The Dark Arts
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/21/2003
Updated: 09/05/2003
Words: 30,556
Chapters: 14
Hits: 13,042

I'm not as think as you drunk I am.


Story Summary:
An inebriated Ginny Weasley breaks down and writes a rambling letter to the one she cares for most.

I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am 03

Chapter Summary:
An inebriated Ginny Weasley breaks down and writes a rambling letter to the one she cares for most and waits for him to write back.

Harry Potter

Miserable Rat Bastard

Number 4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey

Dear Harry,

You miserable waste of human flesh. I read that letter you wrote to Ginny. How could you? I know you're feeling miserable over what happens and I know I'd feel the same. But that's no reason to take it out on Ginny. That's no reason whatsoever.

God Harry, what were you thinking? Were you thinking at all? That has to be the meanest, foulest, most vile thing I've ever read. I can't even imagine Malfoy writing something like that. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were under the Imperius Curse or something.

There's no way you can justify what you wrote, I don't care what you say. I don't care if you have had everything heaped on you Harry. I don't care if you're upset because of Sirius, or because you feel trapped with the muggles, or whatever is going through that unfeeling mind of yours, there's simply no excuse, so don't try offering me one.

I know Ginny was drunk, Mum and Bill both read her the riot act for it. I know she was a bit tactless in what she wrote, she admitted as much. But couldn't you have written back with a bit more discretion? You honestly don't know how much you hurt her do you? You did exactly what she asked you to do and I'll bet you're just overjoyed knowing that. She's miserable now, she won't leave her room, not even to eat. Mum has to bring her meals up to her. And what's worse Ginny isn't even trying to blame you for it, she just sits on her bed staring out the window.

Hermione and I have been there for you Harry. Why couldn't you have let it all out to us? Why did you have to unload it all on Ginny? We're your friends Harry, why can't you let us in? Why her Harry? Is it because she goaded you into doing it? Is it because of Dean? Because she's finally over you and chosen someone else? I don't know if it's a good thing or not, but she hasn't even tried writing to Dean all summer.

Let us in Harry. You know we want to be there for you. Like I said, I know it isn't easy, but please, don't take it out on Ginny for caring, that's unfair and you know it.

So your life isn't easy, or fair. So you don't have that many people in your life who care about you. But there are people who care and you know it. We all care about you Harry, not just Ginny. There's me, and Hermione and Mum and Dad and everyone else that's here. And we know what it means to be your friend. We know it isn't easy and we're ok with that you great oaf. We're ok with the fact that you're angry and hurt and feeling betrayed. But you aren't alone you prat.

So for Merlin's sake, don't keep it all inside and don't go blowing up at us because you're angry. And don't take it out on my sister. Because that's about as rude a thing you can do.

The whole world isn't out to get you Harry, and neither is Ginny. None of US are. So you're going to suck it up, write out an apology to Ginny and try and smooth things over with her. Because I swear Harry, if things go on the way they are, best friend or not, I'll knock the stuffing out of you next time I see you, and you know I could. At least if you don't use your wand on me. You wouldn't do that would you Harry?

Now, on a lighter note, mum's been talking to Dumbledore about getting you out here quick as she can. But Dumbledore says you have to stay where you are for a couple weeks longer. Looks like you're stuck with the muggles at least until your birthday. So that'll give you two whole weeks to make things up to Ginny before you arrive. So you better get cracking on that, and if I don't see some results, I will make sure to remind you about it.

God Harry, I don't mean to be repetitive, but you were worse then Percy with that letter, did you know that? Did you ever realize how much it hurt that we got separated when we went after Ginny in second year? It wasn't one of us that rescued Ginny, it was you. Her crush, her knight in bloody shining armor. It's always you that gets the glory and attention and you do revel in it. Every time something happens, knuts will get you galleons that Harry Potter is at the center of it.

