The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 04

Author's Note:
Ah, the tug of war starts again. Please review.

Chapter 4

The Ministry of Magic

Harry stood before the board, self-consciously staring at the floor.

"The guard at Azkaban," said the Minister, Mr. Goodhue, "testified that you passed out because of the dementors and Lord Voldemort ordered you taken to punish you."

Just as Voldemort had planned. "Yes, sir," said Harry.

"And did he?"

Harry nodded.

"For four days?" said the Minister sounding skeptical.

Harry looked up at him. They still doubted him. "He threatened to force me to stay unless I let him test me," said Harry.

"How could he force you?" said Mr. Goodhue. "Albus Dumbledore assures us now that you are strong enough to-"

"Mr. Goodhue," Harry interrupted. "All he has to do is touch me. If he holds on for long enough I don't even have the strength to stand up, let alone apparate."

"So what happened?"

"He tested my powers," said Harry. "Then he demonstrated that he could still keep me with him." Harry could see the next question on the Minister's face. "By torturing me and caging my phoenix so she couldn't help me. Tell me, any of you, would you seek an alliance with a wizard who constantly reminds you that he can put you in agony on a whim."

"Many have joined him out of fear of torture, Harry," said Goodhue.

"But I don't fear torture, Minister," said Harry. "I've taken it and have endured it. Voldemort knows that. He wants more than my alliance. He wants what I can't give him. And unless I give it to him by choice, he can't control me or my powers."


"Steve," said Dumbledore, standing up. Everyone turned to him. "We've all heard Harry's testimony. He will be at Hogwarts with me in two weeks. You have my assurance that he will be well protected at the castle."

"Yes, Albus, we know that but-"

Albus Dumbledore turned to Harry. "Harry," said Dumbledore. "These tests, what did they reveal."

Harry swallowed hard. "Well, Voldemort said that I'm almost as strong as he is now."

Dumbledore nodded gravely as a buzz went around the room.

"He says," said Harry nervously with a glance at Dumbledore.

"Go on, Harry," said Dumbledore.

Harry looked at Dumbledore. "Well he says that the Ministry is afraid of what he can give me. Do you know what he's talking about?"

"Yes, Harry," said Dumbledore. "But you're not ready."

Harry almost screamed, but let the matter drop. He knew he could get nothing from Dumbledore unless Dumbledore wanted to tell him.

Sirius took Harry to Diagon Alley the next week for his supplies but Harry couldn't help feeling that Voldemort was right. They seemed to have him under heavy surveillance. There was a fully trained witch or wizard watching him at all times. As if the Ministry was trying to keep him away from Voldemort out of fear that Harry would learn too much. But of what?

It seemed that everyone was trying to manipulate him as much as Voldemort usually did. The Ministry would lock him up (Harry wondered if they could hold him as powerful as everyone seemed to think he was) if they had an inkling that Harry was going to turn.

He needed to talk to someone. Harry guessed it was about time to patch things up with Ron. Try at least to explain what had been eating him up all summer.

"Where are you going, Harry?" called Sirius from the study.

"I'm just going over to Ron's," said Harry, turning back to face his Godfather from the front door. "I assume it's safe enough to go over to the Weasley's."

Sirius flinched at Harry's bitter tone. "I know this is hard on you," said Sirius.

"I know, I know," muttered Harry. "You're just protecting me."

Sirius sighed. "Bloody difficult job, if you ask me."

Great - more guilt. "Sirius-"

"Never mind," said Sirius. "Just go talk to Ron. It'll make you both feel better."

But not five minutes later as the front door to the Burrow opened, it was slammed in his face.

"Ginger," called Harry through the door. "Come on, open the door."

Harry pounded on the door and it was soon flung open again. Harry was almost knocked down as Mrs. Weasley grabbed him into a fierce hug.

"Oh, Harry," cried Mrs. Weasley. "It's so good to see you. Are you alright?"

"Let him go, Moll," Harry heard Mr. Weasley from inside the house. "He can't breathe."

