Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Sirius Black Lord Voldemort
Mystery Action
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/06/2004
Updated: 07/05/2005
Words: 84,229
Chapters: 23
Hits: 23,100

Harry Potter and the Shadows of the Watchgate


Story Summary:
Revolving around Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts. As he inherits Sirius's Diary, he discovers new dark secrets about his past, about his parents and godfather. He travels to a different world, where he will have to overcome new challenges and face up to the enemy he was prophesied to kill....

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Harry’s longtime nemesis was getting too much on his nerves and as there’s a limit to everything, Draco finally got what he deserved!
Author's Note:
Thanks to

-*~| CHAPTER 10 - Muffin Potty |~*-

As usual, the news about the Giants spread like a wildfire in the school. Amazingly, the Daily Prophet reported nothing, which they later found out by eavesdropping on Professor Vidal and Flitwick's conversation; it was all hush-hush until the full enquiries were made by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Everyone was telling a different story. Harry heard snatches of conversation like:

"We had a Giant Squid in the Hogwarts Lake and now we have a real Giant in the forest! Geez, no wonder, my mother was skeptical about sending me to Hogwarts," said a first year Ravenclaw.

"What if the Giants came out and ate us alive?"--a second year Hufflepuff.

"What if they come out and destroy the buildings? I heard they have very strong magical powers."--a first year Gryffindor.

Harry just rolled his eyes to all this nonsense because he knew better. What enraged him the most, were the vicious lies spread by Slytherins. They were telling all and sundry--whoever cared to listen, that is--that Giants were nothing more than cruel killing machines.

Draco had a different version altogether. Harry heard his phony edition while sticking the announcement for Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts on the notice board of the Great Hall, hidden from view behind a suit of armor.

Draco Malfoy held the full attention of the Slytherin table as he described the lesson as if telling a mysterious tale. "I was enduring another one of those stupid lessons from that half-giant oaf, when suddenly this vicious monster-sized Giant comes out of the Forbidden Forest, roaring and beating its chest."

Harry imagined an ape doing that, not Grawp, even if his intellect was somewhere near the creature in question.

Draco animatedly continued, "And what'd you know? He wasn't alone! A Giantess accompanied him!" He paused for emphasis. "Everyone ran for their lives, but I stayed back and shot as many stunning spells as I could at the Giants," he said smugly. Harry could hear Crabbe and Goyle's grunts to approve this version of the story.

"And with my sole efforts, the Giants went scrambling back into the forest because..."--at this point his voice became all hushed up--"You know what did the trick? I used Crucio on them!" he finished triumphantly. A round of gasps followed, with a loud gleeful shriek from Pansy, who looked like she could have kissed Draco then and there, if Goyle wasn't sitting in between them.

Harry clenched his fists and cursed Malfoy under his breath to stop himself from doing something rash.

"And you know what? The Giants know Hagrid!" He paused and surveyed his spectators meaningfully. "I always thought that Hagrid should have been sacked years ago! That big stupid oaf with no brains has no right to teach us!" he finished airily.

At that point, it became quite impossible for Harry to bear Malfoy's insults, even if they weren't pointed towards him.

He strode like a lion towards his long-time nemesis, ready to pounce. "What did you do, Malfoy, when they came out? Did you scream at their faces to ward them off? Because, if I remember correctly, you were busy, squealing like a frightened pig!" Harry said scathingly.

"Shut your big mouth, Potty, before it's too late," Malfoy warned, taking out his wand.

However, Harry was too fast for him. He took out his wand in a flash, and in a fraction of a second, Draco had toppled off his seat and was lying on the floor clutching his head, the reason being its overgrowth as it was now shaped as a giant football minus hair. He couldn't get up because of the weight of his own head.

"Here's a gift for your over inflated ego, Muffin," Harry spat.

Everyone burst out laughing, including some Slytherins. Many students left their breakfasts just to see Malfoy being ridiculed. Pansy seemed livid as she shrieked rude words at Harry, while Crabbe and Goyle guffawed stupidly.

Harry muttered the counter curse in a hurry, seeing Professor McGonagall heading straight towards him.

"Potter, you will pay for this!" Malfoy said getting up and pointing his wand towards him.

"What is happening here? This is no dueling club!" Professor McGonagall yelled over the chattering students.

"Mr. Malfoy, what do you think you are doing?" she asked, quite taken aback by the situation.

