Ginny Weasley Severus Snape
General Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/23/2002
Updated: 12/23/2002
Words: 4,288
Chapters: 1
Hits: 989

A Severus Snape Christmas Carol


Story Summary:
Severus Snape is a meany! Point blank. Will things change when he gets a visit from 3 very special ghosts?

Author's Note:
Not Dickens, but it comes close.

A Christmas Carol

(Not really Charles Dickens, more like Severus Snape)

"Mr. Weasley, if you think that your Christmas will be perfect, think twice. The extra present for you all will be extra Potions notes. You will make an essay about the Confundus Potion and it will be ten pages long."

Ron Weasley grimaced, Harry Potter sighed with stress, and Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger had looks of excitement on their faces. Hermione raised her hand and Snape looked over this and sat back down at his desk. "What is it, Granger?"

Snape would never be able to get over what happened in their third year. He would never forgive that rotten trio for what they did either.

"Professor, I was wondering if you just so happened to write more than ten, wha-" She was cut off quickly by Ron Weasley. He had elbowed her softly in the side and when she looked at him in shock, he just shook his head, mouthing something. Harry Potter was slumped in a chair.

"Miss Granger, since you feel the need to be so full of work and such a model student, it would seem nice to have everyone follow in your footsteps. Fifteen slips of parchment. Any other volunteers?"

Hermione Granger was now blushing at the site of Ron's red-with-anger face and Harry's stressed out look.

When the bell rang for class to be over, Professor Snape was so happy that he would have these detesting and grimy students out of his hair.

As all the students left the class, he noticed that the "Dream Team" had met up with that Weasley's younger sister, Ginny Weasley. As the trio started to walk off, Ginny Weasley told them something and they walked on. Probably deep in conversation about which Death Eater they should battle or which teacher they were going to accuse of being evil. (They are really bad at playing detective)

He looked up to say something really rude to Ginny, but couldn't. She was giving him a...gift. She smiled softly and said quietly," Merry Christmas, Professor." She walked off and Snape looked at the small box and sighed. He left the gift on his desk and went to the Dungeons to his bedroom.

He sighed and had second thoughts about that gift. The thing that scared Snape maybe the most was that Ginny Weasley resembled Lily Potter so much. Her hair, her eyes, and her smile. He noticed that Harry looked at her strangely as well.

Snape decided to sleep earlier than he normally did. He especially did not feel well after he left that present from Ginny Weasley. Maybe it was guilt?

As he lay down in his cold and lonely bed, there was a soft rapping at his door. "Come in," he mumbled. Non one opened the door. He growled loudly and climbed slowly out of bed to the door.

"Yes," he said curtly.

It was Professor Dumbledore. He was smiling brightly." Well, Severus, taking a bit of a lie-in before the Christmas party?"


"Yes, there is a Christmas party this year. Something to get the student's minds off Voldemort's reign." He said this still smiling.

"Well, Headmaster, I am really not in a mood for partying of such."

"Very well, Severus." He turned his back to walk off again, but turned around to face Snape. "By the way, I think this belongs to you." His eyes twinkled and he walked off. Snape tried his best not to slam the door.

"Bloody wizard. He makes me so angry with that mind reading!" Snape proceeded to put the small package on his drawer and lay back in his cold and lonely bed.

He closed his eyes to have a long relaxing sleep, but what awakened him made sure that he did not have a pleasant sleep that night...

The Ghost

There was a loud noise coming from the foot of Snape's bed. He jumped up in a cold sweat and swore as there was fog coming from the foot of his bed. The fog rose higher and higher until there was a loud cough. It sounded like a man. It sounded like Nearly Headless Nick.

"What in bloody hell is this!?!" Snape was now holding his wand and he was ready to destroy whomever or whatever it was.

"Is there really a cause for all that swearing? By the way, I added in the cough to be more realistic."

"What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. Dungeon. What are you doing in my damned bloody dungeon!?!"

Finally, Nearly Headless Nick was floating in front of Snape's four-poster. "Well, if you must know, I'm here to tell you that you will get a visit from three strangers tonight. Well, not really, strangers, but let's pretend they are, okay?"

Snape sat back down and realized it was hopeless to use his wand on a ghost. "What are you bloody bothering me for? I was getting good sleep, and then a damn ghost comes down here to tell me I'm getting visits. I must be going mad."

