Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 06/13/2002
Updated: 04/02/2003
Words: 61,369
Chapters: 16
Hits: 24,736

War and Passion


Story Summary:
Harry tries to stay away from Ginny for her own safety, but the passion between them could prove to much to deny. ``Harry, Ron, and Hermione train as battle bound War Mages while trying to deal with their complex lives and deal with the complications of being teenagers in the war torn Wizarding world.

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Harry tries to stay away from Ginny for her own safety, but the passion between them could prove to much to deny. Harry, Ron, and Hermione train as battle bound War Mages while trying to deal with the complications of being teenagers in the war torn wizarding world.

Chapter Twelve

Best Mates

It only took one look for Harry to know that Ron's reaction was going to just as bad, and probably worse than he had suspected. Ron wasn't yelling or screaming. Harry knew from experience that when Ron was so furious he was quiet, it could be quite bad for whoever had caused his anger to reach such levels that speaking was difficult.

"Now, Ron. . . You need to think before you do any--" Charlie started in his best big brother voice before Ron cut him off by snapping his head in his brothers direction and glaring at him.

"I would just shut up, Charlie. You're not too high on my list of people right now! You fucking traitor. . ." Ron hissed in a quiet tone.

"Oy, don't forget who you're talking to BABY brother. I changed your nappies. I know you think you're tough shit now but I can still hold my own against you. And I think it would be in your best interest to calm down . . . Because you can't take on both of us," Charlie said in an even tone that didn't betray the fury Harry saw flash in his eyes.

Ron moved from his spot by the doorway in a way that Harry could only describe as stalking. If Harry weren't the target of his sudden predatory behavior, he would have admired it. Ron could be the most intimidating person Harry had ever met when he was roused enough.

Ron slammed his hands on the table between Harry and Charlie.

"He fucked our sister and you're standing up for him. . ."

Maybe it was hearing such an awful word used in connection with Ginny. Maybe it was having something that had meant the world to Harry discussed in such a brutal manner. Or, maybe it was simply the desire to get the inevitable over with in a timely fashion. Whatever the reason, Harry's fist connected with Ron's jaw before either of them knew he had planned on it. It wasn't a tap either. Ron's head snapped back roughly with the force of the punch. Ron was a big chap, but Harry was no lightweight. When Harry threw a punch, you felt it. . . No matter how big you were.

It might have knocked a smaller or weaker man on his back. . . But Ron was able to shake it off in a few seconds. War Mages were pretty fast when they wanted to be, which was more than evident when Ron leaped at Harry with startling speed. Fortunately for Harry, he was also a War Mage and was able to have a barrier around Ron with the wave a hand, thus creating two situations. One. . . buying Harry a little time. Two. . . Pissing Ron off even more so than he already was, which was a feat in itself.

"Oh, fantastic Harry! That was really brilliant of you," Charlie said sarcastically as he cast a concerned look at Ron, who already had his wand out. "Does he know how to break your barriers?"

"Yeah. . ." Harry said as got up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Charlie yelled as Harry pulled open the back door.

"You don't want your Mum's kitchen torn up, do you?" Harry asked in a casual manner that made Charlie gape behind his back. "Oh, and Charlie . . .You might want to go and get Hermione."

"Why?" Charlie asked in a baffled tone.

"To clean up Harry when I'm through with him," Ron growled in a low menacing voice as the barrier fell, and he stalked after Harry who had already walked out the door.

Ron couldn't walk lightly if his life depended on it. Harry heard his approach and quickly turned just in time to receive a return right hook for the one he'd given Ron in the kitchen. Harry had felt his share of pain and was pretty tolerant of it overall, but Ron was the strongest person Harry knew and it took him more than few seconds to shake off the stars that were forming behind his eyelids.

"You just couldn't keep your fucking hands to yourself," Ron hissed as he rubbed his own jaw, which was obviously still hurting.

