The Forging of the Bonds


Story Summary:
Arthur and Lucius, Ron and Draco... the enmity betweent the Weasleys and the Malfoys has not ended with the defeat of Voldemort. But as Michael Weasley and Elizabeth Malfoy are start their sixth year, they begin to learn more than they ever knew about the past and about themselves, with the aid of their new DADA teacher... a hero unseen in wizarding Britain since the war ended...

Chapter 02 - The New Professor


Chapter 2. The New Professor.

Once all the new students were Sorted and seated, Professor McGonagall stood up. "May I have your attention," she said.

The Great Hall went quiet and the Headmistress continued. "Everyone, welcome, and welcome back. First years, please note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all students. Also, the interhouse Quidditch championship will not be held this year."

"What!" several shouts came from each table. Elizabeth Malfoy wasn't among them, but she was still disappointed. She'd hoped to try out, having practiced for much of the summer. Damn.

"Don't worry, the reason isn't remotely similar to the last time it happened." Elizabeth frowned. There was no Quidditch cup in what would have been her father's seventh year--except her father didn't attend. But what else, besides a war, was important enough to cancel it?

"This year," McGonagall said, "Hogwarts will be, once again, host to the Triwizard Tournament." Oh. That. They must be nuts. She'd heard stories about the last time they tried it... nothing from her father however. Harry Potter was involved in it... and her father never talked about Harry Potter.

"Joining us this year, as your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, will be a former participant and winner of the Tournament. Professor Harry Potter!"

Elizabeth's mouth hung open in shock. No way.

But there he was. She hasn't noticed him before, sitting in the corner of the High Table, wearing a hood and cloak.

"Thank you, Minerva," he said. He held his hand up. "All of you will get a chance to ask questions... about the Tournament and about... other things. However, several changes have been made to the Tournament since the last time it was held, and the full rules will be announced when our international friends from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive in October."

I think I'll enter, Elizabeth thought. Not that that'll do me any good.

"On an unrelated note," Professor Potter continued, "I'll be running a fencing club. If you're interested, please owl me with the times when you would be free to participate."

A fencing club! Elizabeth thought. Now that's something. Her father had taught her how to fence, and she even used to enter tournaments. Well, at least this year won't be a total loss. She might even learn why her father always kept quiet about the war, Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter. All she knew (from some of her father's school mates) was that he hated Potter when he was at Hogwarts--and that the feeling was mutual.

"Now, if I recall my own days here correctly, you are starved, and will want to attack us if we continue talking a second longer. So--dig in!"

Food appeared on the plates, and everyone started eating and talking at the same time.

"Something on your mind?" her best friend, Nadine Zabini, asked.

"Just thinking about the Tournament. You think I should enter?"

"I wouldn't. Last time, the Hogwarts champion died."

"Died? But wasn't--"

"Potter?" she said. "I've heard he cheated his way into it."

"How?" Elizabeth asked. She had also heard these rumors.

"I also heard," Nadine whispered, "that he killed the other champion. Cedrin or Cedric, I think the name was."

This was not something Elizabeth heard before. "I'll ask him," she said.

"What? You've got to be crazy."

"I'm curious."

"When? In class?"

"No. At the fencing club meeting."

"I'm not joining the club!" Nadine protested. "First, there is no point to fencing, second, I'm not spending any more time around Potter than I have to."

"Well, then. I'll just have to go alone," Elizabeth said.

Nadine shook her head. They always had this argument--Nadine hated risk-taking more than anything, while Elizabeth thrived on it. This will be no different, she thought.