Remus Lupin
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/09/2002
Updated: 05/28/2002
Words: 102,480
Chapters: 23
Hits: 12,977

An Experiment Gone Wrong

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Being a werewolf is a problem. Being a Potion's Master with a possible solution shouldn't be the problem. What happens then when the fine lines of what is wanted and what is needed get crossed? The path to understanding, truth and love isn't easy...especially when it concerns experiments of the heart!

Chapter 03

Author's Note:
Covers many different time lines from Hogwarts 1978 - Hogwarts Today.

A week had now passed since that night in Severus's rooms. Neither of them were willing to discuss the issues again with each other, for Remus's part it was just too painful. Not to mention embarrassing that he had poured his out out to the one person he had least wanted to do so with.

He hadn't even told Sirius, James and Peter how bad things had become in the last few years, his Gryffindor pride and courage long abandoned the day he'd left his and Sirius's flat. In a month's time James and Lily would be parents, and he knew they wouldn't have any time to waste on Remus's miserable life. And Peter...well...Peter was Peter, the runt of the litter who lately was barely seen nor heard from.

In the week that followed that incident, Severus had become a lot more civil towards Remus, which he gratefully accepted. Severus had ended up taking the sofa to Remus's surprise, though he was grateful to have use of the warm luxurious bed. Even Sirius's tastes hadn't been more then simple at the flat, so to Remus this was heaven. He didn't even mind that his keen sense of smell as the moon got closer revealed just how much of Severus still remained in the bed.

He never commented even on the fact that he had noticed the use of his first name from Severus's lips that night a week ago. Perhaps it had been just a slip of the tongue, for he'd never said it again, but during the nights in the large king-sized bed he couldn't help but replay that scene over again in his mind. The added smells of the musk, patchouli oil and oddly enough vanilla that were strictly Severus's just helped to add to his thoughts.

The way Severus had looked at him that night, the slight catches in his voice. And again back to the use of Remus's first name were painting a picture that Remus wasn't sure he understood. In the days that had followed that night, he appeared just as cold and aloof as normal. However he couldn't help but notice that during the evenings, when they stayed in the potions classroom working on the Wolfsbane potion, or even when just passing time in his private chambers there was a watchful eye his way. Nothing was ever said, but Remus's instincts certainly sensed something going on underneath that cool exterior.

Tonight was the final night, the full moon. Time to test if the potion would work, and both Severus and Remus were more then a little nervous at this point. One hour till moonrise, and the last goblet of the potion had finally been drunk.

"I think it will still be safer if you went to the Shrieking Shack, Lupin." Severus said now whilst standing at the window and looking out at the setting sun.

"How will you know if it works then? You're not planning on being there are you?" he said with a bit of trepidation. If the potion didn't work he knew all too well what could happen.

Severus gave a slight shiver, as if he too was remembering that time so long ago. The time in which Remus Lupin had almost killed him. *Don't dwell on that now, Severus...if you dwell on that you won't go through with this....just stop thinking...just don't think of it...*

"Severus, I..." Remus began softly knowing it seemed what was going through his mind right just then.

"No, Lupin, don't. I've already told you I've made this my concern, leave it at that. I can assure you I won't put myself in danger. I've had Dumbledore set up a Scrying Mirror in the shack. I'll be able to see in at all times, so I'll be able to tell what's going on." Severus said abruptly. The last thing he wanted from Remus was pity or apology for what happened back then. Not now anyway.

Remus nodded. "Good thinking. I guess I'll head out there now, then sun's just set," he said noticing the last rays of the sun going down through the window and turned to go.

He had his hand on the door about to push it open when he heard a soft, "Good luck, Remus." He stopped only for a split second, he didn't respond, didn't do anything, just continued through the door.

The Full Moon. To anyone else it could be a beautiful, romantic setting, a soft, pale glittering object, the stars acting as it's sensual backdrop. To Remus J. Lupin it was pain, torture...a wish for death. Every month since he was a child he had endured this pain, physically and emotionally. He had tried over the years to separate the two with no avail. He couldn't distance his mind far enough from the pain and torture of the transformation. At his 24th year of age, he'd finally learned to just accept it, or he'd have ended up as a wild one long ago, never leaving the transformation cycle as he knew the wild ones could.