"Look who's talking? You, who've slept with half the female population of Hogwarts," Harry half laughed as wiped some of the blood off the side of his mouth.

"She's my sister, Harry. And you've just put a target on her back, you selfish bastard."

Ron swung at Harry again, only this time Harry was able to duck and by reflex alone caught Ron in the side with his own punch.

"Please stop this. You know I'm faster than you," Harry sighed in exasperation.

"Yeah, but I'm stronger," Ron said with a nasty grin as he straightened up and narrowed his eyes at Harry.

Harry couldn't argue that fact. His jaw was killing him, and he suspected it might be fractured.

"I swear I'd die for her," Harry argued in what he hoped was a diplomatic tone.

"Big fucking deal. . .You'd die for just about anyone."

Ron seemed about through with talking in general and leaped again in an attempt to tackle Harry.

"Ron, we could do this all day," Harry said as he moved quickly thus avoiding Ron.

"You Nancy boy! Why don't you just stand still and fight me," Ron yelled in his irritation.

"Why would I want to fight you? You're my best mate. I didn't do any of this to deliberately to piss you off. Believe it or not, Ron, the world does not revolve around you." Harry growled he was about at his own limit. He was sick of Ron's little temper tantrums all the time.

"You are not my best mate anymore!" Ron yelled as he stopped for a second to just glare at Harry.

"Oh, that's really mature, Ron." Harry laughed. That was a joke if ever he heard one. He couldn't get rid of Ron if he tried.

"I'm serious. . ." Ron said indignantly causing Harry to laugh even harder.

Unfortunately, Ron picked that moment to tackle Harry, and he was so busy laughing he didn't move quickly enough. They both landed on the ground with a loud thump, and Harry felt Ron's fist in his ribs the same time his own fist jerked up in automatic response and landed another hard punch in the same spot he'd hit before, only this time he heard a distinct crack as Ron's head snapped to the side.

"Fuck. . .Ron, this is stupid. What the hell is this solving?" Harry wheezed. He was fairly certain he had at least one broken rib. Ron was just too bloody strong.

"It's making me feel better. . ."

"This is making you feel better. You're mad! I know I just broke your jaw. Now, get the fuck off me before I do more than that!" Harry yelled as he shoved at Ron who wasn't budging.

Ron caught Harry in the side again, and this time Harry knew he'd broken a rib. He was done playing games. Harry might not be stronger than Ron but he sure as hell was more powerful than him.

"I'm giving you one last chance to stop. . ." Harry said in a low warning voice that he only used on rare occasions. Ron knew what it meant, too, except Ron was either too daft or too angry to care.

"Fuck you, Harry!"

That was it! Harry really didn't care that Ron was his best mate. All he was to Harry at that moment was a big menacing bully who'd just broken at least a few of his bones. He was so angry that the energy was flowing through every part of him. He had worked very hard with Dumbledore to prevent such a thing from happening again, but there were limits to everyone's self-control. And Ron had just deliberately pushed his when he knew the consequences,

In a brilliant flash of light, Ron flew off Harry with such force that he landed several feet away. Harry sprang to his feet and ran over to where Ron was. He wasn't too worried about his health. Ron was huge. He could take it. But, Harry was fairly certain that it hurt like hell.

Ron was grasping for breath, and it was almost a full minute before he opened his eyes to glare at Harry.

"You cheater. That's not fair and you know it!" Ron said as he rubbed his head and attempted to get up.

"I warned you. It's not my fault you're to bloody daft to listen," Harry sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"God, I hate you!" Ron growled as he got up and attempted to shake off some of the aftereffects of being shocked so strongly that it could almost be considered electrocution.

"Yeah. . .Yeah, I know. You're never going to be my friend again. How long is it going to take you to get over this? Because it's annoying, and I hurt like hell. Where is Hermione?" Harry asked as an afterthought as he looked towards the door.

"I'm never getting over it. I'm serious. You stole my sister's virginity. . . She's still a baby," Ron said in an almost hurt voice.

