The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 11

Author's Note:
Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. You are a shrewd bunch.

A/N I was very glad and relieved to notice in all your wonderful reviews that you are indeed seeing the subtle exploits Voldemort is using. Don't forget Voldemort's statements (promises, threats - hehe) in Slytherin Connection: "Every that happens is because I allow it to happen," and "Where ever I am is home to you."

And we must all remember what Amarantha reminds us. Voldemort IS still an Evil Dark Lord and he started this whole thing with an evil plot.

I'm glad you all enjoyed the last chapters and remembered to read between the lines. I hope you continue to do both with this chapter. More fencing, but Harry gets to show off (about time). More tests, more foreshadow.

This is a very long chapter. I couldn't comfortably split it and I wouldn't cut it down so I hope you aren't too mad at having to wait for it.

Enjoy and please review. Some of you are remarkably accurate in your speculations so I couldn't comment on them here. Wouldn't want to give too much away. But I love seeing your reviews so I know who will be exceedingly pleased with themselves by the end of this.

Chapter 11

The Test of the Master

The return to Hogwarts was the return to boredom with the exception of Harry's secret practice sessions with Draco. Harry couldn't tell Ron or Hermione of his new skill although he desperately wanted too. (Hermione had admitted that she already knew Harry had some sort of agreement with Voldemort - "Honestly, it was so obvious. Even Ron figured it out.") But then he would have to tell them about his truce with Malfoy, which didn't extend outside their sparring.

And although he had brought some of his new clothes with him, he couldn't wear them. Not only because the school already set him apart and he didn't want to draw even more attention to himself but because such a show of wealth was not something that would go over big with Ron.

Draco said he was being pathetic and maybe he was, but Harry still refused to wear them, although he did still wear the medallion. He kept it under his shirt and he wasn't sure why but he couldn't bring himself to take it off.

Ginger was the only one who seemed to know something was going on. She finally cracked him open when she followed him out the portrait one night wearing his sword.

He told her everything except how close he was starting to get to Draco and she promised she wouldn't tell anyone although she did tell him what an idiot he was for hiding it. Sometimes he felt like an idiot.

Even now, as he sat on the floor of the room where he and Draco had been practicing. Draco had found the room two weeks ago. The tower faced south and the moon gave them enough light to practice which they had been doing every other night.

He leaned against the wall, idly toying with the chain around his neck. Voldemort had called him earlier and Harry had secretly slipped away - right away to see what he wanted.

"Are we going to practice or are you going to sit there and brood?" said Draco.

"I can brood if I want to," muttered Harry. "I'm the one who has to deal with him."

"So why did he call you this time?"

"Something about a party on Saturday," said Harry, again feeling relieved he had Draco to talk to about Voldemort. He looked up at Draco, who was leaning against a table arms crossed, staring at Harry with an inscrutable look. "Are you going?"

Draco let out a bitter laugh. "Harry, you know I don't have the distinct pleasure of saying no to or arguing with the master."

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"That's your job," said Draco.

Harry looked at him again. Draco grinned. Harry grinned back faintly.

"Far be it for me to deprive such an exalted presence of the mental stimulation."

Draco laughed.

"So what's the party for," said Harry.

"Who knows," said Draco. "He doesn't need a reason to celebrate."

"I got the impression there was a reason."

"Did you ask him?" said Draco.

"No," said Harry. "I already had a headache."

Draco sighed and moved to the cleared off section where they practiced. "So are you going to go?" said Draco, removing his sheath.

"I said I would."


Harry pushed to his feet, leaning against the wall. "I don't know," said Harry thoughtfully.

"Well make sure you show up or he's liable to throw a fit."

Harry looked over at Draco who now looked out a window.

"Voldemort doesn't need an excuse to throw a fit," said Harry.

Draco turned to face him with a laugh. "Maybe not," said Draco. "But you know he's particularly touchy where you're concerned."

Harry sighed. "Yeah a lot of people seem to be particularly touchy where I'm concerned," said Harry. "It's like this grand conspiracy to get me to do what I ultimately have to do."

"Which, of course, you have no idea what it is," said Draco.

Harry shrugged out of his robe. "Actually I have a pretty good idea."

"Oh?" said Draco with interest.

"Believe me, Draco," said Harry. "You do not want to know."

Draco stared back at with a penetrating stare. "You know you'll eventually tell me," said Draco.

"Probably," muttered Harry.

"Well shake it off and come on," said Draco. "We only have so much time and this always cheers you up."

"I know," said Harry, drawing his sword and tossing the sheath on the table.

"So stop being Harry Potter for an hour and get your butt up here and fight me," said Draco. "Would it help if I called you Taylor?"

Harry snorted as he stepped before Draco and they clashed blades, one up one down.

"You're a riot, Draco," said Harry.

They saluted formally and took their stances. As soon as Draco attacked, Harry's troubles melted away, just like taking off on his Firebolt. Fencing and flying, Lucius had said, and it was the same for Harry.

"Yes, well that's definitely an option now," said Harry.

Draco retreated a step, blocking several of Harry's blows.

"Oh," said Draco. "How's that?"

"He bought me an estate in Bulgaria."

Draco brought his sword up, stopping the duel, the swords locked over their heads.

"You're kidding," said Draco, his eyes flickering with humor.

Harry grinned. "Why would I lie when-"

"The truth is so much more satisfying," finished Draco.

They clashed swords then saluted formally again. Draco was still chuckling and shaking his head.

"That is too funny," said Draco, pressing several proficient blows.

"Tell me about it," said Harry, matching blow for blow.

"Quidditch and fencing, eh, Taylor," said Draco. "When do we leave?"

Harry laughed and it was the distraction Draco needed.

