James Potter Lily Evans
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/31/2002
Updated: 12/08/2002
Words: 125,714
Chapters: 8
Hits: 24,782

Harry Potter and the Time Potion

Lily Granger

Story Summary:
Harry and Malfoy go back in time to when Harry's parents were at Hogwarts! In the devastating search for a way to get back to their time, Harry finds some feelings he has for a certain girl... exciting!

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 4 is finally out! Here we have the Retanytullibibius Charm (lol Liv), secrets revealed, headaches galore (what else is new?) and a tragedy. Enjoy!
Author's Note:
Thanx for all my wonderful reviewers, Isabelle, and my not-so-wonderful beta reader Padfoot (yes, the annoying one, Liv). ::scowls:: Yea, just don't read my chapter, let spell-check do all the work... newayz i luv this chapter (what else is new?)!!! What do the Marauders do when they're bored? How can Lily tell when Harry and Draco are telepathing each other? The answers are revealed! On with the fic!

Ask Me Anything

Harry stared at Draco, not daring to believe what he had just heard. You know it's true, said a voice in his head. Not Draco's, of course, but the little angel part of his conscience.

You know it's true, you know what Draco's gone through. What are you going to do about it?

Draco watched Harry tensely. "You- you don't believe me, do you?" he said after a while.

Harry almost laughed out loud. He was fingering the Clitoral Band in his pocket (around his neck seemed a little too exposed now) and it was frigid cold. Put two and two together, Harry thought, and he shouldn't even have asked me that question.

"Are you that naïve?" Harry said. "Of course I believe you, Draco."

Draco relaxed visibly. He stared at Harry for a while. Harry felt like his brain was so open to Draco, it was scary.

"Ask me anything," Draco said suddenly. "You deserve to know."

Harry stared at him. "What in bloody hell are you talking about?"

"You haven't guessed?" Draco asked, sounding surprised. "You haven't guessed yet?"

"What are you talking about, Draco?" Harry said, frustrated.

"Harry," Draco said, lowering his voice considerably even though there was a silencing charm over them, "have you ever heard of the Retanytullibibius Charm?"

"Retanytullibibius?" Harry asked, bemused. (A/N: Here comes the good part, Liv...)

"I didn't make up the name."

"No, I've never heard of it."

"I didn't think so. It's a variation of the spell used to create the first werewolf." Harry was very confused. What the hell is he talking about? Harry thought. Draco looked at Harry expectantly, but Harry made no move to answer, so he continued.

"What it does is the strangest the about it. It kills the weak almost instantly. It takes a strong will to fight it." Draco looked at Harry as if trying to give him a clue, but Harry was still drawing a blank. Draco sighed and continued.

"It transforms the victim into half a wolf, not unlike a werewolf. Every full moon their mind is transformed into a wolf's, like the werewolf. But they don't turn into a wolf. But there's more to it than that. Every new moon, the victim transforms into a wolf, but keeps a human mind. Sort of like a werewolf under the influence of the Wolfsbane Potion. It is a somewhat- well, milder doesn't really describe it. But it is a less- traditional form of lycanthropy. It is usually- well not usually, since it's very rare, but it's called lycantortapy."

Harry stared at Draco. "Well, erm, that's nice," Harry said. "But, uh, why are you telling me this?"

Draco gave Harry a piercing glare. "I'm a lycantort, Harry."

These four simple words affected Harry more than a whole History of Magic essay would have. He felt a rush of sympathy towards Draco. Draco had always been different, yes, but Harry didn't know he was that different.

"I guess you hate me now," said Draco, turning away.

"Why in the world would I hate you?"

"Well, let's see. One, I'm less than a beast, two, because I could have killed you any day of the week, and three, oh, I don't know, maybe because YOU WOULD NEVER WANT A BLOOD OATH WITH ME NOW THAT YOU KNOW???"

Harry winced. The very thought that Draco had thought that low of him was disappointing. He was also was very glad the Silencing Charm was up.

"Draco, I don't hate you," Harry said quietly. "I never did hate you- well, no, that's a lie, but I hated you before I really knew you- but I don't hate you now. I never will hate you again."

"THEN WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???" Draco yelled. "If I were you, I'd hate me!"

"Draco," Harry said louder, "I'm not like you. We're different. I can accept that. I can accept any differences between us. Because I'm your friend. Padfoot, Prongs, Lily, and someone whose name I don't want to mention write now," Harry scowled, "didn't desert Moony when they found out he was a werewolf. Because they're his friends. They didn't desert him, and I won't desert you. I want to help you, Boa."

Draco stared at him, tears in his eyes. "Thank you," he whispered. "I don't deserve a friend like you."

"You do," Harry said. "You need a friend. You grew up alone and friendless. I know the feeling."

Draco nodded, wiping his eyes. "Does anyone else know?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head, but stopped mid-shake.

"Father," he said under his breath, look of pure loathing on his face. Harry winced. He had never even seen Snape look like that.

"Father," Draco repeated, "did this to me. He thought I would die, of course. And when I didn't he was overjoyed," Draco spat. "Every full or new moon he would throw me out into the forest, expecting me to cope with it on my own. It's because of him I'm like this, neither man nor beast. I'm worse. No one loves me, how could they? Mother," Draco said, his face softening, "Mother was the only one who ever loved me."

Harry said gently, "Does she know?"

Draco shook his head. "I couldn't tell her under the influence of the potion. And afterward I just didn't have the heart. I thought she would hate me too."

"Draco, you've been brought up in hatred," Harry said. "You know hate better than you know love, and you expect that other people are the same way. But all people aren't like that, Draco."

"I know," Draco said, shaking his head. "Why couldn't I be one of those people? Why me? Why me?"

"Draco, you can't control being who you are better than I can control being Harry Potter. Do you think I like it?"

"Yes," Draco answered automatically.

"No. I hate it."

"You hate that everyone worships the ground you walk on?"

"Yes," Harry said. "That's what you see, but do you want to know what I see? I see people gawking at my forehead everywhere I go. I see people trying to talk to me, just so that they can say they've talked to Harry Potter. They don't even think of me as a person. I'm just a thing, a thing that barely exists."

"I'd rather be you than me."

"Everyone says that, but do you really mean it?"

Draco was silent. Harry looked at him. "Are you going to tell anyone?" Draco said quietly. "Are you going to tell anyone?"

Harry shook his head. "Of course not, Draco. You can tell whom you choose. If you don't want anyone else to know, they don't have to. But," Harry said, "Remus would understand."

Draco nodded slowly, very slowly. "I'll tell them," he said finally. "They have a right to know."

Harry nodded. He could only imagine what Draco was feeling right now. Suddenly a thought came to him.

"Draco," he said curiously, "on the day we got here, how were you able to go to the feast?" Draco smiled.

"It was the full moon the day we left too," Draco explained. "I had the Wolfsbane Potion in my pocket."

Harry nodded, understanding. Then something else hit him. "It's- it's the new moon tonight, isn't it?" he said. Draco nodded.

"Look," he said, holding out his right hand. The ring finger on it was exceptionally long. Harry had never noticed this before. "It's long, isn't it? That's because it's new moon tonight."

Harry nodded. He threw a glance at the others. They were still talking, except Dumbledore, who was walking towards them.

Draco, Harry thought, Dumbledore's coming.

Draco nodded as Dumbledore drew level with them. "Harry," he said, in a forced calm voice, "can I speak to you in my office for a moment?" Harry nodded, casting Draco one last look. Draco nodded back.

Harry followed Dumbledore to his office silently. What did Dumbledore want to talk about? Was he in trouble?

Suddenly it him. The prophecy, Remus had said. It's true.

What was that supposed to mean? What was the prophecy?

Harry sat down in Dumbledore's office hesitantly. He planned to leave this room with more information than when he entered it. Today has been so strange, Harry thought.

Tell me about it.

Draco, are you okay?

You seem to be saying a lot of that today as well.

Quit the cuteness. Are you okay?

I'm fine. Everyone else is fine. Goodbye.

Yea, whatever. I have a feeling I'm going to go to bed tonight with my brain bursting.

Yea, well, don't take it out on my poor head. It's still ringing from before.

Right. I've got to go; Dumbledore's looking at me like I'm crazy.

You mean you're not?

Shut up, Malfoy.

That's the old Harry I wanted to see.

"Harry," Dumbledore said, "Remus told me what happened with the dementors."

Harry nodded. That was what he had figured.

"Have you ever heard a certain prophecy of Iona?" Dumbledore asked, taking out a book. Harry shook his head.

"Remus said something about a prophecy though... what was he talking about?"

"I believe he was referring to this prophecy," Dumbledore said, handing Harry the book and pointing a page. Harry read:

Son of the flower and son of the longing,

Foes in ways that are unbecoming,

Coming together to fulfill the past,

Then become friends 'til the last.

Son of the flower, bold and bright,

Never giving in to fright,

He shall beat evil back unscathed

And he shall set them free.

Son of the longing, sad but strong,

He shall face a terrific wrong,

Beating back the evil,

That brought the flower down.

Now friends forever, they will join

The order that was lost.

They shall be friends forever,

At whatever cost.

"Merlin's beard," Harry said as he finished reading. "This- this is true. I always thought Divination was the most imprecise branch of magic. But this- well, this is not imprecise."

"I see you've never taken Divination," Dumbledore chuckled.

"What? I've been taking Divination two years now. But the way Trelawney teaches it, we may as well have free period. I've only learned two things in the last two years: one, either she wants me dead or is making a good impression of it, and two, she likes the color pink."

"You see, Harry, True Seers are very rare. I was very desperate to find a Divination teacher, so I did not have a chance to find one."

Harry nodded. He had suspected this all along, of course.

"Iona, however," Dumbledore said, "was one of the most renowned Seers in the history of the world. She lived a thousand years ago, in the time of the founding of Hogwarts. Every single one of her predictions has come true. Except this one. I think you well know that you are the son of the flower in the prophecy, since Lily is a flower's name, besides the description. But the son of the longing... who do you suppose that is?"

Harry stared at Dumbledore. He hadn't figured it out? It was so obvious! It all fit! Harry and Draco had been enemies, but they became friends in the past. Son of the longing... Narcissa! Narcissa was longing for Sirius! He shall set them free... the dementors! He had set free the souls the dementors had sucked! Draco had faced a terrific wrong, because he was a lycantort! He brought down Voldemort today... and Voldemort had killed Lily! It all made sense! Except...

"Professor," Harry said, "I can make out all the parts, except for the last one. It doesn't make any sense. Now friends forever, they will join the order that was lost. They shall be friends forever, at whatever cost. It just doesn't fit."

"Harry," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling, "you still have the future ahead of you. The prophecy is not whole yet, but I think in the near- or, for the rest of us, far future it will."

Harry nodded. He wondered where Dumbledore had gotten so smart. "Can I leave now, Professor?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry. You can go."

Harry left the room in deep thought. The order that was lost... what was that supposed to mean?

Before he could figure out the answer, he was back in the Entrance Hall. Draco, Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, and Mrs. Weasley were all talking. They greeted Harry as he walked near them.

"Hey Harry," Sirius said. "What's up, dude?"

"Call me dude again and die, Sirius," Harry yawned. "Lily, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure," Lily shrugged. She and Harry walked into an empty classroom.

"Alohomora," Harry whispered, pointing to the blackboard. The Marauder's crest appeared, and they entered the lobby. Harry fell onto a chair.

"Lily," he said, "do you know about a lost order?"

Lily looked at him strangely. "What in bloody hell are you talking about?"

"Any lost orders. Like, I don't know, the Order of the Scythe."

"The Order of the Scythe is for old geezers who play Gobstones," Lily said. "I'm assuming you an order that is not about Gobstones?"

"I'm pretty sure it's not the Order of The Gobstone Geezers. I mean an order that was lost, one that was broken up. Like... oh, I don't know... the whatchamacallum that started WW2?"

"The Nazis were evil, Harry."

"Okay, bad example."

"Well, there aren't many orders that were, as you put it, lost... I can think of two, but one is not likely."

"Give me the unlikely one first."

