Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/01/2005
Updated: 07/14/2005
Words: 6,263
Chapters: 6
Hits: 2,160

Luna Lovegood and the Half-Blood Prince

Mrs. Lovegood

Story Summary:
JKR has so far told us nothing about Luna's years at Hogwarts before we meet her as a fourth-year student. Has she known the secret of the Half-Blood Prince all along? This story consists of six vignettes from Luna's life. Each takes place during the time-frame of one of the existing Harry Potter novels (well, the first takes place the summer after book one), and the last takes place during the summer before the book we are currently anxiously waiting for. Make your waiting a little easier by reading my story to see what Luna might know about the mysterious Half-Blood Prince.

Chapter 01

JKR has so far told us nothing about Luna's years at Hogwarts before we meet her as a 4th year student. Has she known the secret of the Half-Blood Prince all along? This story consists of 6 vignettes from Luna's life. Each takes place during the time-frame of one of the existing Harry Potter novels (well, the first takes place the summer after book one), and the last takes place during the summer before the book we are currently anxiously waiting for. Make your waiting a little easier by reading my story to see what Luna might know about the mysterious Half-Blood Prince.

Words: 1,208
Hits: 987
Chapter 02

What does Luna know about the Half-Blood Prince? Chapter 2 takes place in the CoS year, with Luna dodging rogue Bludgers and torn between reading a mysterious book and watching a Quidditch match.

Words: 862
Hits: 231
Chapter 03

What does Luna know about the Half-Blood Prince? Chapter 3 takes place in the PoA year, and Luna wonders, with the rest of the students, how Sirius Black managed to get into the castle.

Words: 901
Hits: 197
Chapter 04

What does Luna know about the Half-Blood Prince? Chapter 4 takes place shortly after the Second Task. Luna and Pansy Parkinson are both interested in a certain magazine, but for very different reasons.

Words: 1,123
Hits: 215
Chapter 05

What does Luna know about the Half-Blood Prince? Chapter 5 takes place early in the OoP year, when Luna visits Hogsmeade and stays just a bit too late.

Words: 1,586
Hits: 285

What does Luna know about the Half-Blood Prince? This bit takes place during the summer between Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince, and we see that Luna, like us, is anxiously waiting for the next school year to begin.

Words: 583
Hits: 245