The Dragon Games


Story Summary:
Something dark and mysterious ends up dragging Harry and his friends back to Hogwarts for their last year; the people in Harry's life are changing, traditions are being torn apart, and the friends he could once depend on are suddenly vanishing. Harry ends up in a twisted game of the Dragon; a game that tests his abilities, friendships, and causes him to trust a once formidable enemy. The game has high stakes, and it's all or nothing for both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter as they seek to win what they're both searching for; testing how far each will go to get the prize for themselves.

Chapter 03 - Ask Her

Author's Note:
Thanks to my wonderful Beta Priscilla.

Harry awoke early the next morning to find Malfoy's bed empty and already made. He quickly checked the bathroom, but no one was inside. He glanced at a clock and found it to be five forty-one.

What kind of person gets up this early? Harry asked himself.

Keifer and Dean were still sound asleep in their beds. Harry quickly got dressed and ready, and was out of the dormitory in no time at all.

He entered the common room and found Ron sitting there all alone.

"Ron?" Harry asked. "What are you doing up, mate?"

"What?" Ron asked, looking up. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink all night.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep," Ron said, giving a huge yawn.

"I can see that. You look awful," Harry said.

"Thanks for that," Ron muttered.

"Nightmares?" Harry asked.

"No, just thinking too much."

"About what?"

"Nothing. It's not important," Ron said quickly. "What are you doing up this early?"

"I was going to- er," Harry paused. Did he have any reason not to tell Ron? "I couldn't sleep either," Harry lied, though he didn't know why.

"Sorry, mate," Ron said, getting up. "Well, I'm going to go try to get an hour sleep or something."

"Alright." Harry nodded.

Ron started towards the dorms when he suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Wait, I forgot to ask, who are your dorm buddies?"

"Well," Harry started, "Dean, Keifer, and who'd of guess my luck, Malfoy."

"That git?! Tell McGonagall you want to transfer."

Harry let out a laugh.

"I would, but it might be better for us to have an eye on him."

"Too right," Ron agreed.

"Who's your roomies?" Harry asked.

"Well, it's stupid really. They're three people I've never seen before in my life, are noisy as all hell, and they all seem to know each other."

"Our year?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, two former Hufflepuffs, Jack and Edward, and former Ravenclaw, Logan."

"Never heard of 'em," Harry replied.

"Well, see yah later, Harry," Ron said.

"Oh wait, Ron, did Malfoy come out here earlier?" Harry asked quickly.

"Er, yeah mate, but he didn't see me; he just sort of stalked out at half past five," Ron answered. "Why?"

"I dunno." Harry shrugged. "He wasn't in his bed when I finally gave up on sleep."

"He seemed up to something," Ron informed with a shrug.

"He always does," Harry said. "Catch you later, Ron."

"Yeah, right. See yah," Ron said before he turned around and went off to bed. Harry, on the other hand, went in search of Malfoy.

Harry found Draco coming up from the dungeons, but as Harry approached, Draco completely ignored his presence and went past him, bumping Harry's shoulder rudely. Harry angrily followed him. The pursuit led him all the way up to the fourth floor and through a maze of corridors. Harry watched as Draco disappeared behind a door he never knew had existed.

He pondered if he should go in. He glanced around, and nobody was to be seen. Deciding that he ought to figure out what was going on, Harry pulled out his wand- just to be safe- and pushed open the door.

The room was dark, lit only by a few candles. The walls were lined with books and strange objects Harry couldn't identify. There was also a couch in the center of the room, next to an empty cauldron.

Harry stepped further inside, and the door slammed behind him to reveal Malfoy glaring at him.

"Bloody hell, Potter! You stalking me now?" Draco snapped angrily.

"What is this place?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"It's a room, you git. Now get out! It's my room," Draco said vehemently.

"What are you up to, Malfoy?" Harry asked, ignoring him.

"Up to? As in on a daily basis, or right now?" Draco asked, opening the door for Harry to leave.

"I mean, what are you doing back at Hogwarts?"

"Get the fuck out of my sight, Potter!" Draco snapped.

"Malfoy, I need to know, goddamn it!" Harry yelled. If Malfoy would just answer him, then he wouldn't need to keep following him around.

"I said out!" Malfoy repeated, taking out his wand.

