Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/10/2002
Updated: 04/10/2002
Words: 78,242
Chapters: 24
Hits: 21,252

A Change Of Seasons

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Harry and Draco find that sometimes people aren't who they think they are, and changes can and will happen. Are they always for the best though or are some changes worth waiting for?

Chapter 23

Author's Note:
Just that I hope you enjoy this :)  Ta-ra!

Harry awoke with a start, his pulse racing, his body shaking. A dream, it had been nothing more then a silly dream, granted unlike his others and atleast not a nightmare, all it had been was a dream. So why then had it awoken him with such an intense feeling?

He looked over at the clock, the lighted numerals showing 4:30 in the morning, and he sighed in frustration, causing the person next to him to stir for a moment.

"Everything allright m'love?" Draco said yawning, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"It's allright, go back to sleep love. I'm just going to get something to drink is all." Harry said slipping gently out of the bed they shared and put his robe on.

Draco turned round and went back to sleep, while Harry walked down the short foyer of the flat they were now sharing to the kitchen. He grabbed up a glass and poured himself some pumpkin juice, and sat down at the small dinette table to think.

*It wasn't a nightmare, it was too good to be a nightmare, yet it was so strange. It felt so real, but certainly there were parts of it that weren't....is it possible I've been given a glimpse of what could yet happen?* he thought idly to himself. He'd never been able to see the future before, so it seemed unlikely this was the case. Something then, or perhaps someone, had given him that glimpse, though why was a mystery.

Parts of it had been truth, but for the most part alot of it hadn't been. Harry sat there in silence allowing his thoughts to take over, and found quite alot of them to sort through. So much had happened that had brought himself and Draco to this little flat in Hogsmeade, and so many nightmares from them still remained.

He glanced at the calendar on the wall, noticing tonight had been a full moon. Wryly he chuckled at seeing the big black circle round the date, only Draco could done that as a reminder to them that they had to go to the castle today to check up on Remus and make sure he was allright. It still amazed him sometimes how Draco was now the one to discard the magical for the muggle ways, how their flat though smack dab in the middle of the wizarding world's only all magic village, consisted of nearly everything muggle, only a few wizard photos, and the occasional cauldron or whatnot scattered round.

They had been lucky to find this flat, a 1 bedroom, 1 bath with kitchen and lounge, two years ago, but at the time it had been needed, even though they had wanted something a bit bigger. They had had no choice back then to leave the comfort of their home in Coxley after their 18th birthdays, and although Sirius and Taryn had been against the decision, in the end they knew it was the only way if Harry and Draco were ever to have a chance at finding the rest of the happiness they so desperately needed.

They couldn't have done that if they had stayed in Coxley, so they told their friends James, Peter, Michael and Michelle, that they were going off to university in Scotland after graduation, and although they posted each other regularly, Harry and Draco hadn't seen them now in nearly a year. Only during the summers the boys returned to Coxley, staying two months in order to catch up on the latest gossips.

This summer was to be no exception, and everyone was a bit excited even for Michael and Michelle were getting married this summer over in Coxley Wells, and everyone was invited of course. Which brought Harry's mind back into the here and now, and gazing down at the 3rd finger of his left hand, he idly toyed with the small golden ring there, a soft smile lighting up his face.

*One year, it's hard to believe it's been so long a time, yet feels so short. One year since I stood before him, confessing my love to him for alltime. I will never regret it...* he thought lovingly, and for a moment allowed himself to remember back to that fateful day.

It had been a beautiful Autumn day surprizingly for the end of October. The weather was perfect even, not cold, yet not warm, but just right as if it had known how special a day it was. It had been Harry's idea that they choose this particular date, for now it would be a day that he could look back on and see good, not just the bad. October 31st it had been, and until that moment, it had always brought bad memories.

That was the day Voldemort had killed his real parents, James and Lily Potter. Had torn them from his life, and through fate, would send him on that awful journey that in the end, had brought him to Hogwarts 10 years later. It had been Oct. 31st that his best friend Ron and himself had saved the life of Hermione Granger in the girls bathroom that very same year, making her a permanent addition to their friendship. In the years following, that date would hold other unpleasant memories, but now he could look back at another time on that date and smile, for it had brought him his hearts desire.

Other then the weather, everything else seemed to go perfectly that day a year ago. They had held the ceremony on the lawn of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore presiding over the affair. Sirius and Taryn had come down the week before at Sirius's instance. Not for Harry and Draco's sake, but for Taryn's. It had been his idea that she finally meet again with Severus, and it was a reunion that had been well worth the efforts.