Nearly Headless Nick sighed and tutted," Goodness! Well, I thought I might be of good help for you. If you don't want my help, don't be so cranky. At least, I wasn't lonely when I died."

Snape had finally started to pay attention to what Nearly Headless Nick said," What is that statement supposed to mean? What do you mean lonely? I will not die lonely. I have the love of potions!"

Nearly Headless Nick laughed with mock indignation, "All right then, believe exactly what you want. I have a Christmas party to attend."

At that, Nearly Headless Nick floated through a wall leaving Snape befuddle. He stuck his head back through the wall;" By the way, you should be getting a visit in... I'd say about thirty minutes. Get some sleep; this one might last long. Seeing that they argue for two hours about nothing."

With that, Professor Snape shunned off Nearly Headless Nick and lay down in his bed. "It would be disrespectful if no one showed up now. To think, I was actually getting good sleep." He lay back down in his cold and lonely bed cursing Nick all the while.

The ghosts of Christmas times past

(Ghosts, you say? Duh, it's more than one :) )

As Snape tossed and turned in his sleep, he was awakened once again and this time it was by arguing. Voices that sounded vaguely familiar. There was a loud poof and a girl dressed in a long flowing white gown with wild bushy hair appeared. She seemed to have a smug expression on her face.

"Miss Granger!?!" Snape said wiping his eyes. He thought that maybe he was seeing things. There was another *poof*. It was even louder and standing; more like falling next to her was the undoubtedly recognizable red hair.

"Mr. Weasley, what are you doing here with Miss Granger?"

Ron stood up, dusting himself off, "Well, if you must know, I wanted to get booked with Harry but Trelawney wouldn't let me."

Hermione punched him in the arm and he smiled at Hermione to show that he was only kidding.

"I need some bloody explanations! What are you two doing down here in my dungeons?"

"Your dungeons!?! The last time I checked, you didn't create this school!?!"

Hermione had punched Ron Again, "Honestly, Ron. Now," she said focusing more on Snape," we're your ghosts of Christmas times that have come and gone."

Snape opened his mouth again to only be cut off by Hermione this time.

"Please Professor, it's honestly too much to explain. You should read a few books; it would do you some good. Besides, all you need to do is watch and listen."

"I think that-" Snape was quickly cut off when his bedroom was no longer a bedroom, but the Slytherin Common Room.

The eleven-year-old version of Severus Snape was running down to the dungeons to join the fellow Slytherins. He was very small and pale for his age and his black hair was neither long nor greasy. It looked more like a small chili-bowl haircut. Snape bumped into a few Slytherins and they gave him eyes as he bashfully apologized.

"He's actually quite the cute one, isn't he?" Ron said with sarcasm in his voice.

Snape turned to Ron and Hermione and snapped," Twenty points from Gryffindor for your snide remarks!"

"Ha!" Ron laughed with a hint of triumph in his voice." We're spirits!"

Hermione sighed," Honestly, you two. Professor, please watch the story."

The eleven-year-old Severus ran to his common room with a letter coming from his family. He sat by a boy the same age with long silver blond hair.

"Lucius, it's a letter from home! Maybe for Christmas!" Lucius Malfoy looked over at Severus and rolled his eyes," Sure, Severus. Enjoy opening it, okay?" Lucius Malfoy stood up and walked away.

Severus paid no attention to him and excitedly opened the letter. He began to read:

"Dear Severus,

How is Hogwarts? Fine, I wager. This is just a simple letter to let you know that since your father has died; we have not been able to handle things as financially good as we would have liked. This is the only Christmas present you will be receiving. I decided not to bring up your hopes and then knock them back down when you found nothing under your Christmas tree. I'm really sorry and I hope you can manage to find some fun in your Christmas this year. Excluding presents.

Your mother."

Severus sighed at the letter and put it to the side.

Snape looked down at the little boy. He shook his head and turned back to Ron and Hermione. "Well, it was nice going down memory lane, although, I don't think I would like to see this memory in particular. Can we move on?"

Ron shook his head. "You know, you're a mean old bloke. We are trying to show you something to knock that greasy head of yours-"

"Ron, honestly! "Hermione looked at him sideways and Ron quickly closed his mouth. She then looked at Snape and rolled her eyes, "Okay, then." They were no longer in the Slytherin common room and now in the Hogwarts library.

