Four Weddings & A Funeral

Lady Jane

Story Summary:
The title says it all - there are four weddings and a funeral...but whose?

Chapter 01


As he slowly woke, lazily stretching the sleep from his muscles, Ron gazed out the window at the morning sky as it lightened and since they were all here together this weekend his thoughts drifted to his Harry and Hermione seemed as happy as two pigs in mud - although they probably wouldn't appreciate that comparison! he laughed to himself. And Neville and his new girlfriend, Priscilla (Hermione's friend and assistant from work), seemed very happy together and then there was his little sister, Ginny - getting engaged to Dean! Who would've thought she'd end up with Dean Thomas, one of his old dorm mates from Hogwarts?! Still, he was a good bloke and he couldn't wish for anyone better for her. His smile became a little wider as he thought of his own girlfriend, Luna...then he frowned. Too bad his mum was so old fashioned that even though he and Luna were living together in London, here at the Burrow they had separate rooms.

He looked over at the other still-sleeping occupants of his room with a wry smile. Harry and Dean. At least he wasn't the only victim of his mum's old fashioned ideas. Harry and Hermione were living together too, although to start with, Harry had just been staying with Hermione... Ron chuckled aloud. That state of affairs hadn't taken too long to change! Dean and Ginny still each had their own flats but he didn't think that would be the case for much longer as Ginny was spending more and more time at Dean's. And they were all here for today - the day of Dean and Ginny's engagement party. The whole Weasley family would be together for the first time in quite a few years as even Percy was coming, although only for a couple of hours but his mum was very happy about that. His older brothers Bill and Charlie (with Bill's wife Fleur and Charlie's latest clutch of dragon eggs that he'd brought with him and which were snugly nestled in the kitchen fire) and of course the twins, Fred and George, were all here too, which made for a rather full house! It had made it necessary for his mum and dad to magically expand the Burrow just for the weekend to fit everyone in! It was gonna be some party he decided happily and with Luna there...although, really, he'd much rather Luna was here rather than there... he threw his arm across his face; thinking about Luna was both a good thing and a bad thing right now...he groaned softly...bugger his mum's old fashioned morals!

As sleep slowly left him, Harry became aware of the light filtering through his eyelids so he knew it must be morning. But he didn't open his eyes straight away - he wanted to just lie still and savour the memory of last night...last night he'd proposed to Hermione and she'd said yes! A wonderful feeling swept through him as he relived the memory. For the moment it was his and Hermione's secret but he didn't think it would be for very much longer, after all... Hermione was wearing an engagement ring - the same ring his father had put on his mother's hand when he'd proposed. Harry hadn't been sure Hermione would want such a ring - she might have wanted her own ring - but she'd been completely and utterly delighted with it. He couldn't help smiling. He loved the thought of her "showing off" her ring. Just thinking about the fact that Hermione loved him and they were getting married - that's all that really mattered. Hermione and her love was all he needed. Although, he thought ruefully, very aware of another certain growing need, something a little more substantial than Hermione's love would be a wonderful thing right at this moment ...Hermione herself for instance, here, with him, her lovely softness pressed up against him as it usually was each morning, her soft lips saying his name in that unspeakably sexy, husky, morning voice...he rolled over and groaned into his pillow; maybe they'd be able to Apparate home straight after the party tonight - he didn't know if he could last another night...

Dean stirred, reaching out for Ginny...only she wasn't there. Shit! That's right - we're not at home, damn it! He groaned softly as he remembered that he was at the Burrow sharing a room with Harry and Ron. Neither were his type... he smiled at his own weak attempt at humour, then he frowned; he didn't know how he'd get through another night - or morning, for that matter - without Ginny being with him. He sighed. Thankfully, she seemed to be back to her old self after the whole Hermione-kidnap episode and Draco-fucking-Malfoy melodrama. Draco Malfoy. Dean felt his blood run cold. Draco Malfoy needed to be dead in his opinion. He'd been released from Azkaban prison in exchange for passing on information to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement regarding most of the remaining Death Eaters still at large - information which his father, Lucius, had given to him. All to save his own skin. Dean felt a strong wave of bitterness sweep over him at the memory of Malfoy's interrogation by Neville Longbottom. Malfoy had claimed he was being framed for Hermione Granger's kidnapping and he wanted to prove his innocence. It had done so, but in one respect it had backfired terribly...

