The Dark Arts
Cho Chang
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/24/2003
Updated: 08/24/2003
Words: 574
Chapters: 1
Hits: 431

Harry Potter and the Quidditch Rivals


Story Summary:
Harry is living with the Dursleys when a friend comes and gives him good news.

Harry Potter and the Quidditch Rivals Prologue

Author's Note:
This is my 1st fic so pls. be nice!

Harry Potter was feeling excited. He was at 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, and couldn't wait till the next month when he would return to his school, The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Suddenly, he heard a tapping noise at his door. He looked towards it. There, he saw a face. He recognised it at once. It was Cho Chang. She was on her broom.

"Um.. Hello Harry,." Cho said and blushed a little.

"Oh. Hi," said Harry, feeling nervous inside, "What are you doing here?"

"Marcus Flint sent me here, you're our school's seeker."

"Really?" he said unbelievingly, "I never knew our school had a team."

"Well, it does."

"But wait a minute, how come you're in the team when you're a seeker too?"

"I'm a reserve"

"Oh I see."

"Hey, these Muggles are quite messy, is this your room?"

"Yeah, but if you see the rest of this house, you won't believe this is part of it."

Cho smiled weakly. Harry felt a jolt in his stomach.

"You have to get a consent form, though.

"Leave that to me."

Harry went into the living room. He found Uncle Vernon sitting there.

"What are you doing there, boy?" said Uncle Vernon.

"I've just come to ask you nicely, can I go to my School Qui- I mean football tournament?" said Harry. He was forbidden to say anything unusual about the wizarding world.

"Oh that's an easy one, NO!" screamed Uncle Vernon.

Harry grew very angry.

"I'm warning you!" said Harry, angrily, "You know what I can do!"

"Ok, ok, calm down," said his uncle, nervously. After what Harry did to Aunt Marge, he thought that Harry was old enough to perform magic outside school."

Harry gave Uncle Vernon a piece of paper and a pen to write the consent form and sign it. After this, Harry took the paper and went back to his room, now with Cho inside, examining a picture of a pirate.

"Why doesn't this pirate talk to me?" she asked.

"Smuggle paintings don't move," said Harry.

"Muggles ARE weird," Cho thought.

After tidying up, Harry took his packed suitcase, his wand and Hedwig's cage, and jumped onto his Firebolt. Cho climbed onto her Cleansweep Seven and both of them set off for their destination.

"Where are we going?" asked Harry.

"Hogwarts, it has the only quidditch pitch in Britain."

"Did you say Flint sent you? Is HE the captain?"

"Yeah, I know, but I don't decide the captains."

"Didn't he leave Hogwarts two years ago?"

"He did but people from previous years are sometimes taken."

"Who else is on the team?"

"Well there's Angelina Johnson, Marcus Flint and Arthur Greene. The beaters are George Weasley and Patty Lawrence. You are of course the seeker and the keeper is umm oh yes Ronald Weasley."

Harry looked stunned. Ron was joining him on the team. Harry was finally going to meet one of his good buddies. He hadn't heard from any of his friends over the holidays. He was going to meet Ron.

"Who are we playing anyway?" asked Harry.

"Durmstrang," said Cho, "we play each other every three years on each other's pitch, so last time Durmstrang hosted us and now we host them."

"And what happened last time, did we win?"

"No, their seeker, Viktor Krum, was too good for me."

"I'll never have a chance against Krum, he's a international player for God sakes!" Harry thought.