He saw the mirror, but it was only a one way object. Somehow he felt that it was an intrusion at a time in which he didn't want to be intruded on, but he knew that it was the only way for Severus to see what he went through, and to see the effects of the potion. He realized suddenly that there was one thing he'd never told Severus bout his transformations. He was torn now between dreaded fear at what was going to happen when he revealed what he had to do now, and a slight grin that Severus was most likely going to be in for the shock of his life.

Tingling sensations alerted him the moon had now risen, and the all too familiar pain started to well up. Quickly he did what he had to do, and none too soon. As the rays filtered through tiny pinpricks of the blackened windows of the shack, the thin form of Remus Lupin crumpled to the floor, the familiar agony of his lengthening body making him cry out in this injustice. Only it was no longer a human cry but a growl, laced with fear, frustration and pain. And in another few seconds the human that was Remus Lupin became the killer that was the werewolf.

Back at Hogwarts Severus Snape watched with emotions he couldn't begin to fathom. He had been more then startled when he watched Remus undress himself, and there was no way in hell he was going to admit to anyone what seeing the lean naked form of Remus Lupin was doing to his normally reserved senses. That wasn't even diminished when he watched Remus transform, although he more then once winced at the obvious pain Remus was in. When the transformation was completed, and the wolf stood in Remus's spot, and knot of cold hard fear came into him.

It was the first time he'd ever seen a grown werewolf actually. He only glimpsed the form of the wolf back during the prank played on him, but this was very different. This was a full blown image of what Remus really was during the transformation. And yet oddly enough, looking at the grey wolf in the Scrying Mirror, it wasn't fear he was feeling, but fascination. Seeing the wolf pacing round the shack was almost hypnotizing to him, that was...until something went very wrong.

As he watched in the Scrying Mirror the wolf wasn't showing signs of being calm, in fact rather the opposite. It was almost as if it knew where it was, and was looking for something, perhaps someone, and it's pacing became furious. Though he couldn't hear it, he could see the wolf howling now, scratching at the place in which the trap door was. Even Severus could tell it wanted it's freedom, but that wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

It was almost a sick horror that he realized the wolf was getting more and more agitated rather then remaining calmed. The wolf's paws were digging at the trap door now, too eager to be freed, too eager it seemed to find something that wasn't there. Severus knew if the wolf kept up much longer, it was going to get free and then all hell would break lose.

Wasting no time he flew from the rooms making his way outside. On his life he didn't know why he felt the need to do what he was about to do, but a part of him knew it had to be done. Although he wasn't 100% sure, in his research he had come across some little known details bout werewolves, and if Severus was right, then this might just help calm the wolf down before it would be too late.

He found himself at the base of the Whomping willow and hitting the knot in it with a stick, he knew it was now or never. He could hear the growls and cries of the wolf from the down the tunnel. He could hear the splintering of wood, and he knew the trap door wasn't going to hold but for another few seconds. Only this time, he was prepared.

The werewolf meanwhile finally had broken through the trap door, finally finding his freedom. His sharp sense of smell had recognized this room he had been trapped in, and he knew something was missing from it. At first he had tried to locate the familiar smells that should have been there with him, and when he couldn't find them he knew had to get out. Perhaps they were outside, yes that had to be it. They were out there, waiting for him, and so he had to get free.

Suddenly another sense of smell assaulted him, a strange smell. Musk, patchouli oil and vanilla...a hauntingly familiar smell though he couldn't remember why at the moment. But it was also the smell of man, a human. Instincts kicked in, he was a killer, cold-blooded and heartless, and humans had no place being in the paths of his kind.

As he broke free of the trap door he followed the smell, it was closer now....his blood boiled, his teeth bared and deep low growl came from him as he tried to locate the source. Finally, there it was, just in front of him...and as he was about to get close to it something happened. The smell was gone and now a new smell took it's place.

His shackles raised, he growled at this intruder who had taken away his human. The intruder was now outside, past the tree and heading for the forest. The werewolf followed, keeping his distance, a growl still threatening at the back of his throat. Soon they were in a clearing in the forest, a place he'd been before with three others, others that should have been here. Not this stranger with the strange smell.

The werewolf stopped for a moment sniffing, realizing that his friends were not here after all. He howled, a long piercing howl that almost sounded sad, tortured at the loss of his friends. *Why aren't they here? The stag, the dog and the rat...where are they? Why am I alone?* The werewolf thought to himself, both angered and saddened.

A movement from the dense underbrush caused him to turn with his teeth bared, since he was alone he had only himself to rely on. But the same smell from earlier now came to him, and yet again he wondered who this stranger was. He sat on his haunches, waiting for the stranger to show itself. And soon was rewarded.

