; we just haven't realized what we were doing," Percy said. "I think that we have to learn how to use them, in order for us to have full control."

"And how do we do that?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know." Percy shrugged.

"So, what happens now?" Bill asked.

Percy again just gave his brother a shrug.

"You're not very much help, you know that, Percy?" Bill muttered.

"I'm not sure about the rest of you," Ron started, "but I'm not so keen on being a tool in this war."

"But Ron, we have to do something! If we have this much power, then we have to help Harry out in the war," Ginny said.

"But none of us understand it, and none of us know how to learn to control it," Ron muttered. "I say we leave well enough alone."

"Don't be stupid Ron!" Fred let out.

"Yeah, Ron, you want to help Harry out, right?" George added.

"Yeah, I do." Ron shrugged.

"Well," Percy said, "I say we try and learn on our own. After all, we all have separate lives, and we can't very much well get together. Or at least I can't; I have work."

Everyone gave Percy a slight glare.

"Well, no, he's right," Bill said after a moment. "We do have our own lives. I think it's best for everyone."

"Should we be getting to Harry's meeting?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, we should." Charlie nodded. "And Bill should be getting back to his fiancé."

Bill gave a small smile and nodded.

"Alright, Ginny, you got Floo-Powder to get home?" Charlie asked.

"I'll see you there."

"Just one thing guys," Percy said.

"What's that?"

"Don't tell anyone else about this. We could all be in danger if anyone knew."

Percy disapparated from the spot and the rest of them stared at where he once stood.

"Something tells me he didn't go back to party central," Bill muttered.

"He's a jerk. We'll just tell mum he had work," Fred said.

"Right," Charlie said. "Well, let's go."



-A Grassy Field-

-Twenty minutes before the wedding-

Bill was standing nervously away from the crowd, awaiting his bride and practicing his vows. Ron was with him as well, helping him out.

"Did that sound too corny?" Bill asked Ron for the hundredth time.

"I told you yes the first time!" Ron muttered.

"How should I change it?" Bill asked, reciting the line in a different way.

"Still mushy," Ron frowned. "Maybe if you leave out the bit about the train of love."

"You think?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah, I'll leave that out."

"Why'd you agree to write your own vows in the first place?"

"Fleur said it would be more meaningful," Bill sighed. "I can't do this! This whole speech sucks."

"You should hear mum's toast speech," Ron grinned.

"Arg!" Bill groaned, and started to recite again.



-A Small Room-

-Fifteen minutes before the wedding-

Ginny, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley were helping Fleur with her hair and dress.

"Does it still stick out?" Fleur asked as Mrs. Weasley worked on the back of her dress.

"Nope, it's lovely," Mrs. Weasley assured.

"Wonderful!" Fleur smiled. "'Ermione, would you see if Gabrielle is done with zose flowers?"

"Sure," Hermione said.

She made her way out of the small room and into an even smaller hallway. As she walked into the entrance room, three figures passing by the window caught her eye.

It can't be, she thought. She could have sworn she saw Pansy and Millicent accompanied with a girl that looked oddly like Blaise. She shook her head. They wouldn't be invited, she assured herself.

Gabrielle was arranging a small bouquet and smiled brightly when she saw Hermione.

"Is she looking wonderful?" Gabrielle asked.

Hermione smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Is the bouquet done?"

"Nearly," Gabrielle said, and turned to a clock. "She 'as ten minutes till we 'ave to 'ead out."

Hermione nodded, and as she went back towards the room, she glanced back out the window to see if she could spot the three girls, but no one was in sight.



-A Grassy Field-

-Shortly after the wedding-

Harry and Hermione hung in the back of the field as the Weasleys were taking pictures. Both of them were in awe of the wedding that had just taken place.

"I've never seen anything quite so magical," Hermione said slowly. "It was so beautiful."

"And the spell," Harry said. "What did it do to them?"

"It was like a binding spell; it ties two hearts together forever."

"Is that what all magical weddings are like?"

"I'd assume so," Hermione said. "I haven't seen any others though, so I wouldn't know."

Hermione looked around again for any sight of the girls.

"Who are you looking for, Hermione?" Harry finally asked. "You've been doing that through the whole wedding!"

