Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor Parody
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 08/20/2002
Updated: 10/16/2002
Words: 3,454
Chapters: 5
Hits: 4,677

The Open Closet


Story Summary:
Ron has become VERY openly gay and is in love with Harry. Draco & Ginny are dating, Ron is completely flaming, and a surprise visit from Voldemort!!!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Ron is flaming, and that's all there is to this chapter. OH, and Harry has a surprise visitor! Find out who!
Author's Note:
Once again, we hope you enjoy this and that you are not offended. If you don't find this funny, just wait until chapter three when draco enters the picture. You'll laugh so hard you'll pee your pants!!! (literally!!!)

The Open Closet

Chapter 2: Dirty Misunderstandings

The nude pictures of Ron dropped to the floor. Please land face down, thought Harry with all of his might. Unfortunately, they did not. The other little Ron (Ron likes to call it little Harry) stared him in the face. Harry almost snickered. He saw that he exceeded Ron in more ways than his magical skill (if you know what I mean).

Harry groaned. He just realized that he would have to pick up the pictures. If Mr. Dursley ever found them, they would end up in his Playgirl collection. Mr. Dursley, who was also very gay, was ashamed of his homosexuality because it wasn't normal. That was why he married a mannish woman, so he could be gay in his mind, but look strait to the world. In fact, he was so ashamed of his gayness, that he ate his first male lover. Actually, it wasn't out of shame. He was just hungry. (Why do you think Justin Timberlake disappeared after his "relationship" with Britney?)

Harry could have smacked himself on the face. Of course! He was a wizard! He got out his wand and started a small bonfire under the pictures.

"It won't work," a voice, a familiar voice, said.

Harry reluctantly looked down. He suddenly remembered that wizard pictures move. Ron looked up at Harry from the picture, grinning.

"You like?" Ron asked hopefully.

"No!!!!" Harry screeched in an octave he hadn't hit since he was eleven. "I don't like! Put it away! You're disgusting!"

"Well, you can't burn me. I'm already on fire. I'm hot!!!" Ron said, grinning.

"Flaming is what you are." Harry, at that moment, remembered the paper shredder downstairs in Uncle Vernon's office. He picked up the letter, then grabbed the pictures with it.

"Are you taking me to the bathroom?" asked Ron excitedly.

"EWWWWW!!!!" Harry yelled and threw the pictures back on the floor. He took a moment to recuperate, and picked the pictures back up. "I'm getting rid of you." Harry stood for a moment. "How can you talk, anyway? I didn't think that pictures could."

"I enchanted them to," Ron said proudly through the letter. "Hey, guess where your finger is."

"EWWWW!!!" squealed Harry. He decided to forget the paper shredder and walked into the next door.

"Yay, a bathroom!" Ron exclaimed.

"Bye, you stupid disgusting git!" yelled Harry as he flushed the pictures down the loo.

He crossed his fingers that the toilet wouldn't clog. It didn't. He grimaced. He would never be able to use that toilet again.

Suddenly, he heard someone in the doorway. He turned and saw something, well, not too scary, considering he had faced Voldemort and had seen Ron naked, but shocking nonetheless.

"Oh my God," said Harry. "What are you doing here?"

Next Chapter: Who, in all of Harry's world, could be at the door? Someone we thought was missing? Also, we finally move on to different characters! Can't wait? Well, I guess you'll just have to! And Draco is there! Yaaaay! I'm excited now!