James Potter/Lily Evans
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 01/14/2006
Updated: 01/31/2007
Words: 35,993
Chapters: 30
Hits: 47,487

Legacy of the Marauders

Minerva Evenstar

Story Summary:
How can the Marauders cope with romance, Slytherins, blenders, wearing dresses, pick-up lines, holidays, N.E.W.T.'s, and more? Read and see!

Chapter 10 - Minds (I Wish I Had One)

Chapter Summary:
This is how the Marauders celebrate New Year's Eve!

Chapter Ten Minds (I Wish I Had One)

Minerva's Note: Christmas holiday at my school ends after New Years Day and I assume that Hogwarts' vacation is the same, though, for this fan fic I am going to say that it ends before then.

Sapphire and the Marauders, despite how much they loved Hogwarts, had been reluctant to return to school because of all the fun they'd been having. By the last day of December, however, they had gotten back into the natural habit of attending classes and eating in the Great Hall.

The Marauders were in the library reading astronomy books (Well, Remus was reading; the others were looking at the moving pictures.) when Peter dully observed, "It's New Year's Eve."

James looked up from his book, horror-stricken. "Merlin, it is, and we haven't planned a party!"

Sirius leapt up. "Not to worry, Prongs. I'll just go to Hogsmeade to get the necessary supplies while you tell the Gryffindors not to make any other plans for tonight." He winked at James, who chuckled rather maniacally.

This caught Remus' attention. "What supplies? What are you guys planning?"

They replied with identical silent grins of mischief; never a good sign.

Remus groaned apprehensively as they left.

In the common room a little over an hour later all of the sixth and seventh years (the others were sent to bed for being "too young") had been coerced by James and Sirius to partake in what promised to be some very interesting festivities.

James announced, "We're going to play-"

"Wait a minute." Lily stood up. "Why do you get to decide what we do?"

"Because this was our idea," pointed out Sirius easily.

Jessie stood beside the redhead. "Still, this party is for all of us, isn't it? We should get to choose an activity too."

Sirius and James shared a glance. They loved the way those two girls challenged their authority when none of the others dared to do so, though they certainly didn't want them to know that particular insight.

"What did you have in mind?" James asked, showing that they would listen to a suggestion, but they might not adhere to it.

It was Jessie and Lily's turn to share a glance. They hadn't thought that far. They just enjoyed giving James and Sirius a hard time because they realized it was good for them since nobody else did, and they understood that for some reason the boys actually liked to be challenged.

"Word association," said Sapphire, coming to their rescue.

"What's that?" questioned Olivia. She was one of Jessie's sixth year dorm mates. Her grades were as low as Peter's and her hair was dyed all the colors of the rainbow.

Sapphire answered, "Someone says a word and then everybody takes a turn saying the first word that pops into their head."

Almost everyone wanted to see the game demonstrated before they tried it, so the Marauders and Sapphire, since it was her idea, agreed to do it first. "We need a word," Remus requested.

"Study," someone called.

Sapphire volunteered the first word that came to her brain, "Often."

"Books," said Remus.

"Shagging," supplied Sirius.

"Quidditch," James stated.

"Food," mumbled Peter.

"Okay," Lily said, a bit confused by some of the responses. "Your next word is: respect."

"Everyone," Sapphire instantly said.





"Riiight..." Jessie commented, just as perplexed as Lily. "Next word: vacation."






Somebody suggested the term, "Rain."






Jessie sighed, "This is ridiculous! Why do guys have such one-track minds?"

"The same reason girls constantly change their minds," retorted Sirius.

"Don't go there," warned Jessie.

"I think I am going to go there," Sirius countered. "I'm going to go there, buy a souvenir, and come back again."

"You wouldn't!" screeched Jessie incredulously.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sirius provocatively queried.

"You're too thick."

"Well, you're moody."

"You're reckless."

"You're annoying."

"You're conceited."

"You're picky."

"You're unforgiving."

"You're beautiful." Sirius hadn't meant to say that, even though he thought it was true. He mentally kicked himself. Ouch, his brain yelped.

Jessie stared at Sirius. "What?"

Now that it was said Sirius couldn't take it back, so he had to go with it. "You're even more than beautiful; you're gorgeous and breath-taking."


"No," responded Sirius. "Those things don't even describe you because you are so amazing you need a word all your own. How about breath-beaugeous?"

"Sirius!" Jessie pushed him against the wall.

He swallowed nervously. Why is she angry? What did I do?

"That's the sweetest thing I ever heard," said Jessie and kissed him.

Remus whispered to James, "Breath-beaugeous is the sweetest thing she's ever heard?"

"She must ride a unicycle," James whispered back.

"What does a unicycle have to do with it?"




Lily rolled her eyes at Sirius and Jessie and questioned, "What are we going to play next?"