Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/12/2004
Updated: 06/11/2005
Words: 341,488
Chapters: 30
Hits: 175,276

Harry Potter and the Defiance of the Hero


Story Summary:
After the devastating events of Sword of the Hero, Harry is flung into a strange and unforgiving world as he struggles against fate and destiny to find a way back to the people he loves and to a war that is waiting for its leader. As the year progresses and the days grow progressively darker, will Harry rise and become the true hero the world desires, or will he fade and be defeated by the strongest evil to have ever lived....? A boy with the fate of two worlds on his shoulders must find the strength to stand by his morals, even if it means giving up the thing he wants the most.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
With the world caught within the Dark Lord's grip of fear, Harry has resolved ot fight and make a difference. But events have been set into motion that only Voldemort knows the full extent of. A fight may come to Hogwarts sooner that any may think.
Author's Note:
Cheers much for reading, please review.


Chapter 5 - Show No Fear

Courage is not the lack of fear but the
ability to face it.

~~Lt. John B. Putnam Jr.

Daylight flared magnificently over the far mountain in the distance, as a lone figure watched from atop the Astronomy tower of Hogwarts. Long, distant beams of live giving sunlight began to warm the world for a new day, as a rooster crowed somewhere in the vastness of the grounds.

Harry closed his eyes and breathed in the early morning air deeply. It felt good to just sit and watch the sun rise, whilst he worked desperately to sort out the mess of emotions that was his mind. He had been here for several hours, ever since waking up just after midnight in his new bed in the sixth year dormitory. He had dreamed of a basilisk, not the one he had fought and slain in the Chamber of Secrets, but one several times larger that was pure silver. He had been unable to sleep after that, and had decided to clear his head up on the Astronomy tower.

It had become somewhat of a habit of Harry's over the past two days to come and sit up there in the silence as everyone else was sleeping. He had been back in his regular lessons for two days now, and for the most part people ignored him and gave him a wide berth. Harry knew why they avoided him as well. It was because of Draco Malfoy.

Harry had been marked.

Word had spread through the castle like wildfire that Harry was on Voldemort's to-kill list. It was a rumour most likely started by Malfoy, but it did annoy Harry that good people he had known to be strong in his own world, were frightened of Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins.

Whoever had started it, most of the student population avoided him like the plague. Harry found it hard to really care though. So what! he thought Voldemort has been after me my entire life. It was only a matter of time before he found me here. Evil always does...

Harry found himself thinking of Ron and Hermione, the Ron and Hermione he had known in his own world and how they differed from the weaker, less principled versions here. Hermione was a lot more shy here, a lot more, and Harry knew it was down to Voldemort's massive influence in this world. Ron was still Ron really; he was just a lot quieter.

Harry also found himself thinking of Ginny, and how he had yet to talk to her in this world. He was not really sure that he should anyway, as this Ginny didn't know him at all, and that could be painful. For now he had decided to steer clear of her, but he knew situations like this could change in a heartbeat.

Before the sun had fully risen, Harry walked back to the Gryffindor common room. "Starlight," he whispered, and the Fat Lady opened her portrait for him. Harry performed a small cleaning charm on his glasses and headed into the familiar common room. It was almost identical to the one in his world. The only notable difference was the large warning bell hanging from the ceiling, which would sound in times of danger.

Harry collapsed into one of the armchairs by the fire and stared at the dying embers of the once thriving flame. He recalled sitting here countless times throughout the years, hoping desperately for a better tomorrow. It hadn't come yet, and he sighed as the enormity of what had happened hit him again.

He had entered another world. With so many similarities and differences Harry got a headache just thinking about keeping the two worlds separate in his mind. There was too much information to process, too much he knew or didn't know. He was bound to let something slip sooner or later, that could be harmful in this world.

Shaking his head in regret, Harry listened as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs that led to the boy's dormitories. He didn't turn around as this person entered the common room, but he cleared his throat just to make his presence known.

"Harry!" cried a startled voice and Harry did turn this time, and saw his younger brother, Michael Potter, standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Hello," Harry said kindly. "How are you?"

"Fine," Michael said evasively, and walked over to Harry, keeping his left side hidden as best he could. Harry frowned at this.

"You sure?" he asked again.

Michael Potter didn't turn so Harry couldn't see his whole face, but he nodded the affirmative anyway. He sat down in the armchair opposite Harry. "You look tired," Michael commented, and then finally turned to face Harry completely.

"I never sleep very well," he answered quietly. "You look tired as well-"

Harry stopped and stared at Michael's face. He had a big, purple bruise around his left eye that Harry had first thought was a black ring from lack of sleep. But he did not have one underneath his right eye, and Harry sighed. "Who did that?" he asked.

Michael shifted uncomfortably. "It's nothing..." Michael whispered, touching his black eye.

Harry wouldn't give up that easily. He stared at his twelve year old brother for a moment and then spoke. "It doesn't look like nothing. What happened?"

Michael shrugged. "Got into a fight..." he mumbled under his breath. "Didn't do very well..."

Harry repeated his question. "What happened?"

Michael wouldn't look at Harry as he spoke. "Three fourth year Slytherins told me that you were going to die, that the Dark Lord was coming for you. I said you'd fight You-Know-Who."

"I will," nodded Harry, not bothering with secrecy. "And what did they say to that?"

Michael smiled sadly. "Not much..." he whispered. "One of them hit me, and then that was it. Nobody watching did anything. I was too weak to do anything and they were all too scared to fight a Slytherin."