Harry ducked, raising his sword but he felt another tuft of hair fall off his head.

Draco laughed. "Still can't counter that move, can you Harry?"

Harry shook his head, smiling. "Typical Slytherin tactic," said Harry. "The least you could do, is cut the other side and keep it even."

Draco chuckled, clanking his sword with Harry's. "Bitch, bitch, bitch," said Draco.

They started again in earnest. Ten minutes became fifteen and Harry got him.

Harry summoned Draco's thrown sword and tossed it back. "Still can't counter that, can you, Draco?" said Harry with a grin.

"You're a riot, Harry," said Draco.

With another clash of blades, up and down, they started again. Then Harry felt something.

"Stop," whispered Harry.


Harry looked around the dark room. The moon was behind them throwing the rest of the room in total darkness.

"We're being watched," whispered Harry.

They both turned their swords to the room.

"Who's there?" said Draco.

A cleared throat, a shuffled foot and Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape stepped into the light.

Both Draco and Harry groaned with a frustrated gesture.

Great, thought Harry. Just how much did they hear?

"Pure poetry," sighed McGonagall. "If Jacob was here, he'd be crying."

"Indeed," said Snape.

"Gentlemen," said Dumbledore. "How long has this been going on?"

"Almost two weeks," said Harry, looking at the floor. "Sorry, Professor."

"Sorry?" said Dumbledore. "Harry, Draco, do you know how I've wanted to restart fencing classes? How you've now given me the opportunity?"

Harry shared a maybe we're not in trouble glance with Draco.

"I daresay, a demonstration," said Snape. "One of this caliber..."

"Precisely, Severus," said Dumbledore. "It is apparent that you've both been instructed by a master." Holding up his hands, he added, "Now I don't want to know the whos or the whyfores or why you've both become so naturally at ease with each other, but the fact is that you are both very skilled in this ancient art.

"This skill used to be an elective here and ended - oh, just after your father left, Draco," said Dumbledore. "He was quite a master. But alas, interest dropped off and we had to stop offering the classes.

"Needless to say, to show the students the skill-"

"The beauty," inserted McGonagall.

"Indeed," said Dumbledore. "Of the skill might spark an interest in learning the lost art of fencing."

"What are you saying, Professor?" said Harry.

"What I am saying, my boys," said Dumbledore. "Is that Professor Billings, who used to teach fencing and quite well - he did teach Lucius Malfoy - is still here. He would undoubtedly be thrilled to be able to teach it again if there was interest and enrollment."

"Meaning," said Draco.

"Meaning," said Dumbledore. "That a demonstration such as what we have just seen could generate just that enrollment."

"You want us to spar?" said Harry.

"In front of the school?" said Draco.

"Yes, gentlemen," said Dumbledore.

"I think we should just give them detention for being out of their common rooms after hours and be done with it," said Snape.

"Now Severus," said Dumbledore. "I think the boys will realize it's for the good of the school."

Harry shared a look of this is blackmail with Draco.

"I will if he will," muttered Harry.

"And miss the opportunity to show off," said Draco. "Never let it be said."

Harry heard Draco's arrogant words but noticed they didn't reflect in his eyes. He wasn't comfortable with it either.

"Very good," said Dumbledore. "It will be tomorrow after dinner. Can't hold off on some things. Come, we will let the boys finish up." A glance at them. "Ten minutes, gentlemen and you will be back in your dorms."

"Yes, sir," they both echoed and the teachers left.

Harry sank to a seat on the floor.

"What a nightmare," said Harry.

Draco nudged him with a leg. "Oh, knock it off," said Draco. "We just put on another show, like we did for the Dark Lord. Beats detention."

"You're right," said Harry with a sigh. "But I hate getting suckered into stuff like that."

"I do too, but guess what," said Draco.

"I know, I know," said Harry. "We agreed."

Draco grinned. "So get up. We have five minutes to fence and five to get to our common rooms."

Harry jumped up. They saluted once up, once down then the proper way then stared at each other.

"Oh and Harry."

"What?" said Harry.

Draco looked with disgust at Harry's baggy sweater and the hole in the knee of his jeans. "Dress for it," said Draco.

"What?" said Harry.

"You're not stupid, Harry," said Draco. "Dress for it - effect."

Harry brought his sword up as Draco lunged. Draco has a flair for dressing to impress. "Ok," said Harry. "I get it."


Harry went down to dinner feeling nauseous. Under his robes, he wore a white silk shirt and black trousers and his sword.

A hand on his shoulder stopped him from entering the hall.

"Ready to put on a show, Potter?" said Draco.

Harry masked his nervousness and turned his head to him. "I am if you are."

Draco frowned at him. "Get over it, Potter," said Draco. "My father taught you well."

Harry dropped his gaze. "I know."

Draco squeezed his shoulder and Harry looked up. Draco looked hard into his face. "This is just another practice session."

"Easy for you to say," mumbled Harry.

Draco opened his mouth then closed it. "You really do hate it don't you?" said Draco.

Harry pulled away but Draco stopped him.

"Admit it," said Draco. "You hate it."

"What are you talking about, Malfoy?" said Harry.

Draco looked like he wanted to laugh but couldn't. Harry pulled his arm out of Draco's grip.

"Let's just get this over with," said Harry. He turned away and saw Ron and the girls. He took a step toward them.

"Harry," said Draco in a whisper and Harry stopped without turning around. "Enjoy it while you can, damn it."

Harry started walking again.

He sat down to dinner next to Ron, careful to keep his sword concealed. Dumbledore was finishing up the announcements.

"Lastly," said Dumbledore. "After the meal-"

Harry felt nauseous again.

"There will be a demonstration of the art of fencing."

Several murmurs went around the room as well as a very surprised gasp from Professor Jacob Billings.

