Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/10/2002
Updated: 04/10/2002
Words: 78,242
Chapters: 24
Hits: 21,252

A Change Of Seasons

Piri Malfoy

Story Summary:
Harry and Draco find that sometimes people aren't who they think they are, and changes can and will happen. Are they always for the best though or are some changes worth waiting for?

Chapter 19

Author's Note:
Just that I hope you enjoy this :)  Ta-ra!

Morning came all to quickly it seemed in the Alton household, and luckily Harry was the first to rise up. Somehow, most likely just pure instinct, had brought Draco back into Harry's protective arms last night, and with a small smile Harry felt so very peaceful holding Draco in his arms, but he knew that while at James's house he couldn't very well be found like this, so gently enough not to wake Draco just yet, he moved him out of his arms back onto his pillow. Sighing for a moment, he just lie there listening to the sounds of an early morning, thinking a bit more on last night.

He didn't get too long to contemplate however, as the call of the loo finally kicked in, and so with a groan he got off the floor and headed to the foyer, and was very surprized as the door flew open in his face.

"Oi! Ow, 'hat 'urt!" Harry said staggering back against the wall holding his nose.

"Oh, sorry Dan, didn't see you there! You allright? I didn't break anything did I?" Sarah said in a rush, and just as equally surprized that Harry had been behind the door.

Harry checked his nose, but nothing seemed broken nor was it bleeding luckily. "No, I'm allright, just a bit of a sting is all. You're up early though Sarah, didn't expect to see you there either." he grinned at her.

"I always wake up early on Sundays, gives me time to get stuff done without the giant prat round hanging over me shoulder." she said throwing a glance towards James's room. "God I hate him sometimes, wish I was an only child!" she muttered.

"It's not that fun, believe me." Harry said softly, almost as if in remembrance. True, Dudley had always been round back then, but sometimes he'd trade anything just to know what it would have been like to have a real brother or sister.

"Well atleast you and Tom are close, he's not a wanker anyway." Sarah said look at Harry a bit strangely.

"Er, right, Tom and I are pretty close for brothers that is. Sometimes it's like we're one person instead of two is all, so it's kind of like not having a brother round, just another part of you, does that make sense?" Harry said hoping it did to her, and hoping he'd not made too bad a slipup on that remark.

Sarah seemed to think on this for a minute, then slowly nodded. "I suppose. There's these two girls in school, their identical twins, and you'd swear sometimes they were the same person, even finishing out the others sentences and all. Bit freaky sometimes if you ask me."

"Exactly, that's what I meant anyway by that. Even though we're fraternal, it's still like having a part of me round all the time. Anyway umm, I do need to use the bathroom so, I'll see you at breakfast allright?" and with a little wave headed into the loo closing the door.

Sarah stood there another moment, lost in thought, then finally turned back to go to her room. The oddest thing though was that while they were standing in the foyer talking, she could have sworn that something was different bout Daniel that morning, but she couldn't remember what it was. A bit later she heard him leave the bathroom, and suddenly it struck her what had been different bout him. Unless it was an odd trick of the lighting, she could have sworn his eyes were turning green. Shrugging it off as nothing more then maybe a bad nights sleep, or the lighting, she went back to doing the things she did on Sunday mornings, because there was no way possible Daniel could have had green eyes. Eyes that green she'd have remembered.

Getting back to the room, Harry was grateful he'd put the vial of Reforma Potion into his pyjama's pocket before he'd left the room, and even more grateful that after using it all this time the changes back were nearly instantaneous. He hoped Sarah hadn't noticed anything odd, but there wasn't any way he could really ask her without giving himself away, so he decided just to leave it as that.

The other boys still weren't awake yet, but looking down at Draco he saw that Draco was now awake, and looking at him sleepily. Harry smiled softly, Draco just had no clue as to how handsome he could look even just waking up, or atleast how good he looked to Harry.

Draco, looking up at Harry, was thinking the exact same thing. Harry couldn't have looked better in the black satin pyjama's Draco had insisted upon months ago for him. Normally Harry never wore black, it was an issue for him to do so, but Draco had won out in the case of the pyjama's, and even Harry ended up admitting he did look rather good in them, and several daywear clothing items ended up that day in black material as well.

