The Dark Arts
Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/18/2003
Updated: 07/11/2003
Words: 72,123
Chapters: 21
Hits: 51,749

Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophesy


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection and Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance. As the most powerful 17 year old wizard in the world, will Harry succumb to Voldemort's manipulations and become the balance of power? The fate of the wizarding world depends on one single choice.

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
continue to review

Chapter 10

Fencing and Friendship

Harry almost choked on his food as he rushed through breakfast the next morning. He had read the entire book last night, eagerly trying to absorb the information so that he didn't look like a complete fool.

Once inside the tent - Lucius wasn't there yet - he spread a number of practice swords on the table and began testing them for weight, balance and length.

Lucius came in and studied the scene. He nodded. "Very good," said Lucius. "You have started the book."

"I, er, read the whole thing," said Harry hesitantly.

"Really," said Lucius although he sounded delighted. "Ok, then. Take off your robe."

Harry saw Lucius removing his and shrugged out of his own and hung it up.

Lucius eyed him critically. "I see you are utilizing the wardrobe the Master provided for you."

Harry shrugged. "After far too large hand me downs, it's nice to have clothes that fit," said Harry. "Not to mention that this material is simply wonderful."

Lucius actually laughed at his comment. "It is indeed but you are no pauper, Master Harry. You could have bought your own."

"Me," said Harry aghast. "I may have money but I have zero fashion sense which your son can attest and does so frequently."

Lucius laughed again.

"I still wonder who Voldemort got to pick it all out," said Harry.

"Do you?"

"Well I certainly can't see Voldemort doing it himself," said Harry.

"No," agreed Lucius with an amused tone. "But your physical stature is so similar to Draco's..."

Harry looked up. "Not you?"

Lucius inclined his head. "And Draco. As you have noticed, Draco has a flair for dressing to impress."

Harry was disconcerted by the information but had to agree.

"So now what?" said Harry.

"Hold out your arm." Harry did and Lucius measured it. "You have an advantageous reach, Master Harry."

"Mr. Malfoy, as long as we're going to do this, could you just call me Harry."

Lucius looked at him skeptically.

"At least in here," said Harry. "Technically you are the master and I'm the student, so-"

"Very well," said Lucius. "Then you will call me Lucius."



"All right," said Harry.

"Good." Lucius circled him appraising his stature then he picked up a practice sword from the table. "This will do for starters."

Harry took the sword and moved it around to get the feel of it.

"Since you already know the salute, which you did perfectly yesterday, we will move on to posture and initial position."

Harry took one of the classic positions he had seen in the book, brandishing the sword toward Lucius.

Lucius swung around quickly, a sword, which Harry hadn't seen, in his hand. Harry angled his own sword and thrust up to meet it. Lucius held the sword hard against Harry's to test his strength. Harry held it firmly.

"Well, well," said Lucius.

"Well, well, what?" said Harry, meeting his gaze between the two blades.

"It seems I've gotten my hands on a Natural," said Lucius.

"A Natural what?" said Harry.

"It was the same with me, Harry," said Lucius. "Flying and fencing."

Harry couldn't help his smile. "So it's to be a pleasure and not a chore."

"Indeed," said Lucius. "For both of us."

And it was. As grueling as Lucius was as a teacher, Harry was enjoying every minute. Sensing Harry's enthusiasm, Lucius pushed him harder. Testing him with surprise moves and harder swings. Harry had moved up two sword levels in a week which Lucius couldn't suppress his pride over.

"Well done, Harry," said Lucius, tossing Harry a towel.

Harry caught it and summoned his sword. Practice swords were merely called swords and could be summoned easily enough, but Harry had learned that the real dueling swords, like the one he had first picked off the wall, all had their own names and to summon one you had to know it's name.

"But you still disarmed me," said Harry.

"Yes but that was a master move," said Lucius. "You have a great determination to not let go."

Harry shrugged. "Stubbornness."

"No, Harry, instinct," said Lucius. "Your instincts do you credit. They are indeed good."

Harry shrugged again as he walked the length of the wall. He stopped, as he always, did at the sword he had first picked up. It always called him after that first time. It said it's name was Sennie and that it would serve him. He was dying to ask Lucius about it.

"You aren't ready for that yet, Harry," said Lucius, noticing Harry's interest.

Harry sighed. "Everyone keeps telling me that," said Harry. "But this sword keeps calling me."

Lucius looked up. "Does it?"

"Yes," said Harry. There it was out.

"Odd," said Lucius as he moved to Harry. He took the sword from the wall and studied it.

"Why is that odd?" said Harry.

"This particular sword is one of many here from my collection that has been in my family for generations."

"Then why would it talk to me?"

Lucius head swung up. "It talks to you?"


"What does it say?" said Lucius curiously.

"It say's I am Sennie. I will serve you."

