A Life More Ordinary


Story Summary:
In 1981, Harry was left on a doorstep, Sirius was sent to Azkaban and Remus lost everyone he had ever loved. When the real traitor is captured three years later, Sirius sets out to make things right for the two people he loves the most. SB/RL

Chapter 26 - Chamber of Secrets, September 2, 1992


Chamber of Secrets, September 2, 1992

Harry landed with a loud crunch, and it took him a moment to realize that it was whatever he'd landed on that had made the sound--not his own bones.

Hermione thumped beside him, followed only a second later by Draco, who stood swiftly and pointed his wand at them.


Draco's laugh sent a chill up Harry's spine. "As if a mere child could open the chamber," he said. "But then you are a mere child, aren't you, Harry Potter? A mere child who bested me once." Draco smiled. "Never again... My pet?" he called out. "Where are you?"

Harry and Hermione looked around wildly as a deafening sound reverberated all around them. "Harry, Hermione whispered, "look..."

Through the slats in the carved walls, Harry could see something moving. "Blood," he heard again. "Masssster..."

"A basilisk," Draco told them cheerfully. "Come for his dinner."

Harry could see a bobbing head now and only one word would form on his tongue. He grabbed Hermione's hand and shouted, "Run!"

"Look at me", the slithering serpent commanded urgently as it followed their pounding footsteps over slick stones. "Look at me."

"Don't look at it!" Harry screamed, gripping Hermione's hand as hard as he could as they ran down the damp corridor, slipping and almost falling a dozen times before they reached a cavernous chamber.

The thing--the longest snake Harry had ever seen--crashed through beside them and reared up. Harry recognized it as soon as he finally saw it, a basilisk just like the ones in Ollivander's books.

Harry and Hermione tried to swerve around it. Their hands, slick with sweat, slid apart.

"No!" Harry shouted. He watched in horror as Hermione flew backwards and landed with a sickening crack against one of the stone walls.

"Blood," the snake hissed, its forked tongue dancing in glee. It dove for Hermione.

"Protego!" Harry screamed. Magic surged through his fingertips and into his wand. A shield formed around Hermione's fallen body. The snake hissed angrily and swung around.

Sliding and slipping over every step, Harry dodged the beast's head as it lunged to strike, keeping his eyes away from the basilisk's deadly gaze. The statues all around the central pool of water offered the only protection and it was as he dove for one that he saw several small crevices in the wall beyond--it wasn't a wall though, rather a towering carving of a man. Scrambling for the meager protection, Harry stuffed himself into the hole.

The great basilisk hissed furiously and began to slash at the rock wall with both its tail and head. With rocks falling down all around him, Harry wiggled his fingers into his back pocket and pulled his mirror out. His sweaty fingertips left prints all over the surface.

"Sirius," he said hoarsely even as he smushed himself farther away from the fearsome threats coming from the basilisk. Sirius' face appeared immediately in the mirror, but before he could even speak, Harry said, "Hermione's hurt! Draco shoved us down into some big cavern... made of rocks and it's trying to kill us!"

"Harry?" Sirius' voice was thick with confusion. "Where are you?"

"I don't know!" Harry yelled above the din, flinching as the stones rung with each strike of the basilisk's head. "We were in the girl's toilet on the second floor! Aaugh! Sirius! Hermione's hurt! And the snake--Draco said it's a basilisk-"

"A basilisk?!" Remus' cry startled Harry so much that he dropped the mirror.


"Harry?!" Sirius shouted; his own voice going up an octave as it faded away. Harry heard a splash as the mirror plopped into the shallow water below.

"Shit," Harry said furiously and, even though it seemed pretty unimportant compared to the giant basilisk trying to maim him, Harry hoped his parents hadn't somehow heard that.

The walls around him were beginning to crumble; he held his wand in a tight fist but had no idea what to do with it. He really needed to ask Sirius to teach him some hexes! What good was a bloody Summoning Charm-

A Summoning Charm! He silently thanked Sirius for buying him so many books. The basilisk only had two enemies; he remembered reading that. He didn't have a rooster at hand, but the basilisk's own reflection...

Thinking it probably wouldn't work but unable to do anything else, Harry grabbed a chunk of rock and flung it as far as he could. The resultant splash diverted the basilisk's attention. While it was attempting to kill the rock instead, Harry pointed his wand downward and called, "Accio mirror!"