"Headmaster," said Professor Billings with surprise.

"Easy, Jacob," said Dumbledore. "It's a surprise."

Beside Harry, Ron sounded excited.

"Cool," said Ron. "I've heard there are only like five Acknowledged Masters in the world."

"Yes," Hermione chimed in. "I read about the art. There are all sorts of rules and codes of honor and stuff."

Harry felt himself shrinking.

"With this demonstration," Dumbledore went on, "We wish to instill an interest within you students to learn the ancient art and therefore be able to offer classes again here at Hogwarts if Professor Billings wishes to teach it."

Professor Billings nearly squealed with delight.

"You must realize, however," said Dumbledore. "That these two fencers are highly skilled and it takes more than a meager few weeks to aspire to this level."

Harry looked across the room to the Slytherin table and saw Draco staring back. When he met Harry's gaze, he burst out laughing. Harry quickly looked away.

"So please remain in your seats when you finish your meal," said Dumbledore. "It will be an enjoyable exhibition. Let the feast begin."

Food appeared before them and Harry nearly got full blown sick. He moved a lot of food around on his plate but none of it reached his mouth as he listened to the conversation around him.

Speculation on who the fencers were and how talented they really were in the art flew around the table. Others wondered if they were students at Hogwarts or if they had been brought in from the community. Someone even suggested that it might be a couple of the teachers but Hermione shot that one down.

"If it were teachers," argued Hermione. "Then Professor Billings would have known now, right."

And as always, when you're dreading something it comes too fast. Harry almost groaned out loud as Dumbledore stood up and cleared the dinner mess. No one had left the Great Hall either.

Dumbledore magicked a wide, high table as long as the front of the hall in front of the staff table and instructed people in the back to come down the side isles to see better.

"Now then," said Dumbledore. "On to it, before Professor Billings perishes of anticipation."

The students laughed and Dumbledore turned to the Slytherin table.

"Mr. Malfoy," said Dumbledore.

Draco stood up and the Slytherins went nuts with cheers. Draco took off his robe and laid it on his seat and moved toward the front of the room.

"Bloody hell," muttered Ron. "Malfoy. Figures."

Dumbledore turned to the Gryffindor table. "Mr. Potter."

Gryffindor eyes turned to Harry as he stood up.

"Harry?" said Ron.

"I'll explain later," said Harry, as he took off his robe.

More eyes fell to the sword belted around his hips and the table erupted with cheers.

Ron looked at his sword then up at Harry. "Kick his Slytherin arse," said Ron with a grin.

Harry threw his robe on Ron but couldn't help his grin as he went forward to the table.

They both climbed onto the table at their respected ends and pulled off their sheaths. Gripping the swords, they dropped the sheaths onto the table and walked toward each other.

Harry's eyes were locked in Draco's, although he had had seen Draco grin with approval at Harry's choice of dress. Draco himself was all in black silk, a startling contrast for his coloring and Harry had to admire his flair. Draco did know how to dress for effect.

They met in the middle of the table and turned to face Dumbledore.

"I believe you boys know what to do," said Dumbledore, his eyes glittering.

Harry and Draco nodded.

"Let the room blur," whispered Draco. "Focus on me. Remember, this is fun."

Harry nodded again and they saluted Dumbledore. Harry turned to Draco and they automatically clanked swords, once up once down. Then they backed away a step and saluted each other formally.

Draco put forth the visage of his malicious grin even though Harry could see the humor in his eyes.

"Scared, Potter?" said Draco in a tone meant to be menacing as he raised his sword.

Harry raised his own sword, taking his stance. Show time!

"You wish," said Harry and he attacked.

He must have surprised Draco with the force of his attack because Draco retreated. Harry pressed on, the only noise in the crowded room was the clanking of their swords.

Draco continued to retreat blocking all the way to his end of the table. He blocked again and held Harry's sword above their heads as he teetered at the end of the table.

With a grin, Harry reached out his free hand and grabbed the front of Draco's shirt and pulled him to a steady stand on the table. He clanked blades with Draco's again one up and one down then turned and walked back toward the center of the table.

As he expected, Draco waited a minute then charged.

Harry heard Ron yell out a warning but he kept walking until...

He swung around and blocked Draco's swing. There was a chorus of gasps at how Harry had just made the block in time.

The swords were again held firm between them.

"You know better than to turn your back on me, Potter," sneered Draco but his eyes were still laughing. He inclined his head as if to say nice move.

Harry pushed him back. "Indeed," said Harry, but couldn't help his grin.

They saluted again and started. This time it was more like their normal practice sessions as they moved up and down the table. Harry could hear some excited whispering from the staff table but he didn't move his gaze from Draco.

Once again their swords locked. Almost nose to nose they stood, the swords over their heads.

"So now what?" whispered Harry.

"Well since you almost pushed me off the table," whispered Draco. "I think you need a hair cut."

They both shoved firmly away from each other.

"Go for it," said Harry.

They went at it again and a couple minutes later, Draco found his opening and Harry ducked, bringing his sword up to knock Draco's away. But Draco had hit his mark and a tuft of Harry's hair went flying.

Harry almost laughed but repressed it as he touched his ear. Draco had gone for the other side, which Harry hadn't expected.

Draco frowned as he looked at Harry's fingers. Harry wiped the blood off on his pants and saluted. Draco returned it and they began again.

Harry saw his opening and as Draco jumped back, it was a perfectly controlled swing that purposely slashed through the front of Draco's shirt.

Draco looked down at his shirt and reached down to pull open the rip.

"You owe me a new shirt, Potter," said Draco but he was starting to loose his sneer.

"Bitch, Bitch, Bitch," muttered Harry and he saw Draco turn from the hall to snort.

