Astronomy Tower
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 05/13/2003
Updated: 05/13/2003
Words: 3,773
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,547

Even Angels Fall


Story Summary:
Harry is in love with his girlfriend, Cho, and wants to marry her. But when Cho breaks Harry's heart, he's found on the Quidditch Pitch by Hermione who comforts him. The two of them do something there that will change their lives forever, but is Hermione simply``a rebound off of Cho?

Chapter Summary:
Harry is in love with his girlfriend, Cho, and wants to marry her. But when Cho breaks Harry's heart, he's found on the Quidditch Pitch by Hermione who comforts him. The two of them do something there that will change their lives forever, but is Hermione simply a rebound off of Cho?
Author's Note:
This is for those who are waiting for the sequel to my story Chasing a Dream, which I'm working hard on as you read this. Be on the lookout for Beautiful Dreamer. In the mean time, I'll supply you with short stories to tide you over. Bye!

Even Angels Fall

By: Kinoryo

Harry Potter and Cho Chang had been the new 'hot couple' for about two months now. Hermione had to admit they were adorable together. She had never really liked Cho. She seemed sweet enough, innocent enough, but there was just something about her that she didn't like... She couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps what it all boiled down to was jealousy. It was toward the end of sixth year and Hermione felt as if Cho were taking away her best friend. It was silly; deep down she knew Harry would always be her friend.

Ron and a pretty Hufflepuff named Evwelyn were currently 'going out' too. It seemed Hermione was the only single girl around. Not that she cared. She was one of those girls who didn't need a boyfriend or someone to adore them. Hermione had grown closer to Harry over the summer when the Weasleys had gone to Romania to visit Charlie and Harry had come to her house instead so he could escape the Dursleys. Hermione couldn't help feeling a little protective of him. She watched Cho like a hawk, making sure that she didn't break Harry's heart. Somewhere along the like, however, Hermione's keen eye slipped up.


"Are you sure Cho doesn't mind us being here together all alone?" Hermione asked, taking a sip of butterbeer. She and Harry were at Hogsmeade together, Ron had run off somewhere with Evwelyn and Cho was back at Hogwarts doing an essay.

"No, she doesn't mind. She knows we're just friends," Harry replied coolly, not noticing the slightly let down look on Hermione's face.

Harry and Hermione sat there talking about homework and houselves when Harry suddenly got this glazed look in his eyes. Hermione waved a hand in front of his face. He snapped back to reality.

"What were you thinking about?" Hermione asked, taking another sip of butterbeer. Harry grinned, a big, dopey grin.


"Oh," Hermione sighed. Cho seemed to be all that Harry thought about now. It was so obvious he was nuts for her, infatuated, or head-over-heels or something like that. Harry grinned and kind of stared off into space again.

"Yeah. Hey, Hermione? Can I tell you something?"

Hermione looked at him with raised eyebrows.


Harry leaned forward as if what he was going to tell her was a big secret. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I think... I think I'm in love with her, Hermione."

Hermione was taken aback. Her hand went to clutch the necklace she was wearing (the one Harry'd given her for Christmas).

"W-What?!" Hermione stuttered. Harry had never been one to just hand out love. It was something he treasured above everything, because he'd received so little of it throughout his life. He had never said that he'd loved someone before in all the time she'd known him.

"I know, I know. I just... She makes me feel so happy. She's smart, pretty, funny, and a great kisser," Harry said, turning red.

"I can't explain why, but I think I want to marry her."

Hermione was taking deep breaths now. She didn't know how to respond. (If you haven't guessed yet, Hermione fell in love with Harry a long time ago.)


"I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that I'm too young and that we need to go out for more than two months, but I love her. I have since third year."

Hermione looked into his eyes. His eyes were sincere and she felt her heart breaking inside. She forced a smile onto her face.

"I just hope she deserves you, Harry."


It was two weeks since the Hogsmeade trip where Harry confessed how he wanted to marry Cho. Hermione couldn't sleep. It must have been past midnight, but she couldn't sleep still. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to figure out why. She had been losing a lot of nights sleep recently. She had walked in on Harry and Cho kissing today. It was an image that would be burned into the back of her mind forever.

Hermione threw the sheet off of her and climbed out of bed, careful not to trip over her piles of books. Normally when Hermione couldn't sleep, she'd read or do homework, sometimes both. Tonight, however, she felt like taking a walk. Perhaps some fresh air would do her good.

She was careful not to wake Parvati or Lavender as she pulled on a thin bathrobe, put her wand in one of its pockets, and marched downstairs to the common room, picking up her Prefects badge just in case she had to use it as and excuse.