"Potter attacked me, Professor!" Malfoy exclaimed.

On a very wild whim, Harry challenged Malfoy, "Can you prove it?"

"Are you joking, Potter? The whole school saw you hexing me!" Malfoy said, as if not believing his ears.

"Are you sure?" Harry whispered, his emerald eyes gleaming.

"I can prove that, Potter," said Pansy, coming to the rescue of her 'boyfriend', making Malfoy more smug than usual.

"I will say, Harry did no such thing," Ginny interrupted the discussion, shooting a wink at Harry. Harry couldn't help but grin at her.

Professor McGonagall whereas, was huffing in the background. "You two share your houses with Malfoy and Potter. So you would surely side by them," she said looking disapprovingly at Pansy and Ginny.

"Well, if it means anything, Professor, I saw Malfoy pointing a wand at Potter, not otherwise," Cho chimed in as if waiting for a cue. Luna followed suit as she also sided with Harry.

"Yes, Professor, I only saw Harry defending Hagrid's honor," Ernie Macmillan provided, smiling at Harry, which was followed by an audible murmur of consent from the majority of the crowd.

Harry couldn't believe his luck, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were siding with him, while Malfoy stared on, totally ashen-faced.

"I will let this incident pass. However, there will be no future wand waving in the Great Hall, and if I ever see a student taking out his wand even to polish it, he'll be doomed for whole month's worth of detention! Is that understood by all of you?" she said glaring daggers at every student.

"Now run along! You are getting late for your classes," Professor McGonagall barked.

"That was ruddy brilliant, Harry," Ron said gleefully, almost skipping on his feet, as they made their way out of the Great Hall. However, he had to straighten his posture as Hermione was giving the same look Professor McGonagall used not minutes ago.

"Harry, you could have gotten detention for that!" Hermione chastised.

"Oh lighten up, Hermione! Malfoy was insulting Hagrid, and I can never take that!" Harry said simply, shrugging his shoulders, while feeling a bit light-hearted.


Oh, Brave Harry Potter! Let me shake your hand, Harry Potter! Let me polish your shoes, Harry Potter! Let me kiss your arse, Harry Potter....

For Merlin's sake! These people make me sick. Now the whole school thinks he's Godric reincarnate!

It's becoming difficult to carry out my plans; these faithful loyalists of his are everywhere!

But I will get you soon... Harry Potter.


Harry had discussed the Quidditch tryouts with Katie in detail, but he wasn't sure about the speech to encourage his team-mates. Katie had very easily delegated the responsibility to him and it had seemed all right to do so in the beginning, but when the final moment was near, he wasn't sure about speaking what Oliver had advised him in his foot long letter or to speak whatever rubbish that came into his mind.

"Harry, let's get going, mate!" Ron hollered from behind the changing booth.

"Coming," he said, fastening his Quidditch gear.

Harry and Ron made their way to the Quidditch pitch. Katie was waiting for him along with the tryout students. Harry felt a calming sensation seep over him by looking at the familiar hoops and stands.

There was quite a turnout for the tryouts. Officially they were looking for two Chasers, but Harry knew that Ginny would easily be the next Chaser for the team, bringing the selection to one Chaser short.

"Seamus, you are trying out too?" asked Ron amazed, after spotting him in the small group.

"Yeah! I practiced meself to death in holidays," Seamus said sheepishly.

"Why is Dean not trying out?" asked Harry, remembering him to be an athletics fan.

"He said he's got more important things to do," said Seamus, looking unsure.

Euan Abercrombie, Tara Johnson, Ryan Brad, Seamus Finnegan and Ginny Weasley were standing in a group, chatting with the current team-mates, while the Captains, Harry and Katie waited for their Beaters--Jack Sloper and Andrew Kirk--to show up.

"Where are those stupid fools!" Katie Bell asked impatiently.

"I specifically reminded them, but they are still making us late," said Harry, shaking his head.

After another five minutes, they saw two bungling figures staggering towards them.

"Sorry, Captain... er... Captains," said Andrew looking uncomfortable.

"I'm no 'Captain,' call me Harry,"

"Yes, Katie--" Katie interjected.

"--as others do," Harry finished.

"What took you so long?" Katie continued indignantly.

"Umm, got lost on the way," Jack supplied feebly. Harry looked at them in disbelief and Ron didn't even try to hide his snort.