"I thought I saw Pansy and Millicent earlier, and er, maybe Blaise's sister. Does he have a sister?"

"I dunno," Harry said. "Do you think they'd try and crash the reception?"

"I have no clue. They might." Hermione shrugged. "The only thing I want to know is why they would be here."

"Yeah, up to no good, most likely," Harry muttered.

"Fleur seems very happy," Hermione said, watching the group take pictures.

"Yeah, so does Bill. Actually, all the Weasleys do," Harry said with a smile.

"It makes everything seem so happy," Hermione agreed.

Harry nodded.

"Did you manage to see if Percy showed up?" Hermione asked, looking at the group and noticing that Percy was not among them.

"I don't believe he did," Harry sighed. "So did Ron ever tell you what he had to talk to them about?"

"Not really," Hermione said. "He said Percy had come to apologize for being such a jerk."

"Yeah, he told me that too." Harry nodded. "But I think Percy was up to something. Even if Ron was telling the truth, he must have been apologizing for a reason."

"You're right, Harry. Percy must have had a vendetta, but Ron either doesn't know, or doesn't want to share," Hermione said grumpily.

"Do you think it would be that big of a deal, that Ron wouldn't share it with us?"

"I'd hope he would share anything with me, but I guess not."

When he finished this sentence, Harry realized something was wrong. He glanced at Hermione for a moment, realizing how much Ron was hurting her by keeping whatever it was a secret.

"He'll tell us when he's ready," Harry said supportively, and immediately thought of the letter from the Angel of Reason.

Hermione smiled, and they both turned to see Ron heading towards them.

"Harry, mom wants you for some pictures with us," he informed.

"Oh, alright," Harry said quickly.

"She'll want pictures of you too, so just stay here, okay?" Ron asked, giving a small smile to Hermione.

"But I shouldn't be in the pictures. I'm not family."

"Yeah, Ron, neither am I," Harry said slowly, though the only people he considered family were the Weasleys.

"You're both family," Ron said with a smile. "Now come on, Harry. We'll be back for you, Hermione."

The two took off, and Hermione looked around again. This time, she saw the three girls. They were looking at her, smiling evilly.

Oh, wonderful, Hermione thought sarcastically as the three girls came over to her.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked, upset.

"We're just here for the food," Pansy smiled.

"Pansy, this is a special time for these people. You have no right to crash this wedding!" Hermione said.

"Oh, don't I?" Pansy leered.

Hermione stared at Blaise for a moment, and then smiled disbelievingly.

"Blaise? What are you doing turning yourself into a women?"

Blaise frowned, his face looking venomous before he spat, "What's it to you, Granger?"

"You have such lovely hair, Granger!" Pansy snickered.

Hermione suddenly felt a wave of fear as Millicent put a hand on her head.

"Get off of me!" Hermione yelled, pushing away her hand. "Ouch!" she cried as Millicent took some of her hair with her.

"I think it's disgusting," Millicent said to Pansy, and Hermione glared.

"And what are you doing here at this wedding?" Pansy asked with a devilish smile. "Here to support your boyfriend?"

At this, Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Go away. You three are very inconsiderate and rude."

"Such big words, Granger," Blaise mocked.

"Too big for you?" Hermione scoffed.

"Watch it, Granger," Pansy barked. "We've got our eyes on you."

"I'm sure you do," Hermione said, getting annoyed.

"Hey! What are you three doing here?" asked a very angry Ron. Hermione looked up to see Ron coming towards them, wand out. "No one invited you!"

"Defending your precious Hermione?" Blaise asked coyly.

"Blaise?" Ron asked, confused.

"Ugh!" Blaise cried, annoyed, and took off in the other direction.

"Yeah, that's right! Get out of here!" Ron yelled after him.

"Enjoy the festivities while you can, Granger," Pansy said with a sneer, and took off after Blaise.

"Yeah!" Millicent said rather dumbly, and stumbled away.

"What the bloody hell did they want?" Ron asked, looking after them.

"No clue," Hermione replied.

"Well, come on," Ron said, giving one last glare as the three went out of sight. "Picture time."

Hermione nodded and left with Ron, rubbing her head where Millicent had pulled out her hair.