The mirror obliged and Harry stuck it under an armpit for a quick dry. How he was going to get the basilisk to look in the mirror, he had no idea. Especially as he couldn't move-

"Aaugh!" Harry screamed as the great serpent's head swung around toward him, and slammed his tail only centimeters from Harry's hiding place. There was nothing to grab onto and he slid down the wall, crashing with a great spray into the water. Something speared his thigh but he ignored it to scramble up and duck as the basilisk charged again.

He could hear two sets of voices--Draco's telling the basilisk to kill and the basilisk chanting its desire to do just that.

Harry's hands felt in panic along the wet walls, trying to find a place to climb up or a hollow somewhere to hide again.

"Look at me," the serpent begged, as his head weaved back and forth. Harry pressed himself round a sudden break in the wall and squeezed his eyes shut.

There was a great clapping sound, so thunderous it shook the walls again and Harry began to shiver.


Harry felt his body sagging in relief. Sirius and Remus! But their Stunning Spell obviously had no effect on the basilisk.

"Blood," it sang greedily.

"Harry!" Sirius' voice screamed out, so panicked that Harry's heart beat faster.

"I'm here! Behind the giant statue!"

"Don't move!" That was Remus, his voice nearly shrill.

Harry wasn't about to move--not for anything even as he heard the basilisk crashing and raging beyond him. But he had to make sure they knew Hermione was out there. He gathered up as much breath as he had and shouted hoarsely, "Hermione!"

"We see her!"


Harry didn't immediately recognize that voice but the half-gasped, "Expelliarmus!" belonged to Sirius only seconds later. A Disarming Spell? Since the basilisk had no wand, he could only think Sirius meant to hit Draco. If they knew it was Draco.

Wanting to help, Harry called, "Draco's here! Something wrong with him and-"

"Harry James Potter," Sirius' furious voice rang out, "don't move one centimeter! Do you hear me?!"

Harry flattened himself against the cold wall and clamped his lips shut, pretty sure Sirius wanted him to shut up too; his wand trembled in his hand as he listened to the sounds all around him, his muscles aching to help. There were several more of those clapping sounds--a woman's voice, more clapping pops.

And then with no warning at all, the statue he was hiding behind exploded and Harry felt himself flying. Pain radiated from everywhere as his body thudded against something solid. He heard himself moaning; hoarse voices screaming his name.

And then everything went dark.



Something cool touched Harry's cheek; his eyelids fluttered open.

Sirius and Remus.

Both of them with eyes crinkled in anxiety.

"Harry," Sirius breathed, full of relief. He touched Harry's face again, soothing. "Don't move, all right?"

"Madame Pomfrey's checking you for injuries," Remus added in a voice that sounded like it had been scrubbed with rocks.

"What happened?" Harry asked, feeling groggy.

Sirius' fingers brushed his fringe aside as Remus answered quietly, "Part of the statue exploded. You hit your head."

Reminding Harry of several things, he struggled to sit up. "Hermione..."

"Shh," Sirius admonished gently as he held Harry's shoulder so that he couldn't move. "She's in the Infirmary."

"Something's wrong with Draco-"

"We know," Remus assured him. "The headmaster is taking care of him."

Harry didn't think that sounded good. "But-"

"Be still, Mr. Potter."

Harry blinked, noticing Pomfrey for the first time as she frowned severely at him. But he didn't want to be still. He wanted to ask the million questions that were swarming around in his head. About Draco; and if Hermione was going to be all right. And how they'd stopped the basilisk. And-

"My mirror..."

"I've got it," Sirius told him. And then a little firmer, "Hush now."

Harry subsided; he was too tired to argue anyway.

"There are no spinal injuries," Pomfrey finally declared after waving her wand for a very long time. "We can move him to the infirmary; with a Levitation Charm if you-" Sirius and Remus glared at her and she sighed. "Very well then."

Sirius cupped Harry's face, gathering Harry's attention. "Fawkes is going to take us to the infirmary, all right?"

"Uh huh...."

Remus slid his arms under Harry's knees and shoulders. "Put your arms round my neck," he said. Harry winced as he obeyed and Remus frowned. "Do you have a stronger pain-killing draught, Poppy?"

"In the infirmary," she said crisply as Sirius gave her a hand up.