"The Order of the Scythettes."

"Which was...?"

"A ladies' branch of Scythe."

"Nix that one. What's the other one?"

"The Order of the Phoenix."

"Sounds a lot better than the other one. What was it?"

"It was an order created during the rise of Grindlewald," Lily said. "Its purpose was to have a certain group of people in charge of the war. Very few people got in, only highly skilled witches and wizards."

"Boy, have you done your homework," Harry shook his head.

"Oh, that was extra."

"You mean you're the top of every class, even Potions, you're a study maniac, you're taking just about every class in existence, and you still have time to do extra?"


"You really out to meet Hermione some time," Harry said. "You could start WGWTWRWSGUTI."

"Come again?"

"We're Geniuses and We Think We Rule the World So Get Used To It."

"And where did you come up with that?"

"Well, if you hang around Hermione too long, you start picking up some of her habits. She's got Ron studying. And that- well, she comes up with really long organization names. Like 'spew' for example."


"Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare," Harry rolled his eyes. "She's obsessed with house-elves. She made us pay two Sickles to the cause. Total waste."

Lily nodded, still looking curious. Harry suddenly realized what she was curious about.

"OH BLOODY HELL!" Harry screamed. "Order that was lost... Order of the Phoenix... Grindelwald... Voldemort... oh no... I need to see Draco, and quick."

"He's probably still in the entrance hall," Lily said. "But he was going to tell Remus something... I wonder what it could be?"

Harry smiled to himself. He knew perfectly well, of course, what Draco was going to tell Remus, and this could wait, at least for a few days.

"Oh well. I can tell him later," Harry said out loud. "Boy, I'm beat. Think we've got the afternoon off?"

Lily nodded. "Classes would have been over by now anyway," she said.

"Good. I need a nap."

"Harry?" said Lily as they walked out of the lobby. "Is it- is it true? Did you and Draco really fulfill the prophecy?" Harry stopped short. How did she know? He hadn't told anyone that it Draco was the son of the longing... how did Lily know?

"How did you know?" Harry said quietly. "How did you figure it out?"

Suddenly Lily looked uneasy. "Er... Dumbledore told me," she said lamely.

"Now I know where my non-existent ability to lie comes from," Harry said sarcastically. "I didn't even tell Dumbledore, Lily."

"Damn," Lily said under her breath. "Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN!"


"I should have known you would notice it out... you're not as naïve as the rest of them," Lily said.

"What in Merlin's name are you talking about?"

"You haven't guessed?"

Lily has a secret too? Harry thought. Two in one day? No, if it were anything bad she would have told me, or at least James... not that I care about Draco being a lycantort, he added quickly, if Draco happened to be listening. But Lily's not as strong as Draco, she couldn't keep anything bad a secret too long... she stinks at lying anyway... but what is it?

Lily was staring into his eyes. "Draco's a lycantort?" she said loudly. "Narcissa's son is a lycantort?"

"SHH!" Harry said out loud. How does she know? Harry thought furiously. Suddenly it occurred to him...

"You're a mind-reader, aren't you, Lily?"

Lily shook her head in disappointment. "I knew someone would find out," she said. "I swore not to tell anyone, but I had hoped at least James would guess... he even knew there was something about Remus in the beginning..."

"Bloody hell this is weird..." Harry said, shaking his own head. "Two in one day? No, this just can't be happening... Lily, is this happening?"

Lily nodded. "Please, Harry, don't tell anyone," Lily said, "I'm sworn to secrecy... please, Harry, please!"

"Don't worry, Mum," Harry said. "I won't tell."

Lily nodded, looking relieved. "So," she said, much more quietly this time, "Draco's a lycantort?"

Harry nodded. There was no use hiding it now. "Lily," he said, "don't tell anyone. Draco was reluctant to let me know, I don't know if he's going to tell the rest of them... I mean, he's probably telling Remus now, but that's different, he'd understand... are you going to tell the rest of them, Lily?"

Lily hesitated, and then nodded. "I've kept it a secret for 3 years, and I just can't keep living a lie every day. It's horrible."

Harry nodded. They headed into the entrance hall. Draco and Remus were deep in discussion in the corner, (Thank God for Silencing Charms, Harry thought) and everyone else was talking happily. Harry and Lily walked up to the bigger group.

"Molly," said Lily uneasily, "can I talk to the guys for a minute?"

Mrs. Weasley frowned but nodded, and left the entrance hall. Dumbledore had long since left. James looked at her and frowned. "Lily, what's wrong?" he asked. "What happened?"

Lily shook her head, almost crying. "Nothing's wrong, James."

Draco, Harry thought. Did you tell Remus?



He doesn't care. Harry was almost certain Draco had smiled at that point. He really doesn't care.

Well, what did you expect, Boa?

I expected that he would back away from me and tell me that I was crazy.

Remus isn't like that.

I noticed.

Anyway, can you two get over here? Lily wants to tell us all something, and I think she's about to have a nervous breakdown.

Erg... what is it?

Sworn to secrecy, sorry. She'll tell you herself.


You have been hanging around Sirius too long. That's his word.

Does he have a copyright?


Then I'm free to use it. Like I would care if he had a copyright anyway.

Suddenly, a new voice came into Harry's head. I hope you two know I can hear you.

(A/N: FYI, from now on, when Lily, Harry, and Draco are thinking at each other, Harry's writing will be underlined and italics, Draco's will be bold italics, and Lily's will be regular italics. You following me? If not, tough.)

"LILY?" Harry gasped. He looked over at Draco, and even though he was still under a Silencing Charm, he could see him gaping at Lily too. She smiled slightly.

Sirius, Remus, and James were looking at the three of them like they were crazy. Remus took the Silencing Charm off Draco and himself.

"What the hell is wrong with you three?" he roared.

"Took the words right out of my mouth!" Sirius said.

"Mental," James said, "mental."

Harry sighed. "Draco, Remus, get over here, we've got some explaining to do."

Draco and Remus walked over to the rest of them, Remus looking confused and Draco looking as if he was bracing himself.

Draco, Harry thought.

Please don't forget that I can hear you quite well, Harry, and don't want you to spoil any more information.

I am quite aware that you are listening, Lily.

Good. I hate hypocrites.

That's nice. Draco- Lily knows.


Draco, you don't understand-

Draco, he wasn't trying to-


Draco, listen to me, please, I would never hurt you-


Draco, Harry didn't tell me, it was an accident-


"FINE, IF THAT'S THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE, FINE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I TOLD YOU, POTTER! YOU'LL NEVER CHANGE!" Draco yelled. He ran out of the entrance hall, crying.

"Draco, wait!" Harry called. It was too late, however, for Draco was already gone. He tried to think at him, but it made his head hurt, and still no Draco. He had used a Concealment Charm.

"DAMN!" Harry yelled. "DRACO, IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

Sirius was shaking his head. "You're all nutters, the lot of you."

"Like you should talk, Sirius!" Harry snapped. "Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn..."

Lily was crying. "This is all my fault!" she cried.

Lily, no... don't blame yourself...


"Lily, not again, calm down... this is all Lucius's fault, that son of a b----..."

Lily took a deep breath and stopped crying. "Right," she croaked. "Malfoy's fault, Malfoy's fault, that's right, it's Malfoy's fault..."

"What in bloody hell are you talking about?" James said.

"Oh no," Remus said. "This isn't about-"

Lily looked at him and nodded. "DAMN!" Remus said.

"You think I'm the crazy one, Moony?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do, Sirius," Remus said.

"What's wrong with Draco? What should he not have told you?" James asked, turning to Harry. Harry shook his head.

"If I tell you, he'll get even worse," Harry said. "Lily, I'm going to find Draco. Do you want to- tell them?"

Lily nodded. She put a Silencing Charm on herself, James, Sirius, and Remus. "Later," Harry said, turning because he knew he would get no reply.

He hurried out of the Great Hall. "Accio Marauders' Map," Harry whispered. The parchment came flying through the air. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The map unveiled itself. The familiar writing scrawled across the top. The map drew itself slowly and gracefully. It was a good thing Remus had drawn the map, Harry thought. Imagine what it would look like if Padfoot had done it...

Harry scanned the map. "Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy..." he muttered as he ran his wand up and down the map. He discovered that Draco was in the Gryffindor 5th year boys' dormitory. Of course that would be it, Harry thought. Everywhere else is full of students, but they're all down in the entrance hall, so it's empty.

Folding the map and putting it in his pocket, Harry ran like the wind towards Gryffindor Tower.

Harry sped up the stairs. He flung open the door the said Fifth Years and saw the curtains pulled around Draco's bed. He pulled them away carefully. Draco was sitting Indian-style, his face in his hands, unsuccessfully trying to hide his constant flow of tears. Harry sat next to him slowly.

"Go away."

"Draco, please, listen to me-"

"I thought you were going."

"Draco, if you let me explain..."

"There is nothing to explain. I asked you not to tell anyone, you said you wouldn't, but you did. It's very simple, actually."

"Draco, please listen to me... Lily-"

"I'm not mad at Lily," Draco said calmly. "It's not her fault you told her."

"I didn't tell her, Draco!"

"Potter, it's obvious you're lying. You're the only one who knew, you went away to talk to her alone, and she comes back knowing."

"Draco, look at me. Would I ever try to hurt you? Would I ever, ever do something like that to you, or anyone else?"

Draco looked up and into his eyes. "I thought you wouldn't. But I was wrong. I was a fool."

"Draco, please... it's Lily, she's a-"

"Potter, if there's anything Lily is, she's a passionate know-it-all. She's a good person, unlike you. Your father is a good person. He's brave and intelligent. You- I don't know where you came from. You ruined your family tree."

Harry felt his stomach lurch. That was exactly what he didn't want to hear, but knew was true- his parents, Sirius, and Remus, they were all too good to admit it... but the truth still remained, he was a murderer.

Harry choked back his sobs. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a brass ring, one with three intertwining circles: for infinity. Infinite love, infinite friendships, infinite happiness. "Take it," Harry choked, putting the ring in Draco's hand.

"I don't want a stupid ring, Potter," Draco said, throwing it on the ground. Harry picked it up again.

"Take it," he said again, clearer this time, taking the brass ring and closing it into Draco's hand. "It's the Key for our Blood Oath. If you destroy it, our Blood Oath will be gone. Take it. Do what you want with it. I just don't care anymore." Harry walked out of the room without another word.


You can't pretend that I'm all right.

You can't change me,

'Cuz we lost it all.

Nothing lasts forever,

I'm sorry I can't be


Now it's just too late,

And we can't go back I'm

Sorry I can't be


I try not to think about the pain I feel inside.

Did you know you used to be?

My hero?

All the days you spent with me

Now seem so far away,

And it feels like you don't care anymore.


You can't stand another fight,

And nothing's all right!

'Cuz we lost it all.

Nothing lasts forever,

I'm sorry I can't be


Now it's just too late,

And we can't go back I'm

Sorry I can't be


Nothing's gonna change the

Things that you said,

And nothing's going to make this

Right again!

Please don't turn your back I

Can't believe it's all just a

Talk to you but you don't


Perfect- Simple Plan



Harry? How is he?

He's breaking down. He thinks I betrayed him.

There was nothing you could have done, Harry.

Lily, I'm worried about him. Tonight's the new moon. He shouldn't be alone. Not again. He deserves more than that.

Harry, you're using Draco's feelings to blame yourself.

I deserve it. I deserve to die.

Don't say things like that, Harry. You'll scare me to death.

It won't matter. I still deserve to die.

Harry, don't be like James. James was an idiot...

I am perfectly aware of that.

Don't blame yourself, Harry. It's your weakness. You think you have to die to save the world from You-Know-Who, because you're the only one who can. But that's not true, Harry. Draco can help. Dumbledore can help. Sirius can help. Remus can help. But then, even though you think you have to, you don't want to die. You think you deserve it, you think you have to, but you don't want to die. You think you're incredibly selfish to keep on living when so many people died.

Lily, you're scaring me. How can you know so much about me when we only met a week ago?

I'm a mind reader. It's my job.

