James Potter Lily Evans
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/31/2002
Updated: 12/08/2002
Words: 125,714
Chapters: 8
Hits: 24,782

Harry Potter and the Time Potion

Lily Granger

Story Summary:
Harry and Malfoy go back in time to when Harry's parents were at Hogwarts! In the devastating search for a way to get back to their time, Harry finds some feelings he has for a certain girl... exciting!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Whne Harry and Draco get stuck in the past for two months, it looks like things can't get any worse. Then, Harry finds that his parents and their friends (a.k.a. Moony, Stupidhead, and Padfoot) are in the same time period! Narcissa Harlem-Malfoy makes a few not-so-nice appearances also, and many characters (or their parents) show hints of what is to come in the future.
Author's Note:
Hey ppl! Sorry this chapter took so long, but hey, Fictionalley's server was broken, and this is the longest one yet. Have mercy on the poor writer, who has enough to do without Mr. Woods giving her a project. Anywayz, this is my FAVE chapter! As some ppl may kno (::cough::Olivia::cough::) I like long stories, but thats not why its my fave (so far). Moony gets a girlfriend! There's a big surprise- no, nix that. There are a LOT of big surprises, a cliffhanger (don't ya just hate those?), and headaches galore! Sonya, look for Lily/mem thing in ch. 4... I COULDN'T GET TO SEE MY REVIEWS FOR LIKE 5 DAYS! I WAS GOING CRAZY! newyaz, hope u like the chapter, r/r and DON'T FLAME!!!

Chapter 3- Love Conquers All

When Lily and James walked back over to the Gryffindor table hand-in-hand, Remus and Sirius exchanged looks.

"So James," said Sirius, looking amused, "do explain to me how you go out with a girl who supposedly hates you, then come back in 15 minutes later, holding hands, you with a cut on your throat and she with a gash in her hand?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now," James said quietly.

"Well, it's good to have you back, Lils," said Remus. "Do you want me to fix you guys up?"

"What- er, yea, that would be nice," Lily said, for the first time noticing the slash in her palm.

"Yes, thanks Moony," said James. As Remus was healing them, Snape came over from the Slytherin table, looking ready to kill. Sirius ducked under the table so that they wouldn't see him laughing.

"WHAT do you think you're doing with my girlfriend, Potter?" said Snape, seeing red.

"She was never your girlfriend, Snape," James said through clenched teeth. "Oh, and before I forget..." he walked up to Snape and knocked him out cold.

Lily kissed James. "It hurt me so much to see you cry," she whispered in his ear.

"Not as much as it hurt me to see you with that twit."

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"Because I love you, and I thought you were happy with him. Mind you, I must have hit my head pretty hard..."

Lily giggled. At that moment, Harry and Malfoy burst in. Harry, for one, wasn't looking too happy, and Malfoy was staring daggers at James. They walked over to James silently.

"James Harold Potter," he said in harsh whisper, "do you have any idea how stupid you are? Do you know how worried I've been?" James looked guiltily at him.

"IMAGINE how I felt when Malfoy told me he saw you with a knife up to your throat! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A STUPID THING THAT WAS TO DO??? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!!!!" Harry screamed. Harry thought he sounded a lot like Mrs. Weasley.


"Harry- I'm sorry," said James. "You're right. I was stupid."

"Dammit you were stupid! You- you... they haven't even made any words that describe what you are!!!!!"

"How about a traitorous, almost-suicider, son of a (beep)?" Sirius suggested.

"PADFOOT!" yelled James and Lily at the same time.

"That pretty much sums it up," Harry said.

"James," said Sirius, "do explain to me why you were so stupid as to almost kill yourself?" he said in a way you would ask to pass the potatoes.

"We would have very much appreciated it," said Remus, "if you had told your two best friends you were about to kill yourself."

"It's all my fault," said Lily.

"Lily, don't..." said James.

"James, it's true! I couldn't resist it! I wasn't strong enough!" she said.

"By the way Lily," said Malfoy, "please do tell us what possessed you to dump James for Snape?"

"It was a love potion," James said.

"A WHAT???" Sirius said.

"L-o-v-e p-o-t-i-o-n," said Lily very slowly. "L-uv Po- shun."

"But- they're not allowed..." said Remus. Lily snorted.

"Is Snape supposed to care about that?"

"Thank goodness," Harry said. "I thought my mum had gone mad."

"Anyone who comes within 2 feet of Snape voluntarily is mad," Malfoy said.

"Anyone who kisses Snape is totally unhinged," Harry said. Lily looked at him. "Er- except you, Mum."

"Thank you, Harry," said Lily. "Now Peter on the other hand- where is Peter anyway?"

"Hospital wing," said Remus. "Fell out of bed or something... heard it's really bad." (A/N: I don't know what happened to him yet, but I sure hope it hurts...)

"Anyway, we've got to go to Dumbledore," said James. "ASAP."

As if he had read their minds, Dumbledore stood up to leave the Hall, as he had finished his breakfast. Lilt and James rushed over to him.

"Professor, Professor!" said James. "I-"

"Snape-" said Lily.

"There was a love potion and-"

"I didn't mean it Professor, honestly-"

"Whoa, whoa!" said Dumbledore. "What's going on here?"

"Snape and Lily-"

"He used a love potion, sir-"

"And they're not allowed-"

"Wait!" said Dumbledore. He looked amused. "The two of you shall accompany me to my office, and then you can rationally tell me what happened. Alright?"

"Alright," said James. Dumbledore beckoned them to follow him, and so they did.

Harry stared after the three of them as they headed out the door. "Well, he said, "they've come and gone already, and I still don't know what happened."

Lily and James walked after Dumbledore silently, thinking of all that had happened during the last week. "Chocolate Frog," Dumbledore said as they reached the stone gargoyle. It leaped aside. They followed Dumbledore down the familiar stone staircase. Oh, how familiar it was! James thought. All of the times he had come down here with Sirius for pranks gone wrong...

When they got to the bottom, Dumbledore opened the door to his office and they walked in. James sat down in his usual chair and Lily sat beside him in Sirius's, while Dumbledore sat down in his big puffy one.

"So Lily," Dumbledore said, "you said something about Mr. Snape using a love potion. Do elaborate."

So Lily launched into a full explanation of the last week. She left out the part about Harry and Snape at the lake, (Thank goodness, James thought. I don't want to have to explain that too,) but James listened carefully.

"And then last night..." she trailed off, looking meaningfully at Dumbledore. "He was controlling me, Professor. I couldn't help it."

"Lily!" gasped James. "You didn't-" Lily stared down at her knees.

"I'm so sorry, James," she whispered. "I tried not to-"

"I see," said Dumbledore. "James, would you care to explain how you got that nasty cut on your throat."

"Er-" said James. Remus had healed Lily's cut, but he hadn't finished with James's. There was a big scar on his throat.

Lily burst into tears. "Oh James, I can't believe you'd do such a thing!" she cried. "And if you ever try anything like that again I'll-"

"James, what did you do?" said Dumbledore.

"Oh Professor, he tried to kill himself!" Lily cried.

"WHAT???" Dumbledore said. Apparently this was not what he expected.

"He asked me to go outside with him and then we started walking around the lake- he told me he loved me and I didn't answer- then he pulled out a knife and- and-"

"I understand, Lily," Dumbledore said. "James Harold Potter, that was a very, very stupid thing to do!"

"So I've heard," muttered James.

"And do you realize what would have happened to Harry if you'd gone through with your plan?"

James opened his mouth. He hadn't thought about that. "I didn't think-"

"That," said Dumbledore plainly, "is obvious."

Lily buried her head in James's robes. James looked down at her through teary eyes. He couldn't believe all that had happened. And I swear, Servus Snape, you will pay, he vowed.

"What about Snape, Professor?" said James. "Love Potions aren't allowed- and that was a particularly strong one- usually love potions only don't make the victims hate everyone else-"

"I agree," said Dumbledore. "Where is Mr. Snape?"

"Er- he's in the Great Hall. I -uh- knocked him out," said James guiltily.

Dumbledore gave him a searching look. "Completely understandable. Miss Evans, would you please be so kind as to-"

"No," James said firmly. "I don't want her alone with him."

"Of course. James, if you would kindly bring Mr. Snape down. And don't do any- permanent damage."

James nodded and went out.

"So Lily," said Dumbledore, leaning back, "are you okay?"

"I can't believe he'd do a thing like that, Professor!" Lily sobbed. "What would make him do such a stupid, stupid thing?"

"Lily, I want you to think long and hard about my question before you answer me, okay?" Lily nodded. "What would you do in James's position? What would you do if he dumped you for your archrival and treated you like a piece of vermin?"

Lily was silent for a while. Dumbledore leaned close to her and looked into her eyes. "The same thing," she whispered eventually. "I would do anything for James."

"My point exactly," said Dumbledore, leaning back again. At that moment James burst in, dragging an unconscious Snape.

"Er- he wasn't too keen on coming," James said guiltily. He was holding ice up to one of his eyes. When he took it off, Lily gasped. It was swollen all around it. The eye itself was bloodshot.

"James, what happened?" she said, hugging him.

"Like I said, he wasn't exactly too happy he had gotten caught," James said. He was fighting a grin. "He's got a cut lip and a bloody nose."

Dumbledore shook his head. "I knew I shouldn't have sent you," the old man said. James couldn't help it. He grinned.

"Well, like you said, there's no permanent damage," he said, looking disappointed. "Remus just thought things were getting out of hand, so he stunned little Mr. Love Potion here. Shame, really. If I had hit that big nose of his harder, perhaps it would've gotten smaller."

Lily slapped him playfully. He smiled at her. "Very well then," Dumbledore said, grinning slightly, his blue eyes twinkling. "Ennervate."

Snape sat up and rubbed his head. "Where am I?" he said stupidly. Lily was disgusted.

"In Dumbledore's office, you prat," she snapped. "Not so happy-go-lucky now, are you, you hook-nosed creep?"

Snape stared at her. "Potter..." he growled.

"You're lucky Remus knocked you out before I could get a hold of your throat," James said angrily. "Otherwise you'd be dead."

"James!" said Dumbledore, piercing him with a harsh stare. James blushed.

"Sorry Professor," he mumbled. Dumbledore smiled.

"So Mr. Snape," said Dumbledore, taking a seat. "You used an illegal love potion on Lily-"

"It was illegal?" said James hopefully. Snape scowled at him.

"Yes, it was illegal, James," said Dumbledore, not taking his eyes off Snape. "You used a particularly strong, illegal love potion on Lily. Elaborate."

Snape looked down at his knees and muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" Dumbledore said.

"Potter and Black," he mumbled barely intelligently, "and Lupin. And their little escorts Finnigan and Malfoy. Stupid Gryffindor prats. Too smart for their own good."

"It was a harmless prank," Lily snarled. "And you deserved it..."

"You saw it, Professor Dumbledore!" Snape said. "It was a filthy, unnecessary, f---ing plot!"


"Servus," said Dumbledore calmingly, shooting daggers at James, "I believe that was James and his friends' lame attempt at humor."

"LAME?" shouted Snape. "It was humiliating! Potter and his goons are too smart for their own good! They should be expelled!"

"US? What about you, little Mr. Lily-won't-notice-me-so-I'll-make-her!" James shouted.

"You hook-nosed git!" Lily spat. "You don't even have enough brains to pass your best subject!"

"Lily! James!" Dumbledore snapped. "Servus's punishment is in my hands. Please continue, Servus."

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, sir," Snape said smugly. "Anyway, Potter, Black, Finnigan, Malfoy, and that sorry excuse for a werewolf..."

"SHUT UP!!!" James yelled.

Both Dumbledore and Snape looked harshly at James. Lily was cracking her knuckles. "Another word Snape..." she trailed off, punching the air with her fists.

Dumbledore gestured for the greasy-haired Slytherin git (A/N: Sorry, just had to put that there...) to continue. Snape nodded. "So Potter and his goons did that and then blackmailed me to stay in the seat! So I had to do it, Professor!"


"Lily, James, we are never going to get through this story without your cooperation," Dumbledore said. "Servus?"

"They blackmailed me with- er... well..."

"Aww, too ashamed of your actions, Snapie-poo?" James said with mock pity. "Not surprised... although Zabini is pretty hot..." Lily smacked his arm.

"SHUT UP POTTER!" said Snape. "So anyway, Professor, there were these- er, pictures that -uh- showed me doing something..." Lily sniggered.

"Go ahead, tell Professor Dumbledore, Snape," she sneered. "Tell him all about your fiasco with Pansy Zabini..."

"Will you shut up, you Mudblood?" Snape said coldly. James picked him up by his collar angrily.

"Give me one good reason," James said, jabbing his wand at Snape's throat, "give me one good reason, Snape, and I swear I will."

"James, NO!" said Dumbledore looking frantic. James slowly set Snape back down. Then he sat back down in his own seat, breathing hard.

"That's better," Dumbledore said. "Please continue, Servus."

"So anyway- with these pictures they blackmailed me into polishing their wands and brooms, and also made me cooperate with some of their devious schemes. Then that f---ing son of a b---- Finnigan made me help him and Potter with their report..."

James roared, stood up, and pointed his wand at Snape. "FURNUNCULOUS!" he shouted. Large, swelling boils appeared on Snape's already over-large nose.

"Argh! Professor!" Snape squealed.

"If you ever, ever," James said, smoke almost coming out of his ears, "say another word against Harry, Lily Remus, Sirius, ANY of them, I'll turn you into a dung beetle and squash you with the heel of my boot." Snape visibly moved his chair back.

"James!" said Dumbledore. "Finite Incantantem," he mumbled, wand at Snape. The boils retracted. Snape looked grateful. "We need to settle this now. Servus, you will help Harry and James with their report. You will serve detention with Hagrid for 3 months. And 50 points from Slytherin."

"FIFTY???" Snape screeched.

"Let's make that a hundred and fifty," Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "Now get out of my sight before it's 200 and the rest of the year in detention."

Snape scurried away. Dumbledore sighed. Lily and James both looked at him in the deepest admiration.

"Go on, go to Hogsmeade," Dumbledore said with a smile. "Tell your friends you're all on thin ice."

"For what?" James said. "What did we do?"

"Well, I don't think Mr. Snape liked your prank very much," Dumbledore said with a smile. "I myself thought it was amusing. And I don't know what those pictures were about, but-"

"Oh, that," James said with an evil grin. "Well, the guys and I just happened to run into Pansy Zabini and Snape somewhere while they were-"

Dumbledore held up his hand. "Never mind- I don't want to know," he said. "Go ahead, go find Harry- try to calm him down, Lily, he seems very upset."