Harry had remained impassive during his brother's story, but now he saw the anger and sadness reflected in his eyes. Michael was close to tears. "Did you tell anyone?" Harry asked eventually. "Besides me?"

Michael shook his head and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "No... It happened last night after dinner. I didn't tell anyone."

Harry nodded with understanding. "And you say there were three of them?" he asked. Michael nodded. "And you still defended me," Harry smiled. "I don't think that was weak."

Michael looked up into Harry's eyes for the first time. "I couldn't fight them," he said. "I didn't even have a chance to draw my wand. I'm only twelve... I'm too young to fight back."

Harry watched Michael look away again, but he secretly came to a decision in his mind. He stood up and went and sat next to his brother, surveyed him for a moment, and then spoke. "You're never too young..." Harry whispered seriously. "To fight for what you believe in, to fight back." He stopped there for a moment but soon continued. "When I was your age," he said, "I killed a basilisk. I had a bit of help I suppose, but I fought it, stabbed it with a sword and it died."

Michael looked up with wonder and disbelief in his eyes. He was torn between believing Harry, and knowing that what he said was incredibly unlikely. "You... couldn't have."

Harry nodded. "Oh yeah," he said. "In my second year. I was twelve, just like you." Harry put a reassuring hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "What I'm trying to say is that you are strong, if you want to be. Don't let other people push you around, Michael. It will happen your entire life, there will always be people who try and control you, but you can't let them. You should never let them. Fight back, show them you're stronger."

"But I'm not stronger," Michael said quietly. "Those Slytherins-"

"Attacked you in numbers," Harry cut him off. "A coward's tactic really. Next time you'll be ready for them though."

"How...?" he asked sadly, though there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Harry frowned and stood up. He began to pace up and down in front of Michael, and then finally drew his wand. "If you promise to keep quiet about this," Harry said, smiling conspiratorially. "I'll teach you a bit of magic that should make anyone think twice about attacking you again."

Michael was most eager. He smiled brightly and stood up quickly, withdrawing his wand from within the pocket of his robes as he went. "What is it?" he asked.

Harry pointed his wand at one of the nearby armchairs. "Erateuax," he said quietly, and the armchair was blasted off of the ground and hurtled up towards the roof. It fell just short and came crashing back down to the common room floor, splintering and cracking into a fluff filled mess.

Michael jumped back in surprise. "Cool..." he whispered.

Harry couldn't help but smile. "Reparo," he said, pointing his wand again at the chair. It repaired itself as good as new. "Your turn," he then told Michael.

Michael nodded and pointed his own wand at the repaired armchair. "Erateuax!" he cried. The chair wasn't destroyed like when Harry had used the curse, but the wave of power Michael shot at it did knock it back a good few feet.

Harry returned his wand to his pocket. "Practice it a bit more," he said. "Whenever you've got time. It'll work the same way on those Slytherins, and on more than one as well. It should even the odds a bit, though I doubt they'll want to fight if you knock them all off their feet with a single spell."

Michael nodded and returned his own wand to his pocket. "Thanks, Harry," he said happily. Harry didn't say anything, but he placed his right palm over Michael's face. "What are you-"

"Verius," Harry said and felt the familiar warm tingling feeling of his wandless magic shoot up his arm and gather on his palm. In an instant, the bruise around Michael's eye had disappeared. "Better?" asked Harry.

"You... You did wandless magic!" Michael whispered. "That's... that's-"

Harry winked at him once. "That's another secret we can have," he finished, and then turned away heading for the stairs to the dormitory.

"Harry," Michael said as he reached the bottom stair. Harry stopped and turned back to face him. "Did you... did you really kill a basilisk?"

Harry smiled sadly, as images of the massive snake leered down upon him in the Chamber of Secrets. "Oh yes..." he said. "I did. Never doubt your strength, Michael."


"How are you, Harry?" asked Lily Potter, as she removed the bandages around Harry's shoulder wound.

"I'm as well as to be expected," he replied quietly, not quite looking his mother in the eyes.

He sat on one of the many beds in the Hospital wing, and was here for his check-up on the stab wound in his shoulder. Harry winced quietly as the bandage was removed from his stinging shoulder, and he sighed as he beheld the bloody mess that it was.

"Ouch," commented Lily. "Has this been giving you any trouble?" she asked, cleaning the wound now with some warm water.

Harry shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't handle. Just aching mostly." He winced again as the water touched his skin.

"Well I healed it as best I could the other day," Lily smiled kindly. "But there is some residual magic in the wound."

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "That'll be from the sword."

Lily bit her bottom lip as she washed away the dried blood on Harry's cut shoulder. "What sword?" she asked after a long moment had passed.

'Doesn't matter," Harry replied tiredly.

Lily finished cleaning the wound in silence, and marvelled at the fact that Harry didn't seem to be bothered by the amount of pain she knew he would be in as she disturbed his healing shoulder. "There we are," she said after a few minutes, and began to wrap new bandages around the wound.

Harry nodded his thanks but remained seated as his mother finished with the bandages and vanished the old dirty ones with her wand. Slowly, Harry rotated his shoulder in small circles. "Feels better," he commented.

Lily smiled warmly. It was a mother's smile. "I hear you've made quite a reputation for yourself around the castle, Harry," she said.

Harry laughed quietly, and with some regret. "Yeah... wowed them all by embarrassing Draco Malfoy and making light of Voldemort."

"Voldemort is not someone who should be taken lightly," Lily said, sitting down on the bed next to Harry.