By now Harry had reached the entrance hall. (Aren't secret passages the greatest?) He walked into it. Lily had apparently finished telling Remus, Sirius, and James about her being a mind reader, because he could hear snatches of their conversation.

"...Just unnatural," Remus was saying. "I mean, every one of us is different in some way or other. Pettigrew's an idiot, Sirius and James are half Bades, Draco and Harry are Bades, I'm- lycanthropic, and Lily's a mind reader."

Harry collapsed against the wall. James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily surrounded him. Suddenly a thought came to him.

"Hey Lily," he said, "Where's Ratboy?"

"Hospital wing," Lily said blandly. (A/N: I'm sorry, but I just can't bear to include that miserable git in my story...) "Tripped over his own feet and broke his nose."

Sirius and James started laughing. Remus smiled slightly to himself. Harry just nodded: he was in no mood for celebration.

Remus frowned at the look on Harry's face. "Beaky, what's wrong?" Remus asked. "How's Boa?"

Sirius and James stopped abruptly to hear Harry's answer. Harry gulped.

"Draco hates me," he croaked. "Not like before- like Sirius hates Snape. Except for Snape hates him back. I just can't hate him. I know it's silly... I mean, he was supposed to kill me. But I trusted him... and I thought he trusted me. He told me everything, and now he thinks I betrayed him."

Remus let out a dry sob and collapsed onto the floor next to Harry. "It's new moon tonight," he whispered in Harry's ear. "He shouldn't be alone."

"I guess he told you too."

Remus nodded. Harry sighed. "He's going out into the forest," Harry whispered back. "I'm going to transform and follow him."

Remus nodded. "He doesn't hate you, Harry. He can't believe what he thinks he knows."

Harry smiled and nodded. Remus was such a good friend.

"Thanks, Rem."

"No prob, Beaky."

"I wish you could just tell us what's bothering him!" Sirius said. "I mean, it can't be that bad."

"It is," said Remus.

"If I told you," Harry said, "I might as well just tell Draco I hate him. I mean, I don't, I love him like a brother, but it would probably seem like it to him." Harry shivered. "I don't know if things will ever be the same again."

"Things will get better," Remus said. "I felt the same way when James found out."

Harry nodded, containing his surprise. "I want to be alone for a while," he said to all of them quietly. "I'll be back later."

"Bye," they said sullenly.

Feeling like taking a walk, Harry walked outside. It was a fairly nice day. It looked like even the weather was celebrating Voldemort's Banishing and the freedom of the spirits. He suddenly wanted to fly. He hadn't flown in ages... he needed that feeling of freedom. He needed to fly.

But he didn't want to ask if anyone had a broomstick. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He knew that Sirius and James had broomsticks, since they were on the Gryffindor team, but they were in the dormitory, where Draco was.

Suddenly he had an idea. He ran behind a tree. When he emerged, he was a hawk. This is the only way to fly, Harry thought. He took back those thoughts immediately, remembering the way his Firebolt felt. Harry suddenly sagged.


Harry missed Quidditch a lot, almost as much as he missed Ron and Hermione. He missed the way Quidditch practice got things off your mind. He missed the excitement at every score. But most of all, he missed the feel of the tiny metal Snitch glittering in his hand.

Harry sighed. Or he tried to, but birds can't sigh. He thought about Quidditch for a while, and he couldn't wait until practices started again. Of course, he couldn't play on the House team, but he was going to help James manage the practices. I mean, with Sirius around, you need all the help you can get, Harry thought.

Harry's thoughts dwelt on Quidditch for a while, but they soon wandered. Harry soon found himself thinking about Ron and Hermione. Boy, did he miss them. They sure made time pass. Harry could hardly believe that he had barely been here two weeks. It felt like the two-month mark should have been left behind long ago.

Of course, between Voldemort, the dementors, the prank, Snape's punishments and blackmail, Narcissa and Sirius's break-up, and Lily and James's break-up and make-up, it had been a pretty eventful two weeks.

Harry [tried to] sigh again. The sun was setting already, and it must have been dinnertime. He knew he should get back to the castle, but quite the contrary; he didn't want to talk to anyone. He wasn't very hungry, either.

Harry flew down across the lake, letting his talons skim the top of the water. Then he flew to the Whomping Willow. He tried to get near it, but it's branches slashed violently when he came near, so he landed next to it. Suddenly he heard something, something faint, something distant...

Get away from him - get away - Scabbers, come here - Gotcha! Get off, you stinking cat -

There was a pause. Then...

Ron, are you okay?

Where's the dog?

Not a dog ... Harry, it's a trap -

What -

He's the dog ... he's an Animagus...

Harry shivered. He tried to push the voices away, but they grew louder...

I thought you'd come and help your friend. Your father would have done the same thing for me. Brave of you, not to run for a teacher. I'm grateful... it will make everything much easier...

Harry squawked and flew away from the tree as fast as he could. His head was hurting like the Dickens, and he was beginning to get cold. The sun had set behind the mountain a while ago, and the stars were coming out rapidly.

Harry headed for the window in Gryffindor Tower; ready to call it a night. But suddenly something caught his eye. There was a person, a boy, on the edge of the Forbidden Forest...it was hard to see, since there was no moon, but even in the dark there was no mistaking that blond hair...


Harry winced, but flew to him. He hovered above Draco as he ran into the forest.

Harry followed a little way behind Draco as they came to a clearing. Harry settled himself in a tree as he watched Draco with sympathy... this was it...

Draco was walking in a circle impatiently. Suddenly he fell to the ground, breathing hard. He huddled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. His eyes were shut tight, and there was a look of extreme pain on his face. Suddenly he started to scream.

Harry had never heard anything like it in his life. Draco's screams were high-pitched and drawn-out. He sounded like he was being tortured. Harry fought the urge to go down and help him. Don't interfere, he thought furiously at himself. So he was forced to stare in horror as the change began.

Draco's skin was growing furry. His eyes were bloodshot, staring straight up. His legs were growing shorter, his head was lengthening, and his hands were slowly turning into paws. Draco's screams began to get deeper and deeper. As claws sprang into his paws, he ripped off the robes he had been wearing. His tail was beginning to grow now, and his nose was almost at full length... with a pop he was fully transformed. He howled into the air.

Harry shivered. He should leave now... wait a minute, Harry thought. He's still got his brain... but he can't talk. Maybe I can get him to listen to me!

Wolf-Draco was now slinking off into the woods. Harry swooped after him. Catching up with him, he squawked.

Draco's head turned and he looked at him. He looked away quickly. Harry transformed.

"Draco, you can't hide from me forever," Harry said. "I didn't tell Lily!"

The wolf faced him and growled. Harry burst into tears.

"Fine," he choked, sitting on a tree stump. "Don't believe me. But I didn't tell her, Boa! It was an accident! Its Lily, Boa- she's a mind reader, I couldn't help it!"

The wolf suddenly snapped its head up at Harry. The wolf's eyes were a deep gray; like Draco's, and they were perfectly round... it was almost like looking into a tornado. Slowly, very slowly, the wolf nodded. It nuzzled Harry with its muzzle. The look on its face said quite plainly: I believe you.

Harry smiled and wiped away his tears. He gave the wolf a hug. "You know I don't care in the slightest, and would never try to hurt you," he said.

The wolf nodded again. He nudged Draco's robes, near the pockets. Harry looked at him questioningly, and the wolf rolled his eyes. He picked up the robes in his mouth and put them on his lap.

Harry looked in the pocket of the robes. Inside was the Key to their Blood Oath. Harry smiled tearfully.

"I wouldn't care if you were a vampire, Draco," he said, "you're still my best friend.

He felt very guilty after saying that. He killed Ron's brother! Said a voice in Harry's head. He called Hermione 'Mudblood!' HE KILLED RON'S TWIN! YOU CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THAT!!!

The wolf winced. Apparently he could still hear Harry's thoughts, even if he couldn't respond to them. The look he gave Harry said quite plainly: Do you really mean that?

"No," Harry said. "That's the little devil side of my conscience you hear. Yes, I do have one," he added quickly. "Don't go acting surprised."

Draco hit him with his paw playfully. Harry gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Do you want me to go?" Harry said tensely. "Because if you do, I'll leave..."

Draco shook his head violently. Harry smiled. "I had hoped not. What do you want to do?"

Draco shrugged. They talked (or rather Harry did) for a while and decided to go to Hogsmeade. They walked (and flew) all over for the rest of the night, laughing and howling the night away.

By moonset Harry was exhausted. He and Draco had covered at least ten miles that night, and he had run most of it. Near the end, when he had started to get tired, he flew, but for the most part he had run. He collapsed onto a tree stump. Draco was up ahead in the clearing: Harry was waiting for him to transform.

A few loud, not-that-haunting-but-still-bone-chilling howls, Draco emerged onto the path. He was walking drowsily.



"I'm sorry."

"What the hell for?"

"For what I said. You are a good person, Harry, and I love you like a brother."

Harry nodded, smiling. Draco loves me, he thought. I mean, not like I want to marry him or anything... EW that would be gross!

"What time is it?"

Harry checked his watch. "Four o'clock," he said. "We'd better get up to bed, or we'll fall asleep in class. Plus, we've got Double Potions all morning, and Theorax would gladly take 100 points if we fell asleep in class."

Draco nodded. "Let's go."

Harry and Draco set out up to the castle sleepily. When they got to the door, Draco pulled on it hard.

"Damn! It's locked!"

"Alohomora!" Harry said. The door didn't budge.

"Trust Dumbledore to come up with a fancy locking method," Draco muttered. "Now what are we going to bloody do?"

Harry thought for a minute. "Transform," Harry commanded after a while.

"I just did, Harry, remember?"

"The other way, you git."

"Alrighty then..." Draco said, turning into a snake. "What are you going to do?" he added in Parseltongue.

"You'll see," Harry hissed. He transformed into a hawk and picked Draco up in his beak.


Not worth it. You probably taste bad anyway. Harry flew up to Gryffindor Tower.

When they flew up to window to their dormitory, they saw Remus, looking furious, waiting for them.

"What did you think you were doing?" he yelled at them through the window. "You idiots, anyone could have seen you!"

Harry landed on the floor and they both transformed. "And anyone could have seen you too," Harry said, standing up.

"Not to mention that anyone who's up at this hour has definitely been hanging out with Sirius too much," Draco said.

"Is insult me the only thing you do?" said a voice. Sirius drew the curtains back from around his bed.

"Only when we've got nothing better to do," Harry shrugged.

"Honestly, what took you two so long?" James said, drawing back the curtains around his bed too. "The moon just set!"

"There is no moon," Draco said. "And there's something I want to tell you."

Harry looked at Draco. "You sure you want to do this?"

"They would have found out anyway."

"If they haven't already got a rough guess," Remus said. "They're too smart for their own good."

"Then why can't they pass Potions?" said another voice.

"Lily!" James said. "Did you steal my Invisibility Cloak again?"

"Yup," Lily said, uncovering herself. She was sitting on a chair. "Oh, and Sirius, flowered boxers are so last season."

Sirius pretended to look offended. "I thought I was wearing the hottest new looks," he said.

"And I thought you couldn't get any worse," Draco said, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, I'm a- I'm a..."

Are you sure you can do this?

Are you sure you want to do this?

Like Moony said, they'll find out anyway.

You want me to tell them instead?

Would you?

'Course I will.

"Guys," Harry asked, "have you ever heard of the Retanytullibibius Charm?"

The next morning, Harry was awoken by a sound like the air coming out of a balloon next to his head.

"Ugh, Sirius!" Harry said, plugging his nose. "Why do you always have to be the one to wake me up?"

"Aww, I just volunteered," Sirius said. "You try getting Draco to move."

Harry could see that Lily, James, and Remus were all shaking Draco hard. Their only accomplishment, however, was to make him snore louder. James, in frustration, kicked him hard. Lily slapped James. James mock cried, rubbing his arm. "AHH! PISS!" Remus cried, rolling his eyes. Draco gave another snort. Harry rubbed his hands together.