"Er, boys," said Dumbledore and when they looked at him he said, "let's not get carried away."

They both smiled at him to convey they knew what they were doing.

"Very well," said Dumbledore. "Go on then."

They saluted Dumbledore then each other.

As enjoyable as they both found it, the exchange had gone on longer than their usual sessions and they were both tiring. Sweat had formed on their brows.

Draco locked his sword with Harry's.

"Finish it, Harry," whispered Draco.

Harry nodded and pushed him away. They clanked swords then saluted.

It took a few minutes but Harry found the right swing and with a twist of the sword, Draco's sword went flying straight up as Harry moved the tip of his blade to Draco's throat.

Before Dumbledore could interfere, Harry held out his left hand and summoned Revend. Draco took a step back and Harry tossed him his sword by the hilt. They clanked swords again, then saluted each other then Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood up smiling. "Excellent, gentlemen. Excellent," said Dumbledore as he began to applaud. The staff table joined him and Harry and Draco turned to the Hall where their schoolmates stared back with awe.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Draco raise his sword. Harry instantly raised his own and they slashed the blades down at the same time, saluting the Hall, which promptly erupted into cheers.

Harry summoned his sheath and turned to Draco.

"You're bleeding," said Draco softly.

"It's nothing," said Harry, re-sheathing his sword.

"It's running down your face."

"Yeah, yeah," said Harry with a grin. "And I owe you a new shirt."

Draco choked on his laugh as he tried to conceal it.

"Good show," said Draco.

"Thanks," said Harry, strapping on his sword. Then he looked at Draco, meeting his gaze. "I mean it. Thanks."

"Draco, Harry," called Dumbledore.

They jumped off the table and went to stand before him at the staff table, each re-strapping the swords around them. Dumbledore handed them both a towel.

"All right, Harry?" said Dumbledore.

"Hm, what?" said Harry. "Oh, it's nothing."

Professor Billings was almost jumping up and down.

"How could you not tell me, Albus," said Billings. "That was incredible. Draco, of course, well considering his father, his timing and execution is perfect. But," he turned to Harry, "But you. How marvelous to see a performance from a Natural."

Harry looked at the floor. He heard Draco chuckle beside him.

"Yeah, he's not bad for four weeks of training," said Draco.

"Four weeks?" said Billings incredulously. "You're joking."

"Why would I lie-"

Harry elbowed Draco in the ribs to shut him up.

"Well, it's possible," considered Billings. "For a Natural and especially considering Mr. Potter's power." He turned to Dumbledore. "Can I test them? I'm sure I can get an Acknowledged Master here once they hear I've got my hands on a Natural."

Harry felt sick again. He glanced at Draco who looked like he was enjoying Harry's discomfort and having a silent laugh at Harry's expense.

"That is up to the boys," said Dumbledore. "I would not presume to force them to do anything they aren't comfortable with."

Billings looked at them, delight and hope pouring out of his expression. "What do you say, gentlemen?"

"I will, if he will."

Harry heard the amusement in Draco's voice and glared at him. Draco just grinned maddeningly back.

Great. A dare. Harry sighed. More tests.

"All right," said Harry.

Billings did jump up and down then. "Wonderful, wonderful," said Billings. "I will owl Terrance Vandewater immediately."

Draco's head swung up. "Vandewater?" said Draco. "You think he will come."

Harry watched Draco's expression with interest. He seemed suddenly overly pleased.

"Oh, yes," said Billings. "He will be especially interested in my having fencers again. He never thought I was much of a teacher and now he thinks he is the best instructor there is. When he see you and, well - Harry." He sent a conspiratorial grin to both of them. "Of course I won't mention any names."

Draco laughed and Harry looked at him curiously.

As Dumbledore was instructing the school how to express any interest in learning the art, Harry leaned toward Draco.

"I'll get you for that, Malfoy."

Draco looked at him with surprise. "Are you kidding?" said Draco. "We may be tested by Terrance Vandewater, an Acknowledged Fencing Master and my father's nemesis."

"Your fathers nemesis?" said Harry.

"Yes," said Draco. "My father despises him. Partially because he could never disarm him but mostly because Vandewater never let him live it down. You heard Billings. He's an arrogant, self-obsessed prat."

Harry blinked at Draco's unflattering depiction.

"Once he gets a load of you, well..." said Draco.

"Well, what?"

Draco leaned closer to Harry. "You really want to thank my father for teaching you," said Draco. "You beat Vandewater then casually drop that Lucius Malfoy taught you. How sweet would that be?"

Harry considered Draco. If Vandewater was indeed such an bastard, Harry guessed he could try.

"All right, Draco," said Harry. "I'm with you but we'll need to practice - hard."

Draco nodded and smiled, a true smile of gratitude. "Thanks, Harry," said Draco. "Now go and get cleaned up, Potter. You're still bleeding like a stuck pig."

Harry snorted and they both moved toward their respected tables. Most of the students had begun leaving, all muttering with excitement. Most of the Gryffindors were waiting as Harry approached the table.

"Harry, that was awesome," said Ron.

Several others echoed the same appreciation as Harry picked up his robe.

"Thanks," muttered Harry. He still had the towel pressed to his ear. "Come on, Ron. I've got to get cleaned up."

Ron and Hermione fell into step beside him and Harry looked around.

"Where's Ginger?"

"Um. I think she's mad at you," said Hermione hesitantly.

Great. "But I told her," said Harry with confusion as they walked through the school.

"Maybe," said Hermione. "But not how good you were. Really, Harry. It was - well - beautiful. I read that watching skilled fencers could be mesmerizing but that was - I mean - it was astonishing."

Harry couldn't recall ever hearing Hermione stammering like that.

