Day by Day

Lady Jane

Story Summary:
In the years after Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione are both living in London (separately!) and working for the Ministry of Magic. Harry stayed behind at Hogwarts to recuperate after defeating Voldemort but is now ready to leave so Professor Dumbledore arranges accommodation for him with one of his best friends.``Ron, after sampling the wares of many wonderful witches is now happily going out with Luna Lovegood. Ginny is in love with Dean Thomas who is very supportive of her budding career at Witch Weekly. There is fluff, romance and later on, a little touch of drama and angst.

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Sunday was a lovely day...not so Monday.
Author's Note:
Just a reminder about the spoilers - I always select all spoilers just to cover myself, it doesn't necessarily mean there ARE spoilers. (All right, all right - I'm being lazy! I admit! LOL!)

Chapter Eleven: "The One About The Worst Day of Harry's Life"


Hermione stood up from the table, brushing toast crumbs from her lap as she smiled at Harry, who had also stood up and was moving towards her.

'I wish you'd take today off work - even just this morning - and help me do up the bedroom.' Harry put his arms around her waist, drawing her to him.

'Help you play up in the bedroom, more likely!' laughed Hermione, curling her arms around his neck.

'Well, we could play up then do up, what d'you say?'

'I can't!' Hermione pretended to pout. 'I have two appointments before lunch so I say you surprise me with what you do to our bedroom, make sure you come and have lunch with me and since I don't want to be late, you need to kiss me goodbye right now so I can go before I change my mind and accept your extremely tempting offer.'

Harry willingly dropped his head to kiss her, loving the feel of her soft lips beneath his, pulling her tightly against him. As they moved apart, Hermione whispered, 'I love you!' and blew him a kiss just before she Disapparated.

After seeing Hermione off to work, Harry set about redecorating the bedroom so that it would be "their" bedroom. They'd discussed it over breakfast that morning so Harry knew what NOT to do, otherwise Hermione was happy to leave it to him, although he was sure if he didn't get something quite right she'd change it! He was just about finished and was trying different colours on the walls to see which one suited the best when he heard someone knocking on the front door. Walking down the hall, he could hear Dean impatiently calling his name.

'Morning, mate,' said Harry as he opened the door, wondering why Dean was in such a hurry.

'Morning, Harry. Listen, I need to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?'

'Sure,' said Harry. 'Come in. Would you like some tea?'

Dean shook his head, 'No thanks,' walking in, heading for the loungeroom. Dean took a seat as Harry sat opposite him on the other lounge, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees as he studied him. 'So what's up? You look a little tense mate.'

Dean nodded. 'I am. Last night, when Ginny and I got back to my place, I was closing the curtains in the bedroom - you can see down into the park from the bedroom - and I saw someone sitting on the park bench. Don't ask me how or why, but I'm positive it was Draco Malfoy.'

'What the hell would Malfoy be doing hanging around your place?' said Harry, frowning.

Dean shrugged. 'I've no idea, but if I see him there again he's gonna think that ferret trick he copped at school was a picnic compared to what I'll do to him.'

'Is Ginny at work? What does she think?'

'Yeah, she's at work. I actually went with her this morning and made her promise not to leave the office without letting me know first; she looked at me like she thinks I'm nuts. I haven't told her anything yet and she's a bit pissed off. I told her I wanted to see you first.'

Harry stood up. 'I think we should go and see Neville. I don't like the idea of Malfoy hanging around Ginny. Neville might have some ideas about what to do.'

'Is it just Ginny he's hanging around d'you think?' asked Dean as he also stood.

'Well, after that night-' Harry paused.

'What night? At the Leaky Cauldron or at the restaurant?'

'Noooo,' said Harry slowly, looking thoughtfully at Dean.

Dean's whole demeanour altered; Harry could see his body tense as his hands curled into fists at his side.

'What other night was there?' he asked, his voice low.

Shit! thought Harry, Ginny hasn't told him and now I've let the cat out of the bag! Bloody hell, Ginny'll kill me, Dean'll kill Malfoy -

His thoughts were interrupted by Dean demanding to know what night Harry was talking about.

