James Potter Peter Pettigrew Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/21/2003
Updated: 04/08/2004
Words: 21,875
Chapters: 5
Hits: 4,142

Le Défi


Story Summary:
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Remus, Peter, Sirius and James. Four boys in their sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where nothing is as it seems. A prequel to Inevitable, follow the four boys through their year, as Sirius deals with his family, Remus with his transformations, Peter with his confidence, and James tries to figure out what it is that he wants. Pranks, laughs, and stupid decisions are everywhere, yet they remain the best of friends.

Chapter 01


Le Défi

Chapter One

It's a Gamble

Mr. Potter, our new... celebrity - Professor Snape

James Potter stepped off the scarlet Hogwarts Express and breathed deeply as he stared around Hogsmeade Station, over the heads of the milling student body. "This is it," he said to Sirius Black, his best friend, who had stepped off just after him, "my first year without the invaluable guidance of Dung."

"Why should that matter?" asked Peter Pettigrew. "You never took his advice if you didn't like it anyway."

"It's the sentimental value," Remus Lupin explained. "The little bird has left the nest on his own."

James scowled. "No, that's not what I meant."

"Oh James, we know you'll miss your 'big brother'," Sirius said teasingly.

"Who will wipe his nose?"

"Who will clean up his ouchies?"

"Who will listen to his rants about the beautiful yet unattainable Lily Evans?"

"Me, like usual."

"She's not completely unattainable, I believe I attained her for a good two months last year."

"Yeah, but the first day you attained her you also attained a black eye."

"Good point."

"Shut up, all of you." James hit Sirius over the head. "We all know that I'm perfectly capable of wiping my own nose, that there are girls lined up around the block to clean my Quidditch battle wounds, and that Lily Evans is only playing hard to get, despite what she may say about me... to me... um, yeah. Besides, no Dung means that we get the credit for every prank that gets played."

"Hadn't thought of that..." Remus tapped his chin. "Even when we don't do it, there's no one else good enough to take credit now!"

"Well, there's that second year who pulled the rather amusing statue-head switch last May, what's his name? Will, Phil?" Peter shrugged.


"Yeah, that's it."

"But we still took the credit for that."

"Good kid he is, not saying anything when people gave us the credit."

"And there's the genius who had the house-elves decorate the Great Hall for Halloween in February."

"That was us, Padfoot."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Maybe you should take on your own pupil, Prongs," Sirius suggested. "Pass on the legacy to future generations and all that."

"I thought that's what the map will be for?"

"SHUT IT PETER!" three voices yelled, and six hands clamped themselves over Peter's mouth.

"Okay, okay," Peter said, quailing under the glares of his three best friends.

The four boys climbed into a carriage, and set off for Hogwarts.

"Besides," James said, running his hand through his already mussed-up black hair, "the map isn't even finished yet."

"It'll still show itself to anyone who whines long enough," Remus added. "I know, I tried when I had my two weeks."

"How long did you have to whine?" Sirius asked.

"Three hours."

"Three hours of your whining and I'd open up too," James sniggered. "What'd you do with your two weeks, Wormtail?"

"Nothing much. I got some more of the passwords in, but I couldn't remember the one for-"

"Dissendium," they all replied. Peter never could remember that particular password.

"I perfected the title," Sirius said. "Hope you don't mind, but you're last Prongs."

"All the better to stick in people's minds. I think have an idea to fix our multi-levels problem. We'll need to research some charms though, I'm not sure if it'll work."

Remus thought. "We could ask Evans, but she'd ask questions."

"We're NOT asking Evans," James declared.

"Fine, fine," Sirius said, a smile playing on his face, "I'm sure Lene would be thrilled if you asked her for help, Prongs. Give her another chance to hex you."

James scowled. He and Lene McKinnon had gone through a whirlwind, but very heated, fling in June, and, although he knew that once they both stopped fuming they'd be friends again, he was busy hating her at the moment.

"Or," Peter suggested, "we could always just get a book."

Remus nodded gravely. "I should have thought of that."

James stuck his head out the window. "Hello boars!" he yelled. "Only another two years of us!"

"Get back in here!" Remus exclaimed, pulling the back of James' robe.

"What? Can't give my annual greeting to the boars anymore?"

"Not when Snivellus is in the carriage behind us, he could have blasted your head off," Peter said.

"Well, we'll just have to get back at him for that later," Sirius remarked lazily.

