Quote Me if I'm Wrong

Morbid Fascination

Story Summary:
We have changed beyond all ability of the eye. We each have our choices to make, and they are hard to preform. In these chapters, each inspired by a quote, you find how each character comes to terms with the end of book five; they come to terms with themselves, old wounds rapture, and please, if you think we are not consumed, quote us if we're wrong.

Chapter 01

We have changed beyond all ability of the eye. We each have our choices to make, and they are hard to preform. In these chapters, each inspired by a quote, you find how each character comes to terms with the end of book five; they come to terms with themselves, old wounds rapture, and please, if you think we are not consumed, quote us if we're wrong.

Words: 1,257
Hits: 659
Chapter 02

Harry is forgetting the difference between here and there, there being the place in his head where he is still strong and crumbling Hermione is not better off than he. But quote me if I'm wrong. Here, in reality, she, Ron, Gin, Sirius, are better off than he, and two of them are dead.

Words: 692
Hits: 129
Chapter 03

These are the reflections of a very old man. He has learnt a thing or two in his time, both past, present and future. If you doubt my claims, go ahead - quote me if I'm wrong.

Words: 1,291
Hits: 206

We are hurt, we hide ourselves, we hate, we try to redeem ourselves, and we try to get lose the burden or our pasts, including the deaths of Sirius and a Weasley. If you disagree with who we've become, quote me if we're wrong.

Words: 754
Hits: 190
Chapter 05

We are hurt, we hide ourselves, we hate, we try to redeem ourselves, and we try to get lose the burden or our pasts, including the deaths of Sirius and a Weasley. If you disagree with who we've become, quote me if we're wrong.

Words: 1,006
Hits: 204
Chapter 06

We are hurt, we hide ourselves, we hate, we try to redeem ourselves, and we try to get lose the burden or our pasts, including the deaths of Sirius and a Weasley. If you disagree with who we've become, quote me if we're wrong.

Words: 1,223
Hits: 91
Chapter 07

Hermione wants to stop acting. She is not going to have that Cinderella story line; her plot bunnies are hopping in a different direction. If you don't think she can change, quote me if I'm wrong.

Words: 1,478
Hits: 99
Chapter 08

Snape uses the word giddy--quote me if you think I'm wrong about that.

Words: 1,467
Hits: 187

Bella reflects on her past and comes to realize that one word has made her stronger along with the Seven Truth-quote me if you think I lie.

Words: 1,631
Hits: 184
Chapter 10

There are times in everybody's lives when things just ignore our plan and go off to hunt for the Holy Grail leaving us alone with only bits and pieces of who we are. This happens to Draco Malfoy quite often and he then knows only that he is vain and perfect and if you can dispute a claim like that then quote me if I'm wrong.

Words: 1,087
Hits: 221