Harry sighed. 'Listen mate, I'm really sorry about this. Ginny must have her reasons for not saying anything to you and because she hasn't, I don't feel as though it's my place to tell you. You'll have to ask her yourself. Listen, let's just get over to the Ministry and see Neville. We need to follow up on this I think.'

Dean nodded tersely in silent agreement before they both Disapparated to the Ministry entrance.

Luckily, Neville was in his office when they arrived and he was able to see them. Neville, of course, knew of Ginny's meetings with Malfoy, but like Dean, he was unaware that Malfoy had Apparated uninvited into Ginny's flat late one night; Harry and Hermione were the only ones she'd told.

Dean had just finished telling Neville about seeing the person he was sure was Malfoy the night before when Ginny appeared in the doorway, escorted by one of the junior Law Enforcement wizards who then left, his job done.

'What the hell are you doing here? You were supposed to let me know before you left your office!' Dean yelled angrily as he jumped to his feet, heading for Ginny, every protective instinct he had on full alert.

As he reached her and put his hands on her shoulders, he realised her expression was abnormal - she looked as though she was in shock. 'What's the matter?' he asked her, his anger quickly replaced with concern.

Ginny collapsed against him, visibly shaken.

This brought both Harry and Neville to their feet, Harry quickly walking towards them, stopping when Ginny lifted her head to look at him, her eyes wide and frightened. When she whispered, 'Oh, Harry...' he felt a ghastly coldness descend over him.

'What is it?' he asked, his voice full of dread.

Still staring at him, Ginny simply said, 'Hermione's gone.'

'Gone? What do you mean gone?' Harry repeated, his blood turning to ice. 'Gone where?'

'We don't know. You remember Priscilla?' Harry nodded. 'She Flooed me at work a short while ago - she was in a real state. Apparently, the two wizards who were Hermione's nine thirty appointment arrived on time and went into Hermione's office - it all seemed normal. Then Priscilla told me that by half past ten she thought it was a bit strange they hadn't left and Hermione had another appointment at a quarter to eleven so she went and knocked on Hermione's door. There was no answer so she knocked a few more times and when there still wasn't any answer, she opened the door and Hermione's office was empty. She and the two wizards just weren't there. And they didn't leave - they would've been seen, you know how busy and crowded that department is. She's positive there's no way Hermione would just leave without telling someone and I agree. Also, those other two wizards wouldn't be able to Apparate out of the Ministry without help. She thinks - well, she thinks that maybe - perhaps...they've kidnapped Hermione.'

'NOOOO!' Harry roared, and ripping through every Protector Charm in the Ministry, Apparated into Hermione's office. He looked around swiftly, noting that it all seemed perfectly normal - nothing was disturbed or out of place. The door to her office was open and Priscilla was standing there, gaping at Harry.

'Priscilla! Where is she?'

He could see she'd been crying as she shook her head. 'I don't know! I don't know!' she cried, her voice full of anguish.

Without taking time to answer her, he Apparated back to Neville's office and strode over to Ginny who was being held in a comforting hug by Dean. Harry pulled on her arm, his voice heavy with dread, his expression wild. 'She's not in her office,' he repeated needlessly. 'What's happened?' His question wasn't directed at anyone in particular, nevertheless Ginny straightened as she looked at Harry and said quietly, 'We don't know Harry, just that she's gone.'

Harry was frozen to the spot, staring at Ginny. He didn't feel as though he could function - he couldn't think any more than he could move at the moment; his world had just been ripped apart with those two words spoken by Ginny: "She's gone". In the next instant he felt fury explode within him - fury at whoever had done this and fury because he hadn't been able to protect the woman he loved. He had no idea that he was radiating the anger and fury he was feeling, together with an aura of power, such that everyone else in the room took an involuntary step away from him. One look at Harry's face and Neville felt sorry for the fools who had done this. But he was a Law Enforcement officer and so he stepped forward to do his job.

'Harry, we'll find her,' he said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. 'Ginny, did you only speak to Priscilla?'

Ginny nodded. 'Yes - she was the one who Flooed me.'

'And she's still at work?' this to Harry, who took a moment to realise he was being spoken to before he looked at Neville and nodded.