Lily nodded and they left, hand-in-hand. Once he was sure they were gone, he cracked up, glad for the soundproof walls of his office.

Lily and James hurried to the Great Hall. Sirius, Moony, Harry, and Malfoy were waiting for them.

"James, you idiot-" began Harry.

"Save it, Harry," said James. "Lecture me later. Sirius, do you have those pictures with you?"

"No," said Sirius with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Then where are they?" said Lily.

"I gave them to Rita," he said with an evil grin.

"Go Sirius!" said Malfoy. "I can see the headlines now..."

"Ugly Slytherin Gits Gay? The Mystery Unfolds!" said Remus.

Harry smiled. "Just hope that Rita doesn't find out about Snape and Lily, or else it'll be all over the paper."

"I can't believe I kissed him!" Lily said. "YUCK!!! Excuse me, I need to go wash my mouth out with soap."

"Our deepest sympathies," said Remus. "You do that."

"Tootles," she said, giving James a light kiss on the lips as she scurried away. James spit it out.

"That was a contaminated kiss," he said. "The Snape stench hadn't worn off her."

"Poor Lily," said Sirius, shaking his head. "If Snape even tried to touch me I'd hex him."

"If Snape says another word against any of you guys," said James, "I'll..."

"Wait! Stop, rewind, and freeze!" said Remus. They all stared at him. "Muggles," he shrugged. "What exactly did he say?"

"He called Lily a Mudblood," James spat. Sirius growled.

"And he didn't have anything nice to say about you either Harry," he added.

"What'd he say?" said Harry eagerly.

"He called you a f---ing son of a b----," James said quietly. "Don't worry, I hexed him for you. Feel free to contribute, though."

Sirius looked ready to kill. "Why that (he said something unrepeatable)! When I get my hands on him I'll-"

"It's okay, Sirius," Harry laughed. "That's Snape's good side."

"That creep has no good side," said Malfoy.

"Boy, have you changed," Harry said. "You used to worship Snape!"

"That's a change for the better, actually," James said.

"Agreed," said a voice behind them. They whirled around to see Narcissa standing there sheepishly. Sirius looked away. Harry saw a single tear run down his cheek.

"Sirius?" she said softly. "Can I talk to you?"

Sirius pretended not to hear her. "Please?" she said. He looked straight at her, into her eyes.

"No," he said. "No, you f---ing b----. I never want to see your face again. I don't need someone who makes me and my friends feel like scum. I thought I loved you, but I was wrong. Get out of my face."

She stared back at him for a moment. She nodded two teardrops running down her cheeks. She walked away silently. Sirius looked at his feet. "I can't believe she did that," he said quietly. "She didn't trust me. After all I've done for her."

"I'm sorry, Sirius," said Remus, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. Sirius jerked up.

"No!" he said. "Don't be sorry! Don't let Nar do that to you!"

"Padfoot-" said Moony.

"Moony, no! I don't want you to be sorry for me! Don't apologize! If you apologize I'll hex you."

Remus laughed. "Whatever, Padfoot. Just keep that wand of yours away from me."

"Just try not to think about it Sir [pronounced seer]," said James. "I know how you feel. Just ignore it."

"But I can't ignore it, James!" Sirius said. "You of all people should know that!"

James nodded, looking at the wall with sudden interest. He was massaging his neck.

"Now that we're on the subject," Harry said stepping in between his father and the wall, "promise me you won't ever do anything like that ever again."

"I won't," said James, staring into his eyes. "For Lily, and for you."

"For me?" said Harry. "Why would you do it for me?"

"Oh my god," said Malfoy, looking at James. "You mean if you did it, Harry would-" James nodded, looking at his feet.

"I'm sorry, Harry," he said. "I was careless. I wasn't thinking."

"You do know what that would mean, right?" said Remus. "Without Harry, the future would be a miserable place. Voldemort-"

"Don't say his name!" Sirius hissed.

"Fear of a name only increases fear of a thing," Harry scolded.

"Sorry, Sir," said Remus. "Anyway, You-Know-Who would still be in power, the school would be closed..."

"WHAT???" said James.

"Oh, uh, that was in my second year," said Harry. "You don't want to know."

"Speaking of second year," said Malfoy, turning to Harry. "You tell Weasley-"

"Malfoy, I can't help what happened," Harry said. "We outsmarted you, sorry. As for your father-"

"I want you to tell him to tell his father to take me with him when they raid," Malfoy said with a smile. "You need Malfoy blood to get in."

Harry smiled at him, fingering something around his neck. "What's that, Harry?" said Sirius, seeing a glint of silver.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing," said Harry, pulling his robes over the Clitoral Band. "Just a chain."

"Oh," said James. "Well, let's go up to the common room, eh?"

"Wait," said Sirius, "GROUP HUG!!!"

With that Sirius pulled them into a bone-breaking hug. Harry was sandwiched between Remus and Malfoy. When Sirius was satisfied, they headed up to the common room.

Or they would have, if Remus hadn't screamed at the top of his lungs and fell to the floor twitching. Harry winced: it looked like the Cruciatius Curse had hit Moony.

"Moony! What's wrong?" said James, kneeling at his friend's side. "Did Padfoot break your neck?"

Suddenly Harry realized what had happened. "Oh god, my chain... it's silver," he said quietly.

"Oh god," said Sirius, going pale. "Moony, are you all right?"

"Of course he's not all right Padfoot, you twit," Malfoy said. Moony let out another howl. "I'm getting Madame Pomfrey," he said as he hurried up to the hospital wing.

"Moony, I'm so, so sorry," said Harry, wiping away his tears. "I should have taken it off. I'm so, so sorry."

"Harry..." moaned Moony. "No... don't..." he started, but then was cut off as he fainted.

"What's going on?" said a worried voice behind them. Lily was standing there. "What happened? It sounds like you're torturing someone..." Harry choked.

"It's my fault," Harry said, "It's all my fault. I had a silver chain... Moony..."

Lily went totally white. "Oh. My. God," she said. "We need to get Madame Pomfrey, he shouldn't be moved..."

At that moment, Malfoy and Madame Pomfrey burst in, both very pale. "Oh no," said Madame Pomfrey, hurrying over to Remus. "Finnigan, Potter, put up wards so we won't be disturbed, we shouldn't move him up to the hospital wing..." Harry and James nodded and drew their wands.

"Caldarium," whispered Harry. "Rendezvous, Plant redoes, Samarium, Verandas..." he said, putting up all the wards he could think of. He saw James doing so on the other side of the hall. Oh god, Moony, please be all right... Harry thought.

Chill out, Harry, said Malfoy's voice in his head.

CHILL OUT? Remus could be dying because of me and you tell me to CHILL OUT???

No need to yell, Harry...

Sorry, Draco.

Tell me, since when are we on first-name basis?

Since our friend is dying and I don't care anymore. Let them talk.

That's the spirit. Anyway, I'm sorry.

SORRY? Harry dropped his wand. What the hell for?

For giving you the band. I should have just...

Draco, it's not your fault...

Yes, it is!


Okay, I get it, no need to shout...

Draco, if you must blame yourself, do it in your head, and keep out of mine.

Since Malfoy didn't answer and he was done putting up words, Harry hurried over to Remus and Madame Pomfrey.

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked anxiously. "Oh god, it's all my fault, I should have taken my chain off..."

"He'll live," said Madame Pomfrey. "But he'll always have a scar there. He needs rest, a night in the hospital wing, some cooling potion, look at that blister! Anyway, a healing charm, some cooling potion, and a night in the hospital wing."

"I'll do the healing charm," said Harry, brandishing his wand. He gave Draco a questioning look.

Do you want to help me?

Draco nodded and pulled out his wand also. Sirius, James, and Lily stood close by, Lily crying into James's robes and Sirius with a look of guilt, suffering, and loss on his face.

"Apalarcium Retracto Helotries!" said Harry and Malfoy together, both of their wands pointed at Remus. His eyes blinked open and he sat up.

Harry sighed relief, Malfoy and Sirius grinned, and James patted Lily, who was still crying, on the back.

Remus moaned, clutching his breast. "What happened?" he groaned.

"Remus, it's all my fault," said Harry hurriedly, wiping away his tears. "My chain was silver- I shouldn't have had it on- oh Moony, I'm so, so sorry."

"No, Harry, no- don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault."

Harry sighed. "Why does everyone say that about everything? You know bloody well it was my fault, why can't you admit it?"

Malfoy sighed. "You are so modest, Harry," he said. "You always blame yourself for these things, and you haven't even noticed how many times you've saved everyone's butt."

"Name one time," said Harry, "name one time I was a hero."

"There was when you were one and you saved the whole world from Voldemort (flinch)," Malfoy said, counting on his fingers and watching Madame Pomfrey as she went up to the hospital wing to get a cooling potion.

"And killed my mum and dad and put Sirius in Azkaban in the process," Harry said. Sirius harrumphed.

"That was bloody well not your fault, Harry," Sirius said. "The blame can be placed on three people: You-Know-Who, Wormtail, and me. Don't blame yourself again."

"And then in first year you saved the Sorcerer's Stone from Voldemort," Malfoy said.

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!!!" Sirius roared.

"That wasn't anything special," Harry muttered. "Really, I didn't..."

"Oh stop being so modest, Harry," said Remus.

"In second year, you found the Chamber of Secrets, opened it, saved Weasley, killed a basilisk, destroyed the diary, and got rid of Lockhart," Malfoy continued, counting on his fingers. "You also managed to trick me with the Polyjuice Potion..."

"You made the Polyjuice Potion?" said Lily, wide-eyed. "That's supposed to be very advanced..."

"Hermione did it all, really," Harry said, blushing. "She just got stuck as a cat." Harry winced. Thinking of Hermione hurt. He missed her so much...

Malfoy fell over laughing. "Never mentioned that, Harry!" he said.

"Shut up, Draco."

"Aww, Harry's sticking up for his wittle girlfriend..."

"I SAID SHUT UP, DRACO!" said Harry, turning bright red.

"Ok, ok," said Malfoy, taking a deep breath and standing up. "Third year... where to start?"

"It wasn't much..."

"Shut up, Harry, I'm the one telling the story here. So you got half the wizards in the world to think you're crazy..."


"Okay, okay, keep your hair on, Beaky... you almost brought Wormtail to justice..."

"Don't talk about that," Harry said quietly. "I can't believe I let him go."

"This was not the point of the exercise!" said Draco, throwing up his hands. "You were supposed to see all the bloody things that make you a hero, dammit! Anyway, you saved Sirius and that damn hippogriff, you kicked my ass in Quidditch..."

"That was nothing," Harry said.

"But you did it on a Firebolt," Malfoy pointed out. "And you also managed to scare the hell out of me with that Patronus-"

"Patronus?" said Remus, frowning. "That's way above Owl's... some of the most experienced wizards in the world have trouble with it. How'd you manage that one?"

"Er..." Harry said.

Malfoy looked at him. "Then there was fourth year."

Harry fell silent. He was suddenly very interested in his shoes.

"You managed to get your name in the Goblet of Fire-"


"The Goblet of Fire?" said Lily, looking confused. "As in the Triwizard Tournament. " said Lily, looking confused. "As in the Triwizard Tournament? You were in the Triwizard Tournament? In your fourth year? And Dumbledore let you do it???"

"Binding magical contract," said Harry looking sullen, "and I did NOT put my name in, Draco!"

"Oh, that's right," Draco said. "It was Moody."

"Moody?" said James, snickering. "Mad-eye Moody?"

"Why would Moody do a thing like that?" said Moony, looking confused. "Isn't he an Auror?"

"It wasn't Moody, either, though," Harry said quietly as the scene replayed itself in his head.

"You just said it was Moody, you twit!" said Sirius, throwing up his hands. "Will you make up your mind?"

"Polyjuice Potion," said Malfoy gruffly.

They were silent for a minute. "Then- who was it?" said Remus.

"Crouch," said Harry dryly, "Barty Crouch."

"Junior," added Draco quickly, seeing the look on Sirius's face.

"Stupid, useless family," Sirius grumbled. Next time I see one of them..."

"Calm down, Padfoot!" said Harry. "They're both dead."

"Actually," said Malfoy, "Barty Jr. is alive."

James roared. "The least they could have done was murder the traitorous son of a @%$#@!" he yelled.

"DRACO!" Harry yelled. "Just get them all worked up, why don't you? He's dead."

"He's NOT DEAD!" Malfoy roared.



WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP???" Lily yelled. "Honestly, it's a good thing there's wards up."

"He's dead," said Harry. "End of story."

"He's not dead."

"As good as dead."

"Worse than dead."


"What in bloody hell are you two talking up?" James said.

"He's worse than dead," Draco said firmly. James let out a growl.


"How can he be worse than dead?" Sirius said eagerly. "Please tell me it really, really hurts."

"The Dementor's Kiss?" Lily questioned. Remus shivered.

"Yes," said Harry.

"ANYWAY," said Draco, "you faced a Hungarian Horntail and lived to tell the tale, you saved Weasley from the bottom of the lake, and you won the Triwizard Tournament."

"I didn't deserve it," Harry grumbled. "It was Cedric's."

"For the love of God, Harry, not that again!" Draco yelled. "Diggory was a fool, and that's what fools do. They die."

"Cedric wasn't a fool," Harry said angrily. "It was you that was wearing those 'Support Cedric Diggory' pins, not me. Besides, it was my fault."

"It would be nice," Sirius said, "if you would tell us what in bloody hell you're talking about."

"Then maybe we can settle it," Lily said.

"It's already settled," Harry grumbled. "Cedric died because of me. I'm a murderer."

"You are not a murderer, Harry!" Draco yelled.

"Yes I am!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs. "I told him to take the cup with me!"


"It doesn't matter," Harry whispered hoarsely, "Cedric died and Voldemort rose to power. And I didn't do anything about it."

"Don't say his name!" Sirius said, covering his ears.

There was no color left in James's face. "You-Know-Who rose again?" he croaked. "But I thought you killed him."

"Voldemort," Draco said as everyone flinched, "rose again, with help from Wormtail."

"Which is why it was my fault," Harry whispered harshly at Draco. "Because I let him go. I let him leave when he could have died right then and there! That's why Voldemort is back. Because I believed the liar! I let the murderer go!"

Malfoy sighed. "It's as much my fault as yours, Harry."