A black wolf with fur as sleek as obsidian slowly emerged from the underbrush, careful and guarded. It eyed the werewolf nervously, yet didn't back down. It circled the werewolf a few times wearily, unsure of what to do. The werewolf smelled fear coming from the black wolf now, but it was another creature, so what did it have to fear? Even though it was just a normal wolf, it should have known the werewolf wouldn't have attacked it right?

The werewolf got back up and walked over the wolf, sniffing at it as if trying to let it know it was safe. The fear subsided a bit, but not totally. The werewolf went over and nudged the wolf on the back then with his own nose, and though he felt a shiver come from the wolf, the wolf didn't back down still. The night was young yet though, and the werewolf knew these grounds, he had no intentions of staying in this clearing.

With a short yip at the black wolf as if saying "Let's go!" the werewolf took off, no longer angered or resentful. The presence of the other wolf calmed him, just as the stag, dog and rat had long ago. Although they weren't here, he had new friend now, and he was anxious to show this new friend all the neat places to romp around in.

The black wolf watched the werewolf go and padded after him, surprised that he almost seemed to understand exactly what the werewolf wanted. He finally let the last of his fear go when he realized the werewolf was no longer a threat, but calmed and more like just a wolf then a killer.

He was more then surprised at how many places this werewolf seemed to know, and completely amazed when he realized he could actually sense everything the werewolf was thinking. The wolf forgot that he was in the presence of a killer, and in fact was beginning to enjoy the time spent in his presence.

The werewolf was of the same mind, and in his way conveyed how glad he was to have found such a friend. He didn't let on that he'd had other friends like him, somehow the werewolf knew that he wasn't supposed to reveal his friends, but he did convey his enjoyment of his new friends company. The werewolf was happy that his new friend actually returned the feeling and was no longer fearful of the werewolf.

The rest of the evening went by quickly, perhaps all too quickly for the two. It was with a sense of shock when the wolf realized the dawn was bout to break, and that somehow the werewolf had to return to where he had been in the shack. Getting the message across to the werewolf was met with reluctance, but the werewolf seemed to understand that it was important he go there.

He did seem to remember now that long ago it had also been important for him to do this, so the two of them returned to the shack together. As the werewolf laid down on the worn floor of the shack, he was grateful when his new friend came over and sat down beside him. Suddenly the werewolf's body became numb and he promptly fell into a deep sleep as the first rays of sun came into the sky.

Severus sat there for a few moments as the sun came up, watching in fascination as the werewolf next to him retransformed itself in the naked form of Remus Lupin. With a groan he allowed himself to rise up, stretching at how stiff and sore his muscles were. In his life he didn't think he'd ever used as many muscles as he had during the course of last night, though somehow he didn't mind at all.

Picking up Remus's clothes from where he'd left them, he took his wand out and whispered a few words, and seconds later Remus's clothes were back on him. Putting his wand back in his robes, and with a gentleness that would have surprised anyone who'd be observing, he lifted Remus into his arms and headed out the trap door. As he left the Whomping willow and headed towards the castle, he was surprised to see someone running down the stairs apparently to meet him.

"Severus? Is that Remus with you? What happened, is he alright?" Poppy Pomfrey said in a rush unawares that Severus was scowling at this interruption.

"Yes it's Lupin, and will you stop fawning over him woman? He's fine. It was a full moon last night if you remember." Severus said trying to give Poppy one of his now famous stares.

"Oh I had forgotten it was the full moon! Damn that old fool, he should have reminded me! Here now, give Remus to me, he needs to be in the infirmary so he I can heal him up properly." Poppy said summoning up a stretcher.

"I will take care of him Madam Pomfrey, thank you. You're services aren't needed today." Severus said with a dark scowl and to Poppy's utmost surprise, he swept past her into the castle without another word.

"Well, hmph...that was...highly unusual...for you Severus Snape..." she said to no one in particular and shaking a strange thought from her mind she headed to Albus's office. She had a bone to pick with him about the fact he hadn't reminded her of the upcoming moon as he had promised her he would.

Severus meanwhile was still scowling as he kicked open the doors to the potions lab, then his own private chambers. He gently laid Remus down on the bed, checked him over to make sure he was indeed alright, and went into his lab. In his private stores he found what he was looking for and headed back into the private rooms, and holding the vial tightly, he sat down to wait.

