Mystery Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/07/2002
Updated: 09/01/2002
Words: 24,088
Chapters: 8
Hits: 11,505

Harry Potter and the Gift of the Seraphim or Curse of the Stars


Story Summary:
Why is Harry so special? Could it have been something completely out of his power that made him what he was? Explore Harry's fifth year as many things change- his feelings, his relationship with Dumbledore, and even his destiny. Not your usual 5th year fic.

Harry Potter and the Gift of the Seraphim 03

Author's Note:
Thanks to all my reviewers:

Chapter Three- Of Returns and Departures

Harry inconspicuously edged into the Great Hall. As he slunk against the wall, he could hear the happy breakfasters chatting merrily. Why are they all so happy?, he wondered. A scowl was plastered on his face, Madame Pomfrey had spent the last two days poking him and prodding him in the Hospital Wing with her hard mahogany wand. He hadn't had a good night sleep in more than four months, since the middle of his 4th year. Although his scar hadn't hurt any more, his limbs were aching. That still doesn't explain why I wasn't even allowed to use my wand!, he thought angrily.

The only thing that penetrated his foul mood was the fact that nobody seemed to notice him. While he made his way to Gryffindor table, unfortunately situated between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff,, it seemed not a single person looked towards him or acknowledged his presence. He would have been disappointed to see Dumbledore looking worriedly at him from the Staff table. Right before he reached his table, Harry glanced up towards the ceiling and saw the beginnings of a beautiful blue day. Unconsciously, he smiled.

"Harry, Harry! Over here, mate!" cried Ron, beckoning him. He shoved a small second year seated on his left off her chair, yelling, "Budge over!" As the second year toppled to the floor, Harry took her seat, smiling gratefully at Ron, who grinned back. "Where have you been, it's the second day of classes?"

"Ron," Hermione said, as if explaining something to a very young child, "We know where Harry's been. I think the question we should be asking is are you okay?" Hermione smiled at Harry as she reached behind Ron's back to give him a comforting squeeze on his shoulder.

"I think I'm okay," Harry said, unable to recapture his earlier dark mood. He piled some food on his plate, much more than he would have usually eaten. "Madame Pomfrey examined me like I was a specimen, though. There's not a part on my body she hasn't explored!" Hermione blushed furiously, and Harry himself reddened when he realized the implication of his words.

"Didn't know you and Madame Pomfrey were that close!" crowed Ron, enjoying his friends embarrassment. "Hey," he said more seriously, "Did you happen to see Ginny in there? She had to stay overnight on the first day."

"Yea," replied Harry, practically inhaling sausages and pancakes. He reached over to refill his already empty plate. "She left before I did, though. Why was she in there?"

"Harry, you honestly don't remember, do you?" asked Hermione. Harry frowned.

"No," he said. "Everyone's been so darn mysterious about it! Ginny wouldn't even give me a straight answer. So will you please explain to me what happened?" he said furiously, all the while still spearing sausages on his fork.

Hermione sighed. "I just can not believe this!" she muttered. "Don't you remember? We were on the train, and Ginny gave you a hug while you were...Er.... telling us some stuff," she said uncomfortably. Harry colored again, finally regaining some memory of what had happened. "Anyway," Hermione rushed on, "She gave you a hug, and, well...You just fainted! But the worst part was that you had no pulse!" Hermione looked dangerously close to tears. She quickly brushed her eyes with the back of her hand. "And then Ginny fainted, too! She wasn't as bad as you, though I do think she hit her head on the way down. The cart lady came in almost immediately after, and she magicked you onto a stretcher and took you to a Infirmary carriage."

Ron interjected, "Did you even know they had a hospital cart? It was all white and little...Just like a real hospital!"

"You would know if you had read Hogwarts, A History, Ron," said Hermione crisply. "They talk all about the Hogwarts Express, which has been around since 1851..."

"Well not everyone is a bookworm like you, Hermione!" Ron retorted. Harry interrupted, trying to head off an argument.

"Well, I'm okay now, so all's well ends well, right?" Harry said forcedly. He had masked his emotions so well, not even his best friends could tell what he was thinking. Suddenly, he groaned into his fifth plate of pancakes.

"What is it?" Ron asked, staring incredulously at his friend's empty dish.

"I just realized how much work I have to make up," said Harry, groaning dejectedly into his plate.