Harry raised an eyebrow over him. "What?"

"I knew it was happening. I could feel it."

"What in bloody hell are you talking about?" Harry said.

"I knew Voldemort was returning to power. Every time I thought about him, my blood turned white-hot. It was all I could do not to tell Father. I laid in my bedroom for hours, strapped to my bed, even then straining to stay put."

Harry was ultimately surprised. "What? How?"

"The Dark Lord and I," Draco said harshly, "are connected."

"WHAT???" Harry screamed. Lily, James, Sirius and Remus were watching them argue, amazed.

"I was cut by the Dark Lord when I was born," Draco said angrily, his cold gray eyes burning with hatred. "I was cut by his sword. A slit on my arm, no more. A potion is in my blood, a potion unknown to Light wizards. It is old Dark magic, very old. It is a variation of the Imperius Curse. It dedicates the victim to one person. Total devotion. There is a certain connection, sort of like your scar, Harry." He waited, but Harry did nothing but stare at him, so he continued.

"But when I turned 13, I started to fight it. I was almost myself. I went to Dumbledore a few weeks ago. Well, a few weeks ago from the day we got landed here. He drained me of the potion. So I'm free," he smiled. "That's when I came to the Light side. It's what I've wanted all along."

"So," Harry said, "That's why you gave me-" Draco nodded. Harry clutched the Clitoral Band. It was in his pocket: it was obvious that on a chain was too vulnerable. "What about your father? What does he think of all this?"

Draco's smile faded. "I..."

"You didn't tell him?" Harry said looking surprised.

"Of course he didn't tell him!" said Sirius, snapping out of his trance. "Lucius would have skinned him alive!"

"But that would mean that Dumbledore wants you to-" Harry said, finally understanding.

Draco nodded.

"To what?" said Remus. "To what?"

"Never mind," Draco muttered as Madame Pomfrey walked in. "Later."

(A/N: I was going to end the chapter here, but someone (hint, hint, Olivia) convinced me to keep going. So if you like, thank Padfoot.)

"Come on, dear, take this," Madame Pomfrey said, shoving an evil-smelling potion under Remus's nose. "You shouldn't have been yelling. Good Lord, this boy needs rest and relaxation. Come on, sonny, up to the hospital wing, go on!"

And thus a very reluctant Remus scurried up to the hospital wing, with Madame Pomfrey following him.

"Well? What are you talking about, Boa?" said Sirius.

"I don't know if I should..." Draco said nervously.

"Oh go ahead, Boa, they're going to be Memory-Charmed anyway," Harry said.

"OK," said Draco. "Dumbledore wants me to be a spy."

Lily was shocked. "That's awful!" she cried. "How could he want to make a mere child take part in a war?"

Harry cleared his throat. "Oh, right," Lily added. "Sorry, Harry."

"Draco and I can manage, can't we, Boa?" said Harry.

"Yep," said Draco. "There's no way they could treat me worse at home, anyway."

"Wanna bet?" mumbled Harry.


"The Dursleys," Harry spat. "In second year they locked me in my room with barely anything to eat for weeks."

Lily made a sour face and punched the air with her fists. "Wait until I get my hands on you, Petunia..."

"They are dead," said James. "Completely dead."

"And I thought Petunia couldn't get any worse!" Sirius roared. "When she wouldn't let me in the house to visit Lily I thought it was the worst, but..."

"It's okay," said Harry. "Really."

"Harry, the Dursleys have ruined you," James said. "They've made you think you don't deserve to be cared for."

"I don't," mumbled Harry, wiping away a single tear. "I killed you. I killed Cedric. I let him escape. I let him escape," he repeated, clenching his fists.

"Everyone needs someone to care for them, Harry," Draco said, patting Harry on the back. "I have my mum."

"I'd rather not talk about Nar right now," Sirius grumbled.

"Sorry, Sir," Draco said. "Anyway, I've got... her, Hermione's got her parents, and Weasley's got his parents..."

"He doesn't," Harry said. "He barely gets any of them, provided his brothers and Gin. I stole their hearts. I stole them from him," he said, crying silently.

"Harry, that isn't true. Weasley knows it, I know it, why don't you? Weasley cares about you, Harry, we all do," Draco said.

Harry only shook his head, wiping away his tears unsuccessfully. "I have Sirius, and I don't deserve him, either."

"Harry," said Sirius firmly. "You do deserve someone to care for you. Everyone does. And if that person can't be Lily or James," he wiped away a few tears, "then I'm glad it could be me."

Harry shook his head, still wiping away his own tears. "I'm a murderer. I as good as tortured you. I don't deserve anyone. I'm destined to be alone," he choked.

"Harry," Lily said softly, taking her son in her arms, "I love you. It's not your fault. I don't blame you. None of us do."

"I don't deserve it. I'm a failure. I failed you. I failed Dad. I failed Sirius. I failed Dumbledore. I failed everyone," Harry said silently.

"No, Harry, no," James said, taking his son's hand. "Don't blame yourself. Please. I won't be able to live with myself knowing you blame yourself. I can't take it. Please, Harry. Anything but that," he choked.

"I can't help it, Dad," Harry cried. "I can't deny that it's my fault. I can't deny the truth. I can't deny myself. I can't do it! Don't you understand? I'm just a kid! I can't take it!" he cried throwing up his hands. He stomped out of the room.

"No," James choked. "No!" He trudged out the other way.

Draco shook his head, wiping away a single tear. "The Dursleys have ruined him. He grew up unwanted, unneeded. Like a dog, just another mouth to feed. He's seen hell on earth, and when he gets away from it all, he comes back to a house that might as well be a torture chamber. He doesn't deserve that."

Sirius shook his head. "This is my fault."

"Not you too!" said Draco. "If I have to say 'It's not your fault' one more time I'm gonna scream!"

"Well then, scream your head off, see if I care," Sirius snapped. "It's my fault Harry feels like this. Everything can be traced back to me. I was stupid. Or I will be stupid," he added, as an afterthought. "If I had told anyone, at least Dumbledore, that Wormtail was the Secret-Keeper, Harry would have had parents, or at least a godfather. He would've stayed far away from those miserable excuses for Muggles," he spat. "Or maybe I just should have been the Secret-Keeper in the first place. I was a coward. I would have died before giving you and James away anyway, Lily. It would have made no difference, except the world would be rid of another idiot."

"Sirius..." said Lily.

"Lily! You know I'm right! You all know deep down, but you just feel sorry for me! Well, it would have been better if you had just screamed me hoarse! Now I know how Harry feels. It's all my fault!" Sirius screamed. He stomped outside fuming.

"This is all my fault," said Draco.

"Not you too!"

"I'm serious! I gave Harry the chain that landed Remus in the hospital wing, and as you could see my feeble attempts to cheer Harry up failed miserably. It's my fault!" he shouted, storming out of the room. Lily stared after him in blind fury.

"Oh. Bloody. HELL!" she screamed. "AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE IN THIS HALL?"

"It sure seems so, since apparently you're the only person in this hall."

Lily whirled around. She saw Narcissa, leaning on the doorpost. "Lily, what's going on? Why is Remus in the hospital wing? And why can't I get through the door?"

Lily just shook her head, massaging her forehead as she took down the wards to let Nar through. She put them back up quickly, not wanting to be disturbed.

"What are you doing here, Nar?" Lily said, conjuring a bottle of aspirin.

"Ever heard of a little invention they call lunch?" Nar said sarcastically.

"Lunch! It's only 10:30!"

"Couldn't eat. Didn't want to see him."

"Oh. Nar, I don't know what to do! All the guys think it's their fault for everything bad that ever happened! Harry thinks he's a murderer, James is going to try and kill himself again if Harry doesn't cheer up, Remus thinks James and I died because he's a werewolf, Draco thinks its his fault Remus is in the hospital wing and Sirius- well, I don't know what goes on in that mind of his, but he thinks he's guilty too! What should I do?" she said miserably, slumping against the wall.

Narcissa took a seat next to her. "Boys," she muttered. "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."

"I'll say. How are things with you and Sirius?"

"There is no me and Sirius. And I don't think there ever will be again," Nar said looking away quickly so that Lily wouldn't see her tears.

"Nar, he still loves you. I can tell. He loves you so much he doesn't want to give in to it. He's afraid, Nar. He built up his whole life, and he doesn't want to let it crumble for a girl."

Nar stared at her. "You ought to take a psychology class," she muttered. "I wish I could understand people like that."

Lily shrugged. "Natural observations. You have to watch your back when you hang around the guys too much. They can't resist an easy target."

"Lily?" said a voice. It was Sirius. "Can I talk to Nar a minute? Alone?" he said pointedly.

"Sure," said Lily. Nar shot her a glare, but Lily got up and left. She was hoping Nar and Sir would patch things up. Maybe at least one thing will go right today, she thought.

Lily waited outside the door of the Great Hall, waiting to either congratulate or console her friends. A minute had passed when Lily heard a door slam open. She tensed. A minute passed uneventfully. Then she heard a scream. A pitiful, sad scream.


Lily slammed the door open. Sirius was on the floor in a dead faint and Narcissa and Malfoy (A/N: From now on, Draco Malfoy will be referred to as Draco, to avoid confusion. So when you hear Malfoy, it means the ugly git Lucius, okay? Thanks...) were on their way out of the door, kissing. Lily shuddered. What does this remind me of? Lily thought.

Letting Nar and Malfoy go about their totally gross business, Lily scampered over to Sirius. "Ennervate," she mumbled. Sirius sat up, white as a sheet and lip trembling.

"She- she- she..." he trembled.

"Padfoot, what happened?" Lily urged.

"I- I tried to talk to her, but she ran- she tripped, Malfoy came in... fixed her up with his wand and then..." he said, gesturing at the door Nar and Malfoy had passed through. "I don't understand," he whispered.

"Neither do I," Lily muttered. "Neither do I."

"Remus," he muttered. "I need to see Remus."

Lily nodded. Nar and Remus had been close friends, and Sirius and Remus were as inseparable as Sirius and James. "Okay. But Madame Pomfrey might not let you in, you know."

"The hell with Madame Pomfrey!" Sirius said, throwing up his hands. "I need to see Remus."

Lily nodded. This was how Sirius usually reacted to these situations. "Okay. Go ahead."

Sirius left the room quickly, rubbing his eyes. Lily sighed. Today is cursed, she thought. It has to be.

"What should I do now?" Lily grumbled. She didn't want to follow Malfoy and Nar, since, knowing Nar, she'd probably snap her away. Plus, she wasn't too sure she wanted to see what she and Malfoy were doing.

She decided to go find someone. Anyone. She hurried off down the corridor Harry had left through. She slammed all the doors open, checking inside every room. After an hour of searching with no avail, Lily sighed and went up to the common room.

"Pickled pigs," she muttered as she neared the Fat Lady. She nodded and swung open. Lily collapsed onto a seemingly empty chair.

The trouble was, there was already someone sitting on it.

Lily screamed. She heard the apparently air beneath her do the same. Suddenly, Harry's head appeared out of nowhere.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Lily said as the rest of Harry's body appeared.

"Didn't want to talk to anyone," Harry grumbled. "Still don't, s'matter of fact," he said pointedly.

"Harry, it's Nar. I think she's gone mad."


"She ditched Sirius for Malfoy!"

"Hmm... now who does that remind me of?" Harry said mockingly.

"It wasn't a love potion, Harry. There wasn't enough time. All Malfoy did was help her up after she fell, and then..."

Harry held up his hand. "No visual necessary," he said.

"Right. Anyway, Sirius was trying to make up with her. He loves her like James loves me. And we all know what that can lead to."

Harry gritted his teeth. "Where is he? I want to talk to him."

"Hospital wing with Moony. Careful, though, he isn't too cheery."

"I don't care," Harry said. "I'm outta here. See ya." And he walked off through the portrait hole.

I seem to be getting a lot of that today, she thought gruffly. Now where are James and Draco?

As if answering her question, James walked down from the boys' dorm that moment, wiping his eyes. Seeing Lily, he turned to go back up the stairs again.

"James, wait!" Lily said. "I know you don't want to talk to anyone, but this is important!"

"Actually," said James, turning around and looking her in the eye, "I was looking for my Invisibility Cloak. Oh look, there it is. Guess I'll be going now."

"James, it's about Narcissa!" she called after him.

James turned again and looked at her sharply. "What about her?" he said.

"She's gone mad! She's making out with Malfoy!"

James dropped his Invisibility Cloak. "She- she what?" he said. "Oh god, this week is cursed."

"My thoughts exactly. Sirius was trying to make up with her, she ran and fell, then Malfoy came in and helped her up and- you know."

"Where's Padfoot?"

"Hospital wing with Moony. Harry just left."

"Let's go," he said, dragging her up to the boys' dorm.

"Alohomora!" he said, wand pointed at his bed knob. The Marauder's crest shined green, and a door appeared in the wall. James practically heaved Lily through it. He slammed the door after them.

"Hospital wing, hospital wing..." he muttered, looking at the door labels. When he found it, he opened the door and entered, Lily hurrying after him. Lily shut the door quietly and looked around. Fortunately, Madame Pomfrey was nowhere in sight. She saw curtains drawn around a bed way on the other side of the room: Peter. Lily shrugged and turned to see James, Harry, and Sirius standing around Remus's bed. She heard a door slam open, and saw Draco hurrying in.

"Oh- my- god," he panted. "I saw them- Nar and Dad, that is- they were... they were... you know."

Sirius put his face in his hands. Harry kicked Draco's shins. Draco rubbed them, glaring at Harry. James frowned at them, and they both turned to Sirius.

"Padfoot- she's just a girl," Harry assured him.

"She is not just a girl," Sirius snapped. "She's special. She's different. That's why Malfoy wants her."

Remus sighed. "Dei jabot," he muttered. "I seem to remember this exact scenario a week ago..."

"Please, Moony," James grimaced, "I don't want to talk about that."

Suddenly Sirius burst into tears.

"It was different with you two," he cried. "You had promising futures. I, on the other hand..."

"Promising futures?" Lily frowned. "We died, Sirius."

"You know what I mean," Sirius snapped. "With each other. I knew she was going to go off with Malfoy, and I thought I could change that. But I was wrong. I thought..." he trailed off.

"Sirius, nothing could have prevented this," Draco said. "I know my mum, and there was something about Father that made her go with him, willing or unwilling. It's not your fault."

"If I hear that sentence one more time," Lily said, "I'm going to scream."