'Right,' said Neville, deciding the best thing would be for Harry to do something, anything - any action being preferable to simply waiting, 'Harry and I will go see her and we'll have everyone else questioned that was in Hermione's office and department this morning.' He held up his hand to Harry, knowing he would simply Apparate again, 'We'll walk over this time. It's probably going to take a couple of officers a few days to sort out the damage you've done to the Protector Charms, Harry. No more, please.'

Harry nodded and strode out the door ahead of Neville, his face rigid with anger and fear, the mixed aura of fury and power still lingering, although somewhat diminished as Harry's thoughts changed focus.

'Wait here,' Neville said to Dean and Ginny as he followed Harry out.

Dean took Ginny over and sat her down in one of the armchairs in front of Neville's desk, kneeling in front of her and taking her hands as he spoke softly to her.

'I'm sorry I yelled at you sweetheart. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was on about this morning either, I was wrong.'

Ginny smiled wanly at him. 'It's okay.'

He then told her about seeing someone the previous evening, someone he believed was Malfoy, following with what had passed between himself and Harry that morning. Ginny's face went even whiter when Dean finished by saying he now knew there was another time she'd been in contact with Malfoy that she hadn't yet told him about.

Ginny dropped her eyes, unable to meet his, her shoulders slumped.

'It's my turn to be sorry,' she said quietly, then proceeded to tell him what had happened the night Malfoy had appeared in her flat uninvited.

'He really didn't do anything - I still don't understand why he came. He was just - insulting, really.' She shivered in memory of the night.

Dean felt a flat, frozen fury sweep through him. 'If I get my hands on him, I'll kill him. How dare he come near you! He's a vile human being. I don't care any longer whether it's work or not Ginny - don't ever speak to him again, I beg you.'

'There's no need for me to ever see or speak to him again.' Ginny put her arms around Dean's neck and leant forward to kiss him. 'I'm so sorry I didn't tell you; I thought it would be better if you didn't know about it. I guess it was because I didn't trust you to handle it. I'm so, so sorry!'

'You can trust with me anything, you know that,' he whispered; then he kissed her back.

Ginny sat back and sighed as Dean got up and perched on the edge of Neville's desk. She looked up at him, frowning. 'You don't think Malfoy's got anything to do with Hermione's disappearance, do you?' she asked.

Dean shrugged. 'Nothing would surprise me where Malfoy is concerned,' he said. 'I hope he has - because he'll end up back in Azkaban for it and good riddance.'

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Priscilla couldn't tell them much more than Ginny had. The two wizards who'd come to see Hermione were, she told them, just ordinary looking wizards, middle-aged, respectable and polite, although not particularly likeable; they were the old style of wizard, the type who looked down their noses at people they believed inferior to themselves which was nearly everyone. Neville was sure the names they had given were false. Harry took in what Priscilla told them without saying a word, then headed straight into Hermione's office, Neville close on his heels.

Walking up to her desk, Harry suddenly thought of something and checked the special wand drawer Hermione had on her side of the desk. As he pulled the slim drawer out, revealing her wand lying on the blue lining, he felt as though an icy hand took hold of his heart and squeezed. No wand, no magic. No magic, no defence. Harry dropped into Hermione's chair, his elbows on the desk, his head resting on his hands. He looked the picture of utter despair and as Neville walked up beside him, he too saw the wand nestled in the drawer and came to the same realisation as Harry: Hermione was defenceless. He lifted his hand to Harry's shoulder in a gesture of sympathy and comfort although it gave none to the distraught man who barely felt it.

It was while he was sitting there, staring down at the surface of the desk, that Harry saw it, the small piece of parchment on which Hermione had doodled, probably that very morning. He snatched it up and turned to Neville, holding it up so that he could read it. In Hermione's small, neat script, he saw, "9.30 Kidde, Knapp. Assgn: Dth Etrs - Malfoys? History."

'It may mean something Harry, or it may not. But we'll be bringing Malfoy in for questioning, you can be certain of that. If he's had anything whatsoever to do with this, he'll back in Azkaban faster than Ron can eat his breakfast.'

Harry felt as though his head was going to burst. Death Eaters. Malfoy. Accursed, foul bloody Malfoy. If he harms so much as a single hair on her head I'll kill him, he thought savagely, wrong or right, I'll kill him! Azkaban is too good for him!

