Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Suspense
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/09/2003
Updated: 10/22/2005
Words: 282,251
Chapters: 18
Hits: 193,248



Story Summary:
"You're dead, Potter... I'm going to make you pay..." Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But, when Draco�s world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back. Harry/Draco slash, Post-OotP.

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
The boys have come to the end of their journey, but the danger is far from over.

Author's Notes: And here we have the final chapter of our journey. I never would have finished this without the help of my betas, test-readers, and friends. At one point, I did an insane five-day edit, almost non-stop, revising this chapter with the help of Ice'is Blue, C.Dumbledore, and a few others. Ice'is stayed up for hours, forgoing sleep to help me.

However, in the end, we all wound up here. Without further ado... here is the conclusion.




Chapter 18

Between Heaven and Hell

Harry reached the bottom of the stairs, the gargoyle jumped to the side, and he ran headlong into a lanky redhead.

"Ron, get out of my way."

"I don't think so."

Ron was standing with his head tilted back slightly, arms folded across his chest. He was wearing his nightshirt, with a pair of trousers thrown on underneath. Hermione was standing to the side, wrapped in a bathrobe, wringing her hands, but Ron didn't seem to be paying the slightest attention to her. "I don't know what really happened out there with you and Malfoy, but you come back after three weeks and you've gone over the edge or something! You won't tell us anything, you just disappear in the middle of the night and scare me half to death, and now you're going to do Merlin-Knows-What to save Malfoy... what the hell are we supposed to think? This obsession with Malfoy has got way out of hand!"

"It's not an obsession! He's my friend, and I've got to try to save him. Now let me through!" Harry tried to push past Ron, but Ron moved to block him.

"Not until you tell me what's going on!"

"I don't have time to explain. Either you're going to let me pass, or I'll -"

"You'll what, Harry? You'll fight me?"

Hermione finally tried to move between them. "Harry! Ron! Stop, please!"

Harry shook her off, still glaring at Ron. "I will, if you don't stop being a stupid prat!"

"Harry, no! We're worried about you. What are you going to do with Malfoy? Talk to us!"

"Stay out of this, Hermione," Harry said coldly. "Ron, if you were lying down in the hospital wing, dying, I'd risk my life to save you, and I'm not going to do any less for Draco."

For an instant, Ron looked stunned, but then, his expression darkened. "Risk your life? You're going to risk your life for Draco Malfoy? What the fuck are you about to do?"

In contrast, Hermione eyes grew wide with fear. "Harry, what's Dumbledore planning? What's going on?"

"It's complicated -"

Ron grabbed Harry by the shirt and pulled him around to meet his stare. "I WON'T LET YOU RISK YOUR LIFE FOR DRACO-FUCKING-MALFOY!"

Harry wrenched his shirt free from Ron's grasp. For a long moment, they glared at each other, and then Harry steeled himself. "Just try and stop me." He took two steps forward, only to have Ron block him. A step to the side, and Ron gave him a shove backwards. By now, Harry's breath was whistling angrily through his nostrils. He had to get to Draco, and there was no way in hell Ron was going to stop him. He took one more step towards Ron, but this time, when Ron moved to shove him backwards, he ducked. Ron missed and overstepped, and in the split second while he was off-balance, Harry struck.

It was a hard right hook that caught Ron in the jaw. The second swing found Ron's nose with a sick cracking sound. Blood spurted everywhere as Ron staggered backwards, swearing loudly. Hermione was screaming at both of them, but Harry didn't care what she was saying anymore. He turned to walk away, but before he could take a step, he felt a fist connecting with the back of his head.

Harry stumbled forward and was only able to turn halfway around before a low blow caught him in the side. Rage welled up in him, and before he could formulate the thought, he'd spun around, head down, and charged into Ron. They collided with the wall and fell to the ground together in a tangle of flying fists, kicking feet, and swinging elbows.

Blood was getting everywhere from Ron's nose, but Harry didn't care. Right now, the very fact that Ron was bleeding only spurred him on more. Hermione yelling at him to stop added to the furious elation. He didn't know how he ended up on top of Ron, straddling his hips, but in that momentary advantage, he had seized Ron by the shirt and was shaking him furiously. "You don't understand anything! He almost died for me because he loved me! So I'm going to save him and YOU'RE NOT GONNA STOP ME!"

Suddenly, someone grabbed him by the collar, pulled him backwards, and hauled him to his feet. He was spun around roughly and found himself looking into the scowling face of Severus Snape. A dozen thoughts ran through Harry's head. I'm going to lose a million points from Gryffindor. Detention for a month. No, the rest of the year. When the hell did Snape get back? I thought he was gone. Awful timing. He's going to waste even more time, lecturing me about fighting... detentions, gutting horned toads by hand.

Snape stared at him, then cast a quick glance aside at Ron, who was struggling to his feet and clutching his stomach. When Snape looked back at him, Harry thought he actually detected a faint hint of amusement. "Ten points to Gryffindor. I never knew you had it in you, Potter." He released Harry's collar and his face became stony again. "You'd best run down to the hospital wing. I must tell Dumbledore that I have completed the potion, and it appears I was successful. Madam Pomfrey should be waiting for you."

"Yes, sir," Harry said weakly. He turned on shaky legs, but then Snape spoke again.


Harry looked back over his shoulder.

Snape's face was twisted in an unreadable expression, and it looked like he was trying not to gag on whatever he was about to say. "Welcome back."

Harry nodded. "You too, Professor."

Neither Ron nor Hermione said a word as Harry turned towards the stairs alone. Part of him felt horrible for what he'd done, but he was far more focused on Draco right now, and far too furious at Ron for trying to stop him. Even taking the stairs three at a time, it seemed to take forever to reach the hospital wing. As he hurried along, his words to Ron echoed through his head. I just chose Draco over Ron. There's going to be hell for this later. But not right now.

When Harry finally arrived at the infirmary, it appeared the Aurors had already come and gone. Pansy Parkinson was gone, and the broken glass had been removed. Vincent Crabbe was still there, however, as were Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall. Harry made a beeline for Draco's bed.

"Is Professor Dumbledore on his way?" Madam Pomfrey asked as soon as she saw him. "Did he find a cure?"

"Snape has a potion ready," Harry said as he took Draco's hand and automatically started kneading it. "It's not a simple cure... there's another part to it. But yeah, they've got it."

"Thank Merlin," Madam Pomfrey breathed. "But they must hurry. Draco needs it immediately. He's fading."

"What?" Harry's head snapped around towards Madam Pomfrey. She merely pointed towards the glowing light above Draco's chest.

The pulsing was slower than it had been before Harry had left, and the glow was noticeably weaker. Harry took a good look at Draco's face and paled. Draco's skin was ashen, and Harry could see the faint blue lines of veins running just beneath the surface. "How much time does he have?"

"I can't say for certain, as I've never dealt with a case like this," Madam Pomfrey said, "but I would guess he has no more than an hour, at most."

"Shit," Harry hissed, throwing a nervous glance back at the door. "Snape was just going up to Dumbledore's office as I was coming down, and Dumbledore said he had something he had to do first, and then he'd meet me down here."

"What are they gonna do, Potter?" Crabbe asked suddenly. "For Draco, I mean. What's the plan?"

Harry looked at Crabbe. "I'm going to try to bring him back."


"By going... wherever he is."

"Hold it right there, Mr. Potter," McGonagall cut in sharply. "If you're describing what I think you're describing, then I can not allow it."

"It's not up to you to decide! Dumbledore came up with the plan and I'm going to do it!"

"Professor Dumbledore may be the Headmaster, but you are still in my house, Potter. You have put yourself in serious danger far too many times in my experience, and I was unable to stop you, but that will not be the case here. I will not allow you to tap dance on the edge of death for Draco Malfoy, or anyone!"

"That's what I say!" Ron yelled from the door as he burst in, followed a second later by Hermione, Snape, and Dumbledore. Ron's nose had obviously been healed, but there was partially dried blood all over his nightshirt, and he was plainly livid. "Dumbledore told us what you're planning on the way down and I think it's bloody insane! Harry, you don't even know if this will work! The potion - poison - whatever it is, might just kill you straight away!"

"It will not," Snape said harshly.

Ron sneered at Snape, then turned back to Harry. "You can't do it, Harry! If it were me lying there, I wouldn't want you to risk yourself for me, either."

Harry held Ron's stare for a moment, then looked down at Draco. Still holding Draco's hand, he used his free hand to smooth back a strand of hair from Draco's face. "But you know I would. Even if you didn't want me to. Draco wouldn't want me to do it either." He looked back up and surveyed all the occupants of the room. "That's why I have to."

For a long moment, the room was silent. Harry stared at Ron, who seemed completely at a loss for what to say. Dumbledore finally broke the silence.

"I believe that it would be best for you to leave, Mr. Weasley. And Miss Granger. Mr. Crabbe, I think you should accompany them."

"Where should we go?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Perhaps Professor McGonagall will be kind enough to escort you to her office. Call a house-elf for some tea, and sit tight."

McGonagall's face had a pinched appearance. "You won't need my assistance, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "This will only require myself, Professor Snape, and Madam Pomfrey. And Harry, of course. I apologize that I have not given you a full briefing as I had planned, but our time is short. I assume that Miss Granger can explain the situation to you with great accuracy. I believe the fewer people present for this, the better. I will inform you as soon as we know the outcome."

Professor McGonagall took a long look at Harry. She still seemed displeased with the arrangement, but there was a note of surrender too. "I understand," she said resignedly.

Ron, however, didn't seem quite so ready to accept it. "And that's it? Just like that? Harry?"

Reluctantly, Harry released Draco's hand and crossed over to Ron. After a moment's hesitation, he suddenly wrapped his arms around Ron in a tight hug. Ron seemed stunned, but finally returned the awkward embrace. When they pulled apart, Harry spoke. "You know why I have to do this."

"Yeah, because you're Harry Potter."

"And if I wasn't the sort of person who would do something like this..."

"Then you wouldn't be the most capital bloke I've ever met, and I probably wouldn't like you as much as I do," Ron said, although he sounded like he was forcing each word out of his mouth.

Harry nodded. "Besides, if I've survived everything else, I doubt this is going to be the thing that does me in, right?"

"Right, mate." Ron gave a weak smile. He looked slightly greenish. "I'll see you in a few minutes, right?"


Next, Hermione nearly bowled him over with a hug. "You'll be okay, Harry, I just know you will." She pulled back just enough to look him square in the face. "I meant it when I said you were a great wizard, Harry. All those things about magic - and life - things that you can't find in books... you've got all that and more."

Harry wasn't quite sure what to say, so he looked to the side and mumbled, "Thanks, Hermione."

A moment later, after a brief and surprising handshake from Crabbe, Harry watched as McGonagall left with the three students in tow. The door fell shut behind them like the sentencing blow of a gavel, and it was time.

"There is," Snape said, "one last element to this potion that I must collect." He held up a small, brilliantly clean blade. "One drop of Draco's blood."

Harry nodded and looked away as Snape collected the blood. "Why is it that every sinister potion or spell uses blood? Why can't we use apple cider, or something more pleasant?"

"Because, Potter, blood contains many magical properties inherent to itself, as well as being a carrier for the magical essence of the person from whom it came. NEWT-level Potions will cover that topic in depth, and considering your recent experiences, I assume that you will finally pay the sort of attention such a noble subject deserves." A soft red flash and a popping sound indicated that the potion had been completed. "There. It's ready, Headmaster."

Dumbledore nodded and looked gravely at Harry. "This is your last chance to change your mind, Harry." When Harry glared at him, he tipped his head in concession. "And I should not have bothered to ask, it appears. The potion will work quickly, and I cannot promise that the process will be comfortable. When you lose consciousness, you must find Draco as quickly as possible, find the passage back, and bring Draco with you. Just as the original version of this potion would pull the target with you into death, this version will allow you to enable Draco's passage back with you to the living world. Do you understand?"

Harry considered this for just a moment. "I think so."

"Then that will have to do. I fear there is very little I can do to further prepare you, as even I do not know the exact nature of what you will face."

Harry nodded stoically. "What should I do now?"

"You should probably lie down." Dumbledore indicated the bed a few feet away from Draco's.

"I don't want to be so far away from him," Harry said stubbornly.

"It doesn't matter how close you are, Potter," Snape said with scarcely restrained impatience. "The magic will work over any reasonable distance."

"But can't I... er..." Harry looked at Draco. He wanted to just climb onto Draco's bed and hold him.