Harry shrugged. "He doesn't scare me," he began but then changed the subject. "Do you know if he plans to attack Hogwarts soon?" he asked.

It was Lily's turn to shrug now. "We usually don't know until he does attack, but he has never breached the wards yet, so everyone in the castle is safe. And the Aurors from the Ministry have a quick response time."

Harry nodded and then stood up, putting his black polo shirt back on as he went. "Thanks..." he said, somewhat nervously.

Lily just smiled and stood up. She wrapped her arms around Harry in a warm hug. She knew this was new to him, but it would make him feel better, feel accepted. "That's okay, Harry," Lily replied, letting him go. "So... what have you got planned for this morning. You don't have any lessons until after lunch, right?"

"Yep," Harry replied. "I'm going to the library. Read up on some recent history."

"Well I'll see you later then. We're having a family dinner in our quarters tonight, Harry. Sometimes the Great Hall is just too much. You are, of course, welcome to come."

Harry looked briefly into his mother's emerald green eyes. "I... I'd like that," he managed, and then left the infirmary without another word, heading for the library.

Ten minutes later and Harry entered the massive library. Again, it looked just like the one in his world. Rows upon rows of long elegant bookcases stretched as far as he could see, way back to the far wall in the end of the maze of stacks. The second floor was equally filled with pretty much every magical text anyone at Hogwarts could wish for. His eyes also flicked over to the restricted section and he smiled briefly as he recalled his earlier exploits in that section.

There were quite a few people in the library and Harry saw many sixth year Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, and Hufflepuffs talking happily to each other, or studying quietly in small groups. It seemed the entire year might have this morning off. Harry did not head over in their direction though; he knew he wouldn't be welcome. Voldemort was still too much of a threat for him to be called friend.

Whether or not Harry changed Voldemort's status in this world, he really couldn't care less what these people thought of him. They were only out for their own survival, none of them seemed to believe they had the strength to make a difference. Hell, they'd let Malfoy become the top dueller in the year. No, Harry didn't want much to do with them.

He headed into the stacks, towards the recent history section and soon came upon it. Harry scanned the titles and selected a few that could help him.

Wizarding History - The Last Fifty Years.
The Dark War
Dark Lords of the Twentieth Century
Twenty Years of War

With these tomes in hand, Harry turned and walked back out of the stacks and towards an empty table near the massive paned glass window that looked out upon the grounds and lake. Placing his books on the table, Harry sat down in the sunlight streaming in through the window and for a moment just relaxed.

Eventually he turned to the first book and began to flip through it slowly, trying to learn a few small facts of history in this new and strange world where he hadn't defeated Voldemort. Not much in the Wizarding History book was overly useful; most of it was merely politics and law. The second book, The Dark War, was again not overly useful. It detailed attacks and tactics used by the Aurors to fight Death Eaters. If there was one thing Harry knew, it was how to fight Death Eaters. He cut his losses and picked up the last book. Twenty Years of War.

Now this book was what he wanted. It had attacks on Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, the Ministry, and even Hogwarts. It was a lot more detailed than the previous book and even offered recommendations on how certain attacks may have been different if the Aurors had changed their tactics. It was had a timeline of Voldemort's rise to power, which Harry noticed had an entry on Halloween Night, 1981.

The Dark Lord attacked the Potter's at Godrics Hollow. Peter Pettigrew murdered.

Harry read trough the timeline slowly, and his eyes fell on an entry on August 31st, 1991. He swallowed and let out a long held breath.

The Dark Lord attacked Diagon Alley. Harry Potter murdered.

Harry read the rest of the timeline and came to the latest entry, an attack on Diagon Alley one year ago. It was a recently published book. He flipped on through a couple more chapters and found vague references to the possible hiding place of the Dark Lord. The Fortress of Slytherin. Harry knew for a fact that the Voldemort in his world had been hiding in one of Slytherin's castles, it made sense to think he would do the same here.

For the next few hours Harry remained at the table and read the books on recent history. It was a lot to take in. Several major events were different, such as the election of the Minister, and the continued war against Voldemort. Harry could see from all the lost battles and bitter remarks made by the author of this book, that the Light side was slowly being hemmed into a corner in this war.

With a sad smile, Harry realised that if he did fight to change the course of this war it would most likely throw him back into the public's eye. A price I'll have to pay, he thought. The more he read, the more Harry began to think that his coming to this world was neither a coincidence nor an accident. It had to be the will of some higher being. The war would hinge on whether or not he fought, the balance of power would be tipped by his decisions. Harry smiled; Voldemort, this world, was in for a surprise.

The siren for lunch rang out in the distance but Harry wasn't hungry, and he was tired of having to suffer the calculating and cold glances of those, in his world, he called friends. He remained at the library over lunch, and pulled a few texts on hexes and curses from the shelves to help pass the time.

As lunch neared an end, Harry sighed and began to return the books to their proper place. He now had his first Potions lesson in this new world, and from what he'd seen of Snape so far, not much promised to be different there. The potions dungeon was a good ten minutes away, so Harry set off at a slow walk through the empty corridors.

As he turned onto the balcony above the Entrance Hall, Harry caught sight of all the students exiting the Great Hall, and he spotted a handful of Gryffindor sixth years heading towards the door on the ground floor that led to the dungeons. He didn't try to catch up with them, and walked down the Entrance Hall stairs alone.

After navigating his way down and through the dungeons, Harry finally reached the familiar potions room and entered it quietly. As if on cue, all of the sixth years in the room fell silent. Harry briefly scanned the room before taking a seat on a stool at the back of the dungeon.

