Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/11/2003
Updated: 02/23/2006
Words: 14,760
Chapters: 16
Hits: 12,841

Survey Time

Lily the hobbit

Story Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets a hold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. Please read and review!

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Do you know those highly irritating surveys that some people insist on emailing to us all the time? What happens when Harry Potter gets ahold of one? Craziness and silliness as the whole HP crew fills it out, along with some surprises along the way. This chapter: Sybil Trelawney!

Survey Time

~Chapter 10-Sybil Trelawney ~

The Divination teacher was quite fearful that she had actually received some mail. She was so fearful of the unexpected that she decided to consult her crystal ball.
After seeing a lot of white fog, Sybil decided that it must mean a 'yes open it', so she did. Since it was a open survey for her, with her name on it, she figured the fates would want her to do it. So she did.


Are you left handed or right handed?: The fates say I primarily use my left hand.

Are you smart?: My Inner Eye proves itself to be so.

What's your middle name?: Fraudily

How many personalities do you have?: My aura is very distinctive.

How many piercing do you have?: My body would not be as spiritual if I did

Tattoos?: Same as above.

Can you do a cartwheel?: I refuse to diminish to such a level. It could be my doom.

Do you have bangs?: It seems to be so dear.

Do you have contact lenses?: My glasses suit my spiritual being.

Can you drive?: My Inner Eye doesn't believe in such a thing.

What do you drive?: The knowledge of approaching doom.

Do you snore?: Surely a clairvoyant being such as myself doesn't snore!

Do you drool in your sleep?: Not a Seer, such as I.

Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?: None of them, I prefer to use my superior ESP to rely mesr>
What languages do you know?: The language of the specialized magic of divination.

What's the best awards show?: We have limited time here. Why should people watch shows and be entertained?

Do you like onions?: Onions don't cleanse my aura. The food that can cause death.

Do you like cotton candy?: You are doomed if you live on candy.

What instruments can you play?: Music is death!

What words do you overuse?: Doom and Inner Eye, though they are the most import things for us all.

What do you sleep in?: Life is too short for sleeping, must drink tea to stay awake.

What's your bedtime?: Sleeping can bring about my doom.

How many pillows do you have?: I don't know about pillows, but I have about 20 poufs.

Do you like to dance?: Dancing can harm my Inner Eye!

Do you like to sing?: Singing is worse.

Are you any good at it?: I'm worse than a grim!

How many cds do you have?: I have many teacups. I love the pink ones.

How many times have you moved houses?: Twice

Do you like where you live?: I will serve well as my mortal home...until I reach the other side.

Do you like to finger-paint?: The last time I painted I saw a vision of a grim attacking that poor dear, Harry Potter.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Oh no, stuffed animals can affect my spirit.

Do you sleep with socks on?: I'm not sure.

Are you ticklish?: No, I cannot laugh, it would ruin my Inner Eye and possibly bring upon me my doom.

Are you shy?: No dear, I am a speaker of the truth.

Do you talk to yourself?: I speak of my visions.

Are you a morning person?: I am up at all hours.

What's your favorite outfit?: Clothes are trivial, they don't matter...oh no I just saw that Harry Potter will die next year.

Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes I believe in the tortured souls that are ghosts...they met their doom.

What's your favorite feature?: My aura.

What do you do when you're nervous?: Tell my visions.

Who's your role model?: My great-great-grandmother

What celebrities do you act like?: My clairvoyant vibes don't fawn over celebrities.


*Called You?: A tortured soul.

*Slept In Your Bed?: I don't have a bed.

*Saw You Cry?: Not sure.

*Made You Cry?: The doom of this world.

*Spent The Night?: Another tortured soul who needed my help.

At Your House: I live in a tower.

*Shared A Drink With?: Nobody.

*You Went To The Movies with?: My Inner Eye is confused by this question.

*You Went To The Mall With?: Same here.

*Yelled At You?: A tortured soul.

*Sent You An Owl?: Another person who won't be among us for that much longer...Minerva McGonagall.

*Said They Were Gonna Kill You?: Several souls.


Been To New York?: No Been To Florida?: I don't have time for this.

California?: I'm too busy Seeing.

Hawaii?: I cannot go here, eminent danger if I do.

China?: I can't afford to get away when I am needed so much.

Canada?: Yes I have actually, the area has an amazing aura.

Danced?: I will not!

Stalked Someone?: Through my orb I have.

Had A Mud Bath?: A bath of death.

Have you been close to death before?: Every breathing moment brings me closer to my fate.

Wished You Were The Opposite sex?: Yes

Had An Imaginary Friend?: No I just see the tortured souls.

What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Read my orb.

What was your last meal?: Tea

As the Divination teacher finished it, she faced the dilemma of who to ensure got it next. Coming to no conclusion she decided to just throw it away in a deep corner of the dungeon. Little did she know, it would be found.

Author notes: Well I finally got Trelawney done! I hope you guys like it. I need to thank my awesome reviewers! You guys are great! I also need to thank my beta Luna. Well I must go now so bye byes!