The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 16

Author's Note:
Some of you are paying attention. Bravo. Please review as always.

Chapter 16

The Duel and the Demonstration

After everything Dumbledore said, Harry asked Hermione to look into magical sharing and telepathy. While she couldn't get much information on magical sharing ('Harry, that's Dark Magic. It's in the Restricted section.') she was able to find out some stuff on telepathy.

After lunch, they waited beside the Gryffindor table waiting for most of the students to file out before they headed out to Care of Magical Creatures. Harry called Draco over to them.

Ron was very interested in the sharing magic although he had almost blown a gasket over the telepathy. Harry finally redirected Ron's thoughts back to the physical sharing of magic.

"Did you get to feel Voldemort's power?" said Ron.

"I'm not sure," said Harry.

"No," said Draco. "My father said it was a test of your powers, that was all you, Harry, and a test of me. Voldemort was only the conduit between us to link the Dark Mark and your scar."

"So Dumbledore was right," said Harry. "He was testing your loyalty."

"I guess," said Draco with a shrug but he didn't meet Harry gaze.

"So why was he so pleased that you weren't loyal to him?"

Draco rolled his eyes.

"I know I'm pathetic," said Harry. "Explain it to me anyway."

"Obviously because I showed loyalty to you and considering he calls you his son, it's just as good."

"You?" said Ron with a sneer at Draco. "Loyal to Harry?"

Draco turned on him. "Are we going to have a problem here at this point, Weasley," Draco sneered back. "Or do I have to curse you until you're puking up slugs again."

Hermione stepped between them. "Look, there's no need for this," said Hermione. "I think we can all agree that Harry needs all the help he can get."

Ron's ears turned red. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

To give him credit, Draco dropped it and turned to Hermione.

"So, about this telepathy..."

"Right," said Hermione. "From what I read, you two share a Singularly Directed Telepathy."

"Meaning," said Harry.

"Meaning, it's only between you. You haven't got telepathy. You can only use it with each other."

"Well that was a no-brainer."

Hermione shot Draco a glare.

"Ok, sorry. Go on."

"The basics," said Hermione. "Since it's Singular Directed, distance doesn't matter. With regular telepathy you usually have to see someone. You two could be miles apart and it will work."

Harry nodded.

"You can't lie telepathically," said Hermione.

"Really," said Draco.

"Go ahead and try," she dared him.

You-you, er,

"You're stuttering, Draco," said Harry with a laugh.

Draco shrugged. "She's right though. You try."

Harry tried to tell Draco he thought he was rotten to the core but the thought came out you're an arrogant Slytherin bastard.

Draco snorted. "Well that's already been established."

"And you should be able to hear voice inflections and the emotion of the thought."

They both agreed that they could.

The black owl soared into the great Hall forestalled their discussion. Harry sent Draco a glance and lifted his arm as Voldemort's owl flew to him and settled on it.

Harry took off the note, gave him an owl treat and he left.

Harry didn't open the note until they were outside. Then he read it out loud.

Harry, my son,

Harry made a frustrated gesture and rolled his eyes.

"Give it up," said Draco. "He's going to call you that and refer to you that way until he is dead. To him you are his son."

"I know," muttered Harry looking back down at the note. Scary thing is sometimes I feel like I am.

I know Harry but you still have time. Enjoy it while you can.

Harry nodded, ignoring Ron and Hermione who had glanced back and forth between them, and continued with the letter.

The ministry has imposed the same requirements for Hogwarts over the Easter break so you will be able to come home again. In honor of this, I have arranged that the duel you requested will occur the second day of the break.

I hope this pleases you because Terrance was most upset by the command that he duel with Lucius. His only consolation was that you have agreed to see if he has anything to teach you.

I will see you next week, my son, and if any of your friends wish to come to the duel, let me know and I will arrange it.

"Cool, we can go?" said Ron.

"I guess," said Harry. "If you want too."

"I do," said Hermione.

"Me too," said Ron.

"I don't know how he can arrange it though," said Harry.

But he did.

There was a vast excitement in the compound as they waited for the fencers to take the field. Many Death Eaters were there for the event and Harry's friend's presence didn't seem to bother them because none of them wore their masks.

Ginger who had decided to come, stood at Harry's left between Harry and Voldemort's chair. Draco was on Harry right. Ron and Hermione were on the other side of Voldemort's chair whispering to each other.

Lucius had asked if he could warm up with Harry before the duel and Voldemort had told him no, so he had sparred with Draco.

Harry didn't under why and had asked Voldemort why.

Voldemort had replied that to keep it fair, Harry would have had to warm up with Vandewater too. But Harry had a feeling it was more than that.