A cauldron bubbled away with boiling water in front of him, and Harry began to tick away the minutes until this lesson would be over. It wasn't long before Snape swept into the room bitterly; casting frowns and sneers to all who didn't belong in Slytherin, and piercing Harry with a particularly sharp glance.

Harry returned his glare defiantly and it was a good half a minute before Snape turned away and began the lesson. Once again, Harry found himself sitting alone at the back of the room. He spotted Hermione across the way, seated with Seamus. Ron didn't appear to have Potions now, and that left Harry on his own. Though he doubted the Ron of this world would have chosen to sit next to him. Defiance against the Death Eater Slytherins seemed like madness to most.

"Fifty minutes in silence," spat Snape. "The Draught of Confidence is an especially complex mix for your year level. Instructions are on the board," he continued, waving his wand at the board behind him. "This will be assessed."

Harry frowned as he went and collected the ingredients for the rather easy mix. It seemed the sixth years in this world were not as advanced in Potions as the sixth years in Harry's world. He had successfully concocted the Draught of Confidence back in his fifth year. It certainly wasn't difficult and it definitely would not take him fifty minutes.

After gathering the ingredients from the supplies room, Harry went back to his cauldron at the back, ignoring the scowl Malfoy gave him as he past by. He began to chop a newt into quarters as whispers of conversation reached his ears, most of it concerning his untimely death that appeared to have been finalised, thanks to a letter Malfoy had sent to his father. As with everything else, Harry ignored it and began to pour the ingredients into the bubbling cauldron.

Twenty minutes later and the liquid in Harry's cauldron turned a deep purple, with a thick silvery layer across the top, forming a filmy skin. His potion was done. He carefully poured some into a glass phial and then stoppered and labelled it.

Snape scowled as he approached this desk, and without a word Harry placed the completed potion in front of him and turned away. "May I have a word, Potter," Snape said, and the whole class fell silent.

Harry nodded and turned back around, looking at the greasy potions master expectantly. "Yes?" he asked.

"I have been told by a reliable source that you attacked one of my Slytherins two days ago, and Have yet to be punished for this. Is this true?"

Harry shrugged and glanced at Malfoy over his shoulder, who was smirking triumphantly. "He attacked me, and I use the word 'attacked' loosely, and I defended myself."

Snape's scowl seemed to frown and there were muttered whisperings around the room. Malfoy jumped to his feet. "LIAR!" he shouted.

"Thank you, Draco," continued Snape and the arrogant Slytherin took his seat. "Now, Potter. Who do you think I am going to believe? Mr. Malfoy, who, might I remind you, is a prefect, or you?"

Harry shrugged again and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't really care," he said. "You know what happened, but the truth has never bothered you before so just get on with it."

Snape's face blotched with anger as gasps rang out from the watching students. "Twenty points from Gryffindor, Potter."

Harry sighed and turned away again, now heading for the door to the potions dungeon. "Another twenty for your cheek," spat Snape, standing up. "Do not turn your back to me!"

Harry groaned in frustration and turned back around. "What do you want?" he asked tiredly. Looking around the room, he saw everyone following this argument with unblinking gazes.

"A week's detention for your unprovoked attack on Mr. Malfoy, Potter. To be served with me," Snape began. "And another week for your cheek shown here today."

Two weeks detention thought Harry. Got off light really. But he wasn't going to do it. "No," he said simply and this time didn't turn back as he headed for the door. Snape called for him to stop but he closed the door behind him and set off back up towards the library, at least there he could get some real work done.

The Entrance Hall was empty as Harry entered it from the dungeons, and he made for the stairs. No sooner had he stepped on the first one though, than the doors of the Great Hall opened and out walked Albus Dumbledore.

"Harry," he smiled upon spotting him standing on the first stair. "How are you?"

Harry paused and waited for the wizened headmaster to reach him before moving. "I'm doing all right," he said.

"Excellent, excellent," nodded Dumbledore as the two of them now headed up the stairs together. "But I believe you should be in Potions now?" he questioned Harry.

Harry nodded. "Yes I should, but Snape was being Snape so I left."

"Professor Snape, Harry," Dumbledore corrected gently as the two of them walked on from the top of the stairs.

Harry changed the subject expertly. "What's happening with Voldemort?" he asked none too subtly.

Dumbledore paused in mid step and stared at Harry, who had turned to look in his eyes. "Not a single Death Eater attack in three days. He is preparing for an attack on Hogwarts; I believe he is coming for you."

They began to walk again and soon came to the tower of moving staircases. "It was only a matter of time," Harry shrugged, ascending the first staircase with Dumbledore. "I'll be ready when he comes."

Dumbledore frowned and Harry saw he was worried. "I do not think this is your fight, Harry. I am not sure what your life was like in your world, but this will be a real battle. Hundreds fighting on either side, with Voldemort and myself at its head."

Harry smiled remorsefully. "That was exactly what the last few months of my life have been like. I am ready to face Tom, he won't kill me."

Dumbledore reached out his hand and stopped Harry by placing it on his good shoulder. For a moment they stared deep into each other's eyes, Dumbledore searching for answers to a thousand questions that spun through his mind. Eventually, he spoke;

"Where is your fear, Harry...?" he whispered so quietly it was almost not heard, just on the edge of his breath. "How can you be so sure he will not defeat you?" Dumbledore then asked normally.

Harry clicked his teeth and in one brief moment thought of all the times he had faced Voldemort or Voldemort's evil. "Because he never has," Harry answered Dumbledore truthfully. "I don't lose, not to him. I never have..."


