The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
Please review as always.

Chapter 2


Harry was a little disappointed with the first test. It was a written test. Harry stood over his desk, looking down at it.

"Sort of beneath your flair for dramatics, isn't it, Voldemort?" said Harry.

Voldemort chuckled as he settled into a chair.

"You're staying then," said Harry.

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "You will have questions. I will need to hear them."

Harry leaned over the desk, looking down at the parchment.

"You are allowed to sit down," said Voldemort.

But Harry was still studying the test. It was the strangest collection of questions he had ever seen. Some of the questions were on wizarding history, others on curses but most of them were very personal. Harry glanced at Voldemort. Harry could bet there was some hidden meaning behind them.

"Am I allowed to use the books?" said Harry.

"Yes," said Voldemort. "And that touches upon something else that has me curious."

"What?" said Harry as he summoned a book and it flew to his hand. He finally sat down, flipping through the book.

"Why have you never changed anything about this tent?" said Voldemort.

Harry looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"This has been your tent for a little over two years, Harry," said Voldemort. "You've never changed it."

Harry shrugged looking back at his test. "This is the tent you allow me to use, it isn't mine to change."

"Who taught you that?" said Voldemort, frowning. "The Dursleys?"

Harry was floored. Voldemort was right. Anything he used there had been because his aunt and uncle had allowed it. He never moved anything in that room because nothing was his. That is why Harry's room was never a mess. Everything he held dear was safely locked in his trunk.

"I see I am right," said Voldemort.

Harry looked back down at the test.

"Harry, I know how it feels," said Voldemort. "Everything I ever considered mine, which wasn't much was kept in my trunk. It wasn't until I went to Hogwarts that I found out I had inherited a fortune."

Harry knew how that felt.

"You have a room with Sirius, don't you?" said Voldemort.


"Do you like it? Have you made it your own - changed it?"

Harry looked at him. "Ron helped with it. It suits me," said Harry. "Why should I change it?"

"Because you can," suggested Voldemort. "Because it's yours."

"But I don't want to," said Harry, getting frustrated. "What's the point of changing something that already works?"

"Change can be good, Harry," said Voldemort. "It can inspire. Being able to adjust to change is a valuable attribute."

"Well then I guess I lost out on that one," said Harry.

"Oh, no, Harry. You didn't," said Voldemort. "You have adapted to everything life has thrown at you. Your problem isn't adapting to change, it's initiating change."

Harry wasn't sure where this was going. "Meaning?"

"You changed the world when you were only a year old," said Voldemort. "True you didn't know it, but since then, you've blindly accepted everything that has been thrust upon you."

Why couldn't he just spit it out.


"Harry," Voldemort interrupted. "You have the power and the opportunity to do great things - initiate extraordinary changes if you chose to."

"Is this another lecture on joining you?" said Harry.

"No, Harry," said Voldemort. "It's about action. Choosing to act rather than-"

"Wait a minute," said Harry. "I chose to go down the trap door to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. I chose to do down the pipe into the Chamber of Secrets."

"Even then you were coming to me," said Voldemort said with grin.

Harry ignored it. "And I chose to follow the grim passed the Walloping Willow instead of getting help."

"The grim?"

"Oh," said Harry. "Professor Trelawney saw the grim in my tea leaves during our first Divination class. I had already seen a big black dog the night I had run away from the Dursleys. I kept seeing that dog all over the grounds, I didn't know it was Sirius keeping an eye on me and trying to figure out how to get his hands on Pettigrew."

Voldemort nodded.

"So you see," said Harry. "I have initiated changes."

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "Small ones."

"I save Pettigrew's life," said Harry. "You call that small? Because of that one small change my forth year was a nightmare. And it was all your fault."

"Why?" said Voldemort.

"Because you devised that elaborate scheme to get to me," said Harry.

Voldemort nodded. "I left you no choice. And I made sure I had a servant there to make sure you won."

Harry didn't want to think about Cedric. "Moody was one of the best things about that year," said Harry.


"Yes," said Harry. "I actually liked him. I didn't know why he was helping me but I liked him. He turned Malfoy into a ferret and bounced him around the room."

Voldemort chuckled. "Did he? I wonder how I didn't hear that piece of interesting news."

Harry shrugged. "And he showed me that I could counter the Imperius Curse."