Harry couldn't help but gape at Ron.

"Are you fucking blind? A baby? . . ." Harry said a he threw his arms up in total shock.

"Well, not anymore thanks to you!" Ron yelled and seemed to have somewhat recovered.

"Look Ron, I'm going to spare you the details. But, you're sister is not a baby. I promise!" Harry refrained from mentioning that she hadn't been a virgin either.

"Oh, this is just fabulous. How old are you two?" Hermione sighed in exasperation as she walked out the back door.

Harry didn't understand her irritation at first. He and Ron had stopped fighting a few minutes ago. Then he really looked at Ron and noticed that his jaw was bruised and swollen, and Harry was sure he looked worse.

"Talk to your boyfriend, Hermione. He started it. . ." Harry said defensively.

"Oh, who's mature now, Harry. I think you landed the first punch if I remember correctly," Ron said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"You are both immature so that argument's solved, and what makes you think he's my boyfriend?" Hermione asked with her eyes narrowed at Ron.

"Well, you're sleeping with him. Doesn't that qualify him as your boyfriend?" Harry asked in a baffled voice.

"Oh, he told you that, did he?" Hermione's eyes were still narrowed at Ron, and she seemed to have forgotten her reason for being out there to begin with.

"Hold on. . . I didn't tell Harry shit. He guessed. By your behavior, I might add. If you weren't acting so flirty he would have never known," Ron said with his own eyes narrowed.

"I was not acting flirty!" Hermione gasped in outrage.

"You were!"

"I can't believe I have to do this, but, both of you stop. How daft do you think I am, Hermione? I share a room with Ron. . . I notice when he's not sleeping in it. There are only three women in this house, and he's directly related to two of them," Harry said in annoyance.

"Oh," Hermione whispered with an apologetic look at Ron.

"And another thing. . . Why would you be sleeping with Ron if he wasn't your boyfriend?" Harry growled with an accusatory look at Hermione.

"I. . . I . . .Why are you looking at me? Why not yell at Ron!" Hermione yelled as her own temper flared.

"Because, I expect more of you. You know better. Ron can't help himself."

"Thanks for the help, Harry," Ron sighed as he rolled his eyes again.

"Well, it's just none of your business," Hermione replied haughtily and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You know what. . . That's fine with me. You two confuse me beyond words, and I don't want to know," Harry said with a disgusted look on his face as he sat down on the lawn.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked in concern as she saw Harry take a few steadying breaths as he leaned back on his hands.

"No, I'm not bloody okay. I think he broke at least one of my ribs," Harry groaned as he glared at Ron again.

"Ron! How could you?" Hermione gasped as she leaned down to look at Harry.

"You're always on his side. I think he broke my jaw. Not to mention he used his wandless magic on me. He threw me clear across the lawn. That hurts like hell. My head is still spinning," Ron said with a sad look at Hermione.

"Harry, did you do that?"

"I warned him."

Hermione looked at Harry in shock for a while before she doubled over and started laughing. Ron and Harry shared a look that clearly said Hermione had lost her marbles.

"You two are such children. I feel like a mother," Hermione gasped between bouts of laughter. "You both have time out! You have to go to bed with no supper," Hermione laughed harder at her own joke and fell onto her back in the grass.

Harry couldn't help himself he started to laugh, which almost killed him because of his ribs. Ron sat down across from Harry clutching his own ribs as he started laughing with them.

They were laughing so hard, that they didn't even notice Ginny who came running outside followed closely by Charlie who had clearly been trying to hold her back from seeing what he thought was gruesome fight between her brother and her boyfriend.

"What's wrong with them?" Ginny asked in true bafflement.

That only set off the three of them off more, and Harry had to fall onto his back because of the pains in his side.

"He. . . He started it!" Ron gasped as he pointed a finger at Harry and then fell back as well, practically rolling in laughter.

