Confessions of an Emotional Hufflepuff


Story Summary:
A diary of an angsty, emotional, somewhat Potterholic fifth year Hufflepuff. It's going to be a bumpy ride!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Alcina's back in her third installment of Confessions of an Emotional Hufflepuff. Alcina is a fifth year Hufflepuff writing in her diary about Pottermania, love, loss, her friends, her pet peeves, and her constant ramblings. Read and find out more! || In this chapter: Evelyn muses over the costume ball, her recent encounter with HP, and....a date for the ball? Find out!
Author's Note:
Thanks for trying this fic out. This is the third installment and it has been really fun to write. I hope to continue this but I really need your reviews! Please read and review! And thanks so so so much to all my nice reviewers! You guys really boost my confidence as a writer and for that, I thank you.

Dear Diary,

Well, I am just getting over the "post-Harry Encounter" shock. I suppose this must be normal for someone whose been pining over him for God only knows how long. Well, pining probably isn't the right word. Obsessing? I'd like to think not, but it may be true.

Anyway, one week and counting 'til the Halloween Ball. They've made it a costume ball, which is more of a Muggle tradition, I suppose, but when you're dealing with Dumbledore, I reckon anything's possible. And what with everyone practically worshipping the aged Headmaster, no one is about to argue. Costumes aren't that horrid, really. I was always a witch when I trick-or-treated. Quite ironic, isn't it? I really was a witch every Halloween. I just didn't know it, then.

It's not even the costumes that bother me. It's that nearly every student seems to be paired up. That Slytherin boy and Evelyn, Draco Malfoy and some pug-nosed girl that always hangs around him, basically salivating at every word he speaks. Then there's Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbot, Fred Weasley and Angelina, and countless others. The only reason I know this is because I am a very good listener. I suppose eavesdropping is a better description of my talent. I can listen without the speakers sensing my presence. It is a very informative way to spend an afternoon.

This afternoon, in fact, I found out much! First of all, Fred and Angelina supposedly went all the way. This I find hard to believe because Angelina seems like the type to knock out anyone who tries anything! Then, I overheard two Ravenclaws gossiping about how miserable Cho Chang has been. You know, Harry's date at Madam Puddifoot's last year...well of course you know. I wrote it down in you. So, why am I reminding you? Who are you, anyway? All right, this is way too complicated!

At any rate, Cho is evidently dismal over her failed relationship with Harry. Not that anyone could really call it a relationship. It was more like a...disaster! That makes me feel happy. Is that wrong? Why am I asking you? There I go again! No more questions. Just writing. All right, let me start again.

Now then, Cho misses Harry and regrets betraying him. Those were their words, not mine. I don't really know what "betraying him" means, but I reckon I'll overhear it during another one of my eavesdropping sessions.

Yes, so then, I was listening to a conversation between Lavender and Parvati. I couldn't recall her name before but that's it. Parvati. Wonder what it means. It's not a very common name, is it? Blimey! Why do I keep insisting on asking you questions of which I know you'll never answer? I might have well just asked a corridor wall. Actually, the wall might have more answers for me than you. For one, they would be able to pry into any discussion a hell of a lot better than I. And secondly, no one would ever worry about the wall overhearing them because, well, it's a wall. Yes, to be a wall would be interesting. But it probably would get tiring. I get bored sitting still for half a period. I doubt I could stand there forever and ever. Never moving. Never doing anything. But what am I doing talking about walls? Am I the most peculiar person on this earth or what?

Yes, back to Lavender and Parvati (which I still don't know the meaning of). They were gossiping about the upcoming ball. I don't think either of them have dates, which is odd because every time I see them, besides this occasion, they are flirting their arses off. I came right in the middle of Lavender describing her costume in great detail. She is going to be a fairy, with green and gold wings. Very elaborate. Parvati squealed and ahhed occasionally, usually returned by Lavender. Just as I was about to leave, for this conversation was boring me, they began discussing dates. I couldn't help myself. I had to listen. Anyway, Parvati started naming off boys and Lavender would make one of three noises. If the boy was a possibility, meaning worthy enough to go with either of the two, she would oooh and clap her hands excitedly. If the suggestion was "doable" but definitely wouldn't be a first choice, she would shrug and gesture for Parvati to move on to the next one. Now, if her friend mentioned a boy totally unworthy to even look at them, for reasons such as ugliness, dorkiness, or all around "unpopularness", she would scream 'EEEW' at the top of her lungs, causing Parvati to do the same and me to cover my ears for fear of going deaf. This went on for a couple of minutes, with far more 'EEEW's than the other two noises, until Parvati uttered the name I almost squealed at (although, I never squeal, so you can just forget I ever said that).

"Harry Potter?"

"Ooooh! Now, he is a definite possibility. I mean, he's famous and on the Quidditch team and he's not bad-looking!"

"Not bad-looking? He's more like gorgeous."

"But, if one of us asks him, who will the other one go with?"

"Well, Lavender, you've always had a thing for Seamus, so I figured I'd..."

"You'd take him? What about me?"

"Seamus. You can take Seamus and I can take Harry. It's perfect."

