Mystery Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/03/2003
Updated: 01/05/2003
Words: 127,994
Chapters: 25
Hits: 13,266

Book of Memories


Story Summary:
Harry survived the Killing Curse once more but the world considers ``him dead. Sirius is missing half his soul and the condition will begin to take ``a toll on Harry. Voldemort is weak and striving to gain power... There's something ``under the school and Harry finds out that Voldemort wants it. Harry needs what's ``there -- and soon for more reasons than he knows at first -- but Dumbledore is...

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
Harry survived the Killing Curse once more but the world considers him dead. Sirius is missing half his soul and the condition will begin to take a toll on Harry. Voldemort is weak and striving to gain power... There's something under the school and Harry finds out that Voldemort wants it. Harry needs what's there -- and soon for more reasons than he knows at first -- but Dumbledore is...
Author's Note:
This starts the personal things in this series of fan fictions. It's an order of magntitude more realistic than the first two. There are a lot of metaphors in this as far as dreams and actual things Harry comes across and it's up to the reader to decipher these.


Harry had other things that were more important. For example, Gryffindor needed Chasers on it's Quidditch team. So, Saturday morning after breakfast (by now, Harry had completely forgotten about the episode in Divination), Harry, Ron, Craig and Kylie marched down to the Quidditch field together.

"I wonder who the sixth year is," said Ron. "I mean, we know everyone in our year."

Harry tapped Ron on the shoulder. "There they come now," he said. "It's Parvati," he added rolling his eyes. The hopeful Chasers were all in a group heading towards the Quidditch field.

"Hm," said Ron. "Parvati Patil, ugh." To this, Craig made a indistinct growl in the back of his throat.

"He's got a crush on Parvati," Kylie whispered in Harry's ear, giggling. If half a million people can find out who Harry fancies, Harry thought irritably, it wouldn't be a tragedy if a handful found out who Craig likes.

"Ginny?" said Ron quite confused that his sister would want to be on the team. "Don't know the other two," Ron whispered to Harry as the fifth and fourth year came in hearing range.

"James Griffith," said the fifth year. James was fair height with straight, top-of-the-ear-length black hair, parted in the middle. He wore square glasses that were rounded at the edges and his face eerily reminded Harry of both Snape and Hagrid at the same time. The brown eyes were deceiving; if he looked at Harry, they looked friendly but if he looked at a passing Slytherin, it was much like Snape. Had had seen him before in the corridors.

It didn't make much sense, nor did it matter much, but the name James immediately brought back the picture of James Potter to Harry's mind. The thought of the tall wizard with untidy hair left as quick as it came.

"Connie Clades," said the fourth. Connie was a mixture between Hermione and Professor McGonagall. The very thought of what kind of personality Connie had was creepy. Her hair was bushy green, obviously dyed, and in pigtails. This was all stark contrast to her fair face and yellow eyes which much resembled Madam Hooch's.

And within fifteen minutes after the greetings were up, and after Harry summoned his Dragonback from his dormitory (he had forgotten it in the rush to finish breakfast, everyone else brought theirs with them), they were flying around testing out the Chaser candidates.

"James and Connie are really good," said Ron as James ducked through Ginny and Katie to make a throw that Craig missed by a mile. "He's quick and good at maneuvering but Connie's got great aim," he added as Connie scored by batting the Quaffle with her broom across the field.

In the end, it was Ginny that won out over Parvati. Ginny at least could dodge Bludgers and wasn't afraid when Harry went charging after her. Parvati always went out of the way, usually hitting someone else, when Harry went in her direction (whether it be chasing the Snitch or dodging Bludgers). Well, it was either that, or Ginny secretly wanted Harry to hit her... Ron suspected this and Harry hoped that she was just better at Quidditch.

Harry got his detention assigned the next Potions class.

"You will be helping myself and Madam Pomfrey administer potions to patients in the hospital wing, Potter. At ten o'clock sharp you are to report to my office, tonight"

Harry sat through making a Potion of True Seeing with apprehension about spending detention with Snape. At present, a potion allowing one to see something invisible just wasn't at all appealing. This feeling wasn't made any better when Snape seized another chance to yell at Harry.

"You are right next to Malfoy and can plainly see his potion is incorrect."

"What would you like me to do, make his potion for him?" sneered Harry. Malfoy looked delighted at the very thought. "The idiot only does good in this class because you're so lenient on him." The content look on Malfoy's face was whisked away. Snape's upper lip curled and his hair, if possible, looked greasier than usual. Harry figured if there was any more inside of it, you could use his dripping hair grease instead of bubotuber pus. It just looked that revolting.