(The following is an excerpt from Chapter 12 of "Day by Day" where Draco Malfoy is being questioned by Neville Longbottom after the lawful administration of Veritaserum in the presence of Harry, Dean, Ginny, Ron and Luna, in an attempt to obtain information as to the whereabouts of Hermione):

Neville nodded, then looked around at each of the others. 'That's what we're going to do, everyone. We will set up an operation and tomorrow night we'll bring these two (Jugson and Mulciber, both Death Eaters - FYI) into custody, give them Veritaserum and get Hermione back.' Turning back to Malfoy, he asked him, 'Do you think either of these men would in any way harm Hermione?'

'I don't know.'

Neville leaned closer to Malfoy. 'One last thing, Malfoy, I'm just curious; who's the girlfriend you'd been to see?'

This time Neville was sure: Malfoy visibly shuddered. Then he spoke, as he had to.

'She's not my girlfriend; I simply said that to cover myself.'

'So who did you see that night? Did you tell Jugson and Mulciber?'

'Yes, I told them. They know her. I said it was Ginevra Weasley.'

There was a collective gasp from around the room. Dean's eyes snapped to Ginny who was gaping at Malfoy. Neville held up his hand to stave off anything being said.

'So they think that Ginny is your girlfriend?'


'Why did you use Ginny's name?'

'Because I love her. Because she should be my girlfriend.'

Pandemonium ensued.

(End of excerpt)

Dean shuddered. The memory of that time in Neville's office wouldn't be easy to put aside. Nor would the memory of that whole episode when Ginny pretended to be Malfoy's girlfriend that night at the Leaky Cauldron, the night of Hermione's rescue. Or the time Malfoy had Apparated into Ginny's flat...or the fact that Malfoy had had the gall to kiss Ginny the night they caught the kidnapping Death Eaters. Dean gave himself a severe mental shake. Forget fucking Malfoy. He was as good as dead with his escaped father after him. Good riddance. He took his thoughts back to Ginny and found himself relaxing. She was his and that's all that mattered.

Hermione woke up wondering for a second where she was until she remembered: the Burrow.

The next second she remembered something else and let out a squeal, waking Luna and Ginny who grumbled at her.

'What the hell are you making that racket for?' grouched Ginny as she lifted her head and looked over at the lump in the bed across the room that was Hermione. When Hermione's hand - her left, of course - shot straight in the air from beneath the duvet, her fingers extended as she slowly turned her hand, Ginny made a loud, strange sound. Luna lifted her head and said rather sleepily, 'What? What's up?'

'Hermione Granger!' yelled Ginny. 'Is that an engagement ring?'

Ginny bounded out of bed and practically landed on Hermione, grabbing her outstretched hand. Hermione pushed herself up with her other hand, laughing as she tried to brush her hair out of her eyes, nodding at her friend.

'Engagement ring?' muttered Luna, who was busy pushing her own blonde locks out of her face as she walked a little unevenly across the room, not yet completely awake.

'Tell me everything instantly!' demanded Ginny, bouncing on the bed.

'Only if you stop that infernal bouncing now!' cried Hermione, who was being bounced along with Ginny, although she couldn't help but laugh.

'Luna, quickly, come and listen to this!' called Ginny impatiently.

So she told them, savouring those moments from last night all over again. Ginny had tears in her eyes and hugged Hermione when she finished.

Luna gave her a misty smile reminiscent of Professor's Trelawney's and congratulated her. 'I wonder if Ron will ever think to propose to me?' she wondered.

The other girls assured her he would when the time was right, although Ginny thought he'd probably need a little gentle sisterly prodding.

At the same time, down in the kitchen, Neville and Priscilla were sitting at the table sipping steaming cups of tea, Mrs Weasley fussing over them. She'd already given Mr Weasley his breakfast and shooed him out into the garden with his wand and orders to "make it respectable and get rid of those wretched gnomes!" The gnome-sized screams of the potato-like creatures as they were swung around and then let go was equalled only by Crookshanks' agonised yowls as his favourite toys were sent soaring off, one by one, into the distance.

