Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 11/20/2001
Updated: 12/15/2001
Words: 24,892
Chapters: 8
Hits: 33,577

Remember Me


Story Summary:
Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Remember Me 01

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 2,983
Hits: 13,279
Chapter 02

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 3,166
Hits: 3,125
Chapter 03

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 2,887
Hits: 2,534
Chapter 04

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 3,056
Hits: 2,484
Chapter 05

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 3,442
Hits: 2,823
Chapter 06

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 3,143
Hits: 2,549
Chapter 07

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 2,857
Hits: 2,566
Chapter 08

Harry and Ron believed that Hermione died when Voldemort did four years ago. Dreams and a mysterious message lead them to her. But when they find Hermione, she doesn't know who they are. Will she remember? Can she?

Words: 3,358
Hits: 4,212