Harry suddenly noticed then that Draco's 'brown' hair was looking too 'silvery', and quickly leaned over and placed the small vial into his hand indicating for Draco to quickly use the loo. Draco didn't need to be told twice, and nodding at Harry headed off, just in time too for the other boys were beginning to stir now.

James rolled over with a groan and looked straight at Harry standing next to him by the bed. "Gods Dan, how can you possibly be up allready!" he said yawning loudly, which got him a punch from Peter next to him. "Oi you, what's that for?" he grumbled.

"For being you, that's what. Morning Danny, Tom up too?" Peter said giving in to a yawn now himself.

"In the bathroom. Gods you two look horrid." Harry said with a chuckle cause they really did look quite so. Obviously they were not morning people.

"Gee thanks, I really needed to hear that didn't I." James said swinging his legs over the bed now to sit up, and let out another groan. "Blast I hate Sundays."

"You just hate mornings period you big oaf. Cant a bloke get any sleep round here?" Michael said sitting up now and seeing everyone else awake.

"How come you're so chipper anyway Dan? Bloody annoying to be so dam cheery in the mornings anyway." James said nearly toppling over as he tried to stand up, and groaned again.

Harry gazed up into the air, then steadied James out. With a sly grin he said, "Was chatting up your sister that's why."

James gave him a look of horror, then realized of course he was only joking. "Oi you stupid git, dont scare me like that! Thought you had more taste than that anyway!" he grinned this time.

"Oh like you for example?" Harry said grinning at James, and got a pillow in the face from Peter for his efforts. "Oi, was just joking Peter, honestly!" he laughed.

"Sides, everyone knows it's really you he's after Peter!" Draco said with a grin as he walked into the room.

"Geeze, you're all blinking nutters that's what you are. More like stark raving mad!" Michael laughed shaking his head.

"You're just jealous that's all Michael, cause you dont have anyone. You can always have Tom here, he'd suit you well!" James said grinning and winking at Harry.

"Sod off! Bloody berk you are! You know I like girls!" Michael said growling, till he realized James was only joking. "Geeze, you're all impossible, that's what you are. I'm going to the loo, try to keep your hands off each other while I'm gone will you?" he said over his shoulder and headed out.

"Honestly, he's the one who's impossible. We have got to get him shagged before this year is through or we'll never be able to deal with him." Peter said shaking his head and chuckling, the others grinning along with him.

"Since he's gone actually, come on you two, spill it. You two do like each other dont you?" Draco said sitting down on the bed next to Peter and looking from him to James.

James and Peter actually looked surprized at that upfront comment, even Harry hadn't expected Draco to be so upfront bout it, but remembering last nights conversation on the issue, decided to pick up on it. "He's right you know, you two are good looking together, do you or what?"

"You think we're really going to tell you?" Peter said looking everywhere but at the boys.

"Oh come off it Peter, you cant fool Dan and I. Sides, I've seen the way you two look at each other when you think noone else is, so spill it. It's true right?" Draco said with a knowing grin.

"I suppose you're not going to give up till we say it, so fine. Now dont give me that look Peter, they're our best friends after all, if we cant trust them, who can we trust?" James said sighing.

"Oh allright, it's true. Actually, we have for a year now, but never really well, you know....developed it." Peter said blushing suddenly.

"Knew it! Dont worry bout shagging each other senseless though, when you're ready it'll happen, trust me on this one." Draco said knowingly.

Harry groaned. "Oh that's a really nice way of putting it Tom! Geeze, pardon my brother, he's just a git sometimes." he said swatting Draco for that.

"What, it's true though! You should know...Dan..." Draco said winking at Harry, who blushed as well.

"Wait a second, you mean...you two have...well...you know..." James said looking from Draco to Harry and back to Draco.

"Oh, no...no no no, not the two of us you git! I mean er...with separate people though..we err..have..actually umm..." Harry said cursing Draco for this and trying to wiggle his way out of what James was thinking.