"We'll be there in a just a minute." Remus patted Harry's leg lightly as he hoisted. "Feel all right?"

Harry nodded, though he had to bite his lip so a groan couldn't escape. But the dull aches radiating throughout his body made him yawn instead. He rested his head against Remus' shoulder, grateful for the warmth. Remus smiled down at him and pulled him closer to his chest. "Hold on," he murmured.

Sirius grasped Remus' arm with one hand and Fawkes' tail with the other; they were standing in the infirmary in the next instant. Fawkes flashed away once more, returning with Pomfrey who quickly ordered Remus to transfer Harry to one of the beds.

Harry's heart thumped as he saw Hermione lying in one of the other beds. "Is she all right?"

"She will be," Remus said as he set Harry down and fussed with the pillows so that he could sit up comfortably.

"She's asleep," Sirius added, pulling the blanket up. "She's all right."

"You're sure?"

"Yes," Sirius said with a solemn nod and Harry believed him. Pomfrey gave him two vials and Harry drank them without protest. The aches began to subside.

All of them turned their heads to watch the healer as she went to Hermione's bed to perform diagnostics and adjust the blanket.

"That was your Shield Charm, wasn't it?" Sirius asked quietly.

Harry nodded; his insides danced as he remembered how frightened he'd been. "Couldn't let the basilisk get her."

Sirius threaded his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry squinted up at him. "You saved her," Sirius said with a soft smile. "You know that don't you?"

Overwhelmed, Harry nodded.

"We're very proud of you, Harry," Remus added, his hand coming to cover one of Harry's. Harry shifted to look at Remus, a flush heating his face.


Remus chuckled. "Yes."

"Well, now that we've settled that," Pomfrey interrupted with pursed lips, "it's time for Mr. Potter to rest."

"But what about Draco?" Harry protested, indignant for a dozen reasons and willing to ignore the throbbing in his limbs and head. "Where is he? How did you stop the basilisk?"

"Mr. Malfoy is perfectly well," Pomfrey said. "And the rest of your questions will wait until later."


"No protests, Mr. Potter. And I know your parents will agree that your full recovery is their first priority?"

She leveled Sirius and Remus a very stern eye; they nodded obediently and Harry knew he'd lost; his reluctant sigh turned into a yawn. Pomfrey handed him two vials--one a Sleeping Draught.

"All right," he said, already beginning to think sleep sounded brilliant, "but you promise you'll tell me everything when I wake up?"

"We promise," Remus said, gesturing for him to swallow the potion.

He yawned again. "And you know Draco's... well, he wasn't normal."

"Yes, we know," Sirius told him. "Now take the draught and go to sleep."

Harry swallowed the potions and settled himself more comfortably on the pillow. "You're not going anywhere, are you?" he mumbled as his eyelids began to feel heavy. Even heavier as a thumb slowly dragged over his forehead.

"No," Sirius assured him softly. "We'll stay right here."


Severus looked up from the asphodel he was crushing with delicate twists of the glass pestle.


In all his maroon and gold-plumed glory.

Severus scowled at the singular bird, but Fawkes simply gazed back, unperturbed--and as patient as ever. Severus sighed. The headmaster always called at the most inconvenient times--as if he thought Severus would only be helpful if he was in the middle of a twelve hour long continuous brewing session.

But it didn't matter. Severus had made his promise eleven years ago. And truly, the headmaster had been more generous than he deserved. Funding the small potions shop after Severus had captured Pettigrew, and offering Severus words of encouragement when necessary. Friendship, the elder wizard had called it, though Severus couldn't think of the headmaster in those terms.

Severus didn't have friends. Except for Lily, he never had.

Forcing thoughts of Lily from his mind, Severus waved his wand to extinguish the flames below the cauldron and dutifully grasped Fawkes' tail. They reappeared in a place that Severus didn't recognize--a cavern of some sort. With pillars carved to resemble snakes...

Severus froze.

The headmaster was kneeling beside Draco Malfoy--his form prone and silent. But Severus could see the slow rise and fall of his chest. And beyond them, as dead as Severus was living, was a basilisk.

A rooster sat calmly near its head.

"Do not touch anything," Albus said. His back was to Severus; he gestured with a raised hand for Severus to join him. Severus went toward the headmaster slowly; dropping to one knee beside him.

"The Chamber of Secrets?"