"Yes and he should have mentioned that part to me," said Voldemort. "But my most faithful servant only knew that I needed your blood and that I simply going to kill you. No one was more surprised that I was when our wands connected."

Harry had forgotten all about the test. He had to admit, his conversations with Voldemort were intriguing.


"Yes, Harry?"

"When did you come up with this new elaborate plot to get me to join you?"

"Ah," said Voldemort. "That was shown to me as more of a revelation."

"Tell me," said Harry.

"Ah, that curiosity," said Voldemort.

Harry looked back down at the test. "If you don't want to-"

Voldemort chuckled. "You know all you need to do is ask, Harry," said Voldemort. "We had just set up our first compound and were in conference. I was listening to my Death Eaters - sometimes it's best to just listen, Harry, remember that - and then from one of my more brainless servants-"


"No, Goyle," said Voldemort. "I heard the word connection in context to you and me. I knew immediately that you had to join me. Everything fell into place after that. Of course I knew you would resist, as your father did, but I knew I would win."

"You haven't yet," said Harry.

Voldemort smiled. "I know, Harry. But now we both know you can say the words. The next time you say them, you will mean them."

Harry didn't feel so confident but said, "Don't hold your breath."

Harry completed Voldemort's bazaar test and watched silently as Voldemort looked over it.

"Harry," said Voldemort. "Why did you answer the question Who is the most powerful wizard you know? Harry Potter?"

Harry stared at him. Harry had thought that was a trick question. "Aren't I?" said Harry.

"Why would you think so?" said Voldemort.

"Well because the two most powerful wizards in the world have been fighting over me," said Harry. "And the entire wizarding world keeps focusing on what Harry Potter will do, it seems to me that I may not be the strongest wizard in the world but I have the most power."

"Very good, Harry," said Voldemort.

"I'm right, aren't I?" said Harry.

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "You have accepted it. I am pleased."

Harry frowned at him. "You gave me that entire test just for that question didn't you?"

"Partially," said Voldemort. "Several of my questions were trick questions, which I noticed you answered sarcastically, which I knew you would."


"Because the correct answers would be too personal and I knew you wouldn't want to reveal them," said Voldemort. "But by your answers, I can tell that you understood the question."

Since the test (and their conversation) had taken most of the afternoon, Voldemort left him alone through dinner and that night. Harry was grateful for it because although Voldemort had not gotten close enough to cause Harry any real pain, his presence for that long was still draining.

The second test was using the Imperius Curse on a strong wizard. The first one had been on Ron, which Harry had managed in his 5th year - and without a wand. But Harry didn't know if he had the power to do it on a full grown wizard.

"Can I use my wand?" said Harry, noticing Lucius and Severus approaching them.

"Harry, you have been through two thresholds," said Voldemort. "You will not need it."

"Are you serious?" said Harry.

"Don't you realize how powerful you've become?" said Voldemort. "Have my tests not shown you? Harry, do you think another 17 year old boy could do what you can?"

In all honesty, Harry didn't know but Voldemort rarely lied to him. Harry shrugged.

Voldemort chuckled. "Modesty," said Voldemort. "A noble attribute."

"You should try it," said Harry.

Voldemort scoffed at the idea. "Oh, no, Harry. You know I enjoy gloating too much."

Harry laughed - had to. "So this test..."

"Yes," said Voldemort who turned to the other men who had stood there quietly waiting for Voldemort's attention. Severus looked amused. Lucius looked irritated.

"So what do I do?" said Harry.

"You know what to do," said Voldemort. "Except in this instance, you will tell them to do something that I wouldn't want them to do."

Harry blinked at him. Something Voldemort wouldn't want them to do?

Harry stared for a moment at Lucius. His expression had changed to one of apprehension. Lucius considered himself one of Voldemort's most trusted and favored Death Eaters, which Harry believed.

Harry raised his hand.

"Imperio," said Harry.

Lucius' eyes glazed over until a somewhat stupefied look came across his face.

"Renounce your master," Harry told him.

He looked like he was struggling even as he faced Voldemort. There was no expression on Voldemort's face.

"Renounce him," said Harry. "Tell him now."

"I will not do your bidding any longer," said Lucius.

"I will kill you," Voldemort told him simply.

"I defect," said Lucius.

Voldemort raised his wand.

