So Dear to My Heart

Kelsey Potter

Story Summary:
"Becca, he says they've got the best potion master in the world and he could easily help her, the Dark Lord need only ask it. And he'd do it for free. Becca, it's the best chance for her." He grew quiet. "The only chance for her. If I'm right..." He didn't finish his sentence. When faced with the loss of his child...a man will do anything to save the infant's life...even join up with the wrong side.

Author's Note:
This fic is dedicated to Katrina Marie Lupin and Sara D, both of whom were invaluable as sounding boards. Love ya, girls! ;D This is...kinda long, so be prepared...

Regulus nervously fiddled with the hem of his sweater. "Do I look all right?"

"Oh, for the love of--stop playing with that." Sirius snatched his brother's hands away and straightened the sweater. He adjusted Regulus's posture, whipped out a comb and ran it through the younger boy's thick, dark hair, and tucked the lining back into his pocket. "There. That looks better."

"Thanks, Siri."

"Think nothing of it." Sirius pocketed the comb. "So, who's the lucky lady? Anyone I know?"

" might," Regulus said cautiously. "Seems like everyone does these's Bettina Robertson."

Sirius scowled. "Take my advice, Reg, you'd do well to steer clear of her. She's a whore. And if you dare tell me that's why you're chasing her far-too-short skirts, I'm going to pop you a good one and write to Mum."

Regulus blinked up at his brother. "What do you mean...whore?"

"You know...a slut." Noting Regulus's blank expression, he added, "You do know what a slut is, right?"

"No-o...not exactly," Regulus said slowly.

"Bloody--and you're how old, Reggie?" Sirius teased, but there was a serious note behind the light tone. "She's a prostitute. She's only interested in one thing, and that's getting guys in the sack."

"What's that mean?"

Sirius sighed in exasperation at his brother's naïveté. "Having sex, Regulus."

Regulus looked justifiably horrified. "Eurgh!"

"Eurgh is right." Sirius tweaked his nose. "I'm telling you, go for someone with morals. I'm not saying you have to date a Gryffindor, for Merlin's sake...just someone nice and quiet who will like you because you're you and not because you have a dick."

Regulus's face twisted in a sick sort of grimace. "You know what, I think I'll give Bettina a miss. Maybe if anyone asks, I'll just say there's a photo shoot in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom for the cover of Playwizard."

"How is it that you know about--oh, never mind, I probably don't want to know," Sirius sighed. "See you around, Regulus."

"Later days." Regulus watched his brother stalk off down the corridors, then sighed and leaned against a column. He was thirteen years old, a bit of an outcast amongst the Slytherins because of his brother, and feeling frustrated. Everyone else in his dormitory had a girlfriend; even the painfully shy Andrew Martin was dating one of the other Slytherin girls. Regulus usually hunkered behind a book during their bull sessions, pretending he could care less but secretly feeling insanely jealous. He certainly didn't want a girlfriend just because everyone else had one; however, he had lately started feeling hormonal stirrings and was curious as to what it would be like.

He sighed and started to move off. Just then, someone came around the corner and collided with him.

"Ow!" they both said in unison, falling to the floor. Regulus pushed himself to a sitting position. He guessed he had bumped into a Ravenclaw, judging by the amount of books that had gone flying everywhere. He knew there were people in other houses who read a lot--case in point was himself--but Ravenclaw was a pretty good guess.

"Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry!" whoever it was breathed. "I wasn't paying attention at all..."

"It's all right," Regulus said quickly. He felt around for his glasses and finally located them, then pushed the thin wire-rimmed frames up his nose. Turning to the other student, he realised it was a very pretty young he recognised from one or two of his classes. He rose to a standing position, then graciously offered her his hand.

"Thanks," she said a little sheepishly, bending to gather her books. Ever the gentleman, Regulus bent down to help. As they both reached for the same book, their heads knocked together.

Turning a little red, Regulus blurted, "I'm so sorry,"

"Prince," she supplied, smiling a little as they straightened. "Rebecca Prince. I'm a third year. And think nothing of it,"

"Black, Regulus Black," Regulus told her. "Also a third year. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rebecca."

"Nah, just call me Becca, everyone else does. It's nice to meet you too, Regulus. Say, do you have a brother?"

Regulus hesitated, then admitted, "Yes. His name is Sirius, and he's a fifth year."

Becca nodded. "My brother hates him."

Regulus laughed a little. "What's your brother's name?"

"Severus Snape. I've been adopted by my maternal grandmother." Becca cast her eyes down. "Dad's abusive."

Regulus touched her hand lightly. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Becca straightened. "What house are you in?"

"Slytherin. You?"

"Ravenclaw. That means we can hang out, right?"

"Of course," Regulus said swiftly, eager to see more of the dark-haired girl. " Would you...I mean, would you like to got to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?"

Becca hesitated, "I don't know..."

"Oh, come on," Regulus cajoled. "Just as friends...not as a date."

"Well...okay. I'd love to!"

"Great! Hall on Saturday?"

"Sure. See you then."


The two became fast friends. Becca had a wicked sense of humour and a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush; Regulus, from living with Sirius, had a quick wit and a good mind for pranks. Together, they made a team to rival the Marauders for sheer prank power. They also managed to stay out of trouble about it--Regulus once joked that if the teachers heard a wand blast and hurried into the room to find Becca standing over a dead classmate holding a smoking wand, they'd say, "Miss Prince! Don't touch that! There could be fingerprints!" Besides, teachers were only too ready to blame the Marauders for whatever happened. Sometimes they got let off if they could manage to look puzzled enough, but Sirius on a couple of occasions took the full blame, knowing full and well that Regulus had done it.

Becca gave Regulus advice about women; he gave her advice on men. A year after their accidental meeting in the hall, Becca was sort of dating Peter Pettigrew, while Regulus had scored a series of dates with Aileen Starrunner, a pretty and vivacious Slytherin seventh year who didn't usually go on more than one date with a guy.

One afternoon, the second Hogsmeade visit of that particular school year, Becca wished Regulus luck and set off with Peter; Regulus waited around until Aileen showed up.

Watching her that afternoon, Regulus was put uncomfortably in mind of Bettina, which reminded him of Sirius's warning against her. Somehow, however, he'd forgotten the gist of it and really he'd ceased to care. So he didn't feel as alarmed as he should have when her forceful kisses seemed to go a little farther than usual...


Becca paced anxiously, glancing at her watch. Finally, the library door opened. She looked up eagerly...and saw, to her dismay, Sirius. Plucking up her courage, she hurried over to him.

"Sirius?" she squeaked. Getting her voice under control, she tried again. "Sirius? Have you seen Regulus anywhere? We were supposed to meet up after the Hogsmeade visit, but..."

Sirius shrugged. "Who was he hanging out with?"

" had a date with Aileen Starrunner," Becca answered.

Sirius blanched. "Flipping...bloody...hell. You have got to be kidding me...I'll help you look."

Becca accosted her brother and begged him to help her; to her surprise, he joined in the search, scouring the dungeons and the Slytherin common rooms. Sirius finally found Regulus huddled in a corner of a hallway. When Becca stumbled upon them, Sirius was hugging his brother tightly, rocking him back and forth, as tears poured down the younger boy's face.

"I'm sorry, Siri," Regulus sobbed, burying his face in his older brother's chest. "I'm so sorry..."

"Shh. It's okay," Sirius soothed, stroking Regulus's hair gently. "It's not your fault."


"She's older, she knew better," Sirius interrupted sternly. "Reg, I brag as much as the next person, but I'd never do anything to a little kid like that. Fourteen is too young. Especially for an eighteen-year-old."

"What's wrong?" Becca asked urgently.

Sirius continued soothing his younger brother. " advantage of him," he said softly. "He wasn't ready...she pushed him too far, too fast, and he couldn't get hold of his senses in time to stop her."

Becca bit back a scream. "Oh, Regulus...I'm so sorry..."

Regulus raised his tearstained face and blinked at her. "Becca?" he murmured. "'M sorry I'm late..."

Becca shook her head firmly, indicating that all was forgiven. "I'd better go tell Severus you're--that you've been found," she said a little shakily. "I'll see you around, Regulus." With that, she hurried off.


"Regulus! Did you hear?"

Regulus barely glanced up from his book. He'd been sleeping badly all week, and he hadn't been eating well either; he was losing weight already. Becca worried about him constantly. "No, what?"

Becca sat eagerly next to him, her eyes shining. "Sirius and Severus ganged up on Aileen and beat the crap out of her. For what she did to you. How's that for brotherly love?"

Regulus slowly raised his head, a new light shining in his eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Mmm-hmm. Nora Whitfield told me."

The first smile Becca had seen in days split Regulus's pale, thin face. "Excuse me, would you?" he said, standing and heading for the door.

Sirius was walking with James, Remus, and Peter, plotting their next full moon escapade, when he heard a call from behind. "Sirius?"

Sirius stopped and turned. A smaller, dark-clad, pale-faced form stood at the end of the hall, watching him with grey eyes that seemed the only thing in his body alive; a split second later, he had closed the gap and was hugging Sirius tightly around the neck.

"Becca told me what happened," Regulus said, his voice slightly muffled in his brother's shoulder. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, that's what brothers are for, right?" Sirius said lovingly, hugging Regulus close and ruffling his dark hair affectionately. "No one but no one messes with my baby brother and gets away with it." He hesitated, then added softly, "When you were born...I remember...Mum said I was the oldest and I had responsibility...that I was to protect you. I failed you...I failed you too many times. Even if Mum hadn't made me promise, I would have looked out for you. I feel like scum because I couldn't protect you from Aileen...because I didn't know in time to do anything other than be there while you cried, while you were hurt and vulnerable."

"That's what I needed," Regulus insisted.

"Yeah, but I wanted to be able to do more. I felt like it was my fault it had happened to it was my fault you felt so guilty about it was my fault your first had to be Aileen instead of someone you really, truly care about. I had to do something, if only to make myself feel better, and when I saw Aileen I just went to town."

"Hold up," James Potter said finally, glowering at them both. "What's going on? What's all this about Aileen and going to town?"

Sirius sighed, pulling back from Regulus a little. "Aileen...well, I don't care what she calls it, or what the law calls it, in my mind it amounts to rape. She seduced Regulus while they were in Hogsmeade."

Remus gave Regulus a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry, Regulus. That must have been hell."

"It wasn't pleasant," Regulus admitted, looking at his feet. "I guess I just...I don't know, I wasn't thinking."

James sighed. "I'm not one to talk, I dated Bettina Robertson for almost two years...but Aileen's the older one, she should have been responsible." He gave Regulus a slight smile, the first time James Potter had ever smiled at Regulus. "You'll be okay, kiddo. Just pick someone slightly next time."

Regulus managed to smile back and saluted. "Aye, aye, sir."

Sirius slapped his brother playfully on the backside. "Now be off with you, lad, and keep your nose out of trouble."

Regulus saluted again, gave his brother one final hug, and headed back to the library.


"You okay, Becca?"

Becca turned away from the window and managed a small half-smile. "I guess. It's just...Valentine's Day is coming up, you know?"

"'s a Hogsmeade visit, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I don't think I'm going to go," Becca said softly. "Peter broke up with me on Valentine's Day last year."

Regulus reached over and squeezed her fingers lightly. "Well, if you don't want to go to Hogsmeade, what are you going to do? Everyone else will be there."

Becca shrugged "I don't know. Maybe I'll just mope about in the library."

Not if I can help it, Regulus thought but didn't say. "Okay, Becca. If that's really what you want to do."


Becca sat and watched her classmates heading off for Hogsmeade. She wasn't going, of course, but she wanted to say goodbye to her friends. She frowned as she watched a group of Slytherins go by; Regulus was not among them.

"Oh, gosh!" Becca's best friend Marjorie gasped in astonishment. "Becca, can I ask you a huge favour? Could you run this back up to the dorms for me? I thought I left it, but..."

"Sure." Becca took the scarf and trudged back up to the fifth-year dorms. Marjorie hated carrying unnecessary junk around; she could understand why her friend had wanted her to take the scarf upstairs. Besides, she needed to get her book so she could go hide in the library.

To her surprise, there was something on her bed. Curious, she set Marjorie's scarf on the other girl's bed and approached. Her jaw dropped as she realised it was an old-fashioned, very stylish red silk dress with a white strip of cloth she knew was called a stomacher. A pair of silver satin slippers sat on top of them, with a pair of white silk stockings. A note was pinned to the top in floppy, unfamiliar calligraphy: A surprise I have for you, my love. Put on these clothes and meet me on the seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Gregory the Barmy.

Becca was startled. At the same time, she was flattered. She had a secret admirer! Marjorie must be his accomplice...she'd planted the dress and suddenly found her scarf as an excuse to send Becca back up to the dormitories.

As she couldn't think of anything else to do, she slipped out of her sweatsuit and pulled on the dress, then the stockings, then stuck her feet into the slippers. It felt gloriously cool on her skin.

On a sudden inspiration, she rummaged about in one of her roommate's bedside tables until she found a red velvet ribbon. She brushed her night-dark hair until it shone, then tied it back with the ribbon. Having done that, she hurried lightly through the corridors.

She got lost twice, but finally she found the tapestry she was looking for and knocked on the door. It slowly creaked open. Becca stepped inside and blinked.

Someone had laid out a cosy dinner table for two, complete with candlelight. As she stepped into the room, a man in a suit that looked rather as if he was trying to emulate El Zorro stepped out of the shadows, took off his hat, and bowed to her. "You look stunning, Miss Prince. That colour is very flattering on you."

Becca's face lit up; she laughed. "Regulus, this is impressive."

Regulus laughed, coming up to her, candlelight flashing off his glasses. "So, what do you think?"

"It seems a bit much to do for a friend," Becca said truthfully, looking around.

"I didn't do this as a friend, Becca."

Becca turned and saw that all the levity had gone out of Regulus's soft grey eyes. He was watching her with a kind of love and tenderness surpassing anything Severus, whom she always thought loved her best, had ever given her. She smiled. "It looks wonderful."

"Then let's see how it tastes," Regulus grinned, offering her his arm.

Becca soon discovered that it tasted just as good as it looked. The meal was a pasta dish, a salad, and crisp garlic bread. They had a glass of buttermilk each. At the end of the meal, Regulus produced a bottle that looked like wine, but which he assured her was just grape juice.

"That was wonderful," Becca said with a smile, sipping the glass.

Regulus grinned. "I'm glad you think so. I made it myself."

"Really? No way." Becca was impressed. "I didn't know you could cook!"