Do you know what it's like growing up constantly hearing your name? Of course not. Lucky you got to grow up locked in a cupboard under the stairs. But the rest of us always heard your name. And of course when we started at Hogwarts, I was just another Weasley but everyone, including my brothers were all excited because "We got Potter! We got Potter!" Of course you got to play quidditch first year even though you'd never been on a broom or even understood what the game even was. Of course I was just the tag along friend. And that wasn't good enough, you had to go and convince me to rescue Hermione even though we couldn't stand her. It was we wasn't it? You thought she was just as bonkers as I did didn't you? And of course after we got out of school, it was all we could do to get Ginny to shut up about you. My own sister was more interested in you then she was in me. How's that grab you Harry? Nice little family unit huh? That's what you're so jealous of isn't it?

Then in second year, everyone thinks you're the Heir of Slytherin and you're a parsletongue and you're this and you're that. I remember when Hermione got petrified, McGonagall wasn't even going to come and collect me, she just went and grabbed you. You were the one that remembered me. To her I'm just another Weasley. You always have to play the bloody hero don't you? You have to be the one to solve everything don't you? Go visit the Forbidden Forest, go have tea with the bloody enormous spider, take the blasted potion and sneak into Slytherin and get all chummy with Malfoy. Go down in the chamber and it's you, not me who rescues my sister. Damnit Harry!

I won't even bother going into third and fourth years Harry, unless you want to hear more repetitive drivel about how much I hate your guts sometimes. Needless to say Harry, it's always you who's at the center of things. It's always you who gets special lessons to learn new spells. It's always you that people go out of their way to help out or be nice to or what not. Like I said, if I'd blown up my aunt, first my mum would kill me and then they'd expel me. But you? Personal reassurance from the Minister of Magic(who's a prat of the first order if you ask me,) and two weeks lodgings on your own at Diagon Alley.

God Harry, I'm so bored of you getting the attention. It makes me feel like I'm a flobberworm sometimes. I'm sure that how pretty much everyone saw me before this year. Did it bother you that I got named prefect instead of you? I hope so. As much as I expected you to be named, I was really hoping for it. Did it bother you to get kicked off the team? I know it did. I was glad I got some of the attention for once. I was glad people finally saw me for me and not for being your sidekick. Your little friend. You got all indignant when Hermione suggested you start teaching Defense classes because of that Umbridge cow. Well you want to know something? At least you're good enough at something to be qualified to teach it. I doubt I'm good enough at anything to teach it to a toad.

So Dumbledore kept secrets from you. So he didn't tell you what was going on until after Sirius died. Big deal. At least YOU know what's going on. And that's what's important here isn't it? That Harry Potter knows everything about everything and let everyone else get left in the dust wondering what's going to happen next. That's it isn't it Harry? You're the center of the universe and that's the way you like it. Get over yourself Harry, if it wasn't for that scar, hardly anyone would know your name and you know it.

In any event, hopefully I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Just remember what I said Harry, you have until you arrive to set things strait with Ginny, if you don't, you'll be thinking Snape's your best friend in the world.




That's the letter I wanted to send to you, but since most of it isn't true, I couldn't send it. I'll leave you to figure out what's true and what's not. We'll clear it all out when Dumbledore lets you come stay with us, if he ever does. Seriously though Harry, I know Ginny was drunk, but what you said to her was out of line. Way out of line. You and me are fine, and I don't think mum will say anything. Yeah, she read the letter, Ginny made copies of her letter for Mum and Bill to read. I got a hold of Mum's copy so I know why you wrote back what you did even if I don't know why you said what you did. Really Harry, I know you're upset but that's no excuse for going and getting offended and blowing up in everybody's face just because you feel like it. I meant what I said when I mentioned Ginny sitting by the window in her room and not coming down for meals. She's really wound up over your letter Harry and since you're the one that got her wound up, you should be the one to unwind her. Just write her another letter and say you didn't mean any of it. It'll all work out, I know it will. And if it doesn't, I'll just have to kill you. That was a joke Harry, relax. Look, just trust that everything will work out and it will, just write to Ginny ok? Hopefully Dumbledore won't keep you locked up with the muggles for too much longer, things just aren't the same around here and it'd be kind of nice to have you and Hermione around for a change. Mum and Dad said it wouldn't be fair to let her come visit while you're stuck where you are, so hurry up already ok? It's getting boring here.

See you soon,