"So how has your week been so far, Harry?" asked James, as the five of them sat down for dinner that night.

Harry sat down next to Melissa, who smiled as he looked at her but it seemed a little forced. James sat at the head of the table, opposite Lily, and Michael sat opposite Melissa. Harry turned to his father.

"Long," he replied honestly, as his goblet filled magically with orange juice. "The atmosphere in this castle is a tense one."

James nodded and scooped some mash potato onto his plate, passing the bowl on when he was done. "Sadly, no one has any fun around here anymore," he sighed. "I remember back when we were at school, do you, Lily?"

Lily smiled. "How could I forget? You, Sirius, Remus, and Peter used to get into all sorts of trouble."

Harry thanked his sister, Melissa, as the plate of steaks came his way. "Yes," he smiled gently. "Remus told me a few of those stories back... back where I'm from."

James stared at the table in thought for a moment. "We should really catch up with Remus," he said eventually. "Hardly ever see him since he became the Head of the Auror division."

"Dumbledore asked him to come to the castle tomorrow," said Lily, cutting Michael's steak for him. "To arrange more protection around the castle."

James nodded. "Don't know why he's bothering. Voldemort can't get through the wards."

Harry swallowed a piece of meat and looked seriously at his father. "I wouldn't be so sure," he said. "There is always a way."

"Well he hasn't yet," Lily said quickly. "But let's talk about something else. Michael, how was Potions this morning?"

Michael shrugged and Harry saw that his black eye had cleared up perfectly. "Same as usual," he sighed. "Snape's a git."

James snorted into his goblet and Harry couldn't help but laugh. Michael smiled but Lily frowned. "You shouldn't anger him, Michael," she said. "He is fair if you stay on his good side."

Harry laughed again. "He docked me forty house points this afternoon for saying I didn't attack Malfoy."

"So that's where those points went," Melissa sighed, shaking her head. "You know we were in the lead before you lost them," she finished hotly.

"Melissa..." Lily warned quietly.

"No, it's okay," Harry sighed. "But I didn't attack Malfoy so I'm sure if you just tell McGona-" Harry stopped himself and frowned. He had slipped up there. Sirius was the head of Gryffindor house in this world, Minerva McGonagall was dead.

James jumped in quickly. "Hear you're going to play Quidditch this weekend," he said. "Ron Weasley said he was going to take you out last lesson, didn't he."

Harry shrugged. "Probably not. Everyone avoids me like the plague since Malfoy complained to his father."

"That's never good," Michael said, shaking his head.

The mood at the table fell a few notches as the conversation had wheeled itself back round to the war. It had infiltrated pretty much every aspect of everyone's life. Lily spoke next; "Well what do you like to do for fun?" she asked Harry.

Harry really had to think about that question. Never had much time for it he thought. "Quidditch is really all I've ever done over the past few years for fun," he said. "And that was cancelled last year."

"We'll get the brooms out ourselves this weekend then," James said. "Been a few years since I was up on one but it never leaves you."

"I can't stand them," Melissa said dismissively.

"Neither can I," Lily agreed.

"Just us lads then," James smiled, reaching over and slapping Michael on his back. "I'll see if Sirius wants to play, Remus as well if he's still here. We could get a team together and challenge one of the house teams, that'll draw a crowd as well."

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. "Isn't there a game coming up for the cup anyway?" he asked.

James nodded. "Yeah but this could just be a fun event. I'm sure Dumbledore would go for it. Let's see, we've got five so far on our team... You Harry, Michael, Sirius, Remus, and myself.... What position you play, Harry?"

"Seeker..." Harry replied, draining his goblet.

"That's perfect!"

Lily smiled. "Oh look now, Harry. You've got him all excited."

"It'll be just the thing to relieve some of the tension around this place as well," James continued, whispering under his breath and thinking about Quidditch. "We should definitely do this."

"Can we do dinner first?" Lily asked sweetly, smiling at her husband. "Chocolate cake for dessert, anyone?"

All of them nodded the affirmative and with a wave of her wand Lily cleared the table. Another wave and a chocolate cake came floating through from the small kitchen in the back of their quarters. As Lily cut the cake, Harry turned to talk to Melissa. He sensed that the two of them were not getting on as well as they should be. Melissa seemed distant, she didn't trust him.

"So..." Harry said slowly. "You taking your OWLs this year then-"

"No," she cut in quickly. "I'm only in fourth year. In our world the OWLs are fifth year."

Harry corrected himself. "I thought you were a fifth year," he said.

"Nope, fourth."

"Here we are, Harry," Lily said, passing him a plate with a nice piece of rich chocolate cake upon it.

"Thanks," he whispered and sliced a bit off with the side of his fork.

"So you have DADA first thing tomorrow morning, Harry," James said. "We finished duelling and, well, you passed that aspect of the course in one shot, but what do you think I should teach next?"

"You're asking me!?" Harry exclaimed, momentarily shocked. "You're the teacher."

"I know, I know," James smiled. "But I think it safe to say you've got a bit of experience fighting the Dark Arts..." Harry nodded. "So what do you recommend?"

Harry fell into thought for a moment. There were many things he could have his father teach. He thought back to the lessons he had had in his own world with the DA, they had learnt some pretty useful stuff.

"Have you taught the Patronus charm yet?" he asked James.

"The Patronus! None of the sixth years could do that. We've only ever studied the theory; it was up to them if they wanted to try it in their spare time."

