- Rating:
- R
- House:
- Schnoogle
- Genres:
- Action Romance
- Era:
- Multiple Eras
- Spoilers:
- Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
- Stats:
Published: 09/12/2004Updated: 06/11/2005Words: 341,488Chapters: 30Hits: 175,276
Harry Potter and the Defiance of the Hero
- Story Summary:
- After the devastating events of Sword of the Hero, Harry is flung into a strange and unforgiving world as he struggles against fate and destiny to find a way back to the people he loves and to a war that is waiting for its leader. As the year progresses and the days grow progressively darker, will Harry rise and become the true hero the world desires, or will he fade and be defeated by the strongest evil to have ever lived....? A boy with the fate of two worlds on his shoulders must find the strength to stand by his morals, even if it means giving up the thing he wants the most.
Chapter 01
09/12/2004After the devastating events of Sword of the Hero, Harry is flung into a strange and unforgiving world as he struggles against fate and destiny to find a way back to the people he loves and to a war that is waiting for its leader. As the year progresses and the days grow progressively darker, will Harry rise and become the true hero the world desires, or will he fade and be defeated by the strongest evil to have ever lived....? A boy with the fate of two worlds on his shoulders must find the strength to stand by his morals, even if it means giving up the thing he wants the most.
Chapter 02
09/13/2004Harry sees that life and the universe have just got to be messing with him. Having been thrown across universes, the Boy Who Lived is feeling understandably confused. How different is this world from the one he knew so well. Will he find acceptance here? Or fear?
Chapter 03
09/18/2004Preparations are in place that Harry knows nothing about. Ten days have passed since he was torn from his universe, and they had been the most peaceful he had known in months. But events have been set in motion that will test the Boy-Who-Lived beyong anything he has so far encountered. What will the cost be to bring hope to a world that has long been bereft of it...?
Chapter 04
09/25/2004It's the same across all worlds, anywhere in any universe. Intimidation is always the tool used to invoke fear over the weaker masses. Harry knows Voldemort has caught the world in an icy grip of fear, and he resolves to break it. Although old enemies may be closer than he thinks.
Chapter 05
10/05/2004With the world caught within the Dark Lord's grip of fear, Harry has resolved ot fight and make a difference. But events have been set into motion that only Voldemort knows the full extent of. A fight may come to Hogwarts sooner that any may think.
Chapter 06
10/09/2004The battle has come sooner than anybody had prepared for it, except Harry. Having thrown himself into the thick of it to rescue his fellow sixth years, how will Harry get them back to the castle when one hundred Death Eaters and Voldemort stand in between their goal, and help is not on its way...? The first fight for hope has begun and Harry is the only one on the front lines.
Chapter 07
10/12/2004Harry has shown this world he exists, but not everyone is happy about that. What force is in motion that will test our hero beyond anything that has gone before. Will the darkness finally claim Harry, or can he show the world that he fights for them...
Chapter 08
10/23/2004Not much more can ever be said. The lines have been drawn, the heroes forged. Only the strength in Harry's morals, not his magic, will save him and both worlds over the coming war. Can he continue the good fight with his family, with his friends, or will Fate decide that he should be alone once again, and take that which had been discovered.
Chapter 09
10/30/2004Harry will come to Azkaban much sooner than he had expected, and in a way that no one will expect. Old alliances will be forged, and new territories will be explored. So begins another fight, and another change.
Chapter 10
11/14/2004Harry, James, and Dermas have entered Azkaban alone. No one knows they are there, no help is coming... and the Dark Lord's forces are preparing for a fight on every level. Harry came to save a single person from the Dementors and Voldemort, but what will he do once he learns that there are over twenty innocent souls locked within the dark cells of the prison, and that the Dark Lord has sentenced each and everyone of them to death?
Chapter 11
11/23/2004Azkaban has been breached and the Death Eaters are now awaiting Harry on the roof. Aurors are on their way, but for all Harry knows he and his companions are on their own. Old friends, old allies, and new enemies. One way or another Harry's day in Azkaban will be coming to an end, but who will live and who will die?
Chapter 12
12/05/2004Azkaban is over. Life and Death have all played their part in bringing the fortress down, and as Harry recovers in St Mungo's, more than one universe is revolving around his head. A seemingly insignificant scar, torn like a bolt of lightning, on his forehead, is about to change the destiny of existence - will Harry realise what is going on, before entire worlds fall and bilions die...