Albus glanced at him, a tiny smile briefly lighting his lined face. "You never fail to impress me, Severus."

Severus ignored the pleased spark that ignited somewhere near his breastbone and drawled, "Don't tell me; young Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin."

"It would certainly make his father proud," Albus murmured, his eyes tracing the fallen boy's body. "I'm afraid though that Draco was possessed."

"Surely not."

Albus turned his gaze on Severus again. "If he was not, then he is guilty of attempted murder."

Severus' brow furrowed as he stared between Draco and the headmaster. Severus had known Draco since he was a child. And though Draco was spoiled and often arrogant, he was also insecure and loyal to those who'd earned it. Capable of murder, he was not.


Albus' blue eyes clouded as he turned his gaze back to Draco. "Harry," he said softly. "And his friend, Miss Granger. They are in the infirmary."

Severus drew in a slow breath. Harry Potter. An attempt on his life had been made twice now. "Draco opened the chamber?" Albus nodded. Concentrating now, Severus could feel the presence of the Dark Lord's magic crackling all around them; his earlier shock had masked it. "Another Quirrel?"

But Albus shook his head and indicated the book in front of him. "I believe this diary once belonged to Tom Riddle, and it somehow came into Draco's possession. I have examined it quite closely," Albus added at Severus' curious look; using his wand, he slid it closer to Severus.

Severus chanted several spells over the leather, closing his eyes as he felt the dark magic calling to him. The darkest magic--evil that could only have belonged to the Dark Lord. The same magic that was embedded in the tattoo on Severus' arm. The same magic that had exchanged Lily's life for her son's. And the very same that was in the reminder emblazoned on Harry's forehead.


A light touch on his arm brought Severus back. He opened his eyes. "It must be destroyed."

"I have tried," Albus said, sounding old again; as he often did these days. "It will not be torn; or burned. And I have tried every blasting curse I can think of. Draco is connected to it," he added, underlining the urgency.

Severus stared at the leather-bound darkness. "I can focus Fiendfyre."


Severus glanced up, finding steel in his old mentor's eyes. It had been many years since Severus had cast a dark spell and he knew very well why Albus wanted to keep it that way. He dipped his head, accepting. Albus touched his shoulder.

"Something more powerful than the Dark Lord?" Severus murmured, making it a suggestion as he held the headmaster's gaze. "Since it was cursed by him."

Albus' blue eyes flicked to Draco; calculating something though Severus couldn't have said what. And then the headmaster extended a hand toward the fallen basilisk. With an echoing crack, one of its great fangs tore away from its gums and flew into Albus' palm.

He plunged it into the diary.

A scream rent the air as Draco's body convulsed several times. The scream faded, Draco grew still again and a plume of black smoke drifted lazily from the hole, now gaping in the center of the diary.

Severus' heart was settling back to its normal pace as he stared at the blackened edges of the hole. Finally, he turned his gaze back to Dumbledore. "I've never heard of a cursed object screaming when it was destroyed," he said quietly.

"No," Albus agreed.

"And you are not going to elaborate."

"Not yet."

Severus checked Draco's pulse, since the headmaster seemed unable to tear his eyes from the diary.

"If Harry is injured," Severus said as he released Draco's wrist, "Black and Lupin will expect an explanation. You cannot hide what happened this time-"

"It is not yet time for them to know."

"They would likely disagree," Severus said dryly. "They will resent you for keeping it from them."

Albus looked up; he smiled. "And you wish to protect me from their wrath?"

Instead of answering, Severus said, "I have been the target of Black's wrath."

"Sirius is not the same man he was when you knew him," Albus said after a quiet moment, reminding Severus of something he already knew. "He's more than paid for any crimes against you. And," he added gently, "he has expressed his desire to thank you--and apologize--on several occasions."

"I do not wish to be thanked," Severus said gruffly; they'd discussed this many times. "Nor do I want an apology." How could Severus want that? His own crimes had been far greater.

And what would he say in return--It is because of me that your godson no longer has his parents?

"You have paid for your crimes as well, Severus," Albus said in answer, reading things that Severus hadn't even said. And he nodded because the headmaster wished him to believe it. There were, however, crimes that could never be paid for.

"You wish me to speak with Lucius?" Severus asked, diverting the conversation.

Albus' snowy eyebrows drew together as his gaze roved over Lucius' son. "I wondered if you had ever seen the diary among the Malfoys' possessions."