"How come you didn't tell us you could do that?" said Ron.

"Lucius only taught me over the Christmas break," said Harry. "I didn't want - Well, you two know me. That's why I made Ginger promise not to tell anyone."

"We know how you hate the spotlight," said Hermione. "But you know we can keep a secret."

"I know," said Harry. "I'm sorry. Ginger said I was being an idiot too. I just thought that you'd be pissed because the only one I can practice with is Malfoy."

"Ahh," said Ron with dawning.

"Well it was obvious to me that you're better than him," said Hermione.

Harry looked at the red stained towel. "He's not bleeding like a stuck pig, is he?" said Harry.

"Exactly," said Hermione.

Ron made an exasperated noise.

"You have more control," said Hermione. "You deliberately slashed his shirt but you didn't cut him. It was a controlled swing."

"You saw that," said Harry with surprise.

"Oh, yes," said Hermione. "I read all about fencing."

"What a surprise," said Ron.

"And you're obviously a Natural."

"I'm starting to get sick of that word," muttered Harry.

Ron laughed.

"And now Billings is calling in an Acknowledged Master to test us," said Harry.

"Really," said Hermione with excitement. "Which one?"

"Vandewater," said Harry.

"I'll look him up, if you want me too."

"Would you, Hermione?" said Harry. "That'd be great."

"Sure, Harry," said Hermione. "It's just so incredible. And you look great, by the way. Where did you get those clothes?"

Harry sighed. He was dreading this part.

"You didn't borrow them from Malfoy, did you?" said Ron. He reached out and picked up the medallion that laid on Harry's chest.

Harry knocked his hand away and put the chain back under his shirt.

"I have some nice things," said Harry trying to sound indignant. He ruined it by adding, too bitterly, "Besides, Voldemort doesn't like me dressing like a peasant at the compound and I'd rather not argue with him over such a stupid point."

Ron didn't appear half as annoyed or jealous as Harry had thought he would.

"I think you should dress like that all the time," said Hermione. "You can afford it."

Harry started to glare at her, but Ron stopped him.

"I doubt Harry wants to waste all his money on clothes, Hermione," said Ron then he turned to Harry. "But she's right, you look good."

Harry finally just shrugged.

"Harry," said Ron.


"Do you like-" said Ron. "I mean, it looked like-"

"Spit it out Ron," said Harry.

"Well, it looked like you enjoyed dueling with Malfoy," said Ron.

Crunch time. Harry stopped at the bottom of a staircase and looked at his best friend.

"Ron," said Harry. "Ever since I came to Hogwarts, there's only been one thing that I could do without thinking."

"Fly," said Hermione.

Harry glanced at her. "Right and the minute I saw Lucius and Draco fencing I knew I wanted to do it."

"Voldemort arranged it," said Ron. "Didn't he?"

"Yes," said Harry. "And I do indeed love it. Just like flying. The minute I pick up my sword, everything else goes away. Can you understand that?"

"Yes," said Ron with a nod. "It's an escape."

Harry continued up the stairs, Ron and Hermione with him. "Call it whatever you want," said Harry. "But it's therapeutic too. I think that's why Voldemort showed it to me, damned manipulative bastard that he is. But I'm hooked now. And I'm lucky to have someone as skilled as Malfoy to practice with. I think he knows I need it too."

"The weight of the world and everything," said Ron trying his best to insert some levity into the conversation.

Harry sent him a grateful smile. "Right," said Harry. "And even you can acknowledge that hacking away at Malfoy with a four foot sword can be rather satisfying."

Ron laughed. "Now there's a point I hadn't considered."


That night after constant harassment, Harry consented to let Ron and Hermione come with him for practice, swearing them to secrecy about the room he and Draco used.

Harry hadn't seen Ginger that evening and couldn't talk to her about why she was mad, but he'd get to that. Ginger never stayed mad at him for long.

As they entered the room, Harry found Draco leaning on the wall. He straightened when he saw Ron and Hermione.

"You brought them," said Draco with his customary sneer.

Harry sighed as he slipped out of his robe. "You can drop the contempt, Draco," said Harry. "They understand that I need this." He looked pointedly at Draco. "And I knew you wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to show off."

Draco's sneer melted off his face. "Never let it be said."

"Exactly," said Harry, un-strapping his sheath. Then he noticed Pansy Parkinson sitting on a table across the room.

He looked at her then turned to Draco with a raised brow.

"Great minds think alike I guess," said Draco.

"Oh," said Harry, stepping up the one step to the floor in front of Draco. "Or did she beg you until you couldn't stand it anymore too?"

Draco laughed and, with a sweep of his arm, met Harry's swing once up, once down.

"Right in one, Harry," said Draco. He appraised Harry with a glance. "Back to the peasant look?"

Harry sent him a pleading look, which Draco smirked at.

Ron and Hermione got comfortable on a table. Hermione had a book in her lap.

"I found some information on Terrance Vandewater," said Hermione.

Draco sent her a glance. "Always on top of things, eh, Granger."

"Of course," said Ron in her defense. "She-"

"Don't get all offended, Weasley," said Draco. "I didn't mean it as an insult."

"Well considering that anything that comes out of your mouth is usually an insult," said Ron. "You'll understand my mistake."

Draco actually laughed and turned to Harry. "Your sidekicks are more amusing than mine."

Harry grinned at him as they saluted and took a stance. "That's because to be amusing, one must have a brain."

They exchanged several blows and Draco locked Harry's sword in the air.

"Are you insinuating that Crabbe and Goyle are brainless?" said Draco.

"Never let it be said," said Harry.

Ron snorted.

They saluted again.

"Anyway," said Draco. "What I meant to say was that Granger can get all sorts of statistics from that book but nothing substantial on the man's character."