A young version of Snape was in the library studying by himself. He looked around the age of sixteen. He opened one book and slammed the other down.

Students looked at him as they walked by with annoyed faces.

"Seems to me, you're driving everyone crazy, just like in Potions."

Ron laughed, but Hermione and Professor Snape just looked smugly at him.

The young Severus looked up at the table across from him. He made a face and went back to his books.

James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were at a table laughing and enjoying the Christmas Holidays. They were pointing at something that seemed to be very funny. They were pointing at Lily. She was on her tiptoes looking for a book.

James put a finger to his mouth, but before he could make a move to get to Lily, Severus was already running over to Lily.

"Need help?" he asked out of breath.

Lily smiled at him and nodded her head.

Sirius stood up, but James put a hand in front of him to sit him back down. They watched as Severus pulled the book down for Lily.

He turned to walk off, but Lily grabbed his arm. "Merry Christmas."

Severus looked down and quietly said, "The same to you."

Then something happened that scared both Lily and Severus. There was mistletoe hanging over their heads. Lily looked up first, and her eyes widened when she saw it. Severus looked up next and almost choked on his words.

Lucius Malfoy was hanging a mistletoe toe over Lily's head behind her.

"Don't you celebrate Christmas?" Lucius laughed as Severus ran, leaving Lily with her shocked look on her face.

"You fool!" Severus called after himself.

"He can't here ya'." Ron had his arms crossed. Hermione was shaking her head at him.

James and his friends had come over to Lily standing in shock in front of the mistletoe toe gaping at the remainder of Severus' shadow.

"I celebrate Christmas," James said in his most suave voice. Sirius snatched the mistletoe toe from Lucius and held it for James. James wrapped his arms around Lily's waist and they kissed.

"Can we see something else?" Snape turned back to Ron and Hermione.

Ron looked at Hermione, so Snape proceeded to do the same.

"What!" There was a bit annoyance in her voice.

"Oh, fine then!" They disappeared and were now back in Snape's lonely cold bedroom.

"What? No more punishment." Snape laughed at his terrible state.

"You know," Hermione was sitting on his bed, "if you keep feeling sorry for yourself, you'll always be lonely and it'll catch up with you in due time."

Ron nodded his head to agree.

"Well, you're getting a visit from ghost of Christmas present. I assume that you would have learned something about it." Hermione waved and disappeared.

Ron patted Severus on the back and disappeared before he could jump or threaten him.

Severus rolled his eyes. He sat in the bed, and decided not to sleep, but before he could decide anything, he fell on the bed in a deep sleep.

The Ghost of Christmas Present

As Snape tossed and turned in his sleep, there was a loud rumble. He sat up in his bed.

"What in the bloody hell is that racket!"

The rumble continued on until Snape finally got out of his bed and looked around his dungeon.

"I'd truly appreciate it if you would just show your bloody self! It'd save us all the bloody trouble!"

The rumble stopped and someone fell from the sky, landing hard on their side.

When the person stood up, Professor Snape rolled his eyes. "I should have known. First, Weasley and Granger, now their bloody leader."

Harry dusted off his clothes and decided to not say something rude.

"Professor, I'm the ghost of Christmas present. That's right, I don't want to hear anything about it. I'm taking you to the Gryffindor common room. Before you use sarcasm, how about you just venture forth with me?"

Snape crossed his arms and Harry kicked him so hard in the butt.

He was now lying sprawled on the floor in the Gryffindor common room. He felt like he wanted to kill the present Harry Potter sitting in front of him.

"I don't understand, Harry." Hermione was standing over Harry, eyeing his essay. Harry was rubbing his head looking frustrated.

"Good then, the little brats need a challenge."

Harry pushed Snape and pointed at the scene in front of him.

Ron ran through the portrait door and almost knocked Hermione over.

"Don't pay any attention to them! Okay, Hermione!" He ran up to the boy's dormitory.

After all that happened, Fred and George Weasley came bursting in, with evil smiles on their faces. They were carrying something in their hands.

"Hi, Harry. Hermione." They ran up into the boys' dormitory after Ron.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other. Harry shrugged it off and continued to write his essay.

"Potter, I'd like to know why you're showing me this damned scene. I could care less about Gryffindors."