"Harry," Dumbledore said softly, "we really cannot wait any longer."

Reluctantly, Harry hopped up on the other bed, fidgeting uncomfortably. He kept casting sideways glances at Draco, trying to quell the nerves that were beginning to overwhelm him. If Draco was willing to risk everything for him, he could certainly do the same for Draco. He wasn't going to back out now.

Harry looked away from Draco to see a lightly steaming cup of potion held in front of him. Snape was looking at him gravely, holding the cup. "It would appear that I've finally found my chance to poison you, Potter, although these are not exactly the gratifying circumstances I'd desired."

"Wonderful," Harry muttered as he took the cup from Snape. The liquid itself was shrouded by a thin film of mist drifting over the surface, and Harry suddenly felt certain that he did not want to see what was underneath the mist. "That inspires so much confidence. Well... cheers, I guess."

The potion was hideously bitter, and it burned his throat on the way down. Harry gasped for breath as his eyes began to water, blurring his vision. No, his eyes weren't watering. His vision was actually becoming blurred. Then the pain began, first in the depth of his stomach, and then spreading through his entire body. Vaguely, he heard the sound of the cup clattering to the floor. The room began to swim around him. He was distantly aware of hands supporting him, and someone was propping his head with pillows, but that seemed so far away. The pain was fading along with the room, and in front of him, he could see a dark tunnel materialize. There were flashes of light, thunder crashing, and a roaring wind echoing from the tunnel. Somewhere in the midst of all that, somebody was yelling. The voice was so familiar.

"I'm coming, Draco," Harry heard himself whisper.

The infirmary disappeared completely, and Harry was standing alone in the tunnel. Or maybe it was a dark path through the thickest part of a forest. No matter. Draco's voice was calling, and he was at the end of that path, and that was where Harry needed to be. Something akin to instinct gripped Harry, like the obvious course of action in a dream, and without a second thought, he began to run. He ran through the darkness, feeling his legs ripped and scratched by a thousand branches and thorns while more branches whipped across his face. The lightning continued to flash and thunder rumbled ominously, yet no rain fell.

The path twisted and turned. Harry passed an old graveyard, and plunged through an icy river. A chasm in the ground opened up suddenly, nearly swallowing him into the earth, but he jumped over it. Nothing would stop him. Not now. The forest path turned into a cold, wet tunnel, smelling of stone and earth. He could hear Draco's voice, louder now, echoing through the tunnel, but it seemed to be as much inside his head as from an outside source. He called out, searching, hoping, but there was no direct reply.

Suddenly, the tunnel was gone. Harry was standing on a narrow, barren ledge. Behind him, a solid wall of stone rose up, ending somewhere unseen in the storm clouds above. It would be impossible to climb. There would be no retreat over the edge of the cliff either, for there, a thick column of twisting cloud and smoke rose up from the depths, glowing from the inside with fiery shades of red. The cyclone extended as high as he could see, disappearing into the stormy night sky, and down into the black depths of the chasm below. It threw a violent wind across the surface of the cliff, where one lone figure was making a defiant stand.

Draco's hair whipped around his face, and his legs were braced against the wind. For a fleeting moment, he looked so strong, as if he could stride up to the angry cyclone and kick it away, but then a gust of wind struck him, and he stumbled.

"DRACO!" Harry shouted, but the wind swallowed his voice. He made a mad dash for Draco, but as he approached, the wind itself seemed to sense him and sent him sprawling backwards. He landed on his back with a painful thud and rolled to his stomach with a groan. "Draco..." When he finally made it onto his hands and knees, he looked up.

Draco was struggling to his feet, facing the cyclone, even closer to the edge of the cliff than before. Why would he move closer? Then Harry noticed that the wind was wearing away the cliff, and chunks of earth were flying off, being swallowed by the cyclone. Draco hadn't moved closer to the edge; the edge was moving towards him. In a flash, Harry understood what the column of cloud and fire was. Draco's mental construct of death. The ground on which he - they - stood was his last refuge, his last grasp on life. And it was crumbling away.

"Draco! Look at me, damn it!" Draco didn't seem to hear him. We're running out of time! Harry gritted his teeth, lowered his head against the wind, and began crawling towards Draco. The gravel was harsh and dry beneath his hands, and the smoke and dust were beginning to choke him. The closer he got, the harder the wind blew, throwing sand and debris at him, as if it was consciously trying to keep him away.

Nothing is going to stop me, Harry thought fiercely. Then his head bumped into something solid. He put his hand up. There was no barrier that he could see, but his hand collided with something hard and impenetrable. Although he couldn't cross the barrier, he could still see through it. Draco was only a few short feet away, but still out of Harry's reach. "DRACO!"

This time, Draco reacted. Slowly, he turned his torso and head. His face was streaked with sweat and grime, and his eyes were wide and haunted. For a split second, Harry saw recognition flash across his face, but then he shook his head, terrified. "YOU'RE NOT HIM!"

"What are you talking about?" Harry yelled back, confused.

"You're trying to fool me! You're not Harry! You're trying to take me away from here, but I won't go. I have to protect Harry!" He turned away from Harry, just as another huge chunk of earth broke off the cliff. Draco scrambled back a step, but otherwise held his ground. "NO! I need to stay! I promised! I swore to him!"

"Draco, I'm Harry and I need you!"

Draco's head snapped around, and his eyes were blazing with fury. "YOU'RE NOT HARRY! Harry is back THERE, through the forest, and he's alive! And I have to stay here to keep him alive! If I don't, then You-Know-Who will get him. Harry said that would be the worst thing, and I'll never let that happen! I can't see it, but I know what's happening behind the storm... the eclipse is almost complete, and if I leave now, Harry will die!"

"The eclipse is over, Draco!"

"No, it's not!"

"It is! It's been over for almost three days now. I'm safe! You did it. You won! Voldemort can't touch me now. I carried you back to Hogwarts, but now you're lying in the infirmary, dying. You've been unconscious for three days. If you don't come with me NOW, you'll die!" The cliff rumbled beneath him as another piece broke off from the edge. Draco teetered and fell to his knees, and Harry had to reach out a hand to steady himself. His hand collided with the barrier again, which was just as solid as ever. Harry's eyes widened with another revelation. The barrier was something else Draco's mind had created... something to keep away anything that might take him from his sworn mission. But now, the barrier was going to kill him. Harry pounded a fist against it in frustration. "DRACO, I NEED TO TAKE YOU BACK! NOW! LET ME THROUGH!"

The wind seemed to be cooperating with the shaking earth, and sent a gust that knocked them both over. Harry struggled to upright himself again. "Can't you see that this place is falling apart beneath you? It's not real!"

Draco was convinced that he needed to fight a battle for Harry's life, and so now, here he was, fighting a loosing battle in this place between life and death, between dreams and waking. Here, where nothing was real except Harry, the surrounding ether was made from their muddled memories. He couldn't lose himself in them; if he did, they were both lost.

"Your mind is creating the whole place! Your body is back in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, and you need to go back to it before you die here!"

For a moment, Draco seemed to consider this, but then his face hardened. "This is a trick! You're not real!"

"NO!" Harry screamed, but Draco turned away from him again and looked out at the swirling column of cloud and fire that threatened to swallow them both.

For a moment, Harry could only kneel there, stunned. This couldn't be happening. He'd come all the way here, had found Draco, but now Draco wouldn't come back. Harry had no idea how much time had elapsed, but if ten minutes here was the same as ten minutes back in the infirmary, he knew he didn't have another moment to spare.

The sand and dust were abrading his skin, the flashes of lightning nearly blinded him, and the cliff was shaking as it crumbled away. A faint pain was starting to burn in his chest. There was no time left. He opened his mouth to shout again, but as he did, something stopped him.

It was a bit like déjà vu, but not exactly. More like a memory that was taunting him, dancing at the edge of his consciousness. He looked at Draco; his pale, determined face appearing just as it had the night of the eclipse. The night when Draco had risked it all. The hazy memories from that night drifted back through his mind, the elusive images Dumbledore had refused to share with him. He could see the eclipsed moon, hear the impassioned words, feel the brush of lips against his...

I told you, whatever it takes. I promised. Whatever it takes.

And then, there were his own words, buried in a memory of teddy bears and sleepy mumbling.

I love you.

"I love you," Harry whispered. He looked up at Draco and projected his voice through the howling wind. "I said 'I love you'."

Suddenly, the feel of the wind changed. It was still blowing violently, but it seemed hollow now, and the roar was somehow muffled. Draco turned in place. "What?"

"The night you used the sleep charm on me," Harry began carefully. "I remember it now. You were taking care of me. Nobody ever really took care of me like that. And I realized, on some level, how I felt about you. I was half asleep, but I said it. It took me until now to understand how I felt, but you figured out what was happening between us, didn't you?"

Draco crept an inch closer. He seemed less guarded than he had a moment before, but still very cautious. "Harry?"

"You figured it out," Harry said again. The burning in his chest was getting stronger, but he ignored it. He casually pushed against the invisible wall that seemed to be holding him back. This time, it flexed under the pressure, and Harry felt a surge of hope. He pushed harder, but it wouldn't break, so he kept talking. "The night of the eclipse. I was too far gone at the time to remember it clearly, but I do now. What you said to me."

The cliff rumbled again beneath him, and a large piece of earth broke off the edge of the cliff, leaving Draco only a couple of feet from the edge, but Draco didn't even seem to notice. "What did I say to you?" Draco said so softly, Harry might have only been reading his lips.

"You said -"

The ground shook again, but this time, the cliff broke off beneath Draco's left foot. Draco yelled out in panic. He scrambled back from the edge, but didn't seem inclined to come any further, still out of Harry's reach. He looked around frantically.

"DRACO!" Harry thrust his hand against the barrier, and this time, like pushing through thick plastic wrap, his arm penetrated it up to his elbow. "Grab my hand!"

"I can't... I don't know what to do!"

"JUST GRAB MY HAND!" Harry held out his hand as far as he could stretch it, but Draco didn't make any move to take his hand. "Draco, what the hell are you waiting for?! You need to hurry!"

"What if this is a trick? What if you're You-Know-Who, trying to make me leave Harry?"

Harry shook his head. There was no time left to argue. He pressed up against the invisible barrier, straining to push his hand further through it. "DRACO! LISTEN TO ME! I heard what you said! You said you fell in love with me! And you know what? I couldn't really hear it at the time, but I remember now! And I think... I think I fell in love with you, too."

Draco's entire expression suddenly changed, as if he was truly recognizing him for the first time. "Harry?"

"Yes, it's me, Draco!" The barrier was definitely getting softer. "Come on, let me through! I came here to take you back!"

"You came here... for me?"

The vulnerable innocence in Draco's voice was what finally cracked Harry's emotions, and he could feel tears welling up. "You went through hell for me, Draco. The least I can do is to save you from your own hell. Come back with me, Draco."

The barrier was thinning rapidly. Harry could almost push through it. Just a little bit more...

And then the ground shook again. It all happened so fast, Harry wasn't sure what happened first. The piece of earth where Draco was kneeling fractured and began to drop away just as the barrier broke. Draco started to fall with an ear-piercing scream, but Harry was already lunging towards him, hand outstretched. His hand closed around Draco's. The next thing Harry knew, he was standing on the solid surface of the cliff several feet away from the edge, holding Draco in an embrace that threatened to crush them both, for Draco was clinging back just as tightly, head buried against Harry's shoulder.

"It's you... it's really you... oh Merlin, Harry, it was awful." He pulled back just enough to be able to look Harry in the face. "You're really alive?"

Harry nodded, blinking the tears out of his eyes.

"And we're really back at Hogwarts?"

Harry nodded again. "And I remembered something else."

"What's that?"

Harry pulled Draco close, so that their noses were almost touching. "Just seconds before you did the most reckless thing you've ever done in your life... you gave me something."

"I did?" Draco whispered.

"You did. And I need to return it."

"What is -"

Harry didn't give Draco the chance to finish his sentence. He closed the tiny gap between them and pressed his lips against Draco's. For an instant, Draco froze, and Harry was afraid that he'd made a mistake. But then Harry felt Draco's hand against his cheek, tilting his head to the side. Draco was leaning in even closer, and his lips were beginning to explore Harry's. Soft and tentative at first, but then firmer and more confident. It was nothing like Cho, and everything Harry had thought a kiss was supposed to be. When Draco finally pulled back, Harry was unable to stop himself from leaning forward to catch just one more second of that incredible caress.

