The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Mystery Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 03/02/2003
Updated: 05/08/2004
Words: 15,437
Chapters: 7
Hits: 2,134

And Then There Were None


Story Summary:
A new evil mastermind is afoot... Join Harry, Draco and eight other members of Hogwarts as they venture through Hikari Island after getting mysterious invitation letters. See as each of them disappears slowly one by one until there are none...

And Then There Were None Prologue

Chapter Summary:
A new evil mastermind is afoot....Join Harry, Draco and eight other members of Hogwarts as they venture through Hikari Island after getting mysterious invitation letters. See as each of them disappears slowly one by one until there are none......
Author's Note:
this is actually my first fic! yay! I hope you enjoy it!

In the snowy Alps, beneath the trees, lay a handsome bloke, though his good looks didn't really interest a certain person. A certain someone with ravishing, raven hair, with dazzling emerald eyes, and he hated him for it. He hated him for being so damn cute and how he always managed to get his attention.

He slowly walked back to Hogwarts, in order to be on time for dinner. He sat down in his usual seat in the Great Hall. Potter was already there with the mudblood and weasel. He really didn't feel like eating at all, but his stomach was growling like crazy.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to eat at least try to eat something, just enough to last me.

God, he's grabbing my attention again with that laugh of his. That laugh which seems like a whole new century has begun; or rather a new life has been reborn. Geez, I say the most stupid things when I'm marveling at his presence. *sigh* I guess I'm not that hungry anymore. I better leave this little 'Potter session' before I really go crazy.

Hmmm... going back to that spot under the tree doesn't sound bad right about now, and fresh air will do me good. I really need to take my mind off Potter for a while, though I doubt I ever will...

As he was making his way out, Potter bumped into him, and fell right on top of him, knocking the breath out of him. Millions of feelings were going through him now, including the one where he wanted to snog Potter senselessly right there and then. It seemed as if time stopped and it was just Harry. Just Harry...

God, I'd better stop this...

But it seemed as if he were paralyzed by Potter's stare. Then, after a few moments, it hit him....

"Ugh, get off me Potter! What do you think you're doing bumping into me like that? Instead of gawking at me like that, why don't you watch where you're going! Or are those glasses of yours making you even blinder than you already are?"

"Look Malfoy, I'm not in the mood to fight with you now, okay? So why don't you just sod off?"

"Aww... Potter doesn't feel like fighting today. What a shame. But you know what Potter? I really don't care if you feel like fighting today because frankly I don't care. But you know what? Come to think of it I have much better things to do than waste my precious time with you or the weasel. You're a waste of time to dwell upon anyway Potter so why don't you sod off and get out of the way." Draco drawled.

"Remember, you're the one that crashed into me, which was bad enough, but imagine if it were Granger! I'd be contaminated for life if that filthy mudblood ever touched me!" Draco said Then Draco swiftly looked at Weasley.

"Wouldn't you say so, Weasley?" Draco smirked.

Ron was nearly out of Hermione's grasp, almost lunging on him.

"Oh you can let Weasley go Granger because he's not going anywhere...anywhere near you that is. Who'd want to go near a filthy little mudblood like you?" Draco spitefully said.

Ron was about to burst and his face was now twice as red from before. But before Ron had to say anything...

"Is that really the only thing you can say to me every time, Malfoy? That I'm a stupid mudblood?" Hermione said spitefully. "Don't you have anything else to say to me on your famous "name calling" mudblood list?"

"For your information Granger," Draco spat, "I happen to have tons of things to call you, like buck teeth, or maybe slime ball, since you're in with the filthy crowd."

Ron was just about to pull away from her grasp.

"Ron! That's enough! Let the stupid git go. Its not like he's worth our time, either. Come on, let's go." Harry said.

And with that they started to pull away and leave from this encounter with Malfoy.

Ron was about halfway to the door, with Harry and Hermione, when all of a sudden he ran back to Draco, who was making his way back, and kicked him, hard in the back of his knee. Draco yelped in pain and just as things were about to get brutal, Professor McGonagall came and nearly had to pull them off of each other. In addition, she took 20 points from each house.

Draco, still hurt and limping, made it back to the spot under the tree. He would have gone to the hospital wing but he just really didn't care and he hated that Pomfrey. Besides it was much better this way because then he could concentrate on the pain rather than going back into thinking of Potter again. Just as long as it took his mind off Potter.

Geez...stupid Weasley. Where did he learn to kick like that!

I'll get him back for this, and Potter.

I never asked him to stop Weasley. *Humph* It's not like I couldn't have taken him on.

Weasley bring me down? Hah! The day Weasley brings me down is when Dumbledore shaves his beard.

Anyways, I could have thrown a punch at him if McGonagall hadn't shown up.

He sat like that for a while, settling down. He loved that spot, and thank Merlin no one knew about it. It was probably the best spot in any weather. It was neither too hot nor too cold there.

Stupid Potter, making me feel this way, him and his mesmerizing eyes.

Bollocks, I'm doing it again! I guess the pain isn't helping. *Yawn*

I really don't care anymore. For all I care he could just go jump off a cliff. *Yawn* Hmmm...I guess some things never change. Potter will always hate me, Weasley will always be the stupid mudblood's pet and I'll always dwell upon Potter. Draco sighed.

With that the he fell asleep under the lonely tree on the snowy landscape.

And somewhere near, a certain raven-haired boy was present, hidden in the shadows.