Astronomy Tower
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/16/2004
Updated: 02/16/2004
Words: 3,374
Chapters: 1
Hits: 844

Like the Golden Snitch

L.S. Song

Story Summary:
In Seventh Year, James finally gets Lily. He may not have deflated his head entirely, he may not have turned into the ideal guy, but he has learnt to work for what he really wants. ````On Valentines Day, James puts Mission Get-Lily-Evans into action. Cameos by the other Marauders.

Chapter Summary:
In Seventh Year, James finally gets Lily. He may not have deflated his head entirely, he may not have turned into the ideal guy, but he has learnt to work for what he really wants.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone! This is dedicated to a certain girl who I just spent a wonderful Valentine's day with... you're my inspiration! I love ya!

Like the Golden Snitch

L.S. Song

"Hey Evans! Evans!"

"For the seven hundred and twelfth time, no I will NOT go out with you, Potter!"

"How was Charms, Evans?"

Lily did a double take.

James smirked.

"What's this about, Potter?" snapped Lily, glaring at him furiously.

God she's gorgeous... dark red hair, emerald eyes to die for, the rosy redness of her cheeks as she yells at me... wait she's yelling at me!

"Nothing, Evans. I just wanted to know how you are..."

Lily snorted.

"Sure, Potter... you just want to know whether or not I enjoyed charms? Me, Lily Evans? The only girl that doesn't swoon under your gaze? The only girl who you can't get? The girl you don't give a damn about? What have you been doing for the whole of this year... you're almost acting human!" she said, frowning. "It's not going to work though."


"Wow, not in a very good mood are we?"

"Well not since you barged in," said Lily, rolling her eyes.


"Just give up, Potter, I don't like you and I never will."

James winced; he felt as if someone grasped his insides and wrung them. Lily, who had started walking away, did not notice.

"My name is James!" he hollered after her. She didn't reply. "You'll see, Lily Evans... you will one day... you will..."

I'll think of something... Mission Get-Lily-Evans.


"Tell me again why we're doing this?" said Sirius, slinging a massive sack filled to the brim with Honeydukes candyfloss over his back, grunting.

"I'm telling you, I need it... for an... endeavor."

"An endeavor? What are you going to do? Smear it all over Snape or something?"

James flung down the sack of chocolate coins he was carrying, and sighed loudly.

"Something more important than that, Padfoot."

Sirius gasped.

"What's more important than pranking Snape?"

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, as the trapdoor to Honeydukes was slammed shut. They heard footsteps coming towards them, clapping against the cold ground.

James heaved the sack up on his shoulders again.

"Got the stuff, you two?"

"Sure Prongs," said Peter, who was panting under the weight of a gigantic sack of confetti that James had told him to get.

"It's done, James," said Remus, who was carrying several large bouquets of flowers delicately.

"Good work, Marauders," said James, grinning widely, strangely illuminated by his wand light.

"Any chance you'll tell us what this is for?"

"Not yet. I need to sort a few things out. Thanks for doing this by the way..."

"Let's just call this blind trust," said Remus, rolling his eyes. "C'mon let's get going, we have Potions first thing tomorrow... or today. Whatever."

The four Marauders started trudging back to Hogwarts slowly, James at the head, laboring under carrying a heavy sack of chocolate.

"Hey, the coming weekend is Valentine's Day isn't it?" said Sirius suddenly.

James stopped dead in his tracks for a second, before continuing.

"Yeah," he said casually. "So?"

"What are you going to get Lily?"

"Promise you guys won't say a word?"

"Code of Werewolves Honor," said Remus, smiling.

"In the name of Pettigrew, I swear I shan't squeal," said Peter, grinning.

"Oh fine," muttered Sirius.

James grinned.

"You're carrying it."

There was a long silence, and James simply beamed at his friends who looked indignant that they were used as mules, as they trudged down the tunnel back to Hogwarts.

Lily Evans, beware. Part One of Mission Get-Lily-Evans has been put into place.


"Hey Dinky!"

"James Potter, sir!" squeaked the hyperactive elf.

"I have all the ingredients for a special Valentine's Day treat for a girl... I was wondering, could you possibly charm these bags so that it pours the products down on us when we go to the Marauder's Room?"

"Of course, sir! When is you liking this to be done by good elf Dinky?"

The house elf looked absolutely thrilled.

"Nine o'clock, Valentines Day, this weekend. Can I trust you to arrange this? I want you to charm these so they fall like... snowflakes. Yeah, snowflakes. Nothing too violent please. This girl's got a dragon's temper."