Harry raised his own wand, but Malfoy made a quick move and without warning, Draco ditched his wand and punched Harry in the gut, sending him tumbling to the floor outside the room. Draco looked at him for a moment, sneering.

"Mind your own bloody business, Potter," he spat before slamming the door.

Harry moaned in pain and slowly stood up, glaring at the door. He was going to get to the bottom of this. If Malfoy had something for him, he'd figure out what it was and take it from him by force if he had to.


Ron came back down from his room and into the empty common room.

"Harry?" Ron questioned, but no one was there to answer.

He sighed and sat down on the couch again, staring into the empty fireplace.

"What do I do?" Ron muttered to himself.

"What do you do about what?" came a female voice.

Ron looked up to see Ginny coming from the girls' dormitory.

"What's up Ron? You look extremely pathetic," Ginny said, taking a seat across from him.

"Go away, Ginny," Ron ordered.

"No, seriously, what's going on?" Ginny asked concerned.

"What are you doing up?" Ron asked curiously.

"I sensed a fellow Weasley was upset, so I came down to comfort him."

"You shouldn't let your magic go like that," Ron said.

"It's not going to hurt me," Ginny said flatly.

"Still, it's invasion of privacy,"

"I can only sense what you're feeling; it's not like I can read your thoughts," Ginny said hotly. "Plus, it's not like you don't use your magic."

Ron nodded and sighed. The Weasleys had discovered over the summer that his sister had the power of reading feelings off people. Actually, they had discovered many things about themselves, but Ron was still too unsure of it to believe.

"It's still weird," Ron muttered.

"I know, but really, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Ron said evasively, his ears turning slightly pink.

"A girl, aye?" Ginny asked with a smile. "Who?"

"None of your business," Ron said. "And no, it's not a girl."

"You're a bad liar."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Go away."

"Why, because you're embarrassed?"

"No, because you're annoying."

"Is it Lavender?" Ginny asked.

"No!" Ron said immediately. "Ugh, no! Lavender and I are over."

"Then, is" Ginny stopped, looking sheepish.

Ron looked at her. "What?"

"Er, Hermione?"

Ron groaned.

"Not Hermione..." Ginny paused. "I dunno who else."

"It's bloody Hermione, alright? So bugger off!" Ron said angrily.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Ginny cooed giddily.

"It's not bloody cute! She doesn't like me!"

"Oh come off it, Ron! She does too," Ginny said assuredly.

"Then why's she been ignoring me?" Ron asked.

"She's definitely not ignoring you, Ron," Ginny said.

"I know," Ron sighed.

"Then what's the matter?"

"I dunno how to ask her out. I mean, it's Hermione," Ron said slowly.

"What's that mean?"

"I mean, I want it to be special, that's all."

"Ron, just ask her out already! God knows it's been a long time coming! Just get down to it already," Ginny urged him.

"I don't want to screw it up. I always screw things up," Ron said.

"That's true."

"Go away."

"Sorry. Maybe you can ask her to Hogsmeade. That would be nice, right?" Ginny suggested.

"Really nice," Ron said dreamily. "But I'll screw it up when I ask her. I'll somehow end up insulting her, or asking her roommate out instead. It'll be awful."

"So let me get this've been up for hours, pondering how to ask Hermione Granger out on a date?"

"That about sums it up," Ron nodded.

"Ronald Weasley, snap out of it! Ask her any old way you please; she's still going to say yes no matter how you do it. Just let them be the first words out of your mouth."

"I'll get tongue tied, she'll get confused, and I'll wind up asking her for homework help or something lame. I always do," Ron said, angry with himself.

"Then don't. And don't ask me or anyone else to do it for you," Ginny said. "That would be one big way of screwing it up."

"I know." Ron sighed. "I just don't know when I can do it."

"When you see her next, just ask her."

"What if she says no?"

"She won't," Ginny assured him.

"What if she has a boyfriend already?"

"She doesn't."

"But what if..."

"Stop it, Ron! Jeez, just do it, all right? You'll be fine."

"Thanks Gin," Ron said with a small smile.

"Any time."

"Ginny-" Ron started.

"No, don't," Ginny interrupted. "I don't want to talk about Harry."


"I said don't."

"All right. Well, I guess I'm not getting much sleep tonight," Ron said with a yawn.

"Wait up. I can get you something," Ginny said, rushing back up to her room.

Ron yawned again. A few moments later, the door opened and Harry came in.

