Confessions of an Emotional Hufflepuff


Story Summary:
A diary of an angsty, emotional, somewhat Potterholic fifth year Hufflepuff. It's going to be a bumpy ride!

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Alcina Blumme, a fifth year Hufflepuff, muses over Pottermania, her friends (or lack thereof), and Hogwarts through the eyes of a normal English girl. || In this chapter: Alcina reflects on the Halloween Ball and her row with Evelyn. Read and find out more!
Author's Note:
Hey thanks so so so so so much for all the nice reviews! You guys inspire me to write more! I have a lot of fun writing this fic so I hope you enjoy reading it! Will have the next chapter up in a bit.

Dear Diary,

What a night, what a night. Can life get any better? Well, I don't think I'll answer that question. I'm just content basking in the glow of the night. Oh, what a night! Okay, I know you're dying to know what has caused this sheer bliss. Maybe I'll tell you, and maybe I won't. The suspense is killing you, isn't it? Hehe. Alright, alright. I'll tell you. You don't have to get so pushy about it! (I think I am losing my mind)

Tonight, I felt like a princess. I know that sounds corny but it's true! Sort of. Well, I wore a beautiful, white, flowing dress and glittery wings. I was an angel with a golden halo above my head of curls. Evelyn wanted me to be an erumpent but I didn't think that would go over so well with my date, or anyone, for that matter. I told her this and she got mad and stomped off, probably to go snog her Slytherin date. Gross. Anyway, some of the other fifth years that I otherwise despise helped me. I tolerated their squealing for about an hour but, come on, I'm not Wonder Woman. It was KILLING me! So I left and crafted the wings myself. I was very proud of them, but I tried not to show it. Evelyn was barely talking to me so I didn't want to make it worse.

Price looked very nice. He was a dragon, but he didn't overdo it or anything. His robes were charmed to look like dragon hide and he spiked his hair like the ridges along a dragon's back. We were an odd pair, an angel and a dragon, but I didn't care. I was on the arm of a charming Gryffindor. Me! Alcina Blumme. No longer will people wonder about my sexual preference, or lack thereof. I was smiling the whole walk down to the Great Hall. I passed a few couples I knew and I smiled graciously at them. They returned the greeting while glancing at my date. I reckon many of them were surprised that I had one.

The Great Hall was magnificent. The usual jack-o-lanterns were floating about the ceiling while the rest of the Hall sported grand streamers and tapestries. Moving sculptures graced the floors and the school ghosts looked like they were having a ball. Most of the students were standing or sitting along the food tables. No one was dancing except Fred Weasley and Angelina (who I mentioned earlier). Their dancing scared me a bit, but I had to admire them. They didn't care that everyone was staring at them. Hold on, wait. Don't get me wrong; I didn't admire them too much. Actually, I don't admire people. Really, I don't. Evelyn says that admiration leads to the death of your uniqueness. And I don't want to kill anything, especially not my uniqueness. I don't really know what my uniqueness is but I reckon I'd miss it if I killed it.

Anyway, Price and I walked over to one of his friends and his date. They were both Gryffindors and I felt a bit out of place. They tried to include me in their conversations but I was a confused for most of it. Gryffindors are so odd sometimes. Yes, so eventually, other couples started dancing once a slow song came on. Price asked me if I wanted to, but I didn't really know how. (Note to self: learn how to dance better before the next ball). He led me onto the dance floor despite my resistance. Actually, I think I made scuff marks from my dragging feet. He put his arms on the small of my back and I wrapped mine around his neck. It was a bit awkward, but not in a bad way. I liked having him so close to me. Our legs would occasionally brush each other as we swayed and a tingle would shoot up my spine. I couldn't help but smile. Until he stepped on my foot. That didn't make me smile. But after the pain subsided, I went back to smiling. He laughed nervously and looked around. I glanced about at the other couples. Lavender and Seamus were next to us, dancing very close. His hand was on her ass, which I figured would be uncomfortable, seeing as he is sort of tall and her bum is all the way down there. But what do I know? I've never had a hand on my ass. I wonder what it feels like. It probably feels like a hand on your ass.

On the other side of us were Evelyn's date and some girl I had never seen before. Evelyn is opposed to dancing, so I suppose he got bored of her. Hehe. That's what she gets for getting angry with me. That'll teach her to come up with stupid costume ideas like erumpents. (They resemble a rhinoceros, which might help you understand why I didn't want to wear a large horn on my head to impress my date).

Then, I spotted Parvati and her date. She looked gorgeous, wearing a maroon and white dress with a tiara and her black hair in tresses. And then, there was Harry. I almost melted at the sight of him in his "knight in shining armor" costume. With Parvati as his princess, they looked perfect. His hair was as messy as usual but he wore a silver breastplate and chain mesh. I continued to stare at the two, longing to be in his strong arms. Did I just say strong arms? I sound like someone from those trashy romance novels. Well, those characters do always end up in the arms of their lovers, kissing passionately on the shores of some body of water, the wind whipping about through their tousled hair. Not that I'd know or anything. That was just a guess. Stop looking at me like that! What the hell am I talking about? I hate you, you stupid diary. You're making me go insane!

