Cho Chang Draco Malfoy
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 01/29/2003
Updated: 01/11/2004
Words: 7,491
Chapters: 7
Hits: 3,079

Point of View

Lady Keala

Story Summary:
There's going to be a ball at Hogwarts and everyone's excited... especially Cho. Is she really that sweet? Or does she have some scheme up her sleeve? Each chapter is written in the point of view of a different character.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Hannah knows what had to be the most secret secret in all of Hogwarts... And she's not going to let Malfoy and Cho get away with it.
Author's Note:
Thnks for the reviews everyone! I really appreciate them!


Chapter six: Hannah (in a new day)

Hannah knew. Hannah knew what had to be one of the most secret secrets in Hogwarts. It had shocked her initially, but now that she had gotten over the shock she felt... excited.

What she knew, she doubted anyone else knew, aside from the two people involved. Cho Chang and Malfoy couldn't have been acting. And why would they, anyway?

Hannah Abbott lay in bed, thinking about this. It was a clear Sunday morning, and she was in no hurry to get up. She had finished all her homework the day before, and this day was all hers.

Malfoy and Cho together. MALFOY AND CHO TOGETHER!!! Hannah was never much of a gossiper, but she knew that many people in Hogwarts would PAY to have information like this. This made her feel proud. No longer was she just some random Hufflepuff girl from Hogwarts, she knew information, and this gave her power.

And speaking of power, it seemed that Cho had the whole upper-hand in the situation. Malfoy was completely in her control. And Harry-

Harry! Hannah suddenly sat bolt upright in her bed. Harry had no idea of Cho and Malfoy's relationship. And poor Harry - he would be hurt!

Hannah had to warn Harry about it! Quickly jumping out of bed, she hurried to get dressed. Hannah was an honest girl, she never forgot favours and such. Harry had helped her several times in Herbology this past year, and besides, she still felt bad about the whole Heir of Slytherin thing in their second year.


Hannah hurried through the familiar corridors of Hogwarts, eating toast and wondering where on earth Harry could be. Obviously she couldn't go into the Gryffindor Common Room, but she had already searched the Quidditch pitch and by the lake, and he couldn't be at Hagrid's, because Hagrid was working on the pumpkin patches.

Hannah couldn't see Cho Chang nor Malfoy. She supposed that they were together, off somewhere, and didn't dwell on it for long. What was important was that she had to find Harry, and warn him. It was the only way she could stop him from heartbreak.

People were walking past Hannah with a purposeful air. It seemed that nobody was idle and that people were hurrying to get to places. Fred and George Weasley walked past Hannah.

"Hi, Hannah," said Fred, smiling jovially. "And where might YOU be going this bright and sunny day?"

Hannah put on a face of boredom. "Oh, just walking around, you know."

"Well, I hope you have lots of fun," replied Fred, still smiling. "Bye!" And then the twins walked off.

Hannah continued walking. She had to find Harry. She was starting to run out of places to look, and she had to tell him before it was too late!

Just then, Argus Filch walked into the to scene, angrily, and cornered a tiny first-year boy who was, indeed, terrified. "You did it, didn't you!" Filch screamed in the poor boy's face. "I know you did!"

Hannah shuddered, and turned a corner. She did not envy this boy. Professor McGonagall hurried past her, wand out, obviously getting to Filch and the first-year. Hannah kept going on her futile search, wondering if she should just give up.


, she scolded herself, I will not give up! And as if fate was telling her that this was correct, she saw Hermione Granger and Ron and Ginny Weasley at the other end of her corridor.

They would know where to find Harry! Hannah ran up to them, and by the time she got there, she was panting.

"Do... do you know where Harry is?" she asked breathlessly.

The three of them looked at each other. "Er... I think he's in the library," said Ginny.

The library! She had completely forgotten about the library. Quickly thanking the Gryffindors, she hurried off to the library.