"Can you do it?"

James nodded and swallowed a piece of cake. "Corporeal griffin. How about you?"

A griffin thought Harry. My dad can produce a Patronus that resembles my Animagus form, and I can produce one that resembles his. That was an odd twist of fate. "A corporeal stag," Harry said, and James's eyes widened in understanding. "But I just call it Prongs."

Lily laughed gently and James smiled as memories of the four Marauders flooded his mind. "I guess I'm not so different from myself in your world then," James said.

"Except you're alive..." Harry whispered, and all at the table fell silent.

Michael ended the awkward silence. "The three Nimbus 2000 broomsticks should work well for the Quidditch on Saturday," he said, looking at Harry.

"They should," agreed James. "What did you ride in your world?" he then asked Harry.

"I was on a Firebolt," he replied, thinking of his beloved broom that Sirius had given him back in third year. He quickly thought of all the times he had used it, and remembered late last year when he had flown to Hogwarts after the destruction of Privet Drive and had an aerial battle with a group of Death Eaters. A

And when he had stolen one off of a Death Eater at the first Hogsmeade battle and flown into the clouds, only to come out screaming a few minutes later, his wand alight with destructive magic. Finally he remembered Dermas Trask using it to get to the second battle in Hogsmeade only a fortnight ago, and how he had saved Remus' life by swinging down and pulling him away from the torrent of flowing fire. So many battles!.

"A Firebolt!" Michael cried, astounded. "How did it handle?"

"Expertly," Harry replied, looking down the table to see his mother and Melissa having a deep conversation. "But I was on a Nimbus before that, so I should be good."

"Great," agreed James. "We'll get them out tonight and polish them. We can go and see Dumbledore tomorrow."

"Who else could be on our team, Dad?" Michael asked excitedly. "What about one of my friends, Jenny maybe?"

James shrugged. "We'll see. Nothing's certain yet, but I'm sure Dumbledore would go for it."

The three of them fell silent as a new topic of conversation was searched for. Harry still felt slightly uncomfortable around his... family, but that was only natural considering he had never met them before three days ago. It was Michael, again, who ended the silence.

"I heard this good joke today," he said smiling. "It's about three hags who go into a bar and-"

James stopped him. "Is this bar in Knockturn Alley?" he asked suspiciously.

"You know this one!?" sighed Michael.

"I remember it from back in my day. I don't think it's very appropriate," James stated, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile.

"I remember it as well," Lily said, jumping back into the conversation. "Where did you hear that one, Michael?" she asked.

"Nowhere..." Michael said quickly, smiling mischievously and then coughed to clear the air. "How about you, Harry," he then said. "Do you know any good jokes?"

James, Lily, Michael and even Melissa looked at him expectantly, but Harry only sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "None besides the one I'm living..." he replied with a bitter, sad smile and took a final bite of his chocolate cake.


"Good morning everyone," James said brightly. "Today we're going to be looking at the Patronus charm a lot more closely, and begin the practical work behind that charm."

Harry sat up the front on the far left of his Defence Against the Dark Arts class. This was a popular class and every seat was full, so Harry wasn't on his own this time. Seated to his left was Neville and on his right was Seamus. Neither was speaking to him and both were pretending he wasn't there, as Malfoy sat scowling across the room, and everyone knew the power and influence his father had.

"You don't expect us to actually manage a Patronus," Malfoy scoffed. "Only a handful of wizards can manage that."

James inwardly frowned. "If you believe it is beyond you, Mr. Malfoy," he said tightly. "You are welcome to leave." Malfoy's face flushed with anger but held his tongue. "Now, as I was saying. This can be done, more wizards and witches than you think have mastered this charm. It gets you points for Auror training," he finished enticingly.

Several excited whispered conversations sprung up across the room, and Harry fingered his wand within the folds of his black robes. Today was his third day back at Hogwarts, fifth and a half since he had arrived in this world, and he sensed a battle was coming. Little did he know it would be happening sooner than any of them could imagine.

"Now we studied the theory earlier this year," James continued. "You're all aware that this spell is fuelled by emotion. Only a truly happy thought, a strong undeniable pure thought can create a corporeal Patronus. Watch..." James took a few steps forward, down off the small stage on which his desk was situated and into what used to be the duelling area. Thinking of the day he married Lily, he raised his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" he cried, and instantly a massive white blur erupted from his wand like a tongue of hot white fire.

The Patronus grew and swirled around James impressively until it took form as a grand and masterful Griffin, which continued to circle James, leaving a silvery trail in its wake. Many of them had seen this earlier in the year so it wasn't that much of a surprise, but the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs still had admiration in their eyes as the Griffin dispersed, upon realising that there were no Dementors to fight.

James received a round of applause and took his place back up the front of the room. "See," he said. "Easy. A happy thought. Miss. Granger?"

Hermione had her hand raised to ask a question. "Professor," she began. "How do you know what your Patronus is going to resemble?"

"Well it can only be an animal," James answered. "No objects. Usually a Patronus resembles something important to the caster. Mine is a griffin, because of... well many reasons. Professor Black's is a dog. I guess that is to be expected really. And Remus Lupin's, the Head of the Auror division, his Patronus takes on the form of a wolf, because of his condition. Miss Granger again?"

"Professor, I read somewhere that a Patronus has more than one use, besides repelling Dementors."

"Indeed it does," nodded James. "It can be used to dispel a Lethifold, which is a nasty dark creature that hides in darkness. You'll see one of them in your seventh year."