Harry rolled his eyes and pointed.

Ron ran downstairs and grabbed Hermione by the hand. "To the library!"

When Hermione decided to give in, they left. Harry looked and the leave the portrait of the Fat Lady, then he turned his attention to Fred and George coming down the stairs smiling.

"What's going on?" Harry seemed to already be annoyed, because of the essay.

"Oh, we blackmailed Ron." Fred shrugged his shoulders.

"It was quite sad, seeing him pine over her. He couldn't even do his Potions essay. By the way, how's it going?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "It's not going anywhere. Professor Snape decided to ruin everyone's Christmas by giving us long parchments to write. It's okay though, I know why he did it at Christmas."

Fred and George sat down to listen to Harry's theory.

"Well, it's like this." Harry had now set his quill down.

"Professor Snape's lonely. He sits in that cold Potions classroom taking points from Gryffindor all the time. Look at the Gryffindors though, we stick together. I mean, he doesn't have a girlfriend and no one ever tries to acknowledge that he's around. No one except McGonagall, and that's to let him know that Slytherin gets stumped in the ground by Gryffindor. In a way, I feel sorry for him."

"Well, isn't that nice? Potter has sympathy." Snape turned to Harry and rolled his eyes.

"I'd like to see a Slytherin this time. Maybe this little time travel will take me somewhere I'd like to go.

Harry shook his head. "Professor, did you hear any of what my present state said?"

Snape looked at Harry with a blank expression. Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, then."

He kicked Snape hard in the butt and now he was lying sprawled out on the floor of the library.

"Do you have to do that every time!?" Snape stood up, brushing himself off.

Ron and Hermione were standing face to face in the library. They were in a quiet discussion.

"Hermione, I really need to tell you this. It's important."

Hermione had her arms crossed; she was not pleased with being snatched out of the common room and dragged to the library.

"Well, out with it, Ron."

Ron kept hesitating. He noticed how cool his feet looked to him and Hermione leaned down to look him in the face.

"Spit it out."

Then he kissed her. No, he couldn't believe he did it, but he did.

Hermione had her arms wrapped around his neck and she seemed to be lingering the kiss on herself.

"It's about time;" Snape looked back at Harry smiling. He was actually smiling.

When they broke away from each other, Ron had a look of absolute happiness on his face. Hermione's eyes were still wide with surprise.

"There, I did it!" He sat down on a bench and Hermione was still standing.

Ron patted the bench for her to sit down, but she didn't. She didn't move.

"Ron, I don't think we should ever do that again."

Ron jumped up, to Hermione's surprise.

He was about to lose his temper, but decided to calm down.

"I guess you're right, Hermione. It's the best thing to do. I mean, we can't go around holding hands at a time like this."

"I can't believe I'm going to say this." Snape stood in between the present Hermione and Ron" don't turn from the Weasley! Kiss him again!"

Hermione smiled and Ron smiled back.

"Ron, it really is for the best. We should talk about this later." Hermione decided to sit down next to Ron. When she sat down though, he stood up.

He held out his hand for Hermione to shake and said with a shaky voice, "Friends?"

Hermione shook it," Friends."

They shook hands. Ron turned his back to Hermione. "Well. I'm going back to the boys' dormitory now. I'll see you later on. Maybe you can go to the Burrow for Christmas."

Hermione nodded her head. "Yeah that might be nice. I'd love to."

Ron started to walk off. Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but closed her mouth instead.

"Go after him, Granger. Don't be like me. You don't want to be lonely like me. Don't be stupid, he's there."

He was practically yelling in the girl's face.

Harry pulled Snape by the gruff of his collar and sighed, "You know she can't hear you. Give it a rest."

Harry kicked him hard again and he was sitting in his cold and lonely bed once again.

Harry stood before him with his arms folded, "I have one more place to take you. I promise I won't kick you."

But he did anyway.

Snape was now standing in the staff room.

Madame Hooch, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, and Filch were all laughing with butterbeer sitting in front of them.

"Too bad Severus didn't show." Madame Hooch's cheeks were red with laughter.

"Oh, I'm sure he doesn't care about us anyway, the old bag." Filch now slammed his butterbeer on the table.

"Silence, you Squib."

Harry laughed in the background.

"Now, now, Argus." Professor Dumbledore smiled.