Back to my knight in shining armor. He was holding Parvati close. Too close, if you ask me. She was definitely proud to be the "great Harry Potter's" date. Her smug smile spread from ear to goddamn ear. Sod it. This isn't the good part. I'll get to that now.

A few dances later, I found myself eating a heap of foods while Price chatted away with his mates. I didn't mind. Perfect time for people watching. Numerous couples were sneaking out to snog and such. I found this quite amusing because a few minutes later, Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape would drag the both of them back in, shouting how many points they've lost or how they are despicable excuses for human beings who couldn't possibly know what love is (the latter spoken by Snape, obviously). Price, who wanted to go to the bathroom with his buddies, interrupted my amusements. I shrugged and smiled, thinking to myself that these boys must be gay. Only girls went to the bathroom in herds.

There I was, once again. Alone. All by my lonesome. I looked across the dance floor and found another person sitting alone. Where was his date, I thought. She was nowhere to be found so I assumed she was in the bathroom. Later I would come to find out that I was right. Stupid Parvati, leaving Harry all alone so that any girl could just waltz right up to him and ask him to dance. Any girl. And then, something took over my senses. I found myself walking over to him. What the hell was I doing? I couldn't stop. It was like some bold, outgoing Alcina replaced the boring, shy one. Yes, I know what you're thinking. The old Alcina probably recovered just in the nick of time to steer clear of this embarrassing moment in the making. But no. I, Alcina Blumme, fifth year Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, asked Harry Potter to dance. I was just as surprised as he was! My cheeks started to burn as he stared at me from behind those glasses. Everything froze. The music stopped. Everyone disappeared, leaving Harry and me. Or, at least, that's what it felt like to me. Hours and hours went by until he finally spoke (again, it felt like hours to me).

"Sure, why not?"

He said SURE! God, and he couldn't have said it any cuter! He took my hand and brought me to the center of the floor. I could feel some eyes on me, wondering what the hell I was doing with Harry Potter, but I didn't care, All that mattered was that I had my hands on the back of Harry's neck. His hands were around my waist and for that entire song, I was in heaven. I felt like I was invincible. It was the best feeling in the world. Eventually, and to my dismay, the song ended and Parvati came back from the bathroom. She grabbed Harry's arm and with a threatening look, walked off. Parvati probably hates me now, but what do I care? I danced with him. For a full 3 minutes and 47 seconds, I was Harry's girl. Well, maybe not Harry's girl, technically. But who cares about technically? I sure as shit don't!

Must sleep now. Too tired to write more. What a night. What a night.


Dear Diary,

Potions. How the hell is Potions going to help me in life? Is it going to help me have a love life? No. Is it going to get me a job that I am actually okay at? No. Is it going to get Evelyn to start talking to me again? No. No. No, no, no! Grrrr.

Stupid Evelyn. She ruins everything! Why can't I just be happy? She never understands anything! She can't understand why I've been floating on air this past week. She doesn't get me at all! I thought she was my best friend. But she is just a depressing, overbearing bitch.

Snape just yelled at me for not paying attention. Why the hell would I want to learn "the many uses of bezoar in antidotes" anyway? Stupid, slimy, asshole Snape. I hate him. He's always taking points away from everyone except his precious Slytherins. There is definitely something pedophile-ish about his students and him. Gross. Why did I put that mental picture into my head? Yuck!

He just took 10 points away from Hufflepuff, again. Who cares, anyway? It's not like Hufflepuff wins anything. The House Cup: never. The Quidditch Cup: yea right! Our only pride was Cedric Diggory, that airhead. Alright, so he was good looking, but he really was pretty thick. And then, he goes and gets himself killed. That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? Harry was there, too. Poor Harry. Why do bad things always happen to him? I never really noticed before, but he never seems to be truly happy. Halloween is the anniversary of his parents' death. That can't be too joyous, can it?

Now, I'm depressed. I'm supposed to be mad at Evelyn. Do you want to know what she did to me? Well, you don't have a choice because I am going to write it nonetheless.

A few mornings ago, she went off on me about how I'm changing and she doesn't know me anymore. And how I'm turning into one of those girly androids. Then, I went off on her about how she never likes my ideas and she always puts me down for how I feel. Pretty soon, it was an all out battle of words. Evelyn's rather quick with her comebacks but I think I held my own in the row. Many Hufflepuffs had begun to gather around us as we battled it out. Eventually, we stopped, out of breath and angry as hell. Evelyn stomped off out of the common room and I ran up to the girls' dormitory. I couldn't believe it. Me? Changed? What was she talking about? I have no idea. She is seriously messed up. I hate her. Why was I ever friends with her? God, I am so stupid!

Snape's making us concoct the Draught of Peace. He says it is imperative to passing our O.W.L.'s so I might as well do it. More later. Cheerio.


Author notes: Thanks for reading! Please please please review! I love reviews! I want to marry reviews! (Okay, a bit exaggerated but you get the point)