Remus was still teaching the DADA class to Harry and Draco's relief when they had returned back to see what had changed, and was glad to find almost little had. Severus was still a short tempered potions master, but with not so subtle changes, and all for the good. No longer greasy haired and gittish, but now a bit mellowed, his hair shining bright black, clean looking, and tied back for his hair had grown much longer in the time the boys had been away. They suspected Remus had a hand in all of that, though from what they gathered, their 'relationship' was still quite behind closed doors.

Arthur Weasley had indeed become Minister of Magic, after finally interceding in the affairs which had brought Voldemort back to power. He looked rather well, unlike the tired looking, stressed man Harry had last seen, and Molly Weasley was bursting with tears over having found Harry safe and sound once more. Percy was now taking over other duties within the ministry, although at the moment he was currently head of the department for Improper Use of Muggle Items, taking over his fathers old job.

Ron and Hermione had gotten married themselves, the very month after they had graduated from Hogwarts. Ron had gone into the ministry working under his brother Percy's department, while Hermione had gone on to a wizarding university, in hopes that one day she might teach, perhaps even at Hogwarts. They were incredibly happy when Harry and Draco's return had been announced to the wizarding world, and of course had questioned them on events that had allowed them to come back. They were very happy that they had been safe, and even when Hermione reprimanded them for doing what they did, her heart was overjoyed at getting back her best friend.

It had taken Ron quite a while to accept the fact that Harry was now with Draco, but luckily Hermione was a bit more swayed, and in the end, a truce was reached, which over the past 2 years had turned into quite a good friendship. Ron finally was convinced however of Draco's good intentions when he was able to beat Ron at a game of chess, apparently anyone whom could beat Ron in chess wasn't all that bad.

Harry grinned as he suddenly remembered a little tidbit of information that Hermione had told him when he'd seen her day before last, and wondred now how Ron would take the news she had for him. Knowing Ron though, he was going to be elated, and they expected to get an owl anyday now telling him and Draco to come to the Burrow to see them. It was then that Harry recalled another reason in which tomorrow or rather now today, was so important, and once again glancing at the calendar and it's circled date, he gave a small smile, and continued his thoughts of a year ago.

The wedding ceremony had gone off without a hitch, the students from all years had been invited as well as the staff, among other friends and the like. In the end, chairs had to be transfigured to accommodate everyone, but noone was about to miss the wedding of the century. They allowed even a reporter to attend, provided it wasn't Rita Skeeter, and for days after the wedding, pictures and articles were written on it, along with other points of interest, such as the surprize ending to it all.

Harry and Draco had just finished their vows, which each had written for the other, and the rings had been exchanged. It was when they were beginning to walk away down the isle, that they got stopped, and it was Severus who was the one to do so. Walking over to Remus, and before the entire school, and wizarding world, he gently took Remus's hand in his, drawing him to stand before Albus.

Everyone stood still in shock, for noone had known these two had been lovers, for the most part, they hadn't still even acted as friends, but something must have snapped within Severus that day, though of course noone would ever dare ask what. Before the entire wizarding world then, Remus Lupin became the husband of Severus Snape, taking on his last name to his own. Only Harry and Draco, Sirius and Taryn understood what it had taken for Severus to do this, and why they were the ones most overjoyed for the two of them.

Harry's mind returned to the present now, and standing up walked into the lounge to look at the certificate that now bound his love to him for all time. He traced his fingers over the words, a small smile on his lips, and a warmth through his body. He knew that they had shocked the wedding party when the time came for Albus to join them, it wasn't as who everyone expected. It had been both their decision as to why they did things that way, and they didn't care if anyone else wouldn't like it. It was who they were, and who they wanted to be.

"Dreaming about the past again love?" Draco's voice suddenly came from behind him causing him nearly jump.

"Gods Tom, dont do that! Nearly scared me into next week you git. But the answer is yes, I was." he said taking Draco into his arms now and holding him. "Why are you up, it's early yet."

"Couldn't get back to sleep, and you didn't come back." he said shrugging, and breaking away from Harry's body, sat down on the sofa, Harry joining him there. "Was it a nightmare again?" he said softly, focusing his gaze onto Harry's.

"No, not this time. But it was odd, stranger then odd really if that's possible." Harry said putting down the glass of juice on the sidetable and sighed.

"Care to tell me?" Draco said putting his feet up on the divet.

Harry did just that, telling him everything he had dreamed from the children, to the diary, to the clipping. Draco listened, not once interrupting him until the end.

"It's an omen Dan, don't you see? Gods know why you would dream something like this now, but it is an omen." Draco said thoughtfully.

Harry nodded, "I know. But why? Why now? You dont suppose it could be real...do you?" he said in wonder.