The rest of the lesson was spent revising the theory behind the Patronus charm, and for a few people to try a brief attempt at conjuring the Patronus. Hermione was by far the best, managing a silvery mist that was thick enough to keep a solitary Dementor at bay.

When the siren went, James instructed the class to practice the Patronus for homework, and to think of some really happy thoughts. He also asked Harry to remain behind after everyone else had filtered out.

"How do you think that went?" James asked as Harry approached his desk.

"Fine," stated Harry. "Some of them made progress."

James nodded. "Yeah... anyway, sorry to keep you but...." James moved around his desk and picked up something from behind it. It was a broomstick, a shining Nimbus 2000, which he passed to Harry. "What do you think?" he smiled. "It's not a Firebolt but it'll do its job."

Harry held it out before him and let it go. It floated just at the right height for him and he smiled reminiscently. "Very nice..." he said.

"I thought we could go see Dumbledore now," James continued. "He's in his office and you'll only miss the beginning of Magical Creatures. What do you say? I'm really looking forward to playing some Quidditch again."

Harry laughed. "Let's go."

"Great," said James, locking his desk draw with a wave of his wand. "Let's go see the old man. Bring the broom."


"Today we purge our world's finest magical institution of the unworthy and all those who stand in the way of our goal. Today the world will know the price of defying the Dark Lord. Today, you chosen one hundred will lead the charge against Hogwarts castle."

Voldemort surveyed the crowd of Death Eaters before him from his position above them all, standing in front of his throne in the darkest, largest hall of Slytherin fortress. The Death Eaters cheered as he spoke of the coming fight, only a few minutes away.

"Prepare for Apparation to the road that leads from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. I will bring down the wards before we make another move from there."

There were nods of approval and agreement from the assembled Death Eaters and they began to move and mingle amongst themselves as Voldemort sat back down on his throne to survey them.

"You will lead a separate mission to Azkaban," Voldemort then whispered to a cloaked figure on his left. "The release of my Death Eaters went expertly. No one suspected anything."

"I would rather accompany you on this mission against Hogwarts," the figure whispered in a deep, gravely voice that belied his age.

Voldemort waved his hand dismissively. "Do not argue with this command. Hogwarts and Dumbledore is not your concern."

"What of this Harry Potter?" questioned the dark figure. "You destroyed him."

Voldemort raised a hand to his chin thoughtfully. "If it is indeed the boy, I will learn what I can and destroy him again. Now prepare for your task."

"Yes, father," the figure said, sinking away into the shadows.

Voldemort remained seated in his throne for a few more minutes, as he contemplated his next move. His main concern was Dumbledore, but the man was getting old, he believed he could best him. "To Hogwarts," he eventually said, and all of the Death Eaters bowed respectively, before, as one, they apparated to the road.


"Good morning, gentlemen," Dumbledore welcomed Harry and James warmly. "What can I do for you today?"

"Morning, Dumbledore," James replied and Harry nodded. "We have come with an idea!"

"Ah!" smiled the wizened headmaster. "A most wonderful thing. Tell me, what is this idea? Does it have anything to do with the broomstick young Harry possesses?"

"It does," laughed James. "We would like your permission to have a Quidditch match. A team that I have put together, against one of the house teams this weekend."

Dumbledore fell into thought for a moment. "Well I see no reason why not," he said. "An excellent and admirable idea, James. Who do you have in mind for your team?"

James shrugged. "Michael, Sirius, and Harry are all we've got so far. I was going to ask Remus later this afternoon, but he might not want to."

Dumbledore stood up and moved around his desk, as Fawkes shrieked loudly and unexpectedly. It surprised them all and Dumbledore's face turned unflinchingly serious.

"What does that mean?" asked Harry quickly, slinging the Nimbus over his shoulder and sitting down on the large box next to the paned glass window that looked out over the forest.

"Danger approaches," Dumbledore and James said in unison.

"Fawkes has a sixth sense of these things," Dumbledore continued quickly. "James, inform the Auror-"

"Too late," Harry whispered quietly. He had turned to look out of the window and now saw a mass of black in the distance on the road to Hogsmeade. It was an army of Death Eaters marching on the castle. A fight had finally come. "They're on our doorstep," he finished.

"James, the Auror Headquarters. Use my floo, I'll sound the alarm," Dumbledore said quickly.

Harry stood and dropped his broom. ""What abo-"


No sooner had Harry stood than a massive bang erupted and rang across the entire castle and grounds. It shook the castles foundations and knocked Harry off his feet as several of Dumbledore's meticulous instruments crashed to the floor around him. Looking back out of the window, he could see that the sky had turned a deep, silvery-green that sparkled dangerously.

He instantly knew it was the wards of the castle.


Voldemort apparated to the head of his army just outside the range of the Hogwarts wards. As he had expected, a group of Aurors were on guard at the entrance to the castle only fifteen feet away. They did not put up much of a fight as the one hundred Death Eaters advanced on the castle.

As they grew closer to the castle, Voldemort could feel the ancient pull of the light magic preventing him from progressing any further. He scowled but then smiled deeply as the words in Salazar Slytherin's ancient text came back to him.

The wards of my school are impregnable. No force in this world could break them, save one. My own blood. Slytherin I am, a key is hidden within the wards that will tear open a hole long enough for anyone to enter the grounds. Only my blood will activate this key though, it will be another secret held by my noble line.

As soon as the deep blue light of the wards ensnared him, Voldemort produced a dagger from within the folds of his dark robes. Having trespassed on the ancient wards, they became visible to all that beheld them. A deep, sparkling blue dome encased the castle and protected it from the strongest evil of the magical world.