"If Lucius stole from the Dark Lord, he would not advertise the fact."

"No," Albus agreed. He sighed and then turned his attention back to Severus. "If you could arrange to be in Lucius' company when I bring him news of Draco, I would be most appreciative," he said. He didn't explain why, but that didn't stop Severus from agreeing instantly

"As you wish, Headmaster," he said, inclining his head. Albus nodded, lost to his thoughts.


Sirius looked up from the book he was reading when the infirmary's door opened. He set it on the table and put a hand on Remus' shoulder, waking him with a gentle shake. Sleep cleared from Remus' brown eyes as he lifted his head; he straightened as he saw Albus padding toward Harry's bed.

His eyes on Harry, Albus asked softly, "How is he?"

"He had a few cuts and bruises." Sirius' hand strayed to Harry's brow as he spoke. "Nothing terribly serious."

"He was lucky..." Albus drifted over to Hermione's bed; he ran an aged hand over her hair. "Her parents will be most distressed."

"I've already contacted them," Sirius said. "With Hermione's mirror."

"Ah. Yes. How did they take the news?"

"I didn't tell them any details," Sirius explained. "Poppy spoke to them as well; told them she's doing well now. They were both very worried, of course."

Albus nodded. "It is difficult for Muggle parents to send their children to Hogwarts. You and Remus are both very fortunate... You know that of course..."

Sirius frowned.

"Are you quite all right, Albus?" Remus asked, frowning as well. The headmaster's words was closer to a ramble than either of them was used to; and his old blue eyes were dull, his skin pale.

He smiled, turning back to them. "Of course, my boys," he said, reaching out to squeeze Sirius' shoulder and then he rested the back of his fingers against Harry's cheek. "You gave us quite a scare..." He cleared his throat and withdrew his hand. "I know you must have many questions-"

Sirius stood, and the headmaster paused as he was offered Sirius' chair. He smiled again and summoned another from across the room, though he sat in the one Sirius had offered.

"I'm afraid however," he continued once he was settled, "that I do not have many answers. Draco was possessed by a book that was cursed."

Sirius and Remus traded glances; they'd already worked out that Draco had been possessed; his red eyes and attempts to murder them had made that clear.

Sirius leaned forward to ask, "Did Draco summon the basilisk?"



Albus didn't answer for a moment; he was gazing at Harry. And when he did, his voice was strained, "The book was cursed by Voldemort--many years ago, though I cannot be certain of his exact purpose. I destroyed it, and Draco was released."

"And how in hell did Draco get his hands on a cursed book?"

Albus shook his head. "I do not know."

"I do."

Sirius glanced down in surprise; Harry's eyes were open and they were darting between the three men. "You do?" Sirius echoed.

Harry gave a tiny nod, but his lips were pressed tightly together so Sirius leaned in. He brushed a thumb over the worried creases in his godson's forehead and said, "It's all right, Harry."

"Mr. Malfoy had it that day we were in Flourish and Blotts this summer," Harry explained. Sirius glanced at the headmaster, who didn't look particularly surprised. "Remember he took Ginny's books from her cauldron?" Harry asked. When Sirius nodded, Harry continued, "Well, the book must have gotten mixed up with them..." He hesitated again.

"And then what happened?" Remus prodded.

"I saw it in Ginny's cauldron," Harry said; he was gripping the top of his blanket. "And so I gave it Draco. But I told him to give it back to his father," he rushed to add. "I really did-"

"It's all right," Sirius assured him quickly, stilling Harry's panic with a gentle pat to his shoulder. "You didn't know it was so dangerous. Draco wouldn't have either," he added when Harry didn't look any less disturbed. Lucius, on the other hand...

"But why did Mr. Malfoy have that book?" Harry asked Albus quietly. "If it was cursed?"

"I don't know."

"But you said Voldemort cursed it." Harry pushed himself up, his green eyes turbulent. "Why would Mr. Malfoy have it?"

No one answered, Sirius because he didn't want to explain that Lucius had probably been a Death Eater. "I do apologize," Albus said. "I should have cast a Silencing Spell-"

"Why?" Harry said, his spine straightening indignantly.

"Harry, don't interrupt," Sirius said, shaking his head slightly. But Harry frowned at the headmaster, as if Sirius hadn't even spoken.