"Ooh, I've been waiting a while to do this," Harry said evilly. He thought hard:


Draco sat up bolt right. "HARRY!" he screamed. Lily was covering her ears.

"Harry," she groaned, "did you have to be that loud?"

"Sorry Mum," Harry said innocently.

"HARRY, YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!!!" said Lily and Draco as one. Sirius beamed.

"Well, at least it's not me for a change," he said happily.

"Revenge is so, so sweet," Harry said happily.

Lily and Draco scowled at him. "C'mon," Remus said, "we've got to go."

"What do we have first?" James asked.

"Double Potions with the Slytherins," Lily said glumly. Harry and James groaned as one.

"Can they think of a worse torture?" James said. "Locking us up with Theorax, Snape, and all those other Slytherin gits for two hours, I'd better write my epitaph quick."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Theorax is worse than Snape," Harry said.

"Well of course she is," Draco said. "Snape's awesome."

Lily gasped, Remus stared at him, and James slapped him. Harry rolled his eyes. Sirius was digging his finger in his ear.

"I'm sorry, I must have heard you incorrectly," Sirius said, "I thought you just said Snape was awesome."

"That so doesn't sound right," Harry said, "don't say it again."

"When did you hit your head, Draco?" James roared.

"Draco, are you nuts?" Lily said.

"Oh god, you must be ill," Remus said. "Come on, hospital wing..."

"Defending family first," Harry said, rolling his eyes again.


"I thought you had learned, Draco," said Harry, shaking his head. "I thought you knew better than to like that hook-nosed git."

"Hook-nosed, slimy-haired git," Sirius corrected automatically.

"Whatever," Draco said, rolling his eyes now and rubbing his cheek where James had slapped him. "I was kidding, you losers."

"You scared us," Remus said. "I mean, hanging out with Sir too much has had some serious effects on people... I mean, look at James."

James stuck his tongue out at Remus. Remus rolled his eyes in response.

"Come on!" Sirius said. "We'll be late."

Lily dropped her books on Draco's foot, causing him to swear loudly. "You mean you actually care?" Lily said in amazement.

"What? Are you kidding? Double Potions with the Slytherins and Theorax? Oh joy, oh laughter!" Padfoot said sarcastically.

"Let's just go already," Lily said, "we already missed breakfast, and we've got five minutes to get down to Potions."

"Damn! We'll be late! We're not even dressed yet!" Harry said. True enough, since all of them were still in their pajamas except Lily.

"Theorax will have our heads," James groaned.

"Well, moaning about it won't help," Lily snapped. "Just get dressed!"

By the time they were all dressed, they were already five minutes late for Potions. It took them five more minutes to get all their books, and another ten minutes to get down to the dungeons. They were twenty minutes late for Potions. James gulped as they walked into the dungeon.

The only problem was, no one was in there.

"WHAT IN BLOODY HELL HAPPENED HERE?" James yelled. Nearly Headless Nick came drifting towards them.

"Haven't you heard?" Nick said. "You guys have the day off."

"WHAT???" they all said.

"Where have you been?" Nick said. "Dumbledore announced it at dinner last night and this morning at breakfast."

"We weren't hungry last night and we overslept," Draco said. "I can't believe we came all the way down here for nothing..."

"Thanks Nick," Lily said. "Come on guys, let's go..."

"YES!" James yelled as soon as they were out of hearing range from Nick.


"THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!" Harry shouted.

"PICKLED FROGGY FEET!" Sirius yelled at the top of his lungs. They all stared at him.

"Never mind," he said quietly.

"That's it," Remus said. "Enough fun and games, where's your prescription?"

"In my pocket," Sirius grinned. Remus reached inside his pocket.

"EWW! FROG SPAWN!" Remus yelled, pulling his hand, which was now covered in green goop, out of Sirius's pocket.

Sirius grinned.

"Never mess with Padfoot," James said firmly. "You won't have time to regret it."

"Especially when it comes to areas unbeknownst to you," Lily added. "Like his pocket, for example."

"Especially when it comes to girls," Remus said. Draco, James, and Harry nodded.

"Speaking of which," Sirius said, grinning like a maniac, "you never told us who you like, Harry."

Draco raised an eyebrow: Harry just flushed.

"I'm guessing you didn't tell them about her, Harry," Draco said.

"Hmm, I wonder."

"Aww, go on, tell them about G-"

"DRACO!" Harry said. Remus chuckled.

"Dei jabot," he said.


They turned around. Patricia Patil was running towards them.

"Oh Remus I was so worried!" she said, giving him a huge hug. "I thought- I thought-"

Lily and Draco raised eyebrows. Sirius was grinning like a maniac.

"Oh Reeeeeeeeeemus," he called. Patricia turned around and faced him.

"Sirius Black," she said. "You are not going to give me the Michelle Atelier treatment. Try anything on Remus, anything at all, and I shall personally tear out your throat."

Sirius pretended to consider for a moment before nodding. "Yea," he said, "okay."

"He's just a little tense around you," Remus explained. "You see, you're the only girl in the school, minus the Slytherins, whom either he or James hasn't conquered."

Patty nodded. "Remmy, there's a ball for Founder's Day on September 18," she said, turning to Remus.

"Right," Remus said, "I'll meet you in the Entrance Hall at 8 then?"

"Wouldn't miss it," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek. Remus blushed. Sirius and James grinned at each other.

"I'll see you later, Remmy," she said, waving at him as she rounded a corner. After a minute, Sirius and James doubled over laughing.

"Remmy?" Sirius choked.

"Oh, I was so worried," James mimicked.

"Shut up," Remus said. "At least I have a girlfriend."

Sirius stopped laughing. He looked at Remus in anger.

"You- you- THING!" he shouted. He stomped away, crying silently.

James stopped laughing. Remus hit his forehead with his hand. "Damn."

"Not again," said Lily.


"This is bad," said Draco.


"You can shut up now, Remus," James said.

"I'm going to go talk to him," Harry said. He hurried off in the direction Sirius had headed. He pulled the Marauders' Map out of his pocket. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"This thing is so damn useful," Harry muttered as he scanned the unveiling map.

The only problem was, Sirius wasn't on it.

"DAMN!" Harry yelled. "Where could he have gone?"

Harry sat thinking. Where could Sirius be? He couldn't have left the grounds already... where was he?

Suddenly it hit him. Something we couldn't put on the Marauders' Map, James had said. Something that couldn't fall into the wrong hands.

Harry ran like the speed of light into the empty Charms classroom.

"Alohomora!" Harry cried. The Marauders' crest glowed on a portrait of a knight, who looked confused, and the portrait swung open. Harry climbed through hastily.

"Sirius!" Harry breather. Sirius was sitting on a chair, his face in his hands.

"Go away, Harry," he said, his voice muffled form his hands.

"Sirius, Moony didn't mean it like that..."

"You heard what Moony said! Of all the nerve!"

"He meant at least he has a girlfriend now. As in, he didn't have one before."

"Yea right. He told you to say that."

No, he didn't."

"You don't mean it, then."

"I do."

"I don't believe you."

"Padfoot," Harry said, trying to calm himself, "get ahold of you. You're talking crazy."

He got no response. Harry sighed. Well, now's a good a time as any, he thought. He sat down in the chair next to Sirius.

Harry pulled the Clitoral Band out of his pocket. "Sirius," he said, "do you know what this is?"

Sirius looked up. "It's a Clitoral Band," he said blandly. "But where'd you get one?"

"Draco gave it to me. This is what hurt Remus. It's silver."

"That's nice. Why do I care?"

"Listen to me, Sirius," Harry said; putting his own Clitoral Band on the table, "do you know what a Clitoral Band does?"

"It's a trust gauge. If the person who gave it to you becomes untrustworthy or lies to you, it turns red and hot."

"Right. Here," he said simply, taking something out of his pocket and putting it in Sirius's hand.

Sirius looked down at it. It was a brand-new, sparkling Clitoral Band.

"I don't need this," Sirius said. "Give it to someone else. I'm not worth it."

"You are worth it. And I want you to have it."

Sirius looked down at the Clitoral Band. It glimmered helplessly at him. He smiled. "Thanks Beaky," Sirius said.

"No prob, Padfoot. Oh, and I -er- tested it," Harry said sheepishly, showing Sirius the burn mark on his hand, "and it works pretty good. Just don't throw it away when I leave."

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm going to have to put a Memory Charm on you guys. You, Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore. Otherwise you might change the future."

Sirius nodded. "But what if we want to change the future?"

"Sirius, the consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting, or trying to change, the future is a very difficult business indeed."

"And where did you here that?"

"A wise old geezer told me."



"Well, that means its true. Bugger."

"Tell me about it. I wish I could just stay here forever."

"What? Just can't get enough of Professor Theorax?"

"Seriously, I do. I've never known my parents before, Padfoot."

"Neither have I, Harry. Neither have I."

"You haven't?" Harry asked, surprised.

Sirius shook his head. "I never knew my mum and dad," he said. "I've never seen any pictures of them. I've never even heard their voices."

Harry looked at Sirius. He had a feeling Sirius hadn't told anyone any of this before. "Are they alive?"

"My mum died while giving birth to me."

Harry winced. "And my dad was a traitor."

What the hell is he talking about? Harry thought. "Your dad was a traitor?"

"My father serves Lord Voldemort."

Harry bit his lip. Sirius had been through enough already. "He's still alive?"

"Yes." Hatred came into Sirius's eyes, hatred Harry had not seen since that fateful night in third year... "My father is alive."

Harry nodded. Sirius opened his mouth again but said nothing. Harry stared at him.


Harry jumped up a mile.

Lily, what's wrong?

Boa, there's something wrong with Remus... he just got an owl and then he turned all white and started staring at it...


"DAMN!" Harry repeated out loud. He stormed out of the room, with a very confused Sirius tearing after him.

By the time they got back to where Remus was, Remus was crying silently, staring at the wall. There were tears running down his cheeks in what Harry thought looked like waterfalls. Draco was sitting next to him patting him on the back, trying to get a glimpse at the paper.

"Remus?" Sirius asked tentatively. "What happened?"

Remus choked. "Nothing," he said. "Nothing, I'm fine."

Harry sat down on the other side of Remus and took the letter out of his trembling hands. It read:

Dear Mr. Lupin:

We regret to inform you that your parents/guardians, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lupin Senior, have been murdered by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Harry gasped. Remus's parents- as if Remus hadn't had a tough enough life- now he was an orphan! Harry's hand faltered and the letter fell to the ground.

(A/N: Despite what you may think, I am not the kind of evil fanfic author who lets her precious characters die for the fun of it. (No comment, Alyssa.) No, this is all a necessary part of the plot (yea, I know, I've found one). I hate killing people, but, if you haven't noticed, everyone gets hurt a lot in this story. Expect a happy ending, however. )

"Oh god, Remus," Harry whispered.

Remus just wiped at his eyes, with no effect. James picked up the letter. He dropped it quickly.

"Oh bloody hell, Moony," James said softly.

Lily and Sirius glanced at it and went white.

"Remus," Sirius said softly, "I'm so, so sorry."

"I don't believe this happened," Lily said. "It can't be true."

Suddenly a tawny owl raced through the window, dropped a letter out of its beak, and raced back out again. It read Sirius Ian Black on the front. Sirius picked it up.

Sirius opened the envelope and read the letter inside. Not another one, Harry thought. Sure enough, Sirius froze. The parchment fell softly to the ground. Harry picked it up.


Surely you didn't think that My Lord would fall? No, your feeble Banishing Charm has only made him stay away from Hogwarts. But My Lord is thirsty for vengeance, and vengeance he shall have. Maybe you will see the result of your foolishness in the morning paper.


"Father," Harry whispered. Sirius was shaking violently. James took the letter and read it. He went even paler, and he passed the paper to Draco without a word. Draco read it with Lily reading over his shoulder. They both gasped and let it fall to the floor. Remus looked at it, and put his face in his hands.

"Father," Sirius repeated. "Father."

James looked at Sirius. "You never did tell us what happened to your father, Sir."

Sirius sighed. "Ask me anything. You deserve to know."