"Harry," Ron said, turning to him. "You all right?" he asked as he noticed Harry looking a bit ill.

"Yeah, fine," Harry muttered. "Just a bit woozy. Lack of sleep, you know."

"Right." Ron nodded. "Did you have a nightmare about You-Know-Who again?"

"No, just couldn't sleep." Harry shrugged.

They heard footsteps from the girls' dormitory and saw Ginny bounding down the steps with a potion in hand. When she reached the bottom, she saw Harry standing with Ron.

"Er..." she said awkwardly. "Here you go Ron. Drink this. It'll, er, help with the yawning and, er, sleep or lack thereof."

Ginny quickly handed Ron the potion, gave Harry a quick nod hello, and muttered something about eating breakfast. She hurried out of the room, leaving Ron and Harry alone.

"She hates me, doesn't she?" Harry asked.

"Nah, she doesn't," Ron disagreed, preparing himself for the potion.

"She talked to me yesterday. Well, just to ask me about how to get into the rooms. Still, now she's acting like she doesn't even know me."

"Give her time," Ron advised. "She'll cool off."

"I hope so," Harry said. "I really hope so."



-Leaky Cauldron-

-Two days before the wedding.-

Ron, Bill, Lupin, Fred and George were all laughing at a table in the back of the Leaky Cauldron.

"She turned purple," George said.

"Then blue," Fred continued.

"And soon she was a whole ray of colors," George said. "So Fred takes his wand and holds it up, and she shrieks and yanks it out of his hand."

They laughed heartily at the story, picturing the scene George laid out for them.

"What did she do when she started coughing up skittles?" Ron asked.

"Well, I finally got my wand back right when she started coughing," Fred said. "So I stopped it before she got too bad."

"She was so pissed!" George said. "She started raiding the store, throwing things at Fred."

"So I go down and take a hold of her," Fred says. "And she kisses me!"

"What?!" Bill and Ron sputtered.

"I know!" Fred laughed.

"Took us both by surprise," George agreed.

"Then, Angie just put her hand over her mouth and stared at me for a while," Fred said. "And we've been dating ever since."

"You're dating, Angelina?" Ron asked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I've been busy, little bro." Fred shrugged.

"That's not quite as entertaining as how Fleur and I met," Bill said, taking a drink of his butterbeer.

"How about you, Ronald? Anyone special in your life?" George asked with a smile.

"Yeah, tell us about Hermione!" Fred winked.

"Shut it!" Ron hissed. "We're not dating!"

"Really?" Lupin asked, seemingly surprised.

"Yes, really," Ron muttered. "How about you and Tonks? How's everything going with her?" Ron asked, changing the subject.

"She's Tonks," Lupin responded with a shrug.

"What's that mean?" Bill smiled.

"I, well, we're still, er, working some stuff out," Lupin stammered.

"Well hurry it up, Remus, or you'll be too old to have kids," George joked.

Choking on his drink Lupin asked, "What?"

"He's kidding," Bill said, giving George a look.

"No I'm not!" George argued. "Really, if you want a family, you got to have at it. See how my mum had children?"

Two figures approached the table and the group turned to see as the older figure spoke.

"You talking about shagging, little bro? Mum would probably rather you be preaching abstinence," Charlie said with a smile.

However, everyone's attention was on the brother by his side, and they all stared at him with the same unforgiving disbelief look.

Percy stared at them, but turning his attention to Lupin, he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" George countered stiffly.

The boys all stared amongst themselves, the air full of hate and confusion.

"I came to congratulate my brother," Percy explained.

"Bullshit," Fred said. "Why are you really here?"

"Why is he here?" Percy asked again, indicating Lupin.

"He's a guest, whereas you're not," Bill muttered.

"It's okay," Lupin said. "I should let you guys talk."

"Right," Charlie said. "Tell mum we might be a while."

"Will do," Lupin said, and he disapparated.

"What do you want, Percy?" Ron asked angrily.

"First, I wanted to apologize," Percy said, "for everything I've put you guys through..."

"Well, then you better get on your hands and knees and crawl back the way you came, because your apologies aren't good here," Bill said in a monotone voice.

"I-" Percy started.

"He's right, Perce. Why don't you just come out with what you have to say and cut the crap? No one wants to hear it," Charlie said, taking a seat next to Bill.