Harry nodded, retreating as Draco attacked.

"But aren't your opinions a little jaded by your father's feelings?" said Harry.

Draco shrugged, blocking now. "Maybe," said Draco. "But most of it is based on first hand knowledge. I've met him. I've seen the way he deals with people."

They continued dueling a few minutes in silence until Harry disarmed Draco.

Both Ron and Hermione shrieked as they dove off the table to avoid Draco's sword.

"Ha!" said Draco. "You missed them."

Harry sent him a grin and summoned Revend. Tossing it back to Draco, he said, "Funny, Draco."

With an arc, one up, one down, Draco chuckled. "I thought it was."

"So tell us what to expect," said Hermione as she and Ron got back on the table.

Draco looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Well, for starters, he considers everyone who can't disarm him as least once to be beneath him."

"I read that only three people have beaten him and they were all fellow Acknowledged Masters," said Hermione.

"Yes," said Draco. "So you see that makes him loftier than most of the world. If you don't know how to fence or can't appreciate the art then you're not worth his notice."

"Sounds like a Malf-"

Hermione slapped a palm over Ron's mouth.

"A malevolent bastard," said Hermione swiftly.

"Exactly," said Draco.

Harry wasn't sure if Draco had heard and chose to ignore the remark or if he was simply to engrossed in the duel to notice. Either way, Harry decided not to comment.

"Is he a Natural?" Hermione continued her investigation. "It doesn't mention it in the book."

"That I don't know," said Draco. "My father is hailed one but I'm not. Obviously, Harry is one too." Draco stepped back out of sword range, stopping the swordplay. "My father could never beat Vandewater," Draco went on thoughtfully. "Not to say he didn't try. But my father says that Vandewater has the ability to tap his internal magic to augment his instinct and that's what makes him so tough."

"You think you can beat him, Draco?" said Pansy, speaking for the first time.

Draco looked over at her. "Don't be ridiculous," Draco scoffed. "I don't have a chance in hell of beating him, but," he turned to Harry. "I'm betting that Harry can."

"Oh?" said Ron with a glimmer of pride. "Why?"

"Because Harry's instinct is nearly flawless," said Draco, arcing his sword. Harry instantly reacted, clanking their blades one up one down. "See," said Draco. "Harry doesn't need to think. I believe he is already subconsciously tapping his internal magic."

"And with Harry's magic being so powerful..." Hermione trailed off suggestively.

Draco nodded at her. "She catches on fast," Draco said to Harry.

"Always," said Harry.

"So you want to use Harry to avenge your father," said Ron with annoyance.

Draco looked seriously affronted.

Harry laughed and arced his sword. Draco responded, clashing the blades.

"That's it in a nutshell," said Harry.

"You think I'm using you?" said Draco looking hurt.

"Aren't you?" said Harry with a grin.

Draco's mouth dropped open.

"Just as I accidentally let it slip out in front of Voldemort that I wanted to learn."

Harry raised his brow at Draco. Draco closed his mouth, staring hard at Harry.

Harry smiled.

Draco laughed. "OK, so it's a conspiracy all around then."

"Exactly," said Harry. Not that Harry had done it on purpose but Draco didn't have to know that. "So can we practice now?"

In response, Draco saluted formally. Harry returned it.

"By the way," said Harry.


"Did you tell your father Vandewater was called?"

"Are you nuts," said Draco. "If this doesn't work..." he trailed off.

"Understood," said Harry.


They started practicing daily now and the staff let them. Sometimes Ron and Hermione or Pansy would come. Ginger, who did forgive Harry, even if she still grumbled about how stupid it was to keep it a secret, only came once that week. While she was surprised at Harry's changed relationship with Draco, she didn't understand why they bothered with the animosity outside the room. And she didn't buy their excuse that the school would fall into decay without the Potter/Malfoy enmity.

Harry preferred when they practiced alone. The banter was freer as were the references that only he and Draco understood. Draco seemed to feel the same way because he looked pleased every time he came into the room and found only Harry.

On this particular night, half way through the session Draco stepped back in the middle of an exchange.

"What?" said Harry.

"You did it," said Draco with surprise.

"What?" said Harry. "What did I do?"

Draco smiled at him. "Well you didn't get a hair cut."

"You did that move?"

"Yes," said Draco. "Didn't you see it?"


Draco laughed. "Harry, your instincts took over. This is going to work."

Harry grinned and clanked his sword to Draco's. "I hope so," said Harry.

Five minutes later the door opened and Harry and Draco stopped fencing as Dumbledore and Billings came in.

"Why do you practice in private?" said Billings with wonder. "The whole world should be able to see you."

Harry muttered under his breath about what he thought about that sentiment and he heard Draco snort.

"In deference to Harry's modesty, Professor," said Draco. "We practice without the prying eyes of the world."

Harry heard Draco's amusement and elbowed him.

"Is there something..." said Harry.

"Yes, boys," said Dumbledore. "We heard from Master Vandewater."

"And," said Draco with almost breathless hope.

"He'll be here at the end of the week," said Billings.

Harry heard Draco's almost silent "YES!" and had to smile. It was incredibly strange to be involved in a plot with Draco Malfoy rather than against him. What made it stranger was that Ron and Hermione were in on it too and they both wanted the plot to succeed too.

"Testing is to start after lunch on Saturday in the Great Hall," said Billings.

No! Not in front of the whole school. Terror slowly gripped Harry. He groaned

And leaned against the wall.

"Professor," said Draco quickly with a glance at Harry. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I'm sorry, Harry," said Dumbledore. Harry looked up at him. "I know you hate it but Terrence Vandewater loves it. Acknowledged Master Vandewater always performs with an audience."