"Certainly sir! Would you like more candies from us house elves?"

"Sure," said James with a grin.

"Okay, I is getting started on your surprise immediately!" squeaked Dinky.

"Thanks Dinky," said James, and shook the house elf's hand, then leaving the kitchens a wide smile on his face.

"Part two of the mission, in the bag," he said aloud, as he crept out of the portrait hole.

"What plan, Potter?"

"Evans," said James, smiling.

"What plan, Potter?" she repeated, her green eyes fiery.

"Nothing," said James innocently.

"If I hear you've been torturing Snape or someone, I'll..."

Is that all the girl thinks of me? Someone who just tortures Snape for no reason? I do other things too!

"Relax, Lily."

"It's Evans to you, Potter."

"Sure Lily," he replied, smiling.

Walking up to her, he slung his arm around her shoulder.

"So how are you today?"

Lily shrugged his arm off violently.

"Not that you actually care, Potter, but I'm great. Guess who just asked me out for a date on Valentines Day?"

James froze, horrified.

"That's right!" beamed Lily. "Andrew Corner!"

Andrew Corner?

"Oh god, oh god," said James aloud, unaware that Lily was standing right next to him. "Did you... what did you say?"

"Well, yes of course, I mean, he is, gorgeous," said Lily, positively gushing.

Oh you love this don't you Evans, you love torturing me, knowing that I'm at your every beck and call, knowing that I would do anything for you...

"And he really likes me, so I thought, why not give him a chance?"

You sadistic, gorgeous ice queen...

"Why not give me a chance?"

Lily laughed loudly.

"Oh Potter, if I didn't know that you'd ditch me after a couple of snogs and a night in bed with me, I might actually do that!"

Do you know how much you're torturing me, Lily Evans? I loathe you, I love you...

"You don't know me, Lily. You don't know how much I love you..."

"Love? You love Snape more than you love me... oh stop it Potter, you're cracking me up!"

Lily laughed airily.

Give me a chance, Lily, and you'll never regret you did... I love you more than you'll ever know...

James stopped, grabbing Lily's arm.

"Lily... you really don't know..."

"No it's you that doesn't know, Potter. You don't know a single bloody thing about me, besides for the way I look, and that I like Charms. Don't say you love me, you don't even know me."

I know you more than you know yourself, Lily. I know the way you walk, the way you laugh, the way you talk, the way you smile, the way you frown, the way you cry, even the way you hate me... I know your favorite book, your favorite subjects, your favorite band, your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite hobbies. I even know that your nose crinkles when you yawn, your eyes are the color of fresh pickled toads, your hair is like a mane of fire, your skin is like freshly spun silk... I know you love chocolate and candy floss, lilies and roses, Gobstones and chess...

"I do know you, Lily. But I could always get to know you more."

"Maybe you could, Potter. But I seriously doubt that. Now excuse me, I have to go find my friends."

"It was nice walking with you, Lily."

"You know, Potter, sometimes you're not half bad yourself."


"Hey Prongs! Dateless again on Valentines Day?" grinned Sirius, a pretty witch next to him. "This is Beth by the way, she's my date for the day of love."

Beth giggled.

James smiled. "I'm not so much dateless as planning something. Or rather, having planned something and put something into operation."

"OH MY GOD! MY HANDS! MY WRISTS! MY ARMS! ME!" a voice was heard screaming from the Three Broomsticks.

"Prongs?" whispered Sirius. "You did that?"

James nodded calmly.

"Hey c'mon Beth, maybe we could go for a picnic in the forest or something..."

Herding the poor girl away, Sirius shot James one last look before disappearing.

"So, Mr. Corner," said James quietly. "I think that pretty much covers all I was going to say. No one touches Lily Evans but me."

And smirking in a satisfied way, James walked into the Three Broomsticks, into the pandemonium he had caused.

"Hey Evans! How about a walk?"

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Potter."

"Are you sure?" said James, leaning casually against a counter. "Would you rather stay here with Corner?"

Andrew Corner was now furiously batting at his skin, which had turned all flaky, red, and was peeling off in a very disgusting way, making him look like a plucked humanoid chicken.

Lily clapped her hand to her mouth.

"You did this didn't you?" she said in a deadly whisper.

"Oh gross, it's all over me now!" shrieked a girl who had tried to help Corner.

"Urgh, forget it," said Lily. "Sorry Andrew, but I gotta go..."

Andrew nodded and waved an arm carelessly in his way of acknowledgement.

