Astronomy Tower
Humor Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/11/2002
Updated: 11/13/2003
Words: 33,769
Chapters: 10
Hits: 13,181

May Day Eve

Mia Fitzpatrick

Story Summary:
It's the night of the Beltane festival and the students of Hogwarts drown themselves in legends, tradition and rituals. But soon, our heroes find out that the night has more than legends, tradition and rituals in store for them. Snogs, mirrors, mystery and saucy wenches abound, and it all happens on May day eve. H/H, mainly, D/G, slightly and R/guess who.

Chapter 06


Chapter Six : Snogs and Then Some


His face was tingling with pain from the slap Hermione so generously gave him. He knew he deserved it, he had deliberately planned that night. But still, it wasn’t his fault that McGonagall walked in at the exact moment that they were on the floor and they were, well, in a very compromising position.

He dared to look at her and found that she was smiling at him. Wait, she’s smiling?! He used to be able to know what exactly she was thinking, but at this moment, he wasn’t so sure. Despite the growing nervousness at the pit of his stomach, he could not help staring at her. He still kicked himself whenever he thought of the times he even looked at another witch. How could he have not seen the priceless beauty of friendship and love that stood right in front of him? His only defense was that he was a child and he didn’t know any better.

She walked a step closer to him and he brazed himself for another attack. But instead of the hard smack of her palms, he felt her lips brush the spot where her hand left its mark. For the second time in his life he felt her lips on his cheek. It lingered longer than it did when she first kissed him at the King’s Cross Station. She was so close to him and he could smell her hair, her skin, and her clothes. He inhaled the scent that was a mixture of flowers and apples and he wondered if it was possible if they could just stay like this for the rest of the night. But to his immense disappointment, she lifted her lips from his cheek. He let out the breath that he had been unconsciously holding.

“Now we’re even,” she said as she stroked the spot that she had slapped and kissed earlier. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I was stupid. Are you angry?” he asked.

“It’s hard to be angry when something you have been hoping for, for a very long time, finally comes true,” she said as she smiled up at him.

“You’ve been hoping for, for this?” he asked, a hopeful smile gracing his face

“If you had just said it, then I wouldn’t have to be down here trying to look into my future, I could have just been focusing on my present,” she said, her voice in a teasing whisper.

“And your present would be?” he asked as he gathered the courage to place his hands on her elbows.

“Guess?” she said, her eyes flashing playfully. He felt her stiffen as his left hand flittered up the back of her arm.

“I’m guessing I should say it now,” he said. His hand traveled across her shoulder and finally resting at the base of her neck. He could feel her pulse quicken under his touch. She clasped her hand over his to stop herself from trembling

“Please, I want to hear it,” she said as she closed her eyes.

He leaned over her, bringing his mouth closer to her ear and whispered softly the words he badly wanted to tell her, “I love you."

He stepped back a little to gaze at her face that was beaming with happiness. Stupid prat, why didn’t you just tell her? But it didn’t matter, now they have all the time in the world.

She opened her eyes and he could see the light dancing in them. He didn’t even have to think about what he was going to do next, he just knew, and this time he followed what he already knew. He leaned closer to her face, closer and closer until the tip of their noses touched and he could feel her warm breath on his lips. He let his lower lip touch the upper of hers, lingering a little bit as he savored her taste. He gave her light, feathery, teasing kisses, their lips touching, breathing a little, only to find its way to each other again. He felt his body heat up as he sensed her open mouth under his and he gingerly accepted the invitation. She stroked his nape with her fingers and it gave him a warm, tingly feeling. The more he had of her, the more he yearned for her, now he felt as if they weren’t close enough. He slowly undid the tie of her robes, waiting for her to protest. Instead, she let him slip the robe of her shoulder and Harry could feel the smooth satin pajamas under his palms as he fondled the side of her hips. He had no idea who initiated it or how exactly did they get there but they soon found themselves in the same compromising position they had been in nights before, only this time, there was a pink robe that pillowed Harry’s head, there were no bruises and Hermione wasn’t the one rubbing the right side of her leg.

She was kissing him under his chin when he suddenly spoke. “I want to hear it, too.”

“You do?” she said, giving him the most beautiful smile she can manage.

“Please,” he pleaded, his green eyes full of sincerity.

“And here I thought you just wanted to snog with me,” she joked. She put both her hands on either side of his face and shifted his head slightly, so that their eyes were looking directly into each other. “I love you Harry, I’ve always had. I can’t name the exact instance when I first did because there is none. With you, I have a sense of completion; I feel that my life began only to end with you. Sometimes, I think your eyes are like the pieces of the puzzle I need to complete mine so I could finally see. And our hands were made to hold on to each other throughout any weather. Like every part of you was made to match every part of me. Does that make sense to you Harry?”