Neville and Priscilla's quiet breakfast tête-à-tête was interrupted by the arrival of three very excited and loudly giggling girls.

'Ginny! Hermione! Luna!' admonished Mrs Weasley, turning from the sink to frown at them. Her frown disappeared in an instant, however, when Ginny grabbed Hermione's wrist and waved it at her mother, crying, 'Look at this Mum!' Hermione found her ring hand suddenly grasped by Mrs Weasley's two warm, strong hands, her beaming gaze going from Hermione's hand to her face. 'Oh my dear! This is wonderful! When did it happen? Oh I'm so happy! Two engagements to celebrate! It's all too much!' and so saying she engulfed Hermione in a warm Weasley hug, small, happy sobs issuing from somewhere in the vicinity of Hermione's shoulder. Hermione, who didn't feel as though she'd stopped smiling since she'd woken up, patted Mrs Weasley on the shoulder as she hugged her back.

'What's going on? Is breakfast ready?'

Ginny and Luna both rolled their eyes.

'Ron, breakfast isn't everything! For instance - Hermione and Harry are engaged!' Ginny told him gleefully as Luna made her way to where he'd stopped in shock at his sister's words. Breakfast isn't everything? Had she taken leave of her senses?! And Harry and Hermione were what?

Luna put her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. 'Good morning!' she said happily.

'Good morning,' said Ron automatically. 'What's going on? Harry and Hermione engaged did you say?'

'Who's engaged?' came Dean's voice as he came down the stairs, followed by Fred, George and Charlie who each echoed Dean's words creating quite a racket.

Everyone jumped at the sound of a loud crack! and looked around to see Harry hugging a very surprised Hermione.

Mrs Weasley immediately went to Harry and hugged him, congratulating them both again.

'Hmph!' Fred and George made the same disgusted noise. 'We'd've been given a right old telling off,' said George, 'if it'd been us Apparating into the kitchen!' finished Fred. Charlie and Dean just laughed at their grumbling. Bill and Fleur came down the stairs last and what with all the hugs and kisses and congratulations and shaking of hands, it was a good ten minutes before anyone sat down, Mrs Weasley busily waving her wand to keep up with the demand for cups of tea and slices of toast.

'Where's the bacon, eggs and sausages?' griped Ron.

'No time for that today, I have far too much to be getting on with for the party tonight,' his mother told him tartly.

Ron gave Ginny a disgruntled look. 'You get engaged and I'm starved for it!'

'Ron, you're such a total prat!' Ginny told him dismissively.

Luna patted him consolingly on the arm. 'Just think, honey, about all the wonderful food there'll be at the party tonight.'

As Luna's words sunk in, a slow smile spread across Ron's face. 'True,' he said, thoughtfully. 'In which case I'd better make sure I've got plenty of room for it all and not overeat today!'

Mr Weasley came in the back door as Ron spoke, looking a little dishevelled and not a little hot and sticky. 'I've never known you not to overeat Ron!' he told his son with a smile, having caught his last few words. Then he turned to his wife, 'Well, Molly, I don't think there's a garden gnome within a mile! Any chance of a quick cuppa before my next lot of chores dear?'

Crookshanks walked in, his tail swishing in the air with disgust, giving Mr Weasley a piercing glare as he stalked past him, heading for his favourite spot in front of the fire.

'Maybe we should get him his own personal garden gnome,' Harry said to Hermione, watching as Crookshanks settled himself; everyone knew Crookshanks' view on garden gnomes - they were his own personal toys!

Hermione laughed, then as Hedwig landed on the open window sill, she remembered something. 'Harry, could I use Hedwig to owl my parents? I want to tell them as soon as possible - although I think they rather expected it!'

Harry leaned down and kissed the side of her neck. 'Of course you can,' he told her.

Hermione brought her hand up to cup his face, running her thumb over the roughness of his unshaven cheek.

'I wish we were at home,' she murmured.

'Oh, so do I, so do I!' was Harry's adamant reply, his green eyes glowing intensely behind his glasses causing Hermione's heart to skip a beat.

'Have you finished breakfast?' asked Hermione.

Harry nodded. 'Why?'

'Follow me,' she whispered.