Harry clenched his teeth together. The last time he had heard that, the results hadn't been good...

"Who is your father?" James asked softly. "You told us he was dead."

"I wish he was."

Lily gave Sirius a questioning look. She looked into his eyes. She gasped.

"Oh bloody hell, Sirius."

"I know."

Sirius drew a deep breath and started talking. "My mother died while giving birth to me, like I told you, Harry. But it wasn't naturally. My father killed her while she was having me."

Draco patted Sirius on the back. James and Harry just stared at him. Lily gave him a hug. Remus looked up at him.

"Bloody hell, Sir," Remus said.

Sirius closed his eyes and continued. "My father is a servant of Voldemort."

James gasped. Lily held Sirius tight. Draco just kept patting him on the back, staring at the wall. Harry sighed deeply. Remus got up.

"Oh god, Padfoot," Remus said quietly. "You could have told us a long time ago."

"I know," said Sirius. "I know."

Sirius sank down onto the wall. Suddenly Draco shook his head.

"This is my fault."

Lily sighed. Harry tried to think at him, but was blocked. James put his head in his hands. Sirius and Remus shook their heads.

"It's not your fault," they said as one.

"I shouldn't have Banished Voldemort. Look what happened."

"It's not your fault Boa," Sirius said. "What were you supposed to do? Sit down and let him take over the world?"


Lily glanced at Draco. Sirius and Remus looked confused. James blinked. Harry cleared his throat.

"I don't blame you, Boa."

"You should."

"I shouldn't and don't."

"That's because you're a perfect little hero, and you don't know what hatred is," Draco muttered. Harry laughed grimly.

You know that's not true, Draco," Harry said. "You know that's not true."

"It is."

"It is not."

"It is."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Oh damn, don't start that again!" Lily said.

"Whatever," Harry shrugged. "Boa, I am not a perfect little hero, and if anyone knows what hatred is, I do."

Draco shook his head. "Name one person. Name one person you truly hate."


"He does not classify as a 'person'."

"Fine then. Snape."

"Easy enough answer."

"I used to hate you."

"Like you still should."

"But I don't."


"I hate Wormtail."

"Who doesn't?"

"The Dursleys."


"And I used to hate-" Harry's throat blocked up. He couldn't say it, he just couldn't...

"Never mind."

"Just say it, Harry," Draco said. "It can't be worse than hating your own father."

"I agree," Sirius said.

"No," said Harry. "I can't say it."

"Just say it, Beaky," Sirius said. "We won't hate you for it."

"You would."

"Try me."

"I hate it when people say that."

"Fine. Try I."

"That's incorrect grammar," Lily said automatically.

"Me care?"

"That's wrong too."

"Hypocrites," Sirius sighed.

"Boys," Lily sighed.

"I can't tell you," Harry said.

Lily looked into Harry's eyes. Harry shut them quickly, but not quickly enough. Lily gasped.

"Oh god, Harry! How could you?" Lily screamed before running away.

"Is it that bad?" James asked.


"Harry, I promise you, we won't hate you," Remus said.

"Sirius would."

"Try me," Sirius said.


"Tell me."


"Tell me."




"For the love of God, shut up!" Remus screamed.

Harry shook his head. "I can't tell you. Any of you. You'd hate me forever. Especially you, Sirius."

Sirius stood up and looked Harry in the eye. "You're either going to tell me, Harold James Potter, or I'll hex you."

"I can't," Harry said. "I just can't."

Harry ran away in tears.

Lily stared blankly ahead as she ran. Harry couldn't have hated him... that was impossible... it couldn't be!

Lily headed for the library. It was where she always went, her safe place, the only place she felt secure...

Suddenly someone bumped into her. "Hey, watch it!" she said. She turned around. The person who had bumped into her had messy black hair, and big, green eyes that were blinded by tears...

"Harry!" Lily cried. "How could you hate him? How could you?"

"You don't understand!" Harry yelled. "You'll never understand!"

Harry ran off again. Lily yelled after him, "HARRY, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" Harry did not turn back, so she ran after him.

"Harry, how could you?" she yelled, running up to him. "He loves you, he loves you so much!"

"I know!" Harry yelled back. "And that's why you'll never understand!"

Harry stopped short and fell to the floor in tears. "You're right, Lily, I'm a terrible person," Harry said as Lily looked at him strangely. "I hated him. After all he's done for me, I hated him. How could I? I deserve to die."


"I KNOW!" Harry screamed. "I know! I deserve to die! But you'll never understand! Never! No one will!"




"NO, YOU!"






Harry choked. Of all the insults she could have thought of, this was the worst. Harry felt the tears coming down his cheeks by the bucketful; it was worse than Remus's waterfalls. Harry ran away as fast as he could, hurling hexes behind him. He ran in no direction in particular, but found himself in front of the Whomping Willow in no time flat.

He walked into the thick dense of branches, not caring about the thick limbs hitting him like whips, he just ran into the tunnel and disappeared.

Harry breathed hard. He wanted to die, he wanted to kill himself... but he just couldn't. As far as he saw it, his only mission in life was to save the world, and if he killed himself, what use would that be?

No, he couldn't die, not yet... but if he had to live, he had to make it as miserable as possible.

Harry picked up a stick and started to beat himself with it. I am such an idiot, Harry thought. I deserve to die...

Harry beat his arm with that stick until it was scathed and bleeding. Then Harry worked on his other arm in the same manner. Soon both his arms were bruised and bloody. It hurt Harry, it hurt him bad, but he didn't care. He started making heavy things come flying at his head by magic. Most of them missed, but finally a chair leg hit him in the eye. Harry staggered back- his eye was blinded by blood.

(A/N: ARGH!!!!! I AM SO EVIL!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY HATE TO DO THIS, BUT IT IS NECESSARY TO THE STUPID, STUPID PLOT, SO ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::starts hitting her forehead::)

Harry continued to beat himself with chair legs, heavy books, and sticks until he thought of a way to clear his conscience. (A/N: Isn't Harry so stupid? He clears his conscience by beating himself up... if he wanted to get hurt that bad, Dudley would be happy to help him...)

Harry held his wand up and pointed it at his throat. "Crucio," he said in a harsh whisper.

Harry felt the magic go out of him like water out of a broken jug. He knew that people always felt woozy after the first time they had cast Dark magic, but this was incredible. But he didn't have time to think about that, because the pain started instantly.

Harry had never felt anything like it. Even when Voldemort had cast the Cruciatus Curse on him it hadn't hurt like this. Harry's scar felt like it was exploding... his forehead must be splitting in two. Every inch of his skin felt like white-hot knives were being pushed into it... this was the Cruciatus Curse as how it was meant to be felt, the full-on version. Harry screamed as he had never screamed before, he was hoarse after only a moment, but he kept screaming...

Harry felt two of his ribs shatter into tiny pieces. The only thing Harry could think about was the pain, and how much he wanted to die... but he deserved it. If he couldn't die, he deserved a life of torture, as Sirius had... he hadn't known that he- no, anyone- could scream this loudly. He was on the floor, screaming at the top of his lungs, clutching his scar.

All over his body Harry hurt. His throat hurt from screaming too much. His scar was about to explode. Invisible white-hot knives were piercing every inch of his skin. Two of his ribs had shattered. Harry felt his ankle bones shatter also. He wanted to die. It was funny, he thought, that of all the people in the world he could have thought about right now, the one he thought of was Hermione.


Hermione would cry if she saw Harry like this. She would cry until she had cried herself dry. Hermione would know how Harry felt, and she would know just the right thing to say that would comfort him. Harry's thoughts came to a sudden end, however, when he was struck unconscious.

Lily went white as she watched Harry run. "What have I done?" she whispered.

You idiot said her conscience. You know what you just did. You're his mother, and he'll never get to see you ever again after he leaves. Look what you did to him! You'll be lucky if he doesn't go do a James.

Lily started crying. She had to find Sirius, Remus, James, Draco, anyone...

Lily rushed to where they had been standing before. Sirius and Remus were hugging each other and crying silently, and Draco and James were just staring at each other. "James, have you seen Harry?"

"No, he just rushed after you. We heard you screaming at each other a second ago," James said. "Why?"

"He's gone... what I said to him, James... I didn't mean it, I really didn't..."

"Lily, slow down," said Sirius, wiping away his tears and standing up. "What happened?"

"Oh god, Sirius, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry... I didn't mean it, honest..."

"Lily, what did you say?"

"I- I told him he was worse than Wormtail," Lily said quietly, shaking her head. "But I really didn't mean it... I was so mad, any insult would do..."

"Lily, what were you mad at him about in the first place?" Sirius asked.

"I think we'd all like to know that one," Draco said quietly.

"He- hated someone I love," Lily said quietly. She couldn't tell Sirius, it would break his heart...

"Well, what's wrong with that?" James said. "You used to love that git Lockhart..."

Lily shook her head violently. "No, not that kind of love. He's one of our best friends."

They all looked at each other. Sirius gave Lily a puzzled look. Lily hugged him.

"I didn't believe it," Lily whispered. "I didn't want to believe it... he said he hated you, Sirius."

Sirius's face fell considerably. He bit his lip. Tears were coming down his cheeks worse than ever, ever in his entire life...

Harry hates me, he thought. He hates me, he hates me... how could he hate me? How could he?

Sirius collapsed onto the ground. This is too much, he thought. Everyone hates me. Narcissa hates me, Dad hates me, Harry hates me... what's wrong with me?

"Oh god, Sirius, don't think like that!" Lily said. "Nar doesn't hate you! There's something wrong with her!"

Sirius just shook his head. Suddenly James gasped.

"We've got to find Harry," James said. "If I know him, he'll take a leaf out of my book..."

Draco shook his head. "No, Harry wouldn't do that. He knows how important he is, even if he doesn't appreciate it... but I can't think at him." Draco bit his lip. "Of course, it might just be a Concealment Charm, but... he's a strong wizard, Harry is, and if he decides that he should be tortured, he'll make sure he is."

Remus stood up. "Oh. Bloody. Hell." Remus said. "Come on, we've got to go find him!"

Running off in no direction in particular, they all set off for the Great Hall.

"Oh god, oh god, I can't believe I said that, I'm such an awful person..." Lily muttered as they paced tensely around the Great Hall.

"Be quiet, Lily," Draco snapped. "You're sounding like Hermione."

"Don't I do that all the time?" Lily said with a grim smile. "I'd really love to meet her some day. Too bad I'll be dead."

Draco nodded. He thought for a minute. "I'VE GOT IT!" he yelled. He ran at the speed of light towards the Whomping Willow, the rest following closely behind.

"WHERE ARE WE GOING, BOA?" Remus screamed.

"THE SHREIKING SHACK!" Draco yelled back.

"Damn, what's he thinking?" James said.

"No idea," Sirius said. "No idea whatsoever."

Lily gasped. "OH BLOODY HELL!" she screamed. She ran even faster than Draco, pushed the knot, and ran into the tunnel under the Whomping Willow.

"What in bloody hell are they talking about?" Sirius said.

"Well, we've been looking for Harry, and we're going to the Shrieking Shack. Put two and two together, where do you think he is?" James said, putting on another burst of speed. Sirius and Remus followed. Draco was getting under the tree when they caught up with him. They all scurried down the tunnel.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," Lily whispered as she tore through the Shrieking Shack. She heard Draco breathing behind her, and the others' footsteps beating quickly. "HARRY, WHERE ARE YOU?" Lily screamed. Suddenly she heard two identical screams. One was a lot closer than the other...

"Draco!" Lily cried, stopping short. Draco was lying on the floor, screaming at the top of his lungs, clutching his neck. Sirius, James, and Remus should be catching up by now...

"JAMES!" Lily screamed. "Sirius! Take care of Draco! Remus, help me find Harry! He must have done something awful to trigger their telepathic connection! HURRY!"

Remus came bolting forward, and Sirius and James knelt down next to Draco. Lily and Remus rushed further down the hallway, to the room from which the other screams were coming.

As they flung the door open, both screams stopped. Harry was lying on the floor unconscious, or so Lily hoped.

