Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/16/2004
Updated: 11/15/2005
Words: 8,668
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,622

The Ole Switch-a-roo

Lady Phoneix

Story Summary:
Well, the Yule Ball\'s back again. What do you think will happen when a fight breaks out between Gryffindors about who has it easier around ball time? The boys? Or the girls?

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
The newly changed Gryffindors have to get ready to meet the school. What are the boys to wear? Includes feathers, hiding in bathrooms, and tribal drawings.
Author's Note:
Here is the next chapter! Sorry for the wait! This is by far my longest chapter so far. I was proud of myself. Once again snaps for my amazing BETA beth!

Chapter 5

Three hours later the Fabulous Four as the girls now called them selves were faced with a problem. How to get up their old dormitory steps? Boys weren't allowed to walk up the steps without falling to the fate of sliding down a stone shute.

"Anybody got any bright ideas?" Lavender said looking at the three newly showered 'men'. They had all decided no to do the 'girly man' thing and all wore plain simple Hogwarts robes. Well, except Parvati who had to spend forty-five minutes putting gel and other various hair care products in her curly locks.

"Maybe it will just let us up," Ginny said putting a tentative foot on the first step. When nothing happened she turned around and grinned. Then, cautiously, walked up five more steps and around the corner until the other three heard the resounding siren, which produced a crestfallen Ginny at their feet.

"Back to square one," Ginny said getting up and sighing.

"I'm such an idiot!" Hermione said smacking herself on the forehead, "I'll just levitate you three up then you can bring me up by another levitation charm!"

"If you really want to put your life in our hands," Parvati said skeptically.

Five minutes three of the Fabulous Four and one very bruised Hermione (Parvati's charm stopped working about five steps from the top of the staircase causing Hermione to fall back down until Ginny brought her up) were standing in front of their old dormitory.

"Well, here we go," Lavender said pushing open the door.

What they saw was not a pretty sight. Feathers were everywhere. They seemed to have originated from a ragged pile of cloth in the middle of the floor. Ron was tied to a chair with pantyhose, a pair of socks in his mouth. His face was decorated with tribal markings that seemed to be created using lip-liner. Harry was passed out, or so it seemed, on the floor, glasses askew with a red lipstick handprint on his face. Dean was nowhere to be seen, and Seamus (the only one who seemed to have full use of his limbs) was dancing around Ron wearing a sports bra and black gym shorts.

"What. The. Hell." Hermione said in short uneven breaths.

Seamus saw them and turned around grinning. His face seemed to be full of the same markings as Ron's but were done in eyeliner. In his hand was a long staff with what looked like a Barbie head on the end of it.

"I WON!" he yelled triumphantly, and proceeded to go into a victory dance.

The Fabulous Four stood there horrified until Ginny caught up on the hilarity of the situation and proceeded to laugh until she fell on the floor because she couldn't breathe. Once the laughing fit was over between the four of them they decided to find out what the hell happened.

"Seamus, now calmly tell me, in your own words what happened," Parvati said sitting down next to Seamus. When everyone stared at her like she had grown three heads she said. "What! In the summer I watch a lot of day time TV, so shoot me!"

Seamus began, "Well we were trying to figure out what all that endless amount of stuff in your makeup kits did and all of a sudden Dean threw a pillow at Harry. Well that led Harry to attack Dean. Dean missed Harry and hit Ron and then I got in it somehow. All of a sudden Harry broke out the black mushy pencil thing and started drawing on us so Dean covered his hands in lipstick and hit Harry really hard with a pillow then planted a huge handprint on his face. Harry hasn't moved since."

Seamus stopped to take a breath, "Well then Ron went after Dean with that puffy thing that has powder on it. Dean's locked himself in the bathroom. So then I threw my pillow at Ron and it kinda stunned him so I tied him to the chair with the stockings. Ever since I've been busy drawing on him with those things," he said finally pointing to a dead looking pile of lip-liners and eyeliners.

"Riiight," Lavender said looking around at the mess.

"Well, the feast starts in an hour so we have a lot of work to do girls so lets get cracking," Parvati said striding over to the bathroom door trying to lure her partner out of the confines of his tile sanctuary.

"Got it," Lavender quickly mumbled crawling over to Harry and trying to revive him.

"Come on Seamus, you have to get a shower before I can do anything," Ginny said handing Seamus a towel and pushing him towards the bathroom that Dean had just left.

Hermione walked over to Ron and quickly took the gag out of his mouth, and then preceded to try and figure out the series of complicated knots that Seamus had used to tie him up.

"How you guys find any excuse to kill each other is beyond me," Hermione said, giving up on the knots and cutting though the nylon with a pair of scissors.

Ron stood up and stretched his arms above his head then looked at Hermione expectantly, as if waiting for her to tell him something.

"Oh, right!" Hermione said snapping out of her trance. "Well you don't seen too dirty so if you just wash that stuff off your face I think that we can get started."

"Ok," Ron said walking toward to bathroom.

"Wait!" Hermione called to his retreating back, "Use this." She said grabbing a face wash off her old dresser.

"Ok, I'll be out in about 5 minutes I guess," Ron said once again heading for the bathroom.

After Harry had woken up, Dean had washed the powdery film off his face, Seamus had taken a shower, and Ron had washed all traces of an African tribe off his face the girls got down to business.

"No, that skirts to long for Ron he's too short! It'd be perfect for Dean though, his legs are really long."

"That blouse is almost see though! Ew, disgusting! Here's a better one."

"Those robes are five inches above Harry's ankles! Give them to Seamus, they'd be perfect for him!"

Once all four boys were dressed in above the knee Hogwarts regulation wool skirts, white blouses, Hogwarts ties, and robes, the fun part began: hair and makeup.

"Ooh leave Ron's hair down. Wait part it to the side! Yeah like that!"

"Peach is defiantly your lipstick color Dean."

"Don't put green eyeliner on Harry! That's too much green on his eyes! Here do Smoky."

"What do you guys think of a braid for Seamus's hair?"

"OH! Light purple eye shadow looks amazing on Ron!"

"How about pigtails in Harry's hair?"

After all four boys were primed and polished the girls were proud of their work.

Harry had low pigtails that hung over his shoulders. Makeup wise his eyes were a smoky gray that made his green orbs pop out even more than they did before. His lips were varnished in a pale pink lip-gloss that made them look shiny.

Dean had his hair in a half ponytail with simple pink eyeliner that made his eyes look softer along with peach lipstick.

Seamus had on a dark red lipstick that made his lips look fuller than they really were, along with golden eyes and his hair in a French braid in the back with small curling tendrils falling in his face.

Ron looked amazing. His elegantly curly hair was down parted to the side. He wore light purple eye shadow and black eyeliner on the corners of his eyes with simple chapstick for his lips.

"Well I must say that we are good ladies," Ginny said surveying the four boys with a critical eye.

"We have to go!" Hermione said suddenly looking at her watch, "Dumbledore is announcing us at six! Its five 'til!"

The eight of them ran pell-mell to the Entrance hall and made it there in three minutes flat, a new school record. All too so they heard Dumbledore say from the inside of the door, "Please join me in welcoming our new exchange students!"

Hermione thought to herself as the heavy doors to the Great Hall opened, "So it begins. God help us."

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