"That was my last wish, you know," Draco said. He almost seemed shy, which was a look Harry had never guessed Draco could possess.

"What's that?"

"To kiss you... when you could kiss me back."

Harry smiled. "Well, this is one miserable place for any kiss. We need to - OH!" Fresh pain exploded through Harry's chest, and were it not for Draco's arms, he would have collapsed to the ground.


Harry gasped for breath and steadied himself, leaning heavily on Draco. "We need to leave... now..." Distantly, he was aware that the cliff was beginning to crumble faster, and the edge was approaching them again.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"It was... I took a -"

"MOVE!" Draco shouted a warning as another chunk of the ground fell away, and pulled Harry back with him towards the rock face. "Harry, talk to me! What's happening to you?"

"The poison... I took to get here... I only had ten minutes to get you out."


"No time to explain." Harry looked around rapidly, trying to think past the pain which was spreading from his chest through the rest of his body. "There has to be an exit. Dumbledore promised an exit!" Another wave of pain hit him, and he cried out.

"What exit? What are we looking for?"

"I don't know," Harry gasped. "Just a way out... anything... there's gotta be an exit..." He finally saw something. It was barely visible with all the craggy shadows on the surface of the rock face, but there was an opening in the rock. It was narrow, and dark, but somehow, Harry knew that was it. "Through there!"

He thought he heard Draco reply, but he could barely understand him. The pain had reached his extremities, and he was burning from the inside out. Everything blurred together. He felt himself being half-led, half-carried towards the opening. There were the cool shadows of the tunnel around him, the echoing of their footsteps against the stone. The smell of smoke and dust was gone, and the wind had stopped howling. They were descending into the depths of the mountain... or were they climbing? Harry couldn't tell anymore as the world fell into blackness, then erupted in a blinding flash of light.


The first thing Draco heard was screaming, and then he realized it was his own voice. Hands were holding him down, and someone was telling him to relax, that it was all right, and that everything would be fine if he would just lie still. But he couldn't lie still. The last thing he could remember was crashing through a wall of light, supporting the weight of a half-conscious Harry, but now he was awake, in the hospital wing, and Harry was gone.

"Where is he?" Draco demanded. "He was right here! He came back with me!"

Snape's face swam into view. "It would appear that Potter manages to be late to more than just my classes," he said in his usual sneering tone, but Draco could hear the underlying trepidation in Snape's voice.

"What?" With strength born of desperation, Draco forced his way past Snape's restraining hands and sat up. He looked to the side, and what he saw made his heart clench in his chest.

On the bed next to his, Harry Potter was moaning fitfully, his eyes closed, lips dreadfully pale. He was obviously in pain. Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey were leaning over him, casting spell after spell. Madam Pomfrey said something, and Dumbledore stepped back as she touched the tip of his wand to Harry's chest. A light flashed, and Harry cried out, but showed no signs of improvement.

"No!" Draco jumped off the bed and practically shoved Dumbledore out of the way in his desperation to get to Harry.

"Draco Malfoy, you will return to your bed this instant!" Snape roared.

"NO!" Draco grabbed Harry's hand and laid a palm against Harry's chest. "I have to help him!" Hands gripped his shoulders and Dumbledore was pulling him back, away from Harry. He ground his feet into the floor and refused to be budged.

"Draco, there is nothing you can do. Madam Pomfrey is the most knowledgeable Healer I have ever met, but the poison may have already worked itself too deeply into his system," Dumbledore said. "She's doing her best to save him -"

"It's not enough! I have to help him!" Draco tried to twist his shoulders out of Dumbledore's grip, but the old man was surprisingly strong. "Let me help him," Draco said, weaker this time. "I was with him... he was in pain... why did he do it? He never should have come back for me!"

"He went for you... because he loves you, Draco," Dumbledore said softly.

Draco spun around in place to look at Dumbledore. "He... he said that?"

"I believe that much would be obvious."

Draco's head was reeling. "It wasn't just my dream?" he asked of nobody in particular.

Snape scoffed. "The boy swallowed a poison from my own hand for your sake. What other motivation can you think of for such foolishness?"

On the bed, Harry moaned again. Draco turned to see him, and almost wished he hadn't. Harry was shaking, almost like a fit, and his lips had turned blue. His breathing was rapid and shallow. Madam Pomfrey was still moving around him, casting spells, taking readings, and at one point pausing to administer two small phials of potion, but nothing seemed to change. In fact, Harry seemed to be rapidly worsening. It made Draco want to scream with helplessness.

He turned to Snape. "Can't you do anything?"

Snape scowled at him. "Draco, I am not a mediwizard, nor a Healer. I am not -"

"You're the Potions Master! You poisoned him, so where's the bloody antidote?"

Snape pointed towards Harry. "It has already been administered. Do you honestly think I would poison the boy without having an antidote on hand?"

For a moment, Draco was tempted to say yes, but now wasn't the time for such nonsense. They'd already used the antidote, yet Harry was still dying in front of them.

Why now? This can't be happening now!

But it was happening, and with every second, Draco could almost feel Harry slipping farther and farther away, beyond the reaches of normal magic. Harry cried out suddenly, and in that same instant, Draco felt a burning pain lance through his chest. He stumbled, and Snape caught him.


"I can feel him," Draco said, partially in amazement and partially in shock. "How come I can feel him?"

"I would assume it is some sort of side effect of the poison he just consumed," Snape said. "Its purpose was to link you to him such that he could bring you back. I had not considered what would happen to that link if he were unsuccessful, yet did not die immediately."

Again, Harry cried out in pain, and just as the surge of burning in Draco's own chest began to recede, he heard something that almost made his heart stop.


Draco looked up, expecting to see Harry awake and alert, but he was still writhing weakly on the bed, eyes closed. "Harry?"

No response except another pained moan, but Draco hadn't imagined it. "He called for me," Draco blurted out.

"He is completely incoherent, Draco," Snape said harshly. "And you are quite possibly delirious from your own ordeal. Now lie down and -"

"No!" Draco tried to twist out of Snape's grasp unsuccessfully. "He called for me! He knows I'm here. I can help him!"

"Madam Pomfrey cannot help him! What in the name of Merlin makes you think that you can?"

"Because I've done it before!" With a desperate lunge, Draco wrenched himself free from Snape's hands. He looked up at Madam Pomfrey. "I can save him!"

"You are not a mediwizard, Draco -" she began.

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!" Draco pushed forward again and batted Madam Pomfrey's wand out of the way. He didn't have time to explain. His entire being was focused on the boy who had just gone through hell to save him. This was far more serious than a few broken bones, but he knew he could do this - he just felt it. He laid his hands on Harry's chest.

And then a hand clapped down hard on his shoulder and Madam Pomfrey pulled him back from Harry. "Mr. Malfoy, you are completely out of line, and if you don't -"

"Poppy," Dumbledore interjected, "I think you should let him."

She seemed stunned. "Albus...?"

"You know you cannot save him. The least we can do is to give Draco a chance."

"But... what could he possibly do?"

Dumbledore smiled softly. "I assume we shall know the answer to that once he's done it." He looked at Draco. "Go ahead."

Draco felt a brief flash of nervousness at the idea that people were watching him. He'd only done this once before, and then, it had just happened. Dumb luck and a bit of desperation. This time, he was going into it with a specific intent, and he knew that if anything went wrong, there would be no second chances.

A lance of pain shot from his chest and all the way through his torso, leaving his hands and feet tingling uncomfortably. It erased all traces of nervousness. He didn't have the luxury of anxiety. Now was the time to act.

Draco closed his eyes and blocked out everything else in the room but Harry. Through his hands, he could feel the energy of Harry's aura flowing, but it was faint, and clouded with something dark and vile. Poison, the rational part of Draco's brain said, but he'd moved beyond the rational. More vivid than the aura was the sensation that was coming to him through the link the poison had formed between them. It was a strange sensation that he somehow recognized unmistakably as Harry, and in a way he knew he'd never fully understand, he was thoroughly connected to that essence.

Before he even realized it was beginning, a familiar heat started to build beneath his fingertips. There was magic swelling in his own chest, flowing down his arms, through the palms of his hands. It was warmth, growing, glowing. His magic was flowing into Harry, merging with Harry's magic.

Draco wasn't sure where he ended and Harry began. The energy was a living thing of its own. It surged and pulsed, rushing through the dark places in the aura and leaving light in its wake. In the distance, Draco was sure he could hear his name being called, tentative at first, then more desperate.

Hold on, Harry... just another second... hold on...

A burst of energy hit Draco so fast that he wasn't sure if it came from himself, or Harry. He was thrown backwards and he yelled out in surprise and elation. The light faded just as quickly, and Draco found himself on his knees, slumped beside Harry's bed. The blood was rushing in his ears and his head was pounding. He felt thoroughly drained, but that was alright. All that mattered was whether or not he'd been successful.

"Did I do it?" he choked out. "Is Harry... is he..." Hands found their way under Draco's arms, and he was being pulled to his feet. There was a lot of hurried talking all around him, but the words were unclear and muffled. He realized suddenly that he was being led away from Harry. Draco shook his head. "Let me see him. I need to see him."

Draco pulled away from the hands that had assisted him and stumbled two steps to Harry's bedside.

Harry was still dreadfully pale, but something was different. His lips were no longer blue, and he wasn't shaking. The moaning had stopped, and his chest was rising and falling evenly. He appeared to be in a deep, peaceful sleep.

"Harry?" Draco looked up at Madam Pomfrey. "How is he?"

The Nurse was already at Harry's bedside across from Draco, and was taking readings. "Not out of the woods yet," she said in clipped tones, waving her wand in complex patterns above Harry's prone form, "but it appears, as usual, that Mr. Potter has once again exercised his penchant for scaring us all with near death experiences... and -" She looked directly at Draco. "- and his good fortune in having pushy friends with surprising skills."

She looked back down at her patient. "Blood pressure is still low, and he's in a mild state of sepsis... Professor Dumbledore, please give him the contents of that green phial... yes, that one. And Mr. Malfoy," she said without glancing up, "you're as pale as he is and have expended a great deal of your own energy. Sit down."

Snape started to pull him back towards the bed, but Draco shook him off, grabbed a chair, and sat in it so he could keep a clear view of Harry. Harry's cheeks were still sallow, but a hint of pink had returned to his lips. For several long moments, he watched and waited as Madam Pomfrey bustled about, working in tandem with Dumbledore. With each spell, Draco imagined that he could see some of the colour seeping back into Harry's skin.

"When will he wake up?"

"Soon, I believe. His vital signs are stabilizing - the irrepressible Harry Potter, it would seem."

Draco cringed, but was immediately distracted by a faint moan from the bed. "Harry!" He heaved himself up despite Snape's protest and almost bowled the Nurse over as he rushed to Harry's bedside. "Harry, can you hear me?"

Another faint moan, but Harry's eyes didn't open.

"Draco, you have already done what you could, so if you would -" Snape began, but Dumbledore interrupted him.

"I think it's quite alright now, Professor. Poppy has finished. There is no reason to hold Draco back."

Draco was surprised to feel a flash of gratitude towards Albus Dumbledore, of all people, but he quickly turned his attention back to Harry. Trying not to feel too self-conscious, he reached out and took Harry's hand. "Harry... can you give my hand a squeeze? Come on, I know you can hear me."

For a moment, there was no response, but then Harry's hand tightened around Draco's. Draco felt a surge of elation. "Thank Merlin... Harry... talk to me. Say something."

Slowly, Harry's mouth opened. "It burned." His eyes opened, just a bit, then closed again. "It's better now, but... what was in that shit I drank?"

Draco heard a snort behind him, and Snape spoke. "If you wish, Potter, I could make that into the content of your next Potions lesson."

Harry groaned. "I think I'd rather not know." He opened his eyes again, a little bit wider this time. "If you're that willing to tell me, it can't be good. My head hurts."

"Here." Madam Pomfrey pushed through with an extra pillow in her hands. "Let's get you propped up some, and then I can give you something for the headache. Malfoy, help me sit him up here."

Harry's body still felt somewhat limp as Draco helped to pull him upright, but he did make some of the effort on his own. When Harry was settled against the extra pillow, and had swallowed yet another phial from Madam Pomfrey, he finally looked squarely at Draco. "For a minute there, I didn't think you'd come back with me."

