

Story Summary:
Harry now knows what he has to do - find and destroy the Horcruxes and Voldemort. Ron and Hermione refuse to leave his side and they choose to become something that the Dark Lord will fear...the Trinity.

Chapter 35 - 35

Chapter Summary:
Training picks up and then the moment occurs. Snape returns with the final Horcrux. Nagini is dead, Harry destroys the Huffplepuff Horcrux, secrets are revealed to all and Harry faces Voldemort.

Chapter 35

Harry warned his friends of what was going to happen some time in the next three weeks then did the same for Moody and Remus the next morning. He spent some time talking to Asmodeus and on the weekend he walked down to the gates and apparated to Little Hangleton. He left Asmodeus in the Gaunt's house with a supply of food and a promise that once it was all over he would return to get the little snake. He returned to Hogwarts and those in the know settled into a nervous wait.

Moody had them in training sessions, both individual, in pairs or as a trio, whenever they had spare time and Remus often joined them to help, usually acting as the aggressor. He had finally received word from the werewolves that wasn't exactly what he was hoping for but looked to be the best they would get. The werewolves had refused to join their side; they just didn't trust the wizards to keep their promises. Remus said he couldn't blame them for this since the wizarding world had a long history of not honouring promises to werewolves. However the werewolves had also sad they would not join Voldemort. Most of them were planning on finding some place safe and waiting to see what would happen. Harry couldn't find it in himself to get angry about this choice of neutrality; as far as the werewolves were aware Dumbledore was dead and they just didn't know enough about him to trust that he would hold to his promises or even if he could promise anything.

Harry also had Neville get the DA into readiness. He couldn't tell him why this was needed but after a couple of questions that were awkwardly evaded Neville just nodded and did as Harry asked. By the end of the second week everything was in readiness and everyone was as prepared as they could get for whatever was coming.

During their rare moments of spare time, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny spent their time in the Head Students' common room. They rarely did homework; mostly they just curled up on the couches, Ginny in Harry's arms and Hermione in Ron's. They sometimes talked in a desultory manner but mostly they just stayed lost in their own thoughts.

They were sitting in their usual places on the Friday of the third week when things finally came to a head. They were having a quiet conversation about what they might like to do after they finished school when a silver phoenix flew through the wall and came to a halt in front of Harry and Ginny.

"Come now." Snape's harsh voice sounded throughout the room.

The trio had taken to carrying their robes around with them at all times and they leapt to their feet.

"Go and tell Moody what's happening," Harry told Ginny sharply. "Then go and get the DA together. I don't know whether anything's going to happen tonight and I don't know if we'll be coming back."

Ginny nodded, her eyes full of worry and fear. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely.

"Be careful," she said, her voice shaking. "You have to survive this. You will survive this."

Harry nodded, unable to summon any words. Ginny let him go and ran towards the door. She pulled it open then paused and looked back at the trio.

"Ron, Hermione, be careful and look out for Harry." They nodded and she looked at her boyfriend. "And Harry...I love you."

Harry stared at her and gave her a watery smile. "I love you too," he said in a rush.

Ginny smiled as best she could then disappeared out of the door. The trio quickly changed then ran out of the room and headed for the village. They didn't bother with too much in the way of stealth this time, knowing that it no longer mattered. They threw open the back door of the Hog's Head and thundered down the stairs to the Headmaster's room. Dumbledore was standing in front of the fireplace, his hands clasped behind his back and looking determined and intimidating. Snape was seated on the couch, cradling a small golden cup in his hands. He looked tired and worn, his face deeply lined, his skin even paler than normal and his hair lank and greasy. The two men looked up when Harry and his friends ran into the room.

"Here it is," Snape said abruptly, holding the cup out to Harry.

Harry reached out and took the small cup then gave Snape a good look. "Are you alright?"

Snape grimaced. "The Dark Lord was displeased that Nagini was dying. He was even more displeased that I was unable to do anything."

"You didn't answer my question," Harry stated.

Snape scowled. "I am well enough."

Harry sighed. "I suppose that's all the answer I'm going to get." He looked over at the Headmaster. "Is it safe enough to destroy this here?"