"I'm not walking with you, I'm walking out," said Lily daintily.

God she's gorgeous today...

"Sure, love."

"What did you say?"

"I said 'sure, love', Lily."

"Don't call me love," said Lily. "And don't call me Lily either."

"Sure, love."

Lily rolled her eyes, and James could distinctly see a smile tug on her lips.


"Hey, Lily... I have a friend that kind of needs your help... would you mind seeing him tonight, if you're not too busy?"

"Who's this friend?" asked Lily suspiciously.

"Oh just a kid that really needs help," said James, hoping that he sounded offhand. "I could take you there? Please? He's really stuck, and only you're brilliant enough to help him..."

Lily narrowed her eyes.

"I guess. For your friend's sake."

"Great! Thanks!" said James, grinning widely. "After the Valentines Day feast then? I'll take you there."

"Guess so."

Part three of Mission Get-Lily-Evans, under way...


"So where's your friend?" asked Lily.

"Oh, he's in a room somewhere here... hang on... ah! Here!"

"Er... Potter? This is a wall. A room usually needs an opening to get into."

James grinned.

At least she's talking to me now.

James whipped out his wand, and inserted it into a hole he saw in the wall.

Last year, he, Sirius, Peter and Remus had found this strange hole in the middle of the wall, and Sirius joked that it was about the size of Peter's wand, and that he bet that Peter could fit it in.

Peter, insisting that his wand was thicker than that, put it in, and suddenly the wall around the hole seemed to break apart, opening the hole wider and wider. They had crept into the hole after seeing it was a room, and they found, much to their surprise, a royal looking room with one very luxurious sofa next to a crackling fire - it looked as if someone had just came in there. However, as they all stepped in, the door closed behind them. They had been worried about how to get in and out until one day they had gotten together and charmed the doorway so that it responded to a password.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," said James.

"That doesn't sound very reassuring," said Lily, slowing backing away.

But by then the hole started expanding, and Lily opened her mouth in awe.

"Ladies first," said James.

Lily, still looking wary, walked in, whipping her wand out.

James hopped nimbly in, and whispered softly, "Prongs."

"What are you doing, Potter!" shrieked Lily. "There's no friend! You lied! What are you doing! You can't do this! I'm a... I'm a PREFECT!"

"Lily. I didn't lie to you. I have a friend, his name is James Potter, and he's missing his other half. He loves you like mad, Lily, so much that it hurts just to think about you. He wants me to tell you... he wants me to tell you that he loves you, and he always will."

As if on cue, the confetti, chocolate coins, and candyfloss came dropping down from nowhere, getting caught in their robes and hair.

James could see that Lily was, against her will, impressed, as he saw a genuine smile break out on her face. And it was twice as sweet as usual, knowing that it was he, James Potter that made it appear there.

"Accio Lily's Bouquet," he said, and a large bouquet of flowers, made by placing all of the flowers Remus had helped carry back into one, came flying towards him.

He grinned and handed it to her.

"Be my Valentine, Lily Evans," he whispered, and bending down, he kissed her on the cheek.

She blushed for a second, and she broke out into a grin, before catching herself.

"Potter! What is the... why did you... let me out of here!"

"Of course, Lily. After you tell me what you really feel about me."

Lily growled.

"Blackmailing bastard, that's what I think of you..."

James grinned at her.

"Don't tell me you didn't like this..."

"I didn't..."

Lily stopped for a second, staring at James, and the chocolate coins buried in his messy hair.

"How did you know my favorite candy?"

James grinned, but didn't answer her question.

"Come on!" she wailed, sounding childish, and at the same time so very endearing.

"Well... you know how you said before that I don't know anything about you besides for the way you look at how you like charms?"

Lily nodded slowly.

"Well that's not true!" said James brightly, walking to the hole where the Marauder's room was concealed. He inserted his wand.

"But you didn't answer my question!" said Lily.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," said James, and the portrait hole opened. "There you go."

"I'm not going anywhere 'till you tell me how you found out all this stuff about me."

"You're the one that wanted to leave!" exclaimed James.

"Well now I changed my mind," snapped Lily.

"Fine. You want to know how I know about you?"

"No not really, I was just joking when I asked," said Lily scathingly.

Ignoring her comment, James leaned casually across the sofa, and smiled at her.

"Cause I watch, and I listen."

Lily seemed to be taken aback, as she looked thoughtfully at him.

Little did James Potter know that the wheels in her head were furiously turning as she smiled at him.

"You, Potter, listen?"