"They've gone mad!" Ginny said in slight horror.

"I don't think so . . . Come on, Ginny. They're fine. I sure they'll be in a little while," Charlie chuckled as he shook his head.

Ginny cast another concerned glance at them before she followed Charlie inside shaking her head in the same fashion Charlie had.

It took a long time for them to calm down. Harry felt remarkably good considering his injuries. It had been a long time since the three of them had had a reason to laugh that hard.

Hermione was the first to calm down.

"Okay, I guess I better heal you up since you both love St. Mungo's so much," Hermione giggled as she got to her feet.

At the mention of St. Mungo's both Harry and Ron looked at her in horror.

"I'm not going!" Ron snapped.

"You can heal broken bones, right?" Harry asked at the same time.

"Calm down. . . I think you'll be okay. But, if there are any internal injuries, you're going to have to go. I won't risk that. It would serve you right, too!"

"Damn! Harry, if I have to go I'm never forgiving you!"

"Same to you. . . I'm more likely to have internal injuries than you."

"Stop. . . I thought you were over this! I swear if I only knew the headache having you two as best friends would cause, I wouldn't have bothered," Hermione said the tone she always used to scold them.

"Ah, Love, you don't mean that," Ron said soothingly as he sat up.

Harry had to force down the urge to gag.

"Don't you Love me, Ronald Weasley. . . I know this is mostly your fault," Hermione said in an angry voice and Harry looked at Ron triumphantly.

"See what I mean? You always take his side!" Ron grumbled as he fell on his back again.

"You have a bad track record."

"Whatever, you still shouldn't take his side. Especially, after last night. . . you didn't mind me calling you Love then," Ron said in a smooth voice as he arched an eyebrow at Hermione.

This time Harry did gag.

"Ugh. . . What a nasty mental image," Harry gasped as he threw his hands over his eyes in an attempt to block them out.

Hermione laughed outright. . .

"Ron for shame. . . You're traumatizing poor Harry."

"Me! What about him? How do you think I feel knowing all the disgusting things he probably did to my sister?" Ron said indignantly then he cringed and threw his own hands over his eyes.

"Okay. . .Can you two stop being babies long enough for me to heal you up?"

"I get to go first!" Ron said as he rubbed his jaw, wincing.

"I guess he's earned that right. . . Just don't tell me how!"

"I won't!" Hermione laughed as she walked over to Ron and started performing a few spells to determine the extent of Ron's injuries.

After healing Ron's broken jaw and one cracked rib not to mention several bruises. Hermione moved on to Harry who was in slightly worse shape, with two broken ribs and a fractured jaw. He was lying sprawled out on the grass with his shirt pulled up as Hermione muttered to herself and performed several healing charms on him.

"Where would you be, Harry, if I'd skived off medical training with Madam Pomfrey like you and Ron?" Hermione chastised.

"I'd be very dead. . . You're my hero, Hermione," Harry said in a singsong voice as he batted his eyelashes at her.

"Uh huh. . . Don't try to butter me up. I know you threw the first punch. You say that you expect more of me. . . Well, I expect more of you. You know Ron's temper. You shouldn't have done that," Hermione said seriously as she looked at him disapprovingly.

"Don't pull the high and mighty act with me, Hermione. You had a hand in getting me into this scenario to begin with," Harry whispered in a low tone so Ron couldn't hear.

"What are you talking about?"

"I have it on good authority that you deliberately kept Ron occupied last night."

"Are you complaining?" Hermione asked with a small smile, not even bothering to deny it.

"No. . . Well, I could have done without the broken ribs. Couldn't you have kept him occupied a little longer?"

"Even I have my limits. . . Give a girl a break. He's a big fella," Hermione said in a naughty tone.

Harry's jaw dropped in shock.

"Okay, stop I'm going to be sick," Harry choked.

"You started it." Hermione smiled and pulled Harry's shirt down as she tucked her wand into her belt. "Okay, all better or do you need me to kiss your boo boo's too?"