"Yes," Dumbledore replied. "The room is well protected else my magical signature would have been found long ago. Let me just get the rest of us behind a shield."

Harry nodded and watched as Dumbledore gestured for Snape, Ron and Hermione to join him in one corner of the room. He then put up a strong, shimmering shield. Once that was done, Harry shifted the couch and chairs back and placed the cup down on the floor. He quickly established the shunt then gained access to the containment spells. He was relieved to see nothing unusual on the cup and slowly and carefully worked his way through the containment spells. Once he'd reached the innermost ward, he lit up the underlying rune with a quick "Manifesto" then concentrated on the rune and dispelled it with a quiet "Finite incantatem."

He put up his shields in the strange quiet moment that occurred just before the containment spells collapsed then reached for the magic as the cascading collapse began. Once again the cascade reached the edge of a wildfire event but once again between the shields, the shunt and the wards on the room, that was as far as it went. When the final containment ward collapsed and the last of the magic disappeared into the shunt, Harry sat back on his heels and took a deep breath. He let it out slowly as he looked down at the cup.

This time the strange Dark and evil shimmering was actually inside the cup, sitting there like some kind of malevolent drink.

Harry concentrated hard on destroying the soul fragment then said, "Deletrius."

Once again that strange wailing swept through the room then the both the shimmering and the wailing faded and disappeared. Harry stared down at the golden cup then slowly pushed himself to his feet. He swayed wearily for a moment then looked over at the small group still standing in the corner.

"It's done," he said firmly then he staggered over and collapsed on the couch though in truth he didn't feel anywhere hear as tired as he had the last time he'd done this.

He watched as the Headmaster took the shield down then his friends rushed over and sat down on either side of him.

"How do you feel?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"Okay," Harry replied. "Not as bad as last time but still a bit tired."

"Drink this, Mr Potter," Snape said, holding out a steaming goblet. "A potion of my own making. It should help."

Harry took the goblet and drank the content down in a rush, grimacing at the taste. He felt energy flow through him again and the tiredness washed away. He handed the goblet back with a smile.

"Thank you, Severus," he said.

"What now?" Ron asked.

Harry got off the couch and picked up the cup. "Now we go back to the school," he said firmly as an idea bloomed in his mind. "I want all of the Horcrux objects before we go and confront Voldemort."

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Just an idea I've got," Harry replied.

"We shall come with you," Dumbledore said with a small smile. "It cannot be long before Voldemort realises what has happened and I think our place is at Hogwarts."

Harry nodded and the five headed up the stairs. They were not disturbed as they walked through the village and the first time they were seen was when they walked into the Entrance Hall. Minerva was standing there, talking with Moody, Kingsley, Remus and Neville. They turned when the doors of the school opened and when they realised who was standing next to Harry, Ron and Hermione the jaws those had not known sagged opened and they stared in open disbelief.

"Albus?" Minerva whispered in shock.

"My dear Minerva," Dumbledore said kindly. "I must apologise for the terrible time I have put you...put you all...through. It became necessary for me to die and to die at the hands of Severus. However as you can see, I am very much alive and Severus is most definitely on our side. As I have said many times before."

Minerva clutched at the front of her robes. "Albus...Severus," she gasped.

Kingsley had been staring at them in silence. Now he finally moved and he levelled his wand at the two men. "Prove that you are who you say you are," he said suspiciously.

Albus chuckled. "In your Sixth Year you came to some grief over a young..."

"Enough!" Kingsley said, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I trust that is sufficient idiocy to prove we are in fact Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape," the Potions Master sneered.

Kingsley snorted and tucked his wand away. "I think that's sufficient proof," he said quietly. "Why come out of hiding now?"

"Because the last of the Horcruxes has been destroyed," Harry said firmly. "And it won't be long before Voldemort finds out that Severus is a spy and makes some kind of move. Minerva, I need the other Horcruxes; the diary, the locket, the ring and the Ravenclaw artefact."

"I...yes...very well, Mr Potter," Minerva said, finally tearing her eyes away from Dumbledore and Snape.

She turned without another word and headed up the stairs.

"She's going to be furious once she gets over her shock," Moody growled with amusement.