“It makes perfect sense,” he said as he reached out to hold her hand, clasping them together in a perfect fit.

“I love you,” she said again.

“I love you, too.” His lips journeyed its way from the tip of her nose down to her lips once more and proceeded downwards. She rolled over to her side as she craned her neck, allowing him better access to the skin that flourished there. It was as if his hands had its own life and soon found itself struggling with the last button of her pajama, slowly working its way up until all barriers were finally removed. His hands gently brushed her navel making her breath unevenly. He brought his hand up to trace the soft lace of her brassiere and he could swear she stopped breathing for a moment. If they hadn’t been so pre-occupied, they would have probably heard the chaos outside the room before it was, well, too late.

“Oh My God, It’s true!”


“How many times do I have to tell you! Counter-clockwise you buffoon!” Ginny scolded as she shoved Draco to the side, taking over the stirring of the cauldron.

“I am not a baboon!” Draco hissed.

“I said buffoon, buffoon.”

“Oh, sorry, my mistake.”

Ginny dared to comprehend the flow of their conversation, but gave up eventually. Instead, she shifted her attention to the roll of parchment that was spread on the table in front of them. A naughty grin played around her lips and she looked at Draco. “Don’t think I don’t recognize this potion just because you tore off the header. Maybe you should tell me the truth before I come to another conclusion.”

“Why are you so interested anyway?” Draco drawled.

“Any dirty story about you interests me,” she said casually, as she added the grasshopper’s legs into the mixture.

“What makes you think I would volunteer the information?” he retaliated.

“Because rumors are very creative, and I’m quite sure Lavender and Parvati would love to know about this potion, whatever it is for?” she finished with a wicked smile.

“Blackmailing, I never thought Gryffindors are capable of that,” Draco answered.

“You have no idea what I’m capable of,” she said.

Draco took a deep breath, “If I tell you, you have to assure me that you won’t tell another soul. If you do, I’ll feed you to Hagrid.”

“How dare you say that, what do you have against Hagrid?” Ginny said in disbelief while sprinkling powdered seagrass into the cauldron.

“You’re right, it would be a real punishment to him. Not only are you hard to digest because of the incredible amount of lipids in your body, you’d probably taste like copper,” he smirked and leaned his back on the wall.

“For your information, I’m five-foot five inches and I weigh a hundred and fifteen pounds and I am sure I taste very good!” she retaliated while chopping the skin of a lizard.

“Want to prove that last part to me?” he said huskily.

Ginny suddenly envisioned a very pale naked Malfoy and shuddered at the thought. “Eww! I’d much sooner sleep with Snape.”

Draco’s face was suddenly contorted with disgust. “Ugh, Weasley, that’s revolting, you’d do that?”

Ginny was thoughtful for a moment and her face suddenly turned green. “Let’s just forget I said that, bad example. Wait, we’re steering away from the topic at hand, which is what are you using this potion for?”

“You’re not going to give up are you?”

“No, so you might as well tell me.”

“Well, Pansy has this fetish.”

“Ooh, Pansy has a fetish, it’s getting interesting already,” Ginny squealed.

“Well, she likes men who--”

“Oh my, what does she like in men?”

“Do you mind, I’m trying to tell a very personal experience here?” Draco asked with sarcasm.

“Sorry, go on.” Ginny said with a sheepish grin.

“As I was saying,”


He watched his shirtless self on the mirror, asking himself for the umpteenth time why he agreed to do this. It wasn’t as if Pansy was the most shaggable witch in Hogwarts. But she was ready, willing and able, what sixteen year old boy wouldn’t agree to that.

Still, he had some reservations about the potion, Pansy wasn’t exactly the best potions student Hogwarts has ever seen. He brought up the vial to his face and watched the purple liquid swirl inside. After a few more minutes of stalling, he slowly brought the tip of the vial to his lips and drank the liquid inside. He felt very tingly and he soon found out that thin blond hair was sprouting out of his chest. Soon, a thin layer of chest hair covered him down to his navel. He admired his new manly look in front of the mirror, before putting his jumpers on and sauntered down to the Slytherin common room. Pansy was going to be bawled over when she sees the new and improved sexy Draco. He chose to sit on the leather couch, resting his stretched hands on both sides.

After a while, Draco pulled out a pocket watch from his robe. “Five minutes late” he thought. It was okay though, they had all night, no need to rush. But suddenly, he felt very warm, too warm in fact. He noticed that the tingly sensation was back, and it was more intense this time. He put his hand against his chest, and it felt very soft. With much trepidation, he pulled the neckline of his jumper and peered inside.