The halls of Hogwarts were quiet. Really quiet. It was unnerving, especially when ghosts would pass through wall not taking notice of you. Hermione decided a stroll on the grounds of Hogwarts would be much better than this quiet.


Hermione gasped as she was met with the chilly wind outside Hogwarts. Standing on the steps to the massive school, she found herself not knowing which direction to go. She could stroll by the lake, by Hagrid's cabin, or... the Quidditch Pitch. Without really knowing why, Hermione began to walk to the Quidditch Pitch.

As she approached the giant doors to the Pitch, she withdrew her wand from her pocket, thinking she would have to unlock the doors. When she grasped the cold, steel handles, however, she found that the Pitch was already unlocked.

With a heave Hermione opened the doors and peered cautiously out at the yards of green grass. Her eyes darted around, searching for who could have opened the doors, unable to spot any movement. A sudden cry made her jump in surprise.

The roar came from somewhere near the goal posts closest to her. It wasn't an animal cry, but human. The cry was one that shook your soul; a heart-wrenching sound and she hoped the person wouldn't make it again. She strained her eyes through the darkness and was able to make out the form of a person clinging to one of the goal posts.

The person had broad shoulders and was about five foot nine; it was hard to tell because he (at least she thought it was a he) was hunched over with a broomstick in his hand. Hermione squinted harder.

The person moaned/roared again and threw the broomstick violently with a mighty heave. Hermione winced as she watched the broomstick fly about thirty feet. The person then sank to their knees, their glasses glinting in the moonlight. Wait... Glasses? Harry!

It was Harry. Hermione could see that now. Hermione picked her skirt up so she wouldn't trip over it and ran out to where he was. She was very far away and it seemed as if she were running in slow motion. What was wrong? What could cause him such pain?


You found hope

You found faith

Found how fast she could take it away


"Harry!" Hermione called. He didn't move. As Hermione drew closer, she could see his shoulders shaking with his crying. She could hear, almost sense, his gasps and sobs before she got within earshot.

"Harry!" She called out again. She flung herself on the ground next to him. His hair, which looked as if he'd been pulling at it, obscured his eyes and his glasses had apparently fallen to the ground when he collapsed.

"Harry," repeated Hermione, unsure of what to say or do. She cautiously put her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them gently; almost afraid he might lash out at her.

"Harry, it's me, Hermione."

Still Harry didn't look up at her. She could feel him shaking and quivering beneath her light fingertips.

"What happened, Harry?"

Harry shook his head, still crying. Hermione put her hands on either side of his face and gently lifted his head so he was looking her in the eye. His face was really red, even in the dark, and the moon highlighted the trails of tears all over his face.

"What happened, Harry?" Hermione asked again, more of a command than a request this time. Harry shook his head again and choked out another sob.


Found true love but lost your heart

Now you don't know who you are


Hermione could guess what had happened. She sat on her knees and hugged his head to her chest. Harry snaked his arms around her and clutched her to him, wetting her bathrobe with his tears. Hermione shushed him as she rocked slowly side to side.

Slowly, after sitting like this for five or ten minutes, Harry's tears seemed to run dry. Now the two of them were sitting in an uncomfortable silence.

"It was Cho, wasn't it?" Hermione asked carefully. Harry nodded. He was leaning up against the pole, staring up at the stars.

"I... I caught her kissing Blake Lee in the closet by the Great Hall."

Hermione stared down at her hands. She had suspected it, but she hadn't had any proof. She had wanted to tell Harry, but he would have been too love-struck to believe her anyway.

"Why would she do something like this to me, Hermione? I thought she loved me. She said she did. Why?"

He clenched and unclenched his hands into tight fists.

"It feels like she... like she ripped out my heart and stomped all over it, Hermione. Is this how you felt when you found out Krum was cheating on you?"

Hermione was reminded of her old boyfriend and the night she spent being comforted in Harry's arms. Now it was his turn.

"Yes, Harry. That's exactly how it felt."


She made it easy

She made it free

Made it hurt 'till you couldn't see


Harry and Hermione had been silent ever since Hermione had told him, "Yes, Harry. That's exactly how it felt." Harry just sat there, staring up at the heavens. The stars were so beautiful, and so soothing. The feeling of Hermione taking his hand in hers caused him to take his gaze from the stars. He looked over at her, suddenly finding her more beautiful than any starry night.