"How dare he have the ability to possibly blast my head off!" James threw his hands up in mock outrage.

"He'll regret being in the position to conceivably harm Prongs, second best trouble-maker ever to grace these hallowed halls."

"Second best?" James raised his eyebrows at Sirius.

"I'm the best."

"No, I'm the best."

"You wish," Remus snorted. "Neither of you are trouble-makers, we're mischief-makers, how many times must I tell you? If we were trouble-makers, it would be my Prefect duty to turn us all in. Mischief, on the other hand, I can overlook."

"I think you both tie," Peter said quickly, halting the argument with Remus before it began.

"Hey Prongs, ten Galleons says you can't get Evans to go on the first Hogsmeade weekend with you."

"Twenty Galleons says you're right."

"Damn, Moony, Wormtail, he figured it out. Now where am I going to get all my money?"

"Maybe some relative'll die and leave it all to you?"

"Yeah, maybe my mother!"

"Padfoot." Remus shook his head.

The carriage pulled up to the front gates and the boys got out and walked up the steps for their sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

James looked up at the towers, then let his gaze move around to the vast grounds. Every year, he found something about Hogwarts that made it even more amazing, and, now that he, Sirius and Peter were Animagi, they would keep on discovering.

The four friends were like one unit, always together, but all of them different. They stuck together through everything, from Sirius' problems at home to Remus being a werewolf, to Peter's lack of self-confidence to James being an utterly confused sixteen-year-old. Something about the combination worked, and over the years they had become the most popular students in the school, as well as the most mischievous.

James was as overly self-confident and charismatic as ever, having reached his life goal of six feet over the summer (he had shot up a full three inches). His hair wouldn't lie flat, but he used that to his advantage. He had found that having it stick up made it appear that he had just been flying, and James Potter was excellent at flying. Having been on the team since his second year, James had helped win the Quidditch Cup three out of the four years he had been on the team. He had reached the stance of popularity he had wanted, if he did something, it was cool. All in all, James was quite proud of himself.

Sirius Black had become somewhat of a heartthrob over the last two years, breaking just about every girl's heart at some point or another. His long black hair fell casually, and his Quidditch training had buffed him up quite a bit. Despite his mounting problems at home, the trouble over him being sorted into Gryffindor still hadn't boiled down, he managed to show a good face to the world. Carefree and talented, that was how he wanted to be seen, and that's how he was seen.

Remus, at heart, was still the shy boy James and Sirius had barged in on during that first train ride to school, six years ago. The year previous he had been made Prefect, which, after a few months of teasing, he had gotten used to. The fact that he got to work closely with Lily Evans was a way to keep James in line, he had discovered. Although not as popular or exuberant as James or Sirius, Remus could hold his own and was very satisfied with his life. Since the other three had become Animagi last year his transformation had become much more tolerable, and he had been more energetic in the few days preceding and following the full moon.

Peter Pettigrew was the constant of the group. He was content to stand in the shadow of the other three, but would occasionally initiate pranks and stand up for himself. While the other three made decisions and changes in their lives, often without thinking then through, Peter was more of a follower, he'd back up the others no matter what the decided. He was short and pudgy, with small eyes and a pointy nose, but had discovered that he was a perfect shoulder to cry on for all of the girls who had their hearts broken by either Sirius or James. He was the most loyal person you'd ever meet.

As they made their way into the Entrance Hall they were bombarded with people.

"James! Haven't seen you all summer, man!"

"How's it going, guys?"

"What's on the agenda this year, Sirius?"

"Quidditch Cup - gonna keep up the tradition!"

"Remus ol' buddy ol' pal, still up for that... er, business agreement we had last June?"

They grinned and waved and commented, being used to the celebrity treatment. Sirius, noticing both the James Potter Admirers Anonymous and the Official Sirius Black Fan Club moving towards them, dragged James into the Great Hall.

"What's wrong with you?" James asked ignorantly.

"Can't deal with the fan club right now. I'm in food mode."

"Oh." James shrugged and turned to follow Sirius into the Great Hall.


James whirled around in the other direction, Professor McGonagall was beckoning him.

"Professor?" he said as he approached her. I haven't done anything... yet.

"We'll have to make this brief Potter, as I need to greet the first-years soon. I've decided that you will be Gryffindor's Quidditch team captain this year. It's a big responsibility, will you accept it?"