"Today was not a good day," said Harry, massaging his forehead.

"No, really?" said Remus sarcastically.

"How'd you get in here?" came the shrill voice of Madame Pomfrey. "Out! Get out! This boy needs rest and relaxation! Now get out!"

"I am resting!" said Remus. "Look, I've got my head on a pillow and everything."

"Just get out!" yelled Madame Pomfrey, pointing at the door. Sirius squeezed Remus's hand in his own, then stood up and nodded to the others. They reluctantly left the wing.

Great," mumbled James. "Just gr- OUCH! Watch it!"

They were distractedly turning a corner when they bumped into someone. Two people, actually.

"Black," Narcissa growled. "Get out of my face."

Sirius stared into her eyes. "NOW!" Narcissa said, shoving him out of the way. He landed on his face on the floor. He didn't bother getting up.

Malfoy and Narcissa laughed. On her way around the corner, Narcissa kicked him with her sharp boot to the side of the corridor.

"He doesn't much add to the décor," she said to the rest of them, who were gaping at her. She laughed at them and rounded the corner. They heard a stifled sob from the floor.

"I don't believe it!" Sirius moaned. "She's- she's really gone. Her eyes- they were laughing at me. I-" he choked.

Lily was shocked. "Are- are you sure, Sirius?"

Sirius nodded glumly, rubbing his side where Nar had kicked him.

"Well that rules out the only lead we have," Lily mumbled.

"You mean we had a lead?" James said.

"It might have been the Imperius Curse, but even then the eyes are the weak point. They're struggling. But," she sighed, "That was our only lead."

Sirius let out a sob. He stood up soberly.

"I want to be alone for a little while," he said quietly. "I'll see you at dinner." And he headed off down a branching corridor. Draco sighed.

"I don't get it," he said out loud. He looked at Harry.

It doesn't make any sense.

Harry sighed inwardly. I know.

I'm torn between trying to help Sirius and keeping my life.

Harry stared at him wide-eyed. Because if Nar doesn't marry your dad... you won't exist.

I know. Bummer, huh?

There's that famous Malfoy sarcasm.

I'm known for keeping calm in these types of situations.

"You know, it's really rude to talk to each other like that while other people are watching," Lily said impatiently.

"What? Oh, sorry, Mum," Harry said.

"This is just not logical," James said. "Maybe Nar has turned."

"She hasn't," said Lily, shaking her head. "It takes more than a touch to make a Light witch Dark."

"We don't know for a fact Malfoy is Dark though," James said. "As much as we suspect it."

Harry doubled over laughing.

"You have doubts?" Harry laughed. "Lucius Malfoy is in You-Know-Who's inner circle! He's a top priority Death Eater. Since when is he Light?"

Draco grinned at Lily and James naughtily. "I thought you understood the concept," he said. "My father- evil. Me- good. Is it really that hard?"

Harry fell to the floor. Lily and James shook their heads. Draco looked at Harry, trying to make him stop laughing.

Have you figured out what's controlling Mum?

Harry sighed inwardly. Yes.

She got cut on her hand- he slipped the Imperius potion into her blood.

I know.

Don't tell them.

I know. They would go crazy.


They looked away from each other, so as not to rouse Lily. "Anyway," said James, "you guys don't have any ideas about Nar, do you?"

"No," said Draco quickly.

"Oh," he said, looking disappointed. "Well then, let's go to Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer, eh?"

"You guys go ahead," Harry said. "I just want some time to think about this. I'll see you guys at dinner, okay?"

"Okay..." said Lily, looking suspicious. "But when we get back, I want all of the teacher's offices to be untouched, understood?"

Harry smiled. "No problem, Mum," he said.

"Later, Harry," Draco winked.

"See ya, Beaky."

"I'll see you at dinner!" Harry called after them. He sighed. He pulled out his wand and tramped into the empty DADA classroom, which was the closest room.

"Alohomora," he muttered. Instantly the fireplace backed up. Harry scrambled through the door and closed it behind him. The lobby was empty, as he had hoped. He collapsed onto the couch and drew his wand. "Marauder Aspelk," he muttered, tapping the purple brick. The familiar smoky-green Marauders' crest appeared. "Padfoot," he whispered, tapping the dog. A ghostly figure of Sirius appeared.

"Oh hey James! Wait a minute- you're not James," ghost-Sirius frowned. "Wait- you're that kid Prongs was talking about... what's his name? Harvey?"

"Harry," Harry answered with a grin. "Anyway, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"Shoot," said ghost-Sirius, taking a seat on the couch.

"What would you do if one of your best friends got ditched by the one girl they ever really loved for their worst enemy? Hypothetically, of course."

"You know, Moony is better at this sort of thing."

"Just answer the question, Sirius," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm... first I'd tell him he was a jerk for actually falling for a girl..."

Harry burst out laughing. "No, that wouldn't work. My friend is actually very sensitive about these issues. I think he was actually in love."

Ghost-Sirius raised an eyebrow. "And this friend's name would be...?"

"Later. Anyway, what would you do?"

"Well, I'd tell him that no girl was worth all that much, and that he'll get over it soon enough."

Harry shook his head, smiling to himself. "But my friend is really in love. You know how James loves Lily? It's like that."

Ghost-Sirius raised his eyebrow again. "Okay, Harry, spill. Is it James or Moony?"

Harry shook his head. "Neither."

"It's Wormtail? I thought a girl wouldn't come near him with a ten-foot pole. Times change, I guess," he shrugged.

"It's not Rat boy either," Harry growled.

Ghost-Sirius fell silent. "It's not Snape, right?"




"Then it's me."


"Whoa," ghost-Sirius said, leaning back. "Have you told me to snap out of it?"

"Won't work."

"Who's the girl?"


"Narcissa?" ghost-Sirius said. "That skimpy little friend of Lily's? But- but-"

Harry grinned evilly. "You'll understand someday. Anyhow..."

"Harry?" said a voice behind him. It was Sirius.

"Oh, hey Sirius," Harry said.

"Yo dude," ghost-Sirius said.

"What are you doing here, Harry?" Sirius said, rounding on him.

"Talking to you?" Harry suggested.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Why are you here, Harry?"

"We're worried about you, Padfoot," Harry said. "We all are."

Sirius shook his head and sat down in the chair opposite Harry.

"Umm... Harry? If I could go now, please?" ghost-Sirius said.

"Mischief managed," Harry said. Ghost-Sirius disappeared.

"You shouldn't be worried about me," Sirius said. "I'm fine."

"Look at your self, Padfoot! You are most certainly not fine! You're just saying that! You don't eat, I hear you moaning in your sleep, and your skin is as white as a sheet!"

"I said I'm fine!" Sirius screamed.

"But you're not! We're not doing this because we want to watch over your life, Sirius. We don't. We're your friends, and we care about you. We can't help it. And it's not your fault. If it were, I wouldn't be here now."

"You would," Sirius said, looking away, "because you're too kind for your own good."

"Read my lips, Sir. It's. Not. Your. Fault. You and Nar were meant to be together, but you were pulled apart. Talk about Romeo and Juliet."

Sirius was silent, so Harry continued.

"It's not your fault. If it were your fault, I'd be down at Three Broomsticks with the others right now, thinking you deserved all this. But you don't. Because it's not your fault, Sirius."

"You do realize," Sirius said, smiling grimly, "is that this is what we were trying to tell you all morning."

"It's different with me," Harry mumbled.

"Come on, Harry, you know it isn't!"

"It is not, because this is about a girl, and me is about the death of three people!" Harry yelled.

Sirius shook his head. "Harry, you're not very good at convincing me that it's not my fault when you're blaming yourself."

Harry sighed. "Well- I guess from a very hypocritical point of view, it may not be my fault. But I'm no hypocrite."

"Neither am I, nor Lily, nor James, nor Remus. Like you said, we're friends, and we care about each other. Which is why I am suddenly feeling a sudden rush of understanding toward James," he added as an afterthought. "Friends don't want friends to take the blame."

"You're steering away from the subject."

"I know."

"Nar is going to turn back, Sirius. I feel it."

"I don't," he said, blinking back tears.

"Padfoot, I promise you, I will find out what happened to Narcissa. And I'll bring her back to the Light if it's the last thing I do. I swear."

Sirius smiled at him. "You don't have to do that for me."

"You do realize that's what Moony said when you became Animagi. Did that stop you?"


"My point exactly."

"Alright." He smiled. "Butterbeer?"

"You bet."

Sirius and Harry walked to Hogsmeade together. As they entered Three Broomsticks, they snuck up behind Draco, Lily, and James's table.

"Boo!" Sirius said. Lily jumped and looked at him.

"PADFOOT!" she screamed. "Don't do that!"

"So sorry, m'dear," Sirius said, taking a seat next to her. "Won't happen again."

"What's up?" Harry said, sitting next to James.

"Hmm... I thought that was obvious, Beaky," Draco said innocently. "The ceiling, the sky, the clouds..."

"Yea Boa!" said Sirius, giving Draco a high five. "I like this kid," he said.

"Oh no, not another one!" James groaned. "Nice going, Harry."

"We'll live," Harry said simply.

"Quidditch season's coming up," James said.

"Great," Harry said. "I want to see what kind of brooms you guys have."

"I'm sure they're nothing compared to your oh-so fabulous Firebolt," Draco teased.

"Draco, if you would shut up for just one moment, you'd realize who was behind you."

Draco, Lily, and Sirius turned around. Hagrid was walking over to them.

(A/N: OK, I admit it. I stink at accents. Hagrid's going to talk regular; you just use your imagination, k?)

"How're you doing, James?" Hagrid asked. "Staying out of trouble?"

"I thought you said he was new," Harry hissed in James's ear.

"I had a detention with him," James whispered back.

"Sirius! What's a matter broke up with the latest chick?" Hagrid said cheerfully.

Sirius went pale. "He doesn't want to talk about it," Lily hissed at him.

"Right. Who're you, anyway?"

"Hagrid, this is my girlfriend, Lily Evans," James said.

"Nice to meet you," Hagrid smiled. "And who are these two blokes?"

"Draco Malfoy and Harry P- Finnigan," Sirius corrected himself.

"Nice to meet you two, too. This Harry fellow looks just like you, James," Hagrid said.

"Imagine that," Sirius said. He winced as Lily kicked him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Baby Black," came a voice.

They saw Narcissa standing arm-in-arm with Malfoy. Sirius looked away quickly, wiping his eyes.

"Aww, scared to face your old girlfriend, Black?" Malfoy smiled. "Too bad it weren't this way with every girlfriend you ever had. You'd lock yourself up in your room and the world would be rid of another idiot."

Lily had to pull Draco back as he jumped up from his seat.

"I must say," Malfoy said, looking amused, "when I heard your surname was Malfoy I was flattered. To think a cousin of mine would become just another Gryffindor lion-head!"

Narcissa laughed along with Malfoy. Harry growled.

"Why don't you go crawl under a rock, Malfoy?" he hissed.

"Ooh, Finnigan's insulted me! I think I'm gonna cry."

"Aww, what's the matter Sirius?" Narcissa said in mock concern, taking his face and putting their noses half an inch apart. "Miss me?"

Sirius closed his eyes, shaking his head. Her hands felt cold, not like the smooth, soft ones he remembered. She's gone, he thought. Lost to the Dark side.

He blinked back tears. "If you don't want me, then you're not worth my time," he said, trying to convince himself it was true.

"Your loss," said James. "Speaking of loss, what happened to your pride? No matter who you're in- er- love with, you're still a Gryffindor. And Gryffindors know better than to mess around with the stupid Slytherins."

Draco glared at him, and James shot him an apologetic look. "And I thought Gryffindors knew when to keep their mouth shut," Narcissa said coolly.

"Let's go, darling. Don't want to have you exposed to this scum any more than necessary," Malfoy said. She nodded, but gave Sirius one last glare.

"Don't try anything funny, Black. I'm his now, not yours." She walked up to him and kicked his chair over. Sirius gave a yelp of pain- his arm was twisting like no arm should- it was broken.

"Oy you!" Hagrid said. He had been quiet all along, but now he shouted. "That'll be twenty-five points from Slytherin."

"Hagrid," Harry hissed, "she's a Gryffindor."


"You heard me!"

"Then twenty-five points from Gryffindor," Hagrid said. Narcissa scowled at him.

"We'll be back, you oaf!" she called over her shoulder.

"You didn't need to do that, Hagrid," Sirius said, sitting up with gritted teeth.

"You need to stand up to your enemies, Sirius!" Hagrid said. "I thought even you knew that."

"That was his ex-girlfriend," James whispered.

"You mean the most recent one? 'Cuz the whole school's his ex-girlfriend."

"Yes, his most recent one. And he really loved her."

Hagrid shook his head. "Sirius, you have bad taste," he said.

"Lily? Could you- uh..." Sirius said, gesturing to his arm and wincing in pain.

"Oh, right!" Lily said. She mumbled a few words and Sirius's arm mended.

"Thanks, Lils," Sirius said, flexing his arm.

"Sirius, what were you thinking, hanging around with a girl like her?" Hagrid said.

"She used to be nice," Lily said. "She was my best friend."

Hagrid shook his head. "You're all nuts. You lot take care. I'll be seeing you. And stay out of trouble!" he called over his shoulder.

"Oh god, Padfoot, are you all right?" Draco said.

"I'm fine," Sirius insisted.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

Harry gave him a Look. Sirius sighed. "OK, I'm not all right. I feel like someone snatched my heart of my chest. I just don't understand."

"None of us do, Sirius," said James. Draco and Harry looked at each other.

"I promised you, Sirius," Harry said, taking his godfather's hand. "I promised you I'd help her, and I don't break my promises."

Sirius nodded. "Well, let's get up to dinner, eh?"

They all agreed and headed up to the castle.

The rest of the weekend passed with nothing out of the usual happening. Every time Narcissa met Sirius she treated him like vermin, Sirius downright refused to defend himself, and the result was 2 broken legs, 3 broken arms, and 8 bloody noses by Monday morning.

Harry groaned as James tugged at him at 7:00 on Monday. "Ugh... just five more minutes..." he groaned.

"Lily's waiting for us. She's already down at breakfast. It's 7:00, Beaky, we've got classes. The professors won't like it if we're late."

"Whoop-dee-doo for the professors," Harry said, turning over.

"What's taking you so long, Prongs?" a voice came up the stairs.

"He won't get up, Boa," James yelled back.


Harry burst out of bed. "I'm up, I'm up!" he shouted. He fiddled around in his trunk for a bottle of aspirin.

