Why We Fight

Red Raven

Story Summary:
A mess-up in Potions sends Draco and Hermione to the past where they meet a couple much like them. Hermione & Draco, James & Lily.

Chapter 39 - The Dark is Rising

Chapter Summary:
Voldemort is up to some new tricks.

Part 39:
The Dark is Rising
(Sunday, November 13, 1977 - Continued...)

The Dark Lord was furious. His maroon eyes flashed with anger, even his beloved snake seemed incensed by her master's anger. The large snake was curled in the corner, her golden eyes peering at the group of Death Eaters. The Death Eaters stared at their master, stiff with fear, but none looked as frightened as Rastaban. Bellatrix was completely different than her cohorts, she seemed ecstatic at their master's furor. "You have had ample time to provide my demand, Rassstaban," the man hissed.

Rastaban paled noticeably as his master's pupils became slits like a snake's. "B--but, M--Master, there just hasn't been the opportunity, she is always surrounded…" he stammered.

"NO EXCUSES!" Voldemort screamed, rising from his blood-colored throne. Nagini's head disappeared into her coils. The older man seemed disappointed at his pet's reaction. "Now, see what you've made me do?"

He calmly sat down and the snake's eyes rose from the coils. The Dark Lord gestured toward the snake, and she cautiously slithered from her spot, her massive body brushing Rastaban's shoes on her way to her master. The snake's tongue flicked out, taking in the scent of his fear. It took all of the younger Lestrange brother's willpower to keep from jumping at the snake's display. Nagini made her way up Voldemort's throne and she lightly wound her body around her master. Voldemort lovingly stroked her chin, and the snake looked at the Death Eaters, pleased.

Preston Wilkes visibly shuddered. "You don't like Nagini, Preston?" Voldemort inquired.

"N--no, sir, s--she's a beauty," Wilkes managed.

"Indeed, she is," the Dark Lord said. There was a moment of affectionate silence as Voldemort examined his pet. The display caused Lucius to raise a perfect, pale eyebrow. Voldemort's attention went back to the Death Eaters. "The thing is, Rastaban, I don't care how many people you have to kill to get the girl. I have been building my army for decades, and I have yet to strike fear in my enemies' hearts. The light slaying of Mudblood families just isn't good enough anymore."

Bellatrix allowed her lips to form a cold grin at the mention of killing Mudblood families. "My Lord," she purred. "What do you wish us to do?"

"It's time for fear," Voldemort stated. "No more random attacks. It is time that we take initiative. People should fear to say my name." A cold smile to match Bellatrix's crossed his pale face. "From this point on, we will leave a mark." He slid his hand to the pocket of his midnight-colored robes and retrieved his wand. "Morsmordre!"

As the word left his mouth, the Dark Mark shot forth. The underground chamber was bathed in poison-green light. The arches that surrounded the central area glowed with the light, illuminating the stone halls that led away. "From this point on, anytime you attack or kill, you will leave my mark in the air above it. Let them know what is coming, it is time." His gaze turned once more to Rastaban, and the younger man's Adam's apple bobbed frantically. "You will get me de Lioncourt, or Nagini will make a niccce, ssslow sssnack out of you."

Once more, the Dark Lord's pupils became snake-like slits. Rastaban was really beginning to wonder what side Severus was on. He looked around the room, noting that the boy was nowhere to be seen.

(Sunday, November 13, 1977 – Continued...)

As Hermione left the library with her arms full of books, she ran quite literally into Severus as he wandered through the hallways, trying to figure out what Flaherty was up to. The impact caused the petite, dark-haired girl to fall, her books sprawling out around her. "Well, hello, Severus," Hermione said with amusement.

"Oh, Hermione, I'm sorry. I didn't see you," Severus said as he helped gather her books for her.

"Obviously not," Hermione replied with a bit of a smile.

Severus's brow knit as he examined the books that he had picked up. "Tyme Travel Theorie and Practis, The Art of Animating," he said. "Been to the Restricted Section, I see." Hermione blew a curl out of her face and hurriedly grabbed the books from the greasy-haired teen. "You do realize that the reason they don't teach Animating here is because you can never tell when you give a life to something that's not supposed to have a life, it doesn't always act the way it should."

"It's not life," Hermione said. "You're not playing Dr. Frankenstein."

"What would you call it, then?"

Hermione thought on the idea of Riddle's diary for a long moment. Never had she ever heard of magic working that way. Sure, you could Transfigure a beetle into a button, but the beetles never stayed buttons. Everything had a natural order and eventually that hedgehog pincushion became a hedgehog again. Luckily, the pins would pop out without hurting the poor thing. "Um…" Hermione struggled with a phrase that could fit. "Cognizance."

"Cognizance?" Severus asked.

"Yes, I mean. You can't give life to something, it's impossible," she stated. "But you can give it awareness, allow it to react. But nothing can replicate life." The book was to help her understand how the Marauder's Map worked.

He looked at the other book he had picked up. "And time travel? You do know that it's strictly regulated. Only three Time-Turners exist in Europe."

Hermione did know. "It's called string theory," she readily replied.

"String…theory…" Severus said.

"The idea that time is like a ball of string. Bits and pieces touch one another, fade into each other. It's a quantum physics theory. I just wanted to see if the Wizarding World had it, too."

"Okay," Severus stated, giving her a curious look.

"Well, have a good night," she replied hastily, heading back toward her dormitory.

When she finally reached her destination, she was surprised to see James and Lily curled up on the sofa in the common room. Lily's head was pillowed on his chest, and Hermione couldn't stop herself from smiling at the sight. The brunette gingerly placed her books on the end table, headed into her dorm, and grabbed Lily's comforter. She went back into the common room and tucked the blanket around the couple. "Sleep well."