Her hair was being blown around in wisps of chestnut brown. Her creamy chocolate eyes were locked on his.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

Harry didn't respond. He found himself mesmerized by her face, by her lips as they formed his name, the sound of her voice whispering into the night. For a moment, all thoughts of Cho and his betrayal were pushed from his mind, filled instead of Hermione.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Hermione asked, squeezing his hand. Her voice was far away to Harry. He felt as if he was floating away on a cloud. He suddenly realized he'd been holding his breath ever since he'd been looking at her and let it all out in a strange sigh.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked again, her face covered in worry. Worry for him. It was strange for him to think about. He tugged on her hand and she scooted closer to him. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gently squeezed her to him.

"I... I'm not sure anymore, Hermione."

Hermione was confused. He looked back heavenward.

"Not sure about what, Harry?"

Harry sighed again, his hand grasping her shoulder a little harder now.

"Not sure about love anymore." Harry stated plainly. Hermione's mouth opened to say something but she shut it again. She had to choose her words carefully.

"What about love is it you're sure about?" Hermione asked, stalling.

"I'm not sure if it's real." Harry said in a very depressed tone of voice.

"Of course it is, Harry," she said in a whisper. He looked down at her disbelievingly.

"Oh yeah? I thought I was in love but now I'm not sure if I ever was. How will I know when I'm in love, Hermione? How?"

"You just will. You can't explain it. You can't stop it. It just happens and something in your heart just clicks and you suddenly feel... you feel like you never have before. It hurts you, yet it gives you this wonderful free feeling, like you have wings. It confuses you and makes you worry. It makes you laugh. It makes you cry. You find that you can't live without him. That if he was ever taken away from you, you would die. Love is life. Love is... love."

Hermione was staring out into space, not realizing that she was still talking or the fact that two tears were silently making their way down her face. Harry was staring at Hermione in awe. She loves someone. Harry thought. He was suddenly struck with a feeling of jealousy and pulled her closer. He lifted a finger and gently brushed away her tears. Hermione looked up at him startled.

Harry looked down at her face, glowing with the light of the moon. He suddenly got this very weird feeling in his chest. All the air was sucked from his lungs as he stared at her face.


Sometimes it stops

Sometimes it flows

But baby, that is how love goes


Hermione reached up a hand and pressed it to the side of his face. His skin was cool beneath her fingertips. His eyes softened as his face slowly lowered itself to hers. The air was sucked from Hermione's lungs as their lips made contact. Harry was timid at first, like a frightened little boy kissing for the first time.

Hermione snaked her arms around his neck and her fingers got tangled in his midnight mane. Harry brought his hands up to hold her face as he kissed her with more passion. Hermione wanted to pull back and knew that she should.

You're taking advantage of a boy whose just been dumped. He's desperate for consolidation you know that. Hermione's mind was yelling at her.

But I love him! I've wanted this for so long! Hermione thought back.

Don't be stupid! You're just a rebound off of Cho! Her mind screamed again. Hermione wanted to let go, but found she was unable to pry herself from him.

I don't care! Hermione thought back at the annoying voice, her voice of reason.

Of course you do! I know you love Harry, but do you want to be the rebound off of another girl? Do you want to kiss him knowing that he's probably pretending or wishing that you were someone other than yourself? Don't be a fool! He doesn't love you! You're only going to get hurt, just like he did!

Hermione stopped kissing Harry. Harry looked down at her in surprise.

"What's wrong, 'Mione?"

Hermione shook her head and stood up. Harry got to his feet too.

"Hermione, what is it?" Harry asked. Hermione began to back away slowly from him. Without saying a word, she turned on her heels and ran out of the Quidditch Pitch. Harry watched her go, feeling... well, not really knowing how to feel anymore.


You will fly and you will crawl

God knows even angels fall

No such thing as you've lost it all

God knows even angels fall


Hermione's feet thundered on the dirt path leading back to Hogwarts. When she came to a fork in the road, she took the path to the left, which led to the lake. She ran as fast as she could, her tears flying.

Hermione came to her favorite spot by the lake, the big tree. She threw herself on the ground and hugged herself to it. She was sobbing freely now.

He'll never love me, will he? Hermione thought desperately. Her fingernails were scratching at the tree's rough bark now. I don't want to be a rebound. I just want him to love me for being me.

Her fingers dug into the tree's wood as she thought bitterly, but that's never going to happen. He'll never love me. He'll only love Cho. He'll just keep on chasing her.

Hermione's hair blew into her face. She just wanted to go back to when they were younger when things were simpler. Sure, they had had to battle Voldermort and Basilisks and things, but they never had these battles of the heart. She just couldn't take it anymore.


