Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/17/2003
Updated: 07/25/2005
Words: 99,146
Chapters: 29
Hits: 317,001

Second Chances


Story Summary:
For the first time in over a decade, Harry Potter crosses paths with Draco Malfoy. Both have changed a great deal, but what do those changes mean to them - and to each other? **slash**

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
For the first time in over a decade, Harry Potter crosses paths with Draco Malfoy. Both have changed a great deal, but what do those changes mean to them - and to each other? **slash**

As it turned out, Draco was unable to learn why his son had seemed so terrified of him. Any mention of Adrian's stay in the infirmary or the events leading up to it caused the boy to withdraw into himself in a way that troubled Draco immensely. Worrying that he was pressing the subject, Draco decided to refrain from any further mention of the incident.

The children enjoyed the holiday away from school - Adrian most of all. Outside of Hogwarts, there were no schedules, houses, or newfound friends to separate the siblings, and they spent every moment of the break together.

Before anyone was truly ready for the holidays to be over, it was time for the children to return to school. Adrian seemed reluctant to leave, but voiced no complaint.

Wanting to spend every possible moment with his sons and daughter, Draco decided to forgo the Hogwarts Express in favour of making the short walk from Hogsmeade to the school. The nearer they drew to the school, the more excited Seraphine and Damien became and the more Adrian withdrew.

Outside the castle, on the vast stone steps, Draco hugged his children and bid them farewell with a heavy heart. Sera and Damien bolted up the steps, eager to be reunited with friends, but Adrian held back, looking uncertain.

"Are you all right?" Draco asked his son softly.

"Yeah, Dad. I'm fine," Adrian assured him. "I'll see you in a week, right?"

Looking down into the intense expression in Adrian's innocent blue eyes, Draco smiled softly. "A week and a day, actually," he corrected.

Adrian rolled his eyes at his father, but he also flashed him a smile. "Do we have to come straight back after I see the counselor?"

Draco recognised the calculating look in his son's eyes. "What did you have in mind?" he asked, a slight smile curling one corner of his mouth.

"Well.... It's been a while since we've been to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer."

"Weren't we just in there last week?" Draco asked teasingly, chucking Adrian under his little pointed chin.

"It was worth a try," Adrian replied with a wide grin.

"You'll have to do better than that to outwit your old man, you know."

"Yeah, yeah. Slytherin wiles and all that rubbish. I know."

On impulse, Draco crushed his boy to him and ruffled his hair.

"Dad!" Adrian cried. "Someone might see..."

"Go on then," Draco said, making a shooing gesture. "I've got to get back to Hogsmeade, but I'll see you a week from tomorrow. I'll be right here," he pointed to the stone steps beneath his feet, "waiting for you when classes let out."

"All right," Adrian said with a nod. "See you, then."

Adrian seemed a little more confident as he turned and trudged up the steps. Draco waited until the massive doors had closed behind his small son before turning away. He was in no hurry to meander across the grounds and slowly make his way back to the very empty house that awaited him.


A week and a day later, Draco Malfoy waited impatiently on the wide stone steps of Hogwarts castle. Right on time, Adrian burst through the huge double doors, engaged in a lively conversation with his favourite professor.

Draco scowled as he saw Potter walking alongside Adrian. He wondered if the man would ever learn to mind his own business. Adrian flashed Draco a brilliant smile as he trotted down the steps and threw himself into his father's arms.

Adrian had always been the most affectionate of the three children. Despite Lucius' many warnings about coddling the boy, Draco enjoyed his son's loving hugs. Today, he held onto Adrian a bit longer than was strictly necessary.

"Ready to go?" he asked, trying to ignore Potter's presence.

The smile fading from his face, Adrian nodded slightly. He glanced nervously up at Harry.

Harry descended a couple of steps, standing on the riser just below the Adrian in order to set himself nearer to eye-level with the boy. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Adrian," Harry reassured him. "Doctor Ponsford is a very nice woman. I'm sure you'll get on just fine with her."

Adrian turned to bury his face in the front of his father's robes, inhaling deeply the rich scent of old books, new linen, and the expensive cologne Draco favoured. He felt quite certain that if he could only stay here wrapped in his father's arms he would have no need to go and talk to some stranger about his troubles.

Draco stroked his son's unruly curls with one kid-gloved hand. Resolutely, he untangled the boy's arms from around his waist and took a step backward. "Chin up," he said gently, urging Adrian's face up with a soft touch.

With a curt nod to Potter, Draco wrapped an arm around his son's shoulders and turned to leave.

"I've business in Hogsmeade today, myself," Potter announced. "I'll walk with you, if you've no objections."