Hannah had not expected Draco Malfoy to be standing outside the entrance to the library. He was peering into the library windows as Hannah walked up the corridor, glancing back every now and then as if to see if he was being watched. Hannah rather thought that he had the air of someone who didn't want to be seen.

Hannah felt a shudder run through her. Cho and him. well, someone had to be really desperate or really immoral to find Malfoy interesting. Just then, Malfoy looked around again and seemed to spot Hannah. He straightened himself off and glared at her.

"What are YOU doing here, Abbott?" he asked huffily.

Hannah knew that he was up to something. And, doubtfully, something bad. Maybe some weird scheme to get Cho back on his side. Hannah thought, his mind is twisted.

"Mind your own business," Hannah retorted. And walked past him, chin held high, into the library.

She couldn't believe that she had just stood up like that to Draco Malfoy. Most of her friends were afraid of him. Come to think of it, most of Hogwarts were. Honestly, the way he strutted around and how he goes on about how great and wonderful his father was could make any lacking personality person believe that he was the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Hannah, though, was not a little afraid girl anymore. She was powerful, and if she used her power the way she could, Draco Malfoy could be the laughing stock of Hogwarts.

Harry was sitting at a table by himself, staring off into space with a copy of Quidditch Through the Ages open on the table. Hannah came until she was right next to him, but Harry still did not seem to realise that she was there.

So she stood there for a while, looking down at Quidditch and thinking of how to break the news to him.

'Falmouth Falcons

The Falcons wear dark-grey and white robes with a falcon-head emblem across the chest...'

Eventually people began walking past her and staring: who wouldn't if they saw a boy sitting staring off into space and a girl standing beside him looking down at the book in front of him? Hannah now knew that the only way she could tell him was directly. But first she had to bring him back to earth.

"Harry," she said, shaking his shoulder. "Harry..."

Harry sighed, but still took no notice of her. Hannah thought that maybe he wasn't really staring off into space, and looked towards where he was looking. There, sitting at a bigger table, was Cho Chang and a group of her Ravenclaw friends. Oh dear.

"Harry, come on Harry."

But he did not look up. Then Hannah had an idea. If she stood so that he wouldn't be able to see Cho, then wouldn't he be distracted?

So Hannah stood directly in his line of vision, blocking off his view of Cho. Just as she had predicted, the plan worked. Harry blinked several times, and shook his head as if to clear his brain.

"Oh," he said, looking at Hannah. "Hi, Hannah."

Hannah smiled at him. She decided to take this approach gently, cautiously, so Harry wouldn't be startled out of his wits. Hannah thought that Harry was a little slower in the mental section of his body and turned into the sort of person who needed a lot of patience to deal with, and a lot of love.

"Hi, Harry," she said. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I was... I was just..." He couldn't seem to remember what he had been doing because he really hadn't been doing much.

Hannah smiled again, as kindly as she could. "Listen Harry," she said, being careful to keep standing so it blocked his view of Cho, "I have something to tell you."

Harry seemed hardly interested, but he nodded.

"You might not like it very much," continued Hannah. "It's actually about Cho."

Harry's head jerked up. "What about Cho?" he asked.

"Well, you see, Harry," she said, hands locked tightly behind her back. "Cho has been... well, I saw her and..."

Harry leapt up from his seat "Tell me!" he said.

Hannah backed up a bit. "It's okay, I'll tell you, it's that, well, Cho... I have seen her with Draco Malfoy and they were... " Hannah cleared her throat while Harry's eyes looked as if they were going to pop out. "Together."

Harry's eyes widened immensely in shock, and he let out a loud gasp and recoiled slightly. "You - you said - you mean-"

Hannah nodded. It was the only thing she could do.

Furiously walking around the table, he looked towards where Cho had been sitting before, but she had already gone.


C'est la fin de cette (chapter in French. Does anyone know?). Any comments? Maybe this is turning into more and more of the stupidity genre, or maybe not. Let me know what you think. Flame me if you want. I don't care. I just want to write and I want people to enjoy what I write.

Any ideas for the next chapter? Weasley twins? Snape? Filch?