Harry nudged Katie to break the news to Tara and Ryan that they were not allowed to play because of the first-year rule.

"But he was selected on his first year," said Tara Johnson, pointing her finger at Harry and stomping her foot.

"You are Angelina's sister, aren't you?" asked Harry, smiling at her.

"Yes," Tara said blushing, realizing late that it wasn't nice to point finger at others.

"Well now we know where to look next year. But you have to understand that there were some special circumstances in my case. You two are already aware of the wizarding community situation and how there is still a tussle going on. So we have to follow the official rules more than ever. You don't want more parents complaining about Hogwarts standards, do you?" Harry asked them politely.

"Well, no," they almost said in unison.

"So cheer up, try out next year, all right?" Katie said encouragingly.


"Fine," they said and started for the school grounds, their heads bowed.

"Ahh, it's so sad, looking at their long faces," said Katie.

"Yeah," said Harry, looking after the two small figures.

"Speech time," Katie whispered in his ear, while he scowled at her.

"All right everyone, you all know why we are here." This seemed too dramatic even for a tryout, so he skipped beating about the bush and went straight to the point. "As we will only be selecting the Chasers, we'll begin the play with Quaffle alone. With half an hour interval, the Bludgers will be released one after the other. Beaters will enter the play when the first Bludger is released. The finalists will be chosen on the basis of their performance and scored goals."

He continued with a pause, "Ginny, Seamus and Euan, you three will be playing as a team today, whereas Katie and I will act as the opposing team Chasers to block your path. This is not going to be too difficult, as you will only have two Chasers to block you rather than three and the Bludgers come quite late in the game, giving you free reign to goal and also no Seeker hovering over your heads. But obviously there will be Ron, the Keeper, to stop your goals."

"Any questions?" asked Katie, but there were none.

"Mount your brooms, and get into your respective positions," Harry said, hitting off from the ground on his Firebolt.

Katie released the Quaffle and started following the three tryout Chasers along with Harry.

Ginny was playing very nicely in spite of her Cleansweep. Seamus was doing a good job too on his Nimbus 2000. Euan was only lacking in weight as he was easily thrown off balance by a light shove.

Ron was completely in form and didn't let pass a single goal in the first half hour.

Ginny in frustration yelled at him, "Budge up, Ron, it's only a tryout!"

Ron only grinned evilly in response. At that exact moment Harry bumped into Seamus to snatch the Quaffle but wasn't ready for Ginny to come crashing towards him headlong. He dropped the Quaffle because of the sudden attack, and became entwined with Ginny in the process. Her blouse-lace got stuck into Harry's broom compass.

Harry yelled, "Continue with the game, we'll soon join you."

Harry wasn't able to see the mischievous grin on Ron's face at their disposition. They had to get down to the pitch to untangle.

"I'm so sorry," said Ginny looking embarrassed and trying her best to untie the lace but to no avail.

Harry's stomach was filled with all kinds of butterflies and what not. Suddenly, he felt as if his guts had evaporated and there was nothing left except air... Ginny so close... She looks so beautiful when she gets embarrassed, all red and blushing, just like her hair... Harry wasn't helping her untie the laces from his broom but was staring intently at her.

Say something, bonehead, or the moment will pass! he thought, the clogs of his brain crashing together to come up with something.

"Err... Ginny..." he started.

"Yes, Harry," she answered politely, realizing belatedly that Harry was paying too much attention to her.

Harry was edging close to her and seeing no resistance, was just about to kiss her when a spell hit him straight at the back. On the next blink of an eye he was lying on the ground, stiff as a board.

In the next second, Ginny muttered the counter curse and Harry straightened up to see Draco Malfoy sauntering towards him with his cronies in tow.

"How lovey dovey, Potter!" Draco said smirking.

"None of your business!" Harry retorted angrily.

Scrupulosa!" Draco yelled.

"Protego!" incanted Harry, the shield protected him from being hit fully.


"Obscurio!" Harry yelled again, before Draco could finish his spell.

The whole Gryffindor team came down to laugh their heads off at Draco's clumsiness, because due to the spell, he was swaggering about the Quidditch pitch cross-eyed.

"Oh what a beautiful sight," said Ron, wiping a tear.

Ginny got over the awkward moment that couldn't transpire and was smiling at the scene as well. Ron's eyes were twinkling more than ever.

As if their laughter aggravated the very air; like a bad omen, the entire Slytherin Quidditch team sashayed in the pitch, all dressed up in their Quidditch gear.