Harry jerked his hand up, breaking the curse. Lucius fell to the ground.

"Voldemort, why-"

"To see if he was faking, Harry," said Voldemort. "He knows I want you to do well. I just wanted to be sure you had done it properly. I knew you would break the curse as soon as I threatened him. He's never been under the curse before. That is why he fell once it was broken."


"Because I have never put either of them under it," said Voldemort. "And no other wizard is strong enough to put them under it, which is why I am using them."

"Oh," was all Harry could say.

"Now," said Voldemort. "On to Severus." He turned to Snape. "You know you can't cheat, Severus."

"Do you think I would, My Lord?" said Severus.

Voldemort chuckled. "I doubt it," said Voldemort. "Go on, Harry."

Harry looked at Snape. Snape was looking back with one of his more threatening "I dare you" type expressions. Snape was going to make it hard for him.

Well, Harry guessed, if it was a test, so be it. But what to order him to do?

"Harry," prompted Voldemort.

"Give me a minute," said Harry. Voldemort always had Snape look after Harry. Snape was always the one who patched Harry up. Voldemort trusted Snape with Harry.

Harry raised his hand again. Snape stared hard into eyes.

"Imperio," said Harry.

Snape's gaze glazed over but he still stared at Harry.

"Hit me," said Harry.

Snape didn't move.

"Severus, hit me," said Harry forcefully.

Still, Snape didn't move. His eyes were still locked with Harry's. Then Harry realized what he was doing.

Lily's eyes.

He was fighting because of Harry's mother, not because of Voldemort.

Harry broke eye contact still holding his hand on Snape. "Professor Snape, hit famous Harry Potter," said Harry.

Harry found himself on the ground a second later after Snape's left hook. Snape had also hit his knees after the curse had been broken.

"Very good, Harry," said Voldemort. "You figured out what he was doing."

"Yes," said Harry, getting up and rubbing his jaw. "Sorry, Professor," said Harry, offering his hand to help him up.

To Harry's surprise, Snape took his hand. "I couldn't make it easy, could I, Potter?" said Snape.

Harry couldn't help his grin. "No, Professor," said Harry. "I'd be very surprised if you did."

"Harry," said Voldemort.

Harry turned to him. He didn't looked as pleased as he was a minute ago.

"What is it?" said Harry.

"Leave us," said Voldemort harshly. Severus and Lucius left.

Harry took a step back. "What have I done?" said Harry.

Voldemort seemed to be struggling with his composure.

Harry took another step back. "Voldemort, what-"

"It's nothing, Harry," said Voldemort.

"You're upset," said Harry.


"I'm asking," said Harry.

Voldemort sighed. "You know it bothers me that I can't touch you," said Voldemort.

And Harry had just spoke with and helped Severus to his feet. "I-"

Voldemort reached a hand toward Harry's face. Harry stood his ground and felt as Voldemort's knuckles stroked down his cheek.

"Lord Voldemort has discovered with irritation that he is most possessive over his son."

Harry blinked at him.

"Go eat and rest, Harry," said Voldemort. "You have pleased me."

Harry continued to stare as Voldemort walked away. Possessive? Harry didn't like the sound of that.

The next morning Voldemort got angry again as he approached Harry and Severus at the fire. Harry and Snape had been in the middle of a heated debate over one of the Quidditch matches. Harry was trying to insist his point that the Slytherins used highly underhanded tactics when Voldemort had hit the flinch zone.

Harry didn't stop his argument. "Come on, Professor," said Harry. "He grabbed the back of my broom."

Severus had been sitting back looking amused. "It's the nature of the game, Harry," said Severus. "Tell me you would enjoy it as much if it wasn't such a challenge."

Harry stared at him then ran a hand through his hair. "Well, you may have a point," said Harry. "But I still think that Flint was a-"

"Marcus graduated last year," said Severus.

"Yeah but that Cretan Samuels isn't any better."

"Complaining, Harry," said Severus with a somewhat smug grin.

Harry fell back into his chair. "Doesn't do me much good to complain to you does it, Professor," said Harry. "I suppose I'll be getting detention now."

Severus looked like he wanted to laugh but had glanced up. Harry followed his gaze and found Voldemort looking back at with an unpleasant look on his face.