Harry bent over his potion ingredients and clutched the Order of Merlin plaque, cutting and stirring one handed. By the look on Snape's face, he was ready to explode, his skin whiter than Nearly Headless Nick's.

Snape flipped his hair back and replied, "Potter -"

"Go on," Harry interrupted. "Would you like me to smash more cauldrons?"

"Go right ahead," said Snape calmly. "I will see to it you are expelled if your behavior continues." Snape turned away. Harry wasn't finished.

"You know I sometimes wonder Professor," he called at Snape's back, in the slickest voice possible, letting go of the plaque. "Voldemort said you tried to get me expelled so I was no longer protected here." Snape stopped moving. Harry shifted coolly in his seat, peering up at Snape and the room fell silent. "I wonder if you're still working with him?"

Snape grabbed something out of his robes and when he turned around, Harry immediately saw it was his wand. If Snape was going to try a curse, it wouldn't be pretty. Anything to stop him, anything. Harry pulled out his own wand and before Snape could even aim, Harry aimed and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Snape flipped backwards, wand flying right into Harry's free hand, and smacked against the wall behind him, upside down. The Slytherins drew a gasp of breath as Snape fell to the ground as a small pile of black, billowing robes and greasy hair. Snape scrambled to his feet and there was blood pouring out of his nose -- Harry had broken it. He couldn't clearly tell if the look on Snape's face was one of surprise, anger or amazement.

"You're quick, Potter, there's no denying it. James was never that fast," Snape blurted out as fast as he could. It pained him to say this. Harry's expression remained as flat as before, not at all acknowledging the fact that Snape, of all people, just complimented him. "Your antics have earned you a week of detention."

Snape didn't give any homework. Harry liked to think Snape was afraid he might get another few bones broken. Hermione suggested something along the lines of it being a favor to Sirius.

Harry couldn't care much about the detentions. Embarrassing a professor, especially Snape, by beating them at a wand draw was good enough for Harry any day. Even as he helped to make potions that smelled fouler than how Uncle Vernon can be known to leave the bathroom, and that is saying something, he was smiling faintly.

"Come on, Potter, I don't have all day," Snape was calling to Harry from the other side of the room. Madam Pomfrey was all out of Pepperup Potion and making it required a frothing and smelly cauldron of dragon heart, bezoar and dragon liver.

"Where are the dragon hearts?" asked Harry, examining a particularly off-color one. They are normally red but this one looked pinkish and was hard to the touch. He had used all of the good ones. "These're gross."

Snape plopped a fresh barrel of dragon hearts on the table next to Harry. He pulled out a juicy one and threw it into his cauldron. Madam Pomfrey had set up a place for Harry to work. It was better than doing it in a room alone with Snape... It was amazing how many sick students there were when you bothered to step inside and look around.

Harry guessed that Snape deemed him worthy of potion making or he would have Harry do something else. Whether this was another compliment or Snape was, in reality, hoping Harry wouldn't mess up, he couldn't guess. It wasn't all bad. Pouring foul-tasting potions down people's mouths was very satisfying particularly when you got to see the look on their faces.

While forcing Pepperup Potion down Susan Bones' mouth, and the successive steaming of her ears, Harry took notice of one bed with curtains drawn around it in the corner. This struck Harry as being strange as all the other curtains were wide open.

"No, Mr. Potter," said Madam Pomfrey sharply, noticing Harry looking at it, "that patient is perfectly fine."


And so he ignored it.

Ron started to think up a grueling Quidditch practice schedule the next day. This all worked out excellently as Harry, having gone to bed at midnight, needed something to remove the smell of potions from his nose that stayed with him all night. Quidditch practices usually did the trick.

A quick lift off onto the Quidditch field on his Dragonback for a test flight, and a minute of flying, still in his pajamas, Order of Merlin necklace fluttering in the wind, did the trick nicely. Lately, from the time Harry woke up in the morning to minutes before he crawled into bed, the necklace was on. The shock finally -- okay, almost -- wore off and it was now just a very nice ornament.

"Come on, Harry," said Ron, catching up to him. "I had Madam Hooch bewitch the Snitch temporarily to give your Dragonback a good run. It'll only last for a few more hours."

And so they had an unofficial practice. Real practices weren't to start for another week or so. Harry not being allowed to go very long without turning red, Cho turned up within a few minutes. She very politely asked if she could ride on the back of Harry's broomstick. Unfortunately, Cho wouldn't let him say no.

He enlarged the Dragonback and the two of them went bounding after the Snitch. It still posed no threat. Harry had discovered various means of giving himself small bursts of speed so that if it was just in front of him, all he need do was either slam himself harder against the handle, thrust his hand out as hard as possible or ride his broom like a skateboard, the latter of which Cho was very nervous about Harry doing -- she had to stand on it, too.