"Ohhh! Well you know, I mean that whole 'twin' thing, I thought maybe...but really though, you have? Both of you?" James said in awe.

Harry and Draco just looked at each other, but there was no way getting out of this now, so they both nodded. "Yeah, we have, and lets leave it at that okay? Dont want Michael to know, he'd go ballistic I'd wager." Harry said in a rush.

"Dont want me to know what? And what have you done?" Michael said promptly walking into the room at that moment.

"Nothing, just idle chat. Took you long enough in there, my turn next!" Peter said dashing out of the bed and off into the foyer.

After Peter came back and James headed out, everyone else got dressed and packed up the rest of their things in their rucksacks, and headed down for late breakfast. As they finished up Mrs. Alton suggested each boy call their parents and find out when they had to be home and whatnot, so each of them did that. Harry was the one who in the end, rang up the house.

"Dad? Oh, who's this?" Harry said into the phone, surprized to hear someone other then his dad's voice on the phone.

"It's Ms. Argent, is that you Daniel?" the voice, apparently Ms. Argent, said on the other end.

"Err, well yeah, it's Daniel. Look, could you just tell my dad that Tom and I are fine, and everything went well, and not to worry. Oh, and that we'll be home round umm 3 or so?" he said still surprized.

"Of course Daniel, I'll do that, he's still sleeping so I'll let him know when he's up. Have a good time boys." Ms. Argent said and then they said their goodbyes.

Harry put the phone down and looked at Draco, unsure exactly what had just occurred. "Now that was most definitely, odd. To say the least." he said slowly.

"What's that? And who was that on the phone anyway? Where's dad?" Draco said seeing Harry's dazed expression.

"That...was Ms. Argent. You know, our school councillor? Wonder what she was doing at the house this early in the morning though." Harry mused.

"Bit obvious isn't it Dan?" Draco said.

"You dont mean dad...and...her were...you know...together last night do you?"

"Come off it Dan, you're dad's a good looking bloke, and a widower. Why shouldn't have have a little fun eh?" James said grinning.

"He promised us though Tom, he promised he wouldn't..." Harry said a bit peeved now at Sirius.

"Personally Dan, I think it's good for dad. He needs it, after all, you know what he's been through for so long. Give him the benefit will you?" Draco said giving Harry the 'we'll speak later on this' look.

"I...I suppose you're right Tom. Let's just drop it for now." Harry said still feeling a bit angry, surprized and depressed all at once.

"Hey cheer up Danny! Come on, let's head back upstairs and find stuff to do. Hey Tom, think you can help me on the chemistry assignment? I'm totally stuck." James whinged, and even Harry had to laugh at that as they headed back to his room.

Bout noon, Michael's mum rang up and told him to come home, so after he left, James and Harry split off for another chess rematch down in the lounge, and Peter dragged Draco off up to James's room saying he wanted to talk with him.

"What is it Peter? What's so important?" Draco asked going over to sit on the bed as Peter shut the door behind them.

Peter sat down next to him on the bed, debating apparently how to phrase what he wanted to say. Finally he made up his mind and asked Draco simply, "What's it like? Really?"

"What's what like?" Draco said, unsure exactly where Peter was going with this.

"You know, to snog another guy and all that. Apart from some hand holding, James and I have been too well, afraid to do even that." Peter said sighing.

"Oh...oh that! Well...it's um..nice. Wondrful actually if it's with someone you care alot bout." Draco said thinking for a moment to Harry and gave a little smile.

"Was...was the bloke you were with...was it nice with him?"

Draco nodded, "Very nice. Like...like magic really." he grinned.

"You weren't afraid what people would say..think..bout it?"

"No, why should I? Not their business who I'm snogging with." Draco said shrugging.

"Tom?" Peter asked even more nervous then he was before.

"Yeah Peter?"

"Would...would you snog me? Just so I can know what it's like I mean...to see if it's something I'd want to do with James?"

"Err, Peter, wouldn't it be a better idea for you to snog..with James instead of me? He's the one you really want, not me." Draco said a bit taken aback.