"Sirius taught me when I was little. It was before he started Hogwarts, we all thought he'd be the head of the Black family someday, so he got away with a lot." Regulus smiled at her. "You do look stunning in that dress, Becca."

Becca smiled back. "Wherever did you find it? And how did you get it on my bed?"

"Marjorie, on both counts," Regulus answered, laughing a little. "We'd both noticed how depressed you were about Valentine's Day. When I told her I wanted to give you a nice, romantic dinner as a surprise--my valentine to you--she said she'd help. The dress was all her idea...I didn't even find out about it until I got this outfit last night."

Becca laughed. "Thank you so much, Regulus. This was the best valentine ever."

"Ah, but it's not quite finished yet." He waved his wand in the direction of the stereo; soft music floated out. Becca recognised it as a Cat Stevens song called "Wild World"--not exactly slow, but they could dance to it. "May I have this dance?"

"Certainly." Becca rose sedately and put her arms around his neck; Regulus put his arms around her waist, and the two danced slowly. When the song ended, Regulus drew Becca forward and kissed her lips lightly.

He drew back suddenly, as though unsure how she'd take it. She smiled warmly. "Come on, Regulus," she said softly. "If you're going to kiss me, do it properly."

Regulus smiled back and kissed her again, deeply, passionately; it made her feel, for a short while, as though they were drifting in the clouds and no one else in the world existed.


Regulus attacked his brother around the waist; Remus Lupin snapped a picture of it as Sirius hugged him back. "Congratulations, Siri!"

"Thanks, Reg," Sirius said warmly. "Hey, I've got a surprise for you."

Regulus looked up at his beloved brother. "What?"

Sirius grinned. "We're allowed to bring siblings to our Graduation Ball, so I thought you'd want to come. Especially if a certain Slytherin thought it worthwhile to invite his sister, eh?"

"Maybe," Regulus said loftily, raising his chin into the air, but he knew Sirius had seen the flush in his cheeks when his brother laughed. Sobering quickly, Regulus added, "But I'm glad I can be here--do you realise this is your last night at Hogwarts? And you'll be sitting with your friends all day tomorrow, and I'll never s-see you again." He looked down at his shoes, suddenly feeling like that lonely nine-year-old kid who had watched his beloved big brother get onto the train without him and not understood why his father wouldn't let him get on too. "I'm going to miss you."

"Oh, Regulus," Sirius sighed. He reached out and hooked a finger around a fine white-gold chain, hardly noticeable against Regulus's fair skin, pulling it out until he had exposed a small, oval-shaped locket. "Do you remember when I gave this to you?"

Regulus nodded. Sirius had been getting ready to climb onto the train that first day when Regulus had broken down and hugged him fiercely around the waist, begging him not to leave him alone. Sirius had hugged him tightly, promised he'd be back, then knelt down and pulled the locket out of his pocket. Regulus could never forget what his brother had said that day: "I've put a bit of myself into this locket. Any time you get lonely, just put it on, right next to your heart, and it'll be like I'm there. If you get really lonely, open it and you'll be even closer to me. I love you, Regulus, and I'll miss you too. But when you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back, it's yours; if it doesn't, it never was to begin with." Regulus had worn that locket ever since, even after starting Hogwarts; when he was lonely or scared, he simply touched the locket under his shirt and felt better. It had brought him luck on tests too. He'd taken it off only once in all those seven years: his ill-fated last date with Aileen. Never had he opened it, for fear of whatever of his brother was in it escaping. Besides Sirius, no one had ever even seen it.

"I gave it to you as a promise, Reg, and that's one I intend to keep," Sirius told him. "I know you know that...I knew you'd understand why I'd given it to you when you saw what was inside."

Regulus bit his lip. "Siri, I...I never opened it. I was...maybe it's silly, but I thought maybe whatever you'd put in of yourself would get out...and I wouldn't have you anymore."

Sirius looked surprised, then smiled. "Sometimes I forget what a little kid you were back then, Reggie. It's just a picture, an inscription, and a lock of hair."

Regulus carefully dug his fingernail into the groove of the locket and popped it open. On the left side was a picture of two boys, almost identical. Both wore dress robes, but the elder's were dark red, while the younger's were dark green. Both had dark hair and grey eyes. The younger was crying and rubbing his cheek; the elder tried to remain upright and still, but one could see his visage wavering. When the younger cried out again as a hand struck out of nowhere and cuffed him, the elder broke his posture and gathered the smaller boy to him, rocking him lovingly and soothing his tears away. Regulus remembered the day that picture had been taken: he had been three years old, Sirius five. His father had struck him to try and make him be still, but he was very small and hadn't understood.

Opposite the picture, a lock of dark hair with a single grey hair was fastened to the rim of the locket. Regulus fingered the grey thread, then looked up curiously at his brother. For the first time, he noticed a peculiar streak of that grey hair at Sirius's left temple, barely visible amongst the dark mane.

Sirius saw him looking and laughed gently. "You've got one too, little brother," he said affectionately, brushing Regulus's hair back and touching the left temple lightly.

Regulus smiled back, then peered down at the inscription. "Whate'er you do, where'er you be, still 'tis my hand that leadeth thee," he read slowly, squinting to see the tiny letters.

"A slight alteration of a hymn I've always loved," Sirius said quietly. "But I mean it, Regulus. There's only one time I won't be there for you, and that's if you do something you know I'd disprove of. I love you, I always have, and there is nothing--nothing--I regret more than that I wasn't there every time you needed me."

Overcome, Regulus hugged his brother tightly. Sirius hugged him back. Regulus sank once again into the protective folds of his strong arms.

"I hope you have kids someday, Siri," Regulus declared, drawing back. "You'd make a great dad."

Was it just his imagination, or did something akin to fear flicker through Sirius's pussywillow eyes? "Thanks, Regulus." He turned towards the castle. "I'd better go get ready for the Graduation Ball...I'll see you there."

"Okay, Siri."


Regulus met Becca in the Entrance Hall. A few students were milling about, but Regulus had eyes only for her. A smile tugged at his lips as he realised that the dress was the scarlet one she'd worn on Valentine's Day.

"It seemed a shame not to get some good use out of it," Becca told him, flushing slightly.

"It looks wonderful on you," Regulus said admirably.

Severus approached them just then and touched Regulus on the shoulder. "I trust I don't have to tell you to be good to her," he said, his voice slightly icy.

"Sev!" Becca hissed, her face turning bright red.

Regulus ducked his head slightly. "No, sir."

Severus smiled. "Good." Turning to his sister, he told her, "You do look stunning, grown up." After a moment's hesitation, he added softly, "You look so much like Mother." With that, he melted into the crowd.

Becca took Regulus's hand. "Ready to go in?"

"Just a minute. I want to wait for Sirius." Regulus had spotted James and Lily, Remus, Peter, and Morrie, so he knew Sirius hadn't gone in yet. He saw James glance surrepturously at his watch as Regulus and Becca approached them.

"What is taking him so long?" he muttered. "I knew Remus was going to be a little late, but I thought Sirius would be here right off..."

Regulus checked his own watch. "He even left early to get ready."

"Odd," Peter mused. "Since when does he care about his appearance?"

"Since always," Regulus pointed out.


"Here he comes," Lily interrupted, pointing up the stairs. "There are his shoes."

Sure enough, Sirius came down the stairs, wearing a dark suit with a wide-brimmed hat, very similar to the Zorro hat Regulus had worn on Valentine's Day. He grinned a little sheepishly. "Sorry to hold you all up...hi, Reg, Becca."

James rolled his eyes. "Come on, Sirius. Take off the silly hat and let's go."

Sirius fixed his eyes on Morrie's, then slowly removed his hat. All seven froze, staring in amazement. Slowly, Morrie stepped forward, raised a trembling hand, and brushed the top of his head.

"Siri..." she whispered. "Why on earth...?"

"Surprised?" Sirius asked softly. "I told you I thought you were beautiful...I thought this way I could prove it."

Morrie blinked back tears. Regulus knew from what he'd been told that Morrie had leukaemia, that she had been undergoing treatments for it, and that those treatments had caused her to lose her orange-red hair. She had been extremely self-conscious about it. To make her feel better about it, Sirius had done something none of his friends thought he'd ever do. His shoulder-length, thick, dark hair, which he was so proud of, was gone. Shaved off close to the scalp. He was bald as a boiled egg.

"Oh, Sirius..." Morrie murmured.

Sirius chuckled gently. "Don't worry, Morrie, my hair grows really fast. I've cut it before."

Regulus sniffed slightly as he led Becca into the Great Hall. "That's my brother."

"I can't believe he did that," Becca marvelled.

Regulus smiled. "Oh, I can. It's because he loves her."

Becca looked up at him. "Would you do something like that...for me?"

"Becca, I'd die for you," Regulus said softly. Becca looked into his eyes and knew that he meant it.

The band had already started up when the two went into the room. Becca started humming along to the music, which Regulus vaguely recognised as a John Denver song. Softly, Becca told him, "It's called The Eagle and the Hawk. I never really thought of it as a dancing tune...maybe it's just to warm the lot of us up."

A minute or two later the song came to an end. Soft, familiar strains started to seep through the crowd; it was "Wild World". Regulus turned to Becca with a smile. "May I have this dance?"

"Certainly!" Becca stepped into his arms, and the two waltzed onto the dance floor.

Becca leaned against Regulus. His arms were strong but gentle, his steps firm and sure, but smooth. She smiled up at him. "You're a marvellous dancer."

"Thanks. So are you." Regulus skilfully swung her out of the way of a dancing couple, of which there were few.

"Did you take lessons?"

Regulus nodded. "Dad insisted. You?"

Becca shook her head. "Dad would never let me. But Severus taught me when I was little...and Grandmother taught me too."

"You're lucky to have a brother like Severus."

"I think we both got lucky on that front," Becca said, glancing at Sirius, who was chatting companionably with James and Remus. Already a faint stubble was growing on his head.

Regulus smiled. "I have to agree with you there."


Becca laced her fingers in Regulus's. "This is nice," she said softly. "I love doing this."

Regulus smiled. "I do too." He leaned over, tilting her chin towards him...she closed her eyes in anticipation...

...And the sky quite literally opened up on them.

Becca shrieked with surprise, drawing her thick wool cloak up over her head to protect herself from the deluge. Regulus took her hand, covering his own head. "Come on," he yelled over the tumult. "Let's go!"

"I don't really want to go back to the castle," Becca yelled back to him. "No privacy..."

"I know a better place. Come on!"

Regulus led her across the grounds to the Whomping Willow, which lashed violently in the wind. He picked up a large branch and prodded the knot. Instantly the tree froze.

"How did you know?" Becca called as he pulled her forwards.

"Sirius!" Regulus yelled back.

"How did he know?"

"Who knows?"

Then they were falling, tumbling down a short, sandy run until they hit the ground. Regulus helped Becca to her feet. "Sorry about that...shall we hence?"

"Yes, let us hence," Becca answered, smothering a grin.

"Oh, let's not waste any more time sitting on the 'hence'," Regulus chuckled. "Come on, it's high and dry back here."

"What is back here?" Becca queried, following Regulus down the soft, earthy tunnel.

Regulus grinned. "I've not been down here but once, with Siri, but if I recall correctly, it leads to the Shrieking Shack."

Becca stopped dead. "But it's haunted!"

"Nah. Sirius says the Marauders used it as a kind of clubhouse...the screams and howls people heard are probably from them. After all, you haven't heard any shouting since they graduated, have you?"

Becca smiled. "There is that."

The two emerged at the end of the tunnel in a small, dusty shack. It looked as though it had been unused for some time...which, considering the Marauders had graduated two years before, was probably the case. Becca frowned at the floor. "Did any of them have a cat?"

"No." Regulus bent down to study the faint tracks, then scooped up a couple of dark hairs. "Those paw-prints are too big for a cat anyway...and look, the claws are extended. It looks to me like a dog, or maybe a wolf."

Becca looked around nervously. "Do you think it'll come in now?"

Regulus shook his head and pointed again. Small, delicate paw-prints skittered across the floor, then ended in a sudden swerve. "I bet you anything it was chasing that rat...look, the dust is covering them. These tracks have been here forever. Come on, let's go farther in."

He led her through the little shack. After a moment they came to the end: a small, slightly torn-up room featuring a ratty chair and a ratty bed. "I guess this is it," Regulus said sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It's okay. At least it's dry." Becca took off her sodden cloak and laid it on a table, then sat on the edge of the bed. "Does it matter if I take my shoes and socks off?"

Regulus laughed. "Go ahead." He slung off his own cloak, then sat on the chair, which creaked alarmingly.

Becca busied herself with untying the laces of her high black boots. When she looked up again, she couldn't help but blush. Regulus had not only removed his socks and shoes but his soaked white shirt.

Noting her blush and her averted glance, Regulus said gently, "Becky, it's cold and I'm wet. It was either take the shirt off or catch pneumonia. As for modesty, well, at this point it's hardly worth it. White shirts when wet do not make for modesty...take a look at yourself."

Becca looked down at her shirt and turned an even deeper shade of scarlet. Her blouse had turned translucent with the dampness; she could see the outline of her bra beneath the shirt. She looked back up again. "I think--" She swallowed nervously, then tried again. "I think, if you don't mind, I'll just take it certainly isn't doing me any good right now."

Regulus turned to look out the window while she fumbled with the pearly buttons. Severus would kill me, she thought to herself. I'm alone, in a room with a bed, taking off my blouse in front of a guy. But not just any guy...Regulus Black, who more than anyone else made her heart race and her spirits soar. Taking a deep breath, she promised herself, I am not going to be afraid. I am going to take this evening as it comes and deal with the consequences later.

Turning to Regulus, she smiled warmly. "All right. You can turn around now."

Regulus turned and smiled back. He held out his arms, and she ran into them. He held her close; she leaned against him, marvelling at the softness of his skin against hers, the firmness of his chest, the warmth of his body. One of his hands caressed her back lovingly, then stopped. Becca winced as she realised what he had found.

"What happened?" Regulus asked her urgently, looking down at her, his grey eyes filled with concern. "How long has that been there?"

"Ages," Becca admitted, averting her eyes. "Dad gave it to me when I was seven...I've never seen Severus so angry."

"What did he do to you?" Regulus whispered. She could tell he was frightened...and angry.

Becca sighed. "He...he was drunk one night, beating Mother. I couldn't stand it anymore and shrieked for him to stop. He turned on me and hit me hard across the back with a beer bottle. A couple of times, actually...Severus came in and dragged me away...he was furious with Dad. I've had that scar ever since."