"Professor Snape is just in sad spirits. We must think about all the things he's been through. I hope that e he'll get a revelation later on. Now, we shall open the fire whiskey and celebrate the Christmas that has come to past and the Christmas that comes in the future."

They laughed and McGonagall slightly burped.

Professor Snape laughed. "Look at McGonagall trying her best to be so lady like."

Harry stood beside him. "Professor, we have to go now."

"Oh, I want to see them get drunk as fools with the fire whiskey."

Harry shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you have an appointment and I do not want to upset this guy that's coming to visit. By the way, Professor, watch out for greed and ignorance. It's everywhere, especially, in Slytherin."

Harry disappeared and Snape was now in his cold and lonely bed.

Snape sighed. He looked around at his lonely bed. He couldn't believe Harry had just visited him.

"Of all the people!" Snape yelled.

When he yelled his alarm went off, as loud as it possibly could.

He looked around as the room started to go crazy.

His fireplace lit up with green fire, the bed started to shake, and his potions were bubbling like mad.

"Oh, bloody hell."

The Ghost of Christmas Future

Professor Snape looked around for the ghost to show up some magical kind of way, but no one appeared. Instead, he was lead to a cemetery.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry were standing over the grave looking grave.

Ron seemed to be crying and Harry and Hermione were trying to comfort him. Snape turned to run to the grave and he could not believe his eyes.

He started to read the grave quietly:

"Rest in Peace, Dear Ginny."

He couldn't believe his ears. Ginny couldn't be... dead.

"She died for a good cause." Hermione patted Ron on the back.

"Yeah, she risked her life for Professor Snape and it was for good causes, Ron."

He pushed her away. "What good is it for! She died in vain! She died 'cause she thought Snape hated her. Now, look," he pointed his hand, "they're both dead!"

Snape turned to the other grave that Ron was pointing at.

"Severus Snape"

He couldn't believe his eyes.

"No! I didn't want the Weasley girl to die! I can change! I can change!"

He was now in the casket, screaming.

"I can change! I can change!"

"I can change!"

Professor Snape continued his yelling, until he finally realized he was in his bed.

He jumped with a start and ran to the present that was sitting on the desk. It looked so lonely. Snape picked up the present and slowly opened it.

Inside lay a small golden pin with a snake on it. Snape pulled out the tiny card underneath and read the note.

"Have a Slytherin Christmas."

Snape smiled and got dressed for the busy day of school.

As he awaited his next class with Gryffindor and Slytherin, Snape made sure he wore the pin.

Ginny Weasley was walking to her Transfiguration class with a group of her friends. When they saw Snape they tried to scurry away from him.

"Miss Weasley," Snape called after her.

Ginny told her friends to go on with out her. Before she could explain about her present, she noticed that he was wearing the pin on his robes.

"Professor, you're wearing it?"

Snape did not smile, but he did nod his head."Thank you, Miss Weasley. This truly is a well-done Christmas present. I think you know the best house." Then he smiled and Ginny smiled back.

"Now, I think you should run along before you are late to your class."

Ginny ran off after her friends.

As students piled into the classroom, Snape glared at them all. Through all the heat, he managed to always keep his "Severus Snape" cool.

Ron sat beside Harry as Hermione sat on the other side. They made sure not to keep eye contact.

After the class was full of students, Snape stood up to make an announcement. Ron leaned over to tell Harry something, and Snape stopped them by speaking as loud as possible.

"Before any of you decide to make mini suggestions about my class, or me." He turned to glare at Harry and Ron. "I have found that my entire background for the Confundus Potion essay has gone completely missing. Therefore, I have to announce that your homework for the Christmas holidays will be limited to a simple essay on the potion Veritaserum. It will only need to be five parchments long."

Ron cried for joy before he knew it and Hermione had sighed out an," Oh no."

Snape turned to them and softly said," Weasley and Granger, ten points from Gryffindor."

Ron made a face and Hermione looked down at her shoes and mumbled something.

"You both also get detention Friday night."
"For what!?" Ron demanded.

"I had a nightmare last night and you two seemed to be reoccurring in the dream. If I must dream about you, I must give you detention together."

This time, both Ron and Hermione blushed. Harry simply smiled at them.

The End

(Merry Christmas, everyone!!)