Rebuild What's Gone Unsteady


Story Summary:
(Not Epilogue Compliant) Two years after the Battle at Hogwarts, the school is ready to re-open. However, doing so is not as easy as Headmistress McGonagall would like. Luckily, she has the newly-appointed Prof. Longbottom and her eventual Deputy to help her. Professor Shortages, Sabotage, Problems with the Ministry, Friendly Slytherins, and More.

Chapter 01

(Not Epilogue Compliant) Two years after the Battle at Hogwarts, the school is ready to re-open. However, doing so is not as easy as Headmistress McGonagall would like. Luckily, she has the newly-appointed Prof. Longbottom and her eventual Deputy to help her. Professor Shortages, Sabotage, Problems with the Ministry, Friendly Slytherins, and More.

Words: 15,110
Hits: 455
Hogwarts: Day One

On September 1st, 2000 students arrive at Hogwarts for the first time in two years. Pansy is overseeing the students' arrivals when something goes wrong. As the Sorting feast draws nearer, Pansy tries to figure out what is happening.

Words: 6,622
Hits: 258