Lucius blinked and looked suspicious. "And does it call you master?"

"Er, yes," said Harry.

Lucius stared at him. "Interesting."

"What?" said Harry.

"Well," Lucius explained. "It was common ages ago for a wizard trained in the art - most usually Naturals - to imprison a snake in his sword hilt to keep the sword from being used by anyone else." Lucius point Harry's attention to the intricate web of gold that coiled around the grip of the hilt.

"Most of my swords are of Slytherin house descent but I didn't think any Entrapped Swords were left because normally the wizard would free the snake at his death.

"So there's a snake trapped in that sword," said Harry with interest.

"Apparently," said Lucius. "It would have become dormant the moment its master died, but obviously something about you woke it when you first picked it up."

Harry looked at Lucius nervously. "I'm - um - sorry," said Harry. "I didn't mean to-"

"Hm," Lucius looked back at Harry. "No need to apologize. I find it fascinating. You have discovered an Entrapped Sword in my collection, Harry. They are quite rare now and hence very valuable.

"This," Lucius handed Harry the sword and took a different one off the wall, "is the sword presented to me by my father when I was ready. It is the one I favor and it is called Maldini."

"Did it call to you?" said Harry. "You said you are a Natural."

"I would not know if it called to me, Harry," said Lucius. "I am not a Parselmouth."

"Then how do you know what to call it?" said Harry.

Lucius indicated the base of the blade, thereon written the sword's name.

Lucius laid Maldini on the table and took down a different sword. "This is the one I presented to Draco."

Harry looked at the blade. Revend was it's name. Lucius handed Harry Draco's sword. Harry took it and moved it around. Lucius took it back and offered Harry Lucius' own sword.

Harry looked at it then up at Lucius. "What-"

"Take it," said Lucius. "I'm testing the swords."

Harry took it and immediately dropped it. "It hissed at me," said Harry.

Lucius laughed, looking pleased and picked up his sword. "Thank you, Harry."

"For what?"

"You have shown me that I have two Entrapped Swords and mine does indeed keep anyone but me from using it."

"What would happen if someone who wasn't a parselmouth tried to use it?" said Harry. "Like say Draco."

"Normally the hilt would tighten around the hand until the bearer lets go. And Draco knows better than to pick up just any sword in the collection."

Harry nodded.

"Harry," said Lucius.


"Would you ask the snake in my sword it's name?"

Harry looked at the hilt of Lucius' sword and asked.

You are not my master.

Harry told Lucius what the sword said.

"Tell it I wish to honor it by referring to it by it's proper name," said Lucius.

Harry did.

My master does already honor me. Maldini is my name. Said the snake. Tell my master that I belonged to the Malfoy. None but a Malfoy may touch me.

"Whoa," said Harry with interest.

"What?" said Lucius.

Harry told him what the snake had told him and Lucius looked surprised.

"Father," said Draco as he entered. "Sorry to interrupt but the meal is about to be served."

"Very well," said Lucius. "Draco, come here."

"What is it," said Draco moving to them.

"Have you ever picked up my sword by the hilt?"

"I know better than-"

"Draco," said Lucius with a warning tone.

Draco looked at the floor. "It is the most beautiful sword in your collection," said Draco.

"And nothing happened?"

"Er, no, father," said Draco, looking confused.

"Show me," said Lucius.

Draco shrugged and picked up Lucius' sword. Nothing happened.

The boy is a Malfoy. Does the master not believe me, said Maldini.

Harry told Lucius.

"Harry is talking to your sword, father?" said Draco with surprise.

Lucius laughed. "Come," said Lucius. "I will explain later. Let us go to dinner."

They replaced all the swords to their respective places on the wall.

Due to the larger number of Death Eaters in camp, Harry chose to eat in his tent but was still fascinated by the sword thing. He searched his library but found nothing on the subject.

Voldemort was in Slytherin, Harry considered. He might have a book.

Later, Harry moved through the camp which was very quiet to Voldemort's tent.

"Voldemort," called Harry from the entrance.

"Come in, Harry," said Voldemort. "What can I do for you?"

Harry glanced at Voldemort's bookshelves then to Voldemort, sitting behind his desk, a book open before him.

It was the first time Harry noticed that Harry's office was set up almost identically to Voldemort's.

"I was wondering if you had any books on types of fencing swords," said Harry.

"I might, said Voldemort. "You are welcome to look if you wish." He swept a hand toward the shelves.

"Thanks," said Harry as he moved to them, browsing the titles.

"Are you enjoying your lessons?" said Voldemort.

"Oh yes," said Harry. "Lucius is an excellent teacher. Did he tell you about today?"

"Of course," said Voldemort.

Harry nodded, running his hand over the spines of books as he inspected the titles. He pulled a book off the shelf with excitement. He flipped eagerly through it. It was just what he was looking for - a reference catalogue of sorts. He turned to ask Voldemort if he could borrow it.