The kitchen was so full of people and chatter that aside from a quick smile or a small wave, no one thought anything of Harry and Hermione going upstairs. Hermione took Harry's hand as they continued up the stairs. 'Remember that old saying about saving water and showering with a friend?' she asked him with a very suggestive smile.

Harry shook his head, returning the smile. 'No, but I think I may come to believe that whoever came up with that saying is a genius of the first magnitude.'

Oblivious to the fact that the most recently engaged couple in the house were happily "saving water", everyone else were given their orders for the day by Mrs Weasley. 'Now where are Harry and Hermione?' she wondered aloud, hands on hips, after telling Ron he and Luna would be responsible for putting up the fairy lights around the garden. Ron shrugged. 'Went upstairs,' he said around his last mouthful of toast as he stood up and taking Luna's hand, headed off to start on their chores. I'll catch them when they come down, thought Molly. Then, smiling and humming to herself, she set the dishes in the sink to washing themselves and decided to put on a clean apron to start work on the food for the party. Harry and Hermione wonderful and perfect!

While it had seemed that morning as though they had all day and therefore plenty of time to complete their tasks, once a quick lunch of sandwiches had been devoured by the hungry workers, the afternoon seemed to pass with astonishing speed and everyone suddenly began to run instead of walk and become impatient with each other instead of passing happy remarks and quips. To the enormous delight of Crookshanks, a couple of crafty little garden gnomes managed to make a sneaky return, quickly regretting having done so when they were badgered mercilessly by the large, ginger cat.

It was only an hour before the guests were due to arrive and Harry noticed that Ron and Luna seemed to be having a few problems with the fairy lights. When he asked if he'd like a hand, a very exasperated Ron

threw up his hands in disgust and told him to "go for it!"

'Bloody fairies!' he cursed. 'They're so bloody stubborn!'

Using the usual "Aduro Consummo Faerie" Charm, Harry managed to conjure up double strings of fairy lights festooning the garden, hanging from tree to tree around the clearing where the party would be held. Ron shook his head in rueful amazement. 'I keep forgetting just how bloody powerful you are, mate,' he told Harry. Harry shrugged, as always feeling a little uncomfortable that most wizards and witches who had been practising magic their whole lives were unable to do a tenth of what he could do. As he pushed his wand back into his pocket, Harry noticed Luna walking towards them, gazing around at the fairy lights, a bemused expression on her face. When she reached them, she hooked her arm through Ron's and smiled ecstatically at Harry. 'Harry, that's just absolutely fabulous!' she exclaimed. 'How special you can do such things so easily!' Just as she'd first done at Hogwarts all those years ago, Luna said just the right thing at just the right moment. 'Thanks, Luna,' Harry said to her quietly, smiling.

Molly Weasley smoothed her new, soft-burgundy robes and checked her hair one last time in the mirror ('My dear Molly, you are positively glowing!' it told her, sounding a little teary, if that's possible for a mirror...). Her beloved husband, Arthur, stood behind her, himself feeling a little teary as he looked at his wife's reflection and thought himself about the fact that their only daughter was now officially betrothed! And on top of that, Harry, their surrogate son, was engaged to Hermione who was herself like a member of the family! Both Harry and Hermione had been so forcefully adamant that their own engagement would take a back seat to Ginny and Dean's celebrations tonight that he and Molly had been forced to agree to a very simple announcement of their engagement after the "formalities" with Ginny and Dean had taken place. So like Harry, thought Arthur, and so like Hermione, too. His eyes met his wife's in the mirror and they smiled at each other. Molly couldn't help but think, "and even Percy will be here tonight!" her heart filling with joy. She turned around to her husband, patting his cheek affectionately. Arthur bent down and kissed his wife, surprising her. He in turn was surprised by her very loving return of his kiss and thought perhaps they should have parties more often if it had this effect on his wife...

The party seemed to be flowing along very smoothly and everyone appeared to be truly enjoying themselves. Neville's colleagues, Sunny and Lucky, had also come along, bringing the "new girl", Lila Caplo, with them. Priscilla smiled when Neville told her that both his agents had been rather taken with Lila and it looked as though she was having trouble choosing between them!