Draco swallowed nervously. "I... I had to be sure. It was as if my brain was just stuck, and all I could think about was... well... standing my ground. I had no idea how long I'd been in that place. Was it really three days?"

Harry nodded. "The worst three days of my life."

"Mine too," Draco whispered.

Harry closed and opened his eyes slowly. "What happened when we tried to come back? I took too long, I know but... that other place disappeared, and I knew I was here, but I wasn't. Everything was a blur."

Draco frowned. "You don't remember anything?"

"I remember everything burning." Harry looked down at his hands in front of him. "It was like the Cruciatus, only it came in pulses, and each one was worse than the one before... and then I felt something warm... wait." His eyes came up and locked with Draco's. "You did it again, didn't you?"

Draco bit down on his lower lip and nodded. "It just made sense, I guess. You looked so... I can't even say it, but you looked a lot like how you did when I pulled you from that hole. I had to do something."

For a long moment, Harry didn't seem to know what to say. Finally, very softly, he said, "Thank you."

Draco couldn't help himself anymore. He dropped down and pulled Harry into a bone-crushing hug. "Oh Merlin, Harry, don't you ever do something like that again!"

Harry returned the embrace weakly, and Draco could feel him laugh. "No promises, but I'll try. I think I've filled my quota of almost dying for the year."

Draco leaned back just far enough to look into Harry's face, simultaneously trying to blink away the tears in his eyes before anyone noticed. "What have I got myself into, being friends with you?"

Harry laughed again. "Didn't I warn you about the hazards of that position?"

"I don't remember signing a hazardous-duty and mortal-peril contract here," Draco said flatly.

"I'll make up a copy. I do have some good news though," Harry said. "I did get Ron to promise not to kill you."

Draco scowled. "Well, thank Merlin for small favours. It would be nice to live for a while after narrowly escaping death. Again."

They were interrupted by a conspicuous cough, and they pulled apart and turned to see the members of their small audience reacting in some very interesting ways. Snape looked as if he didn't know if he should be pleased or sick. Madam Pomfrey looked shocked. Dumbledore was smiling.

"I would welcome you back, Harry," Dumbledore said lightly, "but it seems that honour has already been taken."

"Hello, Professor," Harry said, looking sheepish.

"You did cut it rather close there, didn't you?" the Headmaster continued as he took a step forward and leaned on the end of Harry's bed.

"Well, it's not like I had a wristwatch available on that other plane of existence," Harry pointed out. "And I was delayed a bit."


Draco cut in. "Yeah, I wouldn't go with him at first. I... er... thought Harry was You-Know-Who, trying to... er... trick me into deserting Harry... pretty stupid, huh?"

"No, not stupid at all," Dumbledore said with a reassuring smile. "But I take it that Harry convinced you that he was indeed himself?"

"He said -" Draco was cut off by a light elbow to the ribs and a pointed look from Harry, which brought a flush of embarrassment to his cheeks. "He did, sir."

"Very good. And now, I believe you both have friends waiting outside the infirmary who would very much like to see you," Dumbledore said.

Harry looked puzzled. "I thought they went up to Professor McGonagall's office."

Dumbledore gave him a chastising look. "You don't honestly think they would be willing to go anywhere until they knew you were all right." Blue eyes twinkled mischievously. "And before I let them in, I would suggest that you two might release each other. I believe Mr. Weasley has had as much emotional trauma as he can handle for one day."

Draco and Harry pulled their hands apart as if they'd been burned. Truth be told, Draco hadn't even realized he was still holding Harry's hand. It had been a natural reflex to grasp it, but now that someone had pointed it out, Draco felt slightly embarrassed. He had never shown any sort of affection towards anyone publicly, and now, in front of two professors and the school nurse?

Draco didn't have any more time to entertain his embarrassment as the infirmary doors opened. Granger came running in first, followed shortly by Weasley, and both made a beeline for Harry. And behind them -

"Vince?" Draco said in disbelief.

Harry's friends were already fussing over him loudly by the time Vincent Crabbe made his way over, looking more at the ground than at Draco. "Hey, boss."

Draco blinked twice. "You're... here? I figured... I figured your dad would tell you to finish me off or something."

Vincent grunted and shrugged. "He did. Everybody knew what you'd done. Even the people who don't like You-Know-Who too much thought you were mad."

"Maybe they were right. So... why didn't you? Why are you here now?"

Vince finally looked up. "Pansy tried to... well, you know. She tried to do it. But I stopped her."

"But why?"

"Because... you may have bossed me around... but you were good to me. Nobody else was." He cast a sideways glance at Harry, who was talking with his friends in an oddly subdued manner. "Besides... when I heard you'd thrown your lot in with Potter... I figured there had to be a good reason."

Draco nodded to Vince, but he couldn't seem to reply properly. His attention was now focused on Harry, who had stopped laughing and was looking back at him with an enigmatic expression. Slowly, it morphed into a curious sort of smile, which Draco found himself returning. A strange fluttering warmth welled up in Draco's stomach, but before he could say anything, Weasley stepped forward.

For an instant, old instincts tried to kick in, and Draco's fingers itched for his wand, but he forced himself to remain still. Weasley stood in front of him. To the side, Draco heard Vincent's knuckles cracking ominously, but he ignored it. Weasley's right hand drew back. Harry immediately stood and Draco recoiled, but then Weasley's hand was outstretched, offering it for Draco to take.

Draco looked from Weasley's face to his hand, and then back up to his face, and raised an eyebrow in query.

Weasley gave a shrug that looked more like a nervous tick. "For Harry. Not because I like you...or that I ever will... but for Harry. Got it, Malfoy?"

Draco flinched. "Could you please find something else to call me, at least?"

A hint of a sly grin curled Weasley's mouth. "Sure, ferret-face."

"Ron..." Harry said warningly.

Draco felt a flash of familiar irritation, but it was quickly overshadowed with amusement. "It's okay, Harry." He took Weasley's hand and gave it one solid pump before quickly releasing it, and returning Ron's facial expression. "That'll work for now, I suppose. Besides, that's how Harry started." He was tempted to wipe his hand on the blanket beside him, more for show than anything else, but just his words had already created the desired effect.

Weasley turned green behind his freckles, and Draco couldn't help himself. He started to laugh. Harry was stifling a snicker, much to Draco's further amusement. Draco was trying to catch his breath to say something, but was interrupted by a loud pop. The next thing he knew, an ecstatic house-elf had affixed herself to his leg.

"Oh, Master Malfoy, sir! You is alive! Oh, Biddy was so worried! Biddy came to Hogwarts, like Master said, but Biddy has not been able to stop worrying! Oh, Biddy's poor master and Harry Potter, alone in the forest! And no Biddy to help! After Master is being so good to Biddy, and Biddy left Master alone! And then you is coming back, but Biddy is thinking that Master is dead! Oh, Biddy's poor Master!"

She was reduced to unintelligible sobs, and Draco reached down and awkwardly patted the top of her head. As he did, he felt himself smiling. Sometimes, it was nice just to be wanted.

Draco looked around the infirmary. The sense of contentment was contagious, and Draco finally breathed his own sigh of relief. He was surprised by how content he suddenly felt. It was as if everything were right. Not perfect, but right. They were alive, they were home. The hard part was over. Harry was still laughing softly and talking with Weasley and Granger, but he kept glancing back over at Draco, smiling. Weasley was blatantly looking everywhere but at Draco, but that was fine. Granger was prattling on about all the classes Harry had missed. Crabbe was asking if Draco would still play Seeker this year. Snape, who had been conferring with Madam Pomfrey, caught Draco's eye, gave him a grimace that Draco presumed was a look of approval, and let himself out of the infirmary. And Dumbledore...

Dumbledore was studying him with a completely unreadable expression that made the hair on the back of Draco's neck prickle. The instant he noticed Draco looking back at him, he gave a carefree smile, but his eyes were still quite solemn. It only made Draco feel more uncomfortable, but he returned the smile and looked away again. Nobody else seemed to notice the exchange.


As it was still the middle of the night, Dumbledore had insisted that discussion could resume in the morning and that everyone should return to sleep. Draco hadn't realized just how exhausted he was until he heard the word 'sleep'.

But I've been sleeping for three days! he'd said in confusion. Why should I still be tired?

Madam Pomfrey told him bluntly that being trapped on the cusp of death was a bit different than getting a good forty winks.

Weasley, Granger, and Vincent were all sent out of the infirmary, but Madam Pomfrey insisted on keeping Harry and Draco overnight for observation. That was fine with Draco, as he seemed to be lacking the energy to travel to the dungeons, where it was likely that several more people were in the midst of plotting his demise. Plus, after almost losing Harry, it felt good to be in the same room as him - even though Madam Pomfrey had already forced Harry to take a Dreamless Sleep potion, saying that she knew he'd stay awake if she gave him the chance. It was just as well. Draco somehow suspected that Harry had slept very little since the night of the eclipse, and that despite his protests, the effects of the poison were still wearing on him.

Part of Draco wanted to stay awake. He was almost afraid that if he fell asleep, he'd wake up and none of this would be real. He could still be trapped out in the woods, or Harry could be dead, or worse. However, exhaustion was the stronger pull. In the bed next to his, Harry was snoring softly, and soon, Draco was lulled to sleep by the familiar sound.


It was morning before Draco even realized he'd fallen asleep, and it took him a few moments of disorientation to realize that the previous night hadn't been a dream. He was really in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, and Harry was sleeping just a few feet away. He turned his head to look around, and discovered what had awoken him in the dim grey of early morning.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Draco said in surprise. He scrambled to sit up. "Er... how long have you been... er..."

"Spying on you?" Dumbledore said lightly. "Only for a few moments. I would have woken you directly, but I felt that an abrupt wake-up call would be a bit harsh after your ordeal last night. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh... er... yes, thank you." There had always been something about Dumbledore that had been off-putting, and Draco certainly felt a little thrown off balance this morning. In addition, he was still trying to wake up fully. "What did you come down here for, sir?"

"To speak with you, and Harry, about what has transpired, as well as to make arrangements for your future safety."

"Oh. Yeah. Safety."

"Our time is shorter than you may think." Dumbledore suddenly sounded much more serious. "If those who mean you harm plan to strike, they will make their attempt sooner, rather than later. Miss Parkinson's effort almost succeeded, despite our precautions."

"Strike... what?" Draco shook his head, as if he could dislodge the last traces of sleep from his head that way.

"Although everyone knows of your return, you have not been seen awake by any other students except Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Crabbe, and it would be best that news of your recovery does not reach anyone else. There will be rumours, of course, but as long as you are not seen, it would be better for you. We must take every precaution. I should like to have you removed to a safe place as soon as possible."

Draco grumbled and punched the quilt between his legs moodily. "Is there such a thing as a 'safe' place anymore?"

"Certainly," Dumbledore said with a confidence that surprised Draco. "We have ways to protect people, Draco. I have discussed this with Professor Snape, and with Harry's approval, we have a place where you might be able to stay."

"Harry's approval?"

"I will explain shortly. And now, if you would wake Harry, I would like to speak with both of you in my office. It is more secure."

Draco rolled out off the bed hesitantly, keeping an eye on Dumbledore as he did. He didn't like cryptic discussion at the best of times. Right now, he was nervous, edgy, and uncertain about his entire future, and here was a man with whom he'd never had a civil conversation, calmly making cryptic remarks about taking Draco away from what little he had left. And away from Harry.

Harry woke very easily, which surprised Draco. He mumbled "good morning", and then remained silent as he gathered up his wand, glasses, and the travel sack that he still seemed to be carrying like a nervous habit. He also seemed to be avoiding eye contact, but Draco tried to write it off as early morning sleepiness, or the nagging effects of the poison, but Harry didn't appear sleepy or lethargic. He seemed distracted. It was even more disconcerting not even to get a smile from him. Wasn't this the same person who, just hours before, had risked his life to save Draco? Hadn't he said he loved him? Hadn't he? Draco tried to ignore those thoughts as he found his own wand lying on the bedside table, tucked it into his pocket, and fell in step with Dumbledore and Harry as they made their way out of the infirmary.

As they climbed the stairs, Harry didn't once turn towards Draco, nor did he say another word. It was eerie. Draco had to restrain himself repeatedly from stopping Harry and demanding that he just look at him. He needed to know why Harry was acting so strangely. Draco felt alone, and though he hated to admit it to himself, he was just a bit scared. He was going to be leaving, and although he was sure that Dumbledore wouldn't force him, he knew that in the end, he'd go. He desperately wanted to feel connected to something when his entire future was so uncertain, and it was with Harry that he wanted to connect, but Harry wouldn't even look at him. He felt so alone, even though he was barely inches away from the person that he now considered his best friend. Dumbledore was going to safeguard him, but where? And how? What was going to happen to Harry? And what the hell was Harry thinking underneath his impassive expression?