"Oi," he said, rubbing his head. He pulled on his robes. "What have we got today?"

"You're asking me?" James said, sounding surprised. "Lils is the one who keeps track of all that junk."

"Of course. I should've known. She's the Hermione of the past," Harry said with a smile.

He suddenly had a horrible vision. There was a crowd of people, gathered around a central area... Hermione was there, she was weeping quietly, and Ron was white and shaking... Harry pushed his way towards the middle when he saw it. It was a tombstone, reading 'Harry Potter- The Boy Who Died.' He screamed- they thought he was dead- he had to get back...

"Harry? What's wrong?" said a frowning James.

"Oh- nothing," Harry said, rubbing his head. "Just homesick."

"Aww, how can you feel homesick at Hogwarts?" James said.

Harry smiled at him. "Race you to the common room?"

"You bet."

"So Lily," Harry yawned as he took a seat across from her, "what tortures do the teachers have planned for us today?"

"First there's Potions..."

Harry and James groaned in unison. Harry remembered too well Potions last week... it was nothing short of torture. Lily was still not speaking to James, and Professor Theorax was almost worst than Snape... almost. Still, losing 100 points from Gryffindor wasn't Harry's idea of a good lesson.

"Then there's Advanced DADA and lunch. Then Harry, James, Remus, and I have Divination, Sirius, Draco, and Peter have Muggle Studies, and then we all have Transfiguration."

"Hey all," said Peter, taking a seat. Harry sighed inwardly: Pettigrew was better. "Where's Moony?"

"You mean he's not with you?" said Draco, frowning.

"Hello? I was in the hospital wing, remember?" Peter said, waving his hand in front of Draco. "Why would he be with me?"

"I'll go get him," Harry said, standing up. "I'm not hungry. I'll see you guys in Potions, okay?"

"See you then," James said.

Harry glanced at Padfoot as he was leaving. He was pushing his food around his plate, not saying a word.

"Come on, Sir, eat something," Harry said.

"Not hungry," Sirius grumbled. Harry sighed and hurried up to the hospital wing.

"Do you still have Remus up here?" Harry tentatively asked Madame Pomfrey.

"What? I let him out an hour ago. Go away, I'm busy," she said, turning to a first-year who had leeks sprouting out of her ears.

Harry's brow furrowed. Where was Remus?

He walked out of the hospital wing confused. "Accio Marauders' Map," he muttered. The blank piece of parchment zoomed into his hand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Harry said, tapping the parchment with his wand.

Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, and Beaky

Are proud to present

The Marauders' Map.

(With help from Boa too.)

Harry smiled to himself. They had altered the map yesterday, and (in Harry's opinion) it looked much better. The map appeared. He scanned it, looking for the words Remus Lupin...

He found him in a minute. But there was someone with him in an old, unused classroom. Harry squinted to see the words, and then dropped the map when he saw what they read.

Remus was alone, in an unused classroom, with Patricia Patil, the prettiest girl in school.

"This is not good," Harry said aloud to himself as he hurried to the classroom. He hesitated as he reached for the doorknob. What if they were making out? He really didn't want to see that...

As if answering his question, the door opened. Patricia and Remus were on their way out, sharing a deep kiss. Harry couldn't help but snigger.

"Beaky!" said Remus, going red. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," Harry said, waving the map under Remus's nose. "We've got Potions in five minutes."

"Oh, right. I'll see you later then, Pat," Remus said, looking at Patricia.

"Later then, Remus," said a slightly red Patricia. She walked away.

As soon as she was out of hearing distance, Harry burst out laughing.

"Shut up, Harry," Remus snapped.

"You're lucky I found you before Padfoot did," Harry said. "He would never let you see the end of it."

Remus went slightly pale. "You're not going to tell them, are you?"

"Well..." said Harry, thinking it over.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will personally rip your tounge out."

"That will be unnecessary," Harry said with a grin. "I won't tell them."

"You'd better not, for your own sake," Remus said ominously.

"We're going to be late for Potions, and that is a recipe for disaster. You got your books?"

"Yea. You?"

"James has got mine. Let's go, hurry up!" Harry said as they hurried along the corridor.

They sat down next to Lily, James, Sirius, and Draco just as the bell rang. Professor Theorax walked in a minute later. A look of disappointment crossed her face when she saw James, Harry, and the others were all in their seats.

Professor Theorax was a tall, thin woman with gray hair. No one knew how old she was, but she was at least seventy. Her hair was always up in a bun, and she reminded Harry strongly of an older Professor McGonagall. The difference was that Professor McGonagall was strict but fair, and Professor Theorax was strict but unfair. She would take points from Gryffindor for stupid things, like forgetting a quill, and gave points to Slytherin for even stupider things, like thickening a potion. She was remarkably like Snape.

"Longbottom," she said sharply, "is that a phoenix feather quill there?"

"Yes, ma'am," Frank said proudly. Harry was marveled: phoenix feather quills are very rare, and very expensive.

"I specifically asked for eagle feather. Ten points from Gryffindor." Frank's face fell. He grumbled as he put an eagle feather quill on his table.

"Today we will be making Energy Elixirs," Professor Theorax said coolly. Draco and Harry looked at each other nervously.

Not again, Harry thought.

This is a nightmare.

I'm going to court.

At least we're not with Longbottom.

"Finnigan, you, Malfoy, and Longbottom will work together," Professor Theorax said. Harry's face fell.

You jinxed us, Draco.

Well so-rry.

Professor Theorax put the rest of the class into groups. "Now get to work!" she barked.

Frank Longbottom pulled up a chair next to Harry and Draco. "Have we met?" he asked suspiciously.

"Oh, we're transfers," Draco said. "I'm Draco Malfoy."

"Harry Finnigan," Harry said, holding out his hand.

"Frank Longbottom. Nice to meet you," he said, taking Harry's hand. "I just hate Potions, don't you?"



Harry glared at Draco. Smooth. Real smooth.

What? I like Potions!

Gryffindors hate Potions!

I'm not a Gryffindor!

Good point.

"You like Potions?" Frank asked, amazed. "When did you hit your head?"

"Anyway," Harry said quickly, "if we don't start this potion, Professor Theorax will have our heads."

"True enough," shrugged Frank. "Let's go to work."

They started working on the Elixir. When the time came to add wormwood, Frank reached for the 2-pound (some things never change, eh?) container.

"I'll do it, Frank," said Draco quickly. He took the tiniest pinch and dropped it in.

Think it'll explode, Boa?

Shut up, Beaky. I happen to know what I'm doing, unlike someone I could mention.

Harry stuck his tounge out at Draco. Draco gave him a win-some-lose-some look as the potion startled to sizzle softly.

Told you.

Shut up, Malfoy.

Ahh, some things never change, eh, Harry?

Guess not. You're still an obnoxious git.

I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

"Looks like it's done," Frank said happily. "Thank God, now I can get out of this dump."

Before Draco could reply, Harry kicked him. "Yea, thank God," Harry agreed.

Thank God we can get out of here before he gets suspicious, Draco!

What can I say, I'm a charmer.

Professor Theorax reluctantly let them go, but not before taking fifty points from Gryffindor for runny potions.

"That old b----!" Draco swore loudly as they came up out of the dungeons.

"Draco!" Lily said.

Draco gave her a sarcastic smile. Lily grunted.

"You sound like Sirius," she grumbled. "Pretty soon he'll have you in Padfoot's Training Camp."

"What?" Draco said.

"Sirius has been going on about how, before he quit Divination, he Saw himself 'training young mischief makers of his ways.' He's got his eye out for 'inspired individuals' to bring into training."

"How many has he got?"

"One. James," she said, gesturing to her boyfriend. He smiled.

"Moony and Wormtail wormed out of it, but somehow I got stuck with the bozo," James sighed. "I'll never forget my four weeks of 'initiation,'" He quoted.

They heard a grunt from behind them. They saw Sirius coming up the stairs with Moony and Wormtail.

"Aw, come on Padfoot, cheer up," James said.

Sirius shot him a stern look that shut him up damn quick. Draco, however, wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Sir, lighten up," he comforted. "You'll never get another girl like that."

"I know," Sirius snapped. "That's because I don't want another girl."

"Oh, look at the time," Remus said. "We've got to get to Advanced DADA. See ya, Pete."

"Later," Wormtail said as he headed to Ancient Runes.

"So, how much of that stupid report thingy have you got done?" Draco asked Remus as they hurried into Professor Fernier's classroom.

"Didn't even start," Remus grumbled. "Padfoot wasn't feeling up to it."

"He's not going to get better very fast, Remus. You're going to have to do it soon, whether he likes it or not."

"I know," Remus sighed. "But I just don't want to burst his bubble. It's already deflating."

"Talk about acronyms," Draco said shaking his head. "Lily and I have got the report part half done."


"Yea, well, you know Lily, the living encyclopedia," Draco sighed, sitting down. "Sounds like she swallowed her textbook. I hate those kinds of girls. Usually," he added quickly. "Lily's different, though. I know a girl who only thinks about homework and not breaking the rules. She's such a wuss! But then when she gets angry, she slaps me. How dumb is that?"

Harry cleared his throat. "If you're trying to aggravate me, Draco, it's working splendidly," he said in mock cheerfulness. "And I suggest you shut up before I break down and hex you."

"Point taken," Draco said, leaning back.

"And Hermione is not obsessed with rules. Ron and I broke her in," he said with a grin. "You don't know half the rules she's broken."

"Like what?"

"Remember in second year when Goyle's potion exploded?"

"How could I forget? I was swelling like a balloon."


"GRANGER did that?" Draco said. "I thought you did!"

"I did do it. It was a distraction. Hermione broke into Snape's office to get ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion."

"You're bold, Harry," Draco said, shaking his head. "Causing mayhem in Snape's class is about as safe as poking a sleeping dragon in the eye."

"Ron's exact words," Harry said.

"How far did you and James get, Harry?" Remus said changing the subject.

"Almost done."

"What?" Draco said. "We've only had a week to work on it! How'd you manage to do that, sleep, breathe, and eat?"

"Some people," Harry said, "do homework instead of playing Gobstones all night."

"I was too tired to concentrate!"

"And Gobstones is a non-concentration game?"


As if to save Draco from answering, Professor Fernier walked in. "Go on, get to work!" he grumbled.

"He's cheery today," Harry muttered as James sat down next to him.

"Spiffing," James added.

"Anyway, what have we got done?"

"Well all the presentations are set," James said, looking down at their work. "Except we need a boggart."

"I'll tag along when Sirius and Remus go boggart-hunting later," Harry yawned. "Shouldn't be too hard. Dungeon 11 is their haven."

"Tell me about it."

"So we finished at Hogwarts report last night," Harry said, pulling it out. "The dementors one we did last week..."

"And we only have to do the Cruciatus Curse for the Unforgivable Curses," James said, holding up a roll and a half of parchment. "Do you have the book?"

"Sure do," Harry said, holding up a large, musty book. Across the front in peeling gold letters it read The Inexcusable Three: Everything You Need to Know and Probably More About The Unforgivable Curses. They had been constantly relying on it. It was full of facts about the Unforgivable Curses.

(A/N: This part is going to be what they are writing. In case you have forgotten, this is James's writing style, and this is Harry's. In case it only shows up regular on schnoogle, Harry's will be italics and James's will be bold. Ok? Smooches! *~*::Lily Granger::*~*)

The Cruciatus Curse is a curse used to torture people. The victim feels like he or she is being cut in half.

Actually, it feels like thousands of white-hot knives stabbing into you.

And how would you know, Harry?

Well, actually, I believe I would know a lot better than you.

Harry, don't tell me that...

ANYWAY, it hurts. Happy now?


The first known use of the Cruciatus Curse was by the Dark wizard Grindewald in 1933. He used it on Gregory Gillywater, a Light wizard who stumbled into his hideout in Russia.

Gillywater declared that he had seen countless others die from the Cruciatus Curse, and that he, being so bold and all, was the only one who escaped alive. But since Gillywater was such a stuck-up twerp, nobody believed him.


Just thought I'd make it a little more interesting.

So Gillywater escaped alive and well to everyone's sorrow.

One more time, James...

Point taken. So anyway, Gillywater gave that testimony, but since no evidence was found toward this, no one believed the highly intelligent wizard. He spent the rest of his life in Mungo's, after permanently transfiguring someone's feet into top hats when they said he was an insufferable git. He died in 1956 of old age. His ghost is known to burst in on new Mungo patients, screaming, "I saw it! I saw it!"

After the defeat of Grindewald by Albus Dumbledore in 1947, the Cruciatus Curse went unused until the Dark times.

After He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power-

Oh for goodness sakes James, just write Voldemort.






(They stop writing for a few minutes. Then...)

So anyway, the Cruciatus Curse really hurts and is used by the Dark Lord and his followers.

And if I have to write one more word I'm going to scream. Later, folks.

"Done!" said Harry proudly.

"Oh, that's the best report I've ever written."

"I know."

"Professor Fernier is going to go mad when he sees this."


"Good point."

"Class is over!" Professor Fernier said. "Hurry up and leave!"

"How goes the report, Boa?" Harry said as they left the class.

"Stinking. Lily insisted on doing the pixies today. It was so dumb," he shook his head.

"Pixies are interesting creatures!" Lily said defiantly.

"Let's not get started on Lockhart again," Harry groaned.

"He was so thick he couldn't even write a decent book!" Draco said. "He steals all these people's lives, and then-"

"How'd you know?" Harry asked. Draco laughed.

"Nothing in Hogwarts gets past me, Harry. I am all-knowing."

Harry snorted. The thought of Draco being all-knowing was laughable.

"Shut up, Harry."

"Hey, where's Sirius?" Remus said suddenly.

"You mean he's not with you?" Harry said, surprised.

"Harry," Remus said very slowly, "I am here. Do you see Sirius?"

Harry rolled his eyes at him. "No," he said even slower, "I thought you were back there with him."

"I was back there, but I thought he was up here with you."

"Oh God, where is he?" Harry said anxiously. "I remember the last time we couldn't find someone..."

"Harry," Remus said through clenched teeth. "Remember what we talked about?"

"What- oh, right," Harry said. "Sorry Remmy."

"Don't call me that, Beaky."

"Right. So anyway... we don't know what he could be doing..."


"Okay, to put it in short words, we need to find Sirius," Harry said quickly.

"Wait a minute," Draco said. "What exactly was Remus...?"

"Er..." said Harry.