Defense Against the Dark Arts that day continued to make Harry's face turn as red as the apple tree in the forest. Care of Magical Creatures was slightly fun considering Hagrid brought in a rather interesting creature known as troglodytes. Barely up to Harry's navel, their skin was rainbow colored which was not very good camouflage for their living quarters: caves. Best of all, Professor Trelawney took another wasted minute to remind Harry his current state of affairs were deceiving him.

"I can't wait until we can get into mind reading," said Harry. "That way I can tell her all of her bad forthcoming events."

"She already knows, Harry," Hermione reminded him.

"I know but it will make me feel better to know that her life sucks too," said Harry hotly. This profound statement left him with a bit of angst to dwell on and it caused Ron to take a step away from Harry as they made their way towards lunch. Harry had an urge to grab the Order of Merlin plaque but preferred to let the feeling simmer for a while.

"What are you so upset about?" said Hermione during dinner, sounding a lot like a worried mother. Harry quickly finished chewing, though appreciated the concern.

"Something's going to happen like it has every year," said Harry matter-of-factly.

"Oh don't get yourself worked up. Don't you want to have a nice, quiet year? For a change?" she added, raising her tone.

"After last year I think we're all ready to hand in our adventuring spirit," said Ron. Harry quietly agreed. It would be perfect to have one quiet year. "Eh?" said Ron, raising his goblet in toasting position.

Harry grabbed his goblet but was slightly hesitant. He couldn't answer himself but it seemed to have something to do with finally feeling capable with the Order of Merlin necklace and all. Something in the back of his head was whispering "stay out of trouble, it'll do you good." Hermione had already raised her glass. Harry saw that Ginny was looking at him but she turned away when he turned to look at her.

"Oh what the hell," said Harry, letting go of his hesitation and smiling at the back of Ginny's head. The three of them made a toast to "avoiding situations where we might get killed!" Seamus and Dean looked up at their strange toast. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at the two of them.

"What?" they all said innocently. Seamus and Dean went back to eating and the three giggled to themselves. After that, Harry had a much better time stuffing his face with food and the urge to hold the Order of Merlin plaque passed. He made a small promise to himself not to get involved in anything. It was another opportunity, Harry thought, to take heed of the words of the Great Mr. Weasley. His words were quick, they were simple and they hadn't failed to brighten Harry's mood once.

That night at the hospital, the students from the previous night were exchanged with another set. The bed in the corner still had it's curtains closed but Harry knew better. Madam Pomfrey was probably tending to that person and chances are they were in quite a bad condition.

Dumbledore stopped by to tell Harry that Sirius has gone to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

"I believe he is quite close to being fully connected with his soul. A group of ten wizards managed to subdue and kill the dementor responsible and upon death, a malformed white thing fled. They believe it has gone to seek out it's body as it was spotted near St. Mungo's. The potion attempts to connect the body with the missing part of it's soul and the potion is working nicely."

This was some of the best news Harry had since he got word Sirius was staying at the Dursley's with him the previous summer. He immediately woke up Ron at one in the morning to let him know. Delighted as Ron was, telling him had another desirable effect: Ron agreed to cancel another early practice tomorrow morning.

Paladism had gotten somewhat interesting.

"We have studied enchantments before," said Dumbledore. There was some excitement in the fairly damp, stone dungeon room. Enchanting things was something Harry looked forward to. People all along the walls in their seats were looking happy. "Now is the time to attempt one."

Upon his desk, Dumbledore held up a ruby encrusted, silver sword Harry recognized immediately.

"This sword," he began, "as I'm sure at least three of you know," he added, eyes glittering behind the half-moon spectacles, peering over at Harry and Ron, "is the very sword that killed the basilisk four years ago." Harry would have turned red but he already had the Order of Merlin plaque in his hands. A few heads still turned whenever someone mentioned the word "basilisk" in a room with Harry. "It is very susceptible to enchantments and as such we will be using this today as a demonstration. Mr. Potter, if you would, please conjure that ice dragon you have become known for?"

As Harry shouted "Draconus iciclia!" Dumbledore shouted "Incanto usurponis incendium," the fire enchantment. The dragon zoomed towards Dumbledore and he swung the sword, slicing the dragon in two. It caught fire, the - ICE - caught fire and fell to the ground.