From outside it looked like a giant cocoon, of which the castle and the grounds within this dome were only just visible in a hazy blue hue. Marvelling at the genius that had gone into constructing this protection, Voldemort brought the dagger to the palm of his hand and slashed it across his palm, creating a long, bloody cut that pooled in his upturned hand.

Without another moments hesitation, he reached out with his bloody hand and touched the blue dome. It happened instantly, a massive boom rang out for miles around the surrounding area and the very ground shook as the blue dome turned a dark green. Voldemort smiled triumphantly as his Death Eaters marched past him unhindered. It was only too easy, he had already won.


After the initial shockwave of the eruption was over, Harry got back to his feet and ran to the window. He looked out of it just in time to see a giant hole tear open in the green dome of the wards and the first line of Death Eaters march in. Looking up into the sky, Harry saw that the wards were disappearing again, but the damage had been done.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters were inside the castle grounds.

Harry turned back to Dumbledore, just as a loud ringing sound assaulted his ears. "They broke through the wards!" he shouted over the commotion, just as his father disappeared in a blur of green flames towards the Ministry.

"No..." Dumbledore whispered under his breath, but then got back to the job at hand. "Harry!" he called. "This alarm means that all students have to get to the Great Hall." Sounds of curses and of screams could be heard outside of the window, all the way down towards Hagrid's cabin.

Harry ignored Dumbledore and turned back once again to the window. He looked out of it towards the sound of the curses and he felt his blood run cold as he beheld the grounds. The Death Eaters were marching up towards the castle, but a large portion of them had broken away from the main force and was blocking Hagrid, and the sixth year Care of Magical Creature class from making it back into the relative safety of the castle.

About fifty Death Eaters were advancing along the length of the forest towards the cabin, raining down spells and curses upon the helpless class. Harry felt his anger boil up inside of him as he saw this.

"Dear Merlin," breathed Dumbledore as he himself beheld the situation on the grounds. "Never in one thousand years has an enemy breached the castle wards. Hagrid is..."

Not wasting another second, Harry made his decision to fight. "Get the Aurors here," he told Dumbledore quietly, and then picked up the Nimbus 2000 he had just recently dropped.

"Harry..." Dumbledore began warningly. "What are you-"

"Those are my classmates out there," Harry replied in a tone that left no room for argument, as he stepped up to the huge window that looked out over the grounds. He realised as he grasped the broom tightly, that this window didn't open. It was so high up it was designed to remain permanently closed. "Make sure the Aurors come soon," he said, raising his wand. "REDUCTO!" he cried and a jet of red light exploded from his wand and hit the window with an explosive force.

The glass and wooden frame in the window was disintegrated into nothing as it smashed and came under the assault and searing heat of Harry's reductor curse. Dumbledore realised a moment too late what Harry was about to do, and he reached forward to grab his robes.

Harry dodged the headmaster's hand and turned towards the window. Showing and feeling absolutely no fear, he ran and took a leaping jump off of the sill and out into the open air, broom still in hand. Now Harry had just leapt out of one of the tallest towers at Hogwarts, it was rivalled only by the Astronomy tower and it was a decision that only a few would have ever made.

Wasting no time in his quick free fall, Harry slung the broom underneath him as the brick of the tower whirled by and the wind howled in his ears. Harry saddled the broom but kept its nose pointed towards the stone courtyard now only one hundred and twenty feet beneath him. Breathing a sigh of relief that his little stunt had so far worked, Harry felt his velocity increase as he now dived towards the earth on his broom.

The ground approached fast and Harry was moving so quickly that he actually flew through a few pieces of splintered wood and glass that had fallen before him from the destroyed window of the headmaster's office. Grasping the handle tightly, and praying that he didn't overshoot his landing area, Harry pulled up sharply on the broom and instantly, before he could even blink, he was flying over the grounds and towards Hagrid's cabin and the sixth years shielded behind it.

The broom rocketed through the air, faster than this Nimbus model had ever been pushed or designed to fly. Though to be fair it wasn't designed for what Harry had just used it for. In six brief seconds Harry saw the cabin approaching and he lowered his altitude so he was just a blur flying low above the freshly cut spring grass.

Taking a deep breath and slowing to a stop after his death defying flight, which Harry realised had only taken about twenty seconds; he leapt off the broom just in front of Hagrid's cabin, the adrenalin pumping through his veins astoundingly.

"HARRY POTTER!" shouted Ron Weasley, and Harry looked up to see the sixth years being ushered towards the forest by Hagrid.

Looking over to the fifty or so Death Eaters heading his way, Harry dodged a few curses that smashed into Hagrid's cabin, shattering the windows and destroying the brick. He looked back to the huddled and confused class of about forty, including Hagrid, and then finally he looked back towards the castle doors. He knew he had to get them back inside the castle, to safety, but it meant fighting through the Death Eaters.

Despite that, Harry couldn't help but feel exhilarated. Never a dull day he thought briefly, as his magic began to manifest itself inside of him. His pure magic responding to the emotion of the battle he was now feeling. It began to surge through him in waves and all over his skin small blue sparks of power crackled like lightning.

Okay, he thought. This is what you do. The saving-people thing! Eyeing up the advancing group of Death Eaters again, Harry pooled some raw magic into his palms and created two glowing spheres of light.

His first real fight in this world had now begun.


Author notes: Another one down. Please can you leave a reivew and.or join this Yahoo! group:


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