"Oh, Becky, I'm so sorry," Regulus said softly, rubbing her back in small circles. "That must've been awful."

"Why do you think Gramma adopted me?" Becca leaned against him, hoping to borrow some of his strength. Her arms slid around his neck; she kissed him deeply. She took initiative so rarely that it always surprised him, but he kissed her back.

Becca had no idea how long they stood like that, his hands rubbing her back, hers moving restlessly over his chest, but suddenly she became conscious of the direction her hands were headed. She blushed and pulled back, then glanced guiltily up at Regulus, sure he was about to tell her no, that he wasn't going to...but she was surprised at what she saw. In his eyes she read the same almost feral desire that she felt.

"It's okay," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "I'm ready...if you are."

For an answer she kissed him again, returning her hand to the path it had been travelling before. Groaning, he lowered her onto the bed.

Much later, Regulus rolled onto his side and smiled at her, tangling the fingers of his left hand in her dark hair. "Happy, love?"

"Mmm-hmm." Becca fingered the fine gold chain she had noticed earlier. "What is this, Reg?"

Regulus pulled the chain up and held the locket in the palm of his hand. "It's a locket. Siri gave it to me right before he left for Hogwarts his first year...something to remind me that he'll always be there for me. I wear it all the time...for luck."

"I've never noticed it before."

"I keep it hidden. It's kind of like a secret he and I have...something I don't want to share with the outside world."

Becca felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry..."

"No, it's okay," Regulus assured her, stroking the side of her cheek lightly. "I've wanted to show you for a long time, but I never felt like the opportunity was right. I think you might be the only person at Hogwarts whom I knew wouldn't laugh at me." Something seemed to occur to him. "Speaking of the right opportunity...I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" Becca asked with almost childish eagerness.


"Give me a hint."

"I kept it in my trousers while we were down by the lake," Regulus teased her. She flushed a deep scarlet and he laughed, blinking in wide-eyed innocence. "Not that, love."

"Uh-huh. Sure..."

"It's not. It's something you'll like even better."

"I can't guess, Reggie, really."

"All right then." Regulus sat up; Becca did too. "Close your eyes," he instructed. She complied. She felt the bed creak as he got up, heard his feet pad softly across the floor to the area they had somewhat cleared of dust for purposes of leaving their wet clothing, and sensed that he was rummaging around in something. Finally, she felt the bed move slightly as he sat down next to her again. " 'em."

Becca opened her eyes and frowned slightly. Regulus was holding something cupped between his two hands, looking excited and eager as a child with some treasure for his mother. "Are you going to make me guess again?"

"Yep, and this time you have a better clue: it fits completely in my hands."

Becca puzzled. "Is it a lizard?"


"A mouse?"

"No, silly.

"A bug? You know I hate bugs..."

"Nothing alive."


"I hope not."

"A seashell?"


"Someone's heart?"

"No...although that's part of it."

Becca was really stumped now. "I give up."

Regulus lifted his top hand, bringing with it a soft, dusky rose-coloured lid. Becca gasped. Inside the small velvet box he'd been concealing was a delicate gold ring, topped with three stones: one dark red, one bright blue, and one that she at first thought was green but turned red when the light caught it differently.

"I know we're young," Regulus said, stumbling over his words. "I know it seems like I couldn't possibly know my own mind...but I've been head-over-heels for you for almost three years, Becky, and that must count for something. I've been carrying this around since Christmas...I meant to ask you then, but quite simply I forgot...and a Valentine's Day proposal was just too clichéed. I wanted to ask on a day that meant nothing to anyone but you and me...I guess this is it." He took a deep breath, slid off the bed, and got down on one knee. "Rebecca Lynn Prince, will you marry me?"

Tears flooded Becca's eyes. Overcome, she threw her arms around his neck. "Oh, Reggie...of course I will."

Regulus smiled, sat them both back on the bed, and slid the ring onto her finger. "There. Now it's official."

Becca smiled back, then studied the ring. "The blue one's a sapphire, right?"

"Mmm-hmm. This one is garnet, the traditional January birthstone, and this one is Alexandrite, which is the traditional June birthstone. The sapphire stands for commitment and loyalty of the heart."

"It's beautiful." Becca leaned against Regulus, then looked up at him. "You know...I've been dreaming about my first proposal since I was a little girl, but I never imagined my fiancé and I would both be in the nude."

Regulus laughed. "I never imagined it this way either...but it just felt like the right time. I didn't want you thinking I slept with every pretty girl who crossed my path."

"Of course not." Becca snuggled up against him. "Has it stopped raining?"

Regulus glanced at the window. "I think it's going to storm through the night."

"Are we going to spend it here?"

"Why not? It isn't like anyone will notice...the only one in Slytherin who's staying besides me is a first year."

Becca smiled. "No one's staying in Ravenclaw least not anyone worth bothering about."

Putting an arm around her waist, Regulus pushed back the covers and pulled her under the sheets again.



Regulus turned and smiled warmly at his fiancée. "Hey, Becky, what's up?"

Becca looked nervous. "Regulus, can I talk to you?" she half-whispered.

Concerned, Regulus drew her into a side room. "Becca, is something wrong?"

"I...I don't know." Becca hesitated, then looked up at him fearfully. "Regulus, I'm...I'm late."

Regulus was confused. "Late? For what? I thought you didn't have any classes this afternoon."

Becca shook her head. "No, not that. You're not getting it, Reggie...I'm late."

"Late with...oh," Regulus said with sudden understanding. "Oh. You mean..." His gaze flickered to her stomach.

Becca rested her hands on her abdomen and nodded. "I think so, but I'm not sure. I've been pretty regular since I was thirteen, but I've missed at least one. It could be stress, but..." She shook her head, then looked up at him, her dark eyes full of fear. "What are we going to do? Everyone's going to know...they're all going to say that we..."

"It'll be okay, Becca. We'll say the baby was premature."

"But if the baby's full weight..."

Regulus put a finger to her lips. "I was three months early, and I weighed ten pounds, eight ounces. Sirius, by contrast, was a month late and only weighed five pounds, six ounces. Blacks go by contraries sometimes, Mum used to say." He hugged her tightly. "You might not be pregnant. It could be stress from N.E.W.T.s...didn't you say you were a bit irregular around O.W.L. time?"

Becca smiled up at him, calmer now. "If I am, that's okay. If I'm not, that's okay too, so don't worry about me. Anyway, if there is a baby coming it won't be here until after the wedding, and that's a comfort."


"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Regulus turned to Becca and raised the silvery veil. She smiled up at him as he leaned down and kissed her. Together, they turned to face the small group as the preacher intoned, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Regulus Alterf Black."

Regulus scanned the other people. Severus hung at the back, the ghost of a smile on his lips. James and Lily, recently married themselves, beamed at them; another sucker hooked. Remus nodded, smiling as well. Morrie, her hair still short but growing back now, tossed him a thumbs-up. Marjorie, still holding Becca's bouquet, gave an audible sniff. It was Sirius who really startled Regulus; he smiled proudly, but tears were rolling down his face.

"Congratulations, Reggie," he said softly as the group headed for the back door. "Both of you. I can't imagine anyone more deserving."

"Come on, folks," James called to the assembled group. "Dinner on us...I don't care how small the wedding is, you two need some kind of reception. Yes, you too, Snape...doesn't matter if you hate us, it's your baby sister's wedding."

Regulus and Becca followed the Potters to the restaurant they had chosen. Regulus instantly knew why: there was a large square of parquet floor in the centre, clearly meant for dancing.

"Potter, party of nine," James said calmly to the woman working the front desk. She located the name on a list and beckoned to another woman with menus, who led them to a long table.

Music played; a few people were up and dancing while the wedding party dined. As they were finishing their meals, a voice came over the speakers. "Folks, we have a celebration here. Mr. and Mrs. Regulus Black are celebrating their wedding today."

There was scattered applause; Becca flushed scarlet. Regulus squeezed her hand and glanced down the table. Lily was grinning.

"Hope I picked the right song," she mouthed.

The voice of the DJ continued. "It's time for them to share their first dance as a married Mr. and Mrs. Black, if you could step onto the floor..."

Regulus led Becca onto the floor. He was aware that everyone was watching them, but smiled warmly at Becca. The music struck up. Lily had chosen right: it was "Wild World" by Cat Stevens.

The two whirled around the floor. Regulus revelled in the fact that this woman he held in his arms was no longer his girlfriend, nor even his fiancée, but his wife. As they passed one of the tables, he heard a man say, "They seem pretty young. Probably a shotgun wedding."

"No, look at their faces," his companion said. "They may be young, but they're so obviously in love."

The song ended; everyone applauded. Regulus planted a kiss on Becca's forehead, and the couple returned to the table.


"Siri? You okay?"

Sirius looked up and offered Remus a faint smile. "I'm fine."

"What are you looking at?" Remus came over to peer over his friend's shoulder.

"Oh..." Sirius sighed and lightly brushed the photograph. It showed a small boy, probably not more than three or four, holding his arms out to an even smaller boy. The smaller toddled towards him, then collapsed into his arms, smiling up at him.

Remus smiled. "You and Regulus?"

Sirius nodded, looking lovingly down at the picture. "I taught him to walk. He was a little lazy...everyone carried him everywhere. I wanted to teach him to walk. I'd prop him up against something solid, then back off and hold out my arms and say, 'Come to me, Reggie. Come here to Sirius.' He'd always say, 'Siri carry!' and I would say, 'No, come to me.' Eventually he'd do just what he's doing in this picture--he'd toddle over to me and collapse in my arms and say, 'Here I am!'"

"Aww," Remus smiled. "And what would you say? I know you're saying something..."

"I'd say, 'Yes, here you are, safe and sound.' Then I'd put him back and we'd start all over again." Sirius swallowed hard and brushed at his eyes; Remus noticed that his eyes were full of tears. "He's my baby brother, Rem. I love him so much."

"Yes, I know, Siri," Remus said gently. "He's not gone forever, you know--it isn't as though he's been executed. He's just married...and he seemed quite happy. Becca's a good soul, she'll take care of him."

Sirius looked up at Remus with haunted eyes. "It won't be enough," he said hoarsely. Remus took an uneasy step backwards; there were pinpoints of light shining in the centre of Sirius's pupils. "Trials and suffering, Remus...trials and suffering. Rem, there's going to be a little one in the fall...but even that happiness is going to be short-lived. Regulus won't long outlive his baby. Hard times ahead for us all...oh, God, Remus, can't you see the cross?" He broke down sobbing.

Remus, feeling helpless, hugged his friend gently. Sirius was often troubled with visions like these; he had refused to continue with Divination when the teacher had worried Remus into a nervous breakdown by predicting his death, but Remus had often wished his friend had continued with the class. He could go days, weeks, even months at a stretch without seeing anything more unusual than James being quiet and respectful to a teacher, then suddenly wake up in a cold sweat after a nightmare about coffins, cry out that ghosts of people not yet dead were following him, see crosses and Grims in basins of water. Usually they were about people he didn't know; sometimes, though, he saw his friends and family, and that always shook him worse than the strangers. One night he had woken up screaming and had to grab on to James to make sure he was still there; once he had spoken of Frank lying tied to a bed, seeing and yet unseeing. Remus knew that Sirius wasn't telling everything, but he had no desire to know how he was going to end. Remus had finally bought a copy of Signs and Symbols to try and interpret some of the things Sirius saw; they had long ago learned that a cross meant "trials and suffering", a rope meant suicide, a knife meant murder, a coffin death. Never before had Sirius seen his beloved brother in any of these visions, and Remus could only guess as to how it was tearing him up now.

"It's going to be okay, Siri," he soothed. "Regulus is fine. Becca's fine. A little one in the fall? Impossible! That won't be for at least a year least. Just wait and see."



Regulus jumped and hurried down the hall. "Becky? You okay, sweetheart?"

Becca had dropped a plate, something she had never done before. She clutched the edge of the table, white as a sheet, her dark eyes wide. Worried, Regulus sprang across the kitchen. "Rebecca! Are you okay?"

Becca looked up at him fearfully. "Oh, oh...Regulus, I think that was a...a labour pain," she gasped.

Regulus scooped her into his arms and hurried outside. "I hate to do this, Becky, but I can't get you there any faster," he murmured softly. "It's okay, Becky, it's all going to be okay..." He set her gingerly on her feet and stuck out his left hand.

A purple bus dropped out of the sky and stopped in front of them. A man stepped out and spoke to the air. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, transportation for--"

"Yes, yes, I've heard it before," Regulus said hastily. "Listen, I need to get to London wife's having a baby."

"Hop on."

Ten minutes later the bus deposited them in front of the hospital they'd chosen to have the baby at. Regulus practically carried her into the building. Nurses rushed Becca into a small room; she gave a cry of agony when she realised they weren't going to allow Regulus to be in the room.

"You just wait out here, dear; call her family, they'll want to know," they said firmly, then followed her.

Regulus was anxious. The baby was early; at least he could tell Severus that with some sincerity. And he wanted Sirius with him too. Swallowing, he went over and picked up a telephone, then dialled Severus.

After a few long, agonising moments, a bitter voice came on the line. "If you've stuck it out this long, I commend you: either you're tenacious, in which case I might want to hear what you have to say, or your message is important, in which case I probably want to hear it. Either way, leave your name, number, and a message, and perhaps I'll get back to you." Beeeep.

"Severus, it's Regulus," Regulus said, striving to keep the panic out of his voice. "Becca's gone into labour...the baby's coming early. We're at Eastern View Hospital in London...they won't let me be in there with her, but she'll want to see you when she gets done...oh, do hurry," he pleaded. With that, he hung up, waited a second, then picked up and dialled again.

This time, someone answered. "Hello?"

"Remus? It's Regulus. Is Sirius there?"

"Sure, hold on." Regulus heard Remus calling Sirius. "Where are you calling from, Reg?"

"Eastern View Hospital in London."

"Here's Sirius..."

There was a brief rearranging of the phone, and then Sirius came on the line. "Reg? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Becca's gone into labour," Regulus said, his voice shaking madly. "The baby's coming early..."

"Oh, God," Sirius practically whispered. "Okay, stay you want me there?"

"If you don't mind? I'm scared, Siri, I don't know what to do."

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Sirius promised. He hesitated. "I love you, Regulus."

"I love you too, Siri," Regulus answered softly.

"I'll see you in a few."

"Bye." Regulus replaced the receiver and returned to pacing the waiting room.

Ten minutes later, Sirius burst into the room and came over to him, his face pale. "Any word?"