Draco very much objected. He was just opening his mouth to say so when he caught the expression on his son's face. Adrian was looking at Harry with something like relief. While it hurt him that his son so obviously needed Potter's reassurance in addition to his own, he couldn't find it in his heart to deny the child anything he desired.

"Very well," Draco said coolly.

The three of them settled into step, Draco matching his strides to the shorter ones of Harry and Adrian. They walked in uncomfortable silence as they crossed the school grounds. As they passed beyond Hogwarts' boundaries and started up the lane toward Hogsmeade, Adrian finally broke the silence.

"Professor Potter was telling me about what it was like when you were at school together," he announced cheerfully.

"Did he now?" Draco replied levelly, aiming an icy glare at Harry.

"Yeah. He said you were really good at Quidditch and were Captain and everything. Why didn't you ever tell us that?"

"Bad memories," Draco said with a small, tight smile.

"Did something really bad happen?" Adrian asked, his eyes going wide. "Did you get hurt or something?"

Draco laughed softly. "You could say that. Before I married your mother, I dated one of my fellow Quidditch players. We had a rather nasty break up - there were threats and blackmail and thrown hexes. Really quite awful."

Adrian covered his mouth with both hands to smother a laugh. "You won't talk about Quidditch because of a girl?" he asked mockingly.

Draco merely raised an eyebrow and smirked at his son.

The three men continued to make conversation, and soon they had arrived at their destination. Harry waited with Draco until Adrian was closeted with Dr. Ponsford.

"Well?" Draco asked, when they were alone in the counselor's waiting room. "Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Adrian," Harry said with a slight scowl.

"Go on," Draco said, his tone slightly more civil.

"I just thought you should know that he still refuses to speak in class. In any of his classes, actually, with the exception of Charms. He's still unusually quiet at meals, as well."

"I see," was Draco's only response as he looked down at where his gloved hands lay folded primly on his lap.

Frustrated, Harry rose and headed for the door.

"Potter." Draco's tone was flat, devoid of emotion, carefully controlled.

Harry turned back to look at Malfoy who raised his eyes slowly to meet Potter's gaze.

"Thank you for telling me," Draco said.

From the expression on the other man's face, it was clear that saying 'thank you' had taken a lot of effort. Harry couldn't help but be impressed.

"You're welcome," he said quietly. And then he was gone.


An hour later, Harry ducked back into Dr. Ponsford's office, glad to be in out of the chill wind that had sprung up. To his surprise, Draco was still sitting in the waiting room, his cloak and gloves now resting on a chair beside him.

Without a word, Harry sat down to wait. Roughly a quarter of an hour later, Adrian and Dr. Ponsford emerged from the inner office. The doctor, a middle-aged woman with graying walnut-coloured hair, smiled at Adrian.

"I'll see you next week, Adrian," she said, her voice warm and caring. "Good day, Mister Malfoy," she added politely, giving Draco a slight nod as Adrian moved to join him. "Harry, dear, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Adrian and I let time get away from us. Do come in," she apologised, ushering Harry into the office Adrian had just vacated, leaving two confused Malfoys staring after them.


When Harry emerged from Dr. Ponsford's office some time later, he tugged out his pocket watch and checked the time. He had just enough time for a quick drink at the Three Broomsticks before joining his old friend Remus Lupin for dinner.

Harry stepped into the dimly lit pub, blinking as his eyes adjusted from the blinding brilliance of the snow-frosted streets. Looking around for a seat that would offer a little privacy, he spotted Adrian and Draco at a table in one corner. Adrian's gaze landed on his professor almost the moment the man entered the building, and instantly he was beckoning Harry to join him and his father at their table.

Sighing inwardly, Harry crossed the room. He would speak to the boy and then make his excuses. Spending any more time in Draco Malfoy's company today was certain to incite a riot - or at least a duel.

"How did it go?" Harry asked when he reached the table.

"All right, I guess," Adrian replied, licking the butterbeer from his upper lip. "We just talked about stuff." He gave a slight shrug. "It was like you said it would be."

Harry smiled. "Occasionally, I do know what I'm talking about."

Adrian grinned. "I didn't know you...well, you know."

"That I'm one of Dr. Ponsford's patients?" Harry supplied. "Yes. I wouldn't have recommended her if I didn't know she's the best in the business."

The boy looked thoughtful for a moment, and Harry was certain that a question had formed in Adrian's mind. However, "Would you like to join us?" was all the boy asked.

Reluctantly, Harry accepted the offer and sat down beside Adrian, completely ignoring the scowl on the elder Malfoy's face. Although he longed for something a bit stronger, he ordered a butterbeer; his tolerance for alcohol was nil and he had no desire to let one of his students -or Draco Malfoy - see him pissed out of his head.