-Number Twelve Grimmauld Place-

-A few days after the wedding-

It was just Harry, Lupin, Mad-Eye, and a man in red robes in the house. Lupin was leading the man- who was in near hysteria- to the couch, and Mad-Eye was talking Harry.

"He's the only one we could make out from the prophecies, but he hasn't been making much sense since we told him people were trying to kill him," Mad-Eye told him, causing Lupin to shake his head in disagreement.

"You told him that Voldemort's army was coming to get him, and that every second he was living out of hiding was another second they could identify him, murder his family, and destroy him and everything he knew."

Mad-eye grinned guiltily and then growled, "Well, it's the truth, isn't it?"

Harry ignored them, instead asking his own question.

"What are we planning to do with him?"

"Well, Harry, it's really up to you," Lupin said. "But we can let him stay here, or I think I know a place that he could stay at if you'd prefer.

"I'd rather you sent him to the place you know," Harry said. He didn't really like the idea of anyone else staying at his Godfather's old house.

"Well, then once he's a bit more confident, I can send him up there. But Harry, can I speak with you for a moment, in the other room?" Lupin asked.

"Sure." Harry shrugged with a nod.

"Mad-Eye, get him some water. We'll be right back. Oh, and don't say anything else to upset him," Lupin said as an after thought.

Moody grumbled his agreement to the last statement and then went to the kitchen.

Harry followed Lupin towards his bedroom, leaving the man alone in the room.

"Harry, the thing about helping these people out is that a lot of them are under surveillance from You-Know-Who's supporters." Lupin paused for a moment. "That means, Harry, that whoever we send out to help this man get to that house could put the Order itself in danger."

"Oh," Harry said. "We can't have that. So what are we going to do?"

"We can send him up by himself and hope that nobody will discover him, or leave him here. We can't risk any of our members getting hurt."

"You're right." Harry nodded. "Well, let's ask him. If he feels that he can make it to the safe house, then that's his decision."

"Harry, are you sure? These people must be important for the war if they're in the prophecy."

"Okay, he stays here," Harry sighed, defeated.

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that," Lupin smiled.

"Can I speak with him?"

"Of course."

Harry made his way back to the man. He was calmer now, sipping a cup of water.

"I told him about the safe house, Remus," Mad-Eye said. "He's interested."

"Actually, what would you say to staying here?" Harry addressed the man. "It's safe here. Nobody will find you."

"He said I'd be safe at that house, too," the man said, shaking a little.

"Yeah, well..." Harry trailed off, looking at Lupin for a moment. "It'll be safer here. What's your name?"

"I'm not giving my name to anyone!" the man said defensively.

Harry, shocked, looked at Moody who was tutting.

"He keeps saying that. Thinks they'll get him if he gives his name. Don't blame him either. After all, he came with us without a second thought after we mentioned the prophecy. What if we had been the Death Eaters?"

"Mad-Eye," Lupin warned. "You're making our guest uncomfortable."

"He should be scared."

"We're not the bad guys here, I promise you," Harry said to the man. "Moody is just a little twitchy."

"Twitchy?" Moody repeated, appalled. "After everything I've seen? I've seen a man forced to eat his own friends-"

"Moody!" Lupin hushed. "Come on; let's leave Harry to deal with this."

Lupin eventually got Mad-Eye to leave, and Harry was left alone with the man.

"Well, if you're not going to give me your name, I'll give you mine. I'm Harry Potter," Harry introduced, causing the mans jaw to drop.

"The Harry Potter?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.

The man looked down at the carpet.

"I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Potter."

"You don't have to. This is just something I do. And call me Harry."

"Right, okay. Harry, are you sure this place is safe?"

"Yes, it's spelled off," Harry smiled, trying to assure the man. "No one can get in without my permission. You'll be absolutely safe here. When we find the others in the prophecies, they'll be staying here as well."

"But Karlton is already dead," the man said suddenly.


"The prophecy mentioned me and my brother Karlton. He died a few days ago."

"Oh boy," Harry sighed. "I'm really sorry."

The man nodded, not looking Harry in the eye.

"Look," Harry said, "I promise you that nothing will hurt you here. Just stay put, and Lupin will check on you every once in a while." Harry was desperately trying to think of something supportive to say, but he could only give what he hoped would be the truth, "Just trust me, and nobody will find you."

R&R let me know what you think. ^_^