"Well yeah, I do like him, alot actually..but it's just that...well...what if I dont like it? Or he doesn't like it? Then I'll have ruined everything! And then...maybe he'll even hate me for it..." Peter said in an agonizing voice.

Draco didn't know what to do now. It's not that Peter was bad looking, point of fact he wasn't a'toll, but Harry was his heart, his soul, yet Peter seemed so lost. Draco wondred what Harry might do in a situation like this, and knowing that Gryffindor courage, probably would help Peter out. After all, its' not like they were going to shag on James's bed or anything, it was only a snog right?

Draco caught his breath then as Peter looked at him, eyes pleading almost, and suddenly Draco made up his mind, and taking Peter gently by the shoulders, brought Peter to him, and put his lips softly against Peter's. Draco didnt know what to expect, but he hadn't expected himself to respond, yet found he was responding, and it was very different then Harry's kisses.

Peter's lips were warm and soft, just like Harry's, but while Harry's kisses were filled with pure love and need, Peter's lips were filled with innocence and tenderness. Harry and Draco's kisses, even from the first time, weren't like that, there had always been too much bottled up tensions, emotions, hatreds even to make them innocents. With Peter, Draco had never had those emotions, there had never been fears and hatreds between these two friends, and that's what Draco was now responding to, and suddenly found he didn't want to stop.

Meanwhile, downstairs James's mum had remembered she was supposed to pick up a few things she'd ordered a few days back, and her and Sarah had with quick goodbyes to the boys, and telling them she'd be back in time to get everyone home, headed out the door, leaving the two boys alone since Mr. Alton had allready left the house long before everyone else had even been up that morning.

The chess game ended, James the winner again, even in the muggle world Harry pretty much was ruddy awful at chess, and the boys headed over to the sofa, seeing what was on the telly. Being it was a Sunday, not much was going on but the Newsround, so James clicked it off and turned to Harry, a question forming in his mind.

"Dan, were you serious bout what you said upstairs before?"

"What do you mean James? What did I say before?" Harry said confused now.

"That...that you've actually snogged, even shagged another guy?" James said actually blushing a bit.

"That?? Oh I see, well umm, that is to say...yeah...I have I mean." Harry focusing his eyes anywhere else but on James.

"What's it like?"

"Wait, I thought you and Peter..."

"No, not ever. Not even snogged yet. I think...he's too afraid." James said sighing.

"Afraid of what?" Harry said surprized.

"Of me I think. Of what it would be like. I dont know, it's ruddy hard when you want to do it, and the person you want to do it with is too afraid of you." James said a bit angrily.

"Why dont you just tell him what you want then? Or if that doesn't work, just grab him up and kiss him." Harry said turning to James and grinning.

James chuckled. "Not from lack of wanting to do that admittedly, but truth is, I"m well, a bit afraid myself. I've never even snogged a girl, let alone a guy. Weren't you a'toll scared the first time?"

"Actually, the first person I ever snogged was a girl sad to say, that's when I finally realized I wasn't interested in them. With Draco it was like well...magic. Pure magic. That's the only way to describe it." Harry said not thinking.

"Draco? Who's Draco? Is that the bloke you like?" James said picking it up though.

"Err, well yeah, it is. I um...I haven't of course seen him since we moved here, he's err, back in London, but I miss him. We post to each other now and then, and ring each other up when we can." Harry said quickly trying to avoid saying more.

"It's okay with your dad though? I mean, both of you being that way and all?"

"Oh sure, dad's really cool about that luckily, he doesn't mind a'toll." Harry said grinning and thinking back to the day Sirius first found out bout him and Draco. 'Cool about it' wasn't exactly the truth there.

"Wow, I wish my parents would understand me like that. My dad might maybe, being a doctor and all, but I think my mum might kill me or something." James said sadly.

"Dont worry bout it James, you're parents love you, I"m sure whatever you are they'll still love you for it." Harry said putting his hand on James on his shoulder to comfort him.