Regulus shook his head mutely. "Siri, are you okay? You look scared."

Sirius just hugged him tightly. "Dark times ahead for you, my boy," he whispered. "You'll have to be strong."

"I can be," Regulus said with certainty. "I will be. Sirius, thank you so much for being here...I love you so much."

"I love you too." Sirius, his arm around Regulus's shoulders, sat him down. "You and I will sit here and wait, until Severus shows up...he will be here, won't he?"

"I called him, before I called you. I'm hoping he'll get the message soon."


"Mr. Black?"

Regulus stood, Sirius with him. Severus had, most alarmingly, not put in an appearance. "Yes?"

The doctor smiled. "Congratulations, Mr. Black. You have a healthy baby."

Regulus nearly collapsed in relief, but he didn't dare let himself smile. "And my wife? She's fine?"

"Yes, she's all right and she's asking for you."

"Want me to wait?" Sirius asked quietly.

Regulus nodded. "I want you to meet your niece or nephew...but let me talk to Becca first, okay?"

"No problem. I'll try calling Snape again...d'you have his number?"

Regulus handed it to Sirius, thanked him, then practically ran into the room. Becca sat on a hospital bed, pale but smiling, with a bundle in a blanket cradled in her arms. Regulus crossed the room and hugged her and the baby.

Becca smiled up at him. "It's a girl!"

"Oh!" Regulus broke into a huge grin. "We have a girl!"

Becca laughed and gently touched the baby's small, soft cheek. It stirred and opened a pair of huge grey eyes. Regulus was entranced. "Oh, she's perfect," he whispered. "What are we going to call her?"

Becca hesitated. "I'd like to call her Eileen, after my mother. We can shorten it to Ellie."

"Eileen Black," Regulus tried. "No, Eileen Virginia Black."

"It sounds wonderful," Becca smiled. "That's what we'll call her, then."

"Hello, Ellie," Regulus said softly, stroking her tiny cheek. She watched him with her huge eyes--her daddy's eyes. Regulus and Becca simply sat together with their little daughter, revelling in the fact that they were finally what they'd been waiting for--a family.


Sirius tapped his foot impatiently. He knew how to use a telephone, but it sometimes frustrated him how long it took people to answer on occasion, especially when such important news was waiting to be conveyed.

"C'mon, Snivellus, answer the damn phone," he muttered, glancing up and down the hallway. Maybe I missed him. Maybe he got the message and he's on his way. Maybe...

Someone suddenly picked up the other end of the line mid-ring. "What? Talk, dammit. I just got in the door..."

"Hi, Uncle Severus!" Sirius said cheerfully. "It's Uncle Sirius."

"Black. Why the hell are you calling me?"

"Um, because your brother-in-law is otherwise occupied? Duh..."

"Well, why isn't my sister calling then?"

"She's quite a bit more occupied. You haven't checked your messages yet, have you?"

"I told you, I just got in the door," Severus snapped. "Look, Black, what's the big deal?"

Sirius sighed in exasperation. "The big deal, Snape, is that my brother called you yesterday morning--I'd say about, oh, thirty-six hours ago? Yes, that sounds about right--he called you thirty-six hours ago to tell you that Becca had gone into labour."

There was a sharp intake of breath at the other end. "She did? Is she all right? Isn't this kind of early?"

"Kind of...Regulus was almost in a panic when he called me--which was after he called you, so don't get your panties in a twist," Sirius added, knowing Severus would resent being called second. "I've been sitting with him all night...a doctor just came out and informed us that you and I are now uncles. Mother and baby are doing fine. Beyond that, I don't know anything--oh, except that Becca's going to want to see you as soon as she and Regulus get finished drooling over their baby."

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Severus said curtly. "Don't go in there until I get there."

"Of course not. You get precedence."

The other end died; Sirius replaced the receiver and started to go back to the waiting room, but suddenly thought of something. He dialled a second time, then waited a moment or two. After a couple of rings, someone picked up. "Hello?"

"Rem? It's me."

"Siri!" Remus sounded relieved. "God, I was worried about you when you didn't come back last everything okay? How's Becca doing?"

"Everything's great," Sirius said with a smile, knowing Remus would hear it in his voice. "That's why I'm calling. Becca's had the baby. She's doing fine, so's the baby--that's all I know at the moment. I finally got hold of Severus, he's on his way."

Remus laughed. "Tell them I said congratulations--and give that niece or nephew of yours a kiss for me."

"Will do. See you later, Rem." Sirius hesitated, then murmured softly, "Love you."

"Love you too, Siri."

Sirius gently replaced the telephone and retreated to the waiting room, just as a very anxious-looking Severus Snape burst onto the scene, looking more like an overgrown bat than Sirius had ever seen him. "Where is she?"

"Relax, Severus," Sirius soothed. "Regulus will come and fetch us when--but if I'm not mistaken, that's him."

Regulus had just darted out of the back room, grinning from ear to ear. "It's a girl!" he practically shouted, seeing his brother and Becca's. "Five pounds, five ounces, but healthy as a horse."

"Congratulations, Reggie," Sirius said, hugging his brother tightly. "What's her name?"

Regulus laughed and hugged him back, then hugged Severus. "Eileen Virginia."

Severus actually smiled. "A befitting name."

Regulus looked from one to the other. "Want to come meet your niece?"

Sirius stepped back, deferring to Severus, who followed Regulus down the hall.


Regulus led Severus down the short hall, feeling like he was floating on air. Even the fact that Severus seemed somewhat downcast did nothing to dampen his spirits.

Becca was sitting up in the bed; she smiled warmly at the two men in her life. "Hey, Sev. Come on in...I think there's someone who would like to meet you."

Severus stepped fully into the room and slowly approached the bed, where Becca sat with the tiny bundle of blankets shrouding her infant daughter. He stared down at Ellie with such mixed expressions that Regulus was of two minds whether to snatch his family out of the way or push them into Severus's arms.

"My God, Becca," Severus finally murmured. "She's beautiful...she looks just like you."

Becca smiled at Regulus. "She's got her daddy's eyes, though."

"True." Severus shook his head, still staring at Ellie in wonder. "My baby had a baby," Regulus distinctly heard him mumble.

"Sev," Becca said softly, looking up at him. "No matter how grown-up I get, no matter how much I change, I'll always be your baby sister. Now are you going to hold your niece or am I going to have to ask my husband to throw you out the window?"

Severus smiled and touched Becca's cheek lightly, then held out his arms. Carefully, Becca transferred their tiny child to him. Regulus watched with a lump in his throat; while he trusted Severus and knew that he'd never hurt Ellie, the anxious father couldn't help but worry about his daughter every second she was out of his arms--or Becca's.

Severus was watching Ellie, entranced, but he glanced up and saw Regulus's face. "Worried about your daughter in the arms of another man, Black?" he teased.

Regulus hadn't realised Severus had a sense of humour. He swallowed and smiled. "Good practice for when she's a teenager," he said lightly. Becca laughed.

Severus looked down at his little niece, who was watching him warily. "Well, hello, there," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Eileen."

"Ellie," Becca said softly. "We're calling her Ellie."

"Miss Ellie," Severus corrected himself. He cradled the baby as if he'd been holding infants all his life. "You're going to be a heartbreaker, aren't you?" he told her lovingly. "You are. You're going to be a beautiful young lady and have men lying at your feet."

"Oh, don't tell her that," Regulus groaned.

Severus chuckled. "Sorry."

He stayed for another ten minutes, then reluctantly handed Ellie back to Becca. "Do you want me to send in your brother-in-law, Becca?"

Becca nodded. "Thanks for coming, Sev."

"No problem." Severus kissed her forehead lightly, clasped Regulus's hand briefly, and swept out the door.

A few moments later, Sirius came in, a smile on his face. "Hey, it's the happy parents. Congratulations, you two."

Regulus beamed proudly. "Thanks, Siri...want to hold your niece?"

A light came over Sirius's face as Regulus took the blankets from Becca. Carefully, Regulus handed the tiny baby to Sirius.

"Wow," Sirius breathed, staring in rapture at Ellie's perfect features. "You did good, Reggie. She's perfect."

Regulus and Becca exchanged pleased smiles. Sirius cradled her gently. She had fallen asleep between Severus and Sirius, but just then she stirred and opened her eyes. Upon seeing Sirius--who looked similar to her father, but clearly wasn't--Ellie began to cry.

Regulus moved to comfort the baby, but Sirius was one step ahead of him. He rocked her gently, humming softly. Regulus didn't recognise the tune at first, but after a moment he remembered the song as a Christmas carol they had often sung as children...the Coventry Carol, unless he was much mistaken.

The little one had calmed down, blinking up at Sirius as though trying to figure out who he was. Sirius smiled at her--a little sadly, Regulus thought. "Hi, there, Miss Ellie," he said softly. "Do you know who I am? I'm your Uncle Sirius."

Regulus couldn't help it; his brother looked so serious and sad. Regulus had always loved Sirius's smile; it was something constant he clung to. "I knew that, Unca Siwi," a small voice lisped from the baby's general area.

Sirius nearly dropped Ellie. "Are you talking to me, Ellie?" he asked incredulously.

"No, silly, I'm talking to the ceiling," the voice answered. Becca smothered her giggles.

"But..." Sirius was completely at a loss. "But how?"

"I'm really surprised you don't know, Unca Siwi," the voice said sweetly. "After all, you're the one who taught Da-da how to be a ventriloquist."

Sirius groaned and looked at his brother. "Regulus!"

Regulus and Becca both burst out laughing. "Sorry, mate. Couldn't help myself."

Sirius chuckled--a touch reluctantly, but Regulus felt well rewarded. "Talking or not, she's a beautiful child."

"Gets that from her mother," Regulus said with pride, looking at his wife. Becca blushed, making her look even more beautiful.

Sirius ran a hand over Ellie's soft, fuzzy dark curls. "You're a lucky lass, and no mistake," he said to her softly, his voice breaking a little. "You couldn't ask for a better family than the one you have." Reluctantly, he stood and handed Ellie carefully back to Becca. "I'd better go. Remus is probably waiting for a, Regulus, could I trouble you to walk me to the door, or is it going to be too difficult to rip you away from your lovely family?"

"Sure." Regulus gave his wife and daughter a quick kiss. "I'll be back, Becky."

The two walked a short way down the hallways. Almost to the waiting room, Sirius stopped and turned to Regulus, his eyes suspiciously bright. Wordlessly, he pulled his brother into a tight embrace. Regulus hugged him back, bemused but willing.

"Oh, Reg," he choked.

"Siri, what's wrong?" Regulus urged. "Come on, talk to me."

Sirius pulled back and looked at his brother, and this time there was no mistaking it--there were tears in his eyes. "I didn't want to say anything in front of Becca," he said softly. "She's so fragile...but, Reg, I had one of those dreams the night after your wedding."

Regulus instantly understood. He had known about Sirius's visions or omens or whatever almost since the man had begun having them. "It shook you up that badly?"

Sirius watched him, sorrow on his face. " was about you."

Regulus swallowed. "Wh-what was it?"

"It's Ellie," Sirius said softly. "She's going to die."

Regulus's heart beat twice, very fast, then stopped. "Everyone dies, Siri."

"It's going to be in your lifetime." Sirius looked miserable. "Regulus, I'm so sorry...I wasn't going to tell you, but I know if it was my daughter and I had found out after that I knew something about it, I'd kill me."

Regulus shook his head. "I'm...I'm glad you did. But still...I could live a good long while yet."

"Not after Ellie dies, you won't. Before I got here, that was all that was giving me hell--knowing that you weren't going to outlive your daughter by more than a month. Now, I've met Ellie, I've let your little girl get her claws in my heart. And Becca...God, poor Becca. It's going to be hell on her...when her baby girl dies in her arms..." Sirius's voice broke. "God, I'm sorry, Regulus. I'm so damn sorry."

"It's not your fault," Regulus whispered. He hugged his brother fiercely. "She's not going to die. Not as long as I can prevent it."

Sirius hugged his brother back, the tears flowing unchecked. "You fight for her, Reggie," he whispered back. "She's going to need all the strength she can get."


"...And she likes a bottle at eight, but not too upsets her stomach. Her pink blanket is in the crib--she won't sleep without it--and oh, make sure her teddy bear is where she can see it, where she can wrap her hand around it. She feels safer with it. The nightlight--don't forget to turn on the nightlight, but not too high or it'll hurt her eyes. Her favourite lullaby is the Coventry Carol, she'll drop off if you sing it to her..."

"Becca," Regulus finally interrupted. "Honey, sweetheart, darling, angel. I know you're nervous about leaving Ellie, especially for the first time, but if we don't leave soon we're going to lose our reservation. Besides, they're starting to go cross-eyed."

Sirius laughed at the sheepish look on Becca's face. "It's okay. New Parent Syndrome and all that. Don't worry, though, we'll take good care of her. I promise she'll still be here when you get back, and in just as many pieces as when you left."

Regulus gave his brother a quick hug. "Thanks for volunteering to baby-sit tonight."

"No trouble. You two have a good time."

Regulus led his wife firmly out the door. She kept casting glances back. "Becca, it's going to be okay."

Becca looked anxiously back at the house. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Becky, love, it's fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

"But what if something happens to Ellie?"

"Becca. Relax. She's not going to die while we're having dinner."

Becca looked up at her husband fearfully. "But how can you be sure?"

How can I be sure? Regulus thought to himself. Oh, don't worry, sweetheart, my brother has visions of doom and death and he says Ellie's going to die in your arms. He's been right on the money so far..."I just can. Look, Sirius and Remus would risk their lives for her. Nothing is going to happen to her worse than getting over-coddled, and for a baby that size I don't think that's a problem."

Becca smiled reluctantly. "I guess I'm just nervous is all. She's only a month old, Regulus...and we haven't had the christening yet."

"I thought we agreed we were going to wait two months."

"Yes, I know, but still...the Catholics believe babies that die without being christened are doomed to purgatory forever."

Regulus sighed. "First of all, we're not Catholics, and second of all, she is not going to die while we're out. Please try to relax and have a good time."

"I'll do my best," Becca promised.


"And now that I have you all to myself," Sirius said to Ellie, cradling her expertly in one arm, then glancing up at Remus, "--well, almost to myself--what shall we do, Ellie-bug?"

Ellie made baby cooing sounds and snuggled against him. Sirius smiled at her. "Ah. Naptime. I'm in complete agreement there."

Remus laughed. "You fell for her hard, didn't you?"

"You have no idea." Sirius's expression saddened. "It's going to kill them when she dies. Me, too, actually."