"Is your arm strong enough for that, yet?" Voldemort had said.

Since Harry's arm was almost 100%, he said his arm was fine but he conceded Voldemort's point simply because he didn't want to spend any more time with Vandewater than he had too.

Voldemort probably knew this because he chuckled.

The duelers took the field and saluted the masters first then each other.

Harry watched engrossed. Lucius was always captivating to see but it appeared that Vandewater was indeed a Natural as well. He was a marvel to watch from that perspective.

I beat that?

You certainly did.

Harry sent Draco a glance and he nodded.

The duel continued until ultimately Voldemort called a stop to it, calling it a draw, which both men, sweating and out of breath accepted.

But the next day, in the fencing tent for Harry's first lesson with Vandewater, Vandewater smugly told Harry that he had let Lucius draw with him.

Harry didn't believe him though because Vandewater looked as wiped out as Lucius but he let it drop. He didn't feel like pointing out that Lucius could've out lasted Vandewater if Voldemort had let the match continue. Harry doubted Vandewater would have acknowledged the point.

"So what are you going to teach me?" said Harry.

"How is your arm?" said Vandewater.

"Pretty good. About 98%."

Vandewater nodded. "First we will warm up."

Vandewater appeared a little surprised as he watched Sennie re-enter the hilt of Harry's sword.

"He's chosen to serve me," said Harry with a shrug as he picked up the sword.

Vandewater smiled, an odd sort of smile. "Your persona, like the masters, inspires loyalty," said Vandewater.

They sparred for a few minutes in silence then they dueled and once again Harry disarmed the man.

"I admit," said Vandewater as he retrieved his sword. "Lucius did indeed teach you well."

"He did," agreed Harry.

"But with your Natural abilities and your internal magic being so powerful, it's no wonder you are a phenomenal fencer."

Harry shrugged. "Thanks," said Harry softly.

"And you are right. Lucius is better qualified to teach you left handed fencing," said Vandewater. "You do not need any more training."

Harry was a bit surprised at how subdued the man sounded. He hung his sword up on the wall as Sennie came out and wound around his arm. "I don't think Lucius is allowed to fence with me anymore," said Harry without thinking.


Harry shrugged again then felt a hand at his jaw as his face was held up.

"I see," said Vandewater. "He's that possessive is he?"

Harry tried to pull his face away but couldn't. He stared at Vandewater as his eyes moved over Harry's face in an inspecting sort of way. The weird smile pulled across his lips again.

Harry felt the burn on his head and just waited.

"Terrance," said Voldemort in a tone that didn't bode well for the man.

Vandewater let of Harry instantly and gave a curt bow.

"There is nothing more to teach the boy, master."

Voldemort approached Harry and raised a hand to his face. Harry endured the pain as Voldemort ran his knuckles down his cheek.

"Are you alright, Harry?" said Voldemort.

Harry nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Voldemort dropped his hand. "Why indeed." He turned to Vandewater. "Touch my son again Terrance and I will kill you."

"That's a little extreme, isn't it Voldemort?" said Harry.

"I don't think so."

"Master, I wouldn't dare-"

"Silence, Terrance," said Voldemort. "Harry leave us."

Harry sighed and moved toward the door.

"After dinner," Voldemort told him, "there will be a demonstration."

Harry stopped and turned back to Voldemort. "Oh?" said Harry. "Dare I ask?"

Voldemort chuckled. "It's a surprise, Harry. You will enjoy it."

Harry nodded and ducked out of the tent. He wasn't two steps when he heard Voldemort's soft voice and Vandewater's scream.

Great. More guilt.

What happened?

Harry looked around and spotted Draco and Lucius at a table with Avery. Nearly the whole compound was looking toward the tent curiously, hearing Vandewater's screams from it.

Harry walked over to the small round table where the men sat enjoying some refreshments and helped himself to a butterbeer.

"What happened?" said Draco aloud as Harry sat down.

Harry shrugged. "He touched me."

Both Lucius and Avery choked. Avery almost dropped his glass.

"He didn't?" said Lucius.

"He wouldn't dare," said Avery.

Harry looked back and forth between them, his confusion growing. Was that such a crime? Severus and Lucius had touched Harry plenty of times. No one touches the boy but me Voldemort had told his Death Eaters but that was in regards to his protection.


Avery cut him off. "Where did he touch you?"

Harry blinked at him. "He grabbed my face," said Harry, sending Lucius a glance. "The same way Voldemort always does."

Both men groaned and Harry stared at them in confusion.

"What did he do?"

"He just looked at me," said Harry with growing frustration. "Why? Just what-"

"And the Master came in then?" said Lucius.

"Yes," said Harry. He glanced at Draco who looked as confused as Harry felt.

Another scream came from the fencing tent.

What is going on, Draco?

I have no idea.

All three of them got up from their chairs and Harry felt Voldemort approach. Harry watched him move around the table until he stopped and turned to face Harry. Harry looked at him expecting some sort of explanation.

"He won't bother you again," said Voldemort.

It wasn't what Harry was expecting. "Bother me," he echoed curiously.

Voldemort looked at the Death Eaters around the table. "You didn't tell him?" said Voldemort.

"Tell me what?"

"No, my lord," said Lucius.

Voldemort sighed. "Harry, come with me. I need to speak with you."

Harry's curiosity was burning now. He grabbed his bottle and as an after thought grabbed another one (he had a feeling he was going to need it) and followed Voldemort to his tent. Once inside, Voldemort settled into his chair behind his desk and Harry set his bottles on the table next to the chair he always used.

Without thinking, Harry moved to the dry sink and poured a glass of brandy and set it on the desk in front of Voldemort. Harry had seen Severus and Lucius do it hundreds of times.

Voldemort noted the action and waited until Harry sat down, his bottle in his hand, his elbows on his knees as he sat forward.

"Thank you, Harry," said Voldemort, picking up the glass and taking a sip. "But I have house-elves who-"

"I didn't want the interruption," said Harry. "Are you going to tell me what the problem is?"

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "You see, Terrance Vandewater has some unique characteristics that have served my purposes in the past."

"I guess the ability to impale people with a four foot sword might come in handy for an evil Dark Lord."

Voldemort laughed. "Oh, Harry. You have no idea. But, yes, there is that. He is also quite sadistic."

"Ah, blood and pain," said Harry. "He must be a joy to watch."

Voldemort chuckled at Harry's sarcasm. "On occasion."

Harry ran a hand through his hair and started on his second butterbeer. "Voldemort," said Harry, looking up at him. "Can't you just tell me."

"Very well, Harry," said Voldemort, holding his gaze. "Terrance enjoys young men."

"He what?"

"I doubt there are any of his students who haven't been - what was your term - impaled by his sword."

Harry jaw dropped open as he got it.

"The more talented the boy, the more worthy to be counted among Terrance's conquests," said Voldemort. "I dare say, he must have been drooling over you."

Harry stood up, staring at Voldemort in disbelief.

Voldemort took a sip of his drink and looked back at Harry. "If I hadn't come in," said Voldemort. "There is no saying what he may have tried to do."

"You left me alone with him?" For some reason, Harry felt hurt.

"That was unintentional, Harry," said Voldemort very seriously. "I came as soon as I heard he had defied my wishes. He has been punished. However, I will kill him if you wish me to."

Harry could only blink.

"But Harry," said Voldemort. "You must remember that you are not helpless anymore. One uttered curse from you would have crippled him.

"This is something that my Death Eaters need reminding," Voldemort went on. "They look at you and see your youth and your lean agile stature. After tonight's demonstration, they will see your power."

For his life, Harry couldn't think of anything to say, in fact, he didn't even know what to think. He stared at the front of Voldemort's desk wondering if he was almost out of time.

He felt the burn and looked up. Voldemort's hand came up and raised Harry's chin so he could search Harry's expression. Voldemort frowned.

Apparently Harry's expression was as blank as his mind was. He met Voldemort's red gaze.

"What are you thinking, Harry?" said Voldemort.

Harry's head was pounding again. "My life is a nightmare," said Harry softly.

Voldemort sighed. "Always the cynic," said Voldemort. "But I assure you, my son, your nightmare will end."

Harry pulled his face away and turned. "I know," said Harry.

He felt Voldemort's eyes on him as he moved toward the door.

"Harry," said Voldemort. Harry stopped walking but didn't turn around. "I said your nightmare, not your life."

"What's the difference," muttered Harry and he left the tent.


Harry couldn't even begin to speculate how many Death Eaters were in the compound presently. The only sound to be heard was Voldemort's voice as he addressed them. Harry stood off to the side with Draco desperately trying to tune out Voldemort's speech. The primary theme of the speech seemed to be the culmination of his power and the fruition of years of planning. Ultimately that it was almost time.

Frankly, Harry just didn't want to hear it.

Draco had been thoroughly scandalized and disgusted when Harry had told him about Vandewater but he seemed far more interested in the upcoming demonstration than Harry would have thought.

"Harry," Draco had said, "This is obviously important. Look at the build up he's been giving it."

"It's probably a test," Harry had responded.

"Yes. And important enough to have almost every damned Death Eater here to witness it."

Harry had given up trying to talk to Draco after that. While Draco remained at Harry's side, sending him concerned glances, Harry could tell he was still too interested in the proceedings to be any comfort.

"Harry, my son," said Voldemort, raising a beckoning hand. "Join me."

Harry stepped towards him hesitantly.

"With this demonstration," Voldemort told his Death Eaters. "I will show you all just what Harry is capable of and what to expect."

"Voldemort," said Harry cautiously.

"It will be fun, Harry," said Voldemort as Harry stepped up to him. "Don't you trust me?"

"Is that a trick question?"

Voldemort chuckled. "Harry, I'm just going to show them your power," said Voldemort and he paused succinctly. "And allow you to feel mine."

Harry's gaze shot up to meet Voldemort's. "Really?" said Harry, skeptical and curious at the same time. "Can you do that?"

"Curious, Harry?" said Voldemort with a knowing grin. "But yes. I can." He glanced to his Death Eaters. "Now, who shall I honor? Who is worthy to make the connection between me and my son?"


Voldemort looked back to Harry. "I have to make the connection first, Harry, between the Dark Mark and your scar." He raised a brow. "Unless you want it to hurt?"

Harry stared at him. "Not particularly."

Voldemort grinned and turned back to scan his Death Eaters. He moved among them considering each face.

"Couldn't you simply use Draco again?" suggested Harry.

"I could," said Voldemort. "But I don't think he could take another blast of that kind of power." He turned to Harry. "You wouldn't want to hurt him, would you?"

"Of course not," said Harry.

Voldemort continued his survey. Each of the Death Eaters looked hopeful as Voldemort considered them as if it were indeed a great honor. He stopped before Snape.

"Severus, I have not rewarded you for your constant help tending my son."

Severus had lowered to his knees when he had gained Voldemort's direct attention. "It's not necessary, my lord," said Severus. "It-"

Voldemort waved his hand. "Of course," said Voldemort. "But I chose you anyway."

"Master, you honor me."

"Yes, yes. Do come along."

The two joined Harry in the center of the circle and Harry looked warily at Severus. Voldemort was smiling with anticipation and Harry felt a shudder run through him.

"Now what?" said Harry.

"Severus, hold out your arm," said Voldemort. Severus did, uncovering the Dark Mark. "First, you will activate the Dark Mark," Voldemort told Harry.

"Me?" said Harry. "That's not-"

"This is a little different from the last time," said Voldemort.

"But won't everyone feel it?" said Harry.

Voldemort nodded. "Briefly, yes. They will feel it until I use my spell."

Harry glanced at Severus who only nodded. He sighed and reached out his hand. Wrapping his hand around Severus' arm, he pressed his thumb on the mark.

Every Death Eater gasped and grabbed their arms.

Harry's scar began to throb as Voldemort raised a hand to Harry's face. The fingers gently opened against his cheek and the pain grew.

"Apporton," said Voldemort and the pain was instantly replaced by the same surge of power Harry had felt the last time.

He immediately tensed up.

"Relax, Harry." Voldemort's voice was soft and very close.

The magic flowed around him again, through him.

Voldemort's hand moved up Harry's face toward his scar.

"Harry, look at me."

Harry opened his eyes and met Voldemort's gaze.

"Are you ready, Harry?" Harry could only nod. "You need only look at me and say the spell. Apporton, Harry. Do you understand?"

Harry swallowed hard, unsure if he wanted to go through with this now. But would he really be able to feel Voldemort's magic? Damn his curiosity.

"Apporton," whispered Harry.

Severus cried out, pulling his arm out of Harry's grasp and falling to the ground.

Harry almost hit his knees himself. His hand grasped Voldemort's shoulder, clutching it to remain standing.

It felt, looked different. Shadows swallowed up the warmth only to be invaded by contrasting colors. A bright light emerged from the darkness. A black cloud fell over a rainbow hue.

There was a buzz of voices around them.

"Severus, are you alright?" Lucius' voice.

"Yes." Both Lucius and Severus stopped another Death Eater from approaching. "Don't go near them. Can you feel it?"

"Do you see it?"


Harry could only stare into Voldemort's eyes. They glowed with satisfaction, reflecting the swirls of color which wafted around them. For a moment Harry thought they might lift off the ground like they had in the graveyard.

Such awesome power. How could anyone stop Voldemort with this at his command?

Voldemort's fingers approached Harry scar.

You are the only one who can destroy me.

But I'm not ready.

What I need is...

"More power."