Dean and Ginny seemed to both glow with happiness as they greeted their guests, making sure each new arrival knew where to get something to eat and drink. Luna was the self appointed "present receiver" and was stacking all the presents for Ginny and Dean on a separate table that was filling so quickly she twice had to charm the table to lengthen it so that everything would fit.

Percy had arrived later - alone - just in time for dinner, sitting rather woodenly at the end of the table next to his mother who had quietly fussed over her third child to his consternation. Not surprisingly, none of his siblings had a lot to say to him beyond a stiffly courteous greeting and so he was able to only really carry on a conversation with his mum, his dad being at the opposite end of the table for the duration of the meal from where he cast the occasional sadly dark glance at his third son. After the meal was finished, Percy had stiffly congratulated Ginny and Dean before making a rather hasty departure. Ginny had momentarily looked so sad that Dean gently cupped her face and kissed her tenderly, saying something for her ears only and was rewarded with a grateful smile.

Shortly afterwards, two tables were put aside, laden with leftovers, and the rest were cleared away. There were frequent visitors to those two tables with Ron, of course, clocking up the largest number of visits. Music seemed to emanate from the air itself and quite a few of the guests took to the wooden dance floor that had taken the place of the dinner tables, Harry and Hermione among them.

It wasn't long before the dance floor became increasingly crowded - Fred and George had each pulled one of their cousins on to the floor with them, Bill and Fleur looked like honeymooners despite the fact that they'd been married for almost three years and Luna had managed to drag Ron away from his beloved food long enough to enjoy one dance; Dean and Ginny were moving slowly and sensually together as though they could hear music no one else could.

Charlie had chosen this moment to come running from the house and, after congratulating his little sister and her fiancé one last time, apologised profusely, explaining he had to return to Romania with his clutch of dragon eggs as they were getting very close to hatching and he needed the equipment in the hatching stables to ensure the best care for the new hatchlings.

'Charlie and his dragons!' laughed Ginny as he left. 'If he ever finds time to marry it's going to have to be to someone who's as besotted with them as he is!'

Shortly after eleven, Arthur Weasley started the "formalities", calling on Ginny and Dean to say a few words to their gathered family and friends. Harry had his arm around Hermione's waist holding her close beside him as they stood and listened. Harry found himself trying desperately not to think about later that night when he and Hermione would once again be sleeping in separate rooms and trying instead to think of the night after tonight when they'd once more be home to - Damn! Can't think about that either! he told himself sternly. Come on, pull yourself together! It's only a matter of one night for heaven's sake! Then Hermione was clapping at something Dean had said about Ginny and all Harry could think about was how clapping seemed to have a rather wondrous effect on Hermione's cleavage, revealed by her scoop-necked satin top. Why the hell aren't we going home tonight? Harry groaned inwardly. Give me one good reason for staying another night at the Burrow! Oh for crying out loud, Potter, get a grip! he told himself again. Hermione, who was standing in front of him but just slightly to his side, was still clapping and had turned to look up at him, smiling, saying something...but unfortunately, all he could see was that mesmerising cleavage and all he could think about was how it would look without the clapping...and the crowd...and the clothes...

And then it happened.

Harry was aware only of a searing light behind his eyes and a sensation of heat throughout his body. Hermione felt like a Christmas tree that someone had plugged in and turned on - she was giving off a white, luminescent glow that gave no sensation but was definitely noticeable! Then the strange phenomenon ended as abruptly as it had appeared.

All conversation ceased at precisely the same point in time as all eyes had turned to Harry and Hermione - silence settled over the formerly noisy crowd and for a single moment no one moved and no one spoke - they just stared.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other. Hermione spoke first, her voice strained. 'Harry, what the hell just happened?'

Harry shook his head. 'I'm not sure - are you all right?'

Hermione nodded. 'Perfectly all right - I didn't actually feel anything - I just sort of glowed! Pretty weird, actually... are you okay?'

Harry gave her a reassuring smile. 'Yep. I think I was just giving off a few more Watts worth of light than you were.'

Then the noise seemed to come back as though a switch had been flicked on.