"And say it quickly, because I really must be getting back to the reception," Bill said.

"You five are so arrogant," Percy insulted, causing Ron to let out a bark of laughter.

"Arrogant? Look who's talking."

"You won't even listen to what your own brother has to say?" Percy questioned.

"No, because you're not really part of the family any more now, are you?" Bill asked.

"Which is why I wanted to apologize."

"Which is why we told you to stuff it," George mocked.

"Very well then." Percy nodded. "If this wasn't such important business, I wouldn't even be here."

"We couldn't have guessed that," Ron spat sarcastically.

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"

"Speak up already, Percy! We're getting bored," Charlie ushered him.

"Right then." Percy nodded again. "You're not going to believe this."


Ron and Harry entered the dining hall, which was pretty empty, and the banners that once indicated the different houses were now a solid orange color.

"Where do we sit?" Harry asked.

"Let's go over by Luna," Ron suggested.

"All right."

The two sat across from Luna, who looked up from the paper she was reading.

"Oh, morning, Ron, Harry."

"Morning," the two boys greeted.

"I wonder what Aiyana is going to announce, don't you?" Luna asked.

"I think she might say something about Quidditch," Ron said, grabbing a muffin. "I mean, after all, without separate teams, we can't have the sport, right?"

Harry nodded, then asked, "Are you still on the team?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"I dunno. They asked me, but I, er, said I didn't know yet."

"What? Why?"

"Just have a lot on my mind is all."

Just then, Hermione came up and sat next to Luna.

"Morning," Hermione greeted, grabbing a pastry.

"Morning," Harry said, trying to decide what he wanted to eat.

Ron stared at her for a moment, opened mouthed.

"What, Ron?" Hermione asked.

"I, er...How's your roommates?" Ron asked, and Harry noticed him silently cursing himself.

"Oh, they're fine," Hermione said with a smile. "But it's the three in the common room that are going to drive me insane."

"Who?" Luna asked.

"Pansy, Blaise, and Millicent." Hermione sighed. "Apparently I'm their new victim."

"What?" Ron asked.

"I dunno." Hermione shrugged. "They threatened me last night."

"What?" Harry repeated, looking disbelieving.

Ron looked furious.

"You told them to stick it, right?"

"Well, I didn't say much of anything. They sort of had me cornered."

"You have to stick up for yourself, Hermione!" Ron insisted.

"Excuse me, Ronald, but I don't see you sticking up for yourself when Malfoy insults you!"

"I do too!" Ron yelled. "I'm a guy, I can handle teasing."

"Oh, and you're saying because I'm a girl, I can't?"

Harry and Luna exchanged looks, and Luna handed him a copy of The Quibbler. Harry took it and started to read.

"Well, yeah, girls need men to stick up for them."

"You are such a pig, Ron! Luna and I can stick up for ourselves, thank you!"

"Leave me out of it," Luna said quickly.

"If you weren't so stubborn, maybe you'd-"

"Excuse me, Ron," Ginny said behind him, causing Ron to jump. "Do we have a problem here?"

"Tell your brother he's an enormous git," Hermione huffed. "And Harry, you shouldn't read such nonsense."

Harry tried to catch Ginny's eye, but she stared determinedly at Ron.

"Ron, can I speak with you a moment?" Ginny asked quickly.

"Yeah," he said, getting up and following Ginny out of the Hall.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ginny asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Screwing everything up."

"Why didn't you ask her like I told you to?"

"I told you I'd mess it up, and look, I did," Ron said flatly.

"Do it now, Ron," Ginny insisted.

"But Harry and Luna..."

"Believe me, Ron, she'll say yes even with them around. Besides, they'll know enough to stay out of it. Ask her to Hogsmeade. Go on, do it now!" Ginny said, pushing him towards Hermione and giving him a smile.

"But she's mad!"

"She'll get un-mad, now go!"

Ron stumbled backwards to the table and found himself in front of Hermione.

"Er..." was all he got out.

Both Hermione and Luna were staring at him fixatedly. Harry, however, was absent, but Ron took no notice.

"Ron are you-" Hermione started, trying to ask him if he was all right.

"No, no talk, hell!"

"Ron, what?" Hermione asked, concerned.

Ron looked across the room to see Ginny mouth the words 'ask her'. He looked back at Hermione.

"Hermione, would you like to go out with me?"

Please R&R and thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed so far.