"A strong enchantment, you see," Dumbledore explained to all the eyes staring at the burning remnants. After a second or two, the dragon's tail finally melted completely. "Abditum!" The blade flashed red for a moment and fire gathered to the tip before vanishing in a pop. "The ice dragon can get so cold that it will put out the hottest of fires and should it fly into exposed skin, it would freeze it upon contact. No need to worry, Mr. Potter, as your dragon is no where near the size of one capable of such feats," he added, twinkling again.

"Now, I will conjure an ice dragon, lightning dragon and a fire dragon. You can enchant your wands and see if you're able to kill one of them. You will have to hit the dragon with your wand, possibly a few times. Each dragon is susceptible to the other two elements. Remember that lightning is strongest but a dragon's own element is rather useless against it. As such, you will have quite a time trying to banish the lightning dragon. Off you go, then."

Within ten minutes, only Hermione had managed to enchant her wand with ice and the fire dragon wasn't letting her anywhere near it despite it's size (it was about a foot high, just as tall as Harry's). The dragons spited everyone, sitting spread out atop Dumbledore's desk.

"Miss Granger," said Dumbledore, slightly saddened at the weak attempts, "the worst it is capable of doing is making you feel like you put your hand under hot water."

At this, Hermione summoned her courage and made a mad dash around the dragon and poked it's tail. It scowled and drew a breath of fire, hitting Neville's free hand. He jumped up and down shouting, "Aquor!" trying to make water rain down on his hand. He managed to put out the fire dragon, instead.

"Mr. Longbottom," said Dumbledore sternly, "enchant your wand with ice, please."

After a minute of wand waving and bellowing of "Incanto usurponis glacies!" he managed to succeed (the wand glowed icy-blue for a moment). He smiled a big smile at his work.

"It is not terribly hard but it does require a certain concentration. May I remind you that wands help you focus. The core of a wand provides magic from the creature it was taken from. Combined, you can be a little better focused but without any intention, nothing will happen. Now, Mr. Longbottom, attempt to whack the fire dragon on the head," he added, looking more cheery.

Watching Neville attempt to hit a dragon on the head was rather like watching wrestling on television, Harry thought. If Neville moved left, the dragon whipped it's tail and scowled, causing Neville to back up. If Neville jerked his hand forward, the dragon attempted to bite it and when he withdrew his hand, it threw a fireball at him.

"Someone feel free to help," said Dumbledore.

At this, Harry shouted, "Draconus iciclia!" A slightly larger dragon than that which used to appear, now at two feet, sprouted out of Harry's wand and careened into fire dragon, pelting it with snowballs. Dumbledore scowled.

"Sorry, Professor," said Harry, hanging his head at the look on Dumbledore's face. Harry's dragon roared, filling the air with cracking ice and the sound of sheets of ice moving across one another. A small puff of freezing air erupted from it's mouth and it wagged it's tail proudly before the lightning dragon shot a bolt of lightning at it, shattering the ice dragon. The lightning dragon gazed menacingly at it's victim's conjuror. Harry forgot all about Dumbledore and scowled back at it, twirling his wand in his fingers.

"Mr. Potter," said Dumbledore suddenly. Harry dropped his face immediately and looked up at him. "Why don't you have a go?"

Harry got up from his seat and approached the dragon. After a minute, he managed to make his wand glow fire-red for a brief moment. Of all the spells so far, the enchantment ones gave him the hardest time. The lightning dragon waved it's tail menacingly, a few bolts of lightning erupting from it's mouth. One hit Harry handily on the wrist.


He flapped his hand in pain as it hurt quite a bit more than getting a snowball in the wrist. He then jabbed his wand furiously into it's open mouth as it sent another bolt from it's tail to his wand hand, hitting his thumb. This caused him to let go of his wand. Harry put his scorched thumb into his mouth to curb the shocking sensation.

The dragon was choking on his wand, unable to force it out, coughing repeatedly. The wand had went through the dragon's neck. There was a veritable thunderstorm by it's mouth. Furious, Harry snapped his uninjured hand out towards his wand and flung the dragon up into the air. The wand widened the hole and the dragon made a strangled roar.

A bolt of lightning cracked from the ceiling and the dragon disappeared into a hazy purple cloud. His wand fell to the floor. Dumbledore clapped saying, "Well done! Five points to Gryffindor!" but he was the only one clapping, everyone else was staring at Harry. Harry himself let go of his thumb and flapped his hand, put it back in his mouth and then took his seat.

He removed his thumb and muttered "Remedium impluo," under his breath. A bit of rain fell onto the thumb, making it feel like new again.

"A minor injury," said Dumbledore kindly. "Now, would anyone like to take their chances against a fully grown lightning dragon with this blade?" he added, positively beaming. Harry had enough. One shocking experience per day will do. Everyone else took the same attitude after seeing, of all people, Harry, struggling except, surprisingly, Ron.