Chapter 13
12/13/2004We've not reached the end yet... that is still far beyond our sight... but we have accomplished a grand beginning. So I suppose this could be the end of the beginning, and the beginning of something else. Harry realises and questions who and what he is, as forces beyond comprehension bend their thought towards his troubled mind. When do heroes get to rest...?
Chapter 14
12/16/2004Time has grown old and dark. Harry has come almost full circle now, but is there an end? Worlds, family, friends, enemies, allies, and bounty hunters all play a part in the ever complex life of Harry Potter. Destruction beyond imagination has been set in motion... will Harry's morals and strength see him through this next challenge...?
Chapter 15
02/02/2005Dreams of roses herald the End. Our hero begins to be afraid... but of what? Whatever evil has been spawned from broken magic has yet to reveal itself - and nothing, save Harry, can stop it when it finally does.
Chapter 16
02/12/2005Dark times, dark worlds, dark lives. Not much to do but watch the End play out as best we can, and hope Harry can prevent it. The Boy Who Lived is about to face one of his most powerful challenges yet - will he escape alive, or will disease and death claim him?
Chapter 17
02/18/2005Evil is going to reveal itself, as The Boy Who Lived fights for life after severe Nundu poisoning. Harry is down for the count, and the worlds will be riddled with loss and pain now that he is no longer physically alive to protect them. What fiend will come when the shadow stretches to the end of time?
Chapter 18
03/13/2005Order amongst chaos.. or just chaotic order. Isn't that what we live in anyway? Worlds are going to hell in handcarts and the best we can do is sit back and enjoy the ride.... it will all be over soon.
Chapter 19
03/15/2005When all else fails, what do you do? Existence is slowly circling the drain and nobody can do a thing to stop it. Harry has to make some hard choices, when doesn't he?, and it is all coming to a head now.
Chapter 20
03/21/2005On the edge with nothing to keep his balance, Harry once again taps into the awesome well of power he can and does possess. There will be many lines crossed, some broken and spat on, but salvation may be there at the very, very end.... Perhaps not, I wouldn't know.
Chapter 21
04/04/2005Demons, time, Death Eaters, bridges, worlds, universes -- all are bending towards Harry in these final days. How much more must the Boy Who Lived sacrifice to save those he loves? Take a deep breath and read on, if you dare.
Chapter 22
04/17/2005Harry claws through the tattered remnants of his mind and struggles to put it all back together. The demon makes his move and the world crumbles a little more. Is it too late?
Chapter 23
04/24/2005Time can be changed and universes saved in only one place across the entire expanse of existence. What would need to be sacrificed in order to reach it? Life... Harry's own, mayhap. Time will tell as the Boy Who Lived draws ever closer to his unimaginable destiny.
Chapter 24
05/07/2005New worlds, new friends, same old enemies. Harry questions his sanity, again, and realises everything is not as it seems in his head. Memories are slipping away like water in a sieve, and time is running out.
Chapter 25
05/14/2005Everything old is new again. A familiar demon makes his presence felt and Harry battles Evil itself in front of fifty thousand people. Each decision the Boy Who lived makes now carries the weight of existence... can he hold on just a little longer?
Chapter 26
05/16/2005Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do... and hang the consequences. Harry is dying slowly from the poision in his veins, but the world can't wait. Will he reach the battle in time, or will he waste away? The true price of his Defiance will finally be known - and will this be the straw that breaks his back?
Chapter 27
05/24/2005The Demon, true Evil, must be destroyed, but no amount of raw strength can do it. How much will be destroyed, how many will be lost before Harry realises he can no longer depend on his pure strength, and that he must dig deeper for the answer? Worlds will be abandoned and legends made before this is over....
Chapter 28
06/03/2005It always seems that victory comes at too high of a price for Harry. One of the greatest battles in eternity had been played out and won by the scarred hero, but his true challenge is yet to come, and the measure of his defiance will be known. Harry's still alone, but he's coping.
Chapter 29
06/10/2005Paths through war and time have left Harry with little option but to move ever onward down a well walked road. Now that it is all said and done, what is left for the last hero at the end of his quest?
Chapter 30
06/11/2005We reach an end, but not the end. The dice have been rolled and now Harry only has to walk the path home... but is anything in his life ever that simple? What knowledge will he gain at the Ways of Twilight that will let him swing the favour of the war towards the Light, and what choices will he make that will set oblivion into motion....