"Why didn't you want me to know about the book?" Harry demanded. "I'm not a baby-"

"Harry," Sirius said in a voice low with warning and Harry stopped speaking. He turned back to Sirius, his cheeks turning pink. Not wanting to embarrass him further, Sirius cocked an eyebrow. It was enough; Harry dropped his eyes.

"Sorry Professor," he mumbled.

"It's quite all right, my boy," Albus murmured. He patted Harry's hand. "I did want to tell you about Draco."

Harry lifted his head; his eyes were wary. "Is he all right?"

"He has been taken home," Albus said with a nod. "He is no longer possessed, as far as I can tell, though he is being seen to by his parents' healer."

"Oh." Harry picked at the blanket's hem. "Is he... coming back to school soon then?"

"I don't know," Albus said. "I had best allow you to rest though, or Madame Pomfrey will most be displeased with me."

Sirius wanted to demand more information about Lucius, but it would have to wait until Harry wasn't listening.

"I'd enjoy a spot of tea tomorrow afternoon," Albus said. Sirius and Remus nodded and Albus took his leave.

After he'd left, Pomfrey bustled through. She clucked her tongue over Harry, handed him a Pain-relieving Draught and then went to Hermione's bed with an admonishment that Harry should be sleeping.

But Harry shook his head when Sirius echoed the sentiment.

"You must be tired," Remus said, eyeing the smudges under Harry's eyes. Harry nodded, but he didn't lie back.

"What's the matter?" Sirius asked. And then a little more anxiously, "Does something hurt?"

Harry shook his head. "It's... well, it's silly."

"It isn't silly if it's bothering you."

Harry tugged his blanket to his stomach, holding it there in bunched fingers. "But it is silly," he insisted. "Because it was only Draco, but I was scared of him. His eyes were glowing and he sounded awful." He swallowed. "Really mean..."

Sirius sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped an arm around his godson's shoulders. "It isn't silly to be frightened. I was frightened when I saw Draco."

"You were?"

"We both were," Remus added, resting a hand on Harry's blanket-clad knee. "Being possessed made him do things that he wouldn't have otherwise. He couldn't help what he did."

Harry turned his face to study Remus, his cheek resting against Sirius' chest. "But how do you know?"

"When something possesses a person, you aren't in control of your own body any longer," Remus explained, his voice careful but Harry still shivered. "It's very dark magic."

"But why would Voldemort curse a book?"

"We don't know," Sirius answered, regret weighing his voice down. "We probably won't ever know."

Harry's body sagged as he sighed out his tension. "Draco said... Hermione was going to be the basilisk's meal. He meant for it to eat her, Sirius!"

Sirius gazed down at his godson's face--no longer innocent. "I know, kiddo," he murmured softly.

Harry chest heaved twice. "But that's..." He couldn't finish and Sirius folded him into his arms as Harry relived the nightmare and Sirius didn't know whether or not to be concerned that his godson didn't cry.

He was shivering slightly though, so Remus cast a Warming Charm and Sirius tightened his arms. "You're all right," he whispered, and hoped it was true.


Hours later, Sirius untangled Harry's limbs and settled him carefully on the bed. All three of them had dozed off at some point, though Remus was awake now and speaking with Poppy near her office.

Harry mumbled something that Sirius couldn't decipher. Sirius pulled the blanket up to his shoulders and kissed the messy hair. He sighed as he watched a sleepy smile tug at the corners of Harry's mouth.

"It's easy to forget he's twelve when he's asleep," Remus murmured, joining Sirius by the side of the bed.

Sirius smiled, nodding his agreement and winding his fingers through Remus'. "He wasn't supposed to grow up so fast..." He sighed and shifted so that he was looking at Remus. But before he could speak, a soft groan made both of them turn. Hermione was awake, and blinking dazedly up at the ceiling.

Poppy was at her side in an instant, soothing her as she asked what had happened.

"Is Harry all right?" she finally whispered. Sirius and Remus stepped to her bed, both of them smiling down at her.

"He's asleep," Remus told her. "And he's just fine."

Hermione closed her eyes and smiled. "He's very brave, you know," she mumbled. "Oh," she said, her eyes popping open again. "Tell Harry he can punch Draco in the nose now; I won't try to stop him..."

Her eyes drifted closed again, and her breathing deepened with sleep, leaving Remus and Sirius to stare down at her in confusion.