Voldemort was standing behind him, just outside the flinch zone.

"Of course you may borrow it, Harry," said Voldemort.

Harry's gaze became locked in Voldemort's. Voldemort reached out a hand and let his fingers brush down Harry's cheek. Harry endured it, staring into Voldemort's eyes.

"You are pleased with this visit," said Voldemort, his hand still on Harry's face. "I know you are."

Harry couldn't speak.

"You are safe, contented and you have your freedom," said Voldemort. "You are happy here right now, Harry."

Voldemort glanced down briefly and picked up the medallion which lay on Harry's chest before returning his gaze to Harry's. "I knew you'd favor this one," said Voldemort.

Voldemort dropped both his hands and stepped back.

"Come in, Lucius," said Voldemort.

Harry looked to see Lucius standing just inside the entrance of the tent. Harry wondered how long he'd been standing there.

"Master," said Lucius. "You did tell me-"

Voldemort waved it off. "Yes, yes. I know. Come in. Harry just came in to borrow a book." Voldemort glanced back at Harry, then looked at Lucius. "A book on types of fencing swords I believe."

Lucius stepped further into the tent and sent Harry an understanding smile.

Harry closed the book that still lay open in his hand. "I'll see you both tomorrow," said Harry and he left.


Harry took Sennie off the wall again the next day.

Yes, master. I will serve you.

"My father says you're a Natural."

Harry turned to Draco at the door of the tent.

"He says he's managed to get your level up mine after only two and a half weeks."

Draco wasn't robed and he was holding a sword. A glance at the wall showed Revend missing.

"Care to prove it, Potter?" said Draco.

"You want to spar with me," said Harry with hope.

Draco looked surprised. "Don't you want to?"

"Hell yes," said Harry. "I'd love too. I love all of this." Harry indicated the room. "And I've seen you. I know how good you are. You want to practice with me, then yes - lets."

Lucius caught them the third day they had been practicing. They had started sparring together in secret before Harry's lessons and sometimes at night, always throwing a silencing spell on the tent so they wouldn't be heard.

Harry was amazed again at the naturalness of their conversations. Draco had his own brand of sarcastic/cynical and sometimes bitter sense of humor so the banter and barbs they hurled at each other - so much like at school - was taken more like teasing so it didn't offend or insult either of them.

That little truce in Harry's tent seemed to take root and Harry was glad.

They had talked about anything and everything. Draco talked a little bit about growing up at Malfoy Manor with governesses and house elves and Harry began to notice that some of Malfoy's arrogance was almost self-mocking. Harry started to suspect that half the time, Draco acted like spoiled arrogant bastard because he was expected too. The other half of the time, Harry suspected he acted that way because he enjoyed it, which Draco admitted quite readily to.

In turn, Harry told him about the Dursleys. When Draco laughed at Harry getting beat up every other by his cousin and friends, Harry found he couldn't get mad. Draco hadn't been laughing at him, but rather at how everyone, especially himself, believed that the Boy-Who-Lived lead a charmed life.

"Sort of a sick twist of fate, if you ask me," Draco had said.

Draco even admitted how much he admired that Harry argued with Voldemort. That Harry defied him and how he took everything Voldemort had thrown at him.

While that confession secretly pleased Harry greatly (such a compliment from Draco Malfoy was unheard of especially for Harry Potter), Harry accepted it with mockery.

"Careful, Malfoy," said Harry. "You're the best damned rival I've got. Can't have you going soft on me."

Draco stepped back, out of sword range, a look of feigned horror on his face. "Is that what I was doing?" said Draco aghast. "Well don't tell anyone."

Harry kept his sword poised before him. "And ruin both of us?" said Harry. "Unthinkable."

"Exactly," said Draco, raising his sword again. "What would Hogwarts do without the Malfoy/Potter enmity?"

Harry parried two of Draco's thrusts. "Fall into ruin and decay, of course," said Harry.

Draco laughed softly, attacking again. Harry parried, retreating.

"Oh, don't be a wus, Potter," said Draco. "I know what a good teacher my father is. You're holding back again."

"Your father is a great teacher and a master swordsman," said Harry. "But I don't have the years of experience that you do."

"True. But you have that Potter instinct," said Draco. "Come on, let's see it."

Harry wasn't going to let Draco goad him into making a mistake as he continued parrying. "Nice try, Malfoy."

He felt rather than heard Lucius approach. Great. How long had Lucius been watching.

"Good, Harry. Don't let him goad you," said Lucius. "Draco watch your posture."

Lucius continued to watch them captivated. Whether he was mad that they were doing this (with 'real' swords), Harry couldn't tell. Harry's eyes never left Draco.

"Hm," said Lucius. "Harry, drop your left forearm."