Draco hardly noticed as a gargoyle jumped aside, and they made their way up a twisting staircase and through an elaborately carved wooden door. Two soft armchairs were positioned facing the Headmaster's desk, and Draco flopped into the one on the left, while Harry quietly lowered himself into the other. Dumbledore, however, remained standing, and leaned back against the front edge of his desk. Behind the desk, a phoenix trilled softly.

"Fawkes!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes brightening for the first time since he'd awoken. "He wasn't here earlier, was he?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "I am surprised that you noticed his absence."

Harry shrugged. "Where did he go, sir?"

"He was needed to supply one of the ingredients for the potion you took last night."

"Ah," Harry said, as if that explained everything. He seemed to be searching for something else to say, and Draco recognized it as the way Harry often tried to extend meaningless conversations to avoid difficult discussions.

Dumbledore must have caught the signs, and said lightly, "Harry, you may remove your travel pack and stay for a bit."

Harry silently removed the pack and placed it on the floor beside him, but he didn't seem too keen to let it go.

Apparently realizing that Harry was not about to relax, Dumbledore folded his hands in front of him and leaned back in a businesslike matter. He looked at Harry carefully for a moment before addressing them both. "Boys, first, I must express to you how proud I am of the both of you. And please, do not think I say this patronizingly. What you have both accomplished over these past few weeks is nothing short of remarkable... for a multitude of reasons."

Draco, for his part, didn't know whether to be proud of the compliment, or to brush it off. He still had no intention of becoming one of Dumbledore's goody-goodies, but at the same time, there was something disconcertingly powerful about the old man. Something that Draco didn't quite understand, but could come to respect in time, if he learned more about it. Still, he didn't know Dumbledore well enough to trust him, and right now, the man seemed to be ready to direct Draco's entire life. He glanced over to Harry to see how he was reacting, hoping for some reassurance, but once again, Harry seemed to be wearing the carefully placed mask of indifference he'd had since Draco had woken him. It didn't make Draco feel any more comfortable.

Dumbledore seemed to notice the odd tension in the room, and continued lightly. "But it would seem that discussion of past accomplishments is best left for another time. We have several more pressing matters." He placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward slightly. "I believe that we must get Draco out of this school today, as soon as possible. Last night, I met with the Aurors who were interrogating Miss Parkinson. One of their primary goals was to have her list the other children of Death Eaters, or the Voldemort-loyalists amongst the student population at Hogwarts, particularly those who might try to finish the job she failed. As I suspected she would, she refused to comply with the interrogation."

"Why don't they use Veritaserum?" Harry asked.

"Because Veritaserum is tightly controlled, and Miss Parkinson is still underage. We can not force her to take it, and she has refused."

Draco frowned. "But we don't need Pansy to tell us. I know who they are. Why don't you just kick them out?"

"If it were only that easy," Dumbledore said with a long sigh. "I am unable to simply remove students from this school based on suspicion without evidence."

"I'll give you the bloody evidence!" Draco said angrily. "I'll give you names, conversations -"

"I'm afraid that will be insufficient. We're trying to hide you, Draco. Your testimony will have to be heard by the board of governors for those students to be removed."

Draco's eyes widened in understanding. "Half the members of the board of governors are Death Eaters."

"Well, less than half, but enough such that it would be prudent for you to avoid such meetings. It is not an option. But in the meantime, we must make haste to remove you from the school."

Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Dumbledore had said he'd be leaving soon, but Draco hadn't thought it would be today. It was too soon! He'd just arrived back! And last night, something incredible had happened between himself and Harry. Whatever it was, Draco didn't quite understand it, and he desperately needed a chance to talk to Harry privately and find out if they were both feeling... whatever Draco thought he was feeling. Especially now that Harry seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder. He looked over at Harry, but Harry was facing the Headmaster, seeming not to see anything else around him.

"Where will he be sent?" Harry asked flatly.

"I have discussed this with Professor Snape, as Draco's Head of House, and with the other members of the Order of the Phoenix. As Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place is now yours, you can decide how it shall be used. Until better arrangements can be made, or until the school has been better secured, I believe that it would be best for Draco's safety to hide him there. He would be protected by the Fidelius Charm, as well as by several Order members. But permission to use the location in such a manner is up to you, and consent to this plan is up to Draco."

"If Draco wants to go, he can. If you think that's best." The corner of Harry's lips quivered; a tiny crack in his composure. He turned to look at Draco. "It's not the nicest place, you know."

"I know," Draco said carefully. "I went there when I was much younger. Four years old, I think. Old Auntie Black was rather batty."

Harry managed to smile for a split second before his expression fell again. "Do you want to go?"

"Well, I -"

"Professor Dumbledore," Harry cut him off suddenly, "the only threat to Draco is from the Slytherins. Why can't we just put him in another house? I'm sure I could convince the Gryffindors -"

Dumbledore shook his head. "I am sorry, Harry, but it isn't so simple. No one has ever switched houses, and -"

"We could make an exception for once! I mean, how is Draco going to finish his schooling? He's only just taken his OWL's!"

Draco scowled and poked Harry in the arm. "While I appreciate the invitation into your illustrious Gryffindor Tower, did you bother to think that I wouldn't want to be in a different house?"

Harry frowned. "But you can't want to be in Slytherin anymore... can you?"

Draco sighed and leaned on the arm of his chair. "I don't particularly want to die, so no, I don't want to be surrounded by Death Eaters' children who would love to turn me into a trophy. Nor do I want to be stuck in Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw, and I'd be forced to commit ritual suicide if I were placed in Hufflepuff."

"But..." Harry turned back to Dumbledore. "But Professor!"

"Ah, Harry, that was what I was about to explain when you interrupted. Houses are not arbitrary. I know you are convinced that Slytherin house is synonymous with Dark wizards, but Draco is a Slytherin, and I doubt that you would call him a Dark wizard anymore."

"No," Harry said, kicking morosely at the carpet.

"Then, would you be amenable to allowing Draco to use Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place?"

"Draco's my friend. He can use anything of mine that he wants." Harry finally looked at Draco again. "If you want to go, that is."

Draco looked from Harry to Dumbledore, hesitating. He didn't really want to answer either way.

"The arrangement would be temporary," Dumbledore insisted gently. "There are ways for you to continue his studies, and Harry can visit you whenever the situation permits."

Draco worried the fabric of the armrest between his fingers as he met Harry's gaze again. "I think I have to, Harry. Pansy tried to kill me. It's just going to keep happening until one of them succeeds. Or until their parents pull them out of Hogwarts."

"Which might happen sooner than you think," Dumbledore interjected. "Just this morning, I received an early owl from Gregory Goyle's father. It appears that Gregory is destined for a finer educational institution, and will be leaving us by the end of the day. I expect more similar occurrences as this situation progresses."

Draco gave Harry the bravest smile he could, which wasn't much. "See? I'd be back in no time. Don't tell me you'd miss me that much."

Harry shrugged and looked away. Draco knew what Harry would have said, but he wished he'd said it aloud. I'd miss you that much, Draco thought to himself. But sometimes, I guess we have to do things we don't want to do.

"So, the consensus?" Dumbledore prompted.

Draco didn't want to answer. It felt too sudden. They'd finally arrived back home, and now Draco found himself being asked to leave. Even though he'd known logically that he'd be facing plenty of trouble upon returning to Hogwarts, anything from imprisonment for his crimes to exile for his own safety, part of him had wanted to be swept up in some ridiculous fanciful notion of a heroic homecoming, where everything would be okay. But now that he was being asked to go into hiding, he could no longer take refuge in his fantasy. Not taking his eyes off Harry's downcast face, Draco answered, "I'll go." He didn't miss the shadow that passed over Harry's features as he said it.

Dumbledore nodded. "Then I shall make the arrangements. If you wish, I can apply to have you legally emancipated from your parents. We have channels through which we can do that."

"That might be best," Draco said, still watching Harry.

"Well then, we have a lot to do today, don't we?" Dumbledore said brightly, rousing himself. "Draco, I can have Biddy pack your belongings so that you need not go to the Slytherin dungeons yourself."

"All right... I mean, thank you, sir."

"And Harry, I am sorry to do this to you, but there is a matter that I must discuss with Draco privately."

Harry's head snapped up, and his eyes were furious beneath his glasses. "Sure. I'll see you both later, then," he growled, and without even looking back, he marched out of the office, shutting the door loudly behind him.

Harry's departure was so abrupt, Draco felt as if Harry had slammed him, not the door. "Harry!" Draco called behind him, but he knew Harry wasn't going to come back. From across the office, Fawkes trilled sadly. "What's got into him? Professor, I should probably go -"

"Not quite yet, Draco. Give Harry some time. And I honestly do have something I wish to speak with you about before you go find Harry."

Draco forced himself to sit properly in his seat and face the Headmaster. "Yes, sir?"

"First, I would like to know if you wish for us to contact your mother."

Draco nearly choked. "My mother is dead."

Dumbledore only looked surprised for a moment, but then he shook his head. "I can assure you that she is quite alive. Professor Snape saw her only three days ago, at Malfoy Manor."

Draco was stunned and mouthed silently to himself, trying to process this. When he spoke, his voice cracked. "Snape was at the Manor? He really saw her?"

"Indeed, he was and he did. You see, as I partially told Harry, Voldemort has disappeared. As you have good cause to know, on the night of the eclipse, things did not go well for him. According to Professor Snape, he collapsed just moments before the eclipse reached completion, and was taken away by two of his most loyal followers. The Death Eaters scattered, and we do not know what their current plans are, as Professor Snape did not follow any of them. Instead, he went to your parents' house to see if he could learn anything further about your situation before reporting back to me. He can now use his contact with your parents to maintain his appearance of loyalty to Voldemort."

"He is loyal to the Dark Lord!"

This time, Dumbledore smiled as he shook his head. "Now that your situation has changed, why do you not ask him yourself?"

Facts were coming too fast now, and Draco shook his head slowly. "This is too much... damn. But... what about my mother? I thought... but You-Know-Who told me that she was dead! I saw her dead!"

Dumbledore placed a hand on Draco's shoulder in sympathy. "I would suspect that Voldemort has shown you images of your mother's dead body in order to intimidate you. And I would hope that Harry has assured you that Voldemort is a master of illusion. Lord Voldemort does not kill anyone for whom he might have further use. With you still out of his grasp, your mother may yet be useful to him. He would not bother to kill her without a purpose. Our spies have seen her only two days ago, and she is quite alive."

"And... my father?"

"Also alive."

The emotional relief felt like a noose being cut away from his neck, and Draco flopped back down against his pillows, breathing a long, shaky sigh.


"I'm surprised, that's all. I'm just... glad. I may have left the family, but I never wished harm on any of them."

Dumbledore patted his arm softly then backed away again. "I know you didn't. But my question remains, do you wish for us to contact your mother? She may be the wife of a Death Eater, but she does not bear the Dark Mark herself. As long as she is alive and within the control of Lord Voldemort's people, she is at risk because she could be used as leverage over you, and you are at further risk as a result. We can approach her and offer her refuge, if you wish."

Draco considered this for a moment, then closed his eyes. He pictured his mother. Narcissa Malfoy: proud, strong, cold. A woman from a long line of pure-bloods, the wife of a powerful pure-blood, and proud of both facts. Narcissa Malfoy: the mother of a traitorous son. Sure, she loved him, but a blood traitor for an offspring didn't fit into her plans, and would only endanger her further. If he allowed her to simply disown him, she could continue her life, uninterrupted, and he could just walk away. And then, after everything was over, maybe he could find her. If Dumbledore went to safeguard her now, she would become a refugee. She would feel shamed. She would be forced to face the fact that she had birthed a blood traitor. That would never do for Narcissa Malfoy.

"Leave her," Draco finally said, and he opened his eyes. "It's better that way. She'd never leave my father, and he wouldn't want to come, just as much as I'm sure you wouldn't want him."

Dumbledore didn't seem pleased by his answer. In fact, he seemed ready to offer another argument, but finally, he nodded. "As you wish. And now... I wish to discuss your rather miraculous healing of Harry in the infirmary."

