Astronomy Tower
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/05/2002
Updated: 04/23/2003
Words: 41,357
Chapters: 25
Hits: 15,835

Chasing a Dream


Story Summary:
Bad things keep happening to Hermione. Harry want's to know why but Hermione refuses to tell him. Then the illnesses take a turn for the worst when Hermione is killed. But is she really dead? Harry thinks so until one night when he sees hope and something else on the horizon...

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Bad things are happening to Hermione and she won't tell Harry why. Then one day the illnesses take a turn for the worst when Hermione is killed. Harry thinks she's dead until he sees hope and something else on the horizon...
Author's Note:
This is the revised version of my first chapter. Sorry, but my computer cut out part of Harry's dream and this probably caused some confusion. So if you read it before, now it has some new text. And if you haven't read it... read it! Thanx!

Chapter One

Harry's Worst Nightmare

Harry yawned and rolled over onto his back to stare up at all the colors of the rainbow splayed across the ceiling, signaling the start of a new day. Ron's soft snores from the bed on the other side of the room echoed hollowly in the silence of the dawn.

Ron's dad had finally gotten the promotion his children always wanted. Arthur Weasley was now the head of his department at the Ministry of Magic. His family had bought a slightly large house on a field with a big forest and river behind it. Ron was finally "living the life of luxury" and Hermione was off in Bulgaria somewhere with Viktor Krum. Harry had finally been able to come to the Weasleys after Dumbledore gave his consent. Everyone seemed to have what they wanted, yet still...

I wonder how Hermione's doing. I wish she was here, but as long as she's happy where she is then I guess I'm fine. I mean, I trust Krum... Right?

Harry was shaken from his thoughts with a sudden snort from Ron. Harry smiled and shook his head. He rolled over on his side to face the wall.

I guess I'm being selfish. After all, she did promise to come to my birthday party. The Weasleys would be throwing him his first birthday party ever in two days. He could hardly wait. The dance of the orange sunlight on the wall was making Harry very sleepy. Harry's eyes grew weary and slowly he drifted into dreamland.

Harry was standing in the strangest of scenery. He was floating on the surface of what seemed to be a sea surrounding him on all sides. It was too dark to see what, but Harry could see things bobbing in the angrily tossing waves. Above him, black storm clouds swirled. Lightning would come down and strike somewhere in the distance, momentarily illuminating the water.

Harry saw debris

Her hair was wet and clinging to the sides of her face. Her eyes were wide and empty. The irises looked almost completely black. Her skin was pale and she seemed to be clinging to a piece of wood. She wore the most solemn look on her face that Harry hoped he'd never have to see her wear again.

The icy fingers around his ankle tightened. She removed the hand she was using to cling to the plank of wood and wrapped that around his ankle, too. Harry felt her weight lightly tugging at his leg. Tears sprang to his eyes as she spoke.

"Please. Tell Ron that I-I'm sorry for arguing. Tell Ginny that she was right. And tell Andy that he doesn't have to save the day anymore, you're my hero." She said croakily. Harry watched in shocked silence as a pearly tear escaped down her face.

She released her grip on his leg and slid slowly beneath the waves. Harry watched as if frozen as her torso disappeared. The last thing he saw was her face as she said:

"I'll no longer be chasing a dream..."

Harry seemed to snap back to his senses. "No! Hermione!!!" He tried to reach down into the waves but all his hands seemed to do was hit an invisible barrier.


"Hey!" Harry's eyes snapped open and he flew into an upright position. Ron was sitting on his bed looking bewildered at him.

"Are you ok?" Ron asked him. Harry felt his heart rate slowing down and he nodded silently and took deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Let's go down to breakfast. We have to eat before we go pick up Hermione." "Yeah, ok." Harry agreed. They got dressed hurriedly. Then they marched down the carpeted stairs.

Mr. Weasley was sitting at the large breakfast table reading the newspaper, Daily Prophet. He looked up from his mug of coffee as they entered. Ginny was sitting on the opposite side of the table as Mr. Weasley eating pancakes. Mrs. Weasley was busy at the stove.

"Hello, boys." Mr. Weasley said as they sat down by Ginny. "You both have letters” He said handing them separate envelopes. Harry looked down at his and smiled as he recognized Hermione's tidy scrawl. He tore it open and read the letter concealed inside.

                Dear Harry,

        How are you? You should get this letter before I arrive (I hope).

    Well, things are really cold here in Bulgaria. My parents were glad to

    accompany me to Viktor's. On the subject of Viktor, we have decided not     

    to get together. He's too old for me, honestly. He still likes me but not like

    that. He says he'll send us tickets to one of his Quidditch matches next     

    time he's in England. Please don't tell Ron about us not getting together     

    or he'll rub it in my face for ages. Anyway, Happy Birthday! I know it isn't

    for a couple of weeks, but I just felt like saying it. I can't wait to see the

    Weasley's new house! I hear that they have a river behind their house.     

    Either that, or Ron was lying. I've got the greatest present ever for your     

    birthday! I can't wait, your first birthday party! See 'ya soon, I guess.

                        Your Friend,


Harry smiled. Hermione's excitement was contagious. He folded up the letter and put it in his chest pocket. Ron was through with his letter and was now chowing down on some bacon and eggs. Ginny looked curiously at Harry's pocket.

Mrs. Weasley walked over to their table and put down yet another plate of food. Just then they heard thundering footsteps on the stairs and Fred and George entered and plopped down on Ginny's other side.

"And where have you two been all morning?" Mrs. Weasley asked suspiciously. The twins stared up at her with a false look of innocence on their faces.

"Why, Mum! You sound as if you don't trust us!" Mrs. Weasley was sent into a rant about N.E.W.T.'s when Mr. Weasley interjekted. "C'mon boys! We need to get to the hairport."

"Um, Mr. Weasley, it's an airport." Harry explained, choking down a laugh.

Just as they headed out of the door one of the strangest looking owls stopped them in their tracks. It was gold with silver tipped wings.

Mr. Weasley gasped. "It's a Sonic Sender!!!"


AN: Hello, all! This is Kinoryo and I'm new here so please be gentle if you decide to review. This is my first fanfic so please review. The story will get MUCH better later I promise, but for now you've got to stick it through.