“Something wrong, Draco?” Blaise Zabini turned all of a sudden at Draco’s outcry.

“Nothing’s wrong everything’s perfect,” he answered, trying to keep his voice at a minimum.

He pulled his jumpers once more, this time having enough restraint not to cry in horror. His chest looked like a polar bear rug. “Pansy,” he grumbled under his breath.

“What is it my love?” Pansy suddenly whispered in his ears. All his hair, including all his chest hair stood on end at hearing her voice.

“This is a special night for the both of us, are you as excited as I am?” she said with what seems to be an attempt of a teasing voice. She moved her hands to rub them against his chest. His hand reflectively flew to stop hers from going further.

“Draco, what’s going on?” she asked with irritation.

“We can’t do this,” he said.

“And why not?” she asked, both her eyebrows raised.

Draco racked his brain for an answer. “Because I’m having an affair.”

Pansy’s mouth looked as if it was going to rip on the sides, “With whom?”

Draco answered the first name that came to his mind. “Millicent Bulstrode.”

“Why you rat fink?! I cannot believe you, I swear, my daddy is going to hear about this, and that means your daddy is going to hear about it as well, which means it will reach your mummy!”

“Did you learn that in Divination?”

Pansy let out a frustrated shriek and stormed off to her dormitory. But Draco couldn’t care less. Right now, he had a polar bear rug glued to his chest and he had to get rid of it.


“Can I see! Can I see!” Ginny squealed, jumping around Draco like a bunny.

“You really think I’d show it to you?” Draco raised an eyebrow at her.

“Not really, why didn’t you just shave it?” she asked.

“I tried, it kept growing back,” he explained.

Ginny went over to the cauldron to check the potion. “Looks like it’s ready.”

She took a ladle and transferred the potion to a clear bottle she held on her right hand.

“We still need to shake it a bit,” she said as she swirled the bottle in her hand. She paced around the room while doing this.

Draco pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was nearing midnight.


“It’s been almost an hour. What could be taking her so long?” Lavender shrieked and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Sit down. You’re making us dizzy,” Parvati told her. Lavender stopped pacing and flopped herself down on the bed opposite Parvati’s.

“We should go after her, we have to see if she’s alright,” Lavender suggested.

“What? Filch might catch us! I do not plan on spending a day in detention this week!” Parvati exploded.

“Parvati, since when have you been afraid of getting caught by Filch? I swear, someone should give you an award for the most number of hours spent inside the trophy room,” she retorted.

“But that was different,” Parvati answered sheepishly.

“Yes, it was. This is important, that wasn’t. Now you’re coming with me if I have to drag your scrawny bum out of here,” Lavender said as she walked over and pulled Parvati up by the arms.

Before leaving the room, Lavender turned around to speak to Kelly and Donna, who were busy flipping their blond hair, “You two stay here. If Hermione comes back, tell her we went looking for her. Is that clear?”

The two nodded as they flashed her a wide smile that made Lavender shiver.


It was hard to keep up with someone who ran so fast, especially if you’re wearing five inch platforms, but he was determined to catch up with Ron. He was going to catch up with him if he had to watch McGonagall do an exotic dance routine.

He watched as Ron turned around the corner and ran down the stairs. He quickly followed in pursuit, making a conscious effort not to trip on his robes. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of Ron’s red hair as it turned towards the direction of the room with the big mirror. “So Ron likes mirrors?” he grinned as kinky thoughts began to cross his mind. He had always wanted to do the deed with Goyle in that room, but his erstwhile “friend” was very self-conscious about his body.

He stopped abruptly when he heard Ron suddenly exclaim the words, “Oh my God, it’s true!”

He quickly rushed to Ron’s side to see what could be the cause of his ashen face. He let out a delighted squeal at the sight that greeted him. Both Hermione and Harry were flushing red as Harry struggled to get to his feet, and Hermione was desperately trying to clasp the buttons of her pajamas.

“So it is true, I can’t wait ‘til all the Hufflepuffs hear about this!” he echoed, but none of them were paying any attention to him.

“You… and you, well it’s not like it’s a big surprise, but I didn’t think… Merlin’s beard, you were about to--” Ron stammered.

“Ron, we weren’t about to do anything,” Hermione cut him off.

“Well, from the looks of it, you were already doing something,” Justin said.

“Will you stay out of this? This is about me and my friends,” Ron snapped.

“Well I think it’s about her and him. Where do you come in?” Justin retorted.

“Just shut up, will ya?” he barked as he turned his attention back to his two flushing friends, “You should’ve seen yourselves, you were, you were--” Ron tried to fish around for a word.