"I guess you're right, but you got to take him to the last ball."

"So? All the more reason for me to take him instead of you. I know him better."

"Fine, fine. All right, already. What are you going to wear?"

At this, I decided it was time for me to leave. And with that, I went up to the common room to write down my dilemma. Now that Parvati's going to ask Harry, I'll have no chance with him. Not that I had much of a chance to begin with, but this makes it ten times worse. I might as well give up on Mrs. Alcina Potter. Although, it has a much nicer ring to it than Mrs. Parvati Potter. Try saying that ten times, fast! Actually, that would just depress me more. I think I'll try to sleep and maybe I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream. And, in reality, Harry Potter is my loving boyfriend and we take long walks along the lake together, hand in hand. Yes, I think that's exactly what I'll do!


Dear Diary,

Tomorrow's the ball. I bet you can just see the excitement oozing out of me. I can barely hold it in. Sometimes, the excitement takes over, and I scream unearthly sounds while I am amongst my peers. Hehe.

I adore sarcasm. It is so refreshing! Ahhh, I feel so much better. Well, only a bit better. I still have to endure the constant reminders of the upcoming ball while walking through the hallways. Can't I just enjoy my wanderings in peace and quiet? I suppose not. It is sad how so many people here simply cannot appreciate silence. It is a

COR BLIMEY! You'll not believe what has just happened! I have a date! I have a date! Me, Alcina, has a date! Hold on. Calm down, Alcina. Okay, I'll back up.

While I was musing over the complete lack of appreciation of quiet, I was interrupted by Rianna, a sixth year Hufflepuff. She was smiling a whole lot and I just followed her, thinking it was probably just another group of imbeciles playing truth or dare (they're quite entertaining to observe, actually). She led me through the portal hole and there was a Gryffindor boy standing there. His eyes were downcast and he was shuffling his feet, looking quite anxious. I continued to scrutinize this boy's demeanor until Rianna introduced us. Apparently, his name is Price. He is not hideous. Actually, he is rather fit. Anyhow, he said 'hi' and I greeted him in return. Then, Rianna told me something I didn't think I'd ever hear. HE WANTED TO GO TO THE BALL WITH ME! Me? I think my jaw dropped a good three meters until I fully processed what she had said. Of course, I agreed and he smiled. He slowly walked away and I was left with a still smiling Rianna. I thanked her and she said it was no problem. I don't really know her that well, but, blimey, did I want to hug her right then and there! I have a date! I simply cannot stop writing it! I am not a complete outcast! I still do have a chance at reproduction! Wooo hooo!

I just thought of something. Since I was planning on not going at all, I didn't get a costume at the recent Hogsmeade visit! I'll have to ask Evelyn to help me. She's very crafty when it comes to these kinds of things. She says that if she weren't a witch, she would become a starving artist and travel the world with only a satchel on her back and a paintbrush in her hand. She is so odd sometimes. Who would want to be starving? I'd say it must be a Muggle thing, but seeing as I grew up in a seemingly normal Muggle home, I have to say Evelyn must be off her trolley. That has to be it.

Speaking of my home, I reckon I should fill you in on a little background information. Seeing as I'll never let anyone read this other than me, I'll just right it down in case I am unluckily standing in the path of a memory-loss charm. Yes, that seems reasonable.

All right, here it goes. I was born to my mother and my father. My dad is a wizard and my mother is a muggle. I suppose this makes me a half blood, but I don't really pay attention to blood status and such. Yes, so my father and mother brought me up as a muggle child. I had a normal upbringing, strewn with various elementary schools and the occasional bully. I had some friends but I never really fit in. When I was 11 years old, a letter came to me by an owl. Nowadays, that would be normal (did I just say 'nowadays'?), but back then, I was scared stiff! My father, on the other hand, was so ecstatic. He said later that he didn't want to bring me up as a witch until he knew indefinitely that I possessed magical powers. There had been some signs, but none to distinct as to be able to call me a witch. Anyways, when I got the letter, I was sort of scared, but I reckon that wore off at the news of being able to go to a new school with people just like me. I had always felt a bit different and I figured this was why. Now I know I am just an abnormal teenager (Hehe) and my magical powers have nothing to do with it, but at that time, I didn't know this. Yes so, the rest is history, I suppose.

Rereading my autobiography, my life is, well, quite boring, really. You know how people say that before you die, your life flashes before your eyes? Well, if I were to die today, I think I would fall asleep replaying my life. Like a dull movie or something. That's depressing.

I just forgot! I have a date! I have a date! Why am I mulling over this crap? I have a date! Not exactly the one I desired, but beggars can't be choosers, right?

Well, ta ta for now! I'll write after the costume ball. I am so excited. Not too excited, though. Evelyn doesn't like excited people. Neither do I, I don't think. But, then again, I don't really know what I like. But it's got to be something. What am I saying? I'm babbling. Giddiness, I suppose. I'll just go before I really go insane!


Author notes: Thanks so much for reading. I hope you liked it! NOw click on those big letters above and voice your opinions. No flames, please.