It's a secret that no one tells

One day it's heaven

One day it's hell

And it's no fairy tale

Take it from me

That's the way love's supposed to be



Hermione blinked up at the ceiling of her dorm. Sunshine was slowly pouring onto her bed. It was Sunday. She rolled onto her side, memories of the night before all flooding back to her now. She shut her eyes against the sun and against the memories.

She had gone back to her dorm about half an hour after she'd run to the lake. Everyone had been in bed and Harry wasn't in sight. Harry. How could she face him? She ran out on him while he was kissing her.

She buried her head under her pillow and moaned. What had she gotten herself into? She peeked out from under her pillow and looked over at her nightstand. There was a slip of paper on it that she hadn't put there.

Sitting up in bed, she grabbed the little piece of torn parchment. Scribbled on it was a note to her in Harry untidy scrawl.


Please meet me outside the Transfiguration

Classroom around 12 o'clock. I need to

talk to you about something that's very,

very important. Please be there.


Hermione shoved the note into her book bag. It was already around eleven thirty. Man, I slept in! If she was going to meet Harry on time, she needed to hurry! Did she really want to meet with Harry right now? Whatever it was he had to tell her, she knew it wouldn't be good.


Hermione had cleaned herself up and made her way down to the Transfiguration classroom. She was very nervous to say the very least. And suddenly, there he was.

Harry was leaning up against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked up at her as she drew closer. His face grew a little red and he took his hands out of his pockets.

Hermione stood facing him. She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. They stood there in uncomfortable silence for a long time.


You will fly and you will crawl

God knows even angels fall

No such thing as you've lost it all

God knows even angels fall




They both started at the same time. They laughed, a nervous and unnatural laugh. Harry nodded for her to go first.

"Harry, I'm sorry about last night."

"I'm not."

Hermione looked up at him in surprise and shock.


Harry smiled and took a few steps forward so he'd be closer to her.

"I'm not sorry, 'Mione. Last night I realized something. I realized just how much Cho reminded me of you."

Hermione's face fell.

"Are you sure it's not just me who reminds you of Cho?" She asked bitterly. He shook his head.

"I'm sure. You see, Hermione. Cho reminded me of you in the ways that don't really matter. She was smart like you, funny like you, beautiful like you, and a terrific kisser like you proved to be last night," Harry said, causing Hermione to turn red.

"I realized last night that the only real reason that I loved Cho was because of that resemblance. But there was something that she lacked. There was always something missing in our relationship that I couldn't put my finger on. Last night I could. Do you know what her only fault is?"

Hermione shook her head 'no'. Harry smiled and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"She's not you."

Hermione's eyes were wide with wonder as Harry claimed her lips like he had last night. She wound her arms around his neck like before and Harry settled his hands on her hips. They were oblivious to the fact that a large crowd of people was watching and that crowd included Draco Malfoy.

"Oh my," Draco's drawling voice caused Harry and Hermione to spring apart.

"Look who nailed Cho's leftovers! Tell me, Granger, can you still taste Chang on his lips? How pathetic. Potter and the Mudblood, I never would have guessed. Boy, Potter, you really downsized the quality of your 'women'."

A group of Slytherins began laughing behind Malfoy. Hermione's face was red and it felt as if her insides had been sliced at with a blade. She turned and ran down the corridor. Harry took out his wand and pointed it at Malfoy.

"I'll make for certain that you pay for that one, Malfoy," Harry spat before turning to chase after the fleeing Hermione.


You laugh, you cry

No one knows why

But oh the thrill of it all

You're on the ride

You might as well open your eyes


"Hermione!" Harry called. He had finally caught up with her. She was sitting by the lake by the tree where they used to talk together. She was leaning up against the tree's trunk, staring out at the water. Harry stopped to catch his breath, and then sank to the ground next to her.

"He's right you know," Hermione said suddenly, catching Harry by surprise.

"He's right about what?" He asked, brushing some of the hair from her eyes. She looked over at him, her eyes big and pleading.

"I'm not just a rebound off Cho, am I? Oh, please don't let it be true!" Hermione whimpered as she threw her arms around him.

"Of course not. I love you for you, not for Cho. Don't you believe me?"

Hermione shook her head fervently.

"I wanted it to be true Harry, I love you so much! I always have! I don't know what I'd do without you!"

"You don't have to worry about that. You know, when you were talking about love, I realized that I've felt that way about you for years. I just couldn't... just didn't figure it out until then. I love you, Hermione."

Hermione looked up at him.

"I love you too, Harry."

Harry brought his face down to kiss her again, and this time she kissed back, not afraid that she'd get hurt anymore.


You will fly and you will crawl

God knows even angels fall

No such thing as you've lost it all

God knows even angels fall

Even angels fall

Even angels fall


The End