"HARRY!" Lily said, flinging herself onto her son. "Please don't be dead, please, please, I'll never forgive myself... please wake up, Harry, please wake up!" Lily cried. Remus pushed her aside.

"That's not helping, Lily. Ennervate!"

Harry groaned but did not move. He was white, very white, and his scar burned red against his skin. He looked as if he hadn't eaten in days, even though he had eaten enough to feed an army at lunch yesterday. Still, he hasn't eaten since, Lily reminded herself.

Harry's ankles were twisting like no ankle ever should. His breathing, while still there, was scarce. He was sweating horribly. His eyes were wide open and bloodshot, unblinking. Lily reached out to comfort him, but when she touched him Harry's whole body stiffened.

Harry's eyes shut. "Don't touch me, Lily," he said in a hoarse whisper. "Go away."

Remus came forward. Lily collapsed in silent tears. "Harry," Remus said gently, "we need to fix you up."

Harry shook his head slowly. "Don't Moony," Harry said, wincing. "Leave me."

"No, I won't, Harry."

"Just do it. Go."

"I won't move from this spot until you let me help you."

"Then you're going to be standing there for quite a long time."

"Please, Harry. Lily didn't mean it. She really didn't."

"You would know."

"Harry, listen to me. Please."

Harry lifted his head up off the ground a little and stared into Remus's eyes. "Don't help me, Remus. Please."

"I have to help you, Harry. I can't just leave you here."

"Yes you can."

"I won't."

"Please, Remus. You don't understand."

"I would if you would just tell me."

Harry laid his head back down. "Fine. Go ahead."

"Apalarcium Retracto Helotries," Remus muttered. Harry winced as his cuts and bruises healed themselves. His broken bones I can't fix, Remus thought. Why can't I fix them?

"What did you do to yourself, Harry?" Remus said, sitting next to Harry.

"I deserved it. I deserved it."

"No you didn't. Anyway, I meant, what curse did you use?"

"Cruciatus Curse," Harry muttered. Remus stiffened. He used Dark magic, Remus thought. That's why I can't heal him...

"Harry, Light magic can't reverse the Cruciatus Curse," Remus said. Harry nodded.

"I know."

Remus looked down on Harry. His eyes were closed, and he was thinking. Poor kid, Remus thought. He's been through so much.

Lily looked up. "I didn't mean it, Harry. I swear I didn't," she whispered. Harry stiffened.

"You were right," Harry said in a harsh whisper. "I deserve to die. I should have died a long time ago. I hated him. I let him go. I let him go. I let him go." Which each repeat Harry's voice became filled with more and more hatred.

Lily shook her head. "Harry, I didn't mean it, I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry... I was angry, and I just kept on jabbering and jabbering without even listening to you..."

"Shut up," Harry whispered. "I deserved it. You're right. I hated Sirius. I hated Sirius. I hated Sirius."

"Harry," Remus said with a sigh. "You have to put the past behind you. What was that Muggle movie phrase... Acromantula?"

"Accuna mattata," Harry corrected grimly. "But I hated him, Remus. How could I be so stupid?"

"I notice you're saying hated," Remus said. "Do you hate him now, Harry?"

"Of course not."

"Then why does it matter?"

"Everything matters, Remus. I tried to kill him."

"You did?"

"Remus!" Lily scolded. "I don't think you're making him feel any better!"

"Well, neither are you, so I wouldn't be talking."

"You two are exactly like Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, except you haven't got a mustache, Remus. You're talking about me like I'm not even here."

"Please don't compare me to my sister, Harry," Lily pleaded. "It's not making me feel any better."

"That's the point."

"Harry, can you please just tell me what happened?" Remus begged. "I won't hate you, I swear."

"I'm not telling anyone anything with that in the room," Harry said, jerking his head towards Lily, who whimpered.

"Lily, please?" Remus said. "I have to figure out what's going on here."

Lily nodded reluctantly and walked out of the room slowly, slamming the door behind her. Remus put a Silencing Charm on the room and locked the door. He helped Harry limp onto a chair that he had not ripped up and then sat in one himself.

"What in bloody hell did you try to do, Harry, kill yourself?"

Harry shook his head. "No. I wanted to, but Voldemort..." he trailed away.

"Oh. Well what's all this business about trying to kill Sirius then?"

Harry shook his head and started crying silently. "I tried to kill him."

"But why, Harry? Why?"

"I- I thought he killed my parents."

Remus went white. "You- you thought he killed Lily and James?"

Harry nodded, wiping his eyes. "How could I have been so naïve, Remus? The only way he could have escaped was if he were innocent, because that was the only way he wouldn't have gone mad. How could I have been so stupid, Remus?"

"Harry, you couldn't have known. No one knew. But what's all this 'I let him go' business?" Harry made a fist so tight his knuckles turned white.

"I let him go. I should have let you kill him. It's my fault Voldemort came back."

"What in bloody hell are you talking about, Harry? Who did you let go?"

"I let Wormtail go," Harry whispered harshly. "I let him go, I should have let you kill him... and with his help Voldemort came back! It's my fault, Moony!"

"You couldn't have known."

"Stop saying that! Trelawney told me!"

"Are you telling me you believed something Trelawney predicted? Are you mad?"

"No, she went into a trance, a real one... it was really weird... I thought she was talking about Sirius, but she was talking about Ratboy," Harry gritted his teeth.

"Harry, come on... Acromantula, remember?"

"It's accuna mattata," Harry said slowly. "And that's in a stupid Muggle movie. This is real."

"Harry, Sirius still doesn't hate you. I don't hate you. James doesn't hate you. Draco doesn't hate you. Lily loves you more than ever. What's so wrong here, Harry?"

Harry looked up. "Sirius- he isn't mad? Really?"

"No more mad than usual," Remus said. "A little heartbroken, but he doesn't want to believe it. I'm positive he'll understand."

"You- you really think so?"

"I know so."

"Thanks, Remus."

"I'm going to go see if Boa's okay," Remus said, getting up.

"What?" Harry said, his brow furrowed. "What happened?"

"You -er- triggered you and Draco's telepathic connection, according to Lily," Remus said. "He kind of- collapsed."

Harry went white. "Oh hell. Oh bloody hell."

"I'm sure he'll be fine."

"DAMN!" Harry yelled.

"Harry, he'll be fine!"

"Whatever." Harry took a deep breath. "Could you send Padfoot in here, please?"

Remus nodded. "No prob, Beaky." Remus walked out of the room. A minute later Sirius walked in, looking heartbroken. He sunk into the chair Remus had left.

Oh God, what have I done? Harry thought. "Sirius?"

Sirius looked up and into Harry's eye. "Do you- do you really hate me, Harry?" he croaked.

Harry's heart collapsed. "No."

"Then- then what was Lily talking about you?"

Harry started to cry. "I used to hate you, Sirius. I used to hate you from the bottom of my soul."

Harry knew he had said too much when Sirius put his face in his hands. Sirius let out a sob. So did Harry.

"But I don't anymore, Sirius! I love you, I really do!"

Sirius shook his head. "Why, Harry? Why?"

"I love you, Sirius! You're the next best thing if I can't have my parents back! And I tried to kill myself because you were upset! Please believe me, Padfoot!"

Sirius took his Clitoral Band out of his pocket and started fingering it. "Why, Harry? Why did you hate me?"

"I- I thought you killed my mum and dad," Harry choked. Sirius's head snapped up.

"You thought I killed Lily and James?" he said hoarsely. "How could you?"

"It was what everyone was saying, Padfoot! And I had no reason not to believe it! I didn't know, Sirius, the whole world thought you had killed Pettigrew! There were witnesses! And I didn't have the chance to explore for the truth, I couldn't even get away from the teachers long enough to practice Quidditch! And I'm sorry, Sirius, I'm so, so sorry! I deserve to die, and I know it!" Harry burst into tears.

Sirius stared at him. He got up and patted Harry on the back. "Don't cry, Harry. Please don't cry."

"Don't try to make me feel better, Sirius. Please. You don't understand."


Please don't turn your back I

Can't believe it's all

Just a talk to you

But you don't understand.

Simple Plan- Perfect


"I would if you'd just tell me."

"I tried to kill you, Sirius," Harry choked. "I was a dope, I was being stupid, and I was so naïve... please forgive me. I'll never forgive myself if you don't."

Sirius stared at Harry. What has this kid been through? "I- I don't know, Harry. I just don't know. Why- why would you do that?"

"I wanted to avenge my parents! I thought you killed them! I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry, Sirius..."

Sirius hugged Harry. "I would have done the same thing," Sirius whispered in Harry's ear.

Harry hugged Sirius back. "I'm going to free you, Sirius, if it's the last thing I do. I swear it."

"Harry, you don't have to-"

"I do. And I will. I swear it."

"I love you, Harry. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sirius. You can't even guess how much."


"Yea Padfoot?"

"Guess what."


"I'm bored."

"You and the rest of the world."


"Give me your prescription."

"It's in my pocket."

"Hehe. That only works once, my friend."


"Shut up, Padfoot."


"Will you two be quiet?" Lily yelled. "I'm trying to read here!"

"Sorry, we won't disturb the top-secret book you're reading," Draco said.


"I was being sarcastic."

"When are you not?"

"Shut up, Lily."

"Will you two be quiet, I'm trying to study!" Harry said.

"Oh, sorry, don't want to disturb your 'studying.'"


"I was being sarcastic."

"Since when are you not?"

"Since when do you study?"

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"That's what I wanted to hear."

"Could you guys be any more annoying?" James said, irked.

"Want to find out?" Sirius said childishly.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, September 14th, 1974, and they were all sure they were going to die of boredom before tomorrow.

"Gee, you'd think that one day after the most Dark wizard is a century is Banished from here there'd at least be something to do!" Remus cried.

"Tell me about it," Lily said, rolling her eyes and closing her book, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. "Even my favorite book in the world can't amuse me today."

"I wish Quidditch season had started," James muttered. "We could really get some moves down."

"What're you reading, Lily?" Sirius yawned. Lily gasped and checked his temperature.

"Oh gosh, it's worse than I thought. You actually care."

"Shut up and just tell me."

"The Lord of the Rings."

"The what?" Sirius said. Lily sighed.

"Honestly, don't you read?"

"Oh god, imagine you and Hermione together," Draco sighed.

Lily gave Draco a get-lost look. "It's a Muggle classic."

"Oh. I wouldn't know about it, then," Sirius yawned. "Enlighten me."

"Well, its about this guy, Frodo, he's a hobbit-"

"A what?" James said.

"They're hole-dwelling creatures with big, hairy feet and they're three feet tall," Harry yawned. "I read the book in Muggle school."

"Right. Anyway, he's got this magic ring, and-"

"Wait," Remus said. "I thought Muggles didn't know about magic."

"It's not a real story, Remus. Some old guy made it up," Harry said.

"So Frodo's got this magic ring, and when you put it on, it makes you invisible. But it's evil. Everything you do with it goes wrong."

"Always a glitch," Sirius sighed. "To think if we got our hands on a ring like that, Prongs."

"So anyway, this really evil old dude that made the ring is trying to find it," Harry said.

"Very descriptive words," Lily said. "And then the Nine Riders-"

"Who?" Draco asked.

"They're sort of like dementors, actually," Lily said as an afterthought. "They are these dead kings, neither living nor dead, and they are sent out by Sauron- that is, the really old evil guy, as Harry put it- to find the ring. So Frodo and his friends Merry and Pippin, along with Frodo's servant Sam, set out for Rivendell, which is a dwelling of the Elves-"

"Elves? You mean, like house-elves?" Draco asked. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Honestly, you're so naïve," Harry said. "They look like people, but they're immortal, and they have magical powers."

"Yea. On the way there they stop at a town called Bree. They meet a guy named Strider, whose real name is Aragorn. He's a friend of Gandalf-"

"Who's Gandlaf?" Sirius asked.

"Gandalf," Lily said slowly. "And he's a wizard, and the only one Frodo knows he can trust."

"Sounds like Dumbledore," James said.