Draco sat still for a moment, then looked down at the floor. "What's there to discuss? It happened."

"I am aware that it was not the first time you healed Harry in such a manner."

Draco's head shot up. "How do you know about that?"

"Harry allowed me to view the memory," Dumbledore said simply. "It was not the memory I needed to view specifically, but it existed in close conjunction with the memories I required."

Draco shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He suddenly had the feeling that Dumbledore had viewed many of the events that had happened during the three weeks he and Harry were away from the school, and he wasn't so sure he liked that. "So... the healing. What about it?"

Dumbledore inclined his head. "The first instance, I think, was a case of simple wandless healing."

"Simple?! I'll have you know that Harry had broken at least four ribs, probably had some internal bleeding -"

Dumbledore held his hands up. "Draco, I did not say that the healing was not impressive, nor would I belittle what you have done. What I wish to explain to you is that you did not accomplish anything that has not been done before. There have been many well documented cases of witches saving their children in such a manner, or -"

"Yeah, I know, I know. It's all been done... er... sir."

"Indeed." Dumbledore peered at him over the rims of his spectacles. "What has not been done before - at least in my substantial memory - is the more complicated healing you performed last night."

Draco sat up a bit straighter. "What do you mean?"

"Harry had consumed a poison with was both physical and magical in nature. In comparison, yes, a few broken bones were very simple injuries to heal. The poison Harry used caused extensive damage to his body, as well as to his magic, which is an incredibly difficult injury even for professional Healers to fix. Also, in the more widely reported cases of wandless healing, the effort was spontaneous and desperate; your actions in the infirmary were deliberate. As Madam Pomfrey stated, you are not a mediwizard, so by all accounts, there seemed to be no possible way for you to have saved Harry. However - and this is what might have made the difference - the poison Harry consumed was designed to bind you together... as was the Soul's Eclipse potion. I have hypothesized that with both sets of bonds still in place, your healing attempt was greatly enhanced."

Trying to process all the small bit of information, Draco picked out the simplest thread. "We were bonded together?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Temporarily. The magic involved was highly complex, and with the combined effects of two potions, both being used for things for which they had never been intended, I doubt that we will ever know exactly what allowed you to do it."

"I needed to save him. Isn't that enough?"

"It may well be, Draco," Dumbledore said. "And certainly you would not have been successful had your desire to save him not been so great. However, for your own safety, and Harry's, I would like to see if those bonds have been dissolved."


"Most certainly. They were never meant to be permanent, but in a case of experimental magic, unforeseeable circumstances may arise." Dumbledore drew his wand. "With your permission, I would like to check you over."

"Why didn't you check Harry?" Draco asked testily.

Dumbledore sighed. "I would only need to check one of you, and Harry seemed quite agitated. I felt that keeping him here for such a test would only trouble him further."

Draco felt a flash of anger. "And you didn't trouble him more when you told him to leave?"

"I also thought that perhaps you would not want him to know about your mother."

Draco scowled. "Anything you can say to me, you can say in front of Harry. This is what he was talking about - people not telling him things. So hurry up and test me. I need to get ready to go."

Dumbledore said nothing as he flicked his wand towards Draco. A soft yellow glow began at the top of Draco's head, slowly enveloped him, and faded away.

"And the prognosis is...?" Draco pushed.

"The bonds have been dissolved."

Draco wasn't sure if he was happy with that or not, but he put on his best look of indifference as he stood and turned a foot towards the door. "Then I can leave?"

"You are free to go, but Draco..."

"What?" he asked irritably.

"I must tell you that while I have made my share of mistakes -"

Draco snorted.

"- my deepest concern has always been for the students of Hogwarts. This includes Harry and yourself. I want you to know that I am aware of how dangerous your situation truly is, for multiple reasons."

"Well, sir, that makes two of us who are aware of it, doesn't it?"

Dumbledore smiled patiently. "Draco, I understand your past prejudices against me, but it would seem that now, we are fighting on the same side."

Draco faced the Headmaster squarely and folded his arms across his chest. "I knew you were going to do this. And I already talked to Harry about it before... well... before the night of the eclipse. I don't want any part of this. I'm not going to fight for you. I don't want to fight on either side."

Dumbledore leaned forward heavily on his desk. "The fight will come to you, Draco, whether or not you are prepared for it. I should not need to enumerate the reasons why you are already thoroughly entrenched in this conflict, but carefully consider your situation. You may not wish to fight for me, nor would I ever expect you to do so... but would you fight for Harry?"

Draco opened his mouth before he realized that he had no argument. Yes, he would fight for Harry. Without question. He already had.

Dumbledore nodded knowingly. "And so you can see exactly why you are now part of this fight."

The significance of Dumbledore's words hit Draco hard, and suddenly the room didn't seem to have quite enough air in it. "I don't want to fight," he said again, weaker this time.

"Neither did Harry. He has been marked with a burden since he was an infant, and he has shouldered this responsibility valiantly. Still, he had a choice. He could have walked away from the burden if he wanted to, but he hasn't. If you wish to walk away from this fight... Harry would continue on without you, and you would have to leave Harry behind as well."

Draco felt himself go pale.

Dumbledore's voice was soft, but his words dug sharply. "We will do everything we can to protect you, regardless of which path you choose. I swear this to you. But I want you to ask yourself, when the time comes, will you choose to stand with Harry?"

Draco stared at the far wall. There was nothing he could say. Not now. Not to Dumbledore. "I need to go," he said hoarsely.

"Then go. Although I will remind you that you would do well not to be seen throughout the school."

Draco's stomach twisted as he realized the Headmaster was right. "Fuck!" Draco looked up at the small clock on the wall. "People probably aren't awake yet, but they will be. Damn it..."

"Before you enlighten me to any more of your colourful vocabulary, might I point out that Harry seems to have forgotten the pack he has been carrying since he arrived." He indicated the dusty bag lying by the chair Harry had deserted. "My guess is that you might find something useful in there, and that Harry would probably want you to use it."

Draco looked at Dumbledore in surprise for a moment before grabbing the pack and turning for the door.

"I expect that your belongings will be assembled shortly," Dumbledore called from behind him. "As soon as you have handled your affairs, please report back to my office. The password is 'pineapple'."

Pineapple? Draco thought to himself as he closed the door behind him.

It felt strange to be using the Invisibility Cloak without Harry, but as Draco swept by a small group of Ravenclaw sixth-years who appeared to be on their way towards the library, he knew that Harry probably would want him to use it. He felt as if he should be going to find Harry, but he had no idea where the boy might have gone. To Gryffindor Tower? Possibly, but somehow, Draco doubted it. Breakfast? Not likely. Draco put it out of his mind. He'd find Harry before he left. Right now, Draco had to see someone else.

His path took him down the stairs, across the main foyer, and towards the dungeons. He passed the turn that led to the Slytherin dormitories and continued straight towards the Potions classroom, beyond which were the living quarters of his Head of House.

Draco tried to knock softly on Snape's door, but the sound echoed throughout the corridor. Above the door, a rather hideous small gargoyle snickered. "What do you want, invisible boy?"

Fuck, that thing really can see everything. I thought it was just a rumour. I hate that bloody gargoyle. "I need to see Professor Snape."

"Oh, you need to see Professor Snape, do you?" he said in a singsong voice that reminded Draco far too much of Peeves.

"Will you just announce me already?" Draco hissed.

"Absolutely, your highness-ness. One invisible Malfoy to see the esteemed Severus Snape, God of the Dungeons." The statue went still, and Draco knew that the magical watchdog had gone through to one of the gargoyles inside Snape's living quarters. A moment later, the door opened, and a dishevelled Potions Master appeared. In a heartbeat, he'd swept his arm across the space in front of the doorway, grabbed Draco by the shoulder, and had hauled him inside.

Snape whipped the Invisibility Cloak from Draco and glowered at him darkly. For a terrifying moment, Draco wondered if he'd just made the biggest mistake of his life. Shit! What if he really is loyal to the Dark Lord? I don't trust Dumbledore, so why the fuck did I trust him about this?

Draco looked back over his shoulder at the door, considering making a break for it, but then Snape grabbed him by the arm again. In a surge of panic, Draco threw up his free hand and yelled, "No! Let me go!"

The grip remained firm. "Be quiet!" Snape snarled at him. "Do you want to alert the entire dungeons to your presence? What do you think you are doing, sneaking around out there? Are you daft?"

"I... er..." Draco stammered for a moment, unsure what to think.

"Professor Dumbledore has been awake all night, as have I, making arrangements for your safety, and you risk it all by traipsing about the dungeons?" Snape finally released his arm. "What were you thinking?"

"I needed to talk to you," Draco said, trying not to let his voice shake. "Dumbledore said... he said to ask you if I didn't believe it was true... about your loyalties... and my mother... but..."

"Draco," Snape said evenly, "I did not think I would need to explain to you how stupid this was. Have you learned nothing as a Slytherin? Self preservation is paramount! What if Dumbledore had been wrong, and I had decided to turn you over to the Dark Lord immediately?"

"Er... I'd be in a lot of trouble?"

Snape scowled at him, turned, and walked to the corner of his sitting room in front of the fireplace. He sat in his own chair and indicated for Draco to sit in the one facing him. "You have come to talk, so talk."

Draco settled himself uneasily into the chair. Although the seat appeared padded, it was really quite hard. "I had to find out..." He hesitated. "Is my mother really alive?"

"She is," Snape said, but offered no further information.

It took all Draco's willpower not to squirm. "And... I needed to know if you were really loyal to Dumbledore," he said as calmly as possible. "I always thought... well... that Dumbledore was just a fool for trusting you."

Snape didn't reply for a minute as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Trust is always the act of fools. Loyalty, however, is not."

Draco frowned. "I don't understand."

"I did not expect that you would, although it would have been a pleasant surprise." Snape leaned on the arm of his chair. "There is never a reason for trust, Draco. It is given freely, and often irresponsibly. Loyalty is a far deeper commitment, and should never be given without reason. Tell me, Draco, why did you leave the Dark Lord's service?"

Suddenly, Draco felt very nervous. Snape still had not admitted the true nature of his loyalties. Still, Draco had known him for years. If Snape was going to turn him in, he would have already acted. "It just seemed... wrong somehow. Serving him."

"Were you scared?"

"No!" Draco protested, but Snape's piercing glare made him wince. "Okay, yes, I was scared. But that wasn't everything."

"No, it wasn't. I am well aware of this. You did not merely drop your prior loyalties; you gained new ones."

Draco found his cheeks burning.

Snape nodded slowly. "Ask yourself, Draco, why would a person shift loyalties? Or, more to the point, why would a Slytherin do so?"

Draco thought in silence for a moment before venturing an answer. "A Slytherin would always pledge loyalty to the person with the most power."

"Very true, Draco. However, a truly clever Slytherin would understand that raw power alone means very little. The winner of this war will not be the one with the most power. It will be the one with -"

"The most strength," Draco finished for him as his heart started to thud harder in his chest. "Power has no loyalty... no depth... By Merlin..."

Snape raised one eyebrow. "You surprise me, Draco. Where would you have encountered such a valuable nugget of wisdom?"

Draco looked at him bleakly. "You'd never believe me if I told you."

"Really?" Snape asked in a tone that didn't demand an answer. "Regardless, deserting a post for such a reason is one matter. Throwing your lot behind someone at great personal risk to yourself is another matter altogether."

Draco felt as if Snape's eyes were boring holes through his skull. He tried to remember what little Occlumency he'd been taught, but he was too tired from his ordeal the previous night, and his brain was too fuzzy. Cautiously, he let himself meet Snape's piercing stare, and tried sidetracking the conversation with his own question. "So... why would you throw your loyalty behind Dumbledore?"

"I think I should ask you why you would throw your loyalty behind Potter."

Still holding Snape's gaze, Draco realized that the older man was in full control of this exchange and there was nothing he could do about it. Snape wouldn't answer any questions until he wanted to. Draco sighed in defeat. "I saw how strong he was when he faced You-Know-Who. Unarmed, trapped, and he didn't even flinch. Even I couldn't do that when I thought I was loyal to him. But then... I was supposed to meet with You-Know-Who for myself, and by that time, I was... wavering."

"A very dangerous thing, to waver in your loyalty when meeting with the Dark Lord. He demands absolute devotion."

"I know," Draco said with a shudder. "And I knew then too. I thought that maybe I could blank my mind, or Occlude him, but I was too exhausted, and too... well..."

"Fixated on your prisoner?"