James fought back a huge grin. "Y-Yes! I mean, yeah, I'd love to be Captain."

"I thought you would." She gave him a small smile. "I expect you to take this seriously, you have a two Chasers and Beater to replace. Not to mention a title to defend."

"I will be very serious about it," he said, grinning like an idiot.

"Good. I expect you'll be calling tryouts soon then. Run along Potter, I have to collect the first years. Behave."

James practically skipped back to the Great Hall. He plunked himself down beside Peter and grinned across at Sirius.

"You're looking at the new Gryffindor Quidditch Captain," he said proudly.

"Captain, eh?" Sirius grinned. "Damn, I was hoping to have the privilege of making up complicated game strategies. Congrats, Prongs."

"Did I hear right?" Peter asked. "You're Captain? Well, that means I have a much better chance of making the team this year, right?"

James shook his head, laughing. "Not unless you've improved a helluva lot since last year. I'll take only the best."

"Wish I could try out. But I can't be on the team if I have to leave once a month."

James noticed Remus beside him, he hadn't seen him before. "Shouldn't you be sitting by the first-years, Moony?"

"Nah, I'll let the new Prefects deal with that."

"Nothing like a few rowdy first-years to break 'em in, right?" Peter grinned.

"I wouldn't know. Last year I let Evans handle them, remember?"

"That's Moony for ya!" James slapped his friend on the back, laughing.

"Speaking of Evans..." Sirius pointed to the doors.

Following his friends' gaze, James watched Lily Evans enter with a group of girls. He sighed, this year he would do it. He would make her like him. He wasn't sure when it had happened, but somewhere in the time that he had known her Lily Evans had transformed from the gangly girl who he teased mercilessly in first year to the goddess he had been watching for the past two years. The only problem was, she still didn't like him. No matter what he did, how many Quidditch games he won, how high his grades were, how many pranks he pulled off, she wouldn't give him a second glance.

"Proooongsie..." Remus' hand waved in front of his face. "You're staring already mate, and the Sorting hasn't even started."

"Unhuh..." James nodded inattentively as he watched Evans hug Greg Kane, a Ravenclaw Prefect, them sit beside Lene further along the table.

"Beats last year's record."

"Yeah, at least last year he waited until the feast was almost over."


James was jerked out of his trance. "What!"

"Welcome back," Sirius said.

"How was the weather in Lily-land?" Peter asked.

James grinned. "It rained a lot, but I have a feeling that there's going to be sun by, say, October eighth."

"Want to put money on that?"

"I already told you Padfoot, I'm not your source if income anymore."


"Want to be my source of income?" Peter asked. "I'll bet ten Sickles that you can't get Evans to sit beside you for a whole Charms class."

"Nope. Done betting on Evans. It's very disrespectful to her."

"That," said Remus with a sly grin, "and you always lose."

"Well, I wasn't planning on mentioning that part."

The conversation ceased as Professor McGonagall came through the door, leading a line of new students. The professor glanced quickly in the direction of the four boys, and they grinned back at her. They were very proud of the fact that their Head of House's hair had turned almost completely grey during the first two years they had been there, and that she blamed them for it. Her back was as straight and her lips as thin as ever, but she now seemed to possess a small sense of humour or, at least, a soft spot for her sixth-year boys.

They whole Hall fell silent as the Sorting began.

"Dun dun dun," Sirius sang under his breath as Ian Drew went to the Slytherin table.

James leaned back in his seat, his mind still on the countless Galleons he had lost by betting on Lily Evans. The worst blow by far had been last year - Remus had said that maybe she wasn't playing hard to get, maybe she just didn't like James. Well, he knew that wasn't true, so James bet Remus ten Galleons that he couldn't get her to go out with him. Remus' face had lit up, like he had been waiting for James' permission. He had promptly gone over to Lily and asked her out, and she had promptly accepted. Remus got a black eye that night, and James wouldn't talk to him for a week. Although he pretended to get over his anger and hurt, James had been very happy when they broke up. Then there were all the Galleons he had lost every time she refused him...

His head snapped up as the Sorting concluded. The last first-year was sitting herself at the Hufflepuff table and Professor Dumbledore was standing.

A hush fell over the entire hall as Professor Dumbledore raised a hand.

"Welcome to a new school year," he said. "Before we go into any lengthy start-of-term announcements, I must say that I am famished! Let the feast begin!"