Voldemort's expression instantly relaxed. "I have a small errand to run, Harry," said Voldemort. "But I have one more test."


"It's a small test of you powers," said Voldemort. "But it is quite important. I won't be long. Will you wait?"

"Will you beg me?" said Harry.

The question seemed to please Voldemort because he smiled. "I'm asking."

Harry sighed. "All right."

"Very good," said Voldemort and he dissaparated.

Lucius approached them as soon as Voldemort left.

"What was that about?" said Lucius.

"I have no idea," said Harry. "Was he mad about something?"

"Oh yes," said Lucius and he looked at Severus. "I don't think he likes seeing you on friendly terms with Harry."

"Friendly terms?" said Harry sarcastically. "He's been trying to get me expelled for years and he made me poison myself two years ago. That's friendly?"

"But that is at school," said Lucius. "For appearances. When you are here it is different. The master doesn't like that you have known Severus for so long. It reminds him that you have an entirely different life at school."

"He can't tell me who I can talk to," said Harry.

"I think what Lucius means," said Severus. "Is that Voldemort can't make you do anything since you found out the last contract was void and his frustration over that effects everything else."

"Too bad," muttered Harry.

"Just be careful what you say to him, Harry," said Severus. "Because Lucius is right and if he gets mad enough, he will more than likely take it out on you."

"Which will only remind me of his cruelties," said Harry. "And strengthen my resolve to stay away from him."

"Maybe," said Lucius. "But-"

"He's back," said Severus, standing up.

Harry stood up and they all turned. Voldemort moved towards them from his tent. There was a strange expression on his face. Harry considered that whatever his intention was, he was determined that it would turn out to his satisfaction.

Harry started to get nervous. Voldemort moved directly to Harry, his gaze intent as he searched his face.

"Are you ready, Harry?" said Voldemort.

"I guess," said Harry.

"Should we leave you now, master?" said Lucius.

"No, Lucius," said Voldemort. "I need you both for this."

"So what is it?" said Harry as the group moved away from the campfire.

"As I have said," said Voldemort. "This is a simple test of your powers simple but it is very important."


"Yes," said Voldemort. "You have shown that you are strong enough to keep me from apparating with you out of Hogwarts. This test is to see if we can keep you here."

Harry was confused. "But I already showed I can get out of your magical bonds."

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "But physical restraints are stronger."


"You will see," said Voldemort. "As you know, Lucius and Severus are my most powerful Death Eaters." Voldemort turned to Lucius. "You know what to do," said Voldemort.

"Yes, my lord," said Lucius and he reached out and gripped Harry by the wrist.

Harry looked down at his hand then at Voldemort. "So what do I do?"

There was little Harry could do to physically make Lucius let go.

"Magically force Lucius to release you," said Voldemort.

Harry tried to disapparate but couldn't with Lucius holding him. Harry understood the test. If the wizard was strong enough and didn't want to leave with the other wizard, then the other was forced to stay. Just as Harry had done with Voldemort.

So how could he force Lucius to let go?

He tried twisting his arm with his release command. I want to go home.

Lucius tightened his grip. "Very good, Master Harry. I felt that."

Harry looked at him then remembered how Wormtail had transfigured to get out of his chains.

Harry transformed. Lucius took a step back startled as Harry flew a circle around them.

"Harry is a animangus?" said Lucius.

"So that's what the big secret is," said Severus.

Voldemort ignored both of them, his eyes on Harry. "Very clever, Harry," said Voldemort. "But that's cheating."

Harry transformed a couple feet away. "Why?" said Harry. "It worked."

"Yes," said Voldemort and he raised a hand. He lowered it right away though and Harry got the impression that he had wanted to touch Harry but had changed his mind. "But how am I supposed to judge your internal magical strength if you use transfiguration."

"Internal magical strength?" said Harry puzzled.

"Yes, Harry," said Voldemort. "Try again and you will see." He turned to Severus.

Severus gripped Harry's wrist.

Harry tried to think of something internal. But what had Voldemort meant. Harry tried to repel Severus.

"Nice try," said Severus. "Not strong enough."

At least Severus had felt it. But how- Harry looked at Voldemort. Voldemort had wanted to touch Harry but didn't. There was usually no way Harry would touch Voldemort by choice. If it hurt, Severus would let go.

But how could he physically hurt Severus. Internally?