Harry and Hermione found themselves surrounded by people wanting to know if they were all right and asking a myriad other questions. Harry had put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and pulled her close to him in an instinctively protective gesture Hermione watched as Neville shouldered his way through the crowd and leant down slightly to whisper something in Harry's ear, after which the two men's eyes locked for a moment before Harry shook his head ever so slightly and mouthed something back at Neville. Neville gave one short nod and turned and left. Hermione, puzzled, stood up on her toes to speak in Harry's ear so he could hear her over the background noise.

'Harry, what's going on? What did Neville say?'

As Harry looked down at her she felt a chill run through her. He was looking at her with such strange intensity as he replied quietly, 'Later.'

Then he turned back to reassure everyone they were fine - which they were - and they'd look into it - maybe it was a prank jinx - but not to worry, get on with the party - Ginny and Dean were more important.

Then, with the announcement Dean made next, the whole incident was pushed to the back of Hermione's mind.

Having managed to regain everyone's attention, Dean was reassuring them that Harry and Hermione were fine and it would seem as though what had happened was nothing more than a prank and since no one was hurt, they would get to the bottom of it later.

'However, I would just like to let you all know that we have a second reason to celebrate tonight - my very good friend, Harry Potter, very sensibly proposed to another of my very good friends, Hermione Granger - and being a very sensible girl, she said "yes" - so here's to the official and sensible engagement of Harry and Hermione!'

A collective gasp was followed by a cacophony of cheers and Harry and Hermione once more found themselves in a sea of people, this time wishing them well. Harry became aware of a very strong sense of...what? Satisfaction! That was it! Because not only was Hermione his, but everyone now knew it!

Well past midnight, after seeing off the last guest, Dean and Ginny pretended to collapse, falling together onto the soft grass which was still illuminated by some of the fairy lights, although quite a few were either yawning or had actually gone to sleep which meant they stopped giving off their characteristic glow. The only other ones who had seen the party through to the end were Neville, Priscilla, Harry and Hermione and of course, Mr and Mrs Weasley. Laughing at Ginny and Dean, everyone else followed their example with the exception of Mr and Mrs Weasley.

'Wouldn't be able to get up again!' laughed Mr Weasley as he took his wife's hands. 'We're off to bed, we'll see you young ones in the morning!'

Ginny blew a kiss to her parents. 'Thank you for the best party ever! I love you!' she called out happily.

'Ditto!' said Dean, giving them the thumbs up.

'You're welcome my dears!' replied Mrs Weasley, giving them a last wave.

The six "young ones" all lay on their backs, hands behind their heads, gazing up at the stars. Slowly, the fairy lights blinked out as they all fell asleep. Waving his hand, Harry quietly muttered the counter charm that would free the fairies when they woke up.

Hermione rolled onto her side towards Harry, propping herself up on her elbow. As she smiled lovingly down at him, she softly traced the lines of his face with the forefinger of her left hand - his temple, his forehead, his nose, his cheek, his mouth...then Harry playfully bit her finger, eliciting a smile and a gasp from her. 'Harry, I so want to be at home tonight, alone, with you...' and as her voice trailed off, she leaned down and kissed him, loving the feel of his mouth - the taste of him - the feel of his tongue as it swept into her mouth - then he was rolling over and she was beneath him, the feel of him above her and his weight pressing down on her as lightly as he could manage causing her to moan very softly as she instinctively pushed her hips against the wonderful hardness she could feel. Harry's grip on her tightened as that soft sound reverberated throughout his body, almost making him lose control; the fact that they were surrounded by four of their friends the only thing that stopped him from attempting to take her then and there.

'For Merlin's sake you two, get a room!'

Harry lifted his head and looked around. Ginny was grinning at him from a few feet away. Dean had sat up and was leaning back against a tree, Ginny perched in his lap with her arms clasped around his neck. Dean was looking at Ginny with an expression that gave away the fact that he too would love to "get a room". Neville and Priscilla were busy trying to ignore the randy shenanigans of their friends but weren't above a bit of serious snogging themselves. Priscilla silently vowed to herself that it was about time she got this gorgeous man into bed as she had no doubt his lovemaking would be just as wonderfully gentle and loving as his kissing. That would be her next goal.

'You know,' said Priscilla crisply, 'that Neville and I are the only two guests who have a room each to ourselves.'

All eyes turned to her, silently questioning.