"We'd been talking for days! What did you expect? And he wasn't at all what I thought he was."

Snape cocked his head in amusement. "Then what was he?"

"Better," Draco said flatly.

"Interesting," Snape said mildly. "So, what did it? Why did you place your loyalty firmly behind Harry Potter before you even stepped out of the Dark Lord's dungeons? And do not look so surprised. You never would have left with him had you not already changed loyalties."

Now Draco was surprised. "That's what Wormtail said!"

"Indeed. As he said to me, not that I needed that rodent to tell me things I already knew."

Even more surprises, Draco thought to himself. "When did you see him?" he pressed.

"Briefly, late last night, but that is not the issue now. I asked you a question, and I expect an answer."

Draco pressed his lips together, sighed, and stared at the pattern on Snape's throw rug. "Harry helped me. Everyone else wanted to test me, but Harry... he knew what I would be facing when I met with You-Know-Who, so he helped me. He got me angry... just enough so that I could cover my fear and indecision. Looking back, it was impressive how he did it. I didn't even realize what he'd really done until I was on my way up the stairs. I think he saved my life that night."

Draco looked up to see how Snape was reacting, but Snape's expression was still completely neutral, so Draco pressed on. "He didn't need to help me... he was my prisoner... but he did anyway. I couldn't understand why someone would help me when they didn't need to, but when it happened, it all made so much sense. And then, when I finally met with You-Know-Who, everything that Harry had said... about fear, control, servitude..." He paused and smirked. "...power and strength."

Snape's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. "Potter told you? You were right. I don't believe it."

Draco's smirk turned into a rueful smile, which then faded. "I met You-Know-Who, and I believed every word Harry said to me. He was right. I could tell who was stronger. I knew what I wanted then. And I knew that Harry had given me something that I'd never had before." Draco took a deep breath. "A choice."

"And so you made that choice."

"Yes, I did."

Then Snape did something Draco had seen him do less than a half-dozen times in his life. He smiled. "And so did I."

Draco sat there, stunned, as Snape got up and crossed the room to his desk, plucked a piece of parchment from atop a stack of books, and returned. "I trust you recognize this parchment?"

He held it up, and Draco could see the diagram he had drawn of the Soul's Eclipse and its counter-curse. "Of course I do."

Snape nodded. "I required the use of your spell diagram as I prepared the potion Potter consumed last night. Your diagramming skills need work, Draco, as does your grasp of the Ogham alphabet, but we shall save that for another time. Before I began my work, it was rather difficult not to notice the writing on the back of this parchment. Potter's handiwork, was it not?"

"He wrote a note on it," Draco said. "It was in case he didn't survive... he wanted me to bring it back as proof that I didn't kill him... or let him die intentionally."

Snape frowned. "You have not read it."

Draco shook his head. "I told myself that I'd read it if I had to. If I read it while Harry was still alive, it was like admitting that he was going to die."

"A word of advice, Draco: if you ever have the opportunity to read something, do so immediately. You never know when you will need that information. Which is why I took it upon myself to read this."

The fact that Snape seemed pleased about reading something Harry had written made Draco very uncomfortable. "What does it say?" Draco asked, reaching a hand out, but Snape pulled the note further from him.

"Before I give this to you, I wish to remind you of something. While loyalty to the Dark Lord demands complete subservience and dedication in exchange for power, loyalty to one who opposes him demands just as strong of a commitment, if not stronger. Do not make a commitment that you are unable to keep."

Draco thought for a long moment, then stood. "I made a promise to Harry the night we escaped. I told him I'd get him back to Hogwarts, no matter what happened. 'Whatever it takes.' That's what I said, and I did it. I told him I wouldn't leave him, and I didn't. I even promised... that if it looked like You-Know-Who was going to win... I'd... Merlin, I still can't say it."

"You promised that you would kill him, rather than let the Dark Lord win?" Snape seemed unsurprised by the thought.

Draco hung his head. "Yes."

"Could you have done it?"

"I would rather have died myself. I didn't have to kill him for us to win, so... it doesn't really matter, does it?"

"You know better than that. Look at me, Draco. Now, tell me, could you have killed him?"

Draco looked up, but the words wouldn't come.

"You will answer me, Draco. Out of loyalty to Harry, could you have fulfilled your promise to kill him?"

Draco's throat was squeezing in on itself, but he finally managed to choke out an answer.


Snape gave a satisfied nod and held out the parchment. "Then you have earned this."

Draco hesitantly accepted the parchment and flipped it over. The note was shockingly straightforward at first, but then Draco remembered that Harry hadn't exactly had the luxury of time in which to mince words. Still, as blunt as it was, Draco read slowly as tears began to well up in his eyes. Snape was watching, but it didn't matter. When he got to the end, he composed himself and then looked up. "I need to go find him."

"Even with that cloak, you would have a difficult time infiltrating Gryffindor Tower."

"I don't think he's there... wait, I have an idea."

"Do you? How novel."

Draco glared at him. "I found a hiding place of his last year... he used it for that little Dumbledore-club. I think he might be there."

Snape responded with a nod of the head. "Then if you know where the boy has gone, and you have no further issues of teenage angst to discuss with me, I would appreciate an hour of sleep before I face the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw third-years for class this morning. They are not anticipating my return. Though tiring, the results should be... entertaining."

"Yes, sir. Thank you for listening."

"You're welcomed. And Draco..."


"You're about to embark on a very difficult path, one which is likely to make your trek through the northern forest seem like a pleasant camping trip. But you should know... you will not be alone."

Draco clutched the parchment to his chest. "I know." Without another word, he threw the Invisibility Cloak back over his head and let himself out. As he did, he realized that Snape had never actually said outright to whom he held loyalty. Clever bastard.


When Harry had arrived in the Room of Requirement, it reminded him very much of how it had looked just yesterday for Ron, Hermione, and himself, except instead of beanbag chairs, there was one plush couch, long enough for him to stretch out on comfortably. However, instead of stretching out, Harry curled up against one of the arms and thought about how empty the other end looked.

I'm being ridiculous. Of course we need to put Draco someplace safe. If he stays here, he's risking his life, and I can't let him do that. That's the last thing I could let him do! But then why the hell am I so upset about this?

Harry rolled off the couch and started pacing the small length of floor. His trainers sank deep into the carpet with every step.

Sure, I spent the last few weeks with him, but how the hell could I become so damned attached that I don't want him to go? In just a few weeks? And why the hell did it take almost losing him to make me understand? What if we hadn't saved him? No, I'm not going to think about that... but I'm losing him anyway!

He's leaving. And fuck, he knows I'll miss him that much. At least, I hope he knows. How can he not? And how can he leave so easily? It didn't even seem to bother him! He just said he'd go... just like that. Doesn't he remember what happened last night? He's in love with me... he's...

Harry grabbed a pillow from the couch and wrenched it between his hands and continued to pace. He was angry, he was upset. Everything was all right, but everything was fucked up beyond belief. They were both alive and safe, but Draco was leaving. Somehow, he'd fallen for Draco, and it made so much sense, but it made no sense at all. And now that he was back in the familiar setting of Hogwarts, no longer in his place apart with Draco, common sense seemed to be creeping up on him.

Maybe he's having second thoughts. Maybe, now that it's all over, he thinks this was a stupid idea. Now that we're back, and everything is different, and he has to deal - we have to deal with everything... maybe he's changed his mind. And maybe he's right. How much shit will we be in for this? Fuck, fuck, fuck... why me? Why him? And why did it take so long?

He's a boy. He's Draco Mal - he's Draco, and he's a boy. Of course I wouldn't think of it. It's just too unbelievable... right? There was no reason for me to realize it...

All of the strange conversations he'd had with Draco about girlfriends and love interests came back to him, and Harry slammed his pillow against the wall a few times in anguish as he realized just how oblivious he'd been to the whole thing.

Yes, he's Draco. Yes, he's a boy. And he's got grey eyes.

It was all Harry could do to stop himself from slamming his head against the wall in imitation of the pillow a moment before.

Of course I knew what was happening... between us. I knew for days. And now, he's leaving.

With an animalistic growl, Harry hurled the pillow against the couch where it bounced once and landed on the floor. For some reason, that only made him feel worse, and he picked it up and began twisting it again.

Why was I such an arse this morning? Why did I run off like that? I'm going to miss him, but that's a pathetic excuse. We're trying to protect him, but I wanted him to feel guilty for leaving. What kind of friend am I?

He resumed pacing, scuffing his feet against the carpet as he walked.

A friend who wants to be more than a friend.

For several minutes, Harry mentally kicked himself for his sheer stupidity. He needed to talk to Draco, but instead of being supportive, or at least waiting at the bottom of the stairs to Dumbledore's office, he'd run off like a proper arsehole, and was now sulking. Besides, he had no idea what he would say. Goodbye? See you later? Do you remember that kiss we shared on the brink of death? It was good for me - was it good for you? Nothing seemed quite right, and now, all Harry wanted to say was "Don't go!"

He had to tell Draco how he felt. He'd never had a need to talk about things like this with anyone. In that dream, vision, or whatever it was that he and Draco had experienced on death's doorstep, it hadn't been the real, physical world. In desperation to save Draco's life, he had been able to say it without hesitation. And he had meant every word. But now...

I already told him how I feel, but that wasn't flesh-and-blood. Everything was so desperate, I would have said anything. And I meant it! But what about now? Could I say those things to his face? I have to tell him before he leaves, though. I don't want him to go. Why so soon? Why? Why me? Why us?

Harry thought back over the last two weeks. If he thought hard enough, he could still feel Draco's warm back against his as they settled down for the night, and Draco's hand clasped tightly in his as they helped each other over rocks and fallen trees. He could hear Draco laughing - mostly at him - and the way his voice sounded when he talked about things he was passionate about. He could see the smirk and the faint twinkle in Draco's eyes as he went to pull Harry from the pile of leaves. He could reach out and touch the goose bumps on Draco's arms and torso as he walked into the river. He could feel Draco's warm body against his in the cool water as they clung to each other, and Draco's limp body clutched tight in his arms as he walked and stumbled the rest of the way back to Hogwarts.

He never wanted to let go again.

But he had to.

Harry came to a stop like a wind-up toy that had run out of steam, and collapsed on the couch. He buried his face into the pillow that he was still holding, not crying, but occasionally shaking. He didn't really hear the door open, but he jumped with a start when he felt someone sit down beside him.

"It's okay, Harry, it's just me," said thin air. The Invisibility Cloak fell away, and Draco was sitting there, looking very sombre.

Harry quickly adjusted his glasses on his nose, unable to quite hide his shock at Draco's unannounced arrival. "Er... hi, Draco. Did... er... Dumbledore have anything interesting to say?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

Draco didn't answer right away. Instead, he was looking at Harry with such intensity, sincere yet gentle, that Harry had to wonder if Draco could see right through him.


"Why did you run off like that, Harry?"

Feeling very childish, Harry cringed. "I... er... I guess I was a bit surprised at the idea of you leaving so soon."

"So am I. But you were already acting strangely when you woke up."

Harry had to look away. "I was sleepy. Not really in the mood to talk."

"You weren't acting sleepy," Draco insisted. "You were avoiding me."

"No!" Harry protested, but Draco gave him a piercing stare, and Harry shrank back again. "All right, so I was up most of the night, thinking too much."

"I thought Madam Pomfrey gave you a Dreamless Sleep potion!"

Harry shrugged. "I didn't drink it all. Just enough to put me to sleep, and I dumped out the rest of it. So I woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't stop thinking. I didn't want to stop thinking anyway."

Draco seemed as surprised as Harry thought he would. "Wait... so you heard me talking with Dumbledore?"

Embarrassed, Harry nodded. He half expected Draco to be angry, but Draco only looked sad.

"So you already knew that I was going to be leaving when I 'woke you up', didn't you?"

Harry nodded again, feeling very sheepish.

Draco sighed and sat back against the couch. "My mother is still alive."

Now it was Harry's turn to be surprised. "She is?"

"Yeah. And so is my father. You were right. You-Know-Who was just messing with my head. But then, you're always right when it comes to him, so I've noticed."

"Not always," Harry said hesitantly. "So your parents are alive. That's a good thing, right?"

Draco's face warped in an unreadable expression. "Well, of course, but it complicates things."

"Complicates things?"

Draco quirked a smile. "I hear an echo. And yes. It does. I told you before... I still love my parents. We may not have had a warm, fuzzy sort of household, but I still love them. Before... I thought they were gone... and I could just begin a new life. Nothing to tie me back."