"Well obviously not all of it. I mean, Lucius did pop off Voldemort, but not because of guilt. Lucius wanted the supreme powers I guess, shame he didn't know that they'd be gone once good ole Voldie was defeated. And he didn't end up in St. Mungo's, gods forbid, he's dead."

"I know, I know, I was there remember? It took all 4 of us to corner him when he did find us at the house in Coxley, I'm just wish James, Peter, Michael and Michelle hadn't come round when they did, but glad we were able to hide them in time. I thought...I really thought he was going to kill you you know. I had to kill him Tom, you know that. He wouldn't have show us mercy had it been the other way round." Harry said guiltily. It still was an open wound with him on that issue.

"I know Dan, and I dont blame you, I never did, I wish you would see that. You did no more or less then I would have for you. He had gotten me under the Crucio, what else could you have done? Dont torture yourself love, believe me it's not worth it." Draco said taking Harry's hand in his own.

"Thank the gods it was Arthur in charge of the Ministry, and not Fudge, otherwise it would have been worse. He let us clean up the aftermath in our own way, Fudge probably would have just slapped memory charms on the whole town if he had been in charge." Harry said heavily.

"I know, I was glad we could do it that way. I wish we could have invited them all the wedding, but we'd have probably had to have put memory charms on them after that and they wouldn't have remembered it anyway. Overall though, I was glad they bought the story we told them in the end." Draco said.

"Oi yeah, that did take a bit of doing to convince everyone we really weren't Sirius's 'sons', though instead we made him my uncle didn't we, since we didn't want to change our appearances too just yet. Was hard enough trying to convince everyone that we had had to do what we did. Atleast we stuck to some of the stories, and made Sirius still working for the muggle government, which explained why he was the logical choice to hide us seeing as how our lives were in danger." Harry said.

"I know, was spot on really. When Lucius finally did find us, it gave us our opportunity to tell them that we were in hiding because of him. That he was my real father, and on finding out that I was your lover, went mad, and tried to kill me. That's why we had been in hiding, and why we had to change our appearances. Luckily muggles have such things as hair dye and contacts eh?" Draco grinned.

Harry chuckled, "I know, that was so easy to get out of, our sudden change of appearances. In the end though everyone thought how wondrful it all was, making it out to be some strange 'Romeo and Julietish' drama. Ironic how Shakespeare keeps coming into our lives eh?"

""My only love sprung from my only hate" I'll never forget that was what you told me all those years ago in my dorm room at school. That was the day that started our 'adventures', and the day 'Draco Malfoy' and 'Harry Potter' died. Though I for one, am not saddened by their deaths." Draco said gazing at his love.

"Nor am I my heart, nor am I. To live without you as Harry James Potter, or to have you as "Daniel Patrick Brandon", there's hardly a choice to be made there. I would always choose you...." he said softly, and leaned in to lightly brush Draco's lips.

Draco loved how even yet Harry's lips could invoke such feelings within his body, but something kept nagging at his thoughts before he could act upon them. "The dream...what do you think it means though?" he said quietly, almost regretting he had broken away from his needs.

"I dont know love, but if it means there's a chance we could ever create a child, would you accept it?" Harry said wrapping a finger around a strand of Draco's still 'brown' hair.

Draco thought for a moment before responding that, then slowly said, "I think...it's time to have a chat with Severus then today when we go to the castle...that is...if you're willing?"

Harry turned his gaze to Draco's 'brown' eyes that still held a touch of grey in them these days, and searched them for a moment, looking for something even he didn't know what. After a moment though he smiled, and replied. "I think...that would be a very good idea m'love. After all, if Severus and Remus can do it, why cant we?"

"Well then my husband, I think we should head back to bed now dont you? We're going to have quite the day today it seems." Draco said standing up and taking Harry's hand in his.

"I dont know if I can go back to sleep now Tom, I'm kind of excited." Harry said laughing as Draco dragged him down the foyer to their bedroom.

Draco stopped and turned round to him then, a sly grin on his face. "That's funny, I dont recall saying anything bout going to back to sleep..." and laughed as Harry suddenly realized exactly what Draco had said, and meant.

As the door closed behind them, they hadn't noticed that an owl had been waiting for them on the kitchen sill, their voices from the bedroom meaning all too well that the owl would have wait to deliver it's message. Hedwig and Cerius, Draco's owl, were perched nearby, and the tawny brown barn owl flew in hooting softly at them, apparently getting a reply in return. Hedwig and Cerius made room for him on the perch, giving him access to their water and some food, and the owl hooted it thanks. It would wait until the two men were ready to receive his post, for his master had been most adamant that a reply was needed. Morning would come soon enough, although the only things sleeping now in the small Hogsmeade flat were three 3 owls, dreaming whatever it was that owls dreamed of.

* * * * *

2002-03-08 12:54:37 AM