Dumbledore and Billings left and Harry sank to a seat on the floor, still leaning on the wall.

"I'm sorry, Draco," said Harry.

"Come on, Harry," said Draco. "You can do it."

Harry opened his eyes as Draco squatted next to him. "The whole school?" said Harry with distress. Suddenly a memory of a Hungarian Horntail breathing fire at him in front of hundreds of people popped into his mind.

Draco forced a smile. "How sweet would that be?" said Draco. "And we fenced in front of the school before."

"Yes, but I could focus on you," said Harry. "You know how to direct my thoughts."

"It's not me, Harry," said Draco with a frown. "Once you get your focus, everything but the sword goes away."

Harry sighed. "I hope you're right."


Saturday at noon both Harry and Draco entered the great hall, this time together. Mr. "fashion sense" had reminded Harry to dress for it again, so Harry had chosen all black (as he was convinced he was doomed). The shirt was labeled satin and the pants were a crushed type of fiber. Draco was wearing white, which gave him sort of a spirit world type aura.

"Well guess if we're going to die, we may as well look the part," Harry said.

Draco only snorted and made a sarcastic comment about Harry's cynicism. But then promptly reminded Harry that Harry owed him a new black shirt and eyed the one Harry was presently wearing as if that one would do nicely.

The exchange sufficiently lightened Harry's mood so he was grinning as they moved into the hall. It erupted into cheers.

Harry scanned the staff table. Dumbledore and Billings weren't there, nor was the infamous Master Vandewater but Harry's heart leapt in his chest as he saw Sirius. Draco grabbed his arm to keep him from flinging himself at his godfather.

"Do him proud," said Draco softly.

Harry nodded and Sirius smiled at him as they moved toward the table set up once again in the front of the great hall.

Severus Snape stood up. "The headmaster and company will join us momentarily," said Snape and he gestured at the table. "You are welcome to warm up."

"Yes. Come on, Harry," shouted Seamus. "Give us another show."

Harry grimaced.

"Ah, our public," said Draco.

Harry choked and Draco laughed at him.

"You can be so pathetic, Potter. You know that," said Draco.

"Story of my life."

Draco waved dramatically at the table. "Fame before beauty."

Harry laughed. "You're a riot, Malfoy," said Harry.

It only took Harry three minutes before Harry disarmed Draco the first time.

"Good," said Draco. "Be aggressive."

Harry disarmed Draco again three times again in the span of ten minutes. The Gryffindor table was going nuts but Draco was smiling. Only Ron, Hermione and Pansy (if she had bothered to pay attention) knew why. Ginger knew as well but she was dubious of the whole thing and refused to condone the conspiracy.

After the forth time, a voice rose from the doors.

"So you weren't lying, Billings," said the man. "You do have a Natural."

Draco and Harry turned to the door as the three men entered. Vandewater was not what Harry had expected. He was maybe a year or so older than Lucius but much leaner in stature - softer looking, pretty even.

No wonder Lucius didn't like him. It would be like being beaten by a girl.

Vandewater crossed his arms over his chest and surveyed the two boys as if reserving judgment until after he had squashed them both under his boot.

"You boy," said Vandewater, pointing at Harry. "What is your name?"

Harry heard Draco's sigh of relief. Harry had managed to get his hair to behave and cover his scar and without the glasses, obviously the man didn't know who Harry was.

"Harry, sir," said Harry trying to sound intimidated.

"Very well," said Vandewater. "I'll deal with you in a minute. You," he pointed at Draco, "You aren't a Malfoy, are you?"

Draco's chin shot up. "I am."

Vandewater laughed with delight.

"Let it bounce off," whispered Harry.

Draco nodded.

"I will see them spar again before I test them myself."

The three took seats at the staff table.

"What do we do?" said Harry.

"What? Salute order?" said Draco. Harry nodded. "Most important person in the room last. As this is a fencing event, first Dumbledore then Vandewater then each other."

"What if your father was here?" said Harry.

Draco smirked. "Unfortunately, Vandewater is still an Acknowledged Master. It would be Dumbledore, my father then him."

Harry shook his head, grinning.

Draco saw the grin. "Are you going to be insulting, Harry?"

"Maybe," said Harry.

Draco fought his laugh and they clashed blades, once up once down.

Turning to the staff table, they saluted Dumbledore then Vandewater and Draco turned to Harry but Harry turned to face Sirius. He saluted his godfather formally and turned to Draco, not looking to see what Vandewater had thought of the action.

Draco looked as if he wanted to burst out laughing.

"Most important person in the room last, right," said Harry with a grin.

They saluted and after a few minutes of sparring, they heard a heavy sigh.

"Unsatisfactory," said Vandewater. "Forget sparring - duel."

The intensity of the exchange instantly altered as Harry attacked. Draco retreated looking surprised at how fast Harry had made the transition from sparring to dueling.

"Ah, better," said Vandewater.

They were almost at the end of the table when Draco's sword went flying.

The Gryffindor table exploded with cheers.

Dumbledore quieted the room and Vandewater stood up.

"So you're a Gryffindor, are you, Natural?" said Vandewater.

Since it seemed like Vandewater had forgotten Harry's name already, Harry just nodded. "Yes," he said simply.

"Too bad," muttered Vandewater as he came around the staff table. "Well come down now and I will deal with young Malfoy there."

Harry summoned Draco's sword for him and handed it back. He gave him a meaningful look then jumped off the table. Moving to stand beside the staff table, Harry watched Vandewater approach Draco.

Come on, Draco. Give him your best.

Draco saluted Dumbledore then turned to Vandewater and saluted formally. Vandewater didn't return it.

What a git.

"All right, boy," said Vandewater. "Let's see what Lucius taught you."