Food appeared instantly on the plates, and James was amused to hear a few gasps from first years. He reached across the table for the plate of ribs.

"Any plans for utter chaos and mayhem?" James asked around him.

He got two shakes, and one very slow, very deliberate nod.

"Do tell, Padfoot, do tell."

"Not now you imbecile, someone will hear and attempt to pull it off. Then, when they don't have the skill to make it work, we won't be able to show how well we pull it off because it'll already have been tried. We couldn't degrade ourselves to doing something that has already been tried, even if it was out idea in the first place, and even if we pull it off to show how superior we are. It just wouldn't work." Sirius shook his head at the lack of competence surrounding him.

"Tell us later then," James said, rolling his eyes. "Pass the corn."

"Anyway," Sirius said as Peter knocked over an empty goblet while passing James a bowl of corn, "I met Andromeda over the summer. Hadn't seen her since I was nine."

"Your cousin Andromeda?" asked Remus.

"No, the other Andromeda."

Peter looked up in surprise. "There's another Andromeda?"

Sirius gave an exasperated look to James, who hastily shoved potatoes into his mouth so he wouldn't have to respond.

"As I was saying," Sirius continued, not looking at Peter, "I saw my cousin Andromeda a few weeks ago."

"A few weeks ago?" James said suddenly. "Why didn't you tell me a few weeks ago?"

"'Cause I didn't feel like it."

"Oh, okay, go on then."

"She has a kid," Sirius continued, completely missing James' sarcasm.

Three jaws dropped.

"Wanna repeat that?" Remus said.

"Andromeda has a seven-year-old kid. Who I never met before August eleventh."

"Seven," James repeated. "That means... the kid was born before we were at Hogwarts."

"No shit." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Girl or boy?" asked Peter.

"Girl. She has a weird name too... something-dora."

"So, what does this mean in the grand scheme of Black life?" asked Remus.

"It means that I'm the only one who knows Bella is an aunt. Andromeda hasn't talked to anyone at home since she left."

"Let me repeat Remus' question," James said. "What does this mean in the grand scheme of Black life?"

"It means that I have another relative who might not turn out to be a... a... You know."

Three nods.

There was an awkward pause. Talk of Sirius' family always did that.

"Well, lookee there..." Remus muttered.

"What?" James' head snapped up, following Remus' gaze to the Hufflepuff table.

"Lockhart," Remus said, "watching a certain someone very closely..."

"Who?" Sirius asked, leaning forward, forgetting about the Sorting. Gilderoy Lockhart had been a thorn in their sides since first year. He seemed to believe himself above, or at least equal to, the four boys in popularity and talent, a status that none of them would give up without one hell of a fight.

"Who?" Peter echoed, as Remus still hadn't answered.

"Either Lene or Pat," he said, trying to pinpoint Lockhart's gaze.

"Lene," Sirius snapped, then recovering himself, "she's not really one to idolise, so not his type."

"Not Evans?" James asked immediately, not sure if he should be happy or offended. After all, what was wrong with Evans that she shouldn't be watched from afar?

All three boys looked at him with dumbfounded expressions.

"Prongs, Prongs, Prongs." Sirius shook his head in disbelief.

"Come on," Peter said, "even he's not that stupid."

"What?" James asked quickly.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Ever notice how Evans hasn't had a relationship that lasted longer than a month?"

"Remus," James said quickly.

"I don't count."

Sirius continued, "And only when you're involved with someone else? Ever wonder why?"

James furrowed his eyebrows. No, he hadn't noticed, and no, he didn't wonder why. He didn't overly care, as long as she wasn't serious about anyone but him. And he was still working on that.

"Everyone knows you like her," Remus explained. "And you're you. No one wants to stay in a relationship with her because they know they're risking the placement of their facial features."

Peter nodded. "It's respect for you, mate."

"Yeah right," James said, shaking his head. "I would never rearrange someone's face. Sure, they might have to watch their backs for a few days, but honestly... Facial feature rearranging is too light a punishment."

"Ever wonder what Evans thinks of that?" Sirius asked. Despite the way they bet on her, Sirius, Remus and Peter all got on quite well with Evans, and considered her a friend.

"What d'you mean?"

"I bet... say ten Galleons, that if you declare to the male population of the school that you are one hundred percent over Lily Evans, she'd have at least ten guys ask her out before the day's over." Remus smiled knowingly.