Harry's heart gave an uncomfortable thump. "You're not thinking about going back, are you?"

Draco looked mortified. "Contrary to everything I've done lately, believe it or not, I don't have a death wish. If I go back... well, let's just say that my life expectancy would be far better in the Slytherin dungeons than in the Malfoy dungeons."

"Then... what?"

The odd little smile returned to Draco's lips. "It's just... that I'm going to be worried about them, you know. Plus, I'll have to wonder, for the rest of my life, what they think of me, if they miss me, and what might have happened if I'd stayed. I've already chosen my path, Harry. Even when I didn't know if we'd get back alive, I was willing to stick with this. I made my choice... that choice you wanted me to make... and now look at us. We made it. We're alive. That's as much as we could have hoped for when we started out - more than I had hoped for at many points along the way. And now that we're back, there's no way I'm changing courses now."

"So... where's the complication?" Harry asked, thoroughly confused.

"It's... an emotional complication. Even when the choice has already been made, and even if you're happy with that choice, it's not easy to give up one thing that you love for another. Or, more to the point, to give up one person that you love for another."

Harry's heart leapt again, but it wasn't painful this time. "What do you mean?" he asked cautiously.

Draco shook his head and sidestepped the question. "What were you thinking about last night, when you should have been sleeping?"

"I... was thinking about you," Harry said, hearing his voice start to shake. Suddenly feeling too edgy to stay in his seat, Harry got up and began pacing again. "I was thinking about the time we spent together, and how it's coming to an end. I knew Dumbledore would try to send you away. Even before he showed up this morning, I knew what was going to happen. He's right, of course. I shouldn't have wanted to keep you here... but it seems like we've just started something, and now you're leaving! I can never have anything normal! Everything important to me always seems just out of reach, and there's nothing I can do about any of it. I keep losing things and people, and now I'm losing you."

Draco caught him by the arm and spun him around so that they were standing in the middle of the room, facing each other. "You're not losing me, Harry."

"Then what would you call it?"

"I'd call it a temporary arrangement. You're not losing me. You've got me, Harry. Whether I like it or not... I'm part of this fight now. And I'm ready for it. I'll only be able to hide for so long anyway, but then I'm coming back." Draco took a deep breath, looked at Harry for a long moment, and then moved a half-step closer. "You never left me. And I promise, I'll never leave you."

Harry knew those words. He'd written them.

Draco reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small roll of parchment. "I got this back just now," he said as he unrolled it.

Harry recognized it at once, and bit down on his tongue in a vain effort to stop the tears from welling up as he reached out and accepted the parchment from Draco. It only took him a moment to read over the words he'd written before he put it aside. "I figured... if we both made it back... I could just ask for the parchment back... without you ever reading it. I meant it like a last message... oh, Merlin."

A hand cupped his cheek and forced him to look up into a pair of eyes shining with sincerity. "'Oh Merlin', what? You wouldn't want me to read this? Are you embarrassed about what you wrote?"

Harry shook his head, even though he did feel a bit embarrassed. It was all so awkward now.

Draco must have sensed his discomfort, because he frowned slightly. "Did you mean what you wrote?"

"Of course!" Harry blurted out before he could think. "Er... I mean... well, yeah, of course."

"And did you mean what you said?"

"Said... when?"

Draco looked at him incredulously. "Don't you remember anything from last night?"

"Well... I wasn't sure if you had remembered it the same way that I had, or if you had changed your mind, and -"

Draco's other hand came up to completely trap Harry's face, and he leaned in, only inches away. "Well, let me try to clarify things. I believe that somewhere on the edge of death, you somehow remembered what happened on the night of the eclipse. And what you'd said the previous night when you were half asleep. And you shouted it out, and pulled me back from the edge... and there, in the middle of hell, you did this."

Draco kissed him. Not the hesitant, nervous kiss that some part of Harry's brain was expecting, but a bold, forceful kiss that would have knocked Harry backwards if Draco hadn't been holding his face so firmly. Harry was stunned. His heart was suddenly pounding furiously in his chest, and his mind was racing, but his lips were kissing back. And just as abruptly, Draco stopped.

Harry opened his eyes - when had he closed them? - to see Draco peering at him shyly, a comical contrast to his actions only seconds before. Harry licked his lips, surprised that he could already recognize Draco's taste on them. "Draco?"

Draco smiled. Slowly, he reached up and slipped Harry's glasses off, folded them, and tucked them into a pocket. They were so close that Harry could see him clearly enough, and the slight blur only made everything more surreal. "You said that your greatest fear was being alone. You faced death without fear... for me..." He leaned his forehead against Harry's, a gesture that felt incredibly comforting and familiar to Harry, before continuing. "After everything you've done for me... how could I ever let you be alone again?"

Draco moved to kiss Harry again, but Harry dodged him. "But you're still going to leave, aren't you?"

Draco's smile faltered. "I have to, Harry. But you know I'll come back as soon as possible."

It was supposed to be a reassurance, but it didn't make Harry feel much better. He looked at Draco for several seconds, trying to decide what to say next. "I need to know, Draco... what is this? Between us?"

Draco's face became pensive. "I'm not sure. I've never felt anything like it... but I think it's a good thing."

"Even though I'm a boy?" Harry asked before he could stop himself.

Draco only smiled. "Remember when I said that there were no girls in Hogwarts in whom I had any interest?"

"Yeah... oh." Harry felt himself blushing.

"It's amazing how naïve you can be when you want to avoid the obvious answers," Draco teased.

"Don't remind me," Harry grumbled. "I almost needed to beat my head into the wall when I realized how many clues I had missed."

Draco laughed lightly. "And you had no idea you liked boys?"

"I don't," Harry said quickly. When Draco scowled at him, Harry cringed. "All right, so maybe there's some evidence. But I don't like boys. I think I just like you." Harry cringed again. "That sounded pretty stupid, didn't it?"

Draco smiled, his grey eyes peering into Harry's from only inches away. "You say stupid stuff all the time. But I won't hold it against you. You've said incredible things, too. And you said you loved me..."

Then Draco was leaning towards him, and Harry was closing his eyes, and the entire world existed in the tentative brush of lips and Draco's breath on his cheek. Somehow, Harry's hand found its way to the back of Draco's head, and Draco's arms were wrapped tightly around Harry's shoulders. It didn't make sense, but somehow, Harry knew it wasn't supposed to. After a long moment, Draco pulled back, but this time, he paused before breaking contact, and nibbled lightly on Harry's lower lip. In all his life, Harry had never realized that kisses could be like that. He let his lips linger against Draco's, and then, hesitantly, he traced Draco's upper lip with his tongue. Draco made a sound in his throat and caught Harry's mouth again with his.

When they finally broke apart, Harry was breathless, confused, happy, and nervous all at once. It was something he'd never imagined, and would never have wanted, but now that he had it, it was perfect. Even if Draco was leaving, he had this, here and now. "Draco... what does this all mean?" he asked, not even sure what "this" was, but somehow, he was sure Draco would understand.

"It means," Draco said slowly, "that life is going to be hell for both of us, and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"If this is hell," Harry whispered, pulling Draco just a bit closer to him, "I can't imagine what heaven would be like."

"Well, well... Quidditch star, aspiring Auror, junior philosopher, and cheesy poet."

"I'm sorry?"

Draco smiled. "Don't be. I think I like it."

Harry smiled back tentatively, and Draco's arms tightened around him. This time, when Draco kissed him, Harry met his lips eagerly. It seemed like forever, and not nearly long enough, when Draco suddenly pulled away with a gasp. "Harry... open your eyes and look."

The awe in Draco's voice made sense the instant Harry looked around. The Room of Requirement had changed. They were no longer standing in a small, cosy room with a couch and too many pillows. Instead, they seemed to be in the middle of an open field. It was night-time, and overhead, the stars glittered like diamonds. But the sky paled next to the unearthly dance of hundreds of glowing fairies floating all around them in a ring of light. Harry gasped and pulled Draco tighter against him, as if to anchor himself to something solid in such a surreal place. A second later, the sweet chiming melody reached his ears, and a familiar warmth welled up in his chest.

"It's all for us, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"It is."

"I was thinking... one night, while we were out there... that that was all for us, too. The real fairy ring, the mountains, the stars. It was like our world apart, where nobody could touch us. Just us. I remember thinking that I would almost be sad to return to Hogwarts. Does that make any sense?"

"It does," Draco replied, and Harry detected a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It's really over, isn't it?"

"That part's over," Draco said with a shrug. "But this -" He gave Harry a squeeze. "- is just beginning."

Feeling just a bit awkward, but not so much that he wanted to pull away, Harry returned the squeeze. "I think... I think it's going to be okay." He looked back at Draco, whose face was now framed by the blurry lights of the fairies behind him, making his hair look like a bizarre halo. Harry laughed, and he felt some of the tension drain away as he did. "We're going to be okay."

"We are," Draco answered, and leaned in to kiss him softly. "And who needs heaven? This is better."

For a long time, they held each other, watching the fairies, not wanting to leave their illusion and return to the mundane world. Finally, however, they knew it was time. The door to the room was tucked into the side of a large beech tree at the edge of the field. Draco reached into the pack, which he was still carrying, withdrew the Invisibility Cloak, and threw it over Harry and himself before opening the door. The lights from the hallway seemed unnaturally bright after the soft glow of the artificial night-time. Sunlight was streaming through the windows, heralding the passing of yesterday's storm.

As the door closed behind them, a single piece of parchment fluttered to the ground, covered in hastily scrawled script:

To Whom It May Concern,

If you're reading this, it's because Draco has returned to Hogwarts without me. Please consider this my last request. Welcome Draco as if he were me. It's not his fault I died. He did everything he could to save me. I have forgiven him, and I ask you to do the same.

Draco is no more to blame for my death than the deaths of my parents, Cedric, Sirius, or any of the uncountable others who have died because of Voldemort - the real culprit in all this. Draco finally realized that he was in control of his own future. He chose to leave everything behind, risking his own life to escape with me, and has saved my life more than once out here. I know - I just know - that if he could, he would trade places with me.

I wouldn't want him to, though. If this is my fate, then I can accept it. I'm not afraid of death, but I am afraid of being alone. If you read this, you should know that I wasn't alone when I died, and for that, I'm grateful. I died in the company of a friend, someone that I love. I couldn't have asked him for more.

Draco, please keep my Invisibility Cloak. After what we've been through with it, I can't imagine anyone else keeping it now. It's a part of me that you'll never have to leave behind. You never left me, and I promise I'll never leave you.



I walked across an empty land.
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.
I felt the earth beneath my feet.
Sat by the river and it made me complete.

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me.
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything,
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?



Author notes: As a matter of business, I must first acknowledge that the line spoken by the gargoyle, "Absolutely, your highness-ness" is a composite of two different lines spoken by Han Solo in the original Star Wars trilogy. "Yes, your highness-ness," and "Absolutely, your worshipfulness" were the originals, I believe.

And now... we've come to the end of this journey. There will be a sequel on the way, but this story, as it was meant to be told, is complete.

Many thanks to Lucinda, Cal, Noche, Hedgehog, C. Dumbledore, GatewayGirl, Ice'is Blue, and Sherdelune who have been incredible betas throughout the course of this story. Thank you to red_rahl, reenka, and Chantelle, who have provided beautiful artwork (you can see one of Chantelle's pics in this chapter, and one of reenka's). Thanks to my t00b Gutterpirates of the S.S. Guns'n'Handcuffs, who have provided unending amusement for their crusty old Captain.

So, please drop me a review! I like to know what you think, especially considering the edits and changes I've made to the chapter. The original is still available on my Yahoo group, under "Files".

If you haven't already read it, hop over to my Author Page and read the Eclipse Interlude (which is indeed a part of this story), and possibly also my one-shot fic, "Only Your Shadow".

If you would like to join me for fic discussion, and information about my future writing endeavors, please join my Yahoo group, here:
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I don't spend a lot of time in the LJ community (I just don't have the time to keep up with it!) but anyone is welcomed to friend me, and I try to reply to all comments that people leave in my LJ.

If you have any questions about the fic, or would like a response to anything you say in a review, just leave some sort of way for me to contact you (IM screen name, e-mail addy, Owl, etc.), and I'll be sure to respond.

Finally, thank you for joining me on this journey. I promise you - it's not over yet!

With Love,