"Kind of, yea. So anyway, they get attacked by the Nine Riders that night, but Aragorn helps them. And-"

"And I am even more bored than before," Sirius yawned.

"Wait, Harry, this sounds a lot like your life," Draco said, sounding amused. "See, there's Frodo, who's you, and Merry and Pippin -that is, Hermione and Weasley- and Sam, who's Longbottom. And you've got your fabulous Invisibility Cloak, which is the ring. Gandalf, in a word Dumbledore, is an old wizard who's really strong. Aragorn is Sirius, because he's the parental figure who came into your life mid-way. And me- hey Lily, got any hot blonde guys?"

Harry snorted. "Well, there's Legolas," Lily mused. "He's an elf..."

"Ooh, even better, I'm taller than Harry the midget."

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"That phrase- it has such a rhythm to it," Draco sighed.

"And you know what else?" Sirius said, sounding excited.

"What?" Remus said excitedly.

"I'm still bored."

"Oh shut up," Lily said.

"I'm hungry," Harry said suddenly. "Let's go to the kitchens."

"Puh-lease, Harry, you ate twelve sandwiches for lunch," Lily said.

"Puh-lease, Lily, I need food in my veins if I want my bones to get better!" Harry gestured at his feet, each one in a cast. Madame Pomfrey had put splints on his ribs.

"What about me, eh?" Draco said, gesturing to his arm, which was also in a cast.

"Yea, sure, whatever," James said. "I'm hungry too, let's go."

"Yea, I can get Jeffery to get me a whole turkey," Sirius said longingly.

"Honestly, do you ever think of anything but food?" Remus sighed.


"Thought so. I'm famished too, let's go."

"Don't leave me here!" Lily said, shoving her book in her bag. Harry picked up his crutches. Remus helped him to his feet.

"Thanks, Moony," Harry said.

"No prob, Beaky."

Lily pulled Draco up. They set off towards the fruit bowl portrait. Sirius tickled the pear lazily. It giggled and the portrait swung open.

"Oi! Jeffery!" Sirius called. A lanky (for a house-elf, that is) house-elf came up to them.

"Sir! We has finished your cake, sir!"

"SHH!" Sirius said, gesturing at the rest of them. "It's our secret, remember?"

Jeffery nodded. "Is you wanting anything, sirs and miss?" Jeffery asked them all.

"Jeffery, can you get us two ham pies?" Sirius asked.

Jeffery nodded. "Jeffery will be getting them right away, sir!"

"PSS! Who'd you get a cake for, Sir?" James hissed.

Sirius stared at Remus, who was sitting down on one of the chairs that had been put in the room for their sole purpose. James nodded.

"Why does Remus need a cake?" Harry whispered.

"It's his birthday Sunday," Sirius whispered.


Harry sat next to Remus, who was staring at the wall. "Are you that bored, Moony?" Harry said. "Because if you are, I'm sure Sirius could think of something to entertain you. Entertain you or kill you, that is."

"No, it's not that. I've been thinking about the ball on Saturday."

"What about it?"

"Who are you going to ask?"

Harry stared at him blankly. "No one," Harry said. "I can't dance."

"Everyone can dance."

"Everyone but me."

"Oh come on, Harry, there's nothing to it, really."

"This is coming from you. You haven't seem my dancing skills, or lack thereof. I stink."

"Aww, come on Harry. You at least have to ask somebody!"

"Erm- no, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Do it."


"Do it."




"Why not?"


"Tell me."

"Remus, which part of 'no' is so hard to understand?" Harry asked sourly.

"The n part."

"Shut up."

"Tell me."

Harry pretended not to hear him. "Hey, I'll bet Sirius isn't asking anyone to the ball either."

"Yea. I'm worried about him. Did I just say that? Oh god, that scares me."

"What if- what if I can't get Nar back, Moony? What if Sirius just stays miserable forever?"

"I thought you said you knew what was wrong."

"I do, but it takes strength of will to fight it."

"Trust me, Harry, if I know Narcissa, by the time you get back to your time, Narcissa will be falling apart inside. Trust me."

Harry nodded. "You're right, Remus. Thanks."

"No prob, Beaky. No prob."

"Hey guys, let's go!" James called. "I want to see if we can get the team together for some early Quidditch practice!" Harry reached for his crutches quickly.

"If I can't play, I'll watch," Harry said.

"Me too," said Draco. "It's been ages since I've been to a Quidditch match."

"Draco, you were in one two week ago," Harry said.

"Don't remind me," Draco snapped. "I've been trying to forget." Harry smiled.

"Oh, you mean you're trying to forget that I beat you again? How many times now, Draco? Three? Seems like so much more..."

"It's bad enough losing five hundred to ten," Draco snapped. "Your boasting isn't helping."

"It's not supposed to."

"Five hundred to ten?" Sirius said. "AWESOME!"

"Gryffindor won five hundred points?" James said. "All time!"

Harry smiled again. "Well, if Draco here hadn't been so clumsy Slytherin at least would have lost gracefully. Wait, I take that back, because 350 to 160 isn't graceful."

"Shut up, Beaky."

"You shut up, Boa."

"I love it when Slytherin loses," Sirius said wistfully. "It's so- righteous." Draco scowled at him.

"Well, Draco, it's not your fault all- er- most Slytherins are scum," Remus said as they walked up to Gryffindor Tower.

"Really, Rem, you're so sweet," Draco said bitterly. "Not all Slytherins are scum. Just the majority."

"Really?" Lily said. "Name one."


"Not you, you dufus, another one."

"Pansy Parkinson."

Harry winced at the name. "Aww, that's right you fancy her," he said sourly.

Draco went red. "Shut up, Potter."

"Eat slugs, Malfoy."

"Just shut up, the both of you," Remus yawned. "Scurvy cur."

The Fat Lady swung open. They walked in. James looked around. There were three girls talking around the fire and a whole crowd of boys playing Exploding Snap. James cleared his throat.

"QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!" James yelled. The three girls jumped. The boys cheered.

"Potter, it's only September!" said a black-haired girl furiously.

"All the more reason to start, Michaels," James said sourly. "Come on, guys, get your brooms ready!"

"Finally!" roared one of the boys. "A chance to try out my new Shooting Star! Newest broom on the market, you know." Harry chuckled. Imagine trying to ride a Shooting Star against a Firebolt.

"You've got a Shooting Star, Pat?" Sirius said. "Where'd you get that kind of money?" It was all Harry could do not to burst out laughing.

"Mum and Dad sent it to me," Pat said proudly. "Imagine how hard we'll hit those Bludgers, Sirius! With your Comet 260 and my Shooting Star, Slytherin will never know what hit 'em."

Draco snorted. Harry kicked him.

"Sirius, can you get my broom?" James asked. Sirius nodded.

"No prob Prongs."

"Come on guys, hustle, hustle!" James said. "Michaels! Susie! Laura! Hurry up, we haven't got all day! Pat, George, get your brooms. MOVE PEOPLE!"

"God, Potter, don't be so choosy," the girl James had called Michaels said.

"If I had been the least bit choosy, Michaels, you wouldn't even be on the team. I'm captain, Michaels, get used to it."

Michaels huffed and stormed up the stairs with Susie and Laura.

"Who's she?" Draco said.

"Gigi Michaels," James spat. "Idiot if there ever was one. Only person in the world I hate as much as Snape."

Harry grimaced. She had to be pretty bad for James to say that. "What position?"

"Chaser with Susie and Laura. Pat is Beater with Sir, and George is Keeper."

"Is she good?"

"Good? Heck, she's excellent. Some attitude, though. Would've been captain if I hadn't been."

"Boy, that'd be scary," Remus said. "Imagine her in charge of something."

"Tell me about it."

"I'm going to finish my book," Lily said. "See you later."

"Adios," James said. Everyone came up to James with their brooms. Sirius handed him his.

"Perfect. Let's go."

They walked to the field. James, Sirius, and Draco would stop and wait for Harry once in a while. Michaels laughed at this.

"And you're the one who said we didn't have all day," she said. "Who're the freakazoids, anyway?"

"What, you mean there's more of you?" Draco sneered.

"Harry and Draco are going to be sub-coaches until the end of October, Michaels," James said. "They're transfers. Get used to it."

"Nice attitude, Potter," Michaels said before walking away. Harry caught up with them.

"Freakazoids... like she should talk," Harry muttered.

"Man, she's annoying!" Sirius said.

"Like you should talk, Sirius," said a voice in front of them. They stared.

"Moony," James said, "have you stolen my cloak again?"

"'Course I have. I'm off to prank Snape. Later." There was a laugh and footsteps. James smiled.

"Padfoot, we have now successfully fixed his mind," James said. "He stole my cloak, and now is off to prank Snape."

Sirius smiled too. "Oh, to think once he was the one telling us not to break the rules."

They reached the Quidditch pitch at last. They went into the locker rooms.

"Team," James said, pacing in front of them, "I hope you've been practicing over the summer. It's been over a hundred years now since Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup. Let's end that now.

"Now, before we get on the field, we have two sub-coaches that will be staying with us for two months. They're transfers from Beauxbatons. Guys, meet Draco Malfoy and Harry Finnigan."

The team muttered hellos. James continued. "Although they can't fly with us -freak Seeker collision- they'll be observing our moves and helping us improve. Now that we've all been introduced, let's play! Draco, could you get the balls?" Draco nodded and went to find them.

Sirius helped Harry get up and onto the field. Once Harry was safely sitting in the stands, Sirius kicked off and into the air. Everyone else was already flying in circles above the field. Draco let the balls go and came to sit down next to Harry.

Harry watched James fly. "Whoa," he muttered under his breath.

James was flying at the speed of light towards the opposite end's goalposts. Harry squinted to see the Snitch, then there was a glint of gold in James's hand... he had gotten it already!

"Oh bloody hell!" Draco cried. "If he can go that fast on a Comet 260, I need to get one!"

Harry laughed. "Good one, James!" he yelled. James gave Harry a thumb up.

"Lucky catch, Potter!" yelled Michaels. James stuck his tongue out at her.

Practice continued. Laura got a goal past George. Then Susie got one. Michaels was about to when Sirius hit a Bludger toward her. She dropped the Quaffle in surprise. Susie caught it and made another goal. James and Sirius laughed.

"Watch where you fly, Michaels!" James cried. Michaels scowled at him.

"Shut up, Potter!"

"Nice one, Sir!" Draco yelled.

James grinned. Suddenly he rushed towards the ground. In a split second he had caught the Snitch again. Harry whooped.

"Amazing!" Draco yelled.

"Luck," Michaels growled.

"Whoa," Harry said.

"You're playing like a pro, Jamsie!" Sirius said. "Keep this up and Snape hasn't got a chance!"

"I know. Ain't it just the greatest?" James sighed.

The practice started up again. Michaels still hadn't scored one goal, since Sirius or Pat would always jet a Bludger at her every time she neared the goalposts.


It happened in a swirl of scarlet robes. James rushed at her. She tried to fly away. Sirius slowly drifted down to the ground. Draco ran up to him, with Harry right behind.

"Sirius..." Draco said.

"Come on, Padfoot, let's go inside..."

Sirius nodded, not trusting his voice.

There was a scream. James had picked up the bat Sirius had dropped and hit Michaels in the head with a Bludger. She fell unconscious. James sped over to them.

"Oh god, Sirius, I'm going to kill her," he said, flying right above their heads. He landed. "Are you okay?"

Sirius choked back a sob for an answer. They walked up to the castle in silence. Suddenly Remus appeared in front of them, grinning broadly.

"I am a genius," he said profoundly. "Snape has just spent the last ten minutes with a buffalo's head." His smile faded when he saw the look on Sirius's face. "Oh gosh, what did Michaels do this time?"

"Padfoot was just practicing," Harry said.

"And doing a very good job, I might add," James snarled.

"And then she just started screaming her head off about -you know- her," Draco ended.

"She is dead," Remus snarled. "I mean, look how many people she has hurt over the years! I mean, one, that's bad enough. Two, you're pushing it. Three, you're toeing the line. Four, you're halfway across. But five- she is DEAD!" Remus screamed.