They returned to Neville's office from where he despatched officers to go over Hermione's office with the proverbial fine toothcomb and also to find Draco Malfoy and bring him to the Ministry. He sent another officer to Hermione's department to finish questioning everyone who had seen the two wizards that morning in the hope of turning up another piece of information, however small. Dean said he'd take Ginny home and come back to help Harry.

Harry for his part was pacing. He couldn't sit still. He felt devastated - there was nothing he could do right now and it was killing him. Hermione! Wherever you are, please be safe, PLEASE! He felt tears of anger and frustration and sheer terror prickling at the back of his eyes but held them back. She has to be all right, he told himself, she has to be. I can't live without her. She has to be all right... he repeated it over and over as though the simple act of repetition might be enough to make it true.

He didn't realise that time had even passed until Dean walked in and Harry looked across at him, surprised.

'Where's Ginny?' he asked.

'I've taken her to my place,' Dean told him. Luna's there with her and Ron's-'

'Right here,' said Ron, striding into the office. He waved at Neville who was busy speaking to another officer, giving him instructions. Ron walked straight up to Harry and grasped his upper arms.

'We'll find her, mate. She'll be all right,' he told Harry firmly, his words echoing Harry's thoughts.

Harry could only nod, grateful for the presence of his best friend.

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Luna carried the two mugs of hot tea into the small loungeroom of Dean's flat and handed one to Ginny who was sitting in her favourite armchair, Luna then settling herself in the other lounge.

'Any idea why anyone would want to kidnap Hermione?' she asked Ginny.

Ginny shook her head. 'None. Besides, I would've thought anyone with any sense whatsoever would know better than to get on the wrong side of Harry.'

'Or maybe someone's set out to deliberately upset Harry. Maybe they know what would happen to someone who was stupid enough to do something like this.'

Ginny nodded. 'Anything is possible.'

They sat and chatted quietly and when they finished their tea, Luna got up, gathering both mugs to take them out to the kitchen. 'I'll make us a sandwich, it's past lunchtime,' she said, Ginny nodding absentmindedly at her as she walked out.

When Luna had left, Ginny found herself staring into the empty fireplace, willing Dean's face to appear with some news when she heard a soft tapping noise. She looked around, unable to pinpoint where it was coming from until she glanced at the window and saw someone on a broom, hovering, wearing hooded wizard robes. She felt her heart rate skyrocket and was about to call out to Luna when the figure pushed the hood back and she saw it was Draco Malfoy. She was jerked to her feet by surprise and fear. Malfoy crooked his finger in the universal "come here" gesture but Ginny found herself unable to decide whether she should scream for Luna or see what Malfoy wanted. In the end, despite Dean's words of warning that morning echoing in her mind, her innate curiosity coupled with desperation won out and she pulled her wand from her pocket, holding it up in front of her as she approached the window; she had to find out whether he knew anything, anything at all that would help them find Hermione.

Pushing up the window just enough to speak to him, her wand trained on him, she said, 'Are you here about Hermione?'

He gazed at her intently for a second before nodding. 'I don't know where she is, but I know who took her and I'm almost certain I know why.'

'You're involved.' Ginny's voice was flat and accusatory.

Malfoy shook his head. 'Let me in, I can't stay here at the window talking.'

'You expect me to trust you?' Ginny couldn't help the sneer that crept into her voice.

Once again he shook his head. 'Not to trust me, but at least to believe me.'

Ginny glared at him. 'Neither is entirely possible.'

'Then I'm wasting my time,' and he started to move off.

'Malfoy, wait!' Ginny felt desperate; if he could tell her anything, anything at all, she wanted to hear it.

'Yes, Ginevra?'

Ginny felt unnerved by the way he spoke her name and the unblinking stare he directed at her as he spoke.

'I can't let you in, Luna's here with me. But I want to hear what you have to say.'

One side of Malfoy's mouth lifted in a deprecating smile. 'Of course you do. I'll meet you at the bedroom window - it's not so exposed to the street.' He turned and left, moving slowly on his broom, heading around the side of the building leaving Ginny wondering how he knew where the bedroom window was until she recalled what Dean had told her earlier. She shuddered at the thought of Malfoy sitting there in the dark, watching...

