
Six years after serving in Dumbledore's Army, Luna finds a new vocation in bringing love and happiness to others' lives. But what will happen when love comes to her? Colin/Luna fic, based on the French film, Amelie. Has both OCs and HP characters.

Words: 1,145
Chapters: 1
Hits: 209

AU. Fifteen-year-old Nymphadora Tonks is horrified when her second cousin, Sirius, comes to stay. And as if things couldn't possibly get any worse, he gets a friend to join him! Tonks is no one for romance and soppiness, but will she go against her principles and fall for the shy, self-effacing werewolf that is Remus Lupin? Will he return her love? Will two months be enough time to form a relationship, and what will Sirius do when he finds out?

Words: 3,073
Chapters: 3
Hits: 4,439