Draco held his own for about five minutes before Vandewater was done testing him and simply disarmed him.

"Not bad," said Vandewater with a shrug. "Considering who your master is. I could've done better with you though."

Then he completely dismissed Draco from his mind and looked down at Harry.

"Now," said Vandewater. "You boy."

Harry looked at Draco who jumped off the table. Harry summoned Revend again for him and handed the sword back. They clanked swords, one up one down.

"Destroy him, Harry," whispered Draco with feeling.

Harry got up on the table, his mind set.

"So, a Gryffindor Natural and a wizard who can do wandless magic as well," said Vandewater.

Harry shrugged. "Slytherin," implied Harry of Vandewater's house.

"Of course," said Vandewater.

Harry just sighed and turned to Dumbledore. He saluted him then Sirius who nodded encouragingly at him. Harry felt his courage growing after that nod and turned to Vandewater.

He held the blade up in salute and waited. When it looked like Vandewater wasn't going to return the salute, Harry said, "I face you to duel with honor, Mr. Vandewater."

Vandewater laughed. "Very well, boy." Vandewater saluted. "And it's Master Vandewater."

Harry took his stance, holding out his sword. "I don't call anyone Master," said Harry.

Vandewater attacked and Harry was surprised by the power behind the strokes. Lucius had pressed him this hard before and Harry felt the rise of his own strength in response to it. Harry's blocks became stronger and he was able to stop retreating and even land several advances.

"Interesting," said Vandewater, but he didn't let up. "Good instincts," muttered Vandewater as he found himself retreating.

Harry pressed on, all his focus on holding onto his sword.

The swords locked.

"You are indeed good, boy," said Vandewater. "But I doubt you have the stamina nor the endurance to hold up to me."

"You'd be surprised," said Harry, pushing him away.

Five minutes later, Vandewater did look surprised and he locked their swords again.

"You know that I know Lucius Malfoy and that I was in Slytherin," whispered Vandewater. "Do you know what that implies?"

Harry almost laughed. He may have come right out and said he was a Death Eater.

Harry pushed him away again.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" said Harry.

"Doesn't it?"

"Not particularly," said Harry.

"That brave are you?" said Vandewater with a knowing grin.

He really doesn't know. It was too perfect.

"So they tell me," said Harry.

Vandewater laughed lightly and attacked again. It was daunting but Harry's instincts didn't desert him, instead he kept hearing Lucius' voice in his head.

Make sure your blade is there before his is.

And it was, to the point where, with a sweeping blocking arc, both hands on the hilt of his sword, Harry let go of the sword with his right hand and moved his right leg back, blocking left handed.

Harry wasn't sure how it happened, but he blocked several blows lefty then with the same sweeping arc, switched back. Once the sword was back in his right hand, a surge of energy hit him and he attacked with the same force Vandewater had been hitting him with.

With an angled thrust and a flick of his wrist, Vandewater's sword flew out of his hand and clattered to the floor beside the table as Harry lifted the point of his sword to Vandewater's throat.

There was dead silence in the hall as Vandewater looked at Harry in abject surprise. Harry took a step back and saluted. The hall then erupted again in surprised whoops of awe and delight.

Harry had won.

"Who - who taught you, boy," said Vandewater softly, both of them oblivious to the cheers of the hall around them. "Who is your master?"

"I told you, Mr. Vandewater," said Harry. "I call no one master, but my teacher's name is Lucius Malfoy."

Vandewater looked dumbstruck. "I don't believe you."

Harry sighed and ran a hand purposely through his hair. He looked back at Vandewater and saw the man's eyes go straight to Harry's scar, a look of recognition then fear crept over his features.

"Why would I lie, Mr. Vandewater?" said Harry. "When the truth is so much more satisfying."

Vandewater looked staggered, his hand over his chest. "You can't be-"

Harry stepped closer. "And if what you implied is true, then I can assume you had permission to come here. Which means my teacher would have known."

Harry turned his head and searched the hall with his eyes. He spotted two fully robed and hooded figures in the back. He could only see them from his vantage on the table and both faces were covered by shadow but Harry knew who they were.

He saluted them and turned back to the staff table. He saluted Dumbledore then Sirius again and jumped off the table, leaving Vandewater who continued to simply stare at him.

Harry clashed swords with Draco, one up one down. Draco looked like he wanted to grab Harry into a hug and cry at the same time. He leaned close to Draco's ear.

"Draco, your father saw the whole thing," said Harry.


"He's here. I saw him in the back."

"My father's here?"

"Yes," said Harry. "So's Voldemort."

"That's who you saluted?"

"Vandewater implied during the duel that he was a Death Eater."

Draco burst out laughing.

Harry touched his shoulder briefly. "We did it," said Harry. "Did you see his face?"

"I saw it," said Draco, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "You did it."

But Harry was already walking around the table to get to Sirius and didn't hear.

He received congratulations and praise a number of times before he reached his godfather who instantly pulled Harry into a fierce hug.

"Harry, that was amazing," said Sirius, holding him away by the shoulders.

"I knew," said Harry. "Once I saw you, I knew I could do it."

Sirius eyes turned glassy and once again he pulled Harry into a hug.


Harry tried to let the events of the day wash out of him as he stood under the hot stream of water but couldn't quite seem to do it. He couldn't recall ever getting that amount of praise from his teachers or from Sirius, even when he had been credited for capturing Voldemort.

Dumbledore had asked him if he wanted to apply to become an Acknowledged Master but Harry had simply said he'd have to think about it. Fencing wasn't about acknowledgement, it was about fun, about escape.

Flying and fencing.

He couldn't help smiling as he rinsed his hair.

Pain exploded in his head and he hit his knees.