"Oh God," said James, shaking his head. "Who was it? Not a Slytherin?"

Remus groaned. Harry looked at them innocently.

"Whatever are you talking about?" he said harmlessly.

"That's not helping, Harry," Remus moaned.

"Aww come on, Harry," Lily said, sticking out her lower lip. "You know we never get to bust on Remus."

"That's because after the first time you busted me," Remus said, "I tried to make sure you never got the chance to bust me again."

"Aww, Michelle wasn't upset," said James.

"She broke up with me in front of everyone at breakfast."

"Oh yea..."

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP???" Harry screamed. "If Remus wants to tell you, that's his business. Our business is where is Sirius?"

As if in answer of his question, they heard someone shouting something, a large thud, and a moan. They all looked at each other tensely.

"Narcissa," they said as one, before dropping their things and hurrying down the corridor.

They ran down the corridor as fast as they could. They heard footsteps far ahead of them, but when they got to the supposed place of the accident, the corridor was empty except for an open door. Remus pushed it open.

On the floor they saw Sirius lying unconscious. He was pale, and now you could really notice how much weight he had lost in the past few days. He had barely eaten anything all weekend, and he hadn't been eating much for the week before that. His shirt was torn open and there was a gash in his chest. Blood was splattered all over the floor. His left arm was seriously broken- Harry could see the bone sticking through his skin. He shuddered at the sight of him.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," Lily muttered. "James, do something!"

"I don't have my wand, I dropped my bag!" James said.

"Neither do I," Remus said worriedly.

"Oh move over!" Draco said, pushing them aside. "Harry, help me."

"Ennervate," Harry said, pointing his finger at Sirius. His eyes didn't open, but a soft moan let them know he was awake.

"Ready?" Draco said, looking at Harry.

"Right. One, two, three..."

"Apalarcium Retracto Helotries!" Harry and Draco said together, pointing their hands at Sirius. He glowed blue for a minute. Suddenly he sat up swiftly. He groaned, and then slowly eased himself back down.

"Oh God Sirius, what happened?" James said, taking his friend's hand.

"Narcissa," Sirius croaked. Draco set to work healing his gashes.

"I think we've better get you to Madame Pomfrey for that," Draco said, gesturing to his arm. Sirius bit his lip and shook his head.

"No... I don't want her to get in trouble..."


I love the way you hate me,

The way you call me names.

And even if you mean it,

I love you just the same.

I love the way you hate me,

The way you call me a jerk.

And even though I'm sad outside,

Inside I've gone bezerk.

I love the way you hate me,

We'd make the perfect pair.

And when you try to hurt me,

You should know that I don't care,

Because nothing matters when you're not there.

I love the way you hate me,

It's strange, but yet it's true.

Because whenever you say you hate me,

I know that I could never hate you too.

I love the way you hate me,

It's stupid, yes, I know.

But it seems whenever I try,

I just can't let you go.

(A/N: This poem is mine!!! Please don't complain about my poetry skills, or lack thereof, because I've had enough of that from Padfoot and Prongs. ::glares:: It's the best I could do, even though that isn't very good. DON'T FLAME!)


"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SIRIUS!" Lily yelled. "I know you love her, but this- this is too much! She was the best friend I ever had, the only girl friend I ever had, and even I can see she's turned! Why can't you, Sirius? Why can't you?"

Sirius shook his head. "When she looks at me it feels- different. Too warm, too inviting- there's something wrong. Like something's forcing me to her."

"Lily, I think Sirius is having enough trouble right now without you talking about this," Harry said. "Come on, Draco, help me with his arm..."

"Apalarcium Retracto Bosnia Helotries!" Harry and Draco said together. Sirius bit his lip.

"Thanks," he croaked. "You didn't need to- I'm fine."

"FINE?" James cried. "Padfoot, look at yourself! You haven't eaten in a week! You're wasting away!"

"I just want to be alone," Sirius said.

"Padfoot, you need us now more than ever! I know you hate when people feel sorry for you, but we're your friends! We care about you; we can't help it! We don't pity you; we're trying to help you!"

"I don't need help," Sirius said louder. "I'm telling you, I'm fine!"

"Sirius, you're not fine, and you're never going to be fine until Narcissa comes back to you!" Remus burst out suddenly. "We all see it, can't you? And it looks like that's going to be a while! That's why you're going to have to learn to live with it!"

Sirius stared at him. "You're right," he said quietly. "You're right. I'm not okay. And I'm not going to be okay for a long time. You're right. I don't have to get over it, because that's impossible. I have to learn to live with it. Learn to live with it," he repeated.

"That's right," Draco said. "I know my mum, and something's up. She's acting- well, she's acting like she does at home. Before she was- different. Happier. More- robust. The Narcissa I remember from home was sulky, like there was only one thing she cares about in the world."

"And what's that?" Sirius mumbled, already knowing the answer wasn't what he hoped it would be.


"Then why is it that she's always got that nasty look on her face?" Harry teased. "Was I right, is it only when she's with you?"

"Hardy har har, Harry. But I seriously have no idea. Every time we're alone she seems- well, she seems like she's fifteen again. But every time we're in public with Father, she's always got that look."

"Every time she's with your dad," Harry said firmly. "That's got to be it. He's put her under some sort of an enchantment." He looked at Draco intently. "But in our time it's wearing off. Maybe she's fighting it."


I know. It's a gift.

And it would take her longer than me to fight it because I'm a Bade- I'm stronger... It all makes sense!

Really? I never would have guessed.

Shut up, Harry.

We still can't tell them.

Not yet anyway. As soon as we get back I'm taking Sirius to see Mum.

Good idea.

"You're a genius, Harry!" Lily cried.

"And coming from Lily, that means something," Remus said loudly. James scowled at him.

"You're so naïve, Remus," Lily said, rolling her eyes.


Lily sighed. Harry glanced at Sirius. He was deep in thought. Suddenly he looked up and into Harry's eyes.

"Do you have any ideas?" he said. "About- you know, what he did to her."

Harry was torn between telling him and saving Draco. He looked into Draco's eyes for guidance.

If we only tell Sirius, he can't do anything about it. He's going to be Memory Charmed anyway, you know.

No duh, Beaky. We could- but if he tried to make her fight, I might- you know- disappear.

He wouldn't. Sirius isn't like that. He's a curse to his enemies and a blessing to his friends. You're on his side; he'd die for you. You're not; it's the other way around.

And you'd consider me his friend? Remember, I was supposed to try and kill you.

He doesn't know that.

Good point.

It's up to you.


"Er- can Harry and I talk to Sirius alone for a minute?" Draco said out loud. Sirius shot him a questioning look; Harry grinned in relief.

"Yea, sure," James said. "Just uh- hurry down to lunch when you're done, okay?"

"Uh- this might take a while," Harry said.

"Right. So- Harry, meet us in Divination, and Sirius and Draco have Muggle Studies with Wormtail," Lily said.

"Yea, whatever," Sirius said.

"Later," Remus yawned. They walked out of the room.

"What do you want to tell me?" Sirius asked curiously.

"We know what's going on with Narcissa," Draco said breathlessly.

"You do?" shouted Sirius. "That's- that's great! You can fix it!"

"Actually- we can't," Harry said, glaring at Draco.

You shouldn't have gotten him so excited!

I tried not to!

Oh, nice job.

Sirius's face fell considerably. "Oh," he said sullenly. He sat back. "Why do these things always happen to me?"

"We can fix it," Draco added quickly. "Eventually."

"Eventually. Twenty years."

"Er- somewhere around there," Harry said.

"Great. Just great. Why can't you fix it now? And what is it?"

"Remember when I told you about the potion Voldemort- (flinch) gave me when I was born?" Draco asked. Sirius stared at him.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "It can't be true."

"Why can't it be true?" Draco said. Harry snorted.

"You sound just like Professor Lupin."

"Don't call him Professor Lupin!" Sirius said, covering his ears. "That just wasn't meant to happen! I'm still trying to work out how that's possible!"

"Right," Draco said, looking at them like they were crazy (which, in Sirius's case, they were).

"But- he only helped her up before she-"

"Exactly," Harry said. "When she'd fallen down, she had cut her hand. Malfoy came in, slipped the potion into her while helping her up, and- poof! You're miserable, he's got a girlfriend and- in his opinion, of course- all is right with the world," he finished in sarcasm.

"But- if Dumbledore fixed you, Draco, why can't he fix her?"

Draco bit his lip. "That's the problem," he said. "I really don't want you to be miserable, Padfoot, I really don't, but please, don't go to Dumbledore."

"But- but he can fix her!" Sirius said, jumping up. "He can fix her!"

"Sirius," said Harry sharply, "remember when James tried to kill himself?"

"I was trying to forget," Sirius mumbled. "But yes."

"What would have happened if he had succeeded?"

"He would be dead."

"And I?"

"Would be dead too."

"Exactly. You've already seen how drastically you can change the future. Now think. Narcissa is Draco's mother. Who is his father?"

"Malfoy," he spat.

"Right. So what would happen if you broke them up?"

Sirius's eyes opened wide. "Draco wouldn't exist," he mumbled, mostly to himself. "I'm sorry, Draco- I shouldn't even have suggested it- I wasn't thinking-"

"Neither was Longbottom, and that's how we got into this mess," Draco said. "Our world is so disoriented."

"Considering it was Neville, it could have been worse," Harry sighed. "He could have killed us."

"Knowing his, I guess we were lucky," Draco admitted.

"Right. Luck is on our side."

"I wouldn't go that far. We're still stuck twenty years in the past," Draco pointed out.

"Right. Anyway, the point of this conversation was to let you know that no matter how down you're feeling now, it won't last forever," Harry said comfortingly. "I promised you, Sir. I promised you I'd help her, and I don't break my promises."

"I know," Sirius said with a sigh. "I know."

"Whoa baby!" Draco said, looking at his watch. "We've got to go or we'll be late for Muggle Studies!"

Harry groaned. "I'll never make it up to the North Tower on time!"

"No sweat, just tell the fraud you were crystal gazing," Sirius yawned. "I dropped Divination in the middle of third year, and that worked for me."


"Yes, I know I am," Sirius grinned.

"Didn't Granger drop out of Divination too?" Draco questioned. Harry felt a pang in his stomach. The vision... it was coming back... they thought he was dead... he had to get back...

"Yea," Harry said, pushing the feeling away. "I'll see you in Transfiguration."

And so they left, each troubled with his thoughts.

Harry approached the North Tower sullenly. He was 10 minutes late... what would Professor Trelawney say? Or worse, what would Lily say?

But when he got to the trapdoor, the whole class was standing outside.

"What's going on?" Harry asked James. "What happened?"

"Trelawney didn't show up," James said shortly. "She's not up there: we checked. What took you so long? Lily's been frantic..."

"Sirius didn't take us too well," Harry said.

"Don't tell me you made him worse!" James groaned.

"No, he feels better. Much better," he added.

"HARRY!" came a voice. It was Lily, looking frantic.

"Where have you been?" she whispered harshly. "You're so inconsiderate! What did you say to Sirius?"

"We made him feel better!" Harry said.

"Then what took you so long?" she said.

"It just took him a while to understand us!" Harry said, throwing up his hands.

"Harry!" said Remus, elbowing his way to them. "How's Sirius?"

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HE'S FINE!" Harry screamed. "Lily, come on! So I was late for Divination! At least Sirius is better!"

"Okay, okay," Lily said, backing away. "I never thought someone could be so much like James..."

"No duh," James said under his breath, sounding proud. "He's my son."

"Shh," Lily shushed him. "James!"




"Will you shut the hell up?" Remus said. "No one heard: it's fine!"

"What's up with this?" said a voice behind them. Sirius and Draco walked up to them. "Professor Retina wasn't at class either! And when we went to the staff room to see what was up, it was empty!"

"Where's Wormtail?" Remus asked.

"Right- here," Peter said, running around the corner. "Why were you late anyway, guys?"

"Someone," James said, looking at Peter intently, "hurt Sirius."

"Not Narcissa again!" Peter groaned. "That old b----! She's such a cow!"

"Peter," Sirius said stiffly, "you see that tie you're wearing?"


"Well, if you want to have a place to wear it, I suggest you shut up."


"Anyway," Draco said, changing the subject, "what do you think is going on?"

As if answering his question, a large, loud, magical loudspeaker came on. "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!" came an ear-shattering voice. It was Mrs. (er- Professor) Weasley. "THERE HAS BEEN AN ASSAULT ON THE SCHOOL. PREFECTS, PLEASE ESCORT STUDENTS TO THEIR DORMITORIES UNTIL THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL. THANK YOU."

Lily went very, very white. "Remus," she said quickly, glancing at Remus, the only other prefect in their group (other than Harry, but that was twenty years in the future). "Go look for younger classes. I'll bring this lot back."

"Right," said Remus. He was paler than usual as he hurried away.

"I'm finding Dumbledore," Harry said firmly.

"No you're not Harry!" Lily said. "You're going back to Gryffindor Tower with everyone else."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Lily, if it's Death Eaters, and I don't know who else it could be, they're either after, me, you, James, Sirius, Draco, or Dumbledore," Harry said. "And if they are, we're not going to make it easy for them."

"Harry's right," Sirius said. "We should split up, with a partner. It isn't safe to be alone."

"I'll go with Sirius, and we'll look for Dumbledore," Harry said. "Then Lily, James, and Draco should go look for a teacher. We can help."

"No," Lily said. "I'll bring the rest of them back, then I'll go find Remus."

"Lily!" James moaned.




"Will you two shut up?" Sirius snapped. "This is serious."

"And where am I supposed to go?" Wormtail said, a tint of annoyingness in his voice.

"What? Oh, you go with Lily," Draco said. "It's dangerous."

"And what makes you better than I am at fighting danger?"

Harry tried not to laugh. "Wormtail, just go with Lily," he said. "She -er- needs your help."

"I do? Oh, right, I do," she said at furious looks from Harry and Draco. "Come on, Pete."

"HEY!" she shouted over all the noise that had started in the corridor. There was silence.

"Thank you! Peter and me are taking everyone back to Gryffindor Tower! Follow us!" Lily called, beckoning them. She and Peter herded them down the hall.

"Be careful!" James called after them. "It's dangerous!"

"Right," Draco said, "we've wasted too much time already. Oh, I have a bad feeling about this..."

"You're sounding like Hermione," Harry said.

"And I suppose you're happy about that, Harry?"