'Well,' she said, smiling slightly, 'what if, for instance, Harry and Hermione slept in my room and Dean and Ginny slept in Neville's room? Then Neville could take Harry's place in his room and I could take Hermione's.'

Neville's mouth dropped open as he gaped at Priscilla. Priscilla winked at him causing his mouth to gape open even further. Dean and Ginny were grinning wildly at each other and Harry was looking at Hermione with such open pleading in his gaze she couldn't help but laugh.

'Well?' said Priscilla, looking at each of them in turn.

'We're in!' said Dean quickly, Ginny nodding in agreement.

'And us too,' said Hermione in that soft, low voice that Harry loved.

'Then come on you lot!' said Priscilla as she stood up, pulling Neville up with her, a Neville who looked quite stunned by the turn of events and the proposal made by his lady to his friends not to mention by the fact that said friends had accepted the proposal so damn fast! He was sure he had the randiest friends ever - and what Ron and Luna would think of all this in the morning didn't bear thinking about. They'll probably be pissed off they weren't in on this! he thought a little hysterically as he followed Priscilla back to the house. Mind you, looking at Priscilla from the back - well, from ANY angle really - it wasn't hard to imagine being alone with her in a bedroom and...he shook his head. Not a gentlemanly thought - a little early in the relationship for that, he thought, completely unaware that his lovely lady had rather different views on the matter...

Dean closed the door softly, Ginny leaning back against his other arm which was wrapped around her waist; she was smiling seductively up at him. 'Pays to have understanding friends, doesn't it?' she whispered as she walked backwards towards the bed, pulling a very happy and willing Dean with her. 'Without a doubt,' he replied as they collapsed together on the bed. 'Ginny,' he whispered, 'this has been a wonderful night -' he felt somehow compelled to try and convey how he felt - 'I can't imagine my life without you and I don't want to.' Ginny pulled his head down so that she could kiss him, doing everything she could to put the considerable amount of passion she felt for him into that kiss, causing Dean to completely forget about trying to convey anything - at least verbally...

Harry quietly shut the door to what had been Priscilla's room the previous night and leaned back against it, watching Hermione as she did a mesmerising little hip swaying thing into the middle of the room, her arms extended above her head, smiling seductively at Harry. Then without warning she swiftly dropped her hands to pull her top over head, throwing it into a corner of the room. Harry stared. Hermione was wearing a soft golden lacy bra and when she unzipped her long skirt and let it drop to the floor he devoured the sight of her in matching French knickers.

'Sweet Jesus, Hermione,' he rasped, walking towards her, his blazing green eyes locking on to her dark honey coloured gaze. Had it only been that morning they'd made love in the shower? It may just as well have been last week the way she made him feel...

'Harry...' She held her arms out to him, but then stopped him from wrapping his arms around her so that she could undress him, taking great delight in doing it slowly and driving Harry crazy in the process. She took off his glasses last and even though he was naked, she still didn't let him hold her until she'd removed what little she still had on and then there was no stopping him, his arms whipped around her waist as he lifted her, kissing her, and carrying her towards the bed where he laid her down as gently as he could given his condition and state of mind. Then he was on top of her, wanting her more desperately than he ever had, kissing her, devouring her with his mouth, leaving her soft lips and moving down to the soft curve of her neck, then on to the irresistible swell of her breasts. Hermione, one hand tangled in Harry's hair, the other gripping the sheet beside her, was lost in a haze of desire as he gently sucked at each taut nipple in turn, his fingers running down over her flat stomach to torture her further by intermittently brushing over the hardened little nub that was so sensitive she cried out each time he touched it. The she heard her name, his voice deep and husky, and looked up to see him gazing at her, his green eyes asking, pleading...

Putting her hands on each side of his face, she pulled him down and whispered against his lips, 'Yes please!' was all she said. Harry's mouth covered hers as he plunged inside her, groaning as her tight, wet warmth enveloped him and because she'd been so close to the edge of ecstasy, Hermione immediately fell into the wonderful waves of pleasure that swept through her, crying out Harry's name even as he felt his own release tearing through him; he thought he'd felt as much pleasure as it was possible for a man to feel until this moment - and in some far corner of his mind he knew it was because she was now his, more so than she'd ever been - and to top it off , everyone knew it...