Hermione, on the contrary, looked excited. "I can help you, Harry!" she offered, her eyes bright. "Potions has just been wonderful, well, besides Snape, I mean. And I'm so glad you took up Arithmancy this year! Now you have a full course load..."

Ron and Harry shot each other an annoyed looked, but all three friends pushed back their plates and rose together from their seats. The trio walked out the Great Hall happily chattering about the day ahead. To anyone who happened to look (and many people were, excluding that morning, Harry always drew a lot of attention, and Ron had finally filled out to be a very good looking redhead), they were happy and undisturbed.

Isn't it sad that things aren't always what they appear to be?

Professor Severus Snape stalked out of the Great Hall, narrowly missing a collision with Ginny Weasley as she walked in, alone. Could the students not shut up for one moment?It was the constant prattling that just about drove him crazy. And on a day like this, nonetheless, he thought. With his shoes clicking against the stone floor, he made his way to the Stone Gargoyle, which marked the entrance to Dumbledore's office. Whispering the password into the stone statue so none of the nosy students would hear, he jumped back to allow the door to open. Climbing onto the revolving stairs, he tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for them to reach the top. The large wooden door was already open when he arrived to the correct floor, and he entered. Felling something besides irritation for the first time that day, sat nervously in a comfortable leather chair in the Headmasters office. From the outside, he appeared composed, but inside his head, his thoughts were racing. That was the way he liked it- nobody could tell what was going on. Ironically, this was also what he hated. What had happened to close him off so many years ago? This was something Severus did not like to dwell on. Feeling unwanted memories float into his brain, he shook his head to clear himself of these intruding thoughts.

Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, flew out off his perch and landed on Severus' shoulder. Uncomfortably, he shifted, hoping the bird would take flight again. He detested this animal. It was always bothering him when we wanted to be alone, and when he needed a molted feather for a class demonstration, it seemed to avoid his grasp. Damned bird, he thought.

Suddenly, Dumbledore stepped into his office. Startled, Severus rose. "No, no," complained Dumbledore, "please sit! No need to rise for an old man."

Warily, Severus sat. He had always been uneasy around the old mage. It wasn't that he didn't trust him, Dumbledore held more of his trust than anyone else had in his whole life. It was more that Dumbledore was so comfortable around him. Severus was completely not used to that; people always seemed to be on guard whenever he was in the room.

Dumbledore sat in his large swiveling chair and settled his hands on the desk. "You wanted to have a meeting, Severus?"

"Er- yes. Yes, Headmaster, I did," Dumbledore just looked at Severus with his piercing blue eyes. Severus continued. "It's about...My Summer assignment."

"Ah," said Dumbledore. He again waited.

Severus sighed. This was going to be a long meeting. "I would like to report what I have found."

"Please do."

Severus pulled some papers from his leather bag placed underneath his chair. "You and I both agreed that it was far to dangerous for me to even attempt to pretend to reconcile with the Dark Lord, correct?"

"Yes, we did," confirmed Dumbledore. "A ridiculous notion. To do so would be a death sentence. Not only does Voldemort dislike, excuse the term, traitors, but for you to side with one of his sworn enemies? It was a preposterous suggestion, I'll never know why he said it.

Severus nodded tersely. "Well, meeting with some of the less formidable Death Eaters was a good idea, even if it was that good for nothing Black who suggested it." A hint of a smile seemed to appear on Dumbledore's face, but Severus wasn't sure. It almost seemed his face was always like that. "However, I managed to contact five of them, Almsbury, Cooke, Gilbreth, LeManiore and Crabbe. Almsbury was completely unresponsive, I barely managed to make it out of there without being cursed."

"I did not expect him to return," remarked Dumbledore. He refolded his hands. "You can tell me of the plans later, Severus. I am more interested in the names of people who seemed to support our side?"

"Yes, hold on one second," Severus said. He shuffled his papers, but he already knew the names before he looked down at his small list. "Gilbreth and Crabbe."

Dumbledore looked mildly surprised at the results. "Crabbe,you say?"

"Yes, sir. He was one of the first I met with, we were friends back in my school days. He seems to hold some grudge towards the whole organization, and he is not in the inner circle. He is aware of the Dark Lord's resurrection, but has heard nothing as of yet. I believe he wants to make a break from the group."

Dumbledore's eyes became darker. "I do not know how possible that is, Severus. He is now jaded in my eyes...He was an onlooker, while Harry was being tortured with the cruciatus curse..."