“In a very compromising position?” Harry suggested.

“Exactly!” he said with a triumphant grin. His grin quickly turned into a frown as he prepared for the lecture that he was about to ensue. “You know, you could’ve just shared this particular side of your relationship with me. I mean, I would’ve been very happy for you. And I understand that the two of you would want to keep something like this a secret, after all that happened with Rita Skeeter and that wasn’t even real. But I’m your best friend, we share everything! You don’t keep secrets from me, I’m not like Justin!”

“Hey, what do you mean by that lover boy?” Justin said with a twisted smile.

“Wait, did you just call him, lover boy? Ron, is there something you’re not telling us?” Hermione asked perplexed.

“You gossip, and it’s a long story,” Ron answered the two of them in the order of when they asked.

“I do not gossip!” Justin defended.

“What’s the long story?” Harry interrupted.

“Oh yes you do, you just told us earlier you can’t wait to tell all the Hufflepuffs, and it has something to do with a mixed up love letter from a witch up at the Astronomy Tower,” Ron answered them.

“I suppose you have a point,” Justin said, becoming very interested with his nails all of a sudden.

“Did you say mixed up love letter?” Harry asked, the tremble in his voice evident.

“Yes,” Ron answered nonchalantly.

“Oh my god,” Harry mouthed.

“Why?” Hermione turned to him suspiciously.

“Nothing,” Harry answered, trying to keep his voice steady.

At that moment, Justin heard a surprised gasp coming from behind him. He turned around to find a twin pair of wide eyes that belonged to Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

“Oh great,” Hermione muttered dryly.

Lavender quickly strode over to where Hermione stood and shook her by the shoulders. “How could you?! We were so worried about you, all the things we’ve thought that may have happened to you! You could’ve been attacked by grindylows!”

“Lavender, grindylows are sea creatures,” Hermione said matter-of-factly.

“I know that, I was merely implying that someone may have dragged you to the sea, but that’s not the point. You could’ve told us you were going to have a snog session with Harry!” she continued with her overacting.

“How did you know?!” Hermione asked, her eyes bulging out of its socket, “And stop shaking me, my hair is bad enough as it is!”

Lavender removed her hands from Hermione’s shoulders and placed them on her own hips, “If you must know, oh-so-sharp one, your buttons are still open and I can see your bra.”

Hermione looked down her chest, then up again at Lavender, and then back again at her chest. She hastily buttoned her pajamas and made sure that all were in order.

“Excuse me, but I’m trying to have a conversation with my friends here! You two still have a lot of explaining to do.” Ron tapped his foot with impatience.

“Okay, what does all this have to do with you?” Parvati asked him. “I mean from what I see, this is between Harry and Hermione.”

“Exactly! I’ve been telling him that, but he won’t listen!” Justin chimed in.

“Because they’re my friends!” Ron reasoned in frustration.

“Honey, unless you’re going for a threesome, which doesn’t seem to be the case here, I really see no reason why they should explain it to you,” Parvati argued.

“Amen to that sister!” Justin exclaimed, motioning for a high five with Parvati, which she enthusiastically accepted.

“Alright everyone, Ron’s right,” Hermione interjected.

“Did she just say Ron’s wife?” Justin asked, leaning closer to Parvati.

“No, I think it was Ron’s bright?” Parvati whispered back.

“That makes even less sense,” Justin shrugged.

“I’m right here you know, and for the record, she said I was right,” Ron hissed at them, “And you, you were practically begging me for sex earlier and--”

“Ooh, I didn’t know you swing that way, Ron,” Parvati chimed in, “I don’t blame you Justin, I heard redheads are really good in bed.”

“First of all, Parvati, I don’t swing that way, and secondly, redheads are excellent in bed,” Ron said with confidence.

Hermione cleared her throat to get their attention back to her, “As I was saying, Ron’s right, and Harry and I both have to explain to him that--” but her words were cut off with a short stifled shriek that came from the direction of the dungeons. The short shriek sent shivers up their spines as they realized who owned the oddly familiar voice.

“Oh my God, Ginny,” Hermione muttered before she fell unconscious into Harry’s arms.

Author notes: The next chapter, I'll finally get around to the plot, yes, there is a plot to all this. Sabs and Alcfeniel, thanks ever so much for the beta. Thanks to everyone who reviewed my fics, in general (including those who reviewed my other fics, but didn't get a chance to be thanked): Sabs, miuccia, Brian, lore, Lanne, Korine (who's required to review them), Carla, Cadey, Nic, Nappa, Unregistered, HarryNZ and flobberworm. And thanks to the people who read this, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would really love to know what you guys think, so please don't forget to review. Schnoogles!