"You'd better not!" Ron yelled as he walked over from where he'd been sitting stretching out his arms and legs trying to shake off the aftereffects of Harry's magic.

"Touchy," Hermione said as she walked towards the back door. "I'll leave you two out here to kiss and make up. I don't want you to come back into this house until you're best mates again."

Hermione disappeared back into the Burrow leaving Ron and Harry alone with only the garden gnomes for company.

"I'm still mad at you," Ron said as he flopped back down on the grass and rested his hands on his knees.

"Well, Ron I can't help you with that. I love Ginny. I won't let anything happen to her," Harry sighed.

"You can't promise that. . .and you know it."

"No, I can't. I wish I could," Harry groaned as he lay back against the grass and laced his hands behind his head as he looked up at the sky.

"So you're going to keep seeing her?" Ron asked in a pained voice.

"Yeah. . . I'm kind of stuck. She's pretty persuasive, your sister," Harry said with a smile causing Ron to make a sickened noise.

"Why couldn't you have fallen in love with someone else?" Ron questioned as he fell on his back and laced his hands behind his head like Harry.

"You of all people should know that you can't help who you fall in love with."

"I'll give you that one. Lord knows, I wouldn't have picked Hermione. She's a real headache, that woman." Ron said thoughtfully as he scowled at the clouds above him.

"I'm sure she has similar sentiments about you. You are a pain in the arse," Harry laughed as Ron turned to glare at him. "Ah, don't get sensitive, Ron. You know you're the best mate a bloke could ask for even if it is a bit painful sometimes."

"Yeah. . . Wish I could say the same," Ron growled but Harry didn't miss the slight trace of humor in his voice.

"Ouch, that hurts Ron."

"Good! You fuck. . ."

"Wow, that was almost nice for you. Better watch out, I might get the impression you still want to be best mates after all," Harry teased as Ron continued to avoid eye contact to keep himself from laughing.

"Don't hold your breath!"

"Fine. . . Who needs you? You were always more trouble than you were worth. Neville is my new best mate. I'd never have to drag Hermione out of bed so early in the morning to heal up my broken body with him around instead of you."

Ron burst out laughing at the mention of Neville's name.

"I hate you," Ron laughed with a glare.

"So you say. . . But, you don't mean it."

"I know. . . But, sometimes I really wish I did," Ron said seriously as he sobered up.

"I don't blame you for being mad at me. I'm mad at myself. What do you want me to do, Ron? I said I'd die for her, and I meant it," Harry asked as he sat up and looked down at Ron.

"What do mean you'd die for her?" Ron questioned in a concerned voice as he caught something in Harry's tone that he'd missed before.

"I mean that if anything happens I'll just offer myself up for trade. That's what they'd want anyway, right?"

"I 'd have to watch my best mate get killed instead of my sister," Ron sighed as he sat up and ran a hand though his hair.

"I doubt you'd have to watch. . . So don't feel bad," Harry laughed.

"You're a sick fuck. This isn't funny. Damn, my sister must be good at something if you're willing to risk death," Ron groaned and shook his head.

"Oh, she is, don't question that. I'd die a thousand deaths for her," Harry sighed with a smile as he fell back against the grass again.

"Harry, I've said this before, but I really think those Medi-Wizards missed something when they checked you over. Those curses rattled your brains. . . I just know it," Ron said with a stern look.

"I sure wouldn't talk, Ron. If anyone needs help, it's you. You're completely mad and you have been for a while," Harry said with a raised eyebrow as he turned his head to look at Ron.

"Tell me how you really feel."

"I always do. That's what best mates are for."

"And what's this shit about me not watching. . . You think I'd let you face death alone?" Ron questioned as he fell on his back next to Harry.

"No, Ron, I don't think you would. That's what scares me. . ."

Please Review... I work so very hard on this story! It means so much to me to know that someone out there is enjoying all my hard work.