"Dad and I were just about to go home for dinner. Would you like to come with us?"

"Adrian, don't pester the poor man," Draco said lightly. Harry understood the deeper meaning behind the words.

"I'm just being polite," Adrian said somewhat petulantly.

"I appreciate the offer," Harry said truthfully, "but I already have plans. I'm having dinner with a friend."

"Oh," Adrian replied, looking disappointed. "Well, I guess I'll see you back at school then," he added as he rose from his chair at a cue from his father.

"Perhaps another time," Harry offered. He was rewarded by the sight of Adrian's little face breaking into a wide grin.

"Yeah. Another time. Good night, Professor."

Harry watched the two Malfoys step out of the pub and into the twilight, everything else momentarily forgotten.


After that, Harry took care to ensure that his counseling sessions did not coincide with Adrian's. As much as he cared for the boy, he didn't want to spend any more time than necessary in the elder Malfoy's company. Still, he made a point of escorting Adrian to the front steps and waiting there with him until Draco arrived.

A few weeks after Adrian's first meeting with Dr. Ponsford, Harry began to see changes in the boy's behaviour. Adrian continued to become more and more talkative when he was with Harry outside of the classroom. Once or twice, Harry even saw the boy laughing and talking with some other first year Hufflepuffs at dinner.

About that time, Adrian expressed an interest in making up the missed work from his classes. Private tutoring and testing was set up for him in both Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. As the new Transfiguration teacher couldn't be bothered to help the boy, McGonagall herself oversaw his special sessions; she was amazed to discover that the boy, who had been failing Transfiguration class, knew the material well.

"My father taught me and Damien a lot of this stuff last year," he explained. "We wanted to learn what Sera was learning."

Minerva decided then and there to approach Draco Malfoy about taking Professor Garrett's position next term. She was determined to replace the horrible Transfiguration teacher as soon as the board would allow it.

Adrian sat his Dark Arts and Transfiguration exams in mid-February, two months after the time when he should have taken them. He received high marks on both, as Harry had known he would.

The following Monday, when Draco arrived to collect Adrian for his weekly session with the doctor in Hogsmeade, Harry once again invited himself to walk into town with them. Again he waited until he and Draco were alone before speaking.

"I'd like to talk with you about Adrian," he said, before Draco had a chance to shoot off any witty, cutting remarks. "Preferably at the Three Broomsticks over a pint of butterbeer."

With an apprehensive glance at the door through which his son had disappeared some minutes before, Draco nodded slightly. "Very well," he said.

The two men walked in silence to the pub, ordered their drinks, and tucked themselves away at a shadowy corner table.

Harry took a long swig from his warm, sweet, soothing drink before speaking. "Adrian had his Defence and Transfiguration exams this past week," he announced.

"I see," Draco said to his mug. "How did he fare?"

"He did moderately well in Defence Against the Dark Arts - his marks were high, but not any more so than the majority of my students. I'm not certain whether that's because I'm a good teacher or because I'm not making them work hard enough."

Draco snorted and took another long drink. "And Transfiguration?" he asked, sounding a bit apprehensive.

"His exam scores were off the charts. Minerva administered the exam herself, and she was completely blown away. Especially considering the incompetence of the current teacher." Harry paused a moment, watching a prideful smile curve Malfoy's lips. "Adrian said you tutored him some last year, after Sera started to school."

Draco nodded. "The boys insisted on getting their wands when I bought Sera's. Since we live in an exclusively wizarding community, we got around the strictures against underage magic. I taught them basic potions, a little Transfiguration, some simple charms...and flying, of course, though that turned out to be a bit of a disaster."

"How so?"

"Adrian can't stay on a broom for more than ten seconds at a stretch. He's almost as hopeless at flying as Longbottom was."

Harry chuckled. "Is that the real reason why you never told them about your Quidditch days?" he asked.

Draco smirked. "For the most part. Of course, what I said to Adrian is true as well - I do have some very bad memories associated with Quidditch. That's what I get for dating one of my teammates, I suppose."

Potter's brows drew together in a puzzled frown. "I don't recall their ever being any girls on the Slytherin team," he noted.

"Who said anything about a girl?" Draco asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows. He swallowed the last of his butterbeer and pushed back his chair. "Adrian will worry if I'm not there," he said.

Harry hid his shock by quickly turning up his butterbeer and draining it. Composure restored, he rose and followed Draco out the door.


A few weeks later, Draco was sitting alone in the library of his cottage in Hogsmeade and trying to concentrate on a novel he had picked up a few days before. His reading was interrupted by the arrival of an aging snowy owl bearing a letter.

Adjusting the reading glasses that he would never publicly admit to needing, Draco broke the seal on the envelope and withdrew the bit of parchment tucked away inside.