"Who's dead? What's going on?" came a voice.

"Peter," Draco said sarcastically, "how nice of you to join us."

"Shut up, Draco."

"No, you shut up. Please."

Wormtail stuck his tongue out at Draco. Then he saw Sirius. "Oh gosh, Sir, what happened?"

"Michaels," Harry spat.

"What's she do this time?"

"Erm- she said something about- you know," Draco said lamely.

"Oh bloody hell, not Narcissa again!" Wormtail yelled. "Come on, Sirius, you've lost her! She's gone for good! Get over it! You've lost at least a hundred women before, why is this one any different?" Sirius choked and slid down the side of the wall. Harry wanted to scream.

This, Harry thought, is the final straw. I'm going to give that rat a piece of my mind, right here, right now.

"You," Harry spat, holding a trembling finger at Wormtail, "you are the most inconsiderate jerk I've ever had the displeasure to set eyes upon. You are horrible to the people you call your friends. It's disgusting. You bit of filth, you don't care about anyone! YOU'RE A FREAK! AN INCOSIDERATE JERK!" Harry screamed.

"SHUT UP, YOU F---ING SON OF A B----!" Wormtail screamed. "YOU COME MARCHING IN HERE LIKE YOU OWN THE WORLD! WHY DON'T YOU JUST CRAWL UNDER THE ROCK FROM WHICH YOU CAME? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU EVEN THINK YOURSELF WORTHY TO SET FOOT HERE!" He kicked Harry's leg hard. Harry screamed in pain and collapsed. Remus rushed to his side and James howled with rage.

"You, you, you..." James said harshly, pointing at Wormtail, "they haven't even come up with a word that describes how disgusting you are! Harry's my friend, and guess what? I LOVE HIM MORE NOW THAN I EVER LOVED YOU!"


Sirius jumped up. "You coward," he spat. "I have half a mind to kill you right now. If you ever insult Harry or James again, I'll rip your throat out."

"Ooh, I'm shaking, I'm shaking. You of all people should talk, Sirius. You're probably secretly in alliance with your Death Eater of a father. It's your fault Remus's parents died and you know it."

Sirius swore at him, but slowly slid back against the wall again. Draco, who had kept quiet all this time, stepped forward. He towered above Wormtail by at least a foot, but Wormtail showed no fear.

"If they could even think of a word that describes how terrible you are, it would be the most vulgar swear word in history," he said coolly.

"Ooh, well you try to think of one," Wormtail said sarcastically.

"All right. You're a filthy, stinking, stupid, idiotic, pathetic, ugly, weak, foolhardy, rotten, stupid, putrid, repulsive, hotheaded, hideous, and revolting... did I mention stupid? Oh yes, where was I? Right, revolting, disgusting, stupid, stupid, stupid f---ing son of a b---- that the world ever had the misfortune to have set on its face. If you were never born the world would be full of sunshine."

"Oh be quiet, you lycantort."

This simple sentence had more of an effect on Draco than Draco's whole speech had had on Wormtail. He started to twitch uneasily, finally collapsing and landing on his broken arm. He screamed.

Harry felt a rage go through him, as he had never felt before. Even when he had imagined Hermione and Ron together it hadn't been like this. He stood up, breathing hard. His leg hurt him, but he didn't care. He hardly even noticed the pain through his rage as he limped toward Wormtail.

"If I could only kill you right now, I would," he snarled.

"And why would you try to do a thing like that? I haven't said a word that isn't true."

"You liar," Harry hissed. "You're so naïve that you don't even notice we're not your friends."

"Harry's right," Remus said suddenly. "Back off, you wuss."

"Shut up."

"No, I won't. You're a filthy stinking liar, that's what you are."

"And you're a cold and wild werewolf, that's what you are."

Remus backed against the wall, sweating. James, Sirius, and Harry all held their wands up to Wormtail's throat.

"You can't get away," James breathed. "Now maybe you'll finally get what you deserve."

"Furunculous," Sirius whispered harshly. Wormtail squeaked- he was covered in boils. Sirius grinned grimly.

"If only I could do the Cruciatus Curse," he croaked. "Then you would get what you deserve."

"You can't. You wouldn't."

"I can and would," Harry said harshly, "but even then it would be unfair. Yes, unfair," he said, looking at all their faces. "I hate you from the bottom of my soul, Wormtail, but I, unlike you, believe in justice. The Cruciatus Curse is unjust. It gives the victim no chance. It is wholly evil."

Wormtail smirked. "You can't do it," he sneered. "You're not strong enough."

James slapped him hard. "You idiot!" Sirius cried. "Harry could beat you in a duel with his hands tied behind his back!"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Why not?" Harry said. "It'll be over in a heartbeat."

"You underestimate me."

"I overestimate you."

"We'll see. Meet me at the Whomping Willow at midnight. Then you'll see how wrong you are." Wormtail walked away silently. Sirius made a dash to go after him, but Harry held up his hand.

"Let him go, Padfoot. Let him go."

Sirius nodded and sank back down onto the wall again. "I just interfered," Harry said. "But you know what? I just don't care anymore."

Er- Harry? A little help here, please...


Lily! Oh damn... can you get to the Transfiguration corridor, like, now?


Just come and you'll see. Now Harry, a little help, please...

Suddenly Harry felt the pain in his leg strengthen about ten times. He collapsed next to Draco. Sirius and Remus looked up. There were tears in both of their eyes. They jumped up. So did James.

"Oh god, I totally forgot!" James said. "Come on, guys, hospital wing..."

Harry shook his head, biting his lip. "No, don't... I'm fine, really..."

"You're not fine, Beaky," Sirius said irritably. "And you are going to the hospital wing whether you like it or not."

"No, don't, please..." Harry trailed off. His eyes were watering with tears of pain. "Apalarcium Retracto Helotries," he whispered, pointing his hand at his ankles. The pain left immediately.

"I told you, Harry, Light magic can't reverse the Cruciatus Curse," Remus said. Harry shook his head and stood up.

"Well then, the Healing Charm isn't Light magic, because it's fixed," Harry said, walking around. He did the same to Draco's arm, and it was instantly healed.

"I don't get it," Remus mused. "It's impossible."

"Apparently not," Draco said, conjuring a knife and cutting his cast. He stretched out his arm. "Spiffing."

Harry took off his ankle casts. "Urgh... stiff," he said.


They turned around to see Lily rushing towards them. "You idiot, you're going to re-break your ankles!"

"They're healed, Lily," Harry said.

"That's impossible. Light magic can't reverse the Cruciatus Curse."

"And Snape is going to show up at breakfast tomorrow wearing Gryffindor colors," Harry said sourly.

"Yea, Lils, look," Draco said, flexing his arm. "Does this look broken to you?"

"Erm- no. What the hell happened here anyway?"

Harry briefly explained how Michaels was dead meat and the little episode they had had with Stupid Pants. Then he told her how he was going to meet Wormtail at the Whomping Willow that night. Lily shook her head.

"You've as good as won, Harry. Fish breathe better than Ratboy duels."

"I know. He challenged me. Did he hit his head or something?"

"Well, actually, his mother dropped him on his head when he was born," Remus said.

"Because she was so shocked when she saw how ugly he was," Sirius added.

"Still- if Peter has already gone to You-Know-Who, it could be a trap," Lily said. "Someone should go with you, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "No. I'll be fine."

"Harry, you don't know what could be waiting- it could be dangerous."

"Is that supposed to stop me?"



"Come on, Harry," Draco said, "if one of us just came with you, you'd be a million times safer-"

"I don't want Ratboy to think I'm chicken," Harry said.

"The Invisibility Cloak-" James started. Harry shook his head.

"Guys, I'll be fine. Don't worry about it, okay?"

They were silent for a while. Draco sighed. "Well, so much for being bored," he muttered.

Harry waited by the Whomping Willow impatiently. He had arrived early, but still, Wormtail should at least have the courtesy of promptness. When the clock struck midnight, Wormtail walked up to Harry from behind.

"So- you showed up."

Harry turned, but his face showed no surprise. "And you thought I would do otherwise?"

"No, not really. The others are fools, you know."

Harry clenched his fist but kept his cool. "They are as much fools as you are a duelist."

Wormtail laughed coldly. "The Dark Lord has many strengths."

"But you are not him."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Hmm, maybe the fact that you're Peter Pettigrew?"

"Oh, yea, right." Harry snorted.

"I am not afraid of Voldemort."

"You should be. He would so heartily love to kill you."

"I am not afraid of death."

Wormtail snickered. "Of course. You are truly a good person, Harry. It is too bad that you must be killed tonight."

"And who are you to do so?"

"My Master has been Banished, but I am still abroad."

"And what are you, to challenge me to a duel? Last time I checked, you stink."

"That was with my own flimsy wand. Now," he grinned widely, "now my Master has given me his wand."

Harry held back his surprise. Voldemort must be pretty desperate.

"So, Harry... are you ready to duel?"

"I thought you said you are to kill me."

"I too, believe in justice, Harry. You shall die fighting."

"You assume too much."

"You assume too little."

"Shall we begin?"

"Why not? Bow."

"I shall never bow to you. If it is my fate to die, I will, but proudly."

Wormtail glared at him. "Very well then. One, two, three- begin!"


"Avada Kedavra!"

The two spells met in mid-air. Not again, Harry thought. He has Voldemort's wand... damn...

But still, he isn't Voldemort, his conscience reminded him. If you have a fighting chance against Voldemort, you have a fighting chance against his wand too.

But instead of Priori Incantantem, the spells both disintegrated.

Harry smiled. "Obliviate!" he said, shouting the first spell that came into his head.

Wormtail dodged the curse. "Avada Kedavra!" he cried again. Harry ducked only just in time, feeling the heat riffle his hair.

"Is this the best you can do, Harry?" Wormtail asked, bemused. "Stupefy!"

Before Harry had time to duck, the spell hit him, and he fell to the ground.

When Harry came round again, he was bound and gagged in front of the Whomping Willow. Wormtail was standing in front of him.

"Any last words, Harry?" he said, removing the cloth from over his mouth.

Harry did some quick thinking. Now that he could speak, he could do a spell... but his hands were tied behind his back. Damn!

Suddenly something Lily had said came into his mind. Bades are wizards who don't have to use a wand or talisman to control and send magic. If they think about it, it happens.

Harry closed his eyes and concentrated hard on the Stunning Spell. He was an untrained Bade, so this did not come easy to him, but if he concentrated with al his will it might work... he pictured Wormtail lying sprawled on the ground in front of him...

"Stupefy," he whispered. Wormtail fell to the ground. Using the same magic, Harry unbound himself. He grabbed his wand and left Wormtail there, sprawled on the ground, and ran up to the castle.

"Wakey-upey, Harry."

"Go away, Sirius."

"Time for our daily tortures!"

"Oh, well when you put it that way..." Harry rolled over and faced the wall.

"Well, I'm sure Draco would be happy to-"

Harry sat up bolt right. "No, I have enough of a headache already, thanks."

"Harry, what happened last night?" Remus said. "Where's Ratboy?"

Harry scowled. "The idiot," he growled. He gave them a brief summary of what had happened last night. James blinked back tears.

"Harry," he said, taking his son by the hand, "Whatever happens, I will always love you. I will love you until the day I die. Don't forget that, Harry."

Harry nodded and hugged his father. Suddenly a call came from Lily down the steps. "Guys, what's taking you so long? Draco's gone already, he got tired of waiting!"

And so another day, filled with lessons and boredom galore, began.

A/N: Sad chapter, right? Sorry folks, but I had to add the Retanytullibibius Charm somewhere in the story... happy now, Liv? Thank you guys, for all the wonderful reviews... you like me, you really like me! And thanks to Isabelle, who nominated me for two Bloody Brilliant! Awards! ! The next chapter will probably be a lot shorter, I've decided to make it what's happening back at home... Harry's been gone for a week, and everyone thinks he's dead! Special appearances by Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Ron, and a glimpse at what's going on at Draco's home... review and I'll bless you!