Since Harry couldn't, he was grateful for the interruption. Mr. Weasley's hand fell onto his shoulder. "Alright, Harry?"

"Yes," said Harry. "I'm fine. I'd - I - is Ron around?"

Mr. Weasley turned toward the stairs but the sound of pounding feet were all ready approaching.

"Mum, Ginny said-" Ron cut himself off, stopping dead at the bottom of the stairs, staring at Harry.

"I can just imagine what Ginny said," muttered Harry.

Seeing Harry's grin, Ron sighed with relief. "Something about a stubborn idiot who keeps forgetting that he isn't alone anymore."

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, well her accuracy is astonishing."

Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him away from his parents.

"Stay in the yard," called Mrs. Weasley.

"We will, Mum," Ron called back, dragging Harry into the garden where they fell into seats at one of the tables.

"Harry where the hell have you been?" said Ron seriously.

Harry could tell Ron wasn't talking about geography.

"I got lost in hell," said Harry then told Ron exactly was had been torturing him.

Ron listened silently until the very end.

"How could you think you could consciously accept Voldemort?" said Ron.

"I said it, Ron," said Harry.

"Yes, but any fool could have told you that it was the pain," argued Ron. "I saw you remember. I've seen you in all kinds of pain, but that was, well - it was-"

"I know," said Harry. "But it doesn't matter now. Voldemort didn't buy it either."

Harry told Ron about Voldemort's tests and Ron displayed his usual awe of Harry's growing power.

"So he can take you with him now?" said Ron. "And you can't stop him."

"Yes, but-" Harry stopped himself. He almost told Ron about the deal they made but Harry figured it was safer if Ron didn't know. "But I can too," Harry said instead. "I can simply come right back."

Ron nodded and Harry told him about his irritation with the Ministry of Magic.

"Yeah, my dad said that they were going to do that," said Ron. "He told them that it wasn't necessary, but Goodhue is really nervous since the trial."

"Voldemort said it was going to be the Ministry itself that forces me to finally make this choice that everyone is so worried about," said Harry.

"Do you believe him?" said Ron.

"Yes, Ron," said Harry. "I'm afraid I do believe him."

"Well, just remember, Harry," said Ron, serious again. "I'm with you. No matter what. Tell me you'll remember that."

"I will, Ron," said Harry. "And thanks."

Harry got up and looked at his watch. "I should get back before Sirius gets even more worried than he is," said Harry. "And I still have to pack."

Ron got up too. "Me to," grumbled Ron. "It's going to be strange being 7th years - top of the school and all."

"Yeah," was all Harry said to that.

"See you on the train tomorrow," said Ron.

Harry nodded and walked the short distance back to La Casa Black.


The trip to King's Cross should have been enjoyable because Sirius let him drive but Harry could tell they were being followed. The train ride wasn't any better. Although he, Ron and Hermione had found a compartment to themselves (Ginger had taken one look at him and stormed away), Harry knew he was still being watched.

Hermione had reacted almost identically to Ron when Harry told her what had been bothering him. She berated him severely and told him in no uncertain terms that he was being an idiot. She also begged Harry to explain it all to Ginny so she wouldn't have to listen to Ginny muttering about fools and threatening to rip out Harry's hair if he didn't do something soon.

All in all, it was a nerve wracking ride to Hogwarts.

It wasn't until Harry sat down at the opening feast that he felt he could relax. The first years were sorted and the food spread out before them.

Harry dug in only half listening to Ron detail a trip they had taken to visit Charlie in Romania at the end of the summer.

He felt a tug on his sleeve and turned around. A first year witch with huge brown eyes and long blond hair stood behind him. She wore a hesitant smile.

"Can I help you?" said Harry.

"My name is Amanda Michaels," she said shyly. "Are you really Harry Potter?"

Harry glanced at Ron, who laughed, then to Hermione who grinned and looked up at the ceiling. He looked back at the girl and simply raised his hand to show her the scar.

That was apparently enough for her because her smile became blossoming. She really was quite adorable.