Kingsley looked at him then at Remus. "You two knew," he said accusingly.

"We only found out just before Christmas," Moody replied. "Potter and his friends have known since the start of the school year."

"You didn't say anything," Kingsley said flatly.

"I know," Harry replied calmly.

Kingsley waited for a moment then he glared. "Why not?" he demanded.

"Because it was necessary," Harry replied firmly. "Explanations can wait until after this is all over."

Kingsley looked unhappy but subsided. Harry looked over at Neville who was staring at the two men with surprise and, in the case of Snape, wariness.

"Are the DA ready?" Harry asked.

Neville started. "Uh, yes. They're waiting in the Great Hall. Do you really think V...Voldemort will come here?"

"I think he'll send his Death Eaters here," Harry replied. "I'm kind of hoping to distract him from coming himself."

"Oh," Neville said. "Good. Um, good luck?"

Harry gave a wry half-grin. "Thank you. Good luck yourself."

At that moment pain seared through Harry's scar and he fell to his knees, clutching at his forehead. Ron and Hermione grabbed at him but he quickly felt their hands leave. Someone else grabbed him by the shoulders then, their grip harsh and painful.

"Occlude your mind!" came Snape's angry voice. "You know how to do it!"

Harry gasped and concentrated, trying to put the lessons that Snape had pounded into his head into action. He'd finally been successful at learning Occlumency in the last month before Snape returned to Voldemort the last time. He clenched his hands into fists and he gathered himself and shoved Voldemort out of his mind and then blocked him from getting back in. He then opened his mind and looked up into Snape's face.

"He's found Nagini," he rasped. "And he's figured out that she didn't exactly die of natural causes."

As Harry said this Minerva returned from her office holding a bag. She looked at Harry and Snape with alarm and hurried over.

"What is going on?" she demanded.

"Voldemort," Harry said as he pulled away from Snape and got to his feet. "It's time, Minerva."

The Headmistress handed him the bag and Harry quickly checked to see if everything was in there. He then pulled out the cup and placed it in the bag. He shrank the bag with a muttered word and shoved it in his robes.

"Call in the Order and the Ministry," he said to Minerva. "We're going."

Minerva paled then nodded. She caught Harry by the arm when he turned to go and pulled him into a quick hug.

"Good luck, Harry," she said when she let him go. "Return safely. You too, Ron, Hermione."

The trio nodded and jogged out of the castle, leaving the defenders behind them. They headed down to the gates and just as they were about to apparate out they heard the sounds of many people apparating in. They looked over to see masked and robed Death Eaters arriving near the Forest. Harry looked at his friends.

"Let's go," he said quietly. "This isn't our fight."

Ron and Hermione nodded and just as they apparated out they saw Greyback and his pack arriving by portkey. They arrived near the Gaunts' house at Little Hangleton and turned towards the manor.

"Should we check if Nagini's really dead?" Ron asked quietly as they strode towards Riddle Manor.

Harry shook his head. "She's dead. Voldemort tried to revive her and it didn't work."

"What's our plan?" Hermione asked, his voice shrill with nerves.

"Stay alive," Harry replied shortly. "Voldemort's strong and he's going to want to...well, play with us first. Also, I doubt he's alone. My guess is he'll at least have Bellatrix and either Draco or Lucius with him."

"No plan?" Ron asked dubiously.

Harry shook his head. "We're going to be on his ground and he's going to think he has the advantage. I don't think a plan's going to help us. Besides every time we've succeeded in the past we haven't had a plan. Plans can be countered; making it up as we go along makes it difficult to do that."

"Sounds about normal for us," Ron said with false cheer.

Hermione gave a weak laugh. "Yes, I suppose it does."

"Just remember Moody's training," Harry replied as they passed through the wards; they could feel the slight resistance as they walked. "He knows we're here now. This is it."

They walked in silence until they reached the front doors of the manor then they stopped and looked at each other.

"You're my best friends and I love you both," Hermione said throwing her arms around the two boys and dragging them to her.

She kissed Harry on the cheek then let him go and pulled Ron into a full-blooded kiss on the lips. Ron returned it with fervour and when they broke apart they were both blushing.