"Shut up, Draco. Like you said, we've wasted too much time already. Sirius and I will check Dumbledore's office-"

"Wait!" Sirius said. "I've got an idea! Accio Marauders' Map!"

The parchment came flying towards them. "BRILLIANT, SIRIUS!" Draco cried.

"The thing does come in handy," James marveled.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Harry said quickly, tapping the map. The familiar words appeared

Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, and Beaky

Are proud to present

The Marauders' Map.

(With help from Boa too.)

"Oh hurry up," Harry breathed as the map drew itself. When it was done, they scanned it quickly.

"Oh. My. Gosh," Harry said when he looked at it.

Dumbledore was walking blindly to the Great Hall, where You-Know-Who was waiting for him.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," Draco said, his voice strangely high-pitched. "Do you realize what happened, Harry?"

"Voldemort (no one even bothered to flinch) found out we were here," Harry said quickly. "He must have a Seer... we have to get to Dumbledore before he gets to the Great Hall!"

"No duh, Harry!" Sirius said. "But how?"

"Gaffinius Machos Linkonerim, Persotulia Turnumania..." Draco chanted, his eyes closed tight, his wand pointed at the wall, "...Armiculous Findus Dumbledore!" he finished loudly. A hole appeared in the wall, where they could see Dumbledore walking past briskly, his wand raised. Before they could ask Draco what he had done, he had scrambled through the hole, and they followed suit.

"PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE!" James shouted after Dumbledore. He turned, looking surprised.

"James! Sirius! Harry! Draco! You should be in your dormitories- it's dangerous!" he said.

"Yea, we know, that's why we're here," Sirius said.

"Dumbledore, this is bad," Harry said. "Voldemort is in there-"

"I know," Dumbledore said. The usual glitter in his eye was gone. The only time Harry had seen Dumbledore like this was after the third task, and he only too remembered what had happened then. "I don't know what made you think you could help me, but-"

"Whoa," Draco said. "Stop, rewind, and freeze. You want to know what makes Harry Potter want to fight Voldemort?"

"That would be nice," Dumbledore said, his voice thick with sarcasm. Harry marveled at him. He had always thought Dumbledore was above sarcasm.

"You do realize this is Harry Potter we're talking about?" Draco said suspiciously.

Draco, Harry thought furiously, shut up.

Make me.



"I guess we haven't told you his fascinating history?" Draco questioned.

"Shut up, Draco," Harry hissed.

"Fine," Draco sighed. "But don't question the authority of Harry Potter." Harry hit him.

"Draco, if you shut up now, I might let you live," he hissed.


"You can't help me," Dumbledore said. "It's dangerous."

"We know," Sirius said. "That's why we're here. We don't care."

"If we die, place all blame on us," James said. "Like Sirius said, we don't care."

"James is right," Draco said.

"Think of the consequences of the future," Dumbledore said. "Think."

James stood in thought for a moment. "OH GOD, I'M NOT GOING!" he cried suddenly.

"James, what is it?" Harry said. "What's wrong?"

"Harry, I'm going down. I'm going to die. I'm not taking you down with me. I'm not. Nobody's coming down with me. When I go, I'm going alone," James said solemnly.

"What- OH!" Harry said. "I shouldn't go either- if I die- Voldemort..." he trailed off. "But I'm waiting outside the Great Hall, if you need me."

"Dumbledore, no matter what you say, I'm going," Sirius said. "If I die, the future will be a happier place."

Harry groaned. "Not again, Sirius..."

"Not again yourself, Harry."

"I'm going too," Draco said. "I swore loyalty to the Light side."

Dumbledore sighed. "I should have known," he muttered. "Sirius, Draco, is there absolutely anything I can do to convince you to stay?"

"No," they said in unison.

"Right," Dumbledore sighed. "Let's go then..."

"Wait," Harry said. "Can it wait a few minutes?"

"I don't see why not," Dumbledore shrugged. "Voldemort is alone, if my calculations are correct. It will take at least an hour before any Death Eaters can get in with the defense around the school."

"Draco, come here for a minute," Harry said quickly. "We'll be right back..."

Draco shot him a questioning look as Harry dragged him out of the corridor into an empty room.

"What do you want, Harry?" Draco said. "If you're going to try and convince me not to go for some reason, it's not going to work."

Harry brandished his wand. "Right here. Right now."

Draco backed slowly against the wall. "Harry, you're scaring me. What do you want?"

Harry laughed coldly. "I'm not asking you to marry me, Draco."


"I want to have a Blood Oath with you."

"WHAT??? You can't- we're not related!" Draco cried.

"Are you related to Snape?"


"I knew it," Harry said. "My two worst enemies, secretly in alliance. He is your first cousin once removed, am I right?"

"Umm... yea, that would be it," Draco said.

"And your father never told you about your heritage?"

"My heritage? Well, I'm part German, part Swedish, part veela, and part hunk."

"The return of Malfoy sarcasm," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"That's me. Sarcastic until the end."

"Right. Anyway, Snape is the Heir of Slytherin."


"You seem to be saying that a lot today," Harry pondered aloud. "Yes, he is."

"But Voldemort..."

"...is not the direct heir," Harry finished. "And I am the Heir of Gryffindor."


Harry put his face in his hands. "That's what I said. Anyway, yes, I am. Get used to it."

"So, we were supposed to be rivals until the end?"

"Almost made it, didn't we?"

"Close enough. Anyway, that means that our families are ancient rivals. PLEASE explain to me how that means we're related."

"You mean you didn't know? Slytherin and Gryffindor were cousins. Yes, really. No need for another what," Harry grinned.

"Right," Draco said, shaking his head in disbelief. "So- you want a Blood Oath? With me? Of all the people, Harry- I was supposed to kill you, if you don't remember. And I still am, as a matter of fact," he added as an afterthought. "I mean, I am supposed to. I'm not going to."

"I should hope not," Harry said. "I want a Blood Oath with you, Draco."

"But they're supposed to be very difficult-"

"We can manage," Harry said. "You know we can."

Yes. I do know.

Then you don't want to. Why?

I do want to!

Well then, it would have helped if you had said yes.

"Well, some people like to think things through before they do them," Draco said aloud.

"I have thought it through. For weeks. So- you're sure you want to do this?"

"Of course."

"Well," Harry said as he thought, "you've already taken the potion..."

"I have?"

"You're a heavy sleeper. And a loud snorer I might add. So anyway, all there's left is the charm."

"Which is?"

"Salarmini Perpendicaliar Forensics Bloodius," Harry chanted. "I'll do it to you first... stand still."

Harry drew his wand and rested it on top of Draco's heart. "Salarmini Perpendicaliar Forensics Bloodius," he chanted softly.

"Nothing happened," Draco said.

"It's not supposed to until you do it," Harry said. "Go on."

Draco drew his wand and stared at it. Harry trusted him. He really trusted him. I can kill him right now, Draco thought. He put his life in my hands.

Draco suddenly smiled to himself. And I know I can trust him back. He could have killed me, too, but he didn't.

"Salarmini Perpendicaliar Forensics Bloodius," Draco said softly, his wand over Harry's heart. Harry's chest glowed yellow. Draco looked down and saw his had too. Suddenly sparks erupted from Harry and Draco's torsos, and they met in between them. As the sparks hit each other, they turned blue and shimmered over both of them. Harry smiled.

"It worked," he said. "It really worked."

At that moment Sirius burst in. "Death Eaters," he gasped, "in the school- we need you too Harry, and James... Remus and Lily are on their way... this is it."

Harry gave a short scream, then nodded and tucked his wand away. Draco followed suit. "Let's go," Harry said. They all ran out of the room.

"Harry! Draco!" Dumbledore barked. "Dementors... can you handle them?"

"I can," Harry said.

"I don't know how," Draco confessed.

"I'll do it," Remus gasped as he hurried to them with Lily.

"There are hundreds of them... be careful, be quick," Dumbledore said. "Draco, so you want to come with me?"

"Yes," Draco said. Harry looked at him.

Be careful.

You too.

I will.

So will I.

"James and I will go onto the grounds and wipe out the Death Eaters," Sirius said.

"PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE!" came two voices. Harry knew those voices...

Mrs. (ARGH!!! Professor!) Weasley and Professor Fernier were hurrying towards them. "Lily, you should be in Gryffindor Tower, you all should! Dumbledore, what madness is this? They're children!"

"We are not!" retaliated Sirius.

"They are children," Dumbledore said with a glare at Sirius, "who won't go away. Molly, take Lily and look for students wandering around. It's dangerous here now. Patrick, go with Sirius and James to dismantle the Death Eaters. Be careful, be quick. The future of Hogwarts is in our hands. Move!"

Mrs./Professor Weasley shooed Lily to go faster as they scurried down the hall. Draco and Dumbledore ran to the direction of the Great Hall. James, Sirius, and Professor Fernier hurried off to the grounds, with Harry and Remus behind them.

When they got outside, they split up. Professor Fernier, James and Sirius scurried off to the growing mob of Death Eaters marching towards the school, while Harry and Remus ran off to the gate, where dementors were just beginning to enter the grounds.

It was the worst thing Harry had ever felt in his life. All warmth left his body. His skin was frigid and cold. Suddenly, a familiar scream started in his head. He tried to fight it as he ran, but it only grew stronger...

Not Harry! Please, have mercy...

Stand aside, girl... stand aside!

No! Not Harry, please, anything but Harry...

By this time Harry and Remus were only thirty feet from the dementors, and Harry was on the verge of fainting. He struggled to find a happy memory... any happy memory... but drew a blank. Next to him he saw Remus's knees quiver.

There were more dementors than Harry had ever seen, at least five hundred. Harry still struggled to find a happy memory, but slowly the dementors drew closer... the screams in his head were making his head split... he had to get away!

The dementors were only ten feet from them now, slowly moving closer and closer. They were going to perform the Kiss... he and Remus were going to die... suddenly he felt Remus collapse next to him... it was up to him now...

Harry thought hard for a happy memory... any happy memory... he couldn't think of one... this was the end...

Suddenly it came to him. Duh, he thought. He was wondering how he could tell himself 'duh' at a time like this as he rolled up his sleeves and drew his wand. He concentrated hard on his memory... he had to do it, for Remus...

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs. He staggered back as a large, silvery stag erupted from his wand. It galloped at the dementors. The screams in Harry's head stopped, but new, much worse screams replaced them. It seemed that the dementors were screaming... Harry shivered and shut his eyes tight. It had to be the worst sound in the world. It sounded like a thousand trapped souls screaming for freedom... but just as suddenly as they had began, they stopped.

Harry opened his eyes. He marveled at what he saw. Where the dementors had been, there were ghosts... not ghosts, Harry realized, but souls. He had set the souls free.

There were thousands of them. There were men and women, kids and grown-ups, babies still wearing their diapers... Harry marveled at them.

"Remus," he whispered, kicking Remus softly. "Remus! Ennervate."

Remus groaned softly and sat up. "Harry- what happened?" he moaned. "Where are the dementors? And what- oh my god..."

Remus realized what he was seeing. He shook his head. "No... it can't be," he muttered, running his fingers through his hair.

"What are you talking about?" said a very confused Harry.

"The prophecy..." Remus said, looking into Harry's eyes. "It's true."

"What in bloody hell are you talking about, Remus?"

"Later, we should go help Sirius and James. They probably haven't had such an easy time."

"Right," Harry said, giving once last glance at the souls. They were all waving at him. He smiled. Suddenly, from the middle of the crowd, the Patronus erupted. The stag neighed. Harry smiled.

"Let's go," he said to Remus.

"Good-bye!" came cries from the souls. "Thank you!"

"Any time!" Harry called back. Remus shook his head again.

"Let's go," Remus said, turning away from the souls.

"We'd better hurry."

As they ran up the hill, Harry scanned his thoughts. Draco, he thought. DRACO!

I hear you, Harry, I hear you.

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

We're fine, the dementors are gone already. It's you I'm worried about.

I'm... okay.

You're lying.

I realized that.

Really, are you okay?

I guess you could say that. I'm not hurt or anything. Not yet anyway.

So then something happened. What was it?

It's kind of complicated. I don't really want to talk about it.

Are you okay for the moment?

I told you, I'm fine.

I have to go help Sirius and James. Be safe.

That's kind of hard to do, since Voldemort is in the room, but I'll try.

Don't do anything stupid.

Hey, it's me you're talking to. You don't do anything stupid.

Yea, whatever, Draco. I'm going now. Be safe.

You too.

At that moment Harry and Remus came up over the hill and could see what was happening. Harry dropped his wand.

Sirius and James were standing, looking at each other with looks of surprise. More than a hundred dead Death Eaters stood around their feet. Professor Fernier was nowhere in sight.


Sirius and James looked up. "Harry," Sirius sighed, "we didn't mean to... honest..."

"You didn't mean to?" Remus said. "Well, for not even trying, you killed a lot of these twerps."

"Their leader got away," Sirius said, "And... and..."

James shook his head, crying silently. He pointed down to the body closest to them silently. Dreading what they were going to see, Remus and Harry looked at it.

It was Professor Fernier. His skin was white and clammy. He was lying sprawled out on the ground, unmarked. He was dead.

Remus looked away quickly, tears in his eyes. Harry said silently, "What happened?"

"It was their leader," James said. "He was masked, the only one who got away... he- he..." he said, gesturing to the body.

Harry shook his head, eyes welling up. There's nothing more we can do here," he said. "We've better go."

Sirius nodded grimly. "Yea," he said, turning away gloomily. "There's nothing more to do here."

"Right," Harry said sadly.

Draco? Harry thought.


You okay?

Yea, why? Are you?

I am, but-

Not another 'but!'

Fernier's not.

Why? What's wrong with him? Does he need to see Madame Pomfrey?

No, he doesn't need to see Madame Pomfrey.

What's wrong with him then?

He's dead.


Thanks a lot, Draco. Now I need an aspirin.

He's- he's dead? How?

Well, let's see. We're all in mortal peril, we're still kids, and we're the target of the most evil wizard in the world. Odds are, one of us is going down.

You've been hanging around me too much.

It gets to you. How are you guys? Where's Voldemort?



That'll be two orders of aspirin today.

He's- he's gone? But how-

Amazing really, the power of Banishing Charms.

A simple, fourth year magic Banishing Charm got rid of the evilest person on the face of the earth?

That about sums it up.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Harry screamed out loud. Sirius, James, and Remus stared at him.

"Don't believe what?" James said curiously.

A faint yell came from the castle. "NEITHER DO I!"