"How soon is that going to be? Realistically, Sirius..."

"She won't see her first birthday," Sirius said softly. "Dammit, I'm going to make her holidays special for her, because she won't see any more of them."

Remus watched Sirius carefully. "You had another one of those dreams of yours last night, didn't you?" Reluctantly, Sirius nodded. "Come on, Siri, tell me about it. You're scaring me. Who was it?"

Sirius looked up at him with haunted eyes. "Rem...I'm pretty sure it was me."

Remus stood speechless for a minute, then dropped onto a chair. "Sit down and tell me about it. Maybe it'll do you good to talk about it."

Sirius sat in the rocking chair and rocked slowly back and forth with Ellie. "It was dark, very dark. I was surrounded by darkness, by myself, and I could hear things moving around me, and a sort of hissing noise. I won't lie to you, Rem--I was scared. Something brushed my arm, and I would have screamed, except that I was too scared to even make a sound.

"Then, in the distance, I saw this pinpoint of light. It got bigger and brighter and...closer. The darkness was making a path for whatever it was. After a second or two, I noticed that the light was vaguely person-shaped and there were six people following it. Only two were walking on their own--the tallest one and the roundest one. The others were floating--three clearly unconscious, one seeming to be struggling in some sort of bonds. As I watched, a ripple of black sparks flickered over the group and circled the tall one. He vanished--but just for a moment I caught sight of his face. It was...Rem, it was me, only I was older, thinner, looked kind of haunted. I knew then for sure that I would die, that I was sort of seeing my death. The light stopped for a second, then moved on a little quicker...

"Little miniature spotlights, dozens of them, suddenly came out of nowhere and lit the five people following the light, who stopped. The little lights together weren't as bright as the first light, but they managed together to keep the darkness from getting at the people. The light started coming towards me again.

"But suddenly, this dark snake sort of thing emerged from nowhere and caught the light, weaving through it, coiling around it, putting its ugly head through the vaguely head-shaped part of the light, ensnaring it, possessing it. I heard a trapped cry of fear and pain and frustration and tried to think why it was so familiar.

"But then, another bright light--brighter than the little lights together, but not as bright as the trapped light, although it was bigger--emerged out of nowhere. It moved over, extended what looked vaguely like a hand, and pulled at the snake. The first light seemed to be pushing against the snake as well, but it was obviously not able to expel the dark thing without help. Finally the light was free, the snake-thing was gone, and both lights seemed to glow a little duller, as though exhausted. I looked over at the group of people, and I thought that the one that was still standing looked like he had to be Frank and Alice's son, but before I could get a closer look at anything all the lights went out and I woke up."

Remus shuddered. "That's...that's horrible."

"It was." Sirius looked down at Ellie. "And...and I don't understand it, not at all."

"Maybe that's for the best," Remus said gently. "I've never understood they manage to procreate, how they live beyond twenty or so without killing themselves. And they understand. Be lucky you don't. Maybe you will, someday, but for now..." He reached out and touched Ellie's cheek. "For now, we're supposed to be baby-sitting, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Sirius swung Ellie high into the air; she squealed and giggled, kicking her feet.


Becca rolled over and smiled at her sleeping husband, then kissed him awake. He gave a soft moan, stirred, and fluttered his grey eyes open. "Morning, Becky, love."

"Morning, Reggie." Becca's eyes twinkled. "Merry Christmas."

"It is Christmas, isn't it?" Regulus sat up and hugged his wife. "Merry Christmas, Becky. Our first. And Ellie's."

"All the more reason we should make it special," Becca said with twinkling eyes. "Come on, Daddy. Let's go get Ellie up."

Regulus and Becca went into the nursery. Ellie lay on her back, watching the inert mobile over her head with fascination. She smiled and kicked her feet when she saw her parents. Regulus smiled and scooped her up. "Merry Christmas, princess!"

"Kima?" Ellie tried to repeat. At eleven weeks, she wasn't supposed to be able to talk yet, but Ellie was already trying to make words and such. As yet she hadn't got much beyond "Ma-ma" and "Da-da", but even that had convinced her parents that she was something special.

Regulus cuddled his daughter and took her into the living room so she could admire the fully decorated Christmas tree while Becca made coffee and eggs. He settled Ellie in her high chair so they could eat, then Becca sat back and let Ellie nurse. As she was buttoning up her shirt again, someone knocked on the door.

Frowning slightly, Regulus headed for the living room and opened the door. A smile split his face. "Hey!"

Crowded on the front porch were Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily. All were beaming and clutching copious amounts of presents. "Merry Christmas, Reggie," Sirius said with a huge grin.

"Merry Christmas, Siri." Regulus stepped back. "Come on in...Becca and Ellie are in the kitchen."

The four filtered into the house. "I hope you don't mind us dropping by," Sirius said apologetically. "It's just that it's Ellie's first Christmas and..."
"No, no, we don't mind," Regulus assured him. "We're all for making her Christmas special."

Sirius smiled. Regulus shepherded them into the living room. Becca and Ellie came in, all smiles. Ellie's eyes got huge at all the presents. Plenty of them were for her--stuffed animals, baby gyms, rubber balls, and the like. There were even presents for the adults--jewellery and such for the women, tools and such for the men.

For such a little baby, Ellie was aware of an awful lot. She had smiles for everyone. Regulus knew his brother and Remus had already been hooked, but this was the first time James and Lily had met Ellie and they, too, were entranced.

Regulus brushed the dust off of the small piano in the corner. It wasn't much--an old upright piano that he'd picked up for a few Galleons in a secondhand shop--but as he wasn't much of a pianist anyway it didn't really matter. He tried playing a couple of Christmas carols, but he didn't really know that many.

Remus, who was holding Ellie, passed her to Regulus and nudged the younger man out of the way. He sat down, cracked his knuckles, and began to play. In a couple seconds it became clear that he was in an entirely different class from Regulus, whose concert piece was "Braham's Lullaby". They spent the next few hours singing carols to entertain Ellie, who gazed up at them with a do-it-again expression in her adoring grey eyes.

They did, of course.

"I hope our little one is that sweet and intelligent," James said a little wistfully as Becca and Lily retreated to put Ellie down for her nap.

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Your abstract little one for however far in the future?"

"Er...actually, probably July or August. Lily's pregnant."

Regulus grinned and raised his glass. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," James said, flushing slightly. "We've been trying since we got married...I was actually starting to get a little worried."

Regulus didn't say anything, but he couldn't help thinking: They had been married for almost a year when Becca and I made Ellie. They'd been trying and we hadn't--it was Becca's first time, my second, although I wish it had been my first too. And yet, we came up with a beautiful, perfect baby the first time around, yet they couldn't. Why are unwanted babies born when there are people like the Potters who would gladly take a baby if it came? And why do people have miscarriages and stillborns when they desperately want a baby, but live births and even multiple births when they don't want them? And why the hell am I dwelling on this anyway?

Regulus shook his head slightly and turned to his brother. "I'm really glad you guys could come today. I'll never forget this."

Sirius's eyes got suspiciously overbright. Wordlessly, he hugged Regulus tightly. Regulus hugged his brother back, wishing he had just kept his mouth shut. It was the only dark spot on an otherwise perfect Christmas day.


Becca smiled up at her husband. "Did you have a good evening, Reggie dear?"

Regulus kissed her. "I did. Thank you, Becky, that was wonderful."

Becca kissed him back. "Happy Birthday, dear."

Regulus smiled at Becca, then reached for the door. To his surprise, it flew open, revealing a frightened-looking teenage girl. Her frizzy blonde hair was starting to escape from the ponytail it had been wrestled into, and her brown eyes were wide. "Mr. and Mrs. Black! Thank God you're back!"

"Is something wrong, Emmy?" Regulus asked, concerned. Hermione Anderson--Emmy to her friends, a Londoner by birth--often baby-sat for Ellie while Regulus and Becca went out--which actually they didn't do very often. His first thought was that Ellie had shown her first signs of magic...but that was impossible, she was three months old.

"I don't know!" Emmy wailed. "I was trying to get her to smile at me and she wouldn't...then I realised she was trying and she couldn't. And then I went to sit her know how she likes to sit up...usually she'll lunge forward and crawl to me when I sit her up and move away, but this time she just sort of slid down and wouldn't, or couldn't, sit up, and..." She swallowed and looked up at Regulus. "Mr. Black, I'm really scared. I don't think she could cry."

Regulus felt himself go pale, but he forced himself to stay calm. "It's all right, Emmy, it's probably just a cold. We'll look after her. How much do we owe you for tonight?"

Emmy shook her head. "Not tonight, Mr. Black. Just let me know what's wrong with her when you find out."

"We will. Thank you again, Emmy."

As soon as the teenager was safely out of the way, Regulus and Becca practically flew to Ellie's room. She was awake, but she was lying alarmingly still. Normally, when she saw them, she started smiling and kicking and reaching for her mobile, but she just lay still, sort of moving her fingers and twitching her feet.

"Ellie?" Becca said softly, carefully scooping her daughter up. "Ellie, baby, what's wrong?"

"Hiya, Evie," Regulus said brightly. It was Sirius's nickname for her, based on her initials, E. V. "Come on, baby, smile for Daddy..."

Ellie's head lolled limply back. Becca looked fearfully up at her husband. "Reggie, what's wrong with her?"

Regulus had already started for the hall. "I'm calling the paediatrician."

He returned a few minutes later with grim news. The paediatrician didn't know what was wrong with Ellie. She suggested a warm bath--perhaps it was a muscular problem--and told them to bring her in the next morning.

Bright and early the next morning, Regulus and Becca reported to the paediatrician's office. The doctor ran a few tests, then left the anxious parents to wait. A few minutes later she returned, looking grave, and referred them to the hospital for further tests.

Starting to get frightened now, Regulus supported his wife as he carried his daughter to the hospital. The doctors at the hospital ran a few more tests. Regulus felt a bit angry and extremely sorry for Ellie--she was so little to be going through all this. Finally, one of the doctors called them into his office.

"Ellie will have to remain here overnight," he told them. "We have to monitor her, run a couple more tests, rule out a few things."

"Can--" Regulus swallowed. "Can we stay with her?"

"Of course. There's a bed in all of the crib rooms."

The bed remained empty that night. Ellie slept in the crib with a yellow cap on top to stop her from climbing out. Regulus again felt a surge of anger. For God's sake, she's too weak to stand on her own, let alone scramble out of her crib. But he bowed to the doctor's wishes. If it had meant keeping his little girl safe, Regulus would have stripped naked and hunted squirrels with a rubber band.

The next morning, Ellie seemed a little recovered...but not much. Regulus and Becca worried and fretted until the doctor asked them to step into his office and bring Ellie.

The two situated themselves in the seats in front of the doctor's desk, Becca cradling their daughter carefully. Dr. Hartman sat down behind his desk and went straight to the point. "Mr. and Mrs. Black, I'm afraid that Ellie has Tay-Sachs disease."

"Tay-Sachs...what's that?" Regulus asked, feeling the colour drain out of his face.

"It's a very complicated medical condition. It's genetic, which means it's something she was born with. Tay-Sachs is a recessive disease, which means that both her parents have to carry the trait--obviously without actually having the disease--for the child to get it. It involves physical and mental degeneration. I won't bore you with the details; they're mostly technical anyway. However...I regret having to tell you even with the best of care, Tay-Sachs disease is usually fatal by age four, from recurring infection."

"B-but...what does that mean?" Becca asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. H removed his glasses and looked at her regretfully. "I'm sorry, ma'am. Your daughter is dying."

"No!" Becca cried. She was shaking all over, clutching Ellie tightly. "N-no...please...please don't say that. She's getting better, really she is..."

"Becky, come on," Regulus said softly. "We'll talk about it in the car." He rose to his feet and shook the doctor's hand. "Thank you, Dr. Hartman."

"I apologise for the bleak diagnosis, Mr. Black," the doctor said. "I only wish there was something I could do."

"You've done quite enough as it is," Regulus assured him.

Once they made it out to the car, once Regulus had settled his girls in the car, Becca burst into tears.

"Becky, don't do this," Regulus begged, hugging her tightly. "It''ll be okay..."

"My baby's going to die," Becca hiccuped. "It's all my fault, if only I'd been a better mother, a better sister, a better daughter..."

"Becky, stop," Regulus insisted. "It's not your fault. It's a stupid genetic fluke. And besides...he's a Muggle, Becky. A Muggle. We'll get in touch with St. Mungo's. Someone, somewhere will be able to help us."

Becca leaned against him, needing to borrow some of his strength. "Do you really think so?"

"Of course." Regulus wiped her tears away with the ball of his thumb and kissed her gently. "Our little girl is not going down without a fight."


"Mr. Black?"

Regulus looked up from his paperwork. He was a junior clerk, working towards his law degree as he worked to support his family, and he didn't often get his direct superior's secretary dropping by to refer to him as "Mr. Black". "Yes, Ms. Platt, what is it?"

"Gentleman to see you." Ms. Platt stepped aside, admitting a tall man with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. She stepped out and closed the door behind her.

Regulus stared up in surprise. Lucius Malfoy was a member of the Ministry of Magic, ten years Regulus's senior, rising quickly in the ranks of the Ministry. It was extremely rare for a man like that to walk into the law offices of Potter, Potter, and Haphram and ask to see a junior clerk. After a minute or two, Regulus remembered what his voice was for and stammered, "M-Mr. Malfoy, what a surprise. Have a seat...can I get you anything?"

"No thank you, Regulus." Malfoy sat down. "I came by to talk to you. I hear your little daughter is ill."

Regulus wondered how he could have heard about that. He and Becca had told Severus and Sirius, and of course Emmy as they had promised, but that was it. He knew Sirius would have told Remus and James--James worked in the same law offices, he had stopped by to apologise about Ellie--but as far as he knew Lucius Malfoy shouldn't know. Perhaps he knew through St. Mungo's; Ellie had been there for three days, for further tests, to get a pinpoint on her timeline. "Yes, why?"

"I have a proposition for you." Malfoy's blue eyes glittered. "There is an...organisation. I've been a member for quite some time. We have the excellent Potions master...we could perhaps save your daughter's life. If you were a member, that is."

Regulus sat up straighter. "Tell me more."


"The Death Eaters?" Becca's black eyes were wide with horror. "Oh, no, Regulus, you can't. You know what they're like..."

"I know, Becky, but I don't know what else to do." Regulus ran a hand through his hair. "I'm just afraid. St. Mungo's might not be able to cure her. Malfoy said the Death Eaters can."