"Tough test, Voldemort," muttered Harry, staring at the ground.

Love? Harry's mother's love had protected him from Voldemort's touch before. He concentrated on that. He thought about the love he felt from Sirius and from his friends and Ginger.

He looked up Severus to see if it was working.

Severus smiled sadly and shook his head.

Lily's eyes.

Severus knew what it was like to love so that wouldn't work with him.

Harry tried the opposite. But he guessed Severus knew something about that too because it didn't work.

Then Harry tried pain. He forced himself to remember the agony he'd been forced to endure. But that simply had no effect. It had to be something that reached his skin.

How's it feel to be burned at the stake, Harry?

Harry closed his eyes and remembered the execution. He recalled his skin burning, his hands blistering. I'm burning.

Severus jumped back with gasp, staring at his hand.

"Very good, Harry," said Voldemort. He turned to Severus. "What happened?"

"He tried several emotions, which weren't strong enough," said Severus who then looked at Harry. "Then it felt like he burned my hand."

"Interesting," said Voldemort who also looked at Harry. "What did you do?"

"I'm not sure," said Harry. "You said it was internal so I was using emotions, memories."

"Very good," said Voldemort. "Go on."

"Well, I have a pretty vivid memory of being burned at the stake."

"Ah, repulsion through memory," said Voldemort. "Impressive. That is very powerful when you find one that works. Both of you now," Voldemort told Lucius and Severus.

They both gripped Harry's wrists. What worked once, Harry tried again. I'm burning. But between the both of them, the command alone wasn't strong enough. Harry focused on the memory, felt his skin burning, saw the blisters.

Lucius and Severus both jumped back at the same time.

Voldemort nodded his approval. "Very good, Harry."

"Yes, I'm impressed," said Lucius, still looking at his hand that although not burned still appeared to be bothering him.

But Harry was looking at Voldemort. He had a pretty good idea what the next test was and was pretty sure he would fail. Voldemort was going to show Harry that he could indeed keep Harry there if he wanted to, but at the cost of putting Harry in pain. Would Voldemort do that?

Harry should leave before-

Too late. Voldemort grabbed Harry's wrist. Harry stared at the ground, enduring the initial pain. He focused on his memory. I'm burning.

"Very good, Harry," said Voldemort. "I can feel you fighting me. How long can you last against me?"

Harry let the memory envelop him. Let it block out everything, even the pain from Voldemort's touch.

The pain was increasing.

Come on, Harry.

Harry switched to his love memories.

Home, Harry, Sirius had said. We're going home.

I love you, Harry. I've loved you since James laid you in my arms and you looked up at me with Lily's eyes.

"That won't work, Harry," said Voldemort softly.

The pain grew again and Harry opened his eyes. Voldemort was reaching out his other hand towards Harry's face.

"No Voldemort," said Harry softly. "That's cheating."

Voldemort hand came closer until Harry sank to his knees.

"I know, Harry," said Voldemort, brushing his knuckles down Harry's cheek. The pain broke through all Harry's thoughts. "But I don't want you to leave me yet. You are here. I will keep you here."

"You won't like it," rasped Harry.

"Perhaps not," said Voldemort.

A cry of pain tore out of Harry as Voldemort's fingers moved close to his scar.

"Just enough to drain you," said Voldemort. "That's all I need."

Voldemort kept staring into Harry's face. Harry hadn't thought he would do it.

When Voldemort was satisfied that Harry was weak enough, he let go. Harry slumped to the ground.

"Rowan," said Harry as strongly as he could, which wasn't much.

"She can't come," said Voldemort.

Harry pushed himself to his hands and knees, staring at the ground. That had been where Voldemort had gone. "You took Rowan?" whispered Harry.

"Yes, Harry. I'm sorry."

Harry doubted that. He felt a grip on both his arms as Lucius and Severus helped him to his fee. He swayed slightly.

Harry looked at Voldemort. "You've proven you can keep me here," said Harry. "But I gave you the last three days. I chose to stay. I spoke with you. I let you test me of my own free will."

"I know, Harry," said Voldemort.

"Now, I'm under no obligation, Voldemort. If you keep me here, you will get nothing from me," said Harry.

Voldemort reached up and held Harry's chin up so he could look into his eyes.

"I look forward to proving you wrong, Harry," said Voldemort.