I'd like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss Adrian.


Fearing that his son's emotional health had taken a turn for the worse, Draco checked the time and dashed off a reply:


7 p.m. this evening. Three Broomsticks.



Harry strolled into the Three Broomsticks at a quarter till seven that night with a slight spring in his step. His heart was lighter than it had been in months, and for the first time ever he was truly looking forward to seeing Draco Malfoy.

Although Harry arrived early for his meeting with Malfoy, Draco was already seated at his usual corner table. Harry made his way directly to Draco's table, his eyes shining and a smile curving the corners of his lips.

Draco spotted Harry the instant the dark-haired man entered the pub. As usual, Potter was dressed in the most boring robes imaginable and his hair was in wild disarray. He looked very much the part of an overworked and underpaid schoolteacher.

But the joyous sparkle in those vivid green eyes, the unconscious smile playing at those soft, full red lips, and the confidence and vitality that enveloped him at that moment lent him a beauty that Draco would have been forced to acknowledge even if he had been blind.

Which he most certainly was not.

Forcing the unexpected and unwanted appreciation of his former nemesis to the back of his mind for later examination, Draco schooled his face into an emotionless mask.

"Potter," he greeted coolly, wondering belatedly why Potter seemed so unconcerned after sending such an urgent message. "You had something you wanted to discuss?"

Harry draped his cloak over the back of one chair and procured another for himself. Excitement shown in his eyes and in the lines of his face.

"First class of the day today was first year Hufflepuffs," Harry announced. "We're studying werewolves."

Draco made a small, derisive noise, which Harry ignored.

"I always encourage my students to ask questions or make comments - with permission of course - at any time during class. I was right in the middle of my lecture today when the most extraordinary thing happened: Adrian raised his hand for permission to speak."

"Adrian spoke in class?" Draco asked, feeling his heart begin to beat a bit faster as if Harry's enthusiasm were contagious.

Harry laughed. "I didn't think I'd ever get him to shut up," he said with a grin.

Draco leaned back in his seat, a pleasantly dazed expression settling onto his face.

"We're getting there," Harry said, leaning forward and resting his folded arms on the table. "Adrian's really making progress."

Gathering his wits, Draco sat up properly again and motioned for Madame Rosmerta. "I think this calls for a toast," he said.

Madame Rosmerta broke out her finest bottle of Ogden's Firewhisky at Draco's behest - with Draco complaining all the while that she hadn't any decent liquor - and the two men did indeed raise their glasses to Adrian's health. Then raised them again to Dr. Ponsford.

Harry giggled at some inner musing, already feeling the effects of the potent potable. Draco raised an eyebrow, and Harry leaned on the table again.

"Adrian shocked me in more ways than one today. I mean, it was a surprise to have him speak up in class, but the things he said....."

"What did he have to say?" Draco asked, swirling the whisky around in his glass and wishing he had something more pleasant-tasting to drink.

"He gave the class a half-hour lecture on the evil of the Ministry of Magic."

Draco nearly spit out the mouthful of liquor he had been in the process of swallowing, earning a snicker from Harry.

"He was on about how wrong it is of the Ministry to classify werewolves as beasts, and require their registry, and forbid them breeding.... And he was on about how terrible it is that society misunderstands werewolves, largely due to the Ministry's policies, and about how people shouldn't judge a man by something he can't control. Went on to explain all the latest news on the Wolfsbane potion, and the improvements that have been made to it over the last decade or so. Really quite fascinating," Harry explained, watching Draco's expression with a knowing look. "I wonder where he would have gotten such unpopular notions."

"No idea," Draco said vaguely, staring down into his now empty glass. The slight hint of pink in his cheeks could have been from the alcohol, but Harry knew better.

"I had no idea you felt so strongly about the issue," Harry said.

Draco lifted his head slowly and looked into Harry's eyes with a burning intensity that frightened Harry just a little. "There is a great deal you don't know about me, Potter."

Harry offered a tiny smile. "I'm beginning to understand that, I think." Looking rather mournfully at the half-full bottle of whisky, Harry sighed and pushed back his chair. "I've classes to teach in the morning. I'd best be going," he explained, standing and drawing on his cloak.

With the barest nod of acknowledgement, Draco returned his attention to the bottle before him, slowly filling his glass and lifting it to watch the way the dim light refracted through the glass and the amber liquid.

With a small sigh, Harry turned and walked away, completely unaware of Malfoy's hungry gaze following his every movement until he disappeared through the front door to be swallowed up by the still darkness.

Slumping in his chair, Draco cursed himself for his weakness and stupidity as he slowly worked his way through the remains of the firewhisky.