"I...I love you, Hermione," Ron said awkwardly as his ears turned bright red. He turned to Harry. "Harry, you've always been a brother to me and you," he stammered.

Harry swallowed hard and blinked back his tears. "I love you both," he said simply.

None of them spoke of what they were about to face nor did they speak of what was to come afterwards. They hugged each other again then Harry started walking up the stairs. Ron and Hermione took flanking positions next to him then Harry slowly reached out and pushed the manor doors open. They stepped into the large entrance foyer to find Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy standing on the other side of the room.

"Harry Potter," Lucius sneered. "I believe I told you many years ago you'd come to the same sticky end as your parents. I believe this will be the night it happens."

"Did you enjoy Azkaban, Mr Malfoy?" Harry asked flatly. "You'll be back there soon enough."

"Itty bitty Potter thinks he can win," Bellatrix crooned, her eyes gleaming with insanity. It appeared her second visit to Azkaban had tipped her completely over the edge.

Harry didn't even bother talking to her; he just pulled his wand out and levelled it at the insane witch. He didn't react even when Ron gave him a nudge in the ribs.

"These two are ours," the red head murmured. "You go and deal with Voldemort."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely sure," Hermione replied. "Get ready."

Harry surreptitiously braced himself and when Ron and Hermione let fly with twin Stupefys he darted over towards the staircase and ran up as fast as he could. He ducked when Hermione screamed at him and felt a spell fly over his head as he continued to run. When he got to the first landing, he risked a glance back down and saw that Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy were fully involved in fighting Ron and Hermione. He hesitated for a brief moment, wanting nothing more than to return and help his friends. He took a deep breath and resolutely turned away, heading up the stairs to the fight waiting for him.

He felt an odd sense of déjà vu as he walked up the stairs, remembering this path from the strange and terrible vision he'd had before his Fourth Year. And to add to that sense of déjà vu, Voldemort was waiting for him in the same room he'd been in that night. Harry walked in, gripping his wand tightly.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort said in greeting. "So it comes to this. Tonight I shall defeat you once and for all. Tonight you shall not run. Tonight there is no portkey waiting to whisk you back to Hogwarts. Tonight there is no mother ready to die for you and give you her protection. Tonight it is just you and me and then there will just be me."

"You've been wanting to know the prophecy for many years, Tom," Harry said, ignoring what Voldemort had just said, his voice firm and showing no signs of his nerves and fear. "Would you like me to tell you now?"

Voldemort's eyes narrowed at the use of his real name. "Why would you tell me?" he asked warily.

Harry shrugged with an idleness he didn't feel. "I'm sure you'll feel better when you die to know what it said. I'd hate for you to die with your curiosity unsatisfied."

Smug amusement flowed across Voldemort's face. "So I am going to die, am I? That is impossible, Harry. I have made sure of that. But by all means, satisfy my curiosity. Tell me the prophecy."

Harry took a deep breath. "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord has not and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

Voldemort's eyes narrowed again. "Marked as his equal?" he sneered, his eyes flicking to the scar that was throbbing painfully on Harry's forehead. "A mere boy is my equal? I think not. What is this power you possess?"

Harry smiled mirthlessly. "I only said I'd tell you the prophecy, Tom. I didn't say I'd interpret it for you."

Voldemort snarled soundlessly and raised his wand. "I think there has been enough talking, Harry. Crucio."

Harry collapsed to the floor as pain ripped through him but he grimly swallowed the scream that was threatening. He rolled so that he was facing Voldemort and put some of Moody's lessons into practice, wordlessly casting Expelliarmus. Voldemort's eyes widened as he was thrown across the room but he managed to keep hold of his wand. It was enough to end the Cruciatus spell however.

Harry scrambled to his feet and yelled, "Stupefy!"

Red light lanced out from the end of his wand, arcing at Voldemort before deflecting off the Dark Lord's hastily erected shield and smashing into the wall.

"You've grown strong, Harry," Voldemort said as he regained his feet. "I am impressed. You are a much more worthy opponent than last time we faced each other."

A sickly yellow light burst out of the end of Voldemort's wand and Harry ducked and rolled to avoid it, flicking a spell at the other wizard in return.