"He would have been a complete fool to do anything."

Dumbledore's head snapped up. "Bravery is rewarded, while cowardice is not. He knew the Potters, how could he just watch their son be exploited? I just can't accept this.."

"Excuse me for saying so, but I think you are letting your personal feelings for the boy get in the way of what we are trying to do here. We are trying to gain allies for our Resistance, and we cannot do that without the correct people." Severus refolded his papers and put them back into his bag. He beadily eyed Fawkes who was staring at him with a look of approval from his cage. Approval? Severus almost snorted aloud. Birds don't have feelings. But, even inside his head, Severus knew that wasn't true. He was a top-student graduate of Hogwarts, and he very well knew that all animals have feelings, except for perhaps, flobberworms. He was just trying to deny the facts. Why? he asked himself. He did not know the answer.

Dumbledore sighed, suddenly looking much older than he had not ten minutes ago. "I'm afraid I agree with you, Severus. It's just that the pain of the boy not knowing who he is hurts me. Every time I look at him, Severus." He pounded his fist against the desk. "And he doesn't even know." Dumbledore looked defeated. "I hate having to hide everything from him. He'll be dead before he knows his whole history! He's so complicated, and so confused; when can I truly help him? And even then, there's the compassion I have for him outside of being the Boy-Who-Lived, even outside of being his headmaster." Dumbledore's blue eyes were wild, and he banged his fist against his desk in frustration. "When will I be able to show?" He said wearily, his energy seemingly having been spent.

Severus looked very embarrassed. In the twenty-odd years he had known Albus Dumbledore, not once had he ever seen him lose control like this. Frankly, it scared him a bit. Timidly, Severus said, "I'm not sure you should be discussing this with me, Headmaster."

Dumbledore smiled wanly. "I'm not sure either, but thank you for listening."

"Er- you're welcome," Severus began to rise from his seat.

"Wait," Dumbledore said as he saw Severus preparing to leave. "You need official leave to complete your...Let's call it 'extra job,' shall we?" Severus nodded. "Take as much time as you need, I will find your substitute." Dumbledore began to shift through the letters on his desk. As he was leaving, Severus hesitated. He turned around and asked, "What shall you tell the students?"

Finally, Dumbledore's eyes twinkled again. "Nothing. I'm sure they'll all have their own theories." Severus sighed heavily. Damned students.

Later that day...

Where is it? though Neville as he rummaged through a trunk. He was sitting on the ground of his dormitory, with his knees folded underneath him. I have to find it! He became more frantic and began throwing things out of the trunk instead of merely sifting through them. Out came rolled up balls of socks, textbooks, pants and even an occasional pair of boxers. As he was reaching the bottom of the trunk, he sighed deeply. Seamus said it was in here, he reflected, thinking back on the conversation he had had with his fellow fifth year Gryffindor.

"Seamus?" Neville asked tentatively. He was shy in nature, even with his roommates. Sometimes, he felt kind of left out. Seamus was Dean's best friend and Ron had Harry. Parvati and Lavender wouldn't give him the time of day, and sometimes he got the feeling Hermione pitied him. Neville had no true friends. He was the loner of Gryffindor house.

"Yes," Seamus said, turning from his chess game with Dean. "What do you need, Neville?"

Neville motioned to the portrait hole ."I need to talk to you," he said. "In private." Dean scowled, and Seamus reluctantly stood up.

"Don't cheat," he said threateningly to Dean. Dean put his palms in the air face up and tried to put on his best "I'm-so-innocent" face. He failed miserably. When Seamus got back, he knew the pieces would be changed somehow and that Dean would manage to win again. But, he left with Neville anyway.

"Seamus," said Neville, pulling him close. He shot a look around the hall to see if any one was coming. Assured that they were alone, he leaned in to whisper. "I need a favor."

"What?" Seamus said impatiently. He was beginning to get annoyed with all of Neville's bravado.

"I need your- Your Invisibility Cloak!" divulged Neville in a rush.

"My what?"

"Your Invisibility Cloak!" Neville repeated. Seamus began to laugh, and this time Neville was the one beginning to be aggravated. "What's so funny?" he asked indignantly.

Between gales of laughter, Seamus managed to answer his question. "Invisi- hahaha, -bility cloak?" He choked back another laugh that was dangerously close to escaping. "Do you know how rare those are? I can hardly afford winter cloaks, let alone ones that make you invisible!" He began to laugh again, and you could occasionally make out the words "invisibility cloak" between chuckles.

