Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/25/2002
Updated: 09/24/2002
Words: 35,503
Chapters: 10
Hits: 20,999

Harry Potter and the Elemental Wands


Story Summary:
There is no one definition for a Dark Star. Ask different people, and you will always get different answers. In this case, however, it is probably a good thing. Dark Stars cannot be defined. They are beyond the three feeble dimensions in which we exist. They can only be seen by a select few; they cannot be touched by any means that the race of man posesses. They swallow planets in their wake. It is thought that they can cause events by their mere existence, and indeed, those born under the influence of a Dark Star are considered ones to whom things Happen. ````This is the first part of the Dark Star trilogy - the tale of things explained, things unexplained, and things beyond explanation.

Chapter 01

There is no one definition for a Dark Star. Ask different people, and you will always get different answers. In this case, however, it is probably a good thing. Dark Stars cannot be defined. They are beyond the three feeble dimensions in which we exist. They can only be seen by a select few; they cannot be touched by any means that the race of man possesses. They swallow planets in their wake. It is thought that they can cause events by their mere existence, and indeed, those born under the influence of a Dark Star are considered ones to whom things Happen.

Words: 3,586
Hits: 9,670
Chapter 02

The prophecy is revealed ... and it's not all good. Dumbledore explains the nature of prophecies, and McGonagall makes a startling announcement.

Words: 3,248
Hits: 1,395
Chapter 03

Ron tries to enter the Talent Contest, but someone beats him to it.

Words: 3,470
Hits: 1,243
Chapter 04

Sirius arrives at Hogwarts, in time to give Harry some advice, and Arandelle a gift which they will all need in the future.

Words: 3,735
Hits: 1,184
Chapter 05

McGonagall reveals one of Trelawney's many secrets - one which that could get her fired (yay?). The four get an inkling of where the Wands could be.

Words: 3,635
Hits: 1,175
Chapter 06

The search for the Wand of Fire and Water begin, based on only the vaguest inklings from various peoples - Sirius, Dumbledore, Professor McGongall.

Words: 3,053
Hits: 1,128
Chapter 07

We discover the shadowy figure behind Hermione, Ron and Arandelle make a little discovery of their own (!!!), and a couple of battles ensue.

Words: 4,008
Hits: 1,040
Chapter 08

The thread of clues begins to unravel as the Wands are brought to Dumbledore ... Angelina becomes more like Oliver Wood every day ... McGonagall delivers more news (and it's never good).

Words: 4,129
Hits: 1,077
Chapter 09

A surprise visit to the Hogwarts castle in the middle of term catches everyone unaware - and could mean the death of more than one student after all.

Words: 3,581
Hits: 1,062
Chapter 10

In the tower, under the gaze of he who decides all, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Arandelle face their worse fears unprepared. Will they come away from this unscathed? Or will the prophecy come true after all ...?

Words: 3,058
Hits: 2,025