"What are they doing here?" Ron enquired incredulously to nobody in particular.

"I booked the pitch for tryouts; they have no right to be here," said Katie angrily.

"Let's get ready for some trouble," said Ron, folding his arms.

"Hello, Potter," said Warrington, showing his crooked teeth.

"It's still our time at the pitch, because we have booked it. So, why are you here? Because our presumed match is not due till next month," Harry said in his collected voice.

"The thing is, Potter... we've got special permission from Professor Snape that we can use the pitch... just right about now!" he said, snorting on Harry's face.

"Oh buzz off, Warrington!" said Ron threateningly, but Harry restrained him from taking another step.

"What's the excuse this time, Warrington? Who are you training now?" Katie said, pouting at him.

"Well, our new team Captain has some important strategies to discuss, and we also have to train our new Chaser, Malcolm Baddock," Warrington answered.

By that time, Malfoy had come back to his senses and came sprinting towards them boiling in rage. "You've made a grave mistake, Potter! You don't know what I can do to you!" he said menacingly, pointing his wand at him.

"I'm getting scared now, Malfoy. Look! One of my eye-lash is twitching in fear," said Harry, looking straight at Draco levelly.

Malfoy scoffed, lowering his wand, while Warrington took his cue and announced, "Meet our new Captain, Potter, Draco Malfoy."

Harry gave Draco a killer smile. "This is such a good news; congratulation Muffin-man! Let's hope I'll meet you on our first match?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

Draco raised his wand at Harry yet again. However, he knew that he couldn't use the Unforgivables in front of all these students; therefore, he delayed his retaliation with a smirk. "See you then, Potty!"

"Muffin!" Harry acknowledged with a smirk of his own and turned to his team-mates.

"As you've got special permission, Malfoy, why don't use it well?" Katie quipped sarcastically.

"Let's get going, mates," Ron said ushering all of them to their changing room. On their way, Katie informed Harry that Seamus was the only one who was able to goal before they were disturbed by the Slytherins.

The decision was not that difficult, the Captains, along with the team members, unanimously selected Seamus and Ginny as their new Chasers.

Euan was a complete sport, as he didn't mind at all. "I know I'm a little light for a Chaser; I could've been the Seeker, but Harry is brilliant as it is," he said, smiling at him.

The team was set and Harry was all geared up for their coming match. As his departing speech after many nudges from Katie he said, "All right team, we have been winning the Quidditch Cup since last two seasons, and obviously we want to do it again, but it is not possible without the total team effort. I know I can't expect you to only concentrate on Quidditch because we all have our studies to think about too. However, we can be the best team ever, if we only practice," he paused for a moment and heard Andrew and Jack groan.

"Katie and I will be conducting practice sessions three times a week because we have already been delayed and we only have a month to get in shape. I know some of you are cursing me under your breath, and I was one of you not long ago. Still, I know now what Oliver and Angelina went through to assemble all the plus points of the team." He surveyed his team-mates, whose faces were set. "Let's meet tomorrow, same time, for the first practice of the season," Harry finished.

"Yeah, let's practice tough and hard, and kick some Slytherin butt!" Ron roared.

"Hear, hear," they all said in unison.


With October came Lupin and Harry's Advanced Training classes. Lupin was more than over-whelmed to return to Hogwarts.

With Harry's advanced classes, he was also almost badgered to death for starting the DA meetings earlier than he had expected. So he had to relent and make time for them as well, and was completely flabbergasted to find that almost everyone wanted to join in except, of course, the Slytherins--the rumor had it that they were already getting training from Malfoy and some of the seventh-year students.

To solve this dilemma, Dumbledore and Lupin came to his rescue and whoever wanted to join the DA classes were scheduled to be taught by either Professor Lupin or Flitwick in preliminary defense. In the case of the advanced classes, which included their first DA members of the last term except Marietta Edgecombe, Harry would be teaching them, along with Lupin, the first-hand techniques to uphold their safety.

The days wore on and Harry was exhausted more than ever because he not only had to plan Quidditch practices with Katie and DA meetings, but also had to work hard for his sixth year, preparing for the N.E.W.Ts and the unexpected tasks ahead. His sleep wasn't restful either, as he kept on dreaming about that unknown place with thick walls, and the white shimmering light with the sweet voice continued to tickle his curiosity.


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