"But will they accept you?" Becca asked, looking up at him fearfully. "Will they cure Ellie? We're tainted, least according to them. I'm a half-blood. Ellie's a quarter Muggle..."

"But they offered," Regulus pointed out. "Becca, I don't want to do this any more than you want me to, but..." He took a deep breath. "Do you remember Sirius and Severus's grad ball, when you asked me if I would shave my head for you if you had to be bald and I told you I'd die for you?" Becca nodded. "I still would. I'd die for Ellie too. If it meant saving her life, I would gladly die."

Becca clung to him. "I'm just so afraid. I don't think I could stand it if she died...but I can't stand it if anything happened to you either."

"Nothing is going to happen to me." Regulus ran his hand through his hair. "Becca, he says they've got the best potion master in the world and he could easily help her, the Dark Lord need only ask it. And he'd do it for free. Becca, it's the best chance for her." He grew quiet. "The only chance for her. If I'm right..." He didn't finish his sentence.

Becca looked longingly at the door down the hall, empty from lack of child. What she would give to hold her baby girl, whole and alive...and she turned to her husband, his pleading eyes, and desperate words.

She nodded. "Fine. Do it."


That week was hell on both of them. Ellie was still at St. Mungo's, being tested and observed, and her anxious parents weren't allowed to visit her. Regulus had to go out every evening, after work, and participate in Death Eater activities to prove his worth. He came home sore every night, practically crying in pain, and a worried Becca tended him carefully.

Once he was soothed, he spoke in low, hollow tones about the horrors he had been forced to witness, even to aid in. Death Eaters went out in pairs, which tended to be a good thing for Regulus; he hated killing people, but he flat-out refused to kill children. Becca listened in horror, wanting to scream at him to stop, to shut up and not tell her...but she understood that her husband needed to talk about what he had been through.

Saturday night was the worst night of their lives. While Regulus was at the Death Eater headquarters, doing God only knew what, Becca went to pick up their daughter and the results of her battery of tests. She listened in numb disbelief, collected her prescription, and took her home.

Regulus arrived home that evening looking more tired, sore, and horrified than ever before. Becca met him with tears in her eyes. "Reggie...I brought Ellie home today. She's got a prescription that will ease the symptoms...she'll be a normal baby until...until it's time. But Regulus, we've got a final date, and..." Her eyes filled with tears. "Regulus, she's not going to live to her first birthday. They're only giving her until she's ten months old."

Regulus's voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Becky. I'm so sorry."

They sat on the sofa together. He kept repeating that, over and over, until Becca realised he wasn't looking at her. "Reggie, please, baby, look at me," she sobbed.

And he did, for a moment, and in that moment, she saw he was holding a secret.

"Reggie? Reggie, love, what's happened?" she asked desperately, reaching for his hand. He drew it away and held it up to his lips.

"It's..." Regulus closed his eyes. "I saw Lucius again today."

"You did? Well, that's good! Did you meet the man that's helping Ellie?"

Regulus let out a sad laugh. "The brilliant Potions Master? Yeah."

"Well, who was it?" Becca asked. Maybe there was a chance for her daughter after all...

"Becca..." Regulus looked up at her. "It was your brother."

Becca stared at him in absolute horror. "No," she uttered. "Y-you're lying...he wouldn't..."

"You thought I wouldn't either. Trust me, Becca, I saw him."

Becca stared a moment longer, then leaped to her feet. A minute later she was gone, taking no heed of Regulus shouting behind her, "Becca--wait!"

Becca ran unheeding through the streets, hurrying as fast as she could to the Malfoy manor. She pounded frantically on the door. Severus knows him...he's probably here, she thought frantically.

Lucius Malfoy opened the door and sneered down his nose at her. "Ah, Mrs. Black. What can I do for you?" He traced a lazy finger suggestively down her breast.

Angrily, Becca swatted his hand away. "Where is Severus?"

Lucius laughed nastily. "HQ."

Becca stared at him in shock as his hand reached out for her breast again. Too many shocks--her brother's betrayal, her husband's revelation, her daughter's clock running down--heaped themselves on her thin shoulders. She was so distracted she didn't notice what he was doing and wouldn't have been able to move if she had.

"Leave her alone!"

The voice shattered Becca's shell of numbness. She jerked away from Lucius's hand; he sneered at the approaching figure as she whirled to face him.

James Potter was coming up the path behind her, his hazel eyes blazing, a manila folder in his hand. He thrust it at Lucius. "Uncle Moses sent this along. You leave Rebecca alone or I swear I'll take your case myself."

Lucius didn't seem to have a response to that. James put an arm around Becca's shoulders and led her away. At the bottom of the path, he stopped and looked at her with brotherly concern. "You okay, Beckers? Did he hurt you?"

Becca shook her head. "No, I...I was looking for Severus, but he's...he's away. I think he might be in trouble, James..."

"Come on," James told her. "I'm not letting you off on your own...I'll escort you home. Does Regulus know you're here?"

"Not...exactly," Becca said slowly. "Oh, James...Ellie's dying. She's only got a few months left."

James bit his lip hard. "Hey, it'll be okay. That brother of yours is the most brilliant Potions master in our year--I admit it, he's good. He used to just throw away the instructions in Potions class because he said he could do better. He could, too. If anyone can save your baby, it'll be Severus Snape."

Becca thought about what she had just learned and felt a wave of tears threaten to overwhelm her, but she forced a smile. "Thanks, James."

James escorted her up the path of the little house. Regulus was pacing the living room anxiously; he looked up in relief when they walked in. "Becky, you okay?"

Becca rushed into his arms and leaned against him, unable to speak. Regulus hugged her tightly and looked over her shoulder at James, then looked down at her. "Becky," he said softly, "I bet Ellie needs you right now. Why don't you go on into the nursery? I'll be there in a minute or two."

Becca nodded and hurried down the hall to the nursery, full of child at least for the moment. Regulus turned gratefully to James. "Where was she?"

"Malfoy Manor. I had to drop off a folder for my Uncle Moses...he's working a case for Lucius Malfoy." James folded his arms over his chest. "She said she was looking for Severus."

"I'm not surprised. We just found out Ellie's got a time limit."

James nodded, hesitated, then told him what had happened. Regulus listened in astonishment, then his eyes blazed. "I'll kill him," he vowed. "If I ever catch him alone..."

"Don't, his wife's pregnant," James told him. "Just hold out that he loses the court case, which I've never hoped I said, Uncle Moses is leading the case. But it could cost Mr. Malfoy a lot of money."

Regulus half-smiled. "Thanks for taking care of my Becky, James."

James shook his head. "Hey, you guys are like my little brother and sister too. I don't want to see you hurt. You go in there, take care of your girls...I gotta go home and take care of mine."

"Do you know what yours is going to be yet? I know it's early and all, but..."

"Dr. Sippowitz thinks it's a girl, but I'm not convinced...he thought Lily's cousin Alicia was intestinal gas." James chuckled. "Anyway, whatever the baby may be, I'd better get home. Take care of your family...and keep your nose out of trouble."

Regulus forced a smile. "I will. Thanks again, James."

"Any time."


"Come on, Ellie...come to Mummy," Becca cooed, stretching out her arms. "Come on, baby...come to Mummy..."

"Ma-ma," Ellie giggled. It had been two months since her diagnosis. The prescription worked wonders; she was like a normal infant again. She was back to chattering, talking ahead of schedule, and was pulling herself up on the furniture. Becca was trying to encourage her to walk. Sometimes she could almost lose herself in the delusion that Ellie would really be okay.

The door creaked open. Regulus came into the house. "Hey, there! How are my girls?"

"Da-da!" Ellie's face split into a sunny grin. It was becoming more and more clear that she was her daddy's little girl.

Regulus, tired and sore though he looked, grinned and squatted down on her level. "Up a little late tonight, aren't we, Ellie?"

"Da-da!" Ellie repeated. Cautiously, she let go of the coffee table, wobbled a moment, then toddled over to her father and collapsed into his arms, beaming.

Regulus swept her up in a hug. "Ellie! You're walking! That's wonderful! Oh, that's my good girl!"

"She's only five months old," Becca said proudly. "I don't think she's supposed to be walking yet."

Regulus cuddled her. "This is the child they said would be a vegetable, remember, Becky? What do Muggles know about anything?"

Becca leaned against him, wanting, needing her family. "They were right about her disorder."

Regulus grew serious. "They were. But, Becky, she's still got five more months...and Severus is working on something."

"Why didn't we ask him before?" Becca asked in agony.

"He wouldn't have had time," Regulus said simply. "He only has time now because Voldemort makes him have time. Doesn't it all make sense now, Becky? He only got home as Sirius was calling him the night Ellie was born...he had been out all night. And when we asked him why he couldn't come for Christmas, all he would say is that he was busy. Now we know what he was busy with. He's a Death Eater...probably has been for a while...and he had to work for the Dark Lord."

Becca touched her daughter's cheek lightly as Ellie cuddled up to her father. "She will be okay, won't she, Reggie?"

"I promise," Regulus said solemnly. "She will be okay."


Severus looked up at the windows of the little house. He hadn't been here in quite some time...since the one mission he had known Regulus had been on and been badly injured, when he had arrived with essence of Murtlap to put in his bath. Even then, it had been a brief thing, in and out in two seconds, with no time to hug his sister or fuss over his little niece. Why am I here again? he thought to himself. Oh, right, the birth announcement.

Severus had opened the paper two days before and seen James and Lily Potter staring up at him, beaming and clutching their own little bundle of joy. The sight of that little baby had reminded him of the night Ellie was born, when he had held her in his arms and called her a little heartbreaker. One thing had led to another, and now his guilt complex had led him to his sister's house, his niece's house.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. There was a brief pause, and then someone yanked the door open. Regulus stood there, his face pale and lined, dark shadows under his eyes. "Severus!"

"Hello, Regulus," Severus said with a small half-smile. "Long night?"

"You have no idea," Regulus murmured, his voice cracking. "You've heard, then?"

Remembering what he had heard of the mission Regulus had been scheduled for the night before, Severus winced inwardly. Damaris and Spencer Haphram were known to be tough customers...Damaris had been born a Potter, and Spencer had at one time been the Dark Lord's closest friend. But the Haphrams had displeased the Dark Lord, so they had to go...and Regulus had been saddled with the job. "Oh, yeah. I heard."

Regulus nodded. "I was on my way over there now."

Somehow, this made little to no sense...until Severus remembered that Regulus was a junior clerk at Potter, Potter, and Haphram. Of course he would be expected to stop by and condole the senior partner whose wife and son had been murdered. "That's good. I just stopped by to see my sister."

Regulus looked at Severus in surprise. "She's already there, of course. I'd have thought you'd try there first thing."

Why would Becca be at the Haphrams'? Did she know Damaris? "Well, then, I'll tag along with you." As Regulus locked the door, Severus added, "I take it Ellie is with her?"

Regulus really seemed surprised now. "Where else," he said slowly, "would she be?"

"Yes, of course. How foolish of me." Severus was really confused now--he knew Regulus and Becca used a girl down the street--but perhaps they were avoiding her because she was a Muggle, or perhaps they just wanted to keep Ellie close.

The two started down the street, Regulus walking rather quickly. At the corner, however, he turned left while Severus turned right. Both stopped and stared at each other.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, where are you going? I thought you wanted to see Becca and--" Regulus's voice broke again, but he gathered himself and tried again. "And Ellie."

"I do, but I thought they were at the Haphrams'."

"Why would they be at the Haphrams'?"

"You said you had a long night...I know you were scheduled for that mission..."

"I was, but I got off," Regulus said slowly. "Lucius Malfoy said that, as most people got off from killing their bosses, I could as well. No, I thought you'd heard..."

Severus frowned. "Heard what?"

"About Ellie," Regulus said softly. "She...she's in St. Mungo's, Severus. That potion of hers, the one that keeps her normal? It's stopped working. She took a sharp turn for the worse." He looked up at Severus, his grey eyes filled with tears. "Severus, my baby's dying."

Severus felt all of the colour drain out of his face. "I...oh, God."

Regulus shook his head. "Come on. I...I have to be there."

The two made record time getting to St. Mungo's. Regulus got the room number from the lady at the desk and hurried down the hall to the PICU. Becca was sitting in a rocker next to a crib, slowly rocking back and forth, cradling her small daughter in her arms. She looked up agonisingly as the two walked in.

Regulus hurried to her side and put his arms around her shoulders, looking down at their little girl, sleeping for now. "How is she?"

Becca shook her head. "She's getting worse, Reggie. I...I don't know what to do."

"Shh. It'll be okay. She'll be okay..." Regulus looked up helplessly at Severus. "Won't she?"

Severus cleared his throat. "Of...of course."

Becca looked up at him. "You're still working on that potion for her, right? Is it finished?"

Severus was mystified...but then he remembered the night he'd been given the assignment...

"Man and his wife," Lucius told him with a smirk. "The guy's going to join...his daughter's sick. The Dark Lord told me to tell him that we had a brilliant Potions master who could heal their daughter, which I did. We want you to meet him tonight."

"What's the girl got?" Severus asked, looking up at Lucius.

"What does that matter? Some incurable genetic trait. Just say all the right things--you know, spout some technical babble about potions and such. Ask him about her symptoms and all that jazz, tell him you'll work on it. Then forget about it." Lucius's chuckle was an evil one. "If he asks later, we'll tell him you're still working, that it needs more time to brew or whatever. He'll have to stay in our service--he already knows the penalties of leaving."

Severus chuckled as well. "All right. When do I meet this sucker?"

"Right now." Lucius glanced at his watch, then beckoned Severus out of the room.

Severus waited outside the room as Lucius talked in a low voice to someone. A moment later, the door creaked open and Severus proceeded in. He turned to the other man...and froze.

The other man did too. "Severus?"

Severus swallowed. "Regulus?"

Severus swallowed. "Of course," he lied. "It's still in the brewing stage, though. It'll take some time..."

"We don't have time," Regulus said desperately. "Severus, she's dying. The doctors don't give her more than a week."

Severus hated lying to the young couple. They were twenty...Ellie was a baby. "I'll see what I can do."

The grateful look his sister and her husband gave Severus made him feel like the biggest piece of crap in the world. Swallowing, he decided to make a sacrifice for them...he was lying about saving their daughter, it was the least he could do. "Regulus...what's your brother's number? Have you called him already?"

Regulus shook his head and gave Severus the number. Severus nodded. "I'll call him and let him know what's going on." Softly, he added, "I know you can't be here all the time, Regulus...I can't either...but maybe your brother will come and sit with Becca."

Regulus nodded wordlessly. Severus retreated from the room.


"Thanks for inviting me over," James said with a smile. "I love Harry, don't get me wrong, but I could sure use a break."

Remus grinned. "He's a good kid. I bet you're proud of him."

"I can't wait until he's old enough to put on a broom," James said excitedly. "How old was your little niece when she started sitting up, Siri?"

"Ten weeks," Sirius said, as proudly as though she was his own daughter. "Oh, she's a doll--calls me Unca Siwi. It's so unbearably cute--" The telephone jangled, cutting him off.

"I got it." Remus picked up the telephone. "Hello?" He paused, frowning, then held out the telephone to Sirius. "I think it's for you." When Sirius raised an eyebrow, he added, "I don't know who it is."

Apprehensively, Sirius took the telephone. "Hello?"

Someone was crying on the other end of the telephone. At first Sirius assumed it was Regulus, but a moment later a very hushed and tearstained voice managed to choke out, "Black?"

"Speaking." Sirius turned away from his friends to mask his surprise. "Is something wrong?"

There was a strange sort of gulping on the other end of the line. "I'm sorry, I'm not myself at the moment. I'm calling on behalf of Regulus and Becca."

"Is something wrong with Ellie?" Sirius asked, concerned.

"She's taken a turn for the worse."

Sirius bit his lip hard. "Why can't Regulus call me himself?"

"He could. I offered. I...I'm feeling a little guilty, like I ought to be able to help them."

"I think it's natural to feel that way. I feel that way myself."

There was a deep, shuddering breath over the wires. "Black...Sirius. I think...I think you need to be there. I can't...and Regulus can't either, not all the time. Becca needs someone. She...she looks up to you. And Ellie knows you better than she knows're her favourite uncle. They need you. If I can't..." His voice broke and he tried again. "If I can't be there for them, there's no one else I'd pick."

"I'll be right there," Sirius promised.

"Oh--and Sirius? I know you've got visitors...thank you for not..."

"Embarrassing you? I may be an arse, but I wouldn't do that. Thanks for calling me, I'll get right over there."

"Thank you." The line went dead.

Sirius hung up the phone and grabbed his leather jacket out of the closet. "Sorry, folks, I've got to go. Ellie's been put in the hospital...I've got to go take care of my brother."

"Tell Becca and Reggie we're thinking of them!" James called as Sirius dashed out the door.

Sirius found Regulus and Becca in much the same position as Severus had left them: sitting together, cradling Ellie between them. When Regulus looked up, his face was so haunted that Sirius wanted to bawl. "Reggie?"

Regulus reluctantly released his wife and daughter and stood slowly, his grey eyes fixed on Sirius's. "Siri?"

Sirius glanced at Becca and Ellie. Becca was pale--a wraith--dark circles under her eyes and tears on her cheeks. Ellie looked like a rag doll, limp and unresponsive.

Wordlessly, Sirius held out his arms. Regulus flung himself into them and threw his arms around Sirius's neck. For the first time since Ellie had been taken into St. Mungo's, he started to cry, burying his face in Sirius's chest, his shoulders shaking with frightened sobs.

"Oh, Reggie," Sirius choked, stroking his hair and trying to comfort him.

"I've made a deal with the devil, Siri," Regulus sobbed, his voice muffled against Sirius's chest.

Sirius looked down at his brother. "What do you mean, baby? What's wrong?"

Regulus looked up, his eyes haunted. "He said...they could help," he said brokenly. "He said they would be able to save her..."

"Who said that who would be able to?" Sirius asked, concerned.

"Lucius Malfoy," Regulus half-whispered. "The Death Eaters. Sirius, I've joined. Mum and Dad know--said it's the first worthwhile thing I've done since I graduated. You know they don't approve of me working for Mr. Potter and Mr. Haphram...and they don't approve of Becky and Ellie...but..." He looked up, his eyes wide with fright and hurt. "I've tried so hard to make you proud, Siri. But...I'd have done anything--anything--to save my Ellie."

"It''s okay," Sirius managed. "Reggie, I'm...I'm so sorry it came to that."

Regulus leaned against his brother, needing the strength. "She's going to die," he whispered, sounding terrified. "I'm going to lose my baby. And then I'm going to lose me."

"You've got to stay strong, Reggie," Sirius begged. "It'll be okay...things will turn out've just gotta stay strong."

"I'll try," Regulus said bravely, wiping his eyes. "I'll do my best. I..." He glanced back at his family. "Siri, I love them so much."

"I know, Regulus," Sirius whispered back. "They love you, too. And so do I. It'll all be okay. In the end."


Becca hummed a lullaby as she rocked back and forth with her baby. Tears stood in her eyes. Ellie couldn't move, couldn't talk or cry or laugh or even smile. That morning, one of the Healers had approached her and Regulus about the feeding tube. Becca had protested mightily, but Regulus had quietly consented to have the tube removed. Ellie wouldn't live much longer anyway; she couldn't digest the food; the tube was hurting her, and badly. As much as Regulus wanted to keep his baby girl alive, he didn't want her to be hurt.

Ellie's eyes were closed; they usually were these days. It had only been three days since they had brought her in, but it felt like a lifetime ago. Becca rocked back and forth, back and forth, finding comfort in the familiar motion.

Regulus stood behind her, dark shadows under his eyes. Moses Haphram had given him the week off, understanding what the circumstances were, but the Dark Lord was nowhere near as understanding. He was sore more than ever; he had messed up badly the night before because he was so worried about his family. Travers had been captured by Aurors, Rosier killed; Regulus had only just got away. As the only one intact, Regulus had taken the brunt of it and been badly punished--so badly, in fact, that the only thing keeping him conscious now was a need to be near his family.

Severus had arrived with him that morning, helping him to walk. Becca had looked up hopefully at the sight of her brother, but he had simply shaken his head: no, it's not done, it's still brewing. I'm sorry, Becca. Now he stood off to one side, watching the little family and feeling like the world's biggest heel.

As Becca rocked, humming still, Ellie suddenly stirred and opened her eyes. Regulus's heart leaped; there was a spark of life in those soft grey eyes, a spark that hadn't been there in so long. She blinked up at her parents, then slowly, almost painfully, she smiled.

"It's a miracle," Becca whispered. Regulus gripped her shoulders tightly. They smiled back at their daughter, relief flooding them. If Ellie could smile again, she must be getting better.

But something was wrong. Ellie closed her eyes...gave a soft sigh...and went limp in Becca's arms.

"Ellie?" Becca gasped, her voice high with alarm. She shook the baby slightly, very gently. "Ellie, baby, wake up, honey...Ellie...Ellie!"

"I'll get a nurse," Regulus said quickly, his face pinched with fear. He darted into the hallway.

Severus moved closer to Becca, who was still trying to rouse her daughter. She looked up at Severus anxiously. "Sev, she won't wake up!"

Severus bent over and pressed two fingers to the brachial artery running up her arm. Becca bit her lip hard, praying...but he removed his hand and shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Becca."

", she can't be, she's..." Becca's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, God..."

She burst into tears. Severus hugged her tightly. Regulus came back in with a nurse, who also checked Ellie's pulse, then prised Becca's fingers off of her daughter's body and took Ellie out of the room. Regulus, white as a sheet, turned to his sobbing wife and his brother-in-law.

Something on Severus's face set into a determined look. He handed Becca to Regulus, who was rather teary himself. "Regulus...Reba...I have to go. I'll be back for the funeral, I promise."

Becca was so distraught that it wasn't until much later that she realised Severus had called her by their mother's pet name for her. Regulus, tears streaming down his cheeks, could only nod. With that, Severus rushed out of St. Mungo's, leaving Regulus and Becca to their grief.


"Becky, love."

Becca looked up. It had been a little over three weeks since Ellie's death. The Blacks were still trying to reassemble their lives. Regulus had gone back to work at Potter, Potter, and Haphram, but both Moses Haphram and Solomon Potter, the senior partners, had noticed that he seemed listless, almost indifferent. James, who had a month-old baby in danger of death himself, understood, but kept his distance; he knew that Regulus didn't need a reminder that Harry Potter was alive and Ellie Black was dead. Regulus, however, couldn't forget it. He had railed about it night after night, cursed himself for putting his oar on the wrong side of the boat, so to speak. Becca had listened fearfully as he declared he was going to "make Voldemort pay" for what he'd done.

He hadn't said anything more, but he'd done a lot of research. Becca, snooping in her husband's paperwork when he was out, had noticed that a lot of it involved objects and places, but none of it made much sense. Now, however, he stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching her knit. She was making him a sweater.

"Yes, what is it?" she asked.

"I'll be back late." Regulus hesitated, then walked over and kissed her. "I love you, Becky."

"I love you too. Oh, do be careful," Becca begged. "I..."

"I'll be careful." Regulus hugged her tightly, then reluctantly pulled himself away and left.

Becca continued knitting. She was almost done with the sweater. It was very late indeed when someone knocked on the door. Curious, she got up and opened it.

A Mysterious Figure, dressed in black, supported Regulus, who looked sick and pale, but somewhat triumphant. Becca suppressed a scream. "Oh, Regulus...what happened?"

"I...locket..." he whispered, his voice shaking.

Becca took him in her arms. The Mysterious Figure released him, bowed, then left. Becca dragged Regulus into the house and put him to bed, tending him carefully.

For three days he lay there, weak and ill, but improving the whole time. Becca, worried, stayed by his bedside, feeding him and making him drink. On the third day he sat up and smiled at her. Relieved, she threw her arms around his neck. "Reggie, honey, are you okay? What happened?"

Regulus shook his head as he hugged her back. "I can't tell you--the less you know about it, the better it will be for you. But I got him, honey...I got him and I hurt him. Here..." He fished something out of his pocket and handed it to her. It was a locket, heavy and silver, with a strange S on the front of it.

"What is it?" Becca asked, taking it.

"A locket. It doesn't open--don't bother trying. I want you to have it." His grey eyes were pleading. "Becky, please be careful with it. I don't want you to get hurt."

Pleased that her husband trusted her, Becca pocketed the locket. "Of course."

"And..." Regulus hesitated, then reached up and fumbled with the clasp, then handed her his own locket. "I want you to wear this."

"Reg, no," Becca protested. "It's special to you...Sirius gave it to you."

"I can remember Sirius without it. I want you to have remember me."


Regulus looked at her intently. "Becca, listen to me. I'm not going to live much longer. No, listen," he added, holding up a hand to cut her off. "This isn't what's going to kill me. Hell, I feel loads better. No...Becca, what I've just done...I've as good as declared that I've left the Death Eaters. I'm not a member anymore. They don't know what I've done yet, but believe me, they will...and when they do, they'll hunt me down and kill me. I want you...I want you to remember me." He gazed keenly into her eyes. "I want you to be happy. Don't spend your whole life alone. If you don't want to get married again, move in with someone--Marjorie, Severus, anyone. I don't care, as long as I can be sure you'll be well taken care of. But don't forget me. Please?"

"I promise," Becca said solemnly.


He's late, Becca thought, looking up at the clock. Regulus should have been home almost an hour before. Perhaps he had stopped off for a drink with James? Perhaps he had gone to see Harry again. In the two weeks since he had done...whatever it was he had done, he had seemed a little more like his old self. Moses Haphram had promoted him to a full clerk; he now shared a double desk with James. The two men were becoming good friends, working together on finding information and such for a major case Solomon Potter was working on. Solomon had more than once complimented Regulus on his work--and on his "beautiful family", which he still had a picture of on his desk: a picture James had taken of Regulus and Becca on Christmas, smiling and laughing as Sirius cradled Ellie. Regulus hadn't burst into tears, merely thanked Solomon and returned to his paperwork. Two days before, he had gone over to the Potter's and seen Harry; he told Becca when he returned home that Harry was almost as perfect as Ellie had been. Becca herself planned to go over the next afternoon; she and Lily were going to sit and sew and chat while Harry napped in his playpen. Becca knew Lily got lonely with only Harry for company all day--she had felt the same sometimes when Ellie had been an infant.

When one hour became two and then three, Becca began to worry. When four hours passed and Regulus still hadn't come home, she called the Potters and asked if her husband was there.

"Regulus? No." James sounded surprised. "He left right on time, as usual...he had a folder to drop off for Uncle Moses at a client's house, but he said he was going straight home afterwards."

"Right. Thanks, James." Becca hung up, distinctly worried now. Perhaps he was lost. Perhaps he had been in an accident. Perhaps...

The doorbell rang, a raucous clamour. Becca raised her head, faint hope in her coal-black eyes. Regulus had left his keys...perhaps he wanted her to let him in.

Hopefully, she got up and crossed the living room floor. She grasped the doorknob in her hand, hesitated, then turned the knob and wrenched the door open.

Regulus stood there, his grey eyes wide and defiant...but only for a second. Almost immediately, he fell forward into her arms. Becca was far too used to this to be least at first. Then she realised that he was cold, cold as ice, and that she couldn't feel his heart beating in his chest.

She took a horrified step backwards. Regulus flopped limply onto the floor. His head bounced, then tilted to one side as it came to rest, his eyes still staring with the same wide-eyed defiance at nothing in particular.

Becca began to scream. She screamed over and over, calling her husband's name repeatedly, her daughter's name, her brother's name and her brother-in-law's name...and just screaming in horror and fright and sadness. The neighbours came running, trying to get sense out of her, but Becca just kept on screaming.

She was still screaming when one of the neighbours called the police.

She was still screaming as the emergency response team zipped Regulus's limp, unresisting body into a black body bag.

She screamed until one of the paramedics jabbed a needle into her arm and she sank into blissful unconsciousness.


Ophiuchus Black's eyes were dry. It would have been unbeseeming to cry in public, even had he wanted to. Granted, his son--his good son--was dead, but the fact was that the boy had been a bit of a...disappointment in the last couple of years. About the only thing he had done right was to join the Death Eaters. At least he had the decency to work for a good wizarding law firm, but did it have to be Potter, Potter, and Haphram? Ophiuchus had had a fight with Spencer Haphram at school forty years before; things had been said that could not be rescinded. The fact that his son had been in the employ of that same Spencer's father made Ophiuchus's blood boil.

Beside him, Ascella Black was also dry-eyed, almost condescending as she looked around her. Moses Haphram was there, looking morose; Solomon Potter, ancient and doddering, was shaking his head. In front of them stood James Potter with his wife; Lily simply looked sorrowful, but James was already crying. Ascella couldn't hold back a sneer--she didn't think too much of Lily Potter, who was, after all, a Mudblood. How dare she profane this service with her foul presence?

Noses in the air, the Blacks looked dispassionately into the box containing their son--no one had bothered to close his eyes, but that didn't bother them--and took their places in the front row. Ascella turned around briefly to see if anyone influential was coming in--if they did she meant to start sobbing in a passionate display of maternal loss. To her shock, the last person she had ever expected to see walked through the back of the church.

He had one arm around a mere slip of a girl, whose shoulders were shaking. How dare he? How dare he come to this, profane the service as much as the Mudblood did, show his ungrateful face in public? And how dare he bring a date? Ascella seethed. Ophiuchus turned to follow his wife's gaze; his eyes narrowed.

The man and the young woman progressed up the aisle. She trembled, but he gently nudged her so she could look into the coffin. She looked, then gasped and began to cry. He led her gently away from the coffin and to the front row.

Ophiuchus scowled at him. "Front row is reserved for the family. Or did you miss that portion of etiquette classes?"

He scowled back. "I know that the front row is reserved for the family. Which is why we're here."

"And who, exactly, is she?" Ascella asked in a furious whisper.

He met her eyes calmly. "Mother, Father, this is Rebecca Black. Regulus's widow."

Ascella raised her chin. "Regulus wasn't married, brat. You know that."

"H-he was," Rebecca said shakily. She fingered a ring on her left hand. "We were...I mean, we'd just had our first anniversary and..."

Ophiuchus sneered. "We know who you are, Rebecca Snape."

"P-Prince. My--"

"We know who you are," Ophiuchus repeated scathingly. "As far as we are concerned, you were never married to our son. And that so-called daughter of yours is a bastard."

Rebecca gasped, looking as though she'd been punched in the gut. Sirius's eyes flashed, but he didn't move. Ascella glowered. "You have no right--"

"We have every right," Sirius cut her off. "And we're staying."



Becca looked up from her embroidery and smiled wearily. Two-year-old Caroline, black eyes huge, studied her seriously from the doorway. "What is it, baby?"

"Ma-ma, I have dweam 'gain," Carrie announced gravely.

Becca set aside her needlepoint and held out her arms. "Come here, Carrie. Tell Mummy what happened."

Carrie hurried across the floor and cuddled in her mother's lap. "Sissy say be ca'ful, no trust Da-da, say he bad."

"Cissy?" Becca repeated, frowning. Does she have an imaginary friend name Cissy? Short for Narcissa, perhaps? I know that's what Regulus and Sirius used to call their cousin..."Who's Cissy, baby?"

Carrie shook her had. "No Cissy--sissy. She say she my sissy, say she wanna he'p me 'n' 'ou, Ma-ma. Say she 'ove 'ou, no f'get her...say she no yike Da-da, her Da-da be'er."

None of this made any sense to Becca. "It's okay, Carrie. Daddy won't hurt you."

"Uh-huh," Carrie insisted. "Sissy say so."

Becca decided to try a different tack. "Did she say why?"

"Uh-huh. Say Da-da do what her Da-da do, on'y her Da-da do it 'cause he scawed, wanna he'p her. My Da-da do it 'cause he mean an' nasty. Say her Da-da Beast an' my Da-da Big Bad Wuf."

"Her daddy is the Beast and your daddy is the Big Bad Wolf, huh?" Becca said thoughtfully. "Well, Carrie, I don't know what all that means."

Carrie sighed in frustration, at the end of her two-year-old patience. "Me jus' tol' 'ou, Ma-ma! Sissy say Da-da bad, be ca'ful!"

"Okay, okay." Becca decided the best course of action was just to agree with the toddler. "We'll watch out for your daddy."

"Good." Carrie seemed satisfied and snuggled up to Becca. "Sissy say she 'ove 'ou. Say her Da-da 'ove 'ou too."

Becca sighed. "Does Sissy have a name, Carrie, or is it just Sissy?"

"Uh-huh. Her name Ellie."

Becca froze and stared at her daughter. "Her name is Ellie? You're sure?"

Carrie nodded. "Uh-huh. She say so."

Becca bit her lip hard, tasting the coppery taste of blood in her mouth. Maybe I should call the paediatrician.

Yeah, right. I can hear that conversation now: "Hello, Dr. Herre? My two-year-old daughter claims she's talking to my dead ten-month-old daughter about my rotten and potentially dangerous second husband..." He'd laugh me out of the country.

"Carrie, baby, was this a dream?"

"Nuh-uh," Carrie answered. "She tawk t'me in my woom."

She was dreaming, Becca told herself firmly. She was dreaming and it just seemed real..."Well, baby, that's good. I think it's time for you to take a nap now."

"Me just taked a nap, Ma-ma."

"Well then, you can sit out here and sew with me, okay?"

Carrie beamed. "O-tay!"

She scrambled off her mother's lap and watched eagerly as Becca picked up the embroidery once again and continued to sew. The two sat that way for a long time, chatting eagerly and giggling.

The light grew dimmer. Becca reached over and switched on a lamp. Before she could pick up her sewing again, the door banged open.

Becca jumped instinctively, but relaxed. It was only Simon Peter.

Becca had kept her promise to Regulus. After his death, she had begun packing her things, preparing to move in with someone--anyone. James and Lily had offered her a place to stay and she had agreed. As she was leaving the house, a man had approached her, full of concern. He said he remembered her from a Potter, Potter, and Haphram company picnic, that he had worked there until recently, that he had heard about Regulus and that he was so incredibly sorry. He had begun coming to see her regularly, though never at the Potters' house--she always met him somewhere. When, a month later, she found out she was pregnant, he offered to marry her "so people won't be talking"; even though she knew the baby was Regulus's, she had agreed--perhaps a little too quickly. From Rebecca Lynn Prince-Black, she became Rebecca Lynn Hall. Simon Peter Hall insisted that three names was plenty, and hyphenates only confused the children.

The baby had gone full term and been delivered without a hitch--a little boy. Becca had named her son Kalb, another name for Regulus, and had been so proud of him. Simon Peter had been proud of the baby too, even though it was obviously not his son--he had too much of his father in him, grey eyes and dark hair like Ellie's. At two weeks, however, Kalb had died--crib death, the doctors said, simply smothered in his sleep. Becca had been almost inconsolable.

Now, sixteen years later, James and Lily were dead, Sirius was dead, Remus was God only knew where, Severus was a traitor, Solomon Potter was dead, Moses Haphram was dead, the law firm of Potter, Potter, and Haphram had closed with Moses's death, and Becca finally had a little girl. After Kalb had been nine or ten miscarriages before finally, finally there had been a successful pregnancy. Becca couldn't really remember the night Caroline had been conceived, but she dimly recalled a Ministry picnic, someone's hands on her breasts, and cold tile against the bare skin of her back. Probably she and Simon Peter had got a one of the bathrooms.

Carrie was the pride of Becca's life, the only bright spot in her days. Simon Peter was an alcoholic, and abusive when he got into the mood. Becca had no close friends; Marjorie and Lily were both dead, so she had no one to confide in, so there was no one but Carrie to notice the bruises, no one but Carrie to hear Becca's terrified sobs when Simon Peter went too far and either beat her badly or forced himself on her. Married they may have been, but Becca was no innocent and she knew that marital rape was still rape. The only reason she hadn't reported it to the police was that she was so afraid they would take her baby away from her.

Simon Peter liked dramatic entrances, so Becca didn't pay too much attention when he flung the door open. "Hello, dear. Dinner will be--"

She never got to finish her sentence. In the two seconds it had taken her to get that far, Simon Peter had crossed the room and belted her across the face. She fell to the ground, looking up at her husband in astonishment. "Simon Peter, what on Earth--"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Simon Peter roared.

Becca cowered. "T-tell you what, dear?"

"Don't call me that!" Simon Peter hit her again and waved a furious fist at Carrie, who cowered behind a pillow. "Why didn't you tell me she wasn't mine?"

"What?" Becca gasped, looking in astonishment at her daughter. True, Carrie didn't have any of her husband's features...but her eyes and hair were dark like Becca's. Perhaps her hair was a shade lighter, but...

"Don't give me that," Simon Peter snapped. "I heard what happened. At the Ministry picnic. Remember?"

"I...I remember the bathroom tile...but I..."

"But you didn't see fit to tell me, did you?" Simon Peter hissed. "You bitch, you were screwing around on me and you knew--oh, you knew what I'd do if I found out. So you kept it hidden. Made me think the little bastard was mine. But IT DIDN'T WORK!" He reached down and, with frightening suddenness, grabbed the front of her shirt and dragged her upright. "IT DIDN'T WORK, DID IT?" he shouted, right in her face. "Because I found out, bitch--I found out! Bad enough it was a girl--but it's not even mine! You had me raising some bastard--"

"I had you raising her?" Becca snapped, suddenly finding her voice and that old Prince spirit. "You? Simon Peter Hall, I doubt you'd know that child even existed if I hadn't told you she was there! You're never home, you never take any interest in her..."

"It's a bastard!" Simon Peter yelled. "I heard the whole story...from one of heard its father bragging about it."

"Well, I sure as hell wish you'd fill me in," Becca barked.

Simon Peter belted her hard across the face again, sending her sprawling to the ground. Carrie--who had always been in her room when Simon Peter got like this--screamed and flung herself over Becca. "Ma-ma, Ma-ma! Da-da, no 'urt Ma-ma!"

"You little--" Simon Peter snarled, raising a hand.

"Don't you lay a hand on this child!" Becca screeched.

Simon Peter's eyes glinted. He hit Becca again, hard, rendering her momentarily senseless. A high-pitched scream brought her back to reality, and she came to in time to see Simon Peter raise his hand again to smack Carrie.

Instantly, Becca shifted to shield her daughter's body. "No!" she cried.

Eyes flashing, Simon Peter plunged his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wand. Raising it, he pointed it at Becca. "Avada Kedavra!"

Becca screamed...but it was too late. The flash of light enveloped her, and she fell limply to the floor.


Regulus's hands curled into fists, the nails digging into his palms. Tears streamed down his face. "No," he whispered. "No...please, no..."

But it was. He watched helplessly as the small child crawled out from under the woman's body and began shaking the man picked it up by the the child screamed...and as the man flung the toddler with savage fury. The little girl's head struck the wall and split open. She fell to the ground, blood blooming from beneath a dark fan of hair. He saw the slight flash of blue and knew that the cruel man's goal had been accomplished.

"But it wasn't their fault," Regulus whispered, unable to stop the tears.

A gentle hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up, wiping away the traces of tears, to see the Only Son of the Proprietor watching him. "I'm sorry, Sir," he began.

The Son shook His head. "No, Regulus," He said gravely. "It is right to grieve. I know you sorrow for them. But...and do not forget this...they shall be here soon. As a matter of fact, I should hurry, if I were you. Giving her time to stop and wait for the little one, they should be here soon."

"But...when is soon?" Regulus asked helplessly.

The Son smiled. "I call all times soon, Regulus. Now scoot."

Regulus smiled wetly. "Yes, Sir."

He hurried across the Celestial City...turned up the Street of Miracles. As an afterthought, he paused to pick up a cherub before rushing the rest of the way to the Golden Gates.

Sure enough, there they were. Wonderfully whole, free of bruises, with only the slightest trace of tears on her face, there she stood, firmly holding the hand of a small girl. The gatekeeper nodded them in, and they walked in, looking around them in awe.

The little girl spotted Regulus first and tugged on the hand she held. "Ma-ma, yook! Dat my sissy!"

The woman turned and stopped. Her face lit up; her eyes shone. Dropping the little girl's hand, she rushed across the Plaza of Eternity towards Regulus.

Regulus set down the cherub in his arms and held them out, caught her up in them and swung her around in a circle. " is you," she kept murmuring.

" Becky..." Regulus choked. "Oh, Becky, I'm so sorry. I saw what he did to you...and to Carrie."

Becca pulled back and gazed at her husband with adoring eyes. "How?"

"Portals. I was just checking up on you. I can't believe..." Regulus shook his head. "I've gotta stop that line of reasoning, or I'll get angry and start moulting."

Becca touched one of his sweeping white wings and looked up at him. "Reggie...I don't understand. What did he mean when he said...she wasn't his?"

Regulus sighed and looked down at the two cherubs, who were chatting in a language meant only for interpretation by other toddlers. "Becca, what do you remember of that company picnic he mentioned?"

"Not much," Becca admitted. "Just...the tile...someone...I assumed it was Simon Peter."

Regulus shook his head. "No. Simon Peter knew about it, though...he was lying to you down there. I think he honestly didn't realise that he hadn't slept with you that whole week until he remembered about it. But...he slipped something into your drink. A date-rape drug. Becky, you were raped."

Becca's eyes got huge. "So...I was unfaithful."

"You were raped. It wasn't your fault...and it wasn't Carrie's fault matter what Simon Peter might have told you."

"But who was it?" Becca insisted.

Regulus sighed. "Someone who tried it once before."

Becca frowned...then her eyes widened. "Lucius Malfoy?"

"Got it in one." Regulus turned, smiled at the cherubs, and squatted down. "So this is Carrie, eh?"

Both toddlers nodded, beaming. "Uh-huh."

"Ma-ma, dis sissy," Carrie added, looking up at her mother. "Dis Ellie."

Ellie held her arms out to Becca. "Ma-ma!"

"My baby!" Becca scooped her firstborn up into her arms and cuddled her close. "Oh, I've missed you so much."

"Me miss 'ou too," Ellie told her. "Da-da he'p...Unca Jay an' Aunt Lily he'p too...den Unca Siwi he'p when he die. Nev'r stop miss 'ou, want 'ou 'urt, dough. Me tawk t'Cawwie, say her Da-da bad, maybe 'ou be safe den."

"I'd rather be here, with you and your daddy and Carrie, then back on Earth with...with him," Becca declared.

Regulus smiled at her, bent down and scooped Carrie up, then hugged all three of the girls. "What do you say, girls? Be a family--the four of us?"

"Cawwie too?" Carrie asked, her black eyes huge.

"But of course. I'd be proud to call you my daughter."

"O-tay." Carrie settled happily against Regulus's shoulder.

Becca smiled and kissed her daughters' foreheads. "Reggie...thank you so much."

"I didn't do anything," Regulus told her. "All I did was love you."

"That's enough." Becca smiled at her daughters. And Ellie, looking up into her mother's eyes, even as Eileen Prince, James and Lily, Sirius and Morrie came charging across the Plaza to greet Becca, took the time for one small gesture that Becca had been waiting to see for sixteen years.

She simply...smiled.