"Today was a very strange day," Harry shook his head.

"You don't believe what?" Sirius pursued. "Where's Voldemort?"

"There has to be a mistake," Harry muttered. "They're not strong enough..."

"What's not strong enough?" Remus asked. "What happened?"

"If I told you, you'd never believe me."

"Try us," James said.

"You'd think I'm crazy."

"No we wouldn't."

"You do remember the last time we had this conversation, James?"

"Just say it, Harry," Remus said. "If it turns out you are crazy, Mungo's has plenty of empty space."

"Voldemort's gone. Not defeated, but gone."

"That's GREAT!" Sirius said. "Why does that make you crazy? What's the catch?"

"No catch."

"How'd they get him out?" Remus asked.

"That's the part you won't believe."

"Try us," said James.

"A Banishing Charm."

Silence. Then Sirius said, "Well, you're right about one thing."

"What's that?"

"You're crazy."

"Told you."

"I am sooooooooooooooooooooo having dei jabot," James said. "You do remember you said the exact same thing on the train..."

"This situation is more serious."

"Actually, Boa," Sirius said, grinning. "I believe am-"

"Don't say it," Harry said, massaging his forehead. "Moony, can you get me an aspirin please?"

"No problem, Harry," Remus said, conjuring an aspirin. Harry took it gratefully.

"Thanks, Rem," Harry said, swallowing the aspirin. "Let's go up to the castle and see how they're doing, eh?"

"Yea," James agreed. "Let's go."

"So anyway," said Sirius as they started to walk up to the castle, "what were you doing this morning, Moony?" Remus blushed. Harry clenched his teeth.

"That good, is it?" James said, grinning. "Come on, Harry. Spill."

"Harry..." Remus said, "if you tell them I will hex you."

"And if you don't tell me," Sirius said, "I'll hex you anyway. So spill."

"Remus..." Harry groaned. "Can't I just-"








"Why not?"

"I'll give you three guesses and the last two don't count."

"Tell me."

"The last time they found out about my girlfriend-"

"So it is a girl!" Sirius said triumphantly. "Who? Which one of my exes?"

"The last time they found out," Remus continued, ignoring him, "it ended in Michelle Atelier breaking up with me in front of the whole school."

"Wouldn't know how that feels," Harry said.

"You're telling me you have friends who actually don't bust you? When can I meet them?"

"Ahem," James said, sounding insulted. "I think we've been insulted, Padfoot."

"I think you're right, Prongs," Sirius said. "What are we going to do about it?" Remus groaned.

"Actually," Harry said, "Ron and I bust each other all the time."

"There's a good lad!" Sirius said. "But then how don't you know how Remmy feels? Please tell me I'll have someone to do my work for me..."

"I've never had a girlfriend," Harry said quietly. Sirius and James stopped dead.

"WHAT???" Sirius said. "You've never had a girlfriend? Are you sure you're James's son?"

"Shut up, Padfoot," Harry said.

"You're in fifth year?" James said. "And you've never had a girlfriend?"

"Well, the rest of the world thinks I'm taken," Harry said.

"Ooh, by who?" said Remus.

"The girl I love who doesn't love me back."

"Ooh, the tragedy," Sirius said. "The whole world thinks you're dating someone who doesn't love you, but you really love her."

"Don't rub it in."

"And this girl's name would be?" said Sirius, looking in his pockets for some parchment.

"I'd really be nuts to tell you."

"I think we've been insulted again, Prongs," Sirius said in mock horror.

"Right you are, Padfoot," James said. "Twice in the same day too! What are we going to do about it this time?"

"Hmm... Jill's Joke Powder?"

"Too old. Howler?"

"Hmm... I like..."

"Puh-lease," Remus said. "Don't listen to them, Harry. They're circus clowns in denial."

"Circus clowns?" James said. "That's a new one..."

Remus rolled his eyes. They started walking again.

"Remus, you still haven't told us who it is," James said after a while.

"Yea," Sirius said, "spill, Moony."

"Oh please Remus, just tell them about P-" Harry started.

"HARRY!" Remus screamed. "Don't say it, don't say it..."

"Ooh, it starts with a P!" Sirius said excitedly. "Pansy Zabini?"

"Heck no," James said. "What about... Petunia!"

"EWW!" said Remus. Harry made a face.

"Aunt Petunia would die before making out with a wizard," Harry said.

"Details, details..." James trailed off.

"You're so naïve," Sirius said. "Patty Fringlebubber?"

"Fringlebubber?" Harry laughed. "Fringlebubber?"

"Heck no," Remus said. "She's as ugly as a frog."

"I've got it!" James said. "Patricia Patil!"

Remus went deep red. Sirius gave James a high-five.

"YES!" they cried together.

"How'd you manage to get her, Moony?" Sirius said. "She's a hottie."

"Don't do anything," Remus said. "She's different."

"Different?" James said. "You said that about Michelle too, Moony."

"Really!" Remus said. "She understands things. She loves me."

"Are you sure about that?" Sirius said quietly. "I mean, some twerps might hold your curse against you..."

"She doesn't," Remus said quietly. "She knows."

Harry stopped dead. So did Sirius and James.

"No offense, Remus," James said, "but I have a hard time believing someone would want to make out with a werewolf."

"I told you, she doesn't care. She really loves me."

Harry looked into Remus's eyes. They were their regular pale blue, and Harry knew he wasn't lying.

"We won't do anything, Moony," Sirius said. "Not this time. James and I have already had love affairs this year." He glanced at the red area on James's throat. Dumbledore had said it would never go away. He gulped. "Not you too, Remus. Not you too."

Remus breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, guys," he said, giving them both a hug. Harry smiled to himself. He reminded himself to ask the future Remus what had happened to Patricia Patil.

They walked into the castle. Draco, Dumbledore, Lily, and Mrs. (A/N: I just can't take writing 'Professor Weasley' anymore, so get used to it, k? If you don't like it, tough) Weasley were waiting for them anxiously. Lily threw her arms around James.

"Are you okay, James?" she said. James shook his head.

"Lily, I can't breathe," James choked. Lily let go of him with a huff.

"You got me so worried, James Potter," Lily said, shaking her finger.

"You got me so worried, James Potter," Sirius mimicked.

While Lily and Sirius were arguing, Draco came over to Harry and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yea," Harry said. "A little chocolate maybe, but otherwise I'm fine. You?"

Draco shook his head. Harry got a little worried. If Draco admitted he wasn't fine, it was serious.

"Come on, I'll tell you," Draco said, pulling Harry away. Draco put a Silencing Charm on them, and they looked at each other for a minute.

"What's wrong?" Harry said.

"Everything," Draco said, sinking against the wall.

"What is it?"

"It's everything and everyone."

"Draco, what made you like this? What happened?"

"It's like this," said Draco. "When we got in the Great Hall, Voldemort was there..."

***Draco's Flashback***

Dumbledore and Draco ran into the Great Hall. What they saw was devilishly cruel. In the Headmaster's seat at the High Table was Voldemort, sitting with his dragon hide boots resting on the table.

Dumbledore's face was emotionless yet terrifying, Draco thought. He saw the Dark Lord coil back a bit, but then laugh himself forward again. He stood up.

"Albus," he said coolly. "I thought I'd be seeing you."

Dumbledore said nothing, but snarled. Voldemort continued.

"If the boys are sacrificed, Hogwarts will be spared," Voldemort said. You liar, Draco thought.

Dumbledore, too, wasn't fooled. He said, "It's been a long time since we met, Tom."

"Do not try to overrule me, Albus," Voldemort sneered. "It would be suicide. Give up the boys and live."

Dumbledore grimaced. "You know up the prophecy," he said. "You know he is a danger to you."

Draco looked at Dumbledore with a curious glance. Dumbledore gave no sign that he remembered Draco was in the room. Voldemort, however, did.

"Boy," he snapped. "What is your name?"

Draco felt a surge of hatred as he had never felt before. "What is it to you?" he growled. Voldemort laughed.

"No matter than, Draco. Yes, I do know your name," he added. "Seers are so helpful."

Draco grimaced. So Voldemort had a true Seer. How much did he know? Well, only one-way to find out...

"How much do you know?" he snarled. Dumbledore looked at him, surprised, while Voldemort laughed.

"Let's see, since you're going to die anyway... I know that you and the Harry Potter boy are the ones predicted by Iona the Seer a thousand years ago, that you are the son of one of my faithful Death Eaters, and... what else? Oh, you and every single one of your little friends is going to die today."

"Your self-confidence is your weakness."

"Your faith in your friends is yours."

(A/N: Sorry, just had to add that there, anyway that little quote is from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and is licensed to George Lucas, blah, blah, blah.)

"I guess you've seen Star Wars."

"I grew up in a Muggle orphanage. Star Wars was my life. Although Return of the Jedi was so disappointing."

Lily and I can add that into our report, Draco thought. "You are so full of yourself."

"As are you, if Malbeth is correct."


"My Seer. So devoted. The Imperius Potion does that to you.

Boy, do I know it. "You're disgusting. You can't even get people to follow you on their own free will."

"I can, but it's so much more fun this way."

"That is cruel."

"I know, isn't it wonderful?"

"Draco," Dumbledore said kindly, "don't forget who you're talking to..."

"Dumbledore, you're such a pest," Voldemort laughed. "Stupefy!"

Dumbledore fell to the ground. Suddenly the door burst open. Three cloaked figures rushed in. The smallest one withdrew its cloak. Malfoy's jaw dropped.

It was Narcissa.

"We came as soon as we heard, my Lord," she said. Voldemort laughed.

"You have done a good job on her, Lucius," said Voldemort bemusedly.

"Thank you, my Lord," said another figure, removing its hood and bowing. Sure enough, it was Draco's father.

"My Lord, the Potters and their friends have taken down the rest of the Death Eaters," said the last hooded figure. The voice was unfamiliar, Draco thought, but it sounded a lot like his own...

Voldemort frowned. "They must have had stronger help... but what?"

Draco smirked. He didn't know... he didn't know they were Bades... but then why did he want them?

"Why Draco," Voldemort said with a smile. "Where are my manners? Meet Hedrick Malfoy, your grandfather. Hedrick, this is your grandson, Draco Malfoy."

Hedrick (Grandpa?) removed his hood. He looked exactly like Lucius did twenty years later... accept the nose. It was long and thin... and Draco thought he hadn't washed his hair in ages. His immediate impression was a blonde Snape. Well, he was Snape's uncle anyway. So that's where Snape gets it from, Draco thought.

Hedrick nodded curtly at Draco, who scowled. "But how did they do that?" Voldemort pondered aloud. "And where is Servus?"

"He was unable to slip away," reported Lucius. "His role as a spy was at stake."

"I see," Voldemort said. "He will be rewarded most graciously... Hedrick, where are Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Macnair?"

"All killed sir," said Hedrick.

"Knocked out in the hospital wing," Lucius said. "Narcissa here was a little too anxious during Quidditch practice."

Narcissa scowled. No, mum, don't fight yet! Draco thought ferociously. Almost as if reading his mind, Narcissa stopped immediately.

"Draco," Voldemort said suddenly, "what do you know about the Potter boy?"

"I know that he is a loyal friend, that he is a danger to his enemies, and that you, undoubtedly, are one of his enemies. He is the only Light Parselmouth in history. He broke into the Chamber of Secrets when he was only 12, and threw off an Imperius Curse at 14. He's also the youngest Seeker in a century," Draco said solemnly.

"And I suppose you know he is a half-Bade, as you are?"

Draco smirked. "I do."

"And do you know of the prophecy of Iona?"

Draco shook his head. "No," he answered truthfully.

"I thought so," Voldemort said, sitting down again. "Did you know that Lily and James Potter are dead in your time?"

"Everyone knows that in our time."

"And you know that one of their closest friends betrayed them?"

"I do."

"And who was it?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

"Of course you know. And do you know that Sirius Black and James Potter are also half-Bades?"

"I do."

"And that Lily Evans is a mind-reader?"

Draco was shocked, but kept control of his appearance. "I do," he said truthfully. I mean, you did just tell me, so it's not a lie.

"And I suppose you also know that Remus Lupin is a werewolf?"

"I do. And I suppose you know that if you're trying to turn me away from my friends that it's a hopeless cause?"

"TMFS," Voldemort smirked. "The Malfoy Family Sarcasm. Passed down for generations, you know."

"I know it a lot better than you, since I have it."

Lucius growled at him. Hedrick scowled. Narcissa smirked. Voldemort smiled.

"You are one of a kind," Voldemort said. "One of a kind."

"So I've been told."

"So," Voldemort said, sitting back down, "tell me about yourself."

"It seems you already know most of me."

"Ah, but even Seers can only See so much."

"Then Seers that can only See so much aren't very good Seers, are they?"

"The future is always changing, as you should well know."

"My Lord," Hedrick said, "the dementors need someone to let them through the front door, they cannot break in alone."

"I believe I instructed you to do that task while we were planning this," Voldemort said. "Having second thoughts, Hedrick? Thinking you're above the plan?"

"No! My Lordship, have mercy..."

"Lord Voldemort does not know the meaning of mercy. There is only one place for followers like you. Avada Kedavra!"

Hedrick fell to the floor, dead.

What happened next surprised Draco enormously. All at the same time, Narcissa, Lucius, and Voldemort started to laugh. They laughed until they fell onto the floor. Draco covered his ears, trying to block out the sound, but it was too strong...

***End of Draco's Flashback***

"And they just kept laughing and laughing and laughing," Draco said. "Then I saw my chance, Banished Voldemort, Stunned Mum and Father, and woke up Dumbledore. Then you came into my thoughts and gave me the headache of the century."

Harry was silent. Draco watched him tensely. Did Harry believe him? How would he react?

A/N: I hate cliffhangers, but Padfoot told me to post tonight, so blame her. ::grins:: I really like this chapter, but if you haven't noticed, this story has no plot. It is made up of spur-of-the-moment ideas. I've already thought of an ending (and no, no sneak peeks for you again, Olivia), but the middle is on my good humor. Feel free to give me ideas. Enlighten me. But if I don't use your ideas or malformed them, don't feel offended. I was using someone's idea when Harry was late for Divination but Trelawney wasn't there, but look how that ended up! (Sorry, Nar ::winks::) Next chapter: How is Harry going to react? What the hell is all this prophecy talk about? And how is Snape going to get revenge on James and co.? Oh, and Bridget, if you haven't read this by next Friday, you shall suffer my wrath.

*~*::Lily Granger::*~*