He gave Harry a small smile then, grateful really. "Thanks Dan, you're a real friend you know that? I just wish..."

"Wish what?"

"Wish I knew what it was like though, to snog another person. Just once, so that when the time comes with Peter, I'll know what I'm doing atleast." James said almost wistfully.

"Well I'm sure when the time comes you'll....James?" Harry said a bit worried, James was looking at him suddenly very oddly. "Yoo hoo, James, you in there?"

James got up off the sofa, then did something Harry was completely taken off guard by. Without warning he grabbed Harry up by his shoulders, and not saying a word, put his lips on Harry's own. Harry was so stunned he didn't even have time to react, and just stood there wondring what on earth James could be thinking to do this.

"Dont fight me Dan...please...just dont..." James whispered as he took his lips off Harry's for a moment as he sensed the fact Harry was bout to fend him off. James wrapped his arms round Harry's body tightly, afraid he was going to bolt off, and unwilling to let him go.

Harry didn't know what to do. He liked James, and he knew this wasnt anything more then alot of pent up emotions and feelings for Peter, with him as the target, but what could he do? He could easily fight back being as strong in this body of his as James was, but as James's lips become more heated by his kisses, Harry found himself not wanting to fight back suddenly, and putting his own arms round James, allowed himself to fall into his exploring kisses.

James's kisses were far different then Dracos. Draco's lips were full of alot of things including pain sometimes of the past, needs that had to be fulfilled, and above all, love. James's kisses were filled with other emotions...innocence, control, domination even. James was like that though, the leader, not the follower. He had to be in control, even in his kisses, but Harry didn't mind.

Where things were going to go with all 4 boys, they didnt know, nor cared. Both couples somehow knew that the kisses were as far as it would go however, Harry and Draco would make sure of that. The two boys though were enjoying themselves, allowing themselves to find the differences in their partners kisses, compared to the kisses Harry and Draco had always exchanged with themselves.

Both couples broke apart nearly at the same time, James and Peter realizing finally what they had been missing out on, and Harry and Draco suddenly feeling a new emotion creeping up into themselves, something suspiciously like guilt. Draco nor Harry blamed Peter and James for what happened, they could have said no, or stopped them, perhaps that just made the guilt even moreso pronounced. Guilty by the fact that secretly, they had enjoyed what had happened to them, more then they were willing to admit.

Harry and Draco didn't love the either less, nor did James or Peter love either less, but all 4 boys realized something had changed within their friendship that day, and although neither couple knew what the other had been doing, it was obvious that when Draco and Peter had finally come downstairs a bit later, that something had happened, and tensions were definitely in the air, all of them unwilling to discuss it either.

As Draco saw Harry, and the odd look bout him, he almost knew instantly what had been going on downstairs, and Harry was no less of the facts with the way Draco was looking. Suddenly Draco decided he had to get out of there, and Harry was coming with him.

"James? Tell you're mum thanks but Dan and I are going to just walk home allright? Dan, would you run up and get the rucksacks please? Was a great sleepover James, happy birthday again." Draco said staying close to the door while Harry went up without a word to collect the bags.

"Er thanks Tom, glad you had a good time. Guess we'll see you and Dan tomorrow in school right?" James said hurriedly.

"Of course, we still have that little 'prank' to pull off on the first years right? Wouldn't miss that for anything!" Draco said putting up a grin.

Harry came down with the rucksacks, and said his goodbyes to Peter and James, carefully avoiding James's eyes at the moment, and along side of Draco, they headed out the door. He had a slight suspicion that from the look on Peter's face when he saw James and Harry, and James's face when he saw Peter and Draco, that inside there was bout to be a row over things, and from the look on Draco's face now, maybe even one outside.

Draco however said nothing as they headed off for the kilometer walk back home. They'd have plenty of time to discuss things on the way, and he didn't want to say anything while still in a heavy populated part of town. They walked in silence for quite a while, each in their own thoughts, afraid to admit what had just happened, and what the recriminations would be now, and somehow that it wouldn't have irrecoverably separated them forever.

* * * * *

2002-03-05 2:49:37 AM