He himself was half asleep when he heard the slight noise come from the bed many hours later. Judging from the shadows it was well into the afternoon now, past supper almost at dinner. He found it hard to believe he had slept that long, but he attributed it the after effects of last nights excursions. The noise on the bed however brought him back to his senses, and he quickly got up and went over to see what was happening.

Remus was restless, that much he could tell. He was whimpering a bit, though Severus wasn't sure why until he realized that he must still be in a lot of pain. Uncapping the vial now he sat down on the bed, lifted Remus's head gently and put the vial to his lips. "Drink this," he half whispered, and was grateful the Remus did as he was told.

A few moments later Remus's eyes fluttered open, and although he looked completely worn out, Severus could tell at least he was coherent. "S-Severus?" Remus whispered as his eyes finally settled on him.

Severus nodded. "Was wondering if you'd ever wake up. How do you feel?" he said trying to keep his expression neutral.

"I-I've b-been b-better..." Remus said softly.

"Are you in pain?" Severus asked and grabbed back up the vial he had earlier.

"A-a...l-little..." he said closing his eyes again and a visible shudder came through.

Just as before Severus gently lifted Remus's head and had him finish the rest of the vial. He gave a few more minutes time to let the rest of the potion sink in. Finally he asked, "How do you feel now?"

Remus reopened his eyes and centered them on Severus. Surprisingly he was beginning to feel a lot better. "Much better....thanks," he said with a small smile. "What did you give me?" he asked now as he was feeling good enough to sit up.

"Something I've been playing round with a bit. Bit of Muggle and wizarding medicines. You're the first person I've actually tested it on, glad to know it works," he said giving Remus half a grin.

"Great...so yet again I"m both werewolf and guinea pig eh?" Remus said with a bemused chuckle. "Really..thank you though. It's amazing...you could make a fortune with that," he said grinning.

Severus waved his hand as if in dismissal. "I have no need for the money Lupin. Plus I have no desire to step back into the spotlight thank you much. I've been there and I can say in all sincerity I don't enjoy it. That may be good for some, but not me," he said.

Remus chuckled again and shook his head. "No, not you. You're definitely not the social type," he said. Suddenly something dawned on him, and frown came across is face. "It...it didn't work did it..." he said softly now and centered his gaze on Severus.

Severus sighed deeply, he had been dreading this moment. Shaking his head slowly he said, "No, it didn't. How did you know?" he said thoughtfully.

Remus shrugged. "I just do that's all. I don't consciously remember what happens during that time, but somewhere deep inside the feeling is there. And I know I lost control last night," he said sadly. A stricken expression came across his face now, and he went deathly white. "Oh gods...I didn't...I mean...I didn't do anything...did I?" he said in a panicked voice.

Severus glanced at Remus wondering just how much of last night he would remember, and realized he really didn't remember anything. Shaking his head quickly he said, "No, I can assure you, nothing happened. You stayed in the shack all night, I watched through the mirror. Nothing happened," he said praying his words wouldn't come back to haunt him later on.

It was a visible sigh of relief that Remus let out. "Thank Merlin. I wasn't sure that without...er...that it would be allright. I'm glad it was. What happened though? Why didn't it work?" he asked now.

Severus's brow creased in thought. He had done everything right in the brewing process, he was sure of it. He didn't know where he'd gone wrong. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out...I promise you that. If...if you're still willing...I'd like to continue the experiment...unless you have other plans..." Severus said slowly. He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath waiting on Remus's answer.

Remus thought for a moment and shook his head. "Believe me when I tell you that I have no other plans for the next few weeks Severus. I feel bad that I"m taking up your rooms though, perhaps we should ask Albus for different accommodations for me?" he said looking up at Severus now.

Severus let out the breath he had been holding. "Good, we still have 2 more months before terms starts, hence two more chances. I know it will work Lupin, I can feel it," he said realizing he hadn't said one word on the sleeping arrangements.

"I'm sure it will Severus but ahh...the matter of sharing the room?" Remus said not forgetful of the topic.

"I think it's best you still stay here for now. That is until we can isolate the cause of the failure. Is that allright with you?" Severus said looking fully into Remus's warm brown eyes.

Remus stared back into Severus's cool black eyes and for a moment, just a second even, felt as if he was on the losing end of a battle, one he wasn't meant to win. Before he could even stop himself, as if he was no longer in control anymore he responded, "Of course Severus..I don't mind it at all..." And in that split second he saw an expression come into Severus Snape's eyes that made Remus think truer words couldn't have been spoken. He really didn't mind it at all.