James closed his mouth deliberately, to think about Moony's proposal. The four boys bet on almost everything, and technically, if he wasn't betting on what she herself would do... then it wasn't like he was betting on her. But, at the same time, what if Moony and Padfoot were right? What if the moment he declared that he no longer felt anything for her, ten others lined up to fill his spot? It wasn't likely... was it?

"And you three don't count?" he asked.

"Of course not."

Okay, he thought, so she's beautiful. And smart and nice and really, really beautiful. But she's got a killer temper and she's not afraid to yell and being so smart she's pretty good at hexes and- besides being pretty good at hexes she's pretty and-

"You're on," he said aloud, before he could even finish his train of thought.

Peter grinned, as did Sirius and Remus.

"Tonight," Sirius said, "you somehow have to get everyone to see that you don't like her anymore."

"She'll thank you for it," Remus said through a mouthful of carrot.

"Yeah right,' James said to his plate. "So, Padfoot, when do we hold tryouts? Two Chasers and a Beater this year!"

"Well," Sirius responded, "you should talk to Chen and Ryan first, make sure they can both be involved."

"Good point! CHEN! RYAN! GET OVER HERE!" James leaned back and yelled down the table.

Michelle Chen, a fourth year, the Gryffindor Seeker, her face bright red, squeezed herself in between Remus and James. At the same time, fifth year Chris Ryan leaned forward over the table, as he was only three places away from Sirius.

"Welcome to your first official Quidditch meeting of the year," James said proudly. "I just wanted to say that-"

"James," Michelle said quickly, "I know you just want to get ahead of the game and everything, but it's the first night here, I kind of wanted to spend it with my friends, not discussing strategies."

"Oh." James cast his eyes around. "How about tomorrow morning? Five-thirty sound good to you?"


"Then sit here for another five minutes. We should have tryouts by at least the end of the month, preferably in the next two weeks."

"Potter?" It was Michelle again.

"What?" he sighed.


"Fine," James said. "Tomorrow after classes we all meet in the common room, we're going to win again this year, I can feel it."

Michelle grinned at him, the scampered back to her friends.

"Well," Sirius said, "that went well."

"I thought so too," Peter said.

"What natural leadership you have," Remus teased.

"Thank you Mister Moony, I appreciate your encouragement."

"Anytime Prongs, anytime."


Sirius flopped onto his back and stared at the canopy of his four-poster bed. Last year, there had been a rather nice picture of a French witch there, but sadly, the house elves discovered it last May. He had been in a rush that morning, and forgot to hide it.

James, Remus and Peter weren't up from the common room yet. James was playing with his Admirers (which involved flirting with all of them and seeing how red the other's faces would turn) and declaring that he hated Lily Evans, which had ended up in a screaming match between the two. Remus was talking to other Prefects, and Peter was most likely tagging after James, hoping some rejected girl would attach herself to him.

Sirius laughed to himself. As soon as they came up, he would outline his plan for the Ultimate Sock Escapade. It was a perfect plan, developed over the summer when all of his socks were in the wash. It was a perfect plan. The only possible disadvantage was that a somewhat-functional map would be required. But that wouldn't be too hard.

He got up and went over to Remus' trunk. Rummaging through, he found the map tucked in the side. A full map of the school, showing passages and classrooms, every detail of the school and grounds all under his ingenious title:

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Purveyors of Aid to Magical Mischief-Makers

Are proud to present


Sirius smiled to himself, it had taken his the better part of a week to decide on that title. He had gone through several options, trying to decide which made them, Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, sound the best.

There was still a lot of work to be done, of course. Only about half of the passwords were in; they wanted a password for all the passages requiring such to pop up when you needed it. And they still had a problem with different floors; currently the map only showed the floor that it was on, which had resulted in a problem last June when McGonagall was standing on the landing of a staircase. And, as Remus had said before, it still had the habit of opening and closing when it felt like it, instead of when it was ordered to.

Ah, but it was worth it. So worth it.

The door opened, and Sirius quickly jammed the map under his pillow. Remus poked his head in, closely followed by Peter, then James.

"Alright then Padfoot," Peter said, "what's the plan?"

Sirius grinned. "Wait till you guys here this one. We are going to steal every single Slytherin sock. It's a little subtle, but they'll go insane." He leaned back, as to prepare for the commendation that would surely follow.