Harry did and something changed - more balance. Two strokes and a flick of his wrist and Draco was disarmed.

"Wow," said Draco.

Harry turned to Lucius.

"I haven't been able to watch from this vantage point before," said Lucius. "Watching you spar, I can now see the things that hinder you both." He turned to his son. "Draco, would you like to assist now," said Lucius. "I believe it will help improve you also."

"Can I, father?" said Draco.

"Yes," said Lucius. "This little infraction," Lucius looked sternly at both of them, "Although against my better judgment has indeed been helpful."


Two days later, Lucius interrupted their practice.

"Are you boys warmed up?"

"Yes," said Draco. "Why?"

"Because the Master wants to see Harry's progress."

"But-" said Harry.

"Harry," said Lucius. "Believe me. He will be pleased."

Harry nodded and looked at Draco. Draco smiled, an endearing sort of smile.

"Ready to put on a show, Harry?"

Exactly when they had gone from Potter/Malfoy to Harry/Draco, Harry wasn't sure but he guessed they were too old and too familiar with each other now for the juvenile attitudes. When they were alone anyway.

As they took a place out in the compound, Harry heard Voldemort's voice.

"Lucius, should they be using those swords?"

"Just watch, my lord," said Lucius. "You will be pleased."

"Very well," said Voldemort as he settled into his chair.

Draco and Harry clashed swords with an arcing swing, hitting blades once up then once down as they had started doing as a private salute to each other then they faced Lucius, who stood beside Voldemort's chair.

They saluted Lucius the formal way, then Voldemort then each other and took their stances.

"Don't embarrass me, Draco," said Harry in a whisper.

"As if I could," said Draco seriously.

As they began dueling, a hush came over the compound and only the clank of their blades could be heard. Death Eaters started gathering to watch and although the demonstration was for Voldemort, he didn't tell them to leave.

Every eye in camp was focused on them although all Harry saw was Draco and his flashing sword. He didn't see the fluid motion of the fencers. Harry's grace and skill, Draco's precision and perfected execution. Neither of them saw the elegance and excellence of two talented fencers in what could be called more of a dance than a duel.

Harry ducked, hearing Draco's blade sing next to his ear. He straightened staring at Draco.

"What the hell was that?" said Harry.

Draco grinned at him. "You always need a haircut, Potter," said Draco.

Harry glanced at the tuff of hair on the ground and laughed. Both were oblivious to the watching crowd.

"Show me," said Harry.

Draco moved to stand beside him and showed Harry the motion he had just used. Harry imitated it and nodded then they moved back into position.

They saluted again and started. When Harry disarmed Draco, Draco stared at him.

"Show me."

Harry summoned Draco's sword, which he could because it wasn't Entrapped and Harry knew it's name and moved beside Draco to show him. Draco imitated his move.

"Again," said Voldemort, who was sitting straight in his chair.

Draco and Harry sparred again and again Draco fell victim to Harry's disarming move.

Draco picked up his sword and they clashed blades again, once up, once down, then saluted formally to each other then Lucius then Voldemort.

As they approached the chair, they could hear the conversation.

"By God, Lucius," said Voldemort. "Why didn't you say?"

"I did say," said Lucius.

"You said he surpassed your expectations," said Voldemort. "Not that he was brilliant."

"Would you have believed me, master?" said Lucius. "Without seeing it. Or would you have thought I was only saying what you wanted to hear?"

"True enough, Lucius," said Voldemort and he stood up as Harry and Draco stopped before them. Voldemort's eyes touched briefly on Draco then he turned to Harry.

"Harry, my boy," said Voldemort with unmasked pride. "That was magnificent."

Harry shrugged, re-sheathing his sword. "Lucius is an outstanding teacher."

"Master Harry is an outstanding student," said Lucius.

Voldemort turned to Draco. "And you, Draco. It seems practicing with Harry has improved you as well. That was an extraordinary display."

Draco looked embarrassed but pleased. "Thank you, my lord."

Lucius looked down at both of them back in the fencing tent.

"You have both pleased the master," said Lucius. "But you have both pleased me more knowing that I have given you what I have just seen and it was extraordinary to watch.

"And as I presented Draco with his sword," said Lucius as he turned to pick up the sword Harry had been using off the table where Harry had laid it. "I present this sword to my second protégé."

Harry, stunned, just stared.

"Take it, Harry," said Lucius. "You have done me proud."

Astonished green eyes met gray that looked on him oddly different now.


"Take it, Harry," said Lucius again. "It has chosen you anyway. No one else will be able to use it now. And besides, you will need it to continue to practice when you go back to school on Monday." He looked pointedly at Draco. "I'm sure you will find a location."

"Yes, Father," said Draco.

Harry slowly took the sword. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

"It's Lucius," Lucius corrected. "And no, Harry. Thank you for making it a pleasure."