She then dashed to the kitchen, telling Luna, who was busy slicing a tomato for their sandwiches, that she was going to get changed out of her work clothes and wouldn't be long. She then headed for the bedroom, closing the door behind her and locking it before running to the window and, pulling it up and leaning on the window sill to talk to Malfoy, her wand pointed at him.

'What do you know, then?' she asked him.

He shook his head. 'I come in first. There's no one in the park at the moment, but someone could turn up. I don't want to be seen.'

Ginny hesitated.

Malfoy looked her straight in the eye. 'For what it's worth,' he said, 'I swear to you I had nothing to do with this, but I can help you get her back. It's in my own interests to do so and that's why I'm here.'

'In your own best interests? Well, that's the one believable thing.' She pushed the window all the way up.

'All right, come in, but you stay right next to the window and you don't move. And don't get your wand out.' Then she backed away from the window as he ducked his head and glided in, keeping her wand on him the whole time.

As he straightened up, holding his broom beside him, he looked at her intently again. Ginny found his gaze rather disturbing but made sure she didn't show it.

'Well?' she said impatiently, 'Start talking!'

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Harry looked at the clock on the wall. Two o'clock. Dean and Ron were engrossed in reading the reports that were arriving regularly from various officers that were on the case. They handed one to Neville, seated behind his desk, who read it out loud, looking at Harry as he finished.

'What do you mean they can't find Malfoy?' yelled Harry. 'Why the hell not?'

'Harry, hard as it is, please try and stay relatively calm. We haven't found Malfoy yet, but we will.' Neville rubbed his forehead, feeling a horrible exhaustion creep over him. It had been the worst day of his career and really, they were no closer to finding Hermione now than they had been that morning. No power on earth would get him to admit that to Harry, however.

Harry brought his fists down on Neville's desk in sheer frustration, making the other three men jump, then straightened up and said through clenched teeth, 'I'm going to look for him,' and before anyone could utter a single syllable, he was gone. Shit, thought Neville, he's going to totally destroy every bloody Protector Charm in the Ministry if he keeps doing that!

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Harry didn't know where to start. He'd Apparated home and stood there, clutching his head in frustration, trying to think. Neville had already told him that Malfoy had moved out of the original flat he'd been in when he first came out of Azkaban; the money from the interview for Witch Weekly enabling him to do that. They knew he was still in London, but as they'd heard no word through their usual sources, Neville suspected Malfoy had moved into a Muggle area to maintain anonymity - and avoid detection no doubt, although he didn't think it wouldn't have been easy for him to place himself amongst those he hated so much. As he tried to decide what he should do next, Harry heard a crack! and looked up to see Ginny standing before him. He stared at her, dreading what she might say, yet impatient to hear it.

She ran to him, grabbing his arm as she said breathlessly, 'Harry, you have to come with me now - to Dean's flat - there's someone there who has some information that could lead us to Hermione.'

Without a word, Harry put his arm around Ginny and Apparated them both to Dean's flat.

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When they arrived in Dean's loungeroom, Ginny almost ran out of the room, calling to Harry to follow her. Harry needed no prompting, striding after Ginny as she flew up the hallway towards the bedroom. As he entered the room behind her he froze, stunned to see Draco Malfoy leaning back against the window, his arms crossed, Luna standing halfway across the room at the end of the bed, her wand out, pointed at his chest.

'Malfoy!' yelled Harry, whipping out his wand and pointing it at him. At the sight of the Harry, real fear rose in Malfoy's eyes. He straightened up, his arms dropping to his sides.

'Ginny,' said Harry, not taking his eyes off Malfoy, his voice low, containing an unnamed threat, 'what in the name of hell is he doing here?'

Malfoy held up his hands to show that he was wandless while trying not to show he was afraid. 'I'm here because I think I'm being framed,' he said, managing to keep his voice cool and controlled.

'Just tell me what you know concerning Hermione and talk fast,' ordered Harry, moving closer to Malfoy, an undercurrent of anger and hatred ringing in his voice, 'because if I don't like it, you're dead.'


Author notes: Chapter 12 is typed up and I'm just revising and editing, revising and editing....