"Trust me, when it comes to something - or someone I care about, I can listen more than... more than Amos Diggory can during History of Magic."

"But... Amos Diggory always falls asleep during History of Magic!"

James flashed her a lopsided grin.

"Well, doesn't hurt to be on the safe side."

Lily laughed.

Oh dear god...

"So did you want to leave or something?" asked James again, hoping that she'd change her answer and say she'd rather snog him right there and then instead.

Unfortunately, there was no such luck.

"After I take some of this," said Lily, scooping up handfuls of chocolate coins.

"It's all yours," said James. "I only did this to make you happy anyway."

Lily stopped suddenly.

"You know, Potter, you're not that bad sometimes."

And abandoning the chocolate coins, she tiptoed up and gave him what was clearly a friendly hug.

"Well, I do try," said James, grinning so widely he felt his face was going to split.

Lily laughed again, causing butterflies to start fluttering around like mad in James' stomach.

"Well... I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, James," said Lily, and she walked out of the Marauder's room, leaving James absolutely stunned.

Lily Evans hugged me...

He surveyed the room, looking at all the candy left on the floor.

And she called me James...

That, he decided, was the best twenty Galleons he had ever spent.

He ran out of the room, quickly uttering the password to make the hole close up.

"Lily! Lily Evans!" he hollered, sprinting after her.


"Can I... can I say you were my valentine?"

She grinned at him, whether in amusement that he was shaking, or if she was simply happy, James did not know.

"I guess so... I mean, wasn't I?"

"Next step, boyfriend and girlfriend?" said James, grinning back at her.

"Don't push your luck," said Lily, turning away again.

"Can I at least walk you back to the Tower?"

"I guess I owe you that much for two pocketfuls of chocolate coins, don't I?" said Lily, her eyes twinkling.

"No... no... never mind then, Lily," said James, downcast.

"What?" said Lily out loud.

"I don't want you to... look... don't talk as if I'm trying to bribe you or something, Lily... I just want you to see I'm not the same James that you hated for the last six years..." James hung his head in defeat, and turned away, not caring where he was going.

He pushed open the doors at the Entrance Hall and ran down to the Quidditch field, where he found himself standing in the bleachers.

He took out his Snitch, and throwing it as hard as he could towards the Forbidden Forest, he slumped down onto a seat.

"I guess I'll never get Lily Evans' heart, why bother pretending the stupid ball could represent it?"

For the last year, he had secretly pretended that the Golden Snitch was the equivalent to Lily's heart - that every time he caught it in his hands, he was a step closer to finally getting Lily also. It was stupid, he knew, but it always gave him a strange hope.

"I guess I just don't have it in me... I guess for once, the best is way out of my reach... I guess I'll have to settle for the boring old Quaffle then," said James, sighing.

"Or you could skip the Snitch and go for the real thing," came a girlish voice.

James jumped up, and turned to see who had spoken.

Lily Evans.

"How long have you... I... what have... did you?"

"When you threw the Snitch away, love Quidditch, heard everything you said, and yes," said Lily, smiling in a strange, sad way at him.

James kicked a chair violently.

"Guess you know how much of a loser I am now, don't you!" he shouted.

"No," said Lily. "Guess I just found out you were human too."

She took a step closer to him, and she raised his head so that their eyes met.

"It was really sweet of you, what you did today, James..."

He still remained silent.

"I'm glad you wanted me to be your valentine... I had a great time tonight... and... maybe... if you're still interested... do you want to take the next step?"

James' jaw dropped.


"Guess I'm just as much of an idiot as you are then, huh, James?" she said shyly.

"Lily... are you... are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"James, do you want to take me out sometime?"


"I'd absolutely LOVE to!" he nearly yelled.

Lily smiled back at him.

"So what now, do we go for the romantic kiss in the moonlight, or the..."

But before she had finished her sentence, she found her answer.

"So Lily..." gasped James as they broke apart. "Is it safe to say you're my valentine and my girlfriend now?"

Lily paused for a second, looking deep into his eyes.

"It's more than just safe," she said, and pulled his head down for another kiss.

Lily's heart... it may not flutter in your hands, but it really was as nice and golden... guess that's one out of two when compared to the Golden Snitch...

But it's far less satisfying to catch the Golden Snitch...

So that's one out of three then... oh well, it doesn't hurt to be wrong once in a while. Especially when the consequences are so good.

Congratulations, James, Mission Get-Lily-Evans accomplished.

Author notes: So... did you all like it? If you did, review! Please, no comments on 'realism'. I honestly couldn't care less.