There was silence.

"Umm, well..." Remus glanced around, as if looking for the right words.

"No need to thank me," Sirius said, grinning.

"It's a bit..." Peter trailed off as well, shrugging.

Now Sirius was taken aback. His brilliant plan - his foolproof plan - and his friends didn't like it!

"Don't you think that it'll be... well... difficult?" Remus finally managed.

"It'll take a long time to get every sock," Peter said thoughtfully. "How'll we get them all, do it at night?"

"Some people wear socks to bed," Remus added.

James still hadn't said anything. He was staring at a point above Sirius' head, turning the idea over in his mind.

Now Sirius was angry. He was getting no support on this, his wonderful plan. "Now listen here-"

"It's... brilliant." James grinned.

Remus and Peter gaped.

Sirius perked up again.

"How do you come up with this stuff, Padfoot?" James continued. "It's perfect. We can get all the socks on a Saturday night. It won't be that hard to break into their common room, and the house-elves'll do anything for Peter here. We get a sleeping potion in their food - only the Slytherin food - then we break in, summon all the socks, and get out. They won't say anything because of how stupid it sounds." He grinned in a way only James could. "'Professor Hubert, all our socks are missing.' It's perfect. Then we just have to wait for the fun to begin. They'll have to go around all day sockless! Have either of you ever worn shoes without socks?" he asked Remus and Peter. "It's bloody awful."

Peter grinned, now that both Sirius and James liked the idea, it didn't sound so bad. "They'll all have blisters from walking around all day without socks."

Remus still didn't look so sure. "It still sounds too risky."

"They'll be sleeping, Moony," Sirius said, happy that his idea was approved. 'We can't be caught!"

"But what happens if someone skips dinner?"

"That's why we have the invisibility cloak," James said.

"We can't all fit under there. Only two at a time, and they have to bend over." Remus frowned.

"So only two of us'll go. The others can come up with nice ways to give them back, never two the same at a time. We don't want to give them full pairs back." Sirius wasn't going to let Remus win.

"What if we get caught?"

James rolled his eyes. "Moony, if we thought about what would happen if we got caught, we'd never do anything."

Remus looked around for support, but Peter simply crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"Fine," he said. "But I have to be one of the people who goes for the socks."

"What!" the other three cried. "Why!"

"Because," Remus explained, "you three would all do something stupid, like steal all Snape's clothes,

"Good idea. We can do that too."


"I was being sarcastic."

The four boys grinned at each other. Their first day back, and they already had a plan to make their first scandal of the year.

"Boys," Sirius said, in a rather General-like voice, "the Ultimate Sock Escapade will commence tomorrow afternoon."

"Right after the Quidditch meeting," James said quickly.

Author notes: Hello out there! (Can you hear me now?)

So, that was chapter, how did you like it? You can tell me by clicking on the great big green “Review” right above this. This fic is a prequel to Inevitable, my fic at AT (which if you haven’t read, I highly recommend). I’m working hard to make sure that everything adds up, but if I make any mistakes feel free to inform me.

The greatest thing about this fic (in my opinion) is that because I’m telling it more from James POV I can use some of my more comedic quotes, the ones that wouldn’t have worked with Lily. I have several beer ones that I’ve been waiting to utilise…

You will probably notice that I don’t ever refer to the four boys as the ‘Marauders,’ because the punctuation on the map dictates that it is a map for marauders, not a map belonging to the Marauders. I know I’m going against popular opinion with this, but bear with me. I’m a freak with particulars and Flints (although there’ll be enough of them in my own writing!)

Please take thirty seconds to review and tell me what you think! Complements are appreciated, criticisms are laughed over (but often taken into account) and suggestions are more than welcome! If you have any fantastic, or even decent, pranks you’d like them to pull, I would love to hear.

Special thanks to Pêche, who puts up with me, and everyone who reviewed Inevitable.

This is dedicated to my arch-nemesis Tom (ironic, eh?), who just got himself suspended for like a month. (Idiot!)

To end it off, I’m going to make a philosophical remark. Humans are like beans. There’s kidney beans and lima beans and green beans and pork&beans and pole beans and jelly beans and all sorts of beans, but in the end we’re all still beans. Come to think of it, I don’t like kidney beans... They can be the axe-murderers.

Wow, that turned out how I wanted it to. (Sarcasm!) Don’t worry, I’m not completely insane.