"Sure, Professor," he said, standing up.

Dumbledore was positively delighted. He handed Ron the blade of Godric Gryffindor and it took Ron the usual minute to make it glow icy-blue for a moment.

Dumbledore moved the desk out of the way and conjured a lightning dragon that filled the room from floor to ceiling. It was louder, meaner, purpler and it shot out more random lightning bolts than the small one.

It's mouth opened, Ron gritted his teeth and darted towards it's mouth (he was apparently trying to copy Harry). The plan backfired. Ron howled in pain when the dragon whipped his arm with it's tail

"Be glad it didn't decide to use a lightning bolt," said Dumbledore, laughing softly.

"Thanks," said Ron, clutching his arm. He waved the sword back and forth as the dragon tried to bite him. Ron jumped back when it's tail whipped forward but it succeeded in lashing his sword hand and was eyeing it. "Uh, oh," said Ron darkly.

The dragon slapped the sword upward with it's tail and then outward, sending it spinning -- right towards Malfoy, two seats down from Harry.

It must have been all the practice with catching knives out of the air that made him think he could do it because he couldn't see how he could think he could otherwise. As much as he hated Malfoy, he didn't wish him dead. With a sweaty hand, Harry leapt from his seat and lunged himself at the sword, catching it midflight by the handle, inches from Malfoy's chest.

He handed it to Ron, who then swiped it across the distracted dragon's neck, decapitating it. Both parts became a purple, glowing cloud and then dissipated.

And then when everyone could turn their attention away from the dragon, Malfoy had his hand on the general area where the sword would have hit him, Hermione had a hand clasped to her mouth in horror, Ron had a Harry-did-it-so-what-are-you-staring-at look on his face and Dumbledore did not look surprised. He winked at Harry and gave Gryffindor fifty points -- twenty for Ron, thirty for Harry.

If everyone was staring at Harry when he killed the lightning dragon with his wand, it was nothing to how long everyone was staring now. It took until the end of class for them to stop.

"D'you think he knew I could do that?" asked Harry at dinner that night.

Dumbledore was reenacting the episode up at the staff table to Professor McGonagall. Hagrid looked outraged Dumbledore conjured a fully grown lightning dragon... and didn't invite him to come see.

"Probably," said Ron. "I mean, we had you catching knives during the summer and you only cut yourself once. Once!"

"I suppose," Harry chortled.

"I'm still upset though," said Ron dully. "Malfoy coulda died."

Hermione scowled. Harry laughed.

"Hey, there could be an upside," said Harry brightly. "I saved his life."

He paused, holding his fork midway between his mouth and plate. Hermione put her goblet down. Ron didn't chew the food he just stuck in his mouth. The three sat silent for a minute as these four words sank in. Harry then bit the end off of his steak, chewed it, then drank from his goblet. He smiled ear to ear and they talk about what could've happened if either Harry died by catching the blade or Malfoy died by the blade impaling him. As grim a subject as it was, it was highly amusing.

"And then Parkinson kills herself because her boyfriend is dead and we live happily ever after," said Ron.

"Cho's not my girlfriend," said Harry quickly, on instinct without putting any thought into why he said it.

"Yes she is, Harry," said Hermione casually. "The entire school knows it."

"Shut up."

Hermione smiled and added, "As does everyone who read the Daily Prophet on your birthday." Harry's face turned deep red.

"Shut up!"

"If she's not your girlfriend," she said, sniggering, "then how come you brought it up when I mentioned Parkinson?"

Harry didn't reply but was noticeably chewing his food faster. He was thankful that Ron wasn't taking part in Hermione's fun but could see the beginnings of what looked like a smile at the corner of Ron's lip.

"You're cute when you're angry," said Hermione and she playfully hugged him. It was Harry's turn to scowl.

Ginny ambled over. Harry turned around and noticed that Cho was following Ginny out of the corner of her eye. She didn't... she couldn't... honestly think... ? Nah. It was common knowledge Ginny had a thing for Harry but it wasn't mutual (much to Ginny's dismay).

Harry would never forgot how embarrassed Ginny acted after he saved her from the basilisk. However, this was nothing he should be fretting over. Girls will be girls: confusing. Harry tossed the seeming resentment between Cho and Ginny out of his head. He's got better things to worry about -- like how he's going to survive, after tonight, two more days of detention with Snape. The really sick person in the corner was still there.

But, Harry did need to come up with an excuse for saving Malfoy's life. He became content with the story that he just wanted to see Ron get the dragon and that preventing Malfoy's death was just an unfortunate side effect.