"Don't play me stupid, Seamus," Neville said forcefully. This made Seamus look up.

"What are you playing at, Neville? Why would I lie?" He had completely stopped laughing by now, and was facing Neville upright, looking him straight in the eye.

"I've heard you talking about it, Seamus! You said 'Sometimes, I use the Invisibility Cloak in the middle of the night!' I heard you, Seamus!" accused Neville.

Seamus looked extremely irritated. "Neville, really, you should keep your large nose out of other people's conversations. I wasn't talking about me, I said 'they.' I've never even touched an invisibility cloak in my life!"

Neville was hurt, but he was resolved to get his hands on that disguise. "Well, who was it then?"

"If you don't already know, I'm afraid I can't tell you," Seamus said snobbily, his nose in the air. He turned, about to climb back into the portrait hole. "Virgo," he said, waking the fat lady. She had been taking a catnap; she nodded sleepily and the painting swung open.

"Wait!" cried Neville, making one last attempt. "Please, I really need that cloak!"

"Why?" asked Seamus restlessly. He was anxious to see how much Dean had cheated while he was gone.

"I have to meet someone, tonight! How else am I supposed to get past Filch and Miss Norris?" pleaded Neville. "Just tell me whose cloak it is!"

"You get past the same way the person you're going to meet is," Seamus said coldly, turning again.

"I'll tell Parvati you like her!" Neville yelled, a last ditch attempt to get what he wanted.

"What?" Seamus said. Slowly, he turned around. "How could you know?"

Smiling, Neville answered, "That big nose of mine has been listening to other people's business again."

Seamus frowned and shook his head. "Listen, Neville. I'm sorry I was talking about your nose and whatnot, but I really can't tell you! I don't even think I'm supposed to know."

"Well you do," Neville retorted. "And expect me to be telling Parvati. Parvati and Lavender."

Seamus sighed, giving in. "It's Harry's," he said. "We're pretty sure he keeps it in his trunk," he said coldly. "Keep this secret as if your life depended on it!"

Neville just smiled. He gave Seamus a cheery wave, and Seamus rushed into the open portrait hole, giving Neville angry glares. Neville waited one composed second, then he also rushed into the hole, straight up to the boys dormitory and Harry's trunk, which was at the foot of his bed. Right before he opened it with a simple "Alohomora" unlocking charm, his conscience spoke to him.

Neville, you just blackmailed somebody! It's all right, Neville tried to justify. I just had to get what I wanted!

Neville was reaching the bottom of Harry's trunk. He sighed with relief as he saw the pretty shimmering silvery fabric of the Invisibility Cloak. Excited, he grasped it and put his hand underneath. He shouted with glee as it disappeared from view. Aroused, he sat on the floor with his legs out and covered those, too. He squealed like a kid let loose in a candy shop. He was so mesmerized by the magnificent cloak that he failed to hear the door opening.

At first, Harry didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. But then it registered- He saw his things spread out all over the room, and Neville sitting joyfully on the floor with his legs missing. His legs missing? Harry thought for a wild second, before he realized exactly what had happened.

"Neville!" shouted Harry, rushing to retrieve his boxers from Ron's bed. "What the hell are you doing?"

Neville was bright red, but still defensive. "I- I found your cloak, Harry! I was just looking at it!"

"You just found it out here, on the floor? When I packed it, I put it on the bottom. Did you just find my clothes all strewn around everywhere, too?" Harry asked coldly. Scathingly, he snatched his sacred cloak from Neville's flimsy grasp. "If you ever go through my things again, you'll live to regret it." He began fiercely picking up his belongings off the floor and throwing them into his almost-emptied trunk. "I don't know how you found out, Neville, but it would be in your best interest not to tell anyone about it."

Scared, Neville inched to the door. As his hands touched the cool metal of the doorknob, he turned it and flung open the door. He fled down the stairs and out of Gryffindor Tower. He didn't stop running until he was out of Hogwarts, and collapsed on the grassy bank next to the lake.

I know I was wrong, thought Neville frantically. But I've never seen Harry like that. He's never threatened anyone except Malfoy! I'm lucky he didn't draw his wand! Neville shuddered at the thought of dueling with Harry. He pulled his cloak tighter around him as the wind began to blow. Harry is very different, and not for the better, he decided as he watched the sun begin to set over the glistening blue water.

To be continued...