"How long has Severus been working for you?" Voldemort asked as he shifted around.

Harry moved in response. "He hasn't been working for me," Harry said, telling only a small lie. "He's been working for the same person all along. Albus Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore is dead," Voldemort snarled.

"That's what he wanted you to believe," Harry replied with a malicious grin. "He's very much alive. He's back at Hogwarts, defending the school along with Snape."

Curses and hexes flew back and forth for a few minutes and both wizards ducked and dodged, deflecting the spells with shields.

"And where is your mighty Trinity?" Voldemort sneered as he knocked a wrecked chair out of his way.

"The Trinity only ever existed to keep you busy," Harry replied with a sneer of his own. "Snape did his work well, talking us up and making us into a bogey man to scare you. Oh, Moody trained us to work as a team but the Trinity was only there to replace Dumbledore in your mind."

Voldemort snarled and unleashed a series of spells that Harry desperately fended off. More than once he attempted to trigger the Priori Incantatem but each time Voldemort either hurried his spell or ceased casting it. Finally he managed to overwhelm Harry and knocked him to the ground. Harry kept a tight grip on his wand as he struggled to get his breath back. He saw Voldemort stalking towards him and he scuttled backwards until his back thumped into the wall.

"And so it ends, Harry," Voldemort crooned as he pointed his wand at the young man in front of him. "Give my greetings to your mother and father."

Harry fumbled in his robes and pulled out the bag Minerva had given him, his wordlessly enlarged it and tossed the contents out. They tumbled and fell, landing at Voldemort's feet; the charred diary with the hole in the middle; the black and gold ring, the delicate sculpture of the inkwell and quill that once belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw, the golden locket that was Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup.

Voldemort stared down at them; realisation slowly flooding across his face. His eyes widened and he looked frantically over at Harry who now had his wand levelled at him.

"The Horcruxes you created," Harry said calmly. "All destroyed including Nagini. You're mortal, Tom. As mortal as me, as mortal as any other man."

Voldemort's eyes widened then his face fixed in a frightening snarl. As this happened Dumbledore's words resounded in Harry's mind.

"Love gives a person great power. You will know what to do when the time comes, Harry."

In an instant, Harry understood. Voldemort did not understand love and he shrank back from it; it hurt him. He was so evil, so Dark, that love itself hurt him as much as the Cruciatus curse.

Harry closed his eyes and summoned all the love he possessed. He thought of his parents who had loved him so much that they had been willing to die to keep him safe. He thought of his godfather who had suffered so much but had loved him nonetheless and had risked everything to protect him. He thought of Remus who was his last connection to his parents and godfather; who loved him like a son. He thought of the Weasleys who considered him a black-haired son and brother, who had taken him in and loved and cared for him when they didn't have, when they had enough of their own to worry about. He thought of Hermione who loved him like a brother and who had spent so much time worrying about him and keeping him alive. He thought of Ginny who had captured his heart like no other; whom he loved so deeply and desperately it sometimes scared him. And he thought of all the families that had lost loved ones to this evil man and his followers. All the families who would lose loved ones in the future if he did not succeed. And he thought of Dumbledore who he know realised loved him; loved him enough to let him walk his own path even when all he really wished to do was protect Harry with all his might.

Harry gathered all of this love and the power it provided and threw it at Voldemort with a screamed, "Avada Kedavra!"

A green light burst out of the end of his wand but unlike the other times he had seen this spell used, this green light was woven through with threads of gold. The gold-green light slammed into Voldemort's chest and surrounded him briefly. It flared once then Voldemort fell, his wand dropping from his hand and rolling under a nearby chair. Harry stared at the fallen Dark Lord then crawled over and looked down at him. The red eyes were staring at the ceiling, wide and dull and the chest was still. Harry reached out with one shaking hand and placed it on Voldemort's throat. No pulse beat there and Harry slowly got to his feet.

He stared down at the dead body of his enemy almost unable to believe this was real. He raised his hand and touched his scar. It no longer hurt and thought he could tell it was still there. He walked over to the nearby chair and grabbed Voldemort's wand. He then turned and walked out of the room, not looking back even once.