"My father said he met you once," said Amanda. "He says you're the balance of power."

Harry stood up abruptly. The girl spooked and left. Harry stared after her.

"What did she say, Harry?" said Ron.

Unnerved, Harry stepped over the bench and strode toward the doors, hearing a chorus of his name being called behind him.

He didn't stop until he was staring into the fire in the Common Room. First the ministry and now this. Harry felt like the tug of war had started again. And the ministry WAS trying to force Harry not to go to Voldemort. And Voldemort kept enticing Harry with the promises of knowledge and power.

COULD the ministry hold him? What would they do?

What a nightmare.

"Ah, Harry. You remembered to visit."

Harry looked across the fire to Voldemort.

"I can see by that expression that it has started already," said Voldemort with a grin.

"What could they do to me?" said Harry.

Voldemort sighed. "Well there is a number a things they could do. It's more of a question of what they would do."

"Would their jail hold me?"

Voldemort chuckled. "I sincerely doubt it, my boy," said Voldemort.

"They are trying to manipulate me as much as you do," said Harry, his anger growing.

"Of course," said Voldemort. "Although I have stopped manipulating you. They must try to keep you away from me now."

"How do you figure that?" said Harry.

"Well apart from when I took you with me from Azkaban (I needed to answer your questions), you have been coming to me by choice," said Voldemort. "I can not use hostages anymore, they all know I won't hurt them and my Death Eaters are too afraid of you to try anything that might upset you."

That unnerved him enough that he sat down. He ran a hand through his hair feeling frustrated and helpless.

"Unnerving, isn't it, Harry," said Voldemort. "Here with me, you have unlimited authority. Anything you ask me, I will tell you. Anything you wish me to do, I will do. What does the wizarding world offer you?"

They wanted to keep him from joining Voldemort so that when Harry was ready, he could die for them. But something was missing.

Harry looked up as he felt Voldemort hit the flinch zone.

"I know you are still confused, Harry," said Voldemort. "But it will all become clear when you have accepted your destiny."

"Dumbledore always said I could chose another destiny," said Harry.

Voldemort held a piece of parchment out. Harry took it hesitantly. It was a deed. Harry scanned the document noting it had his name on it. Then he noticed the address and that it had a co-owner on it. The co-owner was a Mr. Jack Taylor and the address was in Bulgaria.

Harry laughed - had to. He looked back up at Voldemort. "You bought me a house in Bulgaria?" said Harry.

Voldemort smiled and reached out and touched Harry's face. Harry endured the pain, staring into the red eyes that had become very familiar to him.

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "I have done even that for you. I have given you another option."

Voldemort dropped his hand and Harry stood up.

"Thanks," said Harry. "I think."

Voldemort chuckled. "You'd better get back to the castle before you are missed," said Voldemort. "Albus still has your map, doesn't he?"

Harry nodded. Voldemort stepped back.

"Visit again soon, my son," said Voldemort.

Harry said nothing to that but apparated back to the common room where he found it crowded.

Most of the ministry was there as well as Prof. Dumbledore, Ron and Hermione.

"Did you go to him?" demanded the Minister.

"No," lied Harry. "I went to see Sirius."

"We called Sirius," said Goodhue. "He wasn't there."

"I apparated to him," said Harry. "He was out in the car port, working on his bike."

"That is more than likely true," said Dumbledore. "Sirius spends much of his time working on that motorcycle." He chuckled. "Trying to decipher or dismantle the things James did to it."

Harry looked at Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled at him. Was Dumbledore lying for him?

The minister accepted the excuse and they all left. Harry looked at Dumbledore.

When only Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore remained Dumbledore turned to Harry.

"I suggest you send an owl immediately to Sirius and inform him what he was doing this evening."

Then he turned and left.

Harry sighed and fell into a seat.

Ron and Hermione converged on him and Harry tried to tell them what Voldemort had said. They were as confused as he